Is it true that all women are bisexual by nature? Female bisexuality - exotic or norm

The further the work done this year is removed, the more satisfied I am with it. There is only the question of bisexuality. In everything that concerns you, you are absolutely right. I tend to view every sexual act as an event involving four people. There is something to discuss about this issue.
Freud's letter to Fliess, August 1, 1899

In the last chapter of Analysis of the Finite and Infinite (1937), a text which we can now regard as testamentary and which raises the question of interference with the analytic process as well as the question of healing by analysis, Freud comes close to the difficulties he encounters. an analyst in treatment, in the face of resistance factors, which for women is "penis envy" and for men "resistance of a passive or feminine attitude."

In other terms, the problem raised by Freud is the problem of the capacity and degree of psychic internalization of femininity and feminine position in both sexes.
Ferenczi's demand ten years earlier stated that these two complexes must be overcome if the analysis is to be successful. Freud objects, saying that in this case Ferenczi seems to him especially "ambitious". Drawing on his own experience, he writes: “At no point in analytic work do they suffer more from the oppressive weight of repetitive efforts, from the suspicion that you are “training the fish,” than when they want to convince a woman to give up an unrealizable desire to have a penis, or when they want to convince a man that a passive attitude towards a man does not always mean castration and that it is necessary in many life situations.

Thus, Freud poses the problem of the bisexuality of the psychic organization and its leading role in the analytic process as one of the key ones in relation to the fate of analysis. Hence the "fate" of the rejection of femininity, i.e., its denial and the elaboration of this denial as one of the goals of analytic treatment. “It is rather difficult to say where and how we will be able to overcome this factor. We take comfort in the knowledge that we have used every possible "instigation" in our analysis in order to work through and change our position on these factors."

Psychoanalytic Treatment and Psychic Bisexuality

It is necessary to define the analytic space as a privileged place which allows the development of transference neurosis. An analytic space described as a place in which the process dynamics revolves around the meeting of two psychic spaces: on the one hand, the psychic space of the patient unfolding in the transference, according to the classical notions in transference neurosis, and, on the other hand, the psychic space of the analyst, organized in response as countertransference, the effect of resistance in response to the unfolding of the patient's transference. The affects that appear in the transference neurosis, like the countertransference affects, though different in their dynamics and mode of expression, contribute to the organization of the analytic space.

Countertransference is broadly defined in classical approaches as the totality of affects experienced by the analyst in his work with the patient's transference. Applied to the analytic situation itself, countertransference has a very important use in the analyst's elaboration and interpretation. In the course of therapy, there is an ongoing analysis of the patient's resistances associated with the most "tenacious" and most obvious, due to their recurring nature in the patient's history, transference reactions, as well as an analysis of the defense mechanisms that manifest themselves due to transference neurosis. All these effects of resistance, both patient and analyst, "resistances against", associated with the respective affects, form the "engine" of the analytic process. The oedipal complex that initially structures the psyche is the central axis of analytic treatment. It is he who structures the mental conflict associated in all subjects with the sphere of needs, with drives and identifications.

The energy source that feeds the processes of individuation is at the heart of the symbolic organization of the castration complex, translating everything into a repetitive conflict associated with gender and generational differences. The expression of the circulation of drives and anxieties, appearing at various levels of mental organization, covers the totality of numerous identification positions and is associated with the processing of mental bisexuality. Always paired - positive and inverted - the Oedipus complex leads to a double identification, male and female. Driven by the castration complex, these two identifications are not equal in strength, one of them dominates, more or less hiding the other. Let us turn in this connection to what Freud wrote in I and It in 1923: “The outcome of the oedipal situation in identification with father or mother seems, in both sexes, to depend on the strength of the relationship with both sexual predispositions. This is one of the ways in which bisexuality interferes with the fate of the Oedipus complex. A deeper study reveals the oedipal complex in its most complete form, in which the pairing of positive and negative depends on the child's own bisexuality. The point is that the boy has not only an ambivalent position in relation to his father, and the choice of an object falls on the mother, but also behaves like a girl, showing a feminine position in relation to her father and a position of hostility-jealousy against her mother.

The Oedipus complex, which manifests itself throughout life in various modifications of psychosexual functioning, does not cease to be discussed and worked out in analytic treatment. The early identifications with objects (external and internal) as well as the conflicts of identification associated with the unfolding of Oedipus, in their dual role of positive and inverted, in the transference necessarily create a polar psychic sexuality that manifests itself in the treatment.


    Keep your confidence. If you show insecurity about your orientation, people may think that being bisexual is just a temporary stage in your life and that you are not really sure who you really are. If you beat around the bush, people will decide that you are ashamed, and this may lead your loved ones to think that you cannot decide and that you need their help. But no one can change if doesn't want this. If you are completely confident in your orientation, it will be easier for people to accept it.

    Think about who you want to tell first. As a general rule, it's easiest to tell someone you have confidence in and who will support you, such as a close friend or girlfriend. Supporting such a person will relieve your insecurities and make it easier to accept the need to tell others about it.

    Decide whether to tell your parents about it now. If you are completely dependent on your parents and are not sure that they will take your news well, postpone it until you become more independent.

    Remember that not all people clearly understand what it means to be bisexual. Some may think that you just want to attract attention, others that you are homosexual, but refuse to admit it. Answer all statements that you are attracted to the personality of the person, and not his gender. Do not allow dual interpretations of who or what you are, what you want to say and why you are explaining it.

    Don't be nervous and be rational. Be confident in what you say and explain that it is just a part of you and that being in harmony with yourself brings you joy.

  1. Be proud of who you are. You shouldn't be ashamed of your sexual orientation - it's just one small part of what makes up your personality.

    • If people allow themselves incorrect statements, do not let them confuse or upset you. Ask why they feel this way and explain that you value their opinion, but that you are perfectly comfortable being who you are. People capable of boorish comments most often speak without thinking.
    • In your circle of friends, try to present your bisexuality as something that should not be given much attention. Some are helped by jokes on themselves and their peculiarity. However, do not get carried away with humor, because your friends may think that you are telling this for the sake of laughter. Keep a certain amount of seriousness - so you can explain to your friends that this is not a weak point, and it really will be.
    • Try to draw as little attention to this feature of your personality as possible. If you treat your bisexuality as something normal and ordinary, people around you will have less reason to return to this topic. Be open about the fact that you are not embarrassed by your sexual orientation.
    • Don't stress that you are not homosexual. It only reinforces the feeling that you are hiding something. Better talk about how now that you've realized your bisexuality, you feel much better and more confident in yourself; that you do not know with whom you will have a serious relationship, but whoever this person is, you are glad that you understand yourself well and that you are open to everything.
    • Don't worry if you realize you misunderstood your sexuality in the past. If you've been gay before, you can say that you now know that you're attracted to people of both sexes. This will help people understand why you are talking about your sexuality. again.
    • Smile. This will give you confidence and will help you avoid unnecessary tension. Thanks to this, your friends will believe that there is nothing strange or wrong in your peculiarity, and they will treat you the same way.
    • Take a couple of deep breaths and tell everything clearly and without hesitation. It's better than mumbling and trying to hush up the conversation. Look at it from the other side: is it really a problem that you have heterosexual friends?
    • If you can joke, then do it! So your friends will more easily perceive your news and be able to fully accept it.
    • If someone mentions your sexual orientation in a conversation, respond calmly and without aggression. Otherwise, people will think that you are ashamed of yourself.
    • In conversations, present bisexuality as just one of the ordinary facts of your biography. You can use phrases like this: "I will express my opinion from the point of view of a 32-year-old bisexual man. I believe that ...". This will divert attention from your orientation and move the conversation to another topic.


    • Some of your friends may get scared and think that you see them as a sex object. Explain that friends are friends, and that the fact that you are attracted to people of the same sex does not mean that you are attracted to all members of that sex, just as heterosexuality does not mean that you are attracted to all members of the opposite sex.
    • Not all people will be ready to accept your orientation. There will be those who will treat you with prejudice, but do not let them stop you in your intentions. What others think matters much less than your own feelings and thoughts.

Bisexuality can be defined both in a narrow sense of the word and in a broad one. In a narrow sense, bisexuality is an erotic, emotional, sexual attraction to both the same sex and the opposite sex. Bisexuality is like a double sexuality. At the same time, bisexuality does not mean at all that sexual attraction to individuals of one's own sex and to those who belong to the opposite sex is equally divided into two parts. And it is not necessary that an individual experiences such attraction with bisexuality at the same time to both. Bisexuality simply means that a person's degree of sexual acceptability is such that they can have sex with both their own sex and people of the opposite sex.

There is also a broader understanding of bisexuality. In this case, bisexuality is interpreted as a certain phenomenon of human sexuality, which includes as components such concepts as bisexual orientation, bisexual identity and bisexual behavior.

What is bisexual orientation? Bisexual orientation is an orientation in which a person is sexually attracted to both a person of the same sex to whom he himself belongs, and to a person of the opposite sex.

Bisexual identity implies that a person identifies with persons of a bisexual orientation. That is, with those who accept sexual contact with both women and men.

Bisexual behavior is sexual behavior that is characteristic of a person with a bisexual orientation. That is, ready for sexual intercourse with men and women, regardless of what gender he himself belongs to. Thus, male bisexuality suggests that a man's behavior will be directed towards seeking sexual contact with women and men. Accordingly, female bisexuality will be reflected in a woman's sexual behavior in the sense that she will seek sexual ties with both men and women.

A person who is bisexual and exhibits bisexual behavior is called bisexual. In English, bisexual can refer to both a man and a woman. In Russian, a man is called bisexual, and a woman is called bisexual. In everyday life, in simple communication, the abbreviation "bi" is used to refer to supporters of bisexuality.

Bisexuality is one of the three main types of human sexuality. The other two are heterosexuality and homosexuality.

Bisexuality of a person is reflected in his sexual life. It is clear that due to the increased threshold of admissibility, the sexual experience of those who are adherents of bisexuality is more diverse than that of supporters of heterosexual and homosexual contacts. However, bisexuality does not dominate among the types of human sexuality. She remains one of them. Including.

Many people are interested in the psychology of bisexuality. What are the causes of bisexuality. And can you name the signs of bisexuality. The authors disagree on these issues. Some people consider the trend of the times to be the reasons for bisexuality. In the 70s of the last century, bisexuality, they say, became a fashionable phenomenon. Many considered bisexuality as a special chic in sex. Other researchers see the causes of bisexuality in the satiety of society, and bisexuality itself is attributed to a phenomenon that appeared as a result of the search for new erotic sensations. Finally, there are specialists who are looking for the causes of bisexuality in the human psyche, in a genetic predisposition, and so on. What about signs of bisexuality? They can obviously be noticed if you carefully observe a person. His bisexuality will show up in his behavior. In the interest that men and women will arouse in him as possible sexual partners.

This topic is inspired by the latest show business news that I watched. It seems to me that heterosexual couples will soon be pointed with the finger and, as a result, they will be listed in the red book. Everyone lives with everyone, however, statistics stubbornly states that the number of homosexual couples in the world at all times remains constant: eight to ten percent.

Female bisexuality? Have you heard? Do you know? Tried? Not? “Then you are behind the times!” Well, it's true: literally, every lady who has experience of intimate communication with a woman strives to boast to her boyfriend about it. And the more she relishes the details in her story, the better. Men are very turned on!

Almost all of us are a little "bi"

The most famous psychologists in the world are simply convinced of this statement. After birth, the mother is the first and for a long time the only source of pleasure for the child. She feeds, caresses, bathes, kisses. And no matter how much you say that the theory is close to absurdity, there is still truth in this.

And some scientists are completely sure that after some time the population of the earth will generally be of the same sex and much happier than now. Well, that's right! How many problems will disappear! No suffering, worries and intrigues!

Causes of bisexuality

There are several prerequisites for loving both boys and girls:

1. I tried and did not remain indifferent. As a rule, this happens by chance after intimate gatherings with a bottle of wine.

2. I am not worse than others. A woman is designed in such a way that she needs everything that her friends have, what is captured on Instagram and what the media talks about and writes about. If they write about it, then there is nothing wrong with it - she decides and at the first opportunity she gives herself to same-sex caresses with her friend.

3. A woman needs more emotions than a man can give her. Hence the signs of bisexuality, as well as the reluctance to give up not from same-sex relationships, nor from male caresses.

Much has been written about the causes of female bisexuality. But the essence remains the same. This is the desire to experiment, and the abundance of feminist movements, and what to hide, the lack of men. It is interesting that most of the fair sex, up to a certain point, are not even aware of a tendency to bisexuality. But being at a certain hour under favorable circumstances, a girl can feel such a thrill that she will make bisexuality her way of life.

How do you become bisexual?

Of all the types of orientation, it is bisexuality that they try to keep secret, so they are not visible in the crowd, while homosexual couples have long united in movements and communities. It would be foolish to believe that they are born with it. Moreover, if this is acceptable for a completely non-traditional orientation, then bisexuality appears with the acquisition of experience and is formed due to the characteristics of each person. At one time, the appearance of bisexuality was conditionally divided into stages:

First confusion;

Internal search for an explanation of what is happening;


Uncertainty that can go on for quite some time.

Now, if there was such a community or movement, the last point could have been avoided. Often, uncertainty can even develop into biphobia.

If you suddenly have a question: to try or not, I will say for myself that I would most likely decide. After all, having been on the “other side of the barricades”, first of all, I will be able to understand my man more, and, in part, myself too. Love each other, create and experiment!

Today, when non-traditional sexual orientation is considered the norm in many countries, some people justify the emergence of homosexual and bisexual relationships. Even many experts are convinced that a woman's nature is bisexual by nature, so this behavior is not something unique or wrong. However, most people still think female bisexuality abnormal. But still, if it exists, you need to try to understand the reasons for its occurrence.

What female bisexuality

There is a clear definition of bisexual individuals. These are people who are sexually attracted to both the opposite sex and their own sex. At the same time, it is not uncommon for women who have had serious relationships with men to suddenly leave them and start an affair with a female partner. This behavior is considered by many to be non-standard and biologically unsound. After all, such a couple cannot continue the race.

In nature, among animals and birds, manifestations bisexuality extremely rare. Females of some biological species (penguins, gulls) form temporary unions, but only in the absence of males. When representatives of the opposite sex appear, everything immediately falls into place, the unions of females break up forever.

Causes of non-standard behavior in people

Previously, when representatives of sexual minorities were persecuted, and the public and the church condemned such behavior, it was impossible to even approximately determine the existing percentage of bisexual women. They carefully concealed their inclinations. Today, statistics show that the percentage of bisexual women is at least 20, and according to some sources, it reaches up to 30%. And their number is steadily growing.

What is the reason for the growth bisexuality? There are many opinions. Some talk about the special genetic disposition of women who have both female and male sex chromosomes. From this it is concluded that all women should be equally bisexual. However, this is not the case.

Another cause of bisexuality is the relationship between girls in childhood. Often the relationship of girlfriends is very reminiscent of a romantic relationship, and if it lasts long enough, it can become a reason for non-traditional orientation. However, all girls have girlfriends in childhood, but not all of them become bisexual.

Studies have shown that the most bisexuality It manifests itself precisely in those women who communicated with already determined bisexual women. And this is not always the case either. Such behavior appears in those who have fallen under unconventional influence. How can communication affect the formation of sexual desire? To understand this, you need to listen to the opinion of a psychologist.

What do psychologists think

Psychologists also have different opinions on this matter. Let's not listen to the opinion of those who believe that women are divided into established bisexual women and those whose unconventional inclinations have not yet manifested themselves. There are also more interesting opinions. For example, some experts believe that libido consists of two components: an unconditioned and a conditioned reflex. In this case, the conditioned reflex is established in the presence of certain external factors and can, in some cases, suppress the unconditioned one.

So, if a girl grows up on a desert island without contact with people, then, turning into a woman, she will experience sexual attraction only to men. But that usually doesn't happen. And if she is in contact with different people, then their authority has a great influence on her. And if she is timid by nature, then, looking at confident and liberated bisexual women, she can very easily fall under the influence and adopt their behavior.