2 class env world family traditions. What are family traditions: examples. Reading the text by heart Ibatullina Angela

The world around - Grade 2

Subject: "Family. Family Traditions"
Target: to form children's ideas about family relationships, family responsibilities, traditions and relics of the family.

Traditions and rituals are inherent in every family. Even if you think that there is nothing like this in your family, most likely you are a little mistaken. After all, even the morning: "Good morning!" and evening: "Good night!" It is also a kind of tradition. What can we say about Sunday dinners with the whole family or the collective production of Christmas tree decorations. What other traditions are there in the family?

First, let's define what a TRADITION is.

TRADITION (from lat. traditio - transmission), elements of social and cultural heritage that are passed down from generation to generation and preserved in certain societies and social groups during long time.

What is a family? There are different opinions and explanations. And we will look in the Ozhegov dictionary.

1. A group of close relatives living together.
2. An association of people united by common interests.


  • Joint cleaning
  • hiking
  • Trips
  • Surprises for the holidays
  • hugs upon meeting
  • On weekends we go to the cinema with the whole family
  • Planting potatoes together
  • Watching a TV program with the whole family
  • Evening family readings
  • Handicraft with the whole family

Choose yours and continue your list of your family's traditions


Family is happiness, love and luck,

Family is a summer trip to the country.

Family holiday, family dates,

Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.

The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,

Dreams of good, excitement, awe.

Family is work, caring for each other,

Family is a lot of family work.

Family is important!

Family is hard!

But it is impossible to live happily alone!

Always be together, take care of love,

We want your friends to talk about you:

"What a good family this is!"

(Maria Langer)

Find in this poem key words to the main concept of FAMILY.


You can find information about some holiday and tell us a little about it


  • Baba-grandmother, golden lady! You pray to God, you feed with bread, you take care of the house, you guard the good.
  • Brother will not betray brother.
  • Brother and brother go to the bear.
  • Brotherly love is stronger than a stone wall.
  • Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.
  • In a friendly family and warm in the cold.
  • There is no goodness in an unfriendly family.
  • A diligent house is dense, and a lazy house is empty.
  • Everyone in his family is big.
  • What is the calculation in your family?
  • In your home, the walls help.
  • In the family, the porridge is thicker.
  • There is discord in the family, and the house is not happy.
  • The family agrees that things are going great.
  • In a family where there is no consent, good does not happen.
  • In a family where there is harmony, happiness does not forget the road.
  • In a good family, good children grow up.
  • Everywhere is good, but home is better.
  • The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.
  • Where there is peace and harmony, there is God's grace.
  • Where there is advice, there is light; where there is agreement, there is God.
  • The thick porridge of the family will not disperse.
  • A girl's humility is more precious than a necklace.
  • A tree is supported by roots, and a person is a family.
  • Children of parents are not judges.
  • For a grandson, grandfather is the mind, and grandmother is the soul.
  • Good brotherhood is better than wealth.
  • It is not the stove that warms the house, but love and harmony.
  • At home, everything is arguable, but living in a stranger is worse.
  • Daughters flaunt, sons live in high esteem.
  • A friendly family knows no sorrow.
  • The life of parents in children.
  • Food tastes better at a communal table.
  • Earth without water is dead, a man without a family is a waste flower.
  • And the crow praises the crow.
  • Like a brother, like a sister.
  • When there is no family, there is no home.
  • Where the mother is, there the child goes.
  • There are no better brothers and sisters.
  • I love my children, but grandchildren are sweeter.
  • Brotherly love is stronger than stone walls.
  • Love and advice - there is no grief.
  • A loving mother is the soul of the family and the ornament of life.
  • Maternal prayer reaches from the bottom of the sea.
  • Maternal anger is like spring snow: and a lot of it will fall, but it will soon melt.
  • The mother of all business is the head.
  • The mother feeds the children, as the land of the people.
  • Dear mother - a stone fence.
  • What a treasure, when the family is in harmony.
  • Hints and reproaches are family vices.
  • There will be no good if there is enmity in the family.
  • Don't hide your failures from your parents.
  • There is no good if there is enmity between one's own.
  • There is no friend against a brother.
  • The father punishes, the father praises.
  • To honor a father and mother is not to know grief.
  • When the sun is warm, when the mother is good.
  • Honor your parents - you will not stray from the true path.
  • Parents are hardworking - and children are not lazy.
  • The parental word is not spoken by.
  • Our people - let's count.
  • Your home is not someone else's: you can't leave it.
  • Your own is not an enemy.
  • Family consent is the most precious thing.
  • A family where they help each other is not afraid of troubles.
  • To cherish the family is to be happy.
  • The family and peas are threshed.
  • A family without children is like a flower without a smell.
  • Family is the foundation of happiness.
  • The family is in a heap, and the cloud is not terrible.
  • The family gives a person a start in life.
  • The family is strong.
  • A family is strong when there is only one roof over it.
  • A mother's heart warms better than the sun.
  • The mother's heart is outgoing.
  • Consent and harmony is a treasure in the family.
  • A consonant family and grief does not take.
  • Consent in the family is wealth.
  • A quarrel in his family - to the first sight.
  • An older brother is like a second father.
  • The happiness of parents is the honesty and diligence of children.
  • A mother's patience knows no bounds.
  • The dear child has many names.
  • Though closely, but better together.
  • A man without brothers and sisters is a lonely tree.
  • A man without a family is like a tree without fruit.
  • What is - together, what is not - in half.

Choose a few proverbs and sayings that are suitable for your family, write them down on a thematic page


The coat of arms of the family is a set heraldic symbols, which personify the main features of a particular family genus. The family coat of arms used to be a privilege of the nobility, but now it is designed to highlight the family, unite all its members, become a strong link for generations and the main relic and value of the clan. The coat of arms can be ordered from specialists, or you can create it yourself with your parents. Such a joint lesson will help relatives express love for each other without further ado, and will have a beneficial effect on the development of the child. Thanks to the development of a family coat of arms with children, patriotic feelings will be brought up in the younger generation, knowledge of heraldry in general and its features will appear, vocabulary will be enriched and there will be an opportunity to show imagination, participate on an equal basis with adults in creating a family heirloom.


This is a schematic representation of family ties, a family tree in the form of a tree, at the “roots” of which the ancestor is located, and on the “branches” are various lines of his descendants - “leaves”. Most often, pedigrees are presented in the form of a tree. But there may be other options.

Each person must know the history of his family in order to have an idea of ​​​​his origin, status, historical value. However, not everyone knows about their relatives beyond their grandparents (at best). Today, it is becoming fashionable to draw up your family tree, the so-called family tree (the program will help you do this colorfully and visually). This scheme is called a tree due to the fact that many relatives “grow” from one person, like the crown of a tree.

Class: 2

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

  • Show that each family is connected with the past traditions of their ancestors.
  • Develop interest in the history of your family, family traditions, pedigree.
  • To create a favorable environment for students and their parents to realize the uniqueness and originality of each family.
  • To instill a sense of cohesion between students and their parents, grandparents based on a common interest in the history of the family, in its genealogy.

Equipment: Textbook "The World Around" Grade 2, author O. Poglazova (program "Harmony"), notebook for the textbook, exhibition of works "My family tree", exhibition of family heirlooms (photographs, household items), a set of proverbs and sayings about the family, cardboard apples for every child.

During the classes

Hello guys. I hope that today you came to the lesson in a good mood. Let's share smiles with each other. Smile at me, smile at each other. Introduction to the lesson plan (slide 1).

1. Checking homework.

Guys, guess the rebus "7I".

Yes, in the last lesson we started a big and important topic: "My family." Family is the most important thing in the life of each of us, these are relatives, those whom we love, whom we care about, whom we wish well. (Slide number 2).

Let's remember what a family is. (this is a group of close relatives living together).

And who do we call close relatives? (people who have common parents, grandparents, great-grandparents)

The family is small and large. Several generations can live in a family. How do you understand it? (A generation is relatives of a close age, for example, the older generation is grandparents, the middle generation is parents, the younger generation is children, grandchildren of grandparents).

How many of you have multiple generations in your family?

What family is called a large family? (in which 3 or more children).

Almost every person has other relatives. Who is this? (these are uncles and aunts, cousins ​​and sisters).

Guys, let's answer the questions of your homework in the textbook on p.53.

Each person has a first name, patronymic, last name.

What's the name? A sound dropped by accident

In which there is no meaning or meaning?

Of course not! And there is a mystery in the names.

And the sacrament is the naming.

The names of the children are chosen by the parents. You should have asked your parents why you were called that, and try to find out what your name means (several answers from children).

It turns out that in our class the most common name among girls is Anastasia.

Guys, you know that a patronymic is assigned to a person by the name of the father, and the surname is passed from parents to children. Complete the next task of the textbook (slide 4, 5).

2. A story about the genealogy of your family.

Guys, you have received the task in advance to compile a genealogy of your family. As you can see, many of you have coped with this task. It is very important to look for your roots, to know your ancestors, because without the past there is no future. And you, compiling your genealogies together with your parents, learned a lot of new and interesting things (the performance of several children with stories about their genealogies).

3. Work in groups. Compilation of proverbs about the family.

Guys, now you have a task in groups - to connect the scattered proverbs about the family and then read them (distribute a set of proverbs to each group).

4. Physical education (slides 6.7).

5. New theme.

Yes, guys, "parents", "Motherland", "kind" are words with the same root. These holy words help us to understand and love our native language, native nature, traditions of our native people and traditions of our family. Continuing our theme of the family, today we will talk in more detail about family traditions (slide 8).

Analysis of the concept of "tradition" (reading the text in the textbook on p. 63).

But there are also family traditions.

Family traditions include a favorite family game, a traditional family favorite dish, and reading bedtime stories.

Which of these traditions does your family have? (children's stories).

Speaking of traditions, we can recall traditional folk holidays. Children of different nationalities study in our class: Tatars, Bashkirs, Russians, Chuvashs. Every nation has its own folk traditions. Muslims have their own traditional holidays - Sabantuy, Navruz (slides 9,10).

How closely everything is intertwined in our country! Sabantuy is celebrated everywhere, both in Russia and abroad, if Tatars or Bashkirs live there.

Guys, which of you went to Sabantuy with your parents? Who does it often?

So, this can be called a family tradition?

In Rus', Maslenitsa has been celebrated since ancient times (slides 11,12).

Do any of you have grandmothers or mothers baking pancakes at Shrove Tuesday? So, this is also a folk tradition.

The common folk tradition is the meeting of the New Year (slides 13,14).

Family traditions are the fruits of the joint work of adults and children. These fruits can be compared with the fruits of an apple tree. Each of you has an apple on your desk, on which you will write about the traditions of your family at home, and for the next lesson we will glue these apples to our tree - the symbol of the clan.

Guys, do you keep old photographs and things in your house? Do you like looking at them? In addition to family traditions, there are also family heirlooms (slides 15, 16).

Let's read about it on p.62 of the textbook (reading the text).

6. A student's story about family heirlooms.

Now we will listen to the story of Andrei Yegorov about his great-grandfather, who was a participant in the Great Patriotic War. He heard this story from his grandmother while working on the family tree. Old photographs, medals, letters are carefully kept in his family and are family relics (a student's story, showing a photograph, a medal of his great-grandfather, a family heirloom - a national Chuvash decoration).

7. The result of the lesson. Reflection.

So, today we continued talking about the family.

What did you learn today that you didn't know before?

What was interesting for you in the lesson?

Would you like to learn as much as possible about your family traditions and relics?

Yes guys. Each person is very dear to his family, his home. And wherever we are, we always remember him, he attracts us with his warmth. Home is not only a roof over your head: it is the people closest to you.

Lesson grades. Homework (slide 17).

  1. Read the textbook page.
  2. Learn about family heirlooms.
  3. Write on the "apple" the traditions of your family.

Family traditions World around 4th grade

On January 1, 2016, according to our family tradition, we visited the Penza Zoo.

New Year at the zoo Family traditions

On this day, the zoo annually holds an open day and admission is free for everyone.

It seems that everything was as usual, and yet we saw something new.

Almost every animal in the cage had a Christmas tree, it turns out that they were put there before the New Year. Ded Moroz and Snegurochka walked around the zoo. Some animals were given gifts: tangerines and apples from a bag and even toys. The monkeys looked at the toys like children. Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden did not enter the cells. Communicated with animals through glass or bars. And gifts were passed through the feeding window.

My brother was surprised: Mom, it turns out that Santa Claus also comes to the monkeys.

New Year's dinner

The animals just had lunch, they all came out of the heated places, and we watched who was eating what.

Raccoons and chanterelles were fed chicken legs. And the tiger was put into a cage with 2 live ducks from a pond, which is also located in the zoo. Our tiger was not going to be friends with them. He immediately caught them and dragged them to the far corner of the cage, away from the audience.

This sight shocked my mother a little, she felt sorry for the ducks. They also have New Years. Dad said it's nothing special, it's just that the tiger has New Year's dinner. And I think that the tiger is a predator and should be fed with live food. My little brother thinks that this is how tigers are always fed. In general, no one took pity on the ducks, except for the mother.

Panther's lunch was delayed and when my brother approached the glass behind which she was sitting, the panther began to scatter and throw itself at the glass, trying to catch him. At first he was frightened and moved away, but then he liked it, and again he went up to the glass.

Monkeys and raccoons asked for food from visitors, but requests not to feed hung everywhere and the bars were very small.

For the first time, kangaroos appeared in our zoo, and even with offspring and a polar bear. Some animals: a lion, a zebra, ostriches, parrots - for some reason were hidden from the audience for the winter.

In my opinion: January 1 at the zoo - Open House Day - is a very good idea, our family never misses it. When I grow up, I will definitely continue our family tradition, on the first of January every year I will go to the zoo with my family.

It's all about our family traditions World around I wish you success in your studies!

Slide 9

Here is what Alexei Kuzin wrote about his family. 2013 in Russia was declared the year of the Family by the president. The family is the basis, the foundation of the country. Today I want to talk about my family. My family consists of four people and we all have the same last name - Cousins. But I believe that in order to be called a family, it is not enough to live under one roof and have one last name. For me, family is close and dear people, whose support I feel even at a distance. For me, these people are my dad, mom and brother. My mother is beautiful, hardworking, caring and loves to cook. When my brother and I come home from school, a delicious lunch is always waiting for us at home. I can tell my mom all my secrets, share my emotions and experiences. She always listens attentively and gives advice on what to do in a given situation. My dad is a sports, honest, fair and business man. He leads an active lifestyle and his main hobby is volleyball. Every morning in our family starts with exercises, and in the evenings my dad and I go to the gym or to the pool. In appearance, my dad is strict and serious, but in fact he is very cheerful and kind. My parents work in the trade. They love their job very much and spend a lot of time there. But my brother and I never feel a lack of attention and love. Brother... I can't even imagine and don't remember myself without my brother Sasha. After all, he appeared in our family when I was only a year and a half! For me, he is not just a brother, for me he is the best and most reliable friend. We have many common interests, we attend sports sections, clubs together, go to school together. Our family is a small state. Here, as in every state, there are rights and obligations, as well as their own laws. Our law is not to lie, not to be lazy, to complete the work begun, to be fair, friendly and respect the opinion of each family member. And of course we have our own traditions. We consider joint summer trips to be one of the traditions of our family. Every year we go by car to rest on the sea. There we swim a lot, sunbathe and take pictures, and then in the winter, looking at the pictures, we plan where we will rest next year. The most favorite holiday in our family is the New Year. In the evening we lay a festive table, give each other gifts. Then we discuss what events happened in the past year, what we achieved, what we learned. And of course, we make wishes. I believe that we have a very strong and friendly family, and therefore our desire always coincides: "God, help me to make sure that all my loved ones are healthy and happy! "

Topic: "Family Traditions"

The purpose of the lesson: To form children's ideas about family relationships, about family responsibilities, about family traditions and relics;

Lesson objectives:

1. the formation of a belief about the importance of the family in human life;

2. To develop interest in the history of one's family, family traditions, genealogy, to develop the ability to carry out project work and present it;

3. to cultivate an understanding of the need to take care of the weak, sick, old family members, the desire to maintain the traditions of one's family, to keep family relics;

Teaching methods: practical, problem-search, methods of independent work, work in pairs, group, verbal, visual

Equipment: interactive whiteboard, stickers, markers, colored paper, scissors, glue. During the classes

1. Organizational stage. (Greeting, psychological attitude to work)

Everyone stood in a circle beautifully,

greeted politely,

We will take a breath

Let's start the learning lesson!

Let's guys smile at each other and start our lesson with high spirits. The game "Leaf fall". In front of you are leaves of three colors (yellow, green, orange), I suggest you take any leaf (children take one leaf each), so you are divided into groups. Now, let's take our seats. The first group is the first row, the second group is the second row, the third is the third.

2.Updating knowledge

Today our lesson is unusual. Firstly, there are guests at our lesson, and secondly, you will determine the topic on which we will work today, thirdly, as a result of a joint search, we will find answers to complex questions that concern many people. I suggest looking at the board. slide 1

Guys, there are three pictures in front of you - rest, tea drinking, decoration of the New Year tree. What do you think these pictures mean, and what are we going to talk about today? (Children's answers) That's right, today we will talk about family traditions, the traditions of each family. What would you like to learn in this lesson? Why should family traditions be followed?

Reading a poem by heart Ibatulin Dima

Family traditions… They contain the wisdom of our ancestors.
The traditions of the family ... They have a seal of time.
Family traditions are a wonderful heritage.
We will bequeath it to our children.

But in order to talk about traditions, I suggest remembering what we talked about in the last lesson? (about family)

Let's remember what a family is. (this is a group of close relatives living together).

Family. Quite often we hear or pronounce this word, but how often do we think about what it means. FAMILY - how many mysteries in this word! There are several versions of its origin.

I suggest looking at the presentations prepared by Snezhana and Sofia.

Presentation prepared by Shamsutdinova Snezhana

The word "family" is divided into 2 words "seven" and "I", i.e. 7 + i. It means seven like me. After all, in the family everyone is somewhat similar to each other: face, voice, look, character; there may be common interests, hobbies.

"Seven" - does not divide. It is considered a special number and reminds that the "family" is also one and indivisible.

And you can also say that the word "family" comes from the word "SEED". A small seed, planted with love in the ground, soon gives a strong sprout, on which, over time, first tender flowers appear, and then good fruits.

When your parents started a family, it also looked like a small seed. It had to be nurtured with love: to live in harmony, to take care of each other. The family grows stronger, and the seed turns into a strong sprout. The first flowers bloom on it - sons and daughters.

Presentation of the story of Petrova Sophia.“A long time ago, a boy lived on a distant island. He lived all alone. No one raised him, no one punished him, he did not share nuts and fruits with anyone. But the boy was very sad.

One day he went to the seashore. And suddenly a gray-haired old man came out to meet him. He was very old, but very wise.

Where are you going? asked the old man

I'm going to look for a place where I won't be so lonely.

I know how to help you. Come with me,” the old man suggested.

He brought the boy to his house, where his children and grandchildren lived.

Listen! - said the old man.

We all live in the same house, we rejoice together, we grieve together, we eat together what nature has given us, we help each other.

Stay! I will be your grandfather, my son and his wife will be your father and mother, and my grandchildren will be your brothers and sisters.

The boy stayed, and after a while he realized that only now he had learned to rejoice and became truly happy. And it happened because he had a family.

Work in pairs.

Guys, I suggest you discuss the story and draw conclusions.

Do you think it is hard for a person without a family that supports and understands him?

How did the boy understand that he was truly happy?

And does a person need to feel happy and needed? (children, having thought over and analyzed the text, prove to each other that the family and family traditions are necessary for any creature on earth)

Reading the text by heart Ibatullina Angela.

Once upon a time, the earth did not hear about him ...

But Adam said to Eve before the wedding:

Now I will ask you seven questions.

Who will give birth to children for me, my goddess?

And Eva answered softly:

Who will bring them up, my queen?

And Eve dutifully replied:

Who will prepare the food, oh my joy?

And Eve answered in the same way:

Who will sew the dress, wash the linen,

Caress me, decorate the house?

Answer the questions, my friend!

I ... I ... - Eve said quietly,

Said she famous seven ya

This is how the family was born.

And who do we call close relatives? (people who have common parents, grandparents, great-grandparents)

The family is small and large. Several generations can live in a family. How do you understand it?

Each person has a first name, patronymic, last name.

The names of the children are chosen by the parents.

Guys, at home you should have asked your parents why you were called that, and try to find out what your name means (several answers of children).

A patronymic is assigned to a person by whose name? (father)

1. Problem solving.

Sasha has a cousin, Daria Petrovna. What is the name of Sasha's mother's brother? (Peter.)

Two mothers, two daughters, and a grandmother and granddaughter, and there are three of them in total. Who is this? (granddaughter, daughter, grandmother.)

2. Name the missing words.

* son, father, ... (grandfather), great-grandfather. (This is a male line.)

* great-grandmother, grandmother, ... (mother), daughter. (This is a women's line.)

3. What is the name of Kolya's uncle, if Kolya's cousin's name is Andrey Ilyich. (Ilya.)

The game "Folk Wisdom".

There are many proverbs and sayings about the family. What proverbs can be made from these pieces. Explain their meaning. (proverbs are cut into several parts, children make up proverbs and explain their meaning)

A family is strong when there is only one roof over it.

In the family, love and advice, so there is no need.

Why and treasure, if the family is in harmony

The whole family is together, and the soul is in place

In the native family and the porridge is thicker.

One for all and all for one.

The family is the refuge of the soul.

4. Physical education.

You all love to relax with your family. And I suggest you take a break now during the warm-up. Listen to the task and do it.

Those who have an older brother stand up and clap your hands

Who has a sister or sister, wave your hand over your head

Who helps loved ones at home, stand up and clap your hands

Who has pets in the family, put your hands up

Clap those who love their family very much

5. Conversation.

Each of you has people closest and dearest whom you love.

Who is this?

(Mom, dad, grandma, grandpa)

6. Work with the textbook.

Consider the drawing. What are family members doing?

Mother, father?

7. Primary assimilation of new knowledge

The life of every family is filled with different worries.

What kind of family can be called friendly?

How are responsibilities distributed among family members?

What responsibilities do you have at home?

What are the concerns of every family? (about the younger ones, about plants, animals, the elderly)

8. Reading a storyL. N. Tolstoy:

The old man was planting apple trees. They told him: “Why do you need these apple trees?

Long wait for the fruit from these apple trees, and you will not eat an apple from them.

The old man said: "I will not eat - others will eat, they will thank me."

- What matters can be called personal, what - family?

- What kind of family can be called friendly?

- In which family does harmony reign?

Do you always follow advice?

- Are there male and female affairs in the family?

dramatizationpoems by E. Uspensky “If I were a girl”

Should all family responsibilities be divided into male and female? (Of course, men in the family take on harder work, women can do some things well, but there are things that are done together in a friendly family. In such a family, it does not happen that someone works, and someone in while playing games or watching TV

6. Conversation

The family in the life of our ancestors was of great importance. The family discussed and solved important problems of everyday life, work (since the whole family worked in the field, in the workshop, etc.). There was always an elder in the family, whom everyone was obliged to obey. He maintained order. The head of the family was called a house builder. The younger ones in the family came under the care of either their father (boys) or mother (girls) and learned their craft and housekeeping. The elderly were surrounded by honor and care. The ancestor mother enjoyed special respect.

The family is the most important thing in life for a person. What a blessing that you all have a family, a parental home - the beginning of all beginnings.

Listen to an excerpt from the essay prepared by Vanya.

The most important tradition in our family is caring for each other and helping those who need it. No wonder they say that a friend is known in trouble. And it's so wonderful when there are relatives and friends nearby who can help and help out, provide support in any situation. Recently, my grandmother had to undergo a complex operation. And in just a few days, the relatives collected the necessary amount of money and gave it to us without hesitation. Grandma has already recovered, and I am very grateful to my large family for their help, support and care for each other.

Presentation. Working with the interactive whiteboard

What are traditions? Tradition - customs passed from older relatives to younger ones.

Why do people keep traditions?
What family traditions do you know?

Dramatization of the poem

And she asked her daughter:

Daughter: - How are you, daughter?

Have you crawled under the table again, fidget?

Did you sit all day without lunch again?

These girls are in trouble!

Soon you will be as thin as a match.

Come to dinner, spinner!

And she asked her daughter:

Mom: How are you, daughter?

Played again, probably in the garden?

Managed to forget about food again?

"Lunch!" - Grandma screamed 100 times,

And you answered: “Now, yes now!”.

These daughters are in trouble.

Come to dinner, spinner!

And she asked her mother:

Grandmother: - How are you, daughter?

Probably in the hospital for a whole day

Again, there was not a minute for food,

Did you eat a dry sandwich in the evening?

You can't sit all day without eating!

She has already become a doctor, but everything is a fidget.

These girls are in trouble!

Soon you'll be thin like a match

Come to dinner, spinner!

3 mothers look at their daughters

What to do with stubborn daughters?

All: Oh, and it's not easy being moms!

What family tradition did the girls show us?

Work in pairs

What traditions do your families have?

Every family has different traditions. Let's think about them. (children in pairs tell each other about family traditions, and then present them to the whole class)


Family traditions include a favorite family game, a traditional family favorite dish, and reading bedtime stories.

So, this can be called a family tradition?

Maslenitsa has been celebrated in Rus' since ancient times.

Do any of you have grandmothers or mothers baking pancakes at Shrove Tuesday? So, this is also a folk tradition.

Common folk tradition - meeting the New Year

Group work

Guys, what are family traditions? What traditions do your families have? Let's show with the help of a cluster. (doing work in a group, protecting clusters, grading).

Learn about family heirlooms.

Write an essay about the traditions of your family.

8. The result of the lesson. Reflection.

So what are we talking about?

What did you learn today that you didn't know before?

What was interesting for you in the lesson?

Would you like to learn as much as possible about your family traditions and relics?

I propose to finish our lesson by writing on your palms about what you remember, what you liked, what you didn’t like, what you would like to repeat.

Each person is very dear to his family, his home. And wherever we are, we always remember him, he attracts us with his warmth. Home is not only a roof over your head: it is the people closest to you.

I want to give you a memento.

All this is necessary for the family to be friendly and strong. At the end of our lesson, I would like to recall the wise commandment "Honor your father and mother, and you will be well, and you will live long."

Memo for children.

    Love, appreciate and take care of your parents - no one will replace them for you.

    Overcome laziness, always try to help your parents - this will bring them joy.

    You like mom's smile, dad's approval. Try to have them in your house every day. It depends only on you.

    Speak pleasant, affectionate words to your loved ones, never refuse help, offer it yourself.

    And if you get down to business, do it well, with soul.

And remember the words of Marina Tsvetaeva: “Do not be too angry with your parents, remember that they were you, and you will be them.