Lesson seminar. Equipment: presentation, video clip “Tidal power plant. Types of power plants Tidal power plants presentation

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Constantly feeling energy hunger, humanity is turning more and more attention towards alternative energy sources. And in this regard, the World Ocean is an inexhaustible storehouse of energy resources. One of the most powerful sources of ocean energy is tidal and tidal currents.

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For centuries, people have pondered the cause of the ebb and flow of the sea. Today we know for certain that a powerful natural phenomenon - the rhythmic movement of sea waters - is caused by the forces of attraction of the Moon and the Sun.

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The highest and strongest tidal waves occur in shallow and narrow bays or mouths of rivers flowing into the seas and oceans. The tidal wave of the Indian Ocean rolls against the current of the Ganges at a distance of 250 km from its mouth. The tidal wave of the Atlantic Ocean extends 900 km up the Amazon. In closed seas, such as the Black or Mediterranean, small tidal waves 50-70 cm high occur. Tidal waves

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This is a special type of hydroelectric power plant that uses the energy of the tides, but in fact the kinetic energy of the rotation of the Earth. Tidal power plants are built on the shores of the seas, where the gravitational forces of the Moon and the Sun change the water level twice a day. Water level fluctuations near the coast can reach 13 meters. Tidal power plants

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Alternative energy sources are currently doing their job very well. Wind and solar energy are mainly used in the form of alternative energy. There is also the energy of ebb and flow, which is used quite rarely. Although, it is this alternative way of generating energy that does not create noise, vibrations, and also does not affect nature in any way. To create such sources of energy generation using ebbs and flows, the costs are significantly high. But with the help of unique turbines that convert the movement of water into energy, the price range of such a system can be more affordable.

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Total in the topic 23 presentations

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school No. 3 of the city of Abakan" Tidal power plant Author: Anastasia Deeva, student of grade 11 Head: Dolgushina I. A., physics teacher 2015 the energy of the earth's rotation. Tidal power plants are built on the shores of the seas, where the gravitational forces of the Moon and the Sun change the water level twice a day. Water level fluctuations near the coast can reach 18 meters. The operation mode of a tidal power plant usually consists of several cycles. Four cycles, this is a simple, 1-2 hour period, the periods of the beginning of the tide and its end. Then four working cycles lasting 4-5 hours, periods of high or low tide, operating in full force. During high tide, the basin of the tidal power plant is filled with water. The movement of water rotates the wheels of capsule units, and the power plant generates electricity. At low tide, the water, leaving the pool to the ocean, again rotates the impellers, now in the opposite direction. And again, the power plant again produces an electric current, because the working unit provides equally good work when the wheel rotates in either direction. Between high tide and low tide, the movement of the wheels stops. What is the way out of this situation? To avoid interruptions, power engineers connect the tidal power plant with other stations. These can be, for example, thermal or nuclear power plants. The resulting energy ring helps to shift the load on the neighbors in the ring during pauses. Principle of operation Unlike hydroelectric power plants, they do not require the alienation of land for reservoirs, do not pose a threat of catastrophe in the event of an emergency destruction of the dam (remember the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station), and do not disturb the hydrological situation in the adjacent territories. The disadvantage is low efficiency and, as a result, a long payback of capital costs. Damage to the sea coast (okay - Norwegian fiords, and if Hawaiian beaches?). Conclusion: the resources of tidal energy in the world are such that when using them, you can get such an amount of energy that will exceed humanity's current needs for electricity by 5 thousand times. Thank you for your attention! To be continued… 1) alternativenergy.ru 2) greenevolution.ru 3)enersy.ru 4) ru.wikipedia.org 4) ukgras.ru

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"Physics presentation on the topic "Tidal Power Plant""

Municipal budgetary general education institution "Secondary school No. 3 of the city of Abakan"

tidal power plant

11th grade student

Supervisor : Dolgushina I. A.,

Physics teacher


tidal power plant

- a special type of hydroelectric power plant that uses the energy of the tides, but in fact the kinetic energy of the rotation of the Earth. Tidal power plants are built on the shores of the seas, where the gravitational forces of the Moon and the Sun change the water level twice a day. Water level fluctuations near the coast can reach 18 meters.

Principle of operation

The mode of operation of a tidal power plant usually consists of several cycles. Four cycles, this is a simple, 1-2 hour period, the periods of the beginning of the tide and its end. Then four working cycles lasting 4-5 hours, periods of high or low tide, operating in full force. During high tide, the basin of the tidal power plant is filled with water. The movement of water rotates the wheels of capsule units, and the power plant generates electricity. At low tide, the water, leaving the pool to the ocean, again rotates the impellers, now in the opposite direction. And again, the power plant again produces an electric current, because the working unit provides equally good work when the wheel rotates in either direction. Between high tide and low tide, the movement of the wheels stops. What is the way out of this situation? To avoid interruptions, power engineers connect the tidal power plant with other stations. These can be, for example, thermal or nuclear power plants. The resulting energy ring helps to shift the load on the neighbors in the ring during pauses.

Unlike HPPs, they do not require the alienation of land for reservoirs, do not pose a threat of catastrophe in the event of an accidental destruction of the dam (remember the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP), and do not disturb the hydrological situation in the adjacent territories. The disadvantage is low efficiency and, as a result, a long payback of capital costs. Damage to the sea coast (okay - Norwegian fiords, and if Hawaiian beaches?).

Conclusion: tidal energy resources in the world are such that when using them, you can get such an amount of energy that will exceed the current needs of mankind in electricity by 5 thousand times.

Thank you for your attention!

1) alternativenergy.ru 2) greenevolution.ru

3) energy.ru 4) en.wikipedia.org 4) ukgras.ru

To be continued…

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal Education Agency

Irkutsk State Technical University

Faculty of BiU

Department of Economics and Management


By discipline: non-traditional energy sources

on the topic : Tidal power plants


Checked by: Chumakov V.M.


A sharp increase in fuel prices, difficulties in obtaining it, depletion of fuel resources - all these visible signs of an energy crisis have caused considerable interest in many countries in recent years in new energy sources, including the energy of the oceans.

It is known that the energy reserves in the oceans are colossal, because two-thirds of the earth's surface (361 million square kilometers) is occupied by seas and oceans. However, so far people are able to use only a tiny fraction of this energy, and even then at the cost of large and slowly paying off capital investments, so that such energy has so far seemed unpromising.

The energy of the ocean has long attracted the attention of man. In the mid-1980s, the first industrial installations were already in operation, and developments were also underway in the following main areas: the use of the energy of tides, surf, waves, the difference in water temperatures between the surface and deep layers of the ocean, currents, etc.

Tidal power plants

For centuries, people have pondered the cause of the ebb and flow of the sea. Today we know for certain that a powerful natural phenomenon - the rhythmic movement of sea waters - is caused by the forces of attraction of the Moon and the Sun. Tidal waves conceal a huge energy potential - 3 billion kW.

The idea of ​​using the energy of the tides came from our ancestors a good thousand years ago. True, then they were building not TPPs, but tidal mills. One of these mills, mentioned in the documents of 1086, has been preserved in the town of Ealing, in the south of England. In Russia, the first tidal mill appeared on the White Sea in the 17th century.

In the twentieth century, scientists thought about using the potential of the tides in the electric power industry. The benefits of tidal energy are undeniable. Tidal stations can be built in hard-to-reach places in the coastal zone; they do not pollute the atmosphere with harmful emissions, unlike thermal stations, do not flood land, unlike hydroelectric power plants, and do not pose a potential hazard, unlike nuclear power plants.

Tidal power plant (TPP) - power plant , converting the energy of sea tides into electrical energy. PES uses the difference in levels of "high" and "low" water during high and low tide. By blocking the bay or the mouth of a river flowing from the sea (ocean) with a dam (having formed a reservoir, it is called a TPP basin), it is possible with a sufficiently high tide amplitude (> 4m) to create a head sufficient for the rotation of hydro turbines and hydro generators connected to them, placed in the body of the dam. With one pool and the correct semi-diurnal tide cycle, the TPP can generate electricity continuously for 4--5 h with breaks respectively 2--1 h four times a day (such a PES is called a single-pool double-acting). To eliminate uneven power generation, the TPP pool can be divided by a dam into two or three smaller pools, one of which maintains the level of "low" water, and the other - "full" water; the third pool is a reserve; hydraulic units are installed in the body of the dividing dam. But even this measure does not completely exclude the pulsation of energy due to the cyclical nature of the tides during a half-month period. When working together in the same energy system with powerful thermal (including nuclear) power plants, the energy generated by PES can be used to participate in covering the load peaks of the energy system, and HPPs included in the same system, which have reservoirs of seasonal regulation, can compensate for monthly fluctuations in tidal energy.

Capsular hydraulic units are installed at the PES, which can be used with relatively high efficiency in generator (direct and reverse) and pumping (direct and reverse) modes, as well as as a culvert. During the hours when the low load of the power system coincides in time with the "low" or "full" water in the sea, the TPP hydroelectric units are either turned off or operate in pumping mode - they pump water into the pool above the high tide level (or pump it out below the low tide level) and thus accumulate energy in a way until the moment when the load peak comes in the power system ( rice. one ).

If the high or low tide coincides in time with the maximum load of the power system, the PES operates in generator mode. Thus, PES can be used in the power system as a peak power plant .

In 1966 in France on the Rance River ( rice. 2 ) built the world's first tidal power plant. The system uses twenty-four 10-

megawatt turbines, has a design capacity of 240 MW and annually produces about 50 GWh of electricity. For this station, a tidal capsule unit has been developed that allows for three direct and three reverse modes of operation: as a generator, as a pump and as a culvert, which ensures efficient operation of the TPP. According to experts, TES Rance is economically justified. The annual operating costs are lower than those of hydroelectric power plants and account for 4% of capital investments.

Another large 20 MW tidal power plant is located at Annapolis Royal, in the Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia, Canada. It was officially opened in September 1984. The system was mounted on about. Hogs at the mouth of the river. Annapolis based on an existing dam that protects fertile land from flooding with sea water during storms. The amplitude of the tide ranges from 4.4 to 8.7 m.

In 1968, on the coast of the Barents Sea in Kislaya Guba, the first pilot TPP in our country was built. There are 2 hydraulic units with a capacity of 400 kW in the building of the power plant. The founders of this project were Soviet scientists Lev Bernshtein and Igor Usachev. For the first time in the world practice of hydrotechnical construction, the station was built by floating method, which then became widely used in the construction of underwater tunnels, oil and gas platforms, coastal hydroelectric power stations, thermal power plants, nuclear power plants and protective hydraulic engineering complexes.

Unlike hydropower from rivers, the average tidal power varies little from season to season, allowing tidal power plants to provide power to industrial plants more evenly.

Abroad, projects are being developed for tidal power plants in the Bay of Fundy (Canada) and at the mouth of the Severn River (England) with a capacity of 4 and 10 million kilowatts, respectively, and small tidal power plants are operating in China.

So far, the energy of tidal power plants is more expensive than the energy of thermal power plants, but with a more rational implementation of the construction of hydraulic structures of these stations, the cost of the energy they generate can be completely reduced to the cost of the energy of river power plants. Since the planet's tidal energy reserves far exceed the full amount of hydropower in rivers, it can be assumed that tidal energy will play a significant role in the further progress of human society.

The world community assumes the leading use in the XXI century of clean and renewable energy of sea tides. Its reserves can provide up to 15% of modern energy consumption.

33 years of experience in operating the world's first TPPs - Rance in France and Kislogubskaya in Russia - have proven that tidal power plants:

work steadily in power systems both at the base and at the peak of the load schedule with a guaranteed constant monthly electricity generation

do not pollute the atmosphere with harmful emissions, unlike thermal power plants

do not flood the land, unlike hydroelectric power plants

do not pose a potential hazard, unlike nuclear power plants

capital investments for TPP facilities do not exceed the costs for HPPs due to the floating construction method tested in Russia (without lintels) and the use of a new technologically advanced orthogonal hydroelectric unit

the cost of electricity is the cheapest in the energy system (proven for 35 years at PES Rance - France).

In Russia, the projects of the Tugurskaya TPP with a capacity of 8.0 GW and the Penzhinskaya TPP with a capacity of 87 GW on the Sea of ​​Okhotsk have been completed, the energy of which can be transferred to energy-deficient regions of Southeast Asia. The Mezen TPP with a capacity of 11.4 GW is being designed on the White Sea, the energy of which is supposed to be sent to Western Europe via the East-West integrated energy system.

The floating "Russian" technology for the construction of TPPs makes it possible to reduce capital costs by a third compared to the classical method of building hydraulic structures behind dams.

Tidal power plants do not have a harmful effect on humans:

no harmful emissions (unlike thermal power plants)

there is no flooding of land and the danger of a wave breaking into the downstream (unlike a hydroelectric power station)

no radiation hazard (unlike nuclear power plants)

the impact on the TPP of catastrophic natural and social phenomena (earthquakes, floods, hostilities) does not threaten the population in the areas adjacent to the TPP.

Such technology is especially beneficial for island territories, as well as for countries with a long coastline.

Environmental Safety:

PES dams are biologically permeable

the passage of fish through the PES is almost unhindered

full-scale tests at the Kislogubskaya TPP did not find any dead or damaged fish (research by the Polar Institute of Fisheries and Oceanology)

the main food base of the fish stock is plankton: 5-10% of plankton die at the TPP, and 83-99% at the HPP

the decrease in water salinity in the TPP basin, which determines the ecological state of marine fauna and ice, is 0.05-0.07%, i.e. almost imperceptible

ice regime in the TPP basin softens

hummocks and prerequisites for their formation disappear in the basin

there is no pressure effect of ice on the structure

bottom erosion and sediment movement fully stabilize during the first two years of operation

the floating method of construction makes it possible not to erect temporary large construction bases in the sites of the TPP, to construct jumpers, etc., which contributes to the preservation of the environment in the area of ​​the TPP

emission of harmful gases, ash, radioactive and thermal waste, extraction, transportation, processing, combustion and disposal of fuel, prevention of combustion of atmospheric oxygen, flooding of territories, the threat of a breakthrough wave are excluded

TPP does not threaten humans, and changes in the area of ​​its operation are only local in nature, and mostly in a positive direction.

Energy performance of tidal power plants

Using the great forces of the tides of the World Ocean, even the ocean waves themselves, is an interesting problem. They are just starting to solve it. There is much to explore, invent and design.