Project on the topic: “The development of creativity of preschoolers through the application of fabric. Abstract on the discipline "Technology" on the topic: "Fabric appliqué - one of the types of embroidery Creative project fabric appliqué

Project duration: October 2014 to May 2015 (long-term).

Project type: Creative.

Project participants: educator, children of the middle group, parents.

Children's age: 4-5 years.

Folk arts and crafts is an inexhaustible source of joy, creativity and inspiration.

In my search for artistic and aesthetic ideas, I turned to patchwork appliqué. This type of decorative art is not deservedly forgotten by teachers, meanwhile, it contains the richest opportunities for the formation of a sense of beauty in preschool children. The very name "Merry Patch" already contains the idea of ​​introducing the child into the world of creativity and fantasy.

Patchwork products are as popular today as they were many years ago. The design and manufacture of such products is both useful and enjoyable. Some traditional product patterns have been going on for hundreds of years, continuing their life and forming the basis of new interpretations. These bright and pleasing to the eye and soul products are emotionally close and understandable to children, creating favorable conditions for the formation of creative abilities.

A kind of patchwork appliqué, its difference from patchwork is that the details are not sewn together and are glued to the base or background. In all other aspects, such as the selection of fabric by color, the nature of the pattern (fabrics with a small pattern look more expressive in such works), the properties of the material (fabric from chintz and calico is most preferable in work), the application is similar to patchwork.

The proposed theme of applique classes serves as a preparatory stage for patchwork. In these classes, children get acquainted with the properties of fabric, learn to distinguish between geometric shapes, colors, establish the ratio of parts in size and combine parts into a whole, orient in the pattern system and in the space of the plot composition. Every child practically learns the concept of rhythm, symmetry, harmony.

From the simplest shapes - triangles, squares, stripes - it makes up many compositions of a pattern that are different in construction. By combining different figures, applications depicting insects, birds, and animals are created. The child purposefully develops a sense of color, the ability to combine, using a variety of fabric colors. At the first lesson, color relationships are divided into dark and light, then into smooth and contrasting, warm and cold.

Target: introduce children to the world of fantasy, fiction, creativity, using the rich possibilities of patchwork appliqué.

When performing work, it is necessary to teach children not to copy ready-made samples, but, if possible, to work creatively: to supplement something, change in color, size.

At the first stage of the project to create compositions, the tasks are:

To interest children in this direction of folk arts and crafts;

To teach children the skills to work with patterns of geometric shapes, elements of plant and animal figures, as well as architectural structures;

To form the initial skills of patchwork appliqué.

Tasks of the second stage:

To teach children to create sketches of future plot compositions on their own;

Develop creative imagination using the rich possibilities of patchwork appliqué.

In the course of work, the following rules are fixed with children:

Transfer the drawing only to the original side so that the front always remains clean;

Scissors are best used with rounded ends and developed levers; scissors should not be too long;

When working with scissors, do not swing, do not play with them, because this is a cutting object and you need to handle them carefully;

Starting to stick, you need to put the part on a special oilcloth, with the original side up;

Pick up a small amount of glue on the brush, apply a thin layer of glue to the entire part, paying attention to ensure that the edges are well lubricated;

On individual parts that create a semi-volume, apply glue only on certain parts, more often on the edges of the part, bend the remaining parts slightly or raise them above the surface of the work;

Apply the part smeared with glue to the points planned in advance, smooth it slightly, then cover the part with a napkin and rub it against the background, holding it tightly;

It is more convenient to stick a smaller one on a large part, while keeping the front side clean;

After finishing work, it is better to put a planar application on a flat surface, close it with clean paper and press it with a load. After a while, remove the load. The application is ready.

Along with the performance of individual work, great attention must be paid to collective work, the overall result of which is always richer in content and more colorful in color than individually performed work. The simplest and most frequently used form of collective work is that each child performs the task assigned to him individually, and then all the parts are combined into a single composition. Another form of interaction is the compilation by several subgroups of a common composition from separately executed parts. The value of collective work lies in the fact that they unite children, since everyone is offered one topic, a common goal, and children are interested in a common result, moreover, they are equal performers of one work.

The possibilities of patchwork appliqués are inexhaustible, they contain elements of planar design, the basics of color science, which contribute to the formation of artistic taste, a sense of beauty.

Fabric appliqué materials

Textile. For work, chintz fabric (coarse calico) is used, thickly starched, soaked in glue or glued to tracing paper (fabric prepared in this way is best suited for working with children using the textile collage technique). Tracing paper, cut into pieces of a certain size, is thickly covered with PVA glue, allowed to dry, and then a piece of fabric is placed on top and smoothed with a hot iron. Tracing paper and fabric should stick to each other. The fabric prepared in this way can be cut well with scissors, the glue does not leave stains on the front side, and it is easy to trace patterns on the original side (on the side of the tracing paper). If the fabric has peeled off the tracing paper, it is smoothed with an iron.

The basis. As a basis for the work, a patch of plain fabric or fabric in a small pattern can serve, and also as a basis, you can use a flap of canvas or burlap.

Glue. Glue quality matters a lot. The best and most convenient glue for work is PVA glue. If it thickens, then it should be diluted with cold water to the concentration of liquid sour cream.

Scissors. The blades of the scissors should move apart freely, the tightly opening scissors rub the fingers, and the loosely fixed scissors wrinkle the fabric during cutting, a fringe appears at the cut site.

Sample. When performing work in the technique of textile collage, templates are used. For their manufacture, thick cardboard is used. When tracing the template, the pencil lead is pressed tightly against its edge.

Pencil. For work, medium soft pencils "TM", "M", "2M" are used. Work only with a properly sharpened pencil.

Long-term planning of work on appliqué fabric for the 2014-2015 academic year

Educational area

Direct educational activities

Program content


Conversation "Property of fabric"

Introduce children to the properties of fabric.

Artistic creativity

Application: "Vanya's helpers"

Introduce children to the patchwork applique; to consolidate the ability to compose a whole from parts, the skills of collective activity.

Artistic creativity

Open lesson: Application "Flower-Semitsvetik"

Develop children's imagination, creative imagination; consolidate knowledge of color.

Artistic creativity

Application: "Christmas tree"

Create a joyful, festive mood, develop the ability to work with a template and scissors.

Artistic creativity

Application: "Portrait-mood"

Introduce children to the portrait genre; to form the ability to convey the mood of the person being portrayed; develop the need for creativity, fantasy, imagination, artistic taste.

Artistic creativity

Application: A gift for the holiday of spring

To educate children in a benevolent attitude towards others, love and care for their mother, grandmother, the desire to please them, to please them with a hand-made gift.

Artistic creativity

Application: "Butterflies"

To instill in children a love of nature, the ability to see the beautiful, using bright colors, to convey the beauty of butterflies, the smooth curves of the wings, the symmetry of forms; develop imagination, independence, the ability to make a choice and bring the work begun to the end.

Artistic creativity

Open lesson: Application "Who did not hide ..."

Raise in children an interest in the image of animals; arouse the desire to create animals from geometric shapes, the ability to work with a template and scissors.

Used Books:

1. Alekseevskaya, N. Magic scissors / N. Alekseevskaya. - M. : List, 1998.

2. Bogateeva, Z.A. Application classes in kindergarten / Z.A. Bogateva. – M. : Enlightenment, 1988.

3. Bogateeva, Z.A. Motifs of folk ornaments in children's applications / Z.A. Bogateva. - M .: Prosveschenie, 1986.

4. Folk art in the upbringing of children. - M .: Russian Pedagogical Agency, 1997.

5. Shcheblykin, I.K. Application works / I.K. Shcheblykin - M .: Education, 1983.

Municipal autonomous educational institution

"Gymnasium No. 4", Veliky Novgorod

in the discipline "Technology"

on the topic: “Fabric appliqué is one of the types of embroidery”

Completed: student of the 8th "m" class

Izotova Love

Leader: technology teacher

Veliky Novgorod 2012


2.Main part………………………………………………………..4

2.2. Materials and equipment…………………………………...6

2.2.1. Interesting about the origin of the names of fabrics……….7

2.3. Selection of fabric by color………………………………………………9

2.4. Types of application work……………………………….. 11

2.4.1. Subject application………………………………….. 11

2.4.3 Plot application…………………………………. 12

2.4.4 Removable application…………………………………….13

2.4.5. Volumetric application…………………………………....14

2.4.6. Single-layer and multi-layer application……………..14

2.5. The sequence of fabric appliqués…….15

2.6. Drawing up a sketch for the application…………………………….16

2.7. Attaching the appliqué to the fabric…………………………....16

2.8. Important Tips………………………………………………….20


4. List of used literature……………………………….23

5. Annex 1………………………………………………………...24

6. Appendix 2………………………………………………………...25


I live in an ancient and very beautiful city. Quite recently my city turned 1150 years old. In honor of this event, the city competition "Paints of the Novgorod Region" was held, in which I took part, in the nomination of decorative and applied art. One of the main attractions of my city is St. Sophia Cathedral.

Back in the 5th grade, at technology lessons, we studied the basics of appliqué and glued the intended pattern onto the fabric. It was then, for the first time, that this type of needlework touched my soul, so a panel with the image of St. Sophia Cathedral in the appliqué fabric technique was submitted to the competition. The knowledge that I have left does not allow me to make products of complex plots and in different ways.

Why did I start writing an essay? And above all, in order to get as much as possible the special knowledge necessary for practical work in the manufacture of applications. To achieve this goal, I need to conduct a series of studies.

Learn the history of the app

Explore what kind of application is in shape, color, theme, method of attachment;

Learn colors and color combinations

Study the materials used in the application.

Embroidery is a common type of arts and crafts. Fabric appliqué is a kind of embroidery. Appliqué embroidery consists in reinforcing pieces of another fabric on a certain background of fabric. Such applications are strengthened either by sewing or gluing. It is very interesting to create applications from fabric with your own hands.

Application is the simplest and most affordable way to create artwork, which preserves the realistic basis of the image itself. This makes it possible to widely use the application not only for design purposes, but also in creating paintings, panels, ornaments, etc.

The main features of the appliqué are the silhouette, the flat generalized interpretation of the image, the locality of large color spots.

Application can be subject, decorative and plot; single color or multicolor. Used as a decorative element of both products and clothing. Also, fabric appliqué is great for creating beautiful gift cards, valentines, congratulations, gifts. Appliqué is a popular and effective decoration for any outfit: blouses, skirts, sweaters and evening dresses. It is a distinctive feature of children's clothing. It can also be used to repair clothing, hiding extra seams, defects, inserts or loops.


2.1.History of the origin of the application.

The application was born a very long time ago. It appeared as a way to decorate clothes and shoes, household utensils and tools, the interior of your home.

Perhaps the first impetus for the appearance of the appliqué was the need to sew skins for clothes, and the first stitch suggested to a person that they can not only connect the details of clothing, but also decorate it. Details cut from these materials began to be attached to clothing. This is how the app was born.

Animals, birds, people themselves, fantastic monsters, beautiful flowers and plants, scenes of hunting and everyday life became the plot. The earliest surviving appliqués from the Pazyryk kurgans (5th-3rd centuries BC) are marked by high artistic skill. The excavations of five mounds of the tombs of tribal leaders revealed mummies with various objects. The remains of 10 horse corpses were found, on which, thanks to the permafrost in the barrows, items not only made of metal, but also made of wood, leather, and felt were preserved. The saddles of the horses, covered with blue felt, are decorated with leather appliqué depicting the struggle of two winged monsters. Fur flasks sewn from pieces of leather with stylized images of an elk's head sewn on it by the method of applique are examples of artistic sewing. The entire outer surface of the deck was pasted over with narrow strips of thin skin of young birch trees, which at one time had a beautiful yellow-brown color. The boards of the deck, in addition, were decorated with images of roosters, cut out of leather, pasted on them. On a huge white tent with an area of ​​​​about 30 square meters. m of felt sewn with colored appliqués - ornamental stripes.

For many centuries, the application has been widely used not only in Asia, but also in Europe: Italy, Spain, Germany, France. The application reached great popularity during the time of chivalry. Wars, tournaments led to the appearance of generic signs - coats of arms. Coats of arms must be clearly visible from both sides, which led to the development of appliqué embroidery. King Roger II of Sicily took out skilled weavers and embroiderers from Byzantium among the captives. One of the features of Sicilian embroideries is a peculiar application of the appliqué technique. The so-called "carved Sicilian cloths" were very famous. Soon, similar embroideries spread throughout Italy. Spanish appliqués were especially famous - cut-out patterns made of velvet against a satin background.

In the period of the early Renaissance, embroidery reaches perfection, applications are more often used. Appliqué works especially flourished in the 16th century. Italy and Spain in church attire.

Paper appliqué has replaced the fabric appliqué. It is associated with the beginning of paper production. Black silhouettes cut out of paper were considered the youngest type of appliqué.

In Russia at the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th century. silhouettes were also fashionable. Carving silhouettes has become a favorite pastime not only for professional artists, but also for the nobility. At that time, two silhouette artists with European fame worked in Russia: F. Anting and F. Sido.

In the first half of the XIX century. the greatest master of the silhouette was Count (). During his long life, he made over 2000 different works: he is a fashion designer, sculptor, draftsman, painter, engraver.

Application is one of the oldest ways to decorate clothes, shoes, household items, housing, and is still used by many peoples. Different peoples use a wide variety of materials for appliqués: Tuvans, for example, decorating a horse saddle, combine leather with the golden-yellow bark of a steppe shrub in an appliqué, which creates a game of chiaroscuro and volume that is unique in its originality and beauty.

Applications were paid attention by well-known artists of foreign countries. The applications of the French painter Henri Matisse are interesting and original. Color plays the main role. Matisse believed that colors should support each other, not destroy. He argued that the colors that can be used to depict objects and natural phenomena, in themselves, quite independently of these objects, have the power to influence the feelings of the audience.

In each application, he took 4-5 tones, but selected them in such a way as to express the essence of decorativeness and richness of color as such.

Carving individual figures and shapes, changing colors and backgrounds, Matisse created a number of colorful decorative works: the mythological image of Icarus, the character of Ch. Perro's fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood" - the Wolf, the symbolic image "Fate", memories of the island of Tahiti.

2.2. Materials and equipment.

Materials d For applications, natural and synthetic fabrics of various textures are used - smooth, fleecy, shiny, matte, as well as leather, fur, felt, felt. Due to the fact that many fabrics can shrink and shed, it is recommended to wash all fabrics before cutting. Washing shrinkage can reach up to several centimeters, so when buying it is better to take a fabric with a margin.

background for application it can be silk, velvet, linen, cloth, leather, canvas, radish, burlap (pastel colors are preferred). The background should be denser than the application itself. If there are no pieces of fabric that match in color, they can be dyed and starched. Threads can also be dyed at the same time. So that when cutting out the image and sheathing the edges, the fabric does not crumble, it is starched: chintz, satin, fumes, canvas - with a liquid paste of potato flour (squeeze dry and iron from the inside with a hot iron); silk, cambric, lace, synthetic fabrics - gelatin. To do this, dry shreds are stretched on a board and sprayed with a solution of gelatin, then dried. You can't iron!

Equipment for the application is simple:

Instruments. You can cut with scissors or a special wheel - this is more accurate and faster. Wheels are large and small (for rounding), and recently models with interchangeable nozzles have appeared, including those with a zigzag line.

1. Ruler. There is a universal ruler that has various sizes and lines, as well as marks for angles of 30˚, 45˚, 60˚, which is sometimes necessary when cutting stitched strips at a certain angle.

2. Tracing paper. Required for the translation of templates and patterns.

3. Cardboard for templates. To transfer the details to the templates, you will need a piece of plain cardboard. First, we copy the templates on tracing paper, and then transfer them to cardboard. Then the templates are cut out.

4. Copy paper. Through this paper, the template is immediately transferred to the cardboard under the desired pattern, and is carried out with a wheel along the lines. Carbon paper should be black for light backgrounds, white, yellow or colored for dark backgrounds.

5. Threads and yarn. For stitching parts, use suitable cotton or synthetic threads of increased strength. There are also invisible threads for stitching, as well as finishing gold and silver. Threads for stitching details are selected to match the main elements or the background. But this can complicate the work (frequent change of the upper spool of thread). Therefore, you can do this: for night and evening landscapes use dark threads, for spring and summer - greenish, for autumn - yellowish and ocher colors, for winter landscapes - white or bluish. To emphasize the elements of the composition, to make them more decorative, it is better to use black threads - cotton or silk. Threads must be used based on the tasks. You can add shine to the contour with silk threads, and cotton threads will help to make the details of the picture more natural and muted. When choosing threads, the chemical composition of fabric fibers should be taken into account. According to the thickness of the fabrics, the number of bobbin threads and machine needles is selected.

6. Pins. You will need pins to collect the pieces. It is recommended to use longer glass-headed pins.

7. Stitching needles. These are special very short and sharp needles that greatly facilitate the work.

8. Frames and hoops for stitching. In order to get a beautiful pattern, the fabric is tucked into a hoop or frame.

2.2.1. Interesting about the origin of the names of fabrics.

The most common cotton fabric is chintz. This name has changed so much that it is even difficult to immediately understand its original source. The Bengalis called the motley cotton fabric “chipe”, the Dutch changed it to “sieve”, and we began to call it chintz.

satin is a word of French origin. You can immediately distinguish this fabric from all the others by the characteristic sheen of the front surface.

Madapolam- glossy hard cotton fabric got its name from the suburb of Narsapur in India.

From the name of the city of Calcutta came the name of the fabric "calico".

Muslin - French word for fine cotton fabric. The name itself comes from the name of the city of Mosul in Iraq. Also, from the name of a place near Avignon in France, cotton fabric began to be called - poplin.

The thin cotton fabric batiste is named after the French weaver who lived in the 13th century - Francois Baptiste (according to some sources) or Baptiste from Cambrai (according to others).

Reps - English word. They call it cotton fabric (silk fabric is also produced with this name), in which the front and back sides are covered with scars.

Colorful, with amazing ornaments, cotton fabrics are produced by the manufactory "- the oldest textile company with a glorious past. Many working dynasties work on it, which are proud of their Trekhgorka. Every year the company expands its range of fabrics.

In 1799 Vasily Ivanovich Prokhorov founded the Trekhgornaya Manufactory textile factory. Surviving a fire in 1812, the Prokhorovka manufactory became one of the largest enterprises in Moscow. She actually had no competitors. In 1816, a craft school was founded here, where future masters of their craft studied.

In 1843, the Trading House "K. and Y. Prokhorov" was founded. (Appendix 1.)

In 1873, Ivan Yakovlevich created the "Association of the Prokhorov Trekhgornaya Manufactory". Enterprises were nationalized in 1918.

The term "manufactory" itself entered the Russian language under Peter I. Subsequently, this word was used to refer to products of the textile industry, fabrics.

2.3. Color selection of fabric.

When choosing a fabric for a particular element of the application, it is necessary to take into account the patterns of color combinations.

1) The colors of the warm group and light achromatic tones visually protrude, while the colors of the cold group and dark achromatic tones recede (for example, red seems closer to blue, and white is closer to black).

2) A dark color next to a light color appears darker, and a light color next to a dark color appears lighter. Thus, you can accentuate or mute the colors in the composition.

3) In order to avoid sharp changes in tones and emphasize the brightness of patches with a pattern, it is necessary to alternate elements from fabrics with a color pattern and plain ones in the product.

4) You need to choose fabrics for the product in the same lighting and preferably in the one in which the product will be used more often.

5) The elements of the pattern that are intense in color should be faded, while choosing a fabric that is calmer in color, or balance by repeating this color on the landscape field.

Our eye is able to distinguish many shades of individual colors.

The colors of the rainbow are pure, saturated colors of varying intensity. Among the colors of the rainbow stand out:

Warm colors: red, orange, yellow

Cool colors: green, blue, purple

Colors differ in degree of lightness and warmth:

    The lightest color is yellow; The darkest color is purple; The warmest color is orange; The coldest color is blue.

Color plays a very important role in a product.

A sense of color should be developed so that one can judge with full responsibility the range of colors in the ensemble of the product.

The art of choosing colors is not an easy task - it requires a certain amount of knowledge, experience and good taste.

When composing a composition, it is important to choose the right color solution.

The colors of the images depend on the intensity of the color of the main background. The area and color of the background (light or dark) affect the color of the application (strengthen or weaken). The search for harmonious and expressive combinations of color spots is one of the main tasks of the work. Color should create a mood that matches the content of the application. It can be real, conditional or purely decorative.

Applications can be monochrome and polychrome. Single-color compositions are graphic, multi-color - colorful.

When creating day and night landscapes, one should remember the law of aerial perspective and the movement of color in the imaginary space of the picture plane. In daytime compositions, as you move away from the place of observation, the colors seem lighter, objects lose their outlines, become small, as if melting into space. In night compositions, the color moves from lighter, brighter colors of details to more muted, darker ones. The foreground seems to be highlighted against a dark background.

Background preparation.

Particular accuracy must be observed when transferring the sketch to the background.

There are several ways to transfer a sketch to a background.

For example: put a stack of 5-6 newspapers, put a background on them, and a sketch on top of the background. Draw all lines according to the sketch by pressing on them with a hard simple pencil. Outline the lines obtained from drawing lightly with a pencil to give them greater clarity. They do it this way: on the back of the sketch, strokes are applied with a simple pencil. On a sheet of paper selected for the background, a sketch is placed with the shaded side and the contours of the image are drawn on it. The traces of the stroke will be clearly visible against the background of light tones. If the background is black, then the reverse side of the sketch should be stroked with a white pencil or a dry bar of soap.

You should not use carbon paper to transfer the sketch to the background, as this leaves traces of paint on the paper both on the drawing and on the application itself when pasting. The background for the appliqué can be covered with fabric or the fabric can be glued onto the base.

2.4. Types of application work.

The combination of various types of applications in various combinations gives an infinite number of works, allowing you to solve a variety of tasks: creating panels, carpets, tapestries, greeting cards, designing homemade books, notebooks, albums, decorating a room, clothes, crafts, etc. This classification gives an idea about the richness of figurative and expressive means of application and allows us to present its possibilities.

2.4.1. Subject application.

Subject application is a separate subject images pasted on the background, conveying a generalized, conditional image of surrounding objects (stylized). Objects are depicted with a distinct configuration, simple shape, clear proportions, and local coloring.

This type of work is often used and widely used in the finishing of women's and children's clothing. For applications, various types of fabrics are used, both plain-dyed and patterned. First, be sure to prepare a life-size sketch on paper. It is strictly forbidden to draw directly on the fabric, so as not to spoil the material. The finished pattern is transferred to the fabric by color fragments and the details are cut out. They put the blanks on the base, find the most successful compositional arrangement, and then fix it. Application details can be attached in various ways. Small parts are best glued. Patterns consisting of a small number of large color spots can be sewn on. Applique is only sewn on clothes. First, the fabric is basted with rare stitches. You can fasten with various seams depending on the pattern. For example, a disheveled cat, a lion cub, a dog can be sewn with a "goat", "half-cross" seam that imitates animal hair. Flowers are best sewn with a seam "over the edge". It must always be remembered that the seam should not only connect the parts, but also serve as an element of decoration. In a multi-color application, it is important to think over the order in which the parts are connected.

It is associated with the concept of decorativeness (images that differ in ornamentality, generalization of forms, color saturation) and represents elements of decoration united according to the laws of rhythm, symmetry, decorative in color and shape (geometric, floral, etc.) An important role here is played by ornamental composition. The ornament is characterized by rhythm (repetition of the same or alternation of different elements of the pattern) and can be endless or closed (ribbon or central beam composition). Another direction of decorative application is font application, that is, the design of headings and texts.

National ornaments in decorative appliqué.

Folk ornaments provide a rich and varied material for decorative application: each national ornament has its own characteristic features, which are due to the originality of the history of the culture of the people, the peculiarities of their way of life and way of life, labor activity, the surrounding nature, climate and the presence of natural materials.

Folk artists draw the content of ornaments from real life. But they don't just copy it; starting from a specific image (flower, bird, animal, etc.), they process it into decorative forms. For example, in the ornaments of the peoples living in the north, there are decorative branches of birch, spruce, pine, leaves and berries of mountain ash, deer figures; in Ukraine - sunflowers, corn, ears of cereals, roosters; in Armenia, Georgia, curls of leaves and fruits of grapes; in Kyrgyzstan - curls of animal horns; in Uzbekistan - flowers and leaves of cotton. Here it is possible to learn the ways of compositional and coloristic placement of forms. To create national ornaments, mainly plant, animal, and geometric forms are used.

2.4.3 Plot application

The plot is a certain event, situation, phenomenon depicted in the work. How to select subjects for application?

The historical past of the country, cities, ancient monuments,
architectures can serve as themes for plot applications.

Extensive material for plot application is represented by fiction. The requirements for the selection of works of art are determined by the possibility of transferring their content in applications. Reflecting in the work the main events described in the work, one must strive to accurately convey the plot of the literary text taken as the basis of the application. Themes for the plot application can be images on postcards, in magazines, books. In such works, the application technology is mainly improved, but the possibilities for developing creativity and imagination are limited.

As well as in other types of application, in the plot application, the most diverse material is provided by sketches from nature. It is necessary to accumulate them constantly in order to use them in the future when composing compositions.

Plot applications can be simple in content, composition and complex, dynamic in action, with a large number of characters, objects, details.

2.4.4 Removable application.

Another type of application is removable. Its most characteristic example is the emblem for children's sportswear. First, a sports or other emblem is embroidered on a dense fabric, sheathed with a dense roller, cut out along the contour and sewn to the product manually or by machine. Removable appliqué can also be used as an element of women's dress decoration. If the application needs to show the transition of one tone to another, at the border of the tone transition, the stitches are made of unequal length, in the form of teeth. The stitches of the next tone are, as it were, a continuation of the previous one, thanks to which the transition of tones becomes imperceptible.

2.4.5. Volume application.

Having processed a synthetic fabric: polyester or thin tricotine along the cut with a frequent zig-zag stitch, you can get a beautiful wavy edge. This property of new fabrics gave rise to elegant embroidery - three-dimensional appliqué.

The originality of this technique is that the elements of the same pattern, usually leaves or petals, are performed differently: some are usually embroidered in satin stitch, while others are voluminous.

Volumetric elements of the pattern are made of oblique strips of fabric 2-3 cm wide of a thin elastic material. The flying sides of the strips must be rounded at the edges and processed with a frequent twist of the zigzag stitch.

Placing a three-dimensional detail among the elements embroidered with satin stitch, it is usually attached along the length of the leaf or petal with a line, laying figuredly. Then the sewing line is masked with satin roll stitches or wide satin stitches if the second half of the element is embroidered with satin stitch.

Iron the embroidery on the front side very carefully, trying not to crush bulky details.

2.4.6. Single layer and multilayer application.

A single-layer application assumes that images of objects or their details are pasted onto the background without overlapping each other.

Multi-layer appliqué is performed by gluing (or sewing) on ​​the background images of objects and their details in two or three layers.

So, before proceeding with the application, it is necessary to decide what characteristics it will have, that is, what it will be in content, in the number of colors, in the presence of symmetry, in shape, in the method of manufacturing parts, in the degree of their fit to the base , by the number of parts and the method of their fastening. In addition, you need to have an idea about the features in the application of the composition (the relationship between the size and location of the main figures on the selected format), color (combination of colors, their harmony and correspondence to the content of the application), methods of transferring volume and perspective.

2.5. Sequence of fabric appliqué.

Making an applique from fabric requires certain skills: the ability to cut the fabric and the ability to process the edge of the fabric. Before starting work, you need to make a sketch of the general view of the thing, set the size of the application, where and how it will be located. Often, illustrations from magazines, postcards, objects of arts and crafts serve as samples for application. Many needlewomen try to reduce or enlarge illustrations. Those who do not know how to draw can translate the drawing into cells in accordance with a given scale. To do this, the illustration is divided into equal square cells; and on a sheet of paper, where there should be an enlarged drawing, a grid is made from the same number of squares, but of a larger size, and the drawing is transferred to them. Application elements - flowers, trees, birds, animals - should be stylized, without unnecessary details, with a clear, correct contour.

The sketch is made in duplicate. One copy is cut
and serves as patterns, the other is retained and serves as a control
(correct arrangement of application elements). The application elements prepared from paper must be cut out from the corresponding pieces of fabric. To do this, paper patterns are placed on the fabric, attached to it with a pin, and if the figure is large and complex, then they are swept and then cut out of the fabric along the contours of the paper pattern. For some cuts, you need to make an increase in those places where one part comes on another, for example, if you need to connect a jacket with a skirt, then by the end of the jacket you need to make an increase and sew a skirt on it.
If the same figures occur several times in a pattern, then
matter can be folded several times and according to a paper pattern
cut several copies at once. Cut figures, especially
large, necessarily along the shared thread, otherwise they are deformed
(stretch). Cut out figures are laid out on the background in the right places of the sketch, specify the shape, background compatibility and color

2.6. Drawing up a sketch for the application.

Simple applications are performed without a sketch. Applications with a complex plot, a large number of details are made according to a sketch. A sketch for future work is done in pencil and corresponds to its size. In the sketch, special attention is paid to its overall composition. With the help of the composition, the position of figures and objects in space is determined, the consistency of the depicted phenomena is achieved (for this purpose, systems of scale and proportions are used, as well as rhythm, sometimes symmetry). Work on the sketch begins with the definition of the horizon line, since depending on it, the objects and characters of the intended composition are placed. Then a compositional center is singled out, the main action around which objects are grouped. They help reveal the content. In the sketch, the proportionality and size of the images are of no small importance. If you need to make a sketch for a literary text, you need to carefully read it several times, highlight the most interesting situations.

You should not complicate the application with unnecessary, as well as small details, as this complicates the accuracy of reproduction. At the same time, all the details of the composition, even the smallest ones, are cut out of paper. Some performers in such cases, facilitating their work, resort to painting on small details. This should not be done, because the application style is violated.

2.7. Attaching appliqué to fabric.

The fabric appliqué is fixed in two ways: sewing and gluing. You can sew in different ways: all cut-out shapes are swept against the background. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the direction of the threads of the fabric on the pieces coincides with the direction of the threads on the main fabric. If the application is complex, with a large number of details, then basting should be done in parts, as the application is completed. The swept figures are sheathed along the edges simply with bobbin thread, with small frequent stitches (the more the material is shed, the more often). Lay the stitches oblique, then it is easier to grab the ends of the thread that have come out of the material.

The edges of the applique can be sheathed in different ways: with a cord of suitable thickness and color (sew the cord twice, grabbing it first on one side and then on the other); colored yarn, “loopy”, “tambour”, “rope” seams (this method is good for non-shrinking matter); satin stitch, on a sewing machine. Satin stitches can be of different lengths, grouped, forming teeth, paws. (Fig.1, Fig.2). (Annex 2)

Details of the pattern can be sewn on the machine. Straight machine stitches and zigzag stitches are sewn on a conventional multifunctional machine. (Fig. 3) The rest are sewn on the machine with embroidery stitches.

If the fabric of the appliqué is not loose, it is enough to attach it along the edges with one or two simple stitches. Hoop the material and stitch the pattern with a double fine line, then process the contours with a dense roller (working threads at the top, silk at the bottom to match the false fabric).

When finished, iron it from the wrong side, after slightly moistening (silk fabrics do not moisturize). Cut off excess fabric along the contour of the satin roller, without touching it.

Instead of stitching, you can process the contour with a rare satin roller and, cutting the fabric along the contour, make a satin roller (Fig. 4). The application can be made with a “attached” seam (Fig. 5).

On a piece of colored fabric intended for appliqué, transfer the pattern and baste it to the appropriate place of the main fabric. First, stitch the outline of the pattern with a rare satin roller (or 2 stitches), then cut off the excess fabric and sew a “attached” seam along the outline.

In some products, after embroidering on the front side, you can stitch the appliqué outline along the inner edge of the satin roll on the wrong side (thread metal thread - Lurex into the shuttle). This will give the product elegance (Fig. 4).

The seam “false beads” made from the inside along the contour of the application (in the shuttle - lurex) looks very nice (Fig. 6). With the same seam, you can make the contour of the application on the front side (the upper and lower threads are silk).

Application on thin fabrics such as chiffon is performed by attaching an additional fabric from the inside, the same from which the product is made (Fig. 7). Transfer the pattern to the wrong side of the main fabric, tuck it into the hoop, attach the additional fabric with pins (the pins should be on the side on which the embroidery is being done) and sew the outline of the pattern with a double line or a rare roller (depending on the structure of the fabric).

Then, removing the pins, tuck the fabric on the front side, cut off the remnants (along the contour of the pattern), stitch the motif with a thin roller or satin stitch. Inside large motifs, various embroideries are performed with a stalk stitch, openwork nets with a beautiful pattern, etc. (see Fig. 6).

In fabric applications, another method is also used - gluing. It is faster than sewing, it is mainly used in the manufacture of paintings, rugs, panels or things that cannot be washed.

Adhesives used in applications on fabrics: potato flour paste, synthetic glue BF-2,: PVA. It is impractical to use rubber glue, since everything; forms gradually peel off after a certain period of time.

How are the molds attached? Against the background, the place where the prepared form will be applied is very carefully glued (the form itself is not glued). The finished form is pressed down with a cloth from the middle to the edges.

There is another way to fix the application from the fabric: under the fabric from which the shape will be cut out, one layer of plastic film is placed and at the same time the desired shape is cut out. A polyethylene form is placed on the background, a piece of fabric is placed on it, after which it is ironed with a hot iron.

2.8. Important tips.

In order for your application to be liked, not only by you, but also by the people around you, you should carefully consider the work plan. To do this, you need to be able to choose a fabric, determine the stages of manufacturing a product and selecting material by color.

As soft bases, any dense, one-colored fabric is used: burlap, beading, matting, linen, clothes made of cloth, drape; leather substitutes, etc.

The drawing can be transferred to a soft background (cloth of a dark tone) by making punctures with an awl along the lines of the images on the sketch. Then attach the sketch to the background and apply diluted tooth powder through the punctures with a bristle brush. When the sketch is taken, a white dotted trace remains on the background.

To transfer the pattern to a light fabric, the sketch is applied to the background, the contours of the pattern are drawn with small stitches with a “forward needle” seam. Having removed the sketch, the fibrous material is sewn along the marked lines formed by the seam. In this case, the sketch serves only once.


While working on the abstract, I studied the history of appliqué development as a kind of arts and crafts. And also the material on the implementation of handicrafts in the technique of appliqué fabric was studied.

Analysis of the studied literature allows us to draw the following conclusions:

1. Fabric appliqué is one of the important factors in the aesthetic development of a person. It is believed that the highest level of activity is achieved by a person in creativity.

2. Arts and crafts, which includes appliqué, is traditional in any country in the world.

Most of us in childhood took brushes in our hands, someone tried to knit, embroider with interest and curiosity, some made wonderful toys from paper, fabric, etc. The object environment constantly surrounds a person, it affects the subconscious, positively and negatively shaping his feelings and emotions, manner of behavior and communication. This means that the appliqué made of fabric also contributes to the spiritual development of a person - through creative, aesthetically significant creative activity.

3. The application makes it possible to acquire knowledge about the color, structure of objects, their size, shape and composition.

The more I learn about the application, the more the desire and need to work appears, because this activity is associated with the manifestation of positive emotions. The moral and creative satisfaction that I experience in the process of labor makes me want to experience again a sense of joy from this process and results. My passion for this type of needlework helped me choose my future profession as a costume designer. But even if in the future I do not connect my life with arts and crafts, the acquired skills will help me in my work in any specialty.

I would like to note that fabric appliqué is one of my favorite types of visual activity: I am pleased with the bright color of the material, the good arrangement of figures, the technique of fixing the fabric and gluing is of great interest. The application makes it possible to acquire knowledge about the color, structure of objects, their size, shape and composition.

Applications in various combinations give an infinite number of works, allowing you to solve a variety of tasks: creating panels, carpets, tapestries, greeting cards, napkins, decorating a room, clothes, crafts, etc. This classification gives an idea of ​​the richness of the visual and expressive means of application and allows imagine its possibilities.

If you are a creative person and like to create and invent, I suggest trying one of the types of needlework - fabric appliqué. These unique products made using this technique will not only delight your eyes in a children's room or in the country, but will also pleasantly amaze your guests.


1. Andreeva, sewing. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Litera", 2001.-96s.

2. Belyakov, N. D., Zeitlin "Skillful hands" at school. - M., 2007. - p.158.

3. Bogateeva, applique. - M.: Education, 2008.

4. Wiener and the technique of mosaic painting. - M., 2003. - p.95.

5. Gusakova, . - M., 2007. - p.153.

6. Eremenko, T.I. Needlework.-M.: Legprombytizdat, 1989.-160p.

7. Application. -M.: "Stalker", 2004

8. Likhachev aesthetic education of schoolchildren. - M.: Enlightenment, 2002.

9. Erlich, L. Patchwork: Popular science edition trans. from English-M. AST: Astrel, 2009.-279p.

10. Application basics (http:/*****/osnovi)

Appendix 1

In 1843, the Trading House "K. and Y. Prokhorov" was founded.

Appendix 2

Types of seams used in the application.

Application history……………………………………………...

Classification of applications………………………..…………….

Organizational and preparatory stage………………….……

  1. Justification of the problem and need……………………

  1. Prerequisites for choosing a product model……………………

  1. Product model options…………………………………

Design stage ……………………………………………..

6. Technological stage ………………………………………..……

7. Final stage……………………………………………….

7.1. Self-esteem……………………………………………………..

7.2. Economic calculation…………………………………..……

7.3. Labor costs………………………………………………….

7.4. Environmental justification………………………………….

7.5. Protection of the project…………………………………………..……

8. References………………………………………..……….

Target: to prove that you can make a beautiful application with your own hands, which corresponds to my plan to change the interior of the room.

Tasks: 1. Study information about applications on fabric and their manufacture.

2. Choose options for pillowcases, and develop a technology for their manufacture.

3. Conduct an economic calculation.

4. Make a product.

The concept of application

This is the production of a picture, drawing, ornament on fabric or paper by imposing parts, figures, patterns or whole pictures from paper, fabric, leaves, straw, birch bark, buttons, sequins and other materials. Pieces can be glued or sewn on. The basis - a hair dryer for the application is selected depending on the texture and color of the image. Most often they use colored cardboard or thick paper - plain or velvet. The size and format of the background depends on the scale and theme of the composition. Application can be subject, decorative and plot; single color or multicolor. Applications are used to decorate the repair of clothes, curtains, napkins, bed and table linen, for the manufacture of panels and other items of inventory.

The application was born a very long time ago. It appeared as a way to decorate clothes and shoes, household utensils and tools, the interior of your home. Most often there is a chipping of the contour of products with through points. Perhaps the first impetus for the appearance of the appliqué was the need to sew skins for clothes, and the first stitch suggested to a person that they can not only connect the details of clothing, but also decorate it. Later they began to use pieces of leather, fur, felt of other shades and colors to decorate clothes. Details cut from these materials began to be attached to clothing. This is how the app was born.

Who and what did the people depict in the application? Animals, birds, people themselves, fantastic monsters, beautiful flowers and plants, scenes of hunting and everyday life became the plot. Over time, the application became more and more diverse in the use of materials. In addition to leather and felt, colored beads, beads, woolen threads, chased metal plates, all kinds of fabrics - velvet, satin, silk are used.

With the invention of paper, silhouette paper cutouts that were cut out of dark paper came into fashion. Flat profile silhouettes were popular with both the noble and the poor. Silhouette images became the subject of art, whole scenes-illustrations, battle and everyday scenes were cut out of paper. These were highly artistic, finely executed images. Not only professional artists were engaged in silhouette appliqué. For many centuries, the art of paper cut-out appliqué has lived among the people. Currently, paper silhouettes are made - vytinyanka, or cutouts. Perform them with scissors without a preliminary drawing. The sequence of work is always constant. Before starting work, you need to draw a sketch of the future application and set its size. If we are talking about an application in the form of a panel, it is useful to take into account the place of its future location and the method of attachment. Illustrations from magazines, postcards, objects of arts and crafts can serve as samples for applications. In some cases, it may be necessary to enlarge or reduce the figure. This is followed by the selection of paper or other materials, cutting out details and images, laying them out on the background, gluing and drying.

The glued application is placed under the load. Adhesives, with the exception of rubber glue, have the properties of shrinking the paper when dry. Therefore, the load is imposed immediately upon completion of work. Fabric applique is especially good on children's clothes, in the design of play areas, in the manufacture of rugs, runners, napkins, pillows, tapestries. Fabric applications are attached in two ways: gluing and sewing. The swept figures are sheathed along the edges with small frequent stitches with a cord of suitable thickness or with various seams on a sewing machine. In the manufacture of rugs, paintings, panels or things that are not subject to frequent washing, gluing is used - a faster and less laborious method. In the application on fabrics, the following adhesives are used: potato flour paste, BF-2 synthetic glue, PVA and polyethylene film. When using a plastic film, a piece cut out of it is placed under the glued form and ironed on top with a hot iron. Details from threads, fur, yarn, pile can be glued by wetting them in a solution of PVA glue with water.

Application history

In the arts and crafts of many peoples of the world, there are products decorated with patterns, which are made up of pieces of straw ribbon. The oldest items decorated with straw appliqué and kept in museums date back to the 18th and early 19th centuries. At this time, the desire of rural residents to decorate their life with decorative items began to be actively manifested. Rural craftsmen, focusing on products of professional art, created their works from available materials, inventing their own technologies.

The origin of the art of straw applique comes from intarsia (a type of furniture inlay) and mosaics. These techniques were used to decorate expensive furniture and other items with pieces of precious wood, bone, mother-of-pearl, and metal. Inaccessible rare materials were replaced by craftsmen with no less beautiful, but cheap and accessible straw. A thin straw ribbon, which almost did not show its thickness, was enough to carefully stick it on the surface to get the desired effect from the elegant luminous decor. So there was an application with straws.

At the time of its origin and development, straw appliqué was used to decorate two types of products: furniture made of wood, small wooden household items, and wall carpets made of fabric. The different quality and dimensions of the decorated surfaces, in one case hard wood and a small surface, in the second case, soft fabric and significant dimensions of the carpet, led to the formation of two directions in straw appliqué: appliqué with geometric and curvilinear elements.

Smooth lines and outlines of curvilinear compositions are very different from the crystalline placers of ornamental geometric ones.

To obtain large elements of curvilinear compositions (flower petals, leaves), straw ribbons were glued one to the other on paper. Then, from the obtained layers, elements of the required shapes and sizes were cut out.

Geometric elements for compositions made using the technique of geometric appliqué were cut off immediately from the straw ribbon. Its small width and straight fibers did not allow obtaining any other shapes and sizes.

Using the technique of curvilinear straw applique, large wall carpets were made, on which images of doves, deer, bouquets were symmetrically placed, which were framed with garlands of plant shoots, leaves and flowers.

Stylized floral patterns and ornaments from geometric elements were used to decorate wooden chests, frames, Easter eggs, and toys.

Folk craftsmen, in order to give their products more elegance and festivity, used straw tinted in bright colors. Appliquéd wooden surfaces were varnished to increase the color contrast between the straw pattern and the dark background, as well as to secure the straw to the surface.

A variety of household wooden products decorated with appliqué were found in Belarus in the middle of the 20th century. However, they have disappeared.

The revival of the craft and its development began at the Zhlobin inlay factory, opened in 1961. The initiator of the organization of the craft was a local craftswoman V. Dekhtyarenko and her husband M. Dekhtyarenko. The masters took the traditions of folk art of geometric appliqué as the basis of their products. They developed a technology for dyeing and gluing straws, came up with samples of products, mainly chests of various shapes. In the 1960s and 1970s, the fishery began to develop especially intensively. Following the factory in Zhlobin, a workshop was opened for the production of products decorated with geometric applique at the Brest factory of art products. Belarusian straw has gained wide popularity not only in the republic. Talented artists came to work in the industry. Many new techniques were introduced into traditional art by V. Basalyg and many other artists.

Wall hangings decorated with curvilinear applique were found in the interiors of village houses as early as the 1970s. Currently, they can only be seen at exhibitions of folk art and in museums. The tradition of making wall carpets decorated with straw appliqués was continued by decorative panels. On them, by the skillful hands of modern masters and artists, compositions in the form of luxurious bouquets of flowers, animals, birds are laid out of straw.

Modern straw applique is enriched with new themes and technologies. The themes of decorative panels with architectural monuments of Belarus are popular among modern masters and artists. They develop a variety of plot compositions on the themes of folk holidays, fairy tales, beliefs. The search for new compositional solutions that are consistent with the views of modern man and his worldview distinguishes the work of contemporary masters and artists from the work of folk artists. In their works, the authors are looking for new decorative techniques, combining straw molding with three-dimensional straw weaving, glass, textiles, and ceramics.


According to materials:

Straw applique fits perfectly into the interior of modern rooms. Souvenirs decorated with straw, a nice gift. These can be paintings, ornamental bookmark strips for books, frames, boxes, greeting cards. On the other hand, making an appliqué from straw is an activity that develops patience and accuracy, a strict technological sequence of work.

The color range of straw is quite diverse (there are up to 100 shades), straw ribbons obtained by hot and cold methods are used for application. The hot method consists in ironing paper with a hot iron, under which straws are placed. Narrow dense straw ribbons are obtained. Application from such ribbons is convex, embossed.

With the application, you can make a decorative panel, a picture or decorate the interior of a room. By sticking squares of various sizes on a contrasting background, you can get original ornaments. Suitable paper, self-adhesive film, artificial leather, oilcloth.

With the cold method, the straw is cut along the trunk and ironed with scissor rings with strong pressure on them. The tapes obtained in this way acquire even greater elasticity and luster than with hot processing. The yellow-golden color of the straw is obtained by boiling it in a solution of baking soda, and a pinkish hue is obtained in potassium permanganate. Aniline fabric dyes are used to dye straw in bright colors. Coloring methods are indicated on the packages with dyes.

The material intended for the background must be dense (plywood, hardboard, cardboard, plastic). Casein, carpentry and quick-drying synthetic adhesives are suitable for straw application. In the manufacture of appliqués, straws prepared according to the color and size can be immediately glued to the background according to a specific pattern. It is easier to glue the parts on separate sheets, cut them carefully, then stick them on the background and dry them under load.

Application of flowers, herbs, leaves, the so-called floristry, is becoming increasingly popular. Working with natural material is always exciting, useful and interesting. You can prepare a plant for making applications from them in different ways: dry them under pressure or dry them with a hot iron - leaves are placed on a pile of newspapers, covered with another newspaper on top and ironed on both sides. The leaves dry out within 2-3 minutes.

For the background, use fabric, velvet paper in dark or pastel colors. White paper can also be used, it well emphasizes the finest shades of plants. Compositions of large leaves look great against the background of textured cardboard, a harsh canvas. For compositions using many small details, you can use silk, shiny synthetic fabrics, films.

Potato starch paste is most suitable for gluing, as it does not leave stains on products. Synthetic adhesives are good for gluing thin petals, blades of grass and other details, and dense leaves - with casein glue, rubber and PVA. Adhesives are applied to the reverse side of the plants.

According to the manufacturing method:

mass production;

natural origin.

By use:

functional product;



By cost:

inexpensive product;

symbolic cost;

By address:

personal product;


mass addressing.

By appointment:

to decorate rooms;

for sale;

for a gift.




Organizational and preparatory stage

  1. Justification of the problem and need

The teacher set a task for us: to prepare a creative project on a topic of interest to us, using the knowledge and skills gained in technology lessons. Because I am fond of interior design and arts and crafts, I was very interested in the idea of ​​​​realizing my ideas in the arrangement of my room. One of these ideas I decided to describe in this project.

  1. Product model selection prerequisites

Initially, my fabric pillowcase (application) should bring comfort and aesthetics to the interior of the room.

Application is made of various types of fabric. From expensive silks to expensive materials, in a variety of ways. Everything depended on the material income of the customer.

After studying the literature, discussing possible options with loved ones, I decided that my pillowcase should decorate my parents' room. In the manufacture of applications, we use the technique of volumetric trimming. Because it requires the least financial outlay for our family budget.

We have considered several options for pillowcase manufacturing styles.

My choice fell on the fifth option. It makes it possible to further adjust the design of the entire room in one go or another, gives the room romance and privacy.

  1. Product model options

Option 1.

Option 2.

Option 3.

Option 4.

Option 5.

Design stage

Choosing the best idea. Rationale for choice

Consider products from various materials. With the sign "+" we mark the satisfaction of the requirements, the sign "-" - dissatisfaction.

Design - specification

The napkin should:

Model No. 1

Model No. 2

Model No. 3

Model No. 4

Model No. 5

Be helpful and practical

be relatively small

Made from inexpensive, affordable and environmentally friendly materials

Maintain your original qualities

Be environmentally friendly

Meet the requirements of proportionality of shapes and lines (design requirements)

It is easy to be different from others due to certain design

Be easy to manufacture

Do not pose a danger to others

evoke positive emotions

Technological stage


Equipment: scissors, a pencil, buttons of different colors and sizes, decorative embellishments (sequins), a piece of black gabardine fabric measuring 30 x 40 cm, or a piece of leather, glue for gluing plastic or leather products; you can use a gun with silicone sticks; tweezers.

Working process.

To make a decorative pillowcase, we need:

Buttons (I chose white as they would go better with the tones of black and gold)

A piece of leather (black) for a stencil of a male and female silhouette;

Adhesive, preferably for plastic or leather goods.

For the manufacture of silhouettes, we need cardboard with stencils of a man and a woman. It is better to choose the front side that is shiny; buttons and sequins will look better against its background.

After cutting out the stencils of the silhouettes, we glue them onto the base of the pillowcase. In order for the pillowcase not to stick together, we put cardboard in the inside.

Having glued the stencil, we leave it for 20-25 minutes to dry.

While the stencil dries, we select buttons for making a woman's dress. Buttons can be not only large, but also medium and small sizes.

Now we take a pillowcase with the image of a female silhouette. And we lay out the buttons one by one: the bottom row is large, and the top one - to close the space, we glue the buttons of medium and small sizes.

For the manufacture of the male silhouette, we will use sequins. The gluing process is the same as in the manufacture of a pillowcase with a female silhouette.

Our decorative pillowcases are ready.

Now they can be put on small pillows, which will serve as a very interesting decorative item for the room.

The final stage

  1. Self-esteem

The pillowcase I made turned out to be elegant, bright. Of course, in the process of doing the work, I met with many difficulties, but I think I coped with them. A small pillowcase made by me can serve not only as a decoration for a sofa cushion in the interior of my parents' room, but also, on occasion, serve as a toy for small children.

  1. economic calculation

The cost of a pillowcase for a sofa cushion made using the technique of three-dimensional appliqué can be calculated as follows: We do not take into account the cost of the fabric, since we use the remnants of the fabric used for the manufacture of other garments.

Name of materials used

Price, rub.)

Consumption of materials

Material costs


Pieces of leather

Used buttons

silicone stick

Despite the rather insignificant material costs, I received a smart pillowcase that will decorate the interior of my parents' room, and at a much lower cost than I would have to pay if I bought a similar product in a store.

  1. Labor costs

It took me 4 hours to make a decorative pillowcase.

For the pattern of details - 1 hour (2 rubles per hour) 2 rubles;

Ironing - 10 minutes (3 rubles per hour) 50 kopecks;

Gluing buttons and sequins - 2 hours (3 rubles per hour) 6 rubles.

  1. Environmental rationale

My work did not require the use of a large amount of resources: energy costs, complex tools, expensive materials, energy-intensive equipment. When creating my project, I used scissors, glue, tweezers and I believe that no environmental damage was caused.

Scraps of leather fabric, like a thrifty hostess, were given to me by my mother, they remained with her after the manufacture of garments, and I also used things that were no longer suitable for wearing. Thus, they did not have to be thrown away, therefore, environmental damage was not caused, and things received a second life.

Products from scraps of fabric allow you to achieve waste-free production, since even the smallest scraps may be needed for work. Thus, we benefit the environment without polluting it.

  1. Project Protection

The teacher set a task for us: to prepare a creative project on a topic of interest to us, using the knowledge and skills gained in the lessons of labor training. Because I am fond of interior design and arts and crafts, I was very interested in the idea of ​​​​realizing my ideas in arranging my parents' room. One of these ideas I decided to describe in this project.

We have considered several options for the design styles of decorative pillowcases.

My choice fell on the fifth option. It makes it possible to further adjust the design of the entire room in one direction or another.

After discussing the problem with the material, I decided that in the manufacture of a decorative pillowcase, you can use the remnants of fabric, used buttons, old beads, sheets, pillowcases.

In the process of doing the work, I tried to make the product neat and high quality. It was important for me that my work was appreciated by my parents and friends. That would allow me to continue to work on changing the interior of the room. I think that I did my job. And in the manufacture of the following products, I will take into account and correct those mistakes that were made during the performance of this work.

I hope to have time to make some more decorative pillowcases as a gift for my girlfriend.

I believe that despite the development of high technologies in our industry, working with modern materials, any schoolchild can make such a product with his own hands as a gift to his family.

You will sleep sweetly today

And you won't forget my gift.

'Cause I'll sew you a pillow

Note: a pillow, not a toy.

Dreams will be bright on her

And everything is greener in the yard.

Tell me how you slept

And what in a dream has now come true.

Creative project "APPLICATION" The work was completed by: a student of the 6th "b" class of the municipal educational institution "Zenzelinskaya secondary school" Liliya Umerova Head: Abdurakhmanova B. M uch. year

In our house there are things embroidered, knitted and decorated by my grandmother. Beautiful products still keep the warmth of her hands and heart, and at one time they were fabulous decorations for a simple rural house. Painting a picture with a needle, glue and colored scraps is a very exciting thing. And if there are pieces of fur, leather, suede, buttons and laces, then you can create many funny stories. Today I would like to surprise my relatives with a work made by my own hands, and in particular, to present the panel “Butterfly in the reeds”.

This idea came to me after viewing the magazine "Lena" Mr.. The drawing seemed to me not difficult, but very beautiful, and I thought that I could handle it. There was no scheme for embroidery in the magazine, there was only a photograph, but the desire to make this work was great. I decided to use the appliqué technique for this plot. We got acquainted with it at technology lessons, made tacks according to simple schemes. Here I counted on the help of my teacher.

Historical reference Applique is a type of needlework in which a pattern is created by sewing a fragment of a certain shape onto the material that serves as the basis. Application in Latin means application. Unlike patchwork, in which individual elements, when combined, create a new canvas, in appliqué, drawings are superimposed on a ready-made background. The origin of this type of needlework was justified by purely utilitarian needs - the need to repair clothes. Subsequently, the appliqué turned into an extravagant form of applied art. Appliqué is closely related to patchwork and quilting. Cut out elements sometimes look more expressive than those made up of patches, besides, the stitch technique allows you to work out small details of the appliqué. In the application, there are many techniques with which the fragment can be positioned and fixed on the background-base. Application Manual machine glue or thermal application

Adhesive or thermal application implies great accuracy, good eyesight and perseverance, but does not require special devices for work and a large number of fabrics. Hand appliqué requires some sewing skills. For machine application - the availability of a machine and appropriate tools. For application, you can use pieces of paper and fabric, leaves and dried flowers, ash and maple wings, straws and skin scraps. The basis for their gluing is paper, cardboard, fabric, glass, plastic, wood and plywood. At the same time, the drawing, it turns out, is completely different in texture than the one that happens to be drawn with pencils, paints or felt-tip pens. When applied, it turns out to be slightly convex, more juicy, distinct and bright. That is why the technique of performing work in this manner has always been attractive to both children and adults. The application will decorate almost any clothes - from T-shirts to coats. In different regions of the world, their own application techniques have developed. They form part of the national traditions of needlework.

I chose the drawing "Butterflies in the reeds." The picture shows reeds, cattail inflorescences (local name "chakan"). Butterflies really frolic in the reeds. Preparing a workplace. We comply with safety regulations when performing manual work and when working on a sewing machine.

In the work I need a fabric for the base - canvas. For application: Brown jersey fabric; Orange fabric; Dark green fabric Dark brown velvet fabric; Cotton fabric with a butterfly pattern; Threads of the right color.

I sewed all the details with a “zigzag” seam From brown velvet, cut the cattail inflorescences with a large margin, placed them in the picture, put pieces of padding polyester inside and sewed on by hand Butterflies were cut out of finished cotton fabric and sewn by hand. The cost of the product is low, because I found all the materials for work at home. Canvas for the base - from the grandmother's chest. I think the best advertisement for such work will be folk sayings: “Do not learn idleness, but learn needlework. A small deed is better than a big idleness. Friends! Strive to create beauty with your own hands. And the world will become BETTER!

Self-esteem. My goal was to generate surprise and admiration for my work. Also in the manufacturing process, I had to learn how to work with various materials, in particular with knitwear, creating my own, more complex composition than in the picture shown. I have learned a lot by doing this job. The product is ready! I hope others will like my work. It carries a piece of my soul. My room has become cozier and even warmer.

OGBOU "Lesno-Konobeevskaya boarding school"

Project on technology (sewing business) on the topic: “Fabric appliqué”.

Project participants: 5-8 grade.

Project manager: N.I. Ryzhkin,

technology teacher (sewing).


Creative project:

"Fabric Application"

"Everything we do

We call it miracles!

Project duration: 2016 - 2018 (long-term).

Project Type: Creative.

Project participants: technology teacher (sewing business), students of grades 5-8.

Objective of the project:

To get acquainted with the application of fabric as a type of arts and crafts.

Learn how to make appliqué, how to work correctly and safely with tools and devices, and how to apply them in practice.

Activate observation, attention and imagination, awaken imagination, develop creative abilities, sense of form, color perception.

Contribute to the aesthetic education of students.

Project objectives:

1. To study the history of appliqué fabric.

2. Reveal a variety of application techniques, colors.

3. Learn how to turn a piece of fabric into a product.

4. To develop the artistic taste of students.

5. Raise interest in folk art and respect for the traditions of the people.

Project implementation:

Stage I - search and research:

Find out the history of the application;

Application types;

What materials and tools are used to make the application;

Stage II:

Pick up scraps of fabric for the manufacture of the product;

To master the technology of manufacturing products in the application technique.

Stage III - practical:

Making an appliqué from fabric on an apron;

Making a panel "Golden Autumn" using the applique technique.

Stage IV - final:

Arrange an exhibition“Everything that we do ourselves, we call miracles!”

Training activities:

Lesson on the topic: "General information about the application." (1 hour)

1. Types of applications.

2. From the history of appliqué fabric.

3. Materials, tools, fixtures, equipment.

4. Idea (sketch).

5. Color solution.

6. Prepare the background.

Lesson on the topic: "Appliques from fabric." Practical work. (6 hours)

1. Preparing image details.

2. Cutting out image details.

3. Unfolding the details of the image on the background.

4. Sewing on image details.

Lesson-protection of a creative project on the topic "Fabric Application". (1 hour)

1. Analysis of work.

2. Organization of an exhibition of works and summing up.

Lesson on the topic: "General information about the application."

Target: get acquainted with the application of fabric as a type of arts and crafts.


Learn the history of the app

Explore what kind of application is in shape, color, theme, method of attachment;

Learn colors and color combinations

Study the materials used in the application.

During the classes:

Stage 1. Organizing time.

Hello girls!

With what mood we came to the lesson today, we will draw emoticons in our notebooks and smile at each other.

(Teachers greet, draw emoticons, control readiness for the lesson).

Stage 2. Knowledge update.

So, you sewed your first product - an apron.

Let's remember what types of household clothes exist? (Daily, working, evening, children's).

What type of clothing is an apron? (To work clothes).

And what should be the apron, in your opinion? What requirements must he meet? (beautiful, comfortable, practical).

Yes indeed. Household items, clothes should be not only comfortable and practical, but also beautiful. And this is fully facilitated by decorative and applied art.

Stage 3. Setting goals and objectives for the lesson. Motivation of educational activity of students.

With the help of what types of arts and crafts can we decorate household items, clothes? I will show you finished products, and you name: (Embroidery, beading, knitting, macrame, appliqué).

So we come to the topic of our today's lesson: "Application".

Girls, we received an order - we need to develop sketches for decorating an apron. And since we are getting acquainted with such a type of decorative and applied art as appliqué, we will also make sketches in this technique.

What is this type of creativity - application? (Answers of students in free form).

Have you worked in the application technique? When and where? (At technology lessons in elementary school).

How would you define an application? (Answers of students in free form).

And now we will try to understand and formulate the exact definition of the application.


1. this is the creation of artistic images by gluing pieces of some material onto a certain surface (base).

2. this is one of the types of visual technique based on cutting out various shapes and fixing them on another material, taken as a background.

They think, give answers, form the topic of the lesson, set goals and objectives:

1. To study arts and crafts in the technique of appliqué fabric.

2. To form the skills of drawing up a decorative composition.

3. Draw up a technological sequence for the implementation of this application.

Stage 4. Search and research.

Now let's take a closer look at these definitions. How are they similar and how are they different?

Both in the first and in the second definition there are the words “pictorial”, “image”. What does it say?

The application must depict something, carry some content.

According to the content, applications are divided as follows:

Subject (on the product one detail is depicted: a mushroom, a sun, a duckling);

Plot (depicted one or more objects that perform an action);

Decorative (includes ornament, pattern).

Applications are also divided into:

    By purpose (decoration, renovation, repair)

    By materials - by the type of fabrics used for its manufacture.

    According to the method of attachment (machine, manual, adhesive, removable).

    In appearance (slotted or lined, flat, convex).

    By theme (ornamental, natural, fantasy).

And now a little history.

Application is one of the ancient types of applied art. Household items with appliqué decoration were created already 2.5 thousand years ago! This decoration arose due to the eternal desire of a person to decorate his home, clothes, utensils.

The original form of appliqué is fur or leather sewn patterns, felt carpets with colored ornaments. The design of household and ritual objects of this kind can be found among the peoples of the whole world. Very interesting felt carpets with colored appliqués - complex figured images - were found in burial mounds in the Altai Mountains, which are dated by scientists to the 4th-5th centuries BC. The largest of them measured 4.5 x 6.5 m. Against a background of thin white felt, three identical scenes were placed between the borders of floral ornament: a goddess sitting on a throne with a branch in her hand, and in front of her the figure of an equestrian archer. The images are collected from patches of multi-colored felt. The expressiveness and specificity of the figures that came to us after two and a half centuries are striking.

To perform the application, you need a base or background on which the details will be located.

Guys, do you think the color has any meaning in the application?

Of course it has. When working in the “fabric appliqué” technique, you should sort the fabrics by color. Separately set aside white, black and gray fabrics; they are used in combination with others as separating, neutral.

Gray color ennobles any gamut, you just need to choose the most suitable shade.

Neutral colors(white, black and gray) are used with both warm and cold. When combined with them, they themselves will become either warm or cold..


Selection of fabrics by color:

    in contrasting colors

    soft pastel colors

Fabric to choose:

    with floral pattern

    abstract pattern

    blurry pattern

    plain dyed

There are very colorful fabrics that are difficult to attribute to any one group. In the product, they can be alternated with shreds that are paler in color.

Against the background of colorful fabrics, plain fabrics, without a pattern, stand out noticeably. They seem to come forward against a colorful background, organizing the frame of the composition. They are good to highlight the main components and the main guide lines in the overall composition.

If a plain fabric is not used, then the main color should be the brightest, actively contrasting with all the others in saturation. Its role can be played by both the darkest and the lightest color.

No need to strive for a large number of different fabrics in one product. Enough to take 3-5.

What material can the application be made of? (fabric, paper, buttons, leather, straw)

(A chamomile is drawn on the board. In the middle is the word “application”, the petals are the names of the materials for the application).

Today you will develop a sketch of an apron decoration using the “fabric appliqué” technique.

Let's go back to the application definitions:

In the first definition, the details of the appliqué are called "pieces of some material", and in the second it is called "various shapes". (The application must have some form. The second definition is more competent).

Let's take another look at the appliqué definitions: How are the ways to attach details to a background explained? (One definition simply refers to gluing the details onto the base, while another refers to first cutting out the details and then fixing them to the background.

As it turned out, the second definition is more precise and understandable.

There are various ways to attach details to the background (fabric): Glue application, sewing details manually with a buttonhole stitch, machine appliqué with a zigzag stitch. I gave some of you an advanced task, so let's listen to the speakers, who will tell us and show us how to work in the “fabric appliqué” technique. (15 minutes).

Think about what parts of the apron can be decorated in the form of an appliqué? (On the pocket, on the bib, on the bottom of the apron).

And how will we fix the details of the application? (Hand buttonhole or machine zigzag stitch)

Why do you think it is impossible to use adhesive application in this case, because it is easier to perform? (The apron is washed very often, so the appliqué may peel off).

In the next lesson, one group of girls will perform the appliqué with a manual buttonhole stitch, and the other group with a machine zigzag stitch.

Stage 4. Final part.

So, today you got acquainted with a new type of decorative and applied art: fabric appliqué.

Reflection. In conclusion, I suggest that you complete the sentence:

Related lesson : "Fabric Applications" Practical work.

Target: continue to acquaint students with the technological conditions and methods of making fabric appliqués, teach how to perform it.
Tasks: perform practical work on decorating an apron with an applique, while observing safety precautions and execution technology.
1. educational- Teach the techniques of making appliqués from fabric.
Educational- prepare students for independent work, activate observation, attention and imagination, awaken imagination, cultivate accuracy in work.
Educational– develop industriousness, individual creative abilities in the process of technological activity, develop application skills, improve work culture skills, mutual control, independence.
Required hardware and software : computer, multimedia projector and screen, presentation.
Visual aids : samples of products with applique, sketches of artistic design of garments, fashion magazines, needlework magazines, instruction cards.
Tools, materials and equipment : fabric samples, tracing paper, carbon paper, pencil, ruler, scissors, pattern templates, threads, needles, iron, sewing machine.
Lesson type : combined lesson.
Teaching methods:
according to the source of acquired knowledge - verbal, visual, practical; problematic - search;
for didactic purposes - updating, studying new material;

Course progress. I. Organizational moment.
Greeting students.
Checking students' readiness for the lesson.
Attendance check.
Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

II. Knowledge update. Motivation and updating of knowledge of students.
Introduction to the topic. (Crossword)

Questions to students: What materials are applications made of?

Why and where are applications used?

What types of applications do you know?
In the last lesson, you learned that the object of our work today will be an application. We will talk in more detail about this type of needlework, or rather about the technological process of making appliqués from fabric, decorating the aprons you have sewn with it.

III. Formation of new knowledge.

One common type of appliqué, which is used for decorating, repairing and finishing products, is fabric appliqué - overhead sewing.

The complexity of such an application lies in creating a composition and choosing a color solution. For many centuries, people have admired all the diversity and splendor of colors created by the great artist Nature and discovered the laws of color harmony that professional artists study and know well.

On the color wheel, contrasting colors will be opposite: blue - red, purple - yellow. By mixing each pair of adjacent colors, all intermediate shades are obtained (yellow and orange give a yellow-orange tint, orange with red - orange-red, green with blue - bluish-green, etc.). You can get more shades of each color (three or four or five colors and 24, 32 or 40 tones, respectively). Practically limited to 24-color tones. Depending on the degree of remoteness of the color in the color wheel, they form different chromatic intervals, which are important in the selection of harmonic combinations.

Knowledge of the harmony of colors and their shades will help you choose the most beautiful and combination of fabrics.

All kinds of natural and synthetic fabrics of different textures - smooth, fleecy, shiny, matte - can serve as materials for fabric application. To perform a convex application, a cushioning material is placed under it - interlining, synthetic winterizer, batting. The appliqué can be combined with various types of embroidery - stalk stitch, satin stitch, beadwork, sequins, etc.
As we already know, the connection of the application with the main fabric can be mademanual, machine and adhesive methods. Today, one group of girls will do the appliqué with a hand-stitched buttonhole, and the other group with a machine-made zigzag stitch.

machine wayconsists in fixing the appliqué on the fabric with a zigzag machine stitch. It is necessary to cut out the part exactly according to the drawing, fix it on a background patch and process the borders of the part with a zigzag seam on a sewing machine so as to completely cover the cut of the part. When performing machine applique, you can use braid or edging strips of fabric.
A few additional tips for running the application:

If the applique is made of a thin elastic fabric, then the places where the part is sewn should be strengthened with interlining or serpentine (adhesive fabric). This will make it easier to overcast the corners and oval edges of the appliqué.

In order for the edges not to crumble when cutting out the appliqué and stitching it, the fabric is starched.

Application steps.

Getting started with the application, as a rule, is not complete without choosing a picture, and then the fabric from which the main part will be made. It is also necessary to stock up on interlining or other dense fabric for the backing, threads of the required colors. The application is carried out in several stages. First you need to select a drawing, transfer it to tracing paper, cut out all the details from paper and number them.

The application can be complex in form, which is why the approach to work must be serious. You will need patience.
The next step is cutting and assembling the appliqué, and only then - laying it on the fabric for trying on or determining the exact location. The appliqué must be very well fitted. An appliqué of scraps of fabric on clothes can first be sketched in chalk or ordinary baby soap: this will make it clear how everything will look in full size.

current instruction.

IV. Practical work .
Application of knowledge, formation of skills.

Let's get started with the order. Our pocket pattern is already ready, it remains to make a template for the application and choose a harmonious color combination.

So, one group of girls will perform the appliqué with a manual buttonhole stitch, and the other group with a machine zigzag stitch. But before we get started, let's remember the tools and how to use them. And for this we will play the game "chain". (The first group of girls in the chain needs to name the tools for manual work and the rules for using them. And the second - the tools for performing machine work and the rules for using them).

current instruction.It is necessary to observe the safety regulations when performing manual, machine and ironing work.

The application is so multifaceted and diverse that its creative implementation is limited only by your imagination! How many of you have so many beautifully executed ideas you can show.

Be creative, dare, use your imagination! You have golden hands!

(Preparation of a sketch-application on a sheet of paper, selection of colors, necessary materials, tools, fixtures.)

During work, students use the technological maps proposed by the teacher. (Everyone on the table).

During the work of students, the teacher organizes the work of groups, monitors the correct implementation of the stages, controls and corrects the actions of students, conducts frontal and individual instruction.

V . Reflective-evaluative.

Comprehension of the process and result of activity, correction.

So, today you all did a great job, we give the floor to each creative group to protect their work. (Organize students' assessment of their own activities in the lesson).

All well done! Application marks: ……. See what interesting applications you have on aprons. We just have to send them to the customer. And maybe someday, you will learn your work from your friends and acquaintances.

In conclusion, I suggest that you complete the sentence:

Today in class I met...

Today in class I learned...