Show your master: Fashionable haircuts for a round face. Bob with bangs

Last year, Katie Topuria surprised the public with her high hat. Despite the presence on the track of other stars, the photographers did not pay attention to anyone except her. Great move! Also very harmoniously in different years looked at Lera Kudryavtseva and Anna Semenovich Bandage in the style of hippies, which are also called "Hairatniki".

Sophisticated high styling
This year, high styling in everyone is clearly associated with the singer of the Christmas tree, which recently makes it quite often. In 2009, Sasha Savelyeva decided to change its usual style and went into the light not with loosely, but with the collected hair. The experiment was a success. The hairstyle of Savelyeva looked quite elegant.

Domestic and foreign colebritis have long been practicing a variety of braids - both in everyday life and in secular events. This hairstyle ensures the reflection of light in all directions, and the hair looks unusually shiny. There are two options for weaving: ordinary and French, which is characterized by the fact that when weaving you take new strands every time. We were especially impressed with this success Maria Kozhevnikov and Olesya Sudzilovskaya.

High tail
The tight tight tail on the back looks moving and performs the functions of the lifting. That is why stars with such a hairstyle can be found almost every year on the MUZ-TV premium. With such stacking were noticed: Christina Orbakayte, Natasha Koroleva, Nadezhda Meikher (Granovskaya) and Tanya Tereshina.

Before Lera Kudryavtseva made a short haircut, it went almost every year to a green path with spectacular curls. It was followed by Irina Zabyaka, Nyusha and many other famous girls. Such styling gives an auditorium hairstyle, and it is done quite simple and quickly.

Slightly curled curls
This hairstyle is still easier and faster than full curls, and therefore won among the famous ladies no less popular. It does not require special means of styling, professional tools and even accessories. She was preferred in different years Oksana Fedorova, Julia Kovalchuk and other stars.

Straight hair
Stylishly laid straight hair deservedly occupy a decent place in our top of star styling - it is not surprising that this hairstyle has become a real trend of carpet tracks. In 2008, it appeared on the awards of MUZ-TV Vera Brezhnev, and in 2010, Ani Lorak.

Short haircut
If some stars are trying to ensure that the hairstyle made them feminine, others just want to do something creative. As, for example, Ekaterina Volkov, which in 2003 came to the award practically bald. Many surprised Tanya Tereshin with a lilac "hedgehog" on his head.

And what hairstyle do you choose, going to any event?


Katya: "Sung out of the car on Arbat, seeing his advertisement, Uraaaaaaaaa !!! Waiting for you on October 17 in" Crocus City Hall ", my dear, at your solo concert" Let them say "!!! Tickets for sale! Very waiting for you! !! "

Tags: Haircut, like, U, Kati, Lel, photo, 2015

Subscribe to XXXL Music and see the best clips: Katya ...

What is the name of the haircut near Katy Lel? I can not explain the hairdresser | Topic author: Gennady

Vasily now speaking has long been not called, as it was in 70s. Just defined style. Katya has something in the style of "scattered boy". Conducted a slideshing method, that is, a sliding cut.

Vitaly print a photo, it is better somewhat, so that from all sides you could look. Better to see once, as they say

Alena photo show

Igor and why explain? Download the photo and Sun Merchant to the nose.

Leonid Something like "Ripped Bob"

Margarita Picture Show your master

Catherine Do you need such a hairdresser?

Nov 21, 2013 - Singer Katya Lel Recently is actively engaged in themselves. ... if you are the author of one of the photos and disagree with his ...

Katya Lel Biography, photo, personal life and her husband -

Katya Lel (September 20, 1974, G. ... Katya Lel Biography, photo - find out everything! ... Katya Lel pleases his fans not only by songs, but also haircuts.

Katya Lel - the Russian pop singer, was remembered by fans by the performance of songs that have repeatedly appeared in the first places of Russia's musical charts. Continues active creative activities today, glading fans with new compositions and clips.

Childhood and youth

Katya Lel (real name - Ekaterina Chuprinin) was born in Nalchik on September 20, 1974. Interest in music The future celebrity showed early. When she was 3 years old, his father acquired the piano, since then the music has constantly sounded in the house - the elder sister Ira tried to musitize, while Katya sang.

At 7 years old, the girl was given to the music school. Katya studied simultaneously by the classes of piano and choral conducting. After graduating with the honors from both branches, entered the music school, and after and to the North Caucasus Institute of Arts.

Artist - a frequent guest of various TV projects. At its account - participation in the "Baby Robot" programs on TNT, "Thank God, you came" at the CTK and "Raffle" on the first channel. In 2013, she appeared in the Tishka show, where she appeared before the public in a sports swimsuit and without makeup.

Personal life

Men played a special role in the personal life of the Russian performer. It is known that Katya Lel lived 8 years old with producer Alexander Volkov, but the Union of Couple did not formally. At the time of dating, the singer was 22 years old, and producer - 46 years old.

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Katya Lel and husband Igor Kuznetsov

In addition, Volkova had a family. The rupture of the relationship of the couple turned out to be scandalous - the former lovers were sudden because of the rights to the work of the singer. In 2008, the former civilian husband Lel died. The cause of death is an oncological disease.

Despite the unsuccessful experience in relations, the singer did not leave the hope of creating a family. An example for her had their own parents who lived in love and harmony all their lives.

In 2008, Katya Lel officially became the wife of a businessman Igor Kuznetsov. Six months later, the pair was born daughter Emilia.

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Katya Lel and daughter

His leisure artist spends varied. She visits many secular events, including art exhibitions. In 2017, Katya visited the exposition of the Moscow artist Daniel Fedorov "Portrait Theater", where the stars of film and the theater Alice Freundlich were also attended,

For a more visual example, we suggest you to look at these Ceboribriti, who solved the "problem of a round face" with the help of correctly selected haircuts and styling.

Lead Stylist Technologist Joico

Miranda Kerr

Miranda Kerr prefers hairstyles with soft curls and always removes the hair on one side of the face, making the hairstyle asymmetric, which helps adjust the round face.

Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez prefers graded haircuts that increase the volume in the top of the hairstyle, a visually pulling face.

Mila Kunis and Natasha Queen

Mila Kunis and Natasha Queen, as the owner of a similar type of face and appearance, choose long hair and graduated haircut with obliquely elongated bangs. Laying with soft curls favorably emphasizes the actual staining with correcting faces with light strands.

Christmas tree

Pay attention to the singer Christmas tree. In order to make an image original and adjust the shape of the face, it always chooses bulk high hairstyles.

Kirsten Dunst and Pelagia

And Pelagia, and Kirsten Dunst choose an extended square or a haircut in the shape of a square with a length to shoulders (not shorter!) And a soft oblique bang, which visually makes the sowing faces more correct.

Michelle Williams

Michelle Williams chooses a short haircut. Pay attention to the soft shape of this haircut with a climb on the top and elongated thick bangs, which makes the oval faces more correct.

Miley Cyrus

Another short haircut version demonstrates us Miley Cyrus. Very short hair in the side zones above the ears and the maximum hair volume in the dark zone (in the bang zone), laid on behalf, as well as the actual staining with the darkening of the roots and brighter tips make it possible to achieve the ideal correction of the facial oval.

Katya Lel

Katya Lel chooses a short asymmetric haircut with a minimum volume of hair above the ears and the maximum volume on the top of the top, as well as a sufficiently long asymmetric oblique bang.

So, what haircut can you offer your stylist to adjust the face form? It depends on what length of your hair you prefer.

  • For long hair, graded haircuts are suitable, which increase the volume in the top of the hair, with the sample side and obliquely elongated bangs.
  • Holders of medium length should pay attention to the elongated shape of a classic car with a massive carrier shearing line, sampling of the side and elongated soft oblique bangs.
  • Fans of short haircuts we advise not to regret the length in the side and occipital zones. Make them the most short with the maximum volume in the dark and the painshore area. A good strip accent is a long asymmetric bang.


Woman's hair is the subject of her pride. Haircut and color determine the character of a woman and can tell a lot about it. So, the owners of short strands are characterized by energetic and appreciate the practical side of the hairstyle. Active women of all ages often choose short bob. It is a unique hairstyle in its kind remains one of the most beloved women since the 20s of the last century. Despite all the simplicity of the haircut and its simpleness, the hair can be laid completely differently. This version of the haircut can be classic and strict or bright, stylish and hooligan.

Bob with bangs

Haircuts without bangs are great suitable for girls with an elongated forehead. Hair gently frame face and give the image tenderness and femininity. Short hairstyle is relevant for any age. It looks great on small girls, girls and women. Bob Kare without bangs is the optimal hairstyle for brief hair amateurs. Laying takes no more than 10 minutes. Beautiful sexes will appreciate all versatility and hairstyle. Do not need a lot of time in the morning to lay your hair. They do not need to curl enough drying with a hairdryer using garbage brush.

Haircut, like Kati Lel. Who will fit?

The owners of thick lamps are perfectly suitable shortbob. If the hair is medium density, then it is better to perform an asymmetrical haircut version. At the same time, it is also better to make oblique bangs side. Bright example - Kati Lel's haircut.

Hairstyle gives hair volume. The multi-layer cutting option looks great on curly hair. To create a truly beautiful and attractive image, it is better to clarify all moments in stylists or experienced hairdressers. The technique of performing asymmetric and multi-layer haircuts is quite complicated.

Haircut with bangs

Relevance does not lose short bob with bangs. Execution technique suggests a smooth slice, direct probor and bangs. The hairstyle is suitable for hair straight and thick. The image of a haircut bob with bangs can try on women of all ages.

The highlight of the haircut gives bangs. It can be smooth, suitable for those who want to emphasize natural beauty. The oblique bangs visually simulates faces and distract attention from high forehead or an elongated nose.

Bang with rugs is ideal for owner of rare light hair. In this way, you can visually increase the volume hairstyles and hide the angularity of the cheekbone.

In order for the laying does not break throughout the day, it is important to use special mousses and sprays. Wavy hair is particularly carefully necessary to process, as they tend to get out of hairstyles.