Why do I dream of a big family? My family is my treasure. A selection of statuses, quotes and aphorisms about the family Always dreamed of a big family

Good day to you, precious readers! This post is about me. In no way am I trying to impose my position on anyone. I’ll just tell you why in my dreams there is a large family with at least 5 children.

At the moment we only have two. And I understand that the number of children in the family depends not only on me. And not only from my husband and I. And if we never have a small child again, it will not be a huge tragedy for me.

In some families, no children are born at all. Therefore, to regret that we have only two is ingratitude towards God. But no one is allowed to dream. So I dream, I strive for this, but I don’t consider the number of children the most important thing in life.

Unfortunately, we are blind enough. We don't know what's next for us. We do not know what our life will be like in a year, in five years, and even more so, in ten. Moreover, we do not know what is best for us right now!

If we had a third baby now... Would that be good or bad for us? Would we be happier with this? Or, on the contrary, would you face a lot of stress, obstacles and difficult tasks?

God often laughs at our plans. But sometimes it makes our dreams come true. Why not?

Therefore, I will be very grateful if the Lord allows me to become a mother of many children. But even if it doesn't, I'll still be grateful. After all, He always does what is best for me.

Why do I need a big family?

Having many children is not easy. This requires special wisdom. This requires special qualifications.

But I am not afraid of difficulties and love to learn. I know that with three or four children, my problems today will seem ridiculous.

Here are the main advantages that I see for myself in a large family:

  1. We try to create a spiritual atmosphere at home. We try to adhere to our principles and attitude to life. And it's good if the children have like-minded people in the face of brothers and sisters.
  2. I want my eldest daughter to understand what a baby is. And so it was conceived by nature: the mother regularly gives birth to children, and older sisters absorb the image of motherhood. Then the sisters give birth themselves, and the younger ones see their nephews.
  3. I do not support the idea of ​​​​giving kids to. But it is important that children learn to negotiate among themselves, to find compromises, to think about others. And having siblings can help with that.
  4. I want to take care of children. After some time, my close attention will only harm the elders. They will need more freedom and personal space. Then it is better to give birth to the next child.
  5. I think we have something to give children. And we want to share love, worldview with them, we want to serve.
  6. For me, motherhood is a path of constant development. And I'd love to dive deep into that path.
  7. I do not have any outstanding talents that I could implement in the outside world that would require a lot of time and effort from me. But I can serve God by fulfilling my main calling - to be a mother. I can try to raise godly children. Try to help them discover their personal mission, whatever it may be. I do everything I can for this. And I hope the Lord will be pleased with it. After all, these are His children, and what could be better than taking care of them?

How many children are in the family?

In fact, it is not so important how many children are in the family. You can grow only one or two, but in such a way that they become very happy ...

I am sometimes told: “It is better to raise one child happy than six unhappy.” Agree. But what is the relationship with the number of children?

How will a new family member interfere with older brothers and sisters? And if everyone is unhappy, is it because of the number of children? And if there was only one child in an unhappy family, would he be happier from this?

Thinking about the number of kids, you need to evaluate your strength. Your health, your energy... And your relationship with your spouse. After all, if the relationship is "lame", a new pregnancy becomes very dangerous.

But if everything is fine in your family, you have the strength and desire to give birth, there are at least some minimum material conditions for this ... Then why not?

I wish you all the best. No matter how many children you dream of. Be happy!

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Family is the most precious thing a person can have. We offer you a selection of statuses, quotes and aphorisms about the family. Here you will find beautiful and romantic expressions about married life and children, as well as cool family statuses.

A wedding is the birth of a new family. Some seek to play a magnificent and luxurious wedding, others prefer a modest ceremony. Only when getting married, couples should understand that it doesn’t matter what their wedding was like, what matters is what their life together will be like. For a family to be happy, one must not only love, but also be able to yield to each other. They say that a real family becomes when children appear in it. Such a statement is not accidental, because love must continue.

Beautiful aphorisms and quotes

A successful marriage is a building that needs to be reconstructed every day. (A. Morua)

For a marriage to be successful, spouses must make daily efforts to keep it together.

So that the family can develop -
We need marriages
Not with the one you want to go to bed with
And with those with whom you want to get up!

A real family gives strength to live and wake up every morning in a good mood.

Family replaces everything. Therefore, before you start it, you should think about what is more important to you: everything or family. (Faina Ranevskaya)

If everything is more important, then do not rush. So it's not time yet.

Marriage is like scissors - the halves can move in opposite directions, but they will teach a lesson to anyone who tries to stand between them. (Sydney Smith)

In a happy marriage, spouses will stand as a mountain for each other.

Work - labor force. Evenings for the family. (Gina Wilkins)

Evenings are meant to be spent with family.

My family is my castle.

The more trust, the more stable the fortress.

Faithful love helps to endure all hardships.

Loyalty is the key to a long and happy family life.

Family is a priceless gift. It needs to be protected, not destroyed. (Susan King)

Whoever destroys a family has no right to be called a Man.

A wife must trust her husband. But how? In family life, the most important thing is trust. Otherwise, family life is simply unthinkable. (A. Vampilov)

And the husband, in turn, must tell the truth.

You can't replace children, you can't replace a family
Money, career, friends, yourself.
Family is where you love and believe
A picture of happiness, care, peace.
Spiritual intimacy, the secret of longevity,
The fight against all diseases, hope and light.
And even if something went wrong and doubts,
Family is a talisman for good luck, victories!

Family is the greatest wealth a person can have.

A family is strong if a moment of happiness is repeated many times. (V. Havel)

A happy family is made up of happy moments.

The family is one of the masterpieces of nature.

How many families in the world, so many masterpieces.

A family is what it is worth waking up every day for, breathing every second, and praying to God every moment to protect and protect them...

Family is what makes life worth living.

A family should have either two artists, or none. (I. Alferova)

If one artist, and the second spectator, this is no longer a family, this is a theater.

With meaning

To marry means to halve your rights and double your responsibilities. (A. Schopenhauer)

And there is also a fresh breakfast in the morning and clean ironed shirts…)

Spouses should be able to yield to each other, then their relationship can be called love.

In family life, the main thing is patience ... Love cannot last long. (A.P. Chekhov)

Over the years, love develops into a habit.

All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. (L. N. Tolstoy)

Family happiness is similar - troublesome weekdays and happy evenings, but everyone has their own misfortune.

In family life, the most important screw is love. (A.P. Chekhov)

So that the family does not fall apart, this screw must be constantly tightened.

If the family is not filled with children's cries, they are more than compensated by adults ...

In a family without children, it becomes boring and the spouses begin to find fault with each other.

FAMILY is happiness, love and luck,
FAMILY is a summer trip to the country.
FAMILY is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.
The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,
Dreams of good, excitement and awe.
FAMILY is work, caring for each other,
FAMILY is a lot of homework.
FAMILY is important! FAMILY is hard!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!
Always be together, take care of love,
Drive insults and quarrels away,
I want my friends to talk about you

I so want all families to be strong and one could say about each of them “What a good family this is!”

The family is not a cell of the state. The family is the state.

In it, mom is the President, dad is the Prime Minister ...)

Good spouses have the same goals.

And one desire - to be together and forever!

Family is not the place where everything is perfect, but the place where they forgive each other!

There are troubles in any family, but not everyone knows how to forgive them.

A good family is one in which husband and wife forget that they are lovers during the day, and that they are spouses at night.

Friends during the day, lovers at night - these are the ideal spouses.

Do not complain to anyone about your man, because, most likely, tomorrow you will make peace, and in the eyes of your friends he will remain a “bad person” who does not deserve respect.

It's too late to complain when the choice is made.

If you take Love and Loyalty,
to add to them a feeling of Tenderness,
multiply everything by years,
then it will turn out - FAMILY!

Love and loyalty are the main components of a family.

The only thing you have to worry about is the family, and let the rest worry by itself!

Only close people are worthy of your experiences.

About a happy family and children

Marriage cannot be happy if the spouses do not know each other's manners, habits and characters to perfection before entering into the union. (O. Balzac)

You need to get used to each other before marriage, not after it.

The key to family happiness is kindness, frankness, responsiveness. (E. Zola)

Family happiness lies in simple things.

A happy marriage is a long conversation that always seems too short. (A. Morua)

It seems that happiness always flies by very quickly.

The family starts with children. (A.I. Herzen)

Children are the “attribute” of a real family.

A happy marriage is a marriage in which the husband understands every word that the wife did not say...

Spouses are people who understand each other without words.

A good woman, when she marries, promises happiness, a bad woman waits for it.

For a family to be happy, the wife must be wise.

The main secret of a successful marriage is to see accidents in misfortunes, and not to perceive accidents as misfortunes. (G. Nicholson)

In marriage, it is important not to focus on the little things.

The main idea and goal of family life is the upbringing of children. The main school of education is the relationship between husband and wife, father and mother. (V.A. Sukhomlinsky)

In order for children to grow up as worthy people, they must be brought up in a loving family.

In a happy family, the wife thinks the money comes from the nightstand, the husband thinks the food comes from the refrigerator, and the children think they found it in the cabbage.

You don't have to know the truth to be happy...

It is better if someone alone is in charge in the family. And it is better if this “someone” is love.

Spouses should be ruled by love.


The best way to test a man for loyalty is to ask a sleeping husband a question in the morning: - Will you go to yours or will you stay with me?

Oh, it's scary to hear the answer ...)

That family is strong
Where the cross is on the letter "I",
Where the word "WE" rules, Where there are common dreams,
Where there is prosperity and comfort,
Where children scurry merrily
Where it always flares up again
Such passionate love!

In the family there is only "We" and there is no "I".

If you meet a faithful husband, ask him for an autograph.

And each went to ask for an autograph from her husband ...))

A woman in the family is like a translator: she understands both baby talk and drunken nonsense.

A married woman is generally a unique creature, she brings up her children and takes care of her mother-in-law's son ...

Take care of yourself - do not look at your husband's phone ... Take care of your husband too. Get yours away!

If you have nothing to hide, then you don't have to hide your phone!

The perfect family - dad works, mom is beautiful!

No, well, if so, then I want to get married and I want children ...)

To my phrase “Yes, you are my sun!” my son, a dog, a cat came up to me at once, and just in case, my husband looked out of the corridor ...

Some suns live in the house.

A man who has forgotten his family cannot be called a real man.

He is not something that is real, he cannot be called a Man either.

A family is a small country in which PAPA is the president, MAMA is the minister of finance, the minister of health, the minister of culture and emergency situations in the family. A CHILD is a people who constantly demand something, are indignant and go on strike!

As always, all important functions lie with the mother ...)

When my family is nearby - and I don’t need the Internet!

And when the family is far away, the Internet is needed only to find out how they are doing.

The principle of many wives: of course, dear, you should have your own point of view ... and now I will tell you it!

Wives do not impose their point of view, they plant it ...)

You won’t surprise anyone with a chic wedding now, YOU surprise with a long and strong marriage ...

It doesn't matter what the wedding was like, what matters is what the marriage will be like.

A family is not just people with whom they live together. A family is, first of all, kindred spirits, these are people who are ready to support each other at any moment, even if there are hundreds of kilometers between them. Take care of yourself and your family, because your loved ones are the most precious thing you have.

Family is the most valuable thing in life. There comes a time when every person thinks about what it will be like. Each of us in childhood, playing mother-daughter, draws this model. I want to talk about how I see my future family.

I dream of a big family. I am sure that I will find such a man on the path of life who will share my desires. I am ready to become a faithful and wise wife, to share with him all the joys of sorrow. To be one with him, one soul. After all, this is how a real woman should be. Mutual understanding and respect are

The foundation of a strong and happy family.

And I also want many children, because children are such happiness! I want to know that my love has a continuation. And the embodiment of this continuation is small copies of a loved one. I will cook breakfast for them in the morning. It is probably happiness to braid daughters' pigtails, and for boys and a beloved man to iron shirts, tie ties.

We will have a spacious house, and in the dining room there will be a large round table, at which we will gather with the whole family every day. There will be swings in the yard. And we will also get a big dog, which will become not only a guard, but also another

Family member. I believe that children should be taught to love all living things, to be humane, not to teach them to offend those who cannot stand up for themselves. It's not easy work, but I'm sure I can achieve it. I will be proud of my children!

Parents will often come to visit us, because they are the closest and dearest people. They are the standard of family life for me. Having lived in marriage for a single year, they cherish the warmth between each other's souls.

The family is a close little world that people tremblingly protect and keep. This is a separate state, where their own laws reign. I dream of such a family in which each of its members would boldly stand up for the defense of this state.
And family is a lot of work. It's like an anthill in which everyone works. It will be the same in my family. Everyone will work to the best of their ability, because work ennobles a person. I will accustom children to absolutely any work, so they will learn to appreciate and respect other people's work.
Family is the most beautiful thing. It is the world that children will see in the family that will be transferred to the perception of the outside world. My goal is to teach children to see beauty in everything.
Thoughts about a future family cannot be clearly framed, because these are very bright dreams coming from the depths of the soul. But the most important thing that I dream about is a happy family in which harmony, love, respect and trust will rule the ball!

Essays on topics:

  1. The main thing in the house of my dreams is beauty and convenience. This is how I envision my future home. I'm dreaming...
  2. My future profession will give people joy and beauty. All because I decided to become a hair stylist. When I get this...

Aleksey Shapoval, 79, is the head of the largest family in Kuzbass, which has about 200 people, including 13 children, 117 grandchildren and 32 great-grandchildren. This is now a similar family - an out of the ordinary phenomenon, but some one and a half centuries ago they would have been an ordinary Russian family ...

A unique family that almost all of its members (with the exception of daughters) live in the village of Bungur, Novokuznetsk district, has been 54 years old for more than half a century. During this time, among its members there were no drunkards, no drug addicts and other asocial elements of society.

Everyone in the village knows the Shapoval family: all children and grandchildren with great-grandchildren live on the same street. For every holiday, everyone necessarily gathers together, as a large friendly family, sometimes there is not enough space for everyone in the house, tables are laid on the street.

The head of the family for the worthy upbringing of children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren was awarded the regional medal "Paternal Glory" and
a prize of 15 thousand rubles. Each family of heirs received bonuses of 10 thousand rubles. It is curious that in Novokuznetsk there is even a "Shapovalovsky" maternity hospital, where almost all the offspring were born.

Alexei Pavlovich took each of the heirs himself. Aleksey Shapoval has been living in Kuzbass since the age of 14. He studied at a school for working youth, after graduating from a technical school and until his retirement he worked in a blast furnace shop at the Kuznetsk Iron and Steel Works, now many of his children and grandchildren work there.

Alexey Pavlovich was married twice, all 13 children - from his first wife, Claudia Maksimovna. He met the mother of his children in 1942. The first-born - Pavel - was born on November 12, 1956. He was followed by ten more sons: Vasily, Ivan, Maxim, Alexei, Joseph, Yakov, Andrei, Nikolai, Peter, Matvey and two daughters, Nadezhda and Elena (one lives in Abakan, the other in Washington, she has 10 children).

The second wife of Shapoval, Valentina Efimovna, became a member of this family quite recently. At first they just wanted to move in together (both widowers), but the children were against it: civil marriage, they insisted on formalizing the relationship. The children accepted the new wife of the pope well, they call him mom. And the jubilee, hundredth, granddaughter was named after Valentina Efimovna. According to Shapoval's wife, the head of the family was worried that he would not live to see her birth. I worried in vain: after little Valenka, 12 more grandchildren were born in the family.

Valentina Efimovna herself has only one son, and now she bitterly regrets that she did not give birth to more children in her time. Having married Shapoval, she realized what happiness it is - a big family.
Aleksey Pavlovich knows all the grandchildren and great-grandchildren by name, and from whom he was born, a son or daughter, but he does not remember the birthdays of all the grandchildren - they are recorded in a special book. The main question that everyone asks Alexei Shapoval is whether it was hard to raise a dozen children, and how to feed a dozen mouths in general. To which Alexei Pavlovich always says that if you love children, then you don’t feel heaviness. And as for how many mouths to feed, it reminds you that two pairs of hands are attached to each mouth.

Each member of a large family is not afraid of work. Every son has
work, large farm, farming - growing
vegetables for sale, they keep cows - they sell milk in the market, so no one in the family has ever gone hungry. And members of a large and friendly family will always come to the aid of each other. If you run out of hay or gas cylinders, the brothers will help. One of the wives went to the maternity hospital to give birth to another member of the family - other children will not be left unattended.

Grandchildren and great-grandchildren are also friends with each other, the elders look after the younger ones, the younger ones learn from the older ones, no one hangs around the doorways. The most interesting thing is that no one is particularly involved in education: adults show by personal example how to behave.

It is curious that none of the families has a TV: according to
Alexey Shapoval, he does not bring any benefit. Therefore, everyone reads books, subscribes to newspapers. Even small children are not allowed to eat sweets: there is no benefit from them, only harm. All relationships in the family are built on the respect of the elders by the younger ones. The authority of Alexei Pavlovich is indisputable: as the head of the family said, so be it. In addition, grandfather monitors the progress of his grandchildren and great-grandchildren - during the winter holidays he checks 50 diaries. He checks all 10 days, does not plan any other cases.

Among fellow villagers, Shapovaly is respected: non-drinkers,
decent, no one in the family ever raises his voice, the atmosphere is always friendly. There were no divorces and scandals. Every house is in order. Helping old neighbors.

Colleagues always sympathized with Alexei Pavlovich: they say, no
"joy" in a man. No drink, no women go. But Shapoval only laughs at them: he has one joy - a large and friendly family, his wealth. He dreamed of a large family from early childhood. And she makes him happy. The children donated a car for their seventieth anniversary, and there is someone to give a glass of water to. 117 glasses of water.

Ecology of life. Psychology: Where do these dreams of an ideal family come from? From childhood? But not the fact that you would like to live like this ...

Where do these dreams of the perfect family come from? From childhood? But it is not a fact that you would like to live the way your parents lived. Most likely the opposite. So how do you know what a family should look like? Your family?

Family is where you feel good. Where all your needs are met. This is heaven on earth.

Each of us had a heavenly time. This is the time when we were little.

And there were big, adult people who decided everything for us and dealt with all our problems. If they were more or less good parents, then we had enough security and freedom.

One of the women's dreams of an ideal family is the hope that the husband will replace my mom and dad

That behind him I can be like behind a stone wall, protected, as in childhood, from all the problems of the big world.

And in return, I'll be nice. Good, but moderately capricious. I will do what I like, but “do my homework on time”, I will cook and clean the apartment, I will look after and take care of the children.

If I decide to work, then it will be more like my “hobby”, and with this money I can buy “ice cream” for myself, but this is definitely not the money that you can buy clothes or eat for a whole month.

And “up there” there will be a big and adult person who will take on all the important decisions, take care of me, my life and our children. And if in my childhood it was my father and mother, now it will be my husband.

So, in this version:

The husband is a paternal figure. A wife is a child who is loved and cared for.

A woman dreams, when she gets married, to live the same way as she lived in her parents' house. For her husband to become her parents - “mom and dad”, who took care of her, loved her, who decided everything and bore the lion's share of responsibility for her life.

In fact, when creating her family, a woman dreams of repeating her childhood, infantile happiness in her parents' house, but only in its improved ideal version.

“Being married” is “living like Christ in the bosom.”

The husband is presented as a paternal figure - a caring parent for a little girl. Which can be capricious, if you work, then spend money only on yourself; can "swing rights", but must always be unconditionally accepted and loved.

In fact, as in the parental family, this model implies accountability, control by the “parents” (and now the husband), and restriction of freedom. Parents are responsible for their children, they control them, they tell them what to do, they make the main decisions. They tell you how to dress, how to behave, what to eat, what to do. The level of control and pressure in each family is different.

But in the “father-daughter” model, the daughter a priori has much less freedom, and she is obliged to “pay” for love, care and her own provision.

"As long as you live in my house and at my expense, you will do what I say." The price is different.

If the price is right, then couples are quite satisfied with this family model.

But it happens that everything would be fine, and the long-awaited happiness would come,if your husband didn’t dream about ... about mom. Not about a little princess girl (she may well become a daughter), but about a mother in your face.

In this variant

The wife is a mother figure. Husband is a beloved, adored son.

In the dreams of a man, a woman will be an ideal, caring mother for him. She will take the money from somewhere. The house will always be clean, warm and prepared.

"Mom" will be invisibly in time for everything. She will take care of everything and control everything. It is she who will know everything about his health, remember the dates of visits to the doctor, schedules for taking medications and provide proper nutrition.

If there are children, then all "kindergartens-clubs-schools-lessons-parental meetings-doctors" she will take over. She will moderately delve into his affairs, support his growth, but give complete freedom.

It's in dreams. But in fact, if a woman takes on everything, including providing for the family, then she strictly controls the fulfillment of duties for all family members. The “freedom” of a husband, like children, is clearly regulated. Even if the “mother woman” is not the main breadwinner in the family, in this model she is “law and order”.

These two models are from the same opera - they are about our hopes for heaven on earth, for a warm, caring home, for a "safe haven", for unconditional acceptance. To the fact that no matter what you are, no matter what you do, you will be accepted and you will always be taken care of.

You can get sick, you can not work, you can be searching for yourself for years, you can drink, you can be depressed - they will still take care of you, they will support you, endure you (or rather, loving and tenderly loving), you will be accepted by anyone and anyone.

The dream of an ideal father's house. About unconditional love.

It happens that in a pair of both people with infantile claims to each other.

These are two children who need a strong, adult second.

Hungry boy and girl look at each other angrily.

Neither can satisfy the other's hunger:

“I am looking for a man who would take care of me. Support me and our children. On whom I could lean and trust him with my life.

I can't give you all this. I myself need a caring mother, a woman who will take care of almost everything. Can you be her?"

This is the core of the conflict which sounds in such pairs in all quarrels, discontent, resentment, tears, in despair, loneliness, hunger, misunderstanding.

The discharge comes when the realization comes that neither of the couple is able to become the breadwinner for the second, and neither can give the other what he wants.

When the hope for a "normal family" collapses. When it becomes clear that there is no one to feed me. That there is no savior. No one will come and save me. No one will take responsibility for me.

All I have is me and my responsibility for myself and my children (if any). And how I deal with this responsibility is my business. Will I go looking for another breadwinner (nurse) or will I start looking for support and strength in myself.

Finding support in yourself is a difficult and time-consuming task. This process marks the beginning of the exit from the dependent relationship.

But at the same time, it would be good not to fall into megalomania and not think that you can adequately pull one thing that, in a good way, you need to pull together. And to manage the children, and to do work, and to be in time everywhere, and to pay for everything everywhere one hundred percent.Exhale. You are not omnipotent.

Dependent relationships promise the hope that this person will fill the hole in my life. Financial hole, emotional. “As long as I'm with him, I'll never be in need. I won't be lonely."

It is good when this need is discovered. One's own loneliness and one's separateness from another person is revealed. And also your claims for the other to become a breadwinner - a breadwinner for you, as for a baby.

The problem is that you can't feed a hungry child. This need, need, one's inner hole can only be discovered.

And then fill it with your life. Books, creativity, study, communication with different people, friendship, raising children, work, interesting projects, travel.

And do not try to fill the hole with the forces of one person. This person also, quite possibly, has his own hole. published . If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to specialists and readers of our project .