Subcutaneous ticks in dogs: how to treat. Ties in dogs: symptoms, treatment and photos

If you regularly examine the pet, the person will be able to detect the first symptoms of the disease. They appear on the head and in the neck area:

  • loss of crops of wool;
  • redness of individual skin sections;
  • scales appear;
  • the skin is thickened;
  • large folds appear on the affected areas;
  • cracks appear on the skin, of which you can see the release of the liquid.

As on a person, the subcutaneous tick coexists with the dog peacefully. But problems appear with any problems with the health of a pet, weakening immunity, improper operation of the internal organs.

(Video: "Demodecosis of dogs symptoms signs treatment")

Basic forms of the disease

There are three stages of development of demodicosis in dogs:

If you comprehensively approach the treatment of the subcutaneous tick from your pet, you can quickly solve the problem. Of course, under certain circumstances, it is possible to treat the dog at home. But the best solution will be a visit to a specialist. After a careful inspection, the veterinarian will be able to assign the right one, and most importantly, effective treatment. For this, acaricidal preparations are used. These funds include Yvesek, Amitrazine, Ivermectin. Also, treatment implies the use of salicylic acid and antiseptic drugs: amitaneous, Fuccinic, Akarabor.

There are preparations that greatly facilitate the well-being of the dog during the disease. For this purpose, painkillers and sedatives are appointed. It is also necessary to apply drugs that contribute to the elimination of itching. If you give a pet more time, you will probably notice the beginning of the disease. Of course, it will significantly simplify the treatment process.

Use of external means

(Video: "Treatment of demodicosis of dogs, modern approaches and drugs")

Treatment of subcutaneous ticks in dogs at home

It should be remembered, it is possible to independently for the treatment of a four-legged friend only if it has found the initial stage of the disease. To do this, need to take certain measures:

  • protect the liver;
  • strengthen the immune system of the pet;
  • feed hypoallergenic products;
  • conduct an external treatment of affected skin;
  • use acaricidal ointments and shampoos.

Having an idea of \u200b\u200bthe causative agent of a disease, notice the alarming symptoms will be much easier, which means to put the necessary help on the four-legged friend.

Adult individuals reach the size of 7 mm, fixed on the skin of the animal by the trunk, forming the oral apparatus. Habitat - forest, field, swampy terrain.

  1. Internal, scabies

The most common type of spider-shaped. The underlying condition of infection is direct contact with a pet.

  1. Subcutaneous Demodex Cains.

Signs of demodicosis

The last type is a microscopic organism that causes the development of demodicosis, the habitat is the body of a warm-blooded animal, human hair follicles. It becomes the cause of the lesion of the liver, the lungs, the stomach, the intestines of the animal, falling inside, forms whole populations.

It differs insignificantly small size, the microscope makes it possible to see a person with a body of a flexible shape, tapering to the tail part, resembles the structure of the infusoria. Chain limbs provide the speed of movement within the epidermis.

Such a form of scabies is not an independent disease, since it is manifested due to immunodeficiency, hormonal imbalance and against the background of other infections.

Cause and shape of the disease

Veterinarians have not yet come to a common opinion, relative to the causes of the disease, because not every dog \u200b\u200bsuffers from her. Most experts consider the genetic predisposition of animals to be the main culprit of infection.

To understand how the subcutaneous ticks looks like in dogs, it is necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe clinical forms of the disease, including:

Localized form

The risk group includes pets of age category up to 2 years. The feature of the flow is the defeat of a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe body, excluding the appearance of secondary symptoms. The disease is manifested by the thinning woolen cover, the front paws. The affected sections of wool outwardly resemble places taken by mol. Veterinarians usually predict fast recovery, since this form of illness is perfectly treatable;

Generalized form

The beginning of the disease characterize the symptoms of localized type, gradually transforming into generalized type. Manifested by simultaneous lesions of several body zones, including paws. The complexity of the flow, possible complications determines the age of the pet: young puppies transfer the disease much easier to adult dog.

The development of the juvenile tick arising from spontaneously is due to the degree of hereditary predisposition, since the ailment provoke recessive genes. Therapy is accompanied by a number of difficulties.

The subcutaneous tick in an adult animal is seriously treated. Much importance is, which age has activated it. Characteristic symptoms may appear due to oncology, metabolic disorders, endocrine pathologies, steroid therapy. The occurrence of a generalized type eliminates the cause of genetic predisposition.

The predisposition of a pet for infection with subcutaneous ticks, as well as the suffering disease - serious grounds for sterilization.

Video: Dermatologist for cats and dogs. How to treat demodecosis

Features of the disease

The appearance of a dog tick is a sign of direct contact of a healthy and patient PSA, often infection of the mother becomes the cause of puppies. The period of 6 months - 2 years becomes the most dangerous time in the life of the animal, since the risk of infection has repeatedly increasing. This is due to the weakening of the puppies immunity, the reasons for the decline in immune defense can be different:

  • lack of balanced nutrition;
  • teething;
  • cutting ears, tail;
  • suffered injuries;
  • stress;
  • the presence of other malicious microorganisms in the flora of the body of the younger animal.

Demodecosis is elected relative to the animal breed, preferring pugs, bulldogs, dachshunds, shapes, boxers, German shepherd. All these dogs combines the genetic load of the rock and the presence of short wool. Short wool makes it possible to be unhindered, infect the injured zones, spreading further infection. It is the breed that sometimes determines the effectiveness of treatment. On the body of Chapels, originally having a weak immune system, the disease may leveled serious injury, having grieving the skin.

Basic symptoms

Symptoms of the disease manifests itself:

  • itching, which delivers huge discomfort of the ps. Trying to get rid of unpleasant sensations, the pet is non-stop itching, combing itchy skin to blood;
  • loss of wool. An alternative to partial baldness of the muzzle, rear paws, abdomen, can be a continuous itching. Some breeds are not characteristic of wool loss. Therefore, if an externally dog \u200b\u200bhas not changed, but the subcutaneous tick can be a reason for such behavior;
  • irritable condition. Constantly itching skin will spoil the friendly attitude of even the most harmless animal. The dog begins to demonstrate aggressive behavior.

General signs of the subcutaneous tick of the dog:

  • scaffolds are formed, crusts;
  • the body allocates exudate on the skin;
  • the affected areas of the skin acquire an intense pink shade;
  • the skin density increases, the skin becomes harsh, covered with wrinkles;
  • decreases appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • weakness, apathy, anemia (characterize a launched disease), secondary pathologies may develop.

Features of the course of the disease determines the form of infection - scaly either pustular. In the first case, you can observe the skin seal, the appearance of folds, the formation of characteristic scales. The bald sections change the color, becoming a dirty gray or rusty shade. Skin can burst, the resulting wounds begin to highlight the serous pinkish fluid. For the scaly form, there is a lack of pronounced itch.

With a blank form, characterized by a more severe course of the disease, characterized by the occurrence of inflamed bubbles of intense red shade. Gradually, inflammation is converted to Pustuly - Jews. The opening of the uluses provokes the release of a slicer liquid that is tightened by the skin.

The dog quickly loses the forces, the cause of the death of the animal is sometimes becoming infected with blood.

To understand how to treat the subcutaneous tick from a pet, you will need to visit the veterinary clinic. The formulation of an accurate diagnosis is the competence of a specialist. Since the disease has symptoms that resembles other dog diseases, analysis is necessary - skin scraping and subsequent biomaterial microscopy of the animal. The owner's help should limit itself to the issuance of the antihistamine PSU for partially removing the symptoms of itching and immediately visiting the veterinarian.

Video: Demodecosis - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Treatment methods

The initial cause of the disease continues to be a reason to dispute doctors. In most cases, the aggravating factor in the weakening of the organism of the animal becomes a change in the hormonal background.

Pliers in dogs possessing a strong immune system are becoming less likely.

  1. Local processing of affected areas of pre-washed with special gentle shampoos, acaricidal emulsions. Preparations are selected individually. Excellent funds proven:
  • ointment chlorofos 2%,
  • Baitex 1%,
  • aSD-3 (0.3%).

The primary course is limited to 7 handlers, a weekly break is made, then the procedure is repeated.

Simultaneously with medications and ointments, give a pets of Carsil to reduce the negative consequences for the liver

Most of the prescribed drug drugs are highly toxic, a common side effect is a decrease in liver performance. The appointment of Carsila is due to the need to support the liver during the treatment period.

  1. Full high-protein vitaminized diet. The recommendation of veterinarians is the replacement of ordinary feeds with specialized, providing for the possibility of feeding animals suffering from subcutaneous ticks.

Folk recipes

Garlic and oil

The mixture of chopped garlic is poured with almond oil (ratio of 1: 2), then placed in a dark place, insisting 4 days. We need weekly daily processing of affected areas. Remember: Excess garlic has a toxic effect, almond oil can overwhelm skin.

Kefir and sulfur

Prepare a mixture of kefir (liquid sour cream) and black sulfur (ratio of 3: 1). Insist in a warm place 2-3 hours, the mixture is treated daily to the skin, necessarily, thoroughly flushing. Sulfur can burn and cut the skin.

This is a guarantee of rapid facilitation of the state of the animal and reducing the risk of unpleasant consequences.

Video: Dogs demodecosis. Preparations and syringes needed

Is self-medication justified?

Demodecosis or tranior is a common disease in dogs caused by the subcutaneous tick of Demodex Canis. Almost all animals and people can be carriers of this insect. To cure a dog from the subcutaneous tick is quite simple, but for a long time - for a positive result, a whole range of drugs will be required.

The course of treatment implies the neutralization of the pathogen itself and eliminating the effects of demodicosis. The ultimate goal: restore the animal immunity and the integrity of its skin, and also save the body of the dog from hormonal complications.

The treatment process is quite long and lasts at least two to three months.

So what and how to treat subcutaneous ticks in dogs?

Cash to the treatment of chest can be applied Stronghold or Advocate preparations.

For disinfection of animal wool, it is not necessary to use chlorofos. Due to the presence of phosphorus compounds in it, which are poisonous, it can cause unpleasant and painful complications.

In parallel, to reduce the effect of staphylococcal microflora on the pet organism, it is recommended to introduce anti-staphylococcal drugs - antibiotics.

To strengthen the hair onions should be added sulfur-containing drugs into food. Also, their amiatase and cyclone linters can be rubbed into the skin-affected skin.

If the skin immunity of the dog is suppressed and an increased corticosteroid content is observed, it is recommended to add a few drops of a 5% iodine solution with the addition of chloditan.

In case of challenging, the dog appears in the dogs of baldness, which, to mitigate itching and irritation, it is necessary to process sea buckthorn oil with pihtoin and vitamin A.

During the treatment of the PSA, it is necessary to be combed to remove dead skin particles that will be formed during the peeling process. Also daily, the body of the dog is treated with antiseptics - fuccinic or salicylic acid solution.

Due to the use of antibiotics in the animal, side disorders of the liver may occur. In order for this not happened, you can recommend the use of hepatoprotectors: heptral, Liv-52, Carsil.

It is important to carry out the prevention of demodicosis, especially in the SUK, giving them, a week before the appearance of the offspring, newsg. This will avoid infection of puppies.

Folk Medicine will also help

If you discovered the subcutaneous tick in dogs - treatment at home or folk remedies can be quite effective.

  • It is often used by a decoction of wormwood with honey, which gives drinking a dog by half a cup of approximately every two or three hours.

  • You can prepare the ointment of the roots of cleanstole, which are poured with refined sunflower oil. Composition should be knocked at a temperature of 40-50? C for several hours and strain. You can add sour cream before the procedure. The ointment rubs into the skin of the animal head, ears and burst into the nose.

  • You can also make masks of rubbed acidic apples, from the rigged berries of juniper or the roots of nine.

But it should be borne in mind that folk remedies are, of course, gentle by means of combating ticks, but much less effective than drugs, as a result of which treatment can delay. So the final choice is yours!

Please note that the products of vital activity secreted by subcutaneous ticks in dogs are strong allergens that cause heavy itching, the formation of painful wounds and wool loss. As a rule, the animal may get sick from May to September, since the disease is characterized by a seasonal character. Most often, demodecosis has dogs aged from six months to two years. Provoke the development of pathology Sick animals, and the tick is transmitted at the time of direct contact with them through the eyes, ears, muzzle and objects of hygiene. Little puppies are often infected from the mother. In addition, the demodecosis of the dog may be discovered due to the defective nutrition of animal, surgical intervention or suffered infectious diseases. Attribute the activation of the tick can long therapy with antibiotics, the presence of worms and even rickets.

A generalized subcutaneous tick in dogs occurs after 2 years of age and is 10% of all cases of infection. At the same time, characteristic symptoms are observed in several parts of the body, including on the limbs. The disease is usually subject to rocks such as pit bull, dachshund, bulldog, beagle and some others. Generalized demodecosis occurs heavier than localized, and its development depends on factors such as the presence of endocrine diseases, weakening immunity and genetic predisposition.

Symptomatics of the disease

Detect demodecosis The owner of an animal can only in the second stage of its development, since the primary signs of the subcutaneous tick in dogs are difficult to diagnose due to their ambiguity. So, the main symptoms of the disease that can be seen:

  • reliance of dogs to communicate with the owner, her irritability;
  • bad appetite;
  • the dog is strongly drawn and spreads the skin to blood;
  • there is a baldness of certain parts of the body, redness appears, the affected places are covered with low-tech flakes;
  • the dog shakes from chills, because it has the process of thermoregulation;
  • jumps appear, which subsequently burst and smell badly;
  • if you do not accept the appropriate measures in time, a fungal or bacterial infection can join demodecosis, with the result that the dog will lose weight and may die from blood or exhaustion.

Diagnosis of the disease

Review the subcutaneous tick in the dog can only veterinarian. To understand when it is worth seeking professional help, you need to carefully watch your pet. The initial stage of demodecosis, as a rule, resembles ordinary skin dermatitis, so it is worth paying attention to how your dog smells. If the stench smell emanates from it, it is necessary to beat the alarm.

Diagnosis of the disease does not represent difficulties. First of all, analysis on demodecosis is carried out, which is a microscopic study of the gunnings taken from the field of lesion. If there is an infection, the result will show it clearly. To properly analyze the demodicosis, it is necessary to study material for research from deep skin layers by the method of scraping by a special tool. For these purposes, hair bulbs from lesion foci are also suitable. To eliminate the presence of other diseases, the dog takes blood to the study, since demodecosis is most often manifested as a secondary pathology. In 50% of cases, the subcutaneous tick is the first sign of the weakening of the protective functions of the animal organism.

However, only the drug treatment during demodecosis is not enough. Strengthening the immune system of the dog, as well as the elimination of skin atony and hormonal abnormalities. To do this, you can use not only medical instruments, but also home recipes that will help equip the animal organism necessary vitamins and minerals. In addition, it is important to correctly care for the pet and carry out hygienic manipulations.

It is worth paying attention to that some drugs from the subcutaneous tick in dogs can cause adverse reactions because they are toxic. Therefore, you need to give other medicines at the same time with them, the action of which is aimed at protecting the liver and restoring the animal forces. These include such drugs as "heptral", "Carsil" and "Liv-52". The main treatment implies the elimination of the demodecosis pathogen and the consequences of its livelihoods. The ultimate goal is to restore the integrity of the skin of the dog, its immunity and normalization of the hormonal background. The course of therapy, as a rule, takes a lot of time - about 2-3 months.

Medicines from demodicosis

On the foci of the defeat, you can apply the "Stronghold" or "lawyer" drops. In order to reduce the staphylococcal effect on the dog's body, antibiotics often prescribe, and to strengthen the hair onions it is recommended to give a pet preparations containing sulfur. And their lines, such as the "cyclone" and "amiatruses", it is recommended to rub the skin into damaged by demodicosis. If an animal has a reduced immunity and an increased number of corticosteroids, it is necessary to add a couple of droplets of the iodine solution (5%), as well as "Chloatin".

To eliminate itching and redness, veterinarians advise lubricate the foci of sea buckthorn butter with vitamin A or Pihtoin preparation. Do not forget to regularly comb your dogs, because during the treatment of the particle of the affected skin will die and peel. Ever day to carry out the antiseptic treating of the dog's body with a solution of salicylic acid or "fuccin". If the dog is waiting for puppies, then before the appearance of the offspring (about a week), it is necessary to prevent the drug "Yvesek" to prevent infection of kids.

Healing shampoo

Shampoo "Doctor" has anti-dislocation, deodorizing and anti-referee properties. It quickly removes inflammation, prevents the formation of acne, satuates with oxygen tissue, normalizes the production of subcutaneous saline, and also has antifungal and antimicrobial effect on yeast-like fungi and staphylococcus.

Shampoo "Doctor" is very easy to use. It should be used an hour before applying to the affected areas of drugs. Rubbed the shampoo until the formation of abundant foam is then washed off with running water and repeat the procedure again. 10 minutes after re-applying, the foam must be thoroughly rinsed. Depending on the speed of selection of the skin secretion, the shampoo is recommended at intervals in two or three days.

If you use such a product for a long time, the dog can start peeling the skin. In this case, the animal should be shown to the veterinarian. Contraindication of the drug is the increased sensitivity of the pet to its components.

Folk Medicine for Pets Health

Do not know how to bring the subcutaneous tick in the dog? People's recipes may help you. However, before applying them, it is necessary to consult the veterinarian and get it approval. So, what can be taken to save the animal from torment:

  • You can prepare a healing decoction from wormwood and honey, which should be given to an animal as a drink of 1/2 cup every two hours.
  • A good result shows an ointment made from the roots of Ceeshela. Raw materials should be pouring refined vegetable oil, lean on a small fire for several hours and thoroughly strain. It is recommended to add a bit sour cream, after which it is possible to rub it into the affected areas of the skin, as well as burst into the ears.
  • We use masks from the rubbed juniper, ninewide roots or sour apples.

Do not forget that folk remedies are not so effective as drug treatment, although they are more gentle. In any case, the last word must say, of course, veterinarian.

Are sick dogs dangerous for man?

Also and dogs: a person cannot infect them, because they have a different type of demodic mites. However, in any case, it is worthwhile to avoid close contact with the sick animal, because, as they say, God is essential.

Prevention of the disease

The subcutaneous tick of the dog, the symptoms and the treatment of which we considered within our article is a rather serious problem that can even lead to the death of the animal. In order to avoid the development of pathology, it is necessary to take care of your pet, constantly strengthen its health and prevent the possibility of infection with demodecosis from other dogs. For washing the animal, use the means that are specifically designed. So you can strengthen the hair onions and prevent tick from entering the skin. Veterinarians advise sulfur-containing ointments into the body of a dog, as well as add a little iodine solution to drinking water.

Spring is a wonderful time for walking with a dog in a park or forest. However, so that such a walk does not overshadow the tick bite, you need to know how to protect your dog from this trouble. Take care of your four-legged friend and regularly attend the vet. Let your fluffy favorite feels freely and runs where he swallows.

The subcutaneous tick is a fairly common disease in dogs.

In this article, we consider why the subcutaneous tick appears, which symptoms and the treatment options for this disease in domestic pets.

Signs of defeat

Maintenance signs of the subcutaneous tick of the dog Very similar to symptoms of skin bacterial and fungal diseases, it is:

  • very strong itching, due to which the animal can comb skin to blood;
  • falling out in the early stages, especially short on the ears, face, hind legs and stomach;
  • aggression and concerned condition, since itching from the disease is very painful for;
  • anemia and weakness that manifest themselves in the launched stages of the disease.

Before treatment it is necessary to establish this the cause of the disease. The main mass of subcutaneous ticks of microscopic size, for this reason, the identification of their "eye" is extremely difficult. If you have discovered suspicious symptoms, it is necessary to use the drug from allergies in dogs, it will take at least partially itching, and then you need to show your veterinarian.

Despite the fact that certain skin diseases have characteristic features, their main mass is very similar among themselves, and the most faithful way of diagnosis - skin Skopoba.

Did you know? The world knows 703 purebred breeds of dogs.

Forms of the subcutaneous tick

You can distinguish between two types of subcutaneous ticks in dogs:

  • youth demodecosis (localized);
  • the generalized form of demodicosis.

Localized demodecosis is usually manifested in 90% of cases Infection on dogs age up to two years and occurs, as a rule, on the same area of \u200b\u200bthe carrier body. The disease has a benign form and limited to the place of lesion. Localized demodecosis includes up to several areas of lesion (muzzle, paws), characterized by a worsening of the hair cover, redness of the skin.

It should be noted that this form of the disease is most common in such breeds: boxers, Dalmatians, old English and German shepherd, pugs, collie and others.

The generalized form of the subcutaneous tick is usually only 10% of dogsage older than two years. Symptoms are manifested in several parts of the body. Especially prone to infection such rocks: pit bull, dachshund, beagle, bulldog and others.

This form of the disease proceeds much harder to localized, since different parts of the animal body are affected. The probability of developing one or another form of demodicosis depends on several factors. This is a genetic predisposition, dog immunity, endocrine diseases.

Probable places of defeat

Typically, primary lesions occurs on the skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe head, in particular - the abnormal arcs, lips, cheeks. Also, the tick often affects such places as elbows and neck.

After the tick began to hit these skin sites, it turns into the skin on other parts of the body. On the affected areas Wool falls out, the skin begins to blush, cracks. At the same time, Sukrovitsa is distinguished from the cracks.

Itching is practically absent or poorly expressed. Animals lick such places. The scaly phase of the lesion lasts a few months.

Did you know? FROM an old dog in the world - a terrier named Max, reached 30 years of age. According to human standards, it is equal to 210 years!

Correct diagnosis to your pet can put specialist onlywho knows exactly how to determine the ticks from the dog. In order to understand when it is necessary to contact the vet for consultation, you need to carefully look at your homely pet.
The initial stage of infection by subcutaneous ticks in most cases is very similar to ordinary dermatitis. For this reason, the only option of early diagnosis of the disease is an unpleasant smell that is characteristic of the animal during this period.

Further diagnosis of demodicosis is not too complicated. If you suspect that your dog bit the tick, the veterinarian will make microscopy of guns from the defeat places.

If the infection occurred - the result will be quite clear. In order for the result to be absolutely correct, the material on the study takes from deep layers of skin by scraping. It is also recommended to use hair bulbs that grow in an affected area of \u200b\u200bthe body. To make sure that other diseases in the PSA are missing, it is necessary to pass a common blood test.

Important! Veterinarians warn that the infection of the tick in half cases is a secondary disease, which confirms the immunodeficiency from the dog.

Treatment methods

Pharmacy outer drugs

This drug will help not only in treatment, but also in the prevention of demodecosis. The tool reliably protects the processed animal from the infection with the tick re-.

Subcutaneous or intramuscular injections

Nowadays, doctors abandoned the oral use of such a means, since it is very toxic and affects a negative way. It should be noted phosphorodorganic substances that are used for outdoor skin and wool treatment. Also for treating a pet such means are suitable: sulfur-containing, line, "cyclone" and "amiatruses".

Folk remedies

Despite the drug treatment of the subcutaneous tick in the dog, treatment can also be carried out at home "folk" means. When choosing folk remedies, it is necessary to consider that such a treatment is gentle and much less effective compared to drugs. Treatment by folk remedies can delay.
We give several recipes for the treatment of subcutaneous ticks in dogs.

  • Recipe number 1:
Prepare broth wormwood with honey. Giving a dog every 2-3 hours at half a glass at a time.
  • Recipe number 2:
Prepare ointment. The roots were cleaning to pour refined sunflower oil and tomorrow for 2-3 hours at a temperature of 40-50 ° C. After strain. Before use, add sour cream. The cooked ointment rub in the skin of the pet's head, in the ears and also drip the nose.
  • Recipe number 3:
For the preparation of the mask you need to grind acidic apples, juniper berries or nonyyl roots. Apply on affected areas.

Prevention measures

Prevention is always better than treatment. It is necessary to carry out preventive measures, adhering to the instructions for the preparations used.

After a tick bitter, it is important to focus on the protective functions of the dog's body - to increase protective functions and eliminate factors that can lead to demodecosis.
To do this, it is necessary to improve the condition of the skin of a pet. First of all, it is necessary to strengthen the hair onions, since after this tick cannot penetrate the skin. The strengthening of the bulbs are carried out by rubbing into the skin of the means, which contains sulfur. Also recommended to add sulfur in dog food.

Important! If the pet suffers from the depressed subcutaneous immunity, then they are recommended to add iodine solution, literally a couple of drops.

Also as prophylaxis you can use various collars, sprays, drops. Conducting such prophylaxis needs to pay attention to the period of the selected tool. And as soon as the period of action ends, it is necessary to immediately repeat the prophylactic measures (re-use drops, spray, change the collar), as the infection can occur immediately after the means stopped working.

Better if you use several preventive measures at the same time. For example, collar and spray together or collar and drops together. Usually the period of work of the collar - 5-7 weeks, for this must be followed.

After reading this article, now it is easy to determine signs of damage to the dog's skin by subcutaneous tick. And, of course, it is better to prevent the appearance of this disease with the help of the above preventive measures than to treat the subcutaneous tick in dogs.