Etiquette Rules: What are the norms of behavior in society. Important River Liquid Etiquette Rules for Girl

Respect each other and respect again! This is what we learn all your life. To be brought up - it means not to cause inconvenience to other people, no one touch your comments and look worthily in any situation.

Rules of etiquette in society

Gross violations

1. You're improperly applaud

It is necessary to clap your hands at the chest level. Never applaud in front of your face and all the more in the face of another person.

2. You are in the car not gracefully

At first sitting on the seat and only then gracefully place the legs into the salon. It looks more aesthetically from the side and will help you avoid a painful and ridiculous head of your head about the door opening of the car. If shoes in the snow, definition of it, before sitting down in the salon.

3. You are confused by strangers

Do not closely look at other people, it is a movietone. Moreover, it is not worth discussing the appearance of strangers with a friend, even if the outfit is really screaming.

4. You smear the oil or jam from the common plate

The sequence of actions is this: First, the transfer is a little oil or jam on its plate. Then smearing the sandwich! That's all. Why is it considered more acceptable and correct? Because the crumbs do not fall into the common plate!

5. You do not care about those who sits near the table

Polite people do not want to twitch someone during a feast, and there are very shy. Show the initiative and pass the solonka or the first list! Similarly, the first to pass other dishes, politely asking whether they wanted to task her neighbor.

6. You do not follow posture

Surely you did not think about it, but to look at a person hung over a plate at the table, always unpleasant. Keep your back straight in any situation and trait yourself to follow it! The posture, it turns out, tells people about many ...

7. You drink to the toast spent in your honor

Do not drink a glass after the words spoken in your honor! Instead, make a gesture of gratitude towards one who spoke toast, thus showing respect and appreciation. Few people know about that!

8. You are notacharted with napkins

After making food, you should not wipe the lips with a napkin: you just need to get a mouth with it. Already used paper napkins can be slightly crushed, but in no case hitch! Rules of etiquette at the table Decorate a feast, making it relaxed, help to avoid embarrasses.

9. You will return empty plates

If you treat you and gave a dish in a plate, it is considered impolite to return it empty. Put there cookies, handful of sweets, nuts - all as a sign of gratitude for the treat.

10. You start to eat the owner of the table

The rules of good etiquette say that you need to respect the chapter of the family and at home. Wait until the owner begins to be the first. That's all wisdom!

11. You cough in my right hand

If you are unhealthy or choked, there may be a desire to flip off. You can not use the right hand to cover your mouth, you need to do it exclusively with your left hand.

12. You do not support visual contact during a toast

When you touch your glass of the interlocutor's glade, you need to meet with him, expressing my openness and sincerity! Distill a view to the side - bad tone.

13. You show your finger to the subject of interest.

Pointing your finger - the last thing. It is much better to make a gesture open palm aside to which you want to attract the attention of the interlocutor.

14. You are not taking enough

If you walk together with someone on the street and your satellite greets with a person passing by a person, say hello. In this case, silent - it means to seem like an impolite and repulsive type.

15. You Wear a bag on the right shoulder

According to the rules of etiquette, the bag must be worn on the left shoulder, not on the right. The thing is that the right hand is "social", which is why it can not be covered when you cough. Even if you are a woman and do not make hands, right hand is considered contact.

16. You leave a smartphone on a table in a public place

Of course, this disrespect! It is especially unpleasant to those with whom nearby you are at a table in a cafe or at the dining table. It shows how significant the gadget is for you and how little interests you are what is happening around.

Some rules of etiquette turn out to be discovered even for people at might! I will be infinitely glad if this information is useful to you.

The modern rules of etiquette practically do not differ from the rules of etiquette of the past centuries. Some adjustments made a tempo and method of modern life.

Of the general rules, you can allocate ten most relevant and necessary for compliance with a decent person.

The first rule of etiquette: polite attitude

As the first rule, you can highlight a polite attitude towards others. Familiar, the most native and close or completely strangers. And it does not matter exactly where a person is: in the store, public transport, on the street, at work, at home. Always and everywhere you need to be able to politely turn to others.

The second ethiquette rule: greeting

The second rule states that the premises entering the room first. Whoever would be: Head, Academician, President, Simple Passers, Child. Words of greetings should sound from the incoming.

It should be noted that if the satellite greets with an unfamiliar man, a couple worth saying the words of greetings.

Third Ethiquette Rule: Gratitude

People often forget to say the words of gratitude to the most native, close and friends. Perceiving all what is happening as due. After all, their concern and love is not forced, but from a pure heart. The third rule of modern etiquette is the word thanks.

Fourth Ethiquette Rule: Decent Behavior in Public Places

Being in public places it is impossible to laugh very loudly. Scream and condemn other people, while poke your finger.

Fifth etiquette rule: for drivers

Very often, drivers forget about the rules of decent behavior on the road. It is impossible to rush through the puddles and dirt, spraying pedestrians. Do pronounced, please.

Sixth Ethiquette Rule: Clean and Fashion

Being in public places, and at home, a person must follow personal hygiene. Dress in clean tidy things. Show clean shoes. And you should not blindly monitor the fashion. It is better to dress not only fashionable, but beautiful and tidy.

Seventh Ethiquette Rule: Unexpected Guests

It is impossible to go to visit without invitation. Be sure to prevent in advance about your visit.

Eighth Ethiquette Rule: Smartphone and SMS SMS

Being visiting, at a meeting, in a cafe or restaurant in no case should you keep your smartphone on the table. This is a manifestation of complete disrespect for the interlocutor. And, it means that virtual communication is more important than living.

Running in someone else's phone or pockets in order to read SMS or a simple correspondence is extremely impolite and ugly towards a person. This rule concerns parents towards children, so spouses.

Ninth etiquette rule: answer to insult

Now all has a lot of problems and worries. People are trying to throw away their whole malice and hate on others. Having met rudeness and insult you just need to smile and move away, leaving the offender with all its angrily. Do not cost to go down to raising the voice and insults in response.

Tenth etiquette rule: habit to knock on a closed door

Parents, as soon as the baby becomes to live in a separate room, you need to work out the habit of knocking, before entering the nursery. Then the children will knock on the door of the parents' bedroom.

This is not the entire list of the rules of modern etiquette, but adhering to at least these ten, a person can win universal respect. And with dignity to be called a cultural and educated member of society.

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"Etiquette is the ability to yawn with a closed mouth." Brick Barddo

At the moment, there are quite a few stories on the network on the topic of good actions of strangers, it became especially popular to grandmothers to translate across the road.

Many admire this, lay out the video on the Internet and receive many enthusiastic comments. That is, a modern average person this behavior is surprising. But this should do every educated person, it should be a normal, usual behavior that does not require ovations. There are rules, adhering to whose society will reach harmony in communication and relationships. This is etiquette. Observing the etiquette is difficult to quarrel, arrange a scandal or offend someone. To develop friendly relationships, you just need to wish to people of good. To do as I would like to come with you. Knowledge of the etiquette is useful if you like to impress the surrounding. This can be achieved by its appearance, speech culture, the ability to behave in various situations. Compliance with etiquette will also help to avoid stupid situations when you want to like, for example, the boss or relatives of the second half.

The word "etiquette" appeared in France, during the time of Louis 14. Once on the next magnificent reception at the courts, all the label cards were distributed, the rules of behavior that guests had to be observed on them. So the concept of "etiquette" appeared - good manners, skill behave in society.
There are several types of etiquette:

  • Court etiquette;
  • Diplomatic etiquette;
  • Military etiquette;
  • General etiquette.

In this article, consider some subspecies of the general etiquette.

How to behave at a meeting / acquaintance

The general rules of the greeting are that the younger always welcome the elders. The man first greets a woman. And if you enter the room where people are already located, regardless of your sex and age, you need to say hello.

Healthy with a woman or with the elderly, a man must be up. A woman should get up for the greeting of the elderly, high-ranking specials, or, if she herself receives guests.

According to the rules of decency, you need an intermediary for acquaintance, better than a common acquaintance, one who will present you to others, or vice versa. If you want to introduce someone, then you need to use such phrases as "allow you to submit to you .." or "Meet it ...". The following should be briefly clarify who you have to have a person, for example, "Meet, this is Vova, my colleague and good comrade." Younger represent the elder, a man - a woman. After you presented someone, you need to turn around and say the etiquette phrase: "very nice" or "happy to meet".

When you first get acquainted, it is customary to tell each other "you". In general, to any person who has reached 12 years old, the etiquette should be addressed to "you". It is also indecent "poke" by sellers, waiters, etc.

Very important nuance - a handshake. Do not shake your hand, outstretched for a handshake, is considered an insult. Always serve your right hand. Healthy hand, a man always gets up. Woman herself determines: Serve hand or not. If you are in gloves, you should remove both gloves, the ladies do not do it. And on the street, gloves can not be removed, but if it did one of the hearing, then the second must follow his example.

Kisses at a meeting are admissible with friends and relatives. A man can greet a woman with a hand kiss.

Visiting and at celebrations

Firstly, it is indecent to visit without an invitation. But if it happened, you warn a telephone call.

If you are a guest, then try not to be late and not come before. Punctuality is very valuable quality. It is also not worth lingering to a visit to late, you need to leave on time, as come.

If you have received an invitation - it is indecent to refuse without a valid reason. But the top of inadmissibility is to agree to an invitation, and then do not come. In this case, it is necessary to explain the cause.

Do not go to visit without a gift or hotel.

Going to visit with children should only be at home where children also have, or if you know for sure that they will be happy.

If you take elegant guests, you should not offer slippers, they will look ridiculous with evening dress or tie.

Take care in advance about how to send guests. The hostess is better to sit so that it is convenient to go out of the table, without interfering with the rest. Going to the guests you need to shoot apron.

<Если у вас один гость, не стоит его оставлять одного, более чем на 3 минуты.

In the restaurant and at the table

The trip to the restaurant implies the evening outfit, but if it turned out spontaneously, it is enough to look decent.

Male should push the lady of the chair and help sit down. Only then sit down himself. At the table you need to stay straight, do not fold your hands on the table.

Usually, the waiters themselves are suitable, seeing that visitors are ready to make an order. But if this did not happen, in no case should you shout to call it, or knock the fork on a glass with the same purpose. You should attract his attention to the nod of the head.

On etiquette, if one menu brought, then the first is ordered by the lady. If you do not understand the serving and do not know what kind of fork there is something or another dish, it is better to start from the far edge, but you can see the furtively, as the rest do it.

The top of indeaches will eat from a common dish or stretching through the table behind the straw or the list. In such a situation, it is necessary to politely ask the sitting next to file what you need.

Forks and spoons, fallen from the table, rise by the waiter. Bottles with alcohol also open a waiter.

Fish and fruit bones can not be sprinkled, you need to use the fork.

If you suddenly called you, you should apologize to the rest and move away. It is indecent to talk to people sitting after another table, even if it is your acquaintances.

On etiquette, the account pays the one who invited the restaurant. If dinner is friendly, then the bill is paid in half. Ugly find out this with a waiter.

Respect others in transport

Most people travel daily by public transport. In order not to spoil yourself the mood and not become a member of the scandal, you need to adhere to some rules. When landing on a bus, trolleybus, etc. You need to allow people to go out, then skip the elderly, pregnant women, disabled. Men should miss all women.

Sitting places are designed for the elderly, people with disabilities and future mothers. A man can only sit if standing next to this category will give their consent, you need to ask quietly: "Are you not against if I taught?"

If you have a big bag or a backpack with yourself, then it is better to remove them from the shoulder to not interfere with the rest.

Spearly talking in the salon is unknown.

If you are going with a friend or girlfriend, and you divided the crowd, you should not make your way through the entire salon, you should wait for your stop.

If you are traveling with your children, then you need to take care that they do not run and not shouting, because they can deliver inconvenience to others.

When leaving the transport, men or those who are younger to provide assistance to those who need to give hand to the woman, the child, help pull the bag, etc.

If you move in the car, you must open the door to the passengers: women and elderly. A man can get into the car as he wants, and for a woman there is an order - first you need to sit on the seat, then throw my legs, go out - in reverse order.

In the theater, at the concert, in the cinema

The theater is customary to walk in the evening outfits. At the concert, the outfit is determined by his subject.

Coming better in advance to have time to take your place. If you are late, and your place is in the middle of a number, then it is necessary to move towards him to sitting to sitting, be sure to apologize for anxiety.

Before the performance, you need to turn off the phone so that the random call does not prevent or spectators or actors. Talk, discuss the performance or film - is prohibited.

If you came with the lady, you do not need to be inclined to each other, so as not to prevent the sitting behind.

During the performance, it is impossible to drink. This is a bad tone. In the cinema it is not prohibited, but the measure must be known to not run into the toilet through the whole range.

If everyone has to fulfill these simple rules, then the campaign in the theater or the movie will only leave good impressions. If, of course, the film itself or the performance do not pump up.

Nuances of communication in social networks and when using mobile phones

It is difficult to submit a modern world without mobile phones and the Internet. Some forms of communication, such as video calls, may well replace personal communication. The more popular the mobile communications and the Internet, the more you need to know rules of etiquette When communicating, not to enjoy tactless.
Basic rules of mobile etiquette:

  • Your ringtone should not insult those who surround you, content or volume;
  • During important meetings, in the theater and movies, switch the phone for silent mode;
  • Turn off the phone on board the aircraft and in medical institutions;
  • In public places, especially in minibuses, you should not make calls, as others most likely do not want to listen to your conversations;
  • Do not touch someone else's phone without permission, there are certainly a lot of personal information, the owner is hardly like, even if this is your friend. It is also not allowed to respond to other people's calls without permission;
  • Do not put your phone on the table in a cafe or restaurant, so your partner can make incorrect conclusions. For example, you expect an urgent call, which is more important for dinner with a partner;
  • Do not be silent during the conversation. If you have nothing to say, then try to finish the conversation or try to support the conversation;
  • If you find an incomprehensible challenge, you need to call back within 1-2 hours;
  • Making a call, know that a decent time of the dialing is 5 beeps, further already perseverance.

As for the Internet, the internet correspondence is divided into business and private. The content of private correspondence is due to the degree of acquaintance. But always need to remember that at the other end the real person, try to be polite and tactful, because your face is your words. In business correspondence, follow some rules:

  • Take care of your own and someone else's time, do not bother, do not spam, do not flood;
  • Specify the topic in emails. So busy person will easier to detect that your letter in the case;
  • Do not stand in business letters to put emoticons. And in general, it is better not to abuse emoticons;
  • Follow the rules of chats and groups in which you communicate;
  • Do not insult the feelings of believers, remember that there are people of other denominations next to you;
  • If you want to have pleasant interlocutors, you need to be so yourself.

As it changes the living conditions of people, growth of education and culture, some rules change. For example, before, a woman could not afford to walk in trousers, and now it is generally accepted. Behavior, invalid in some case, can be appropriate in the other. Everything changes with time, but politeness in fashion is always.

Etiquette, acting by the external manifestation of the inner culture of a person, his morality, pupils, his attitude towards others, manifests itself in a number Simple norms and rules First of all, in ATTENTIONAND respect to other people.

1. One of the main rules of etiquette - Politenessmanifested in many concrete Rules of conduct: In greetings, handling a person, in the ability to remember his name and patronymic, the most important dates of his life. True politeness will certainly Friendly and sincerely. . She is one of the manifestations of a disinterested attitude towards people with whom we have to communicate.

2. other major standards on which the rules of etiquette are based, are Tact and Suitless. These noble human qualities appear in attention, deep respect for whom we communicate, in the desire and ability to understand them, feel what we can deliver pleasure, joy or vice versa, cause irritation, annoyance, offense. Tact - this is:

Respect for another The manifestation, in particular, in the ability to listen to the interlocutor, in the ability to quickly and unmistakably determine his reaction to our statement or act and, if necessary, self-critical, without a false shame, apologize for the mistake of the mistake.

- Modestywhich is incompatible with the desire to show itself better, more consistent, smarter than others, emphasize its superiority, require some privileges, special amenities, services. At the same time, modesty should not appear in excessive timidity and shyness. It should be sufficiently decisive and active in critical circumstances, with defending his opinions. But to prove something thin and tactfully, so that the person does not feel pressure.

Delicacy, Which will tell you how to approach the person to not insult, not to offend him, not touch the sick place, but on the contrary, try to help him bring out of a predicament. Delicacy should not be excessive, annoying, lead to flattery.

Knowing of limits The ability to feel the border to be observed in the conversation and for which our words and deeds can cause a person undeserved abyss, grief, pain.

3. Opposite tacty Tactlessness.

Tactless in conversation:

- without reason to abandon the discussion of the topic proposed;

- talk conversations that may cause severe memories among those present, it is unpleasant to hurt them;

- allow inappropriate jokes, to tear on those present, gossip about missing;

- spread loud in public places and transport about purely personal, intimate affairs - their own and strangers;

- whisper on the ear, etc.

Tactless In behavior:

- entering transport, stop at the door, without thinking about other passengers;

- to borrow or your luggage at once several places in transport;

- sit in transport, "not noticing" women standing in front of you and older people;

- Do not leave at the Escalator Metro Personost to those in a hurry (you should always stand right);

- to be always all dissatisfied, grief, all condemn, constantly make complaints;

- to behave in their own apartment, bringing concern to the neighbors: clap doors, noise at the later time, etc.;

It is configured to show idle curiosity:

- intently look at the person, show it or whisper about him;

- look into the windows of other people's apartments;

- To break out other people's secrets.

Tactless inability to own itself, in particular:

- to act and speak in a state of anger or passion - afterwards you can regret it at this;

- too frankly show their sympathies and antipathy;

- To go too far in the expression of your courtesy and friendliness so that they do not turn into annoyance.

Just "to learn the tact" can not - it is purchased not only under the influence of the environment and education, but also due to the character and desire of the person himself. However, it is definitely possible to develop it.

In the modern world, not to know the rules of etiquette - it means to go against society, putting yourself in the best way.

We present you a selection of relevant rules today, which each self-respecting and other person should know:
1. Never come to visit no call
If you were visited without warning, you can afford to be in a bathrobe and curlers. One British lady said that with the appearance of uninvited guests, she always puts on shoes, a hat and the umbrella takes. If a person is pleasant to her, she will exclaim: "Oh, as well, I just came!". If unpleasant: "Oh, what pity, I have to leave."

2. The umbrella never dries in the disclosed state - in no office, nor away
It must be folded and put in a special stand or hang.

3. Bag can not be put on your knees or on your chair
A small elegant clutch handbag can be put on the table, a bulk bag hang on the back of the chair or put on the floor, if there is no highchair (such is often served in restaurants). The portfolio put on the floor.

4. Cellofan packages are permissible only on returning from the supermarket
As well as paper branded packages from boutiques. To carry them later with you as a bag - job.

5. A man never carries a female bag
And he takes the female coat only to convey to the locker room.

6. GOODS - these are pants and sweater, comfortable, but having a decent view
The bathrobe and pajamas are designed to reach the bathroom in the morning, and in the evening - from the bathroom to the bedroom.

7. From the moment the child settles in a separate room, passion, entering it
Then he will come in the same way before entering your bedroom.

8. Woman may not remove the hat and gloves in the room, but not a hat and mittens

9. The total number of jewelry on the international protocol should not exceed 13 items
Moreover, jewelry buttons are included here. On top of the gloves do not wear a ring, but the bracelet is permitted. The darker on the street, the more expensive decorations. Diamonds used to be considered an ornament for the evening and married ladies, but lately it became permissible to wear diamonds and day. On a young girl earrings-carnation with a diamond about 0.25 carats are quite appropriate.

10. Rules for payment of the order in the restaurant
If you say the phrase "I invite you," it means you pay. If a woman invites a business partner to a restaurant, she pays. Another wording: "And let's go to the restaurant," in this case everyone pays for itself, and only if the man himself suggests paying for a woman, she can agree.

11. A man is always the first to enter the elevator, but it turns out the first one who is closer to the door

12. In the car, the most prestigious is the place behind the driver
It takes his woman, a man sits down next to her, and when he comes out of the car, he holds the door and gives a lady hand. If a man is driving, a woman is also preferable to take place behind his back. However, wherever a woman is sitting, a man must open the door in front of it and help get out.
In business etiquette lately, men are increasingly violating this rate, using the motto of feminists: "There are no women and men in business."

13. Talk to all that you sit on a diet - bad tone
Especially impossible under this pretext to abandon the dishes proposed by the hospitable hostess. Be sure to praise her culinary talents, while you can not eat anything. Also should also come with alcohol. Do not tell everyone why you can not drink. Ask white dry wine and slightly vigate.

14. Topics Tabu for the secular conversation: politics, religion, health, money
Inappropriate question: "God, what dress! How much did you pay? " How to react? Milly smile: "This is a gift!". Translate the conversation to another topic. If the interlocutor insists, gently tell me: "I would not want to talk about it."

15. To each person who has reached 12 years, it should be applied to "you"
Disgusting to hear when people say "you" waiters or chauffs. Even to those people with whom you are familiar, in the office it is better to contact "you", on "you" - only alone. Exception - If you are peers or close friends. How to react if the interlocutor stubbornly "pokes" to you? First ask: "Sorry, do you contact me?" Incidentally, a neutral shrug: "Sorry, but we did not go to" you ".

16. To discuss missing, that is, simply gossip, unacceptably
It is imbusably talking bad about loved ones, in particular to discuss husbands, as we have accepted. If the husband is bad - why are you not encouraged with him? And just also in disabilities with contempt, with a grimace, talking about the native country. "In this country, all the bil ..." - in this case, you also treat this category of people.

17. Having come to the cinema, the theater, to the concert to go to its places should only face the sitting
The first is a man.

18. Nine things should be kept secret:
Age, wealth, gap in the house, prayer, the composition of the medicine, love tie, gift, honor and disgrace.