Tatar congratulations on your wedding day in words. Tatar congratulations on the wedding. Congratulations on mobile

Bitterly! the exclamations of those feasting during the Russian wedding feast, after which the bride and groom kiss. Kissing the newlyweds to the cries of "Bitter!" old rite. At weddings, it is customary to talk about drinking: “Bitter!”, As well as “In a glass ... ... Wikipedia

bitterly- bitterly offend bitterly cry bitterly disappoint bitterly disappointed bitterly repent bitterly weep bitterly reproach bitterly reproach ... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

bitterly- sadly, not easy, hard, hard, hard; kiss, it is necessary to sweeten; with a broken look, disappointing, mournful, deplorable, desolate, dejected, sobbing, joyless, melancholy, bitter, sad, insulting, pitiful, sad, joyless, bad, plaintive ... Synonym dictionary

bitterly- (50) nar. 1. Painful, hard: Christians, according to ancient custom, bitterly tormented June || dei KR 1284, 378b-c; I believe that there are many who will be martyred. and there bitterly rush. Pr 1383, 88b; torment the same bitterly. PNC XIV, 104a; in dark hours (s). terribly hot ... ... Dictionary of the Old Russian language (XI-XIV centuries)

Bitterly!- BITTER, oh, oh; rivers, ryka, ryko, ryka and ryka; bitter, bitter, bitter; bitterest. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

bitterly- (Source: “Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Word forms

BITTERLY!- BITTER!, Russia, Twin / Nikola film, 1998, color, 96 min. Comedy. The wedding did not work out from the very beginning: the bride is late, the parents are nervous, the guests are dragging bottles from the table, and the groom listens with undisguised interest to the stories of the toastmaster, to whom ... ... Cinema Encyclopedia

BITTERLY- Make "bitter". Kar. Kiss (about the bride and groom at the wedding). SRGK 1, 444 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

bitterly- adv.; go / rche, go / rshe, see also. bitterly! 1) to bitter 1), 2) cry bitterly / bitterly. The steppe smells bitterly of wormwood. Smiling brightly... Dictionary of many expressions

bitterly!- see bitterly; in sign int. The exclamation of the guests at the wedding table, according to Russian custom, calling on the newlyweds to kiss (in order to sweeten the wine) ... Dictionary of many expressions

Bitterly- I adv. qualities. 1. Having a bitter taste characteristic of wormwood, quinine, mustard, etc. Ant: sweet 2. trans. Strongly influencing the sense of smell, the mucous membrane of the nose, mouth (of smell, smoke, etc.). II adv. qualities. 1. Filled with grief, resentment, ... ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova


  • Bitterly! Encyclopedia. How not to break the button accordion and survive a Russian wedding,. There has never been such a book! It is about cinema, and about the wedding, it has tests, recipes, and a lot of humor and healthy toasts! The film "Bitter!" has truly become an encyclopedia of folk life. In ... Buy for 467 rubles
  • Bitterly! Encyclopedia, . There has never been such a book! It is about cinema, and about the wedding, it has tests, recipes, and a lot of humor and healthy toasts! Film "Bitter!" became truly an encyclopedia of folk life. AT…

The life path of each person is marked by special events, the most beautiful, exciting and long-awaited of which is. Since the Tatars are Muslims, nikah is obligatory for them - this is the name in Islamic family law for a marriage between a man and a woman. After this Muslim rite, the young become spouses before Allah.

Tatar congratulations on the wedding will decorate the celebration, make it bright, colorful and non-standard. Words spoken sink into the soul, bring real pleasure and are able to move to tears. This is not only a desire to sincerely congratulate the newlyweds on their wedding day, but also a tribute to traditions, a reflection of the high spirituality of the Tatar people.

And how beautiful Tatar wedding congratulations in verse sound! Lyrical lines reveal all the depth and tenderness of the Tatar people, emphasize their amazing originality. Congratulations, uttered with a soul and a sincere smile, will make the young truly happy and delight all those present.

Tormysh itu - dingez kichu, diler,
e dingezler tormy dulkynsyz.
Tormysh dulkynnaryn basar is very good,
Yashep bulmy soy, yalkynsyz.

Parly tipsen menge yoregegez -
Mekhabbatnen ike koyashi.
Koyash kebek is stupid - tugerek bulsyn -
Behetegez - homer yuldashi.

Congratulations on mobile

Zarygyp kotken tui konegez kilde,
Donana golge bar, nurga kumde.
Par baldaklar beamy bekhet yurap,
Barybyz yes soklanabyz sezge karap!

Par baldaklar balkyshynan
Kzlrebez chagyla,
Sez bgen - and gzl par
Chchklr kochagynda!

Ellar uzsyn bhett,
Shatlykta, mhbbtt,
Iminlekt, mullykta!

Behet tan bulyp yaktyra,
Bekhet horse kosh bulyp saury,
Behet street dulkyn ostende
Akkosh kaldyrgan brown.

Behet kochaktagy chechek,
Utnyn, yalkynlysy street
Mangai tirenden bushagan
Bakhetnen in olysy.

Onytmagyz, sagat sanaptor
Minutlaryn uzyp bargannyn
Yugaltmagyz menge saklagyz sez
Mohebbetnen altyn baldagyn.

Aikalmasyn, chaikalmasyn
Bulyp Torsyn kesegez
Ike tormak rose kebek
Gel yaneshe yashegez.

Tui baldagynyn altyn nurlary
Tormysh kugegezne businessen.
Kunelegezdeg soy khise
Berkaigan da beruk sunmesen.

Tbrik itm kavyshu knegez beln,
Ber-beregezg yakyn bulygyz.
Ozyn homer, snms bhet beln,
Yaa tormysh korygyz.

Alda sezne bhet karshylasyn.
Homer yulyn tigez tegez.
Ber-beregezne kaderen belep ken
Tigez matur tormysh itegez.

Tui konegez sezenen boilers bulsyn,
Kuterenke Bulsyn Kuneller!
Gel elmaep, bekhet, belen shatlyk
Tigezlekte utsen gomerler.

Tui baldagynyn altyn nurlary
Tormysh kugegezne businessen.
Kunegezdege soy khise
Berkaychan da beruk sunmesen.

Hisler tashiy yorak turennen
Saf telekler bulip tugele
Blue tugan konen belen
Tabrik itabez chyn kunelden

Torysh yulyn uz sin shatlyk belen
Avyrlyklar yuldash bulmasyn
Ozyn Yulda Baskan Ezen Kalmasyn
Vak Yangyrlar Ana Yumasyn.

Izge telk, spiteful szdn noggin
Tabyp bulmy zatly blkne.
Bezne chen bik t kaderle sez,
Bik t yakyn, bik t kirkle.

Tigez homer nasyp bulsyn,
Gel atlagyz Jansh.
Sau-slamt bulyp kyna
Yashgez yzgch.