Calculation of early retirement pension. Calculation of the amount of pension payments. How to confirm special work experience

According to the legislation in Russia, men can become a pensioner at the age of 60, women at the age of 55.

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What it is?

Early registration of a preferential hazard pension is possible if a person's labor activity took place in conditions that have an adverse effect on health.

It is paid from the Pension Fund, to which the employer deducts additional contributions for employees whose jobs are recognized as harmful or dangerous. To determine the harmful factors of production and the degree of their impact on workers at the enterprise, a special assessment of working conditions is carried out.

Normative base

The norms and rules for calculating the harmfulness pension are laid down in the laws of Russia, the main of which are No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013. and No. 426-FZ of December 28, 2013.

The list of harmful and dangerous professions was approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR of January 26, 1991 N 10.

Who is entitled to?

A preferential pension is issued to persons who risk losing their ability to work or acquiring occupational diseases during work.

The reason may be a special danger in the performance of work, increased injuries, increased levels of gas pollution, poor lighting, noise in the workplace, radiation.

Such professions and positions are combined into lists for establishing preferential seniority.

Lists of professions No. 1, No. 2

Lists are used when calculating pensions for citizens working in such sectors of the economy as:

  • mining;
  • metallurgy;
  • coke production;
  • gas processing and oil refining industry;
  • chemical industry;
  • production of explosives;
  • electrical production;
  • healthcare;
  • polygraphy;
  • transport;
  • Atomic industry.

List Professions #1 recognized as particularly harmful and particularly severe. It includes workers in hot shops, persons working underground.

Listed #2 many professions are repeated. It is distinguished by working conditions that pose a lesser danger to human health.


Depending on the industry, the profession of a welder is included in both lists.

Thus, welders of refractory metals working in metallurgy and plastic welders processing fluoroplastic in electrical production receive benefits based on list No. 1. Thermite welders, resistance welders are included in list No. 2.

When assigning a pension, attention is paid to the exact match of the name of the position code in the list and in all documents of the employee, reflecting his labor activity.

These include:

  • personalized accounting documents.

X-ray laboratory assistant

Medical specialists working with x-ray equipment can retire at the age according to list No. 1.

These are doctors and paramedical staff of X-ray surgery rooms, angiography and fluorography rooms. These include X-ray laboratory technicians who work with radioactive substances.

It is important to note that only X-ray laboratory assistants who perform their duties under the conditions reflected in list No. 1 can receive early retirement.

For example, doctors who work with magnetic resonance therapy devices cannot apply for a preferential pension, since there is no x-ray exposure at their workplace.


Medical workers who have benefits when applying for a pension are listed in list No. 2.

These are medical personnel working in tuberculosis and infectious diseases hospitals, leper colonies, psychiatric hospitals, chemotherapy rooms.

For women

In Russia, women can apply for a pension at the age of 55.

If the work took place in the conditions and in the professions included in list No. 1, the retirement age is reduced to 45 years. If a woman's profession is on list No. 2, she can draw up a pension when she reaches 50 years of age.

In the north

The right to retire earlier than ordinary citizens by five years is given to persons who have worked 15 years in the Far North.

In areas equated to it, in order to apply for a preferential pension, work experience must be at least 20 years.

Preferential harmfulness pension in 2019

The accrual of pension payments for citizens applying for a hazard pension in 2019 will be carried out according to the same method as in 2019.

The minimum work experience will be 8 years, the minimum pension coefficient is 11.5. In 2019, the cost of the IPC will be 78.28 rubles, the amount of the fixed payment is 4801.11 rubles.

Terms of appointment

For the right to apply for a preferential pension, a certain general length of service and length of service in a privileged profession included in lists No. 1 and No. 2 must be developed.

Men Women
List #1
Total work experience (years) 20 15
10 7,5
Age reached (years) 50 45
List #2
Total work experience (years) 25 20
Work experience in a privileged profession (years) 12,5 10
Age reached (years) 55 50

With incomplete experience in a privileged profession (less than half of the above), the reduction in the retirement age occurs:

  • according to list no. 1- for one year for each full year worked in a privileged profession;
  • according to list no. 2- for one year for men for every two and a half years worked in a privileged profession;
  • according to list no. 2- for one year for women for every two years worked in a privileged profession.

How to apply?

You can consult with the specialists of the Pension Fund a few months before the retirement age comes about how the pension is drawn up. They will explain the procedure for registration and make a list of documents that need to be collected.

The future pensioner will need to prepare a passport, work book, military ID, pension certificate (SNILS), 60 months before 2002, a certificate confirming the special nature of the work.

To clarify certain issues, employees of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation have the right to request other documents. To collect and provide them, the citizen has three months. If he meets this deadline, the pension will be paid from the date of application.

Within 10 days, the application is under consideration by the fund, which makes a decision on the appointment of pension payments or refusal.

If it is not possible to confirm the work experience in hazardous professions, the fund may refuse to pay a pension for harmfulness.

Exit order

Upon reaching the retirement age, the employee may be with the employer or continue to work.

If a citizen has decided on, he has the right not to notify the employer about this in two weeks. The contract is terminated from the date indicated by the employee in the application.

In the event of the liquidation of an enterprise or a reduction in staff, it is possible that no more than two years are left before reaching retirement age.

In addition to age, several important conditions must be met:

  • employees must be fired due to downsizing or liquidation of the enterprise;
  • the citizen must be registered with the employment authorities, there are no suitable vacancies for his employment;
  • a citizen has a length of service sufficient to accrue pension payments.

How to calculate?

In order to find out the amount of a future pension, you need to understand how the pension payment is calculated.

The following formula is used to calculate the pension:

SP \u003d IPC x SIPC x K + FV x K, where

SP - the amount of the pension;

IPC - individual pensioner coefficient (IPC).

IPC depends on and is calculated by the formula:

PC \u003d CB / CBmax x 10, where

  • CB - insurance premiums transferred by the employer for the year;
  • CBmax - 16% of the maximum contribution base (changes annually).
  • SIPK - the cost of SIPK changes annually and from February 1, 2019 is 78.28 rubles.
  • K - premium coefficients depend on the number of years for which the application for a pension has been deferred;
  • FV - a fixed payment is from February 1, 2019. the amount of 4805.11 rubles.

Calculation example

An employee reaches retirement age on March 1, 2019. His monthly salary was 25,000 rubles.

We calculate the IPC:

  • Salary for the year amounted to 300,000 rubles. With a tariff of 16%, the amount of insurance premiums is 48,000 rubles.
  • For a year, a citizen will score IPC 48000/140160 * 10 = 3.42 points.
  • From the beginning of 2019 until March 1, 2019 IPC will accumulate up to 7.41 points.
  • Points for the period up to 2019 are calculated by dividing the insurance part of the pension by the value of one point in 2019. Suppose in our example they amounted to 70 points.
  • The total number of IPC points is 7.41 + 70 = 77.41.

Points are added for periods of military service, for the time of caring for a child, a disabled person, an elderly relative.

As a result, the insurance pension will be equal to 77.41 * 78.28 + 4805.11 = 10864.76 rubles.

Indexing and recalculation

As inflation rises, the state indexes the pensions of non-working pensioners.

Pensions of citizens who continue to work are currently not indexed. But in the event of their dismissal, the amount of pension payments will be increased by all missed indexations.

The recalculation of the amount of the accrued pension is carried out in connection with the circumstances that have arisen or new changes in legislation.

When the disability group of a pensioner changes, when contributions are received from the employer for a working pensioner, pensions are recalculated by the employees of the Pension Fund independently from August 1.

In other cases, recalculation requires an application to the Pension Fund. The pension will be recalculated from the month following the month of application.

Procedure and terms of payment

The payment of the harmfulness pension, like all others, takes place in the current month. The method of receipt is chosen by the pensioner independently.

The pension can be transferred to a bank account, delivered by Russian Post or another organization.

Frequently asked Questions

Why is this pension so small?

The amount of the pension depends on the official salary, IPC points and bonus coefficients.

By retiring earlier, the employee does not have time to accumulate a large number of points. The premium coefficients for calculating an early pension are lower than those for an old-age pension. All this leads to a decrease in pension payments for harmfulness.

Is it planned to be cancelled?

The cancellation of the harmfulness pension is not planned. The requirements for the administration of enterprises are becoming more stringent.

The introduction of a mandatory assessment of working conditions will strengthen control over the state of jobs. The collection of additional pension contributions will make it possible to accumulate funds for the payment of harmful pensions.

Will they add?

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Calculation of preferential pension

Basically it can. There will be a proportional reduction in the total length of service.

In June 2012, I received a preferential old-age pension. According to the result of the length of service calculation, the seniority pension was due in January 2012 (25 years of underground service).
Is it possible to recalculate the amount of the pension from January 2012, taking into account the indexation in February and April 2012?

Good evening! According to the pension legislation, if you did not officially submit an application to the Pension Fund for the appointment of a pension in January, then unfortunately it is impossible to recalculate from January. The day of applying for a pension is the date of filing an application with the Pension Fund for its appointment. Judicial practice on such issues is negative. Also, with us you can conduct an independent examination of the calculation of your pension and check the correctness of the amount of pension accrued to you.

When calculating the teaching experience for calculating a preferential pension, the teacher was refused to take into account the next vacation that I took while I was on leave to care for a child up to 1.5 years old. But after all, this is another vacation that I simply did not have time to take at the end of the school year, since I gave birth to a child in April 1995. The refusal was justified by the fact that at the time of taking the next vacation I was not carrying out teaching activities. Is such a decision correct?

Refine the text of the question. According to the wording used, it turns out that during the period of being on vacation of one type, you were also on vacation of another type, which cannot be.

How do I calculate preferential honey. Retirement? Whether its appointment is possible or probable to me if honey. experience 27.4 of them 3.5 years in intensive care, maternity leave up to 1.5 years (born in 1998), the decree was not included in the experience of resuscitation. Will the length of service, minus the decree, be enough to assign a preferential pension?

Judging by the text - clearly not enough. If one and a half years of the specified length of service is minus, then no more than 2 years are added (resuscitation, coefficient 1.5), i.e. You need at least two more years of medical experience.

I am applying for a preferential pension, exit July 2018, coefficient 1.18 can I take 5 years after 2002 for calculation (the salary was higher)

Good day! Oh sure. In the situation under consideration, of course, you have such a right. Good luck, I wish you good luck!

Is one month of preferential service counted for three months when calculating a pension at the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Good day! No, when calculating a pension, only calendar length of service is taken into account, if you mean the size of yours.

Are advanced training courses included in the pedagogy and are they included in the calculation of the preferential pension.

Dear Larisa Vladimirovna The period of stay at advanced training courses is subject to inclusion in the length of service giving the right to early retirement. The employer must pay insurance premiums to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. According to the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation", the right to early appointment of an old-age labor pension to certain categories of citizens who enjoyed such a right under the previous legislation was retained. Some issues of calculating the length of service in the relevant types of work are also regulated by the Rules for calculating periods of work that give the right to early appointment of an old-age labor pension in accordance with Art. The periods of work performed constantly during a full working day, unless otherwise provided by the Rules or other regulatory legal acts, subject to the payment of insurance premiums for these periods to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Art. 187 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - if the employer sends an employee for advanced training with a break from work, he retains his place of work (position) and the average salary. Good luck and all the best

Good day to you for the period you specified is included in the preferential period of service, which gives the right to receive an early old-age pension in connection with the implementation of pedagogical activities, this is regulated primarily by Article 187 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Does fixed-term military service count towards preferential service when calculating a pension? And what are the possible nuances (he left for service from a "preferential" job or another option got a job after serving for a "preferential" job). Thank you!

Service in the army is taken into account in the preferential length of service, which is important for a pension assigned ahead of schedule in connection with special (harmful or difficult) working conditions, and for a seniority pension if the position of a soldier is in the corresponding list of positions approved by the Government of the Russian Federation (clause 3 Law No. 76-FZ).

Hello. Periods of work in positions associated with increased danger to life and health are included in the special length of service when establishing an old-age pension in connection with special working conditions or a seniority pension, if these positions are included in the relevant lists approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. The federal law "On the status of military personnel" established that the time spent by citizens in military service under the contract is counted in their total length of service, included in the length of service of the civil servant and in the length of service in the specialty at the rate of one day of military service for one day of work, and the time spent by citizens in military service by conscription (including officers called up for military service in accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation) - one day of military service for two days of work.

Does the calculation of a pension on preferential terms include the period of service on Russky Island?

Dear Elena On this issue, contact the department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for a reasonable and motivated opinion. Good luck to you and all the best.

Is usea counted in vocational schools to calculate the length of service upon entering a preferential pension for an employee of the Federal Penitentiary Service.

Does useba in vocational schools count for calculating the length of service when entering a preferential pension for an employee of the Federal Penitentiary Service. No, only study at a technical school and university is counted at the rate of one day of service for two days of study.

Is it possible to calculate the old-age pension if a woman already has a preferential pension.

Hello! There were no changes in the calculation of the amount of pensions for employees of hazardous industries in connection with the entry into force of the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions" on January 1, 2015. As before, the size of the pension depends on the length of service and wages taken into account before 01/01/2002, and after 01/01/2002 the amount of insurance premiums affects the amount of the pension.

Does length of service include preferential length of service and half of full-time education when calculating a pension for a policeman.

Hello. Yes, of course it is included Good luck to you and all the best, please contact the lawyers of our site again if you have any questions.

The federal law "On social guarantees for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation" takes into account the duration of service in the internal affairs bodies, studies are not taken into account.

Preferential pension under the second list, they said that when calculating the size of the pension, only years of work on preferential service were taken into account, the rest will be recalculated after 60 years is this correct.

Good afternoon Andrei, you must have misunderstood something, you were granted an old-age pension ahead of schedule in connection with work under Schedule 2, at the age of 60 the amount of the pension is not recalculated. The length of service coefficient, when determining the size of the pension, can be set according to the preferential length of service or according to the total length of service worked out before 01.01.2002. The most advantageous option is selected. (Article 30 of the Federal Law No. 173-FZ).

Due to an error by the pension fund inspector when calculating the length of service for a preferential pension, the pension was assigned 3 years later. Is it possible to sue a pension not received on time and moral damage.

Dear Olga, the right to a pension is declarative. Thus, it is impossible to sue the unreceived pension and moral damage. Wish you all the best.

Is it possible to sue a pension not received on time and moral damage. I guess it's impossible. You immediately had to go to a lawyer when your experience was incorrectly calculated.

What years are included in the calculation of the preferential pension, I work as a teacher from 1991 to 2016. From 2005 to 2007 I was on maternity leave with a total experience of 27 years as a teacher. experience 25. Always worked full-time. They say that it is better to take the 90s, when there were millions before the reform.

Good afternoon Natalia, you can take wages for calculating a pension for 2000-2001, according to the information available in the pension fund, if the earnings coefficient for this period is less than the maximum 1.2, then take five consecutive years for periods of work until 01.01 .2002 (Article 30 of the Federal Law No. 173-FZ). After this date no wages are taken.

My wife retired in 2014 on a preferential pension, the calculation was made before 2002, the pension was calculated as small. Is it possible to do a recalculation?

In connection with what? If simply because you want this recalculation, without any reason for it (the reason is not indicated in the question), then no.

My wife retired in 2014 on preferential service (born in 1964). The calculation was made before 2002, a small pension was calculated. Is it possible to recalculate after 2002?

You can contact the PF in your region

When calculating the preferential pension (list 2), they did not take into account the length of service as an individual entrepreneur and stood at the labor exchange for 1 year. Having provided certificates from the CZN and the Tax Office, can I demand a recalculation of the pension? Thank you.

If you really had to enter the experience - you can.

What periods are not included in the medical experience when calculating a preferential pension. Particularly interested in regular vacations, nursing leave up to 3 years, study for improvement. I am a medical worker (paramedic).

parental leave after October 6, 1992 is not included in the preferential service, the remaining periods are included.

What experience will I be taken into account when calculating the benefit of a pension, if before 2002 I have 7 years of benefits and 2 years of simple. When calculating through the calculator, you must indicate the experience until 2002. Thank you.

Good afternoon. To calculate early pension, the relevant length of service is taken into account

Assigned a preferential pension on 08.2016. The calculation was made according to the salary of 80 years, the pension turned out to be small. Can I, upon reaching retirement age (55 years), recalculate the pension with the provision of a salary certificate for another period (for example, from 2002 to 2008). Thanks.

Hello, you can't. you are already receiving your pension. ahead of the due date. Good luck to you and all the best.

Hello! Yes, you can apply for a pension recalculation.

In 1993, she gave birth to a daughter. Is maternity leave included in the calculation of a preferential pension for a teacher? Thank you!

Hello! Not included in your case.

When calculating pensions, they require a certificate of preferential length of service for the period of service in the Far North, although there is a personal file on service in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Do I need to make an official request, or can I refer to any documentation?

You need to make an official request, the pension fund can make this request on its own



the status of military personnel undergoing military service under the

Hello, the answer to this question needs to be prepared, and this is a paid service. Contact personally any lawyer of your choice and agree on a paid consultation, or simply transfer the issue to VIP. Sincerely.


(DECRET OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION 1237 OF SEPTEMBER 16, 1999 G ISSUES OF SERVICE) Citizens of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as citizens) who have not completed military service,
students in military professional educational organizations and military educational
organizations of higher education (hereinafter referred to as military educational institutions), before the conclusion of the contract, they have
the status of conscripted military personnel.

Decree of the Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation of September 22, 1993 N 941 "On the procedure for calculating length of service, assigning and paying pensions, compensations and benefits to persons who have served in the military as officers, ensigns, midshipmen and servicemen of extended service or under a contract as soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen or service in the internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system and their families in the Russian Federation. "5. Establish that conscription military service as soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen (formerly military service), except for periods subject to credit for length of service on preferential terms provided for military personnel of military units, headquarters and institutions of the army in the field , military personnel who served or were in captivity during the Great Patriotic War, took part in the work to eliminate the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant or were unreasonably prosecuted or repressed, are counted in the length of service for the appointment of pensions in the calendar calculus".

Does the amount of pension affect the presence of preferential seniority or only the calendar is taken into account in the calculation?

The amount of the pension is affected by the presence of preferential service, if it is fully worked out.

From what calculations is a preferential pension calculated, with a dependent?

Contact the appointing authority.

After the change in the pension calculation mechanism, many may not know how the pension will be calculated. The new bill has made some changes, according to which the calculation of pensions is carried out according to a different principle.

This applies not only to citizens who retired due to age, but also to beneficiaries who, by virtue of their profession, receive the right to retire early due to working conditions.

This article will help you figure out what exactly has changed in the accruals and tell you how to calculate the preferential pension on your own.

Who can apply for a preferential pension?

The first step is to figure out which categories of citizens can retire early. According to the current legislation, citizens who work in hazardous conditions have such a right.

The full list of professions is listed in articles 30, 31, 32 of the Federal Law No. 400, which was adopted on December 28, 2013.

In general, the following persons are entitled to a preferential pension:

  1. workers who have official work experience in the Northern regions;
  2. citizens who have one or two parents in the status of disabled people;
  3. people who work in industrial enterprises;
  4. employees of fire services and the Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  5. any positions that are associated with constant psycho-emotional stress;
  6. creative professions;
  7. employees of medical organizations;
  8. teachers and other professions from list 1 and 2.

The law protects the rights of these main categories, but this is not a complete list of all professions. If a citizen works in difficult conditions, then he has the right to apply for a pension ahead of schedule and receive accruals in accordance with the Labor Code.

Useful material :

What documents do you need to collect for registration?

It should be said right away that the list of documents is almost no different from the standard registration of an old-age pension. The citizen will only be required to provide additional documents that confirm the special working conditions.

Also, citizens will be required to fulfill several mandatory conditions that are set by the state:

  • the presence of an official workplace, which is included in the list of those allowed for early retirement. The full list can be found in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 665, which was adopted on July 16, 2014;
  • you will also be required to comply with the standards of uninterrupted work experience in the workplace, which are described in Federal Laws 30-32. For example, doctors and other health workers are given the right to retire early if the total medical experience is 30 years for those working in the city and 25 for the villages;
  • an additional requirement is the availability of special pension points, which are accrued to the employee in accordance with the Appendix to the Federal Law No. 400, which was adopted in 2015. The minimum number should be 6.6 for those who retire in 2015.

Calculation algorithm

It is worth noting that regardless of the conditions under which a citizen retired, the calculation of a pension for preferential service is the same. In this case, there is one formula according to which monthly payments to pensioners are determined.

In most cases, the number of special "pension points", which have been determined since 2015, plays a decisive role in the size of the future pension.

Until that time, the basis of calculations was only the length of service, according to which the total percentage of a citizen's contributions to the Pension Fund was calculated and then the amount of the pension was determined. Today, the formula has changed a bit and includes several variables:

(X in year N/U in year N)*10,

  • in this formula, X is the amount of individual contributions made by a citizen to the pension fund in year N,
  • U - the standard amount of deductions in the PF according to the legislation for the year N.
  • N is the number of years.

A simple example of calculating a preferential pension

A citizen worked full-time as a doctor in a local hospital and received 50 thousand rubles a month, and with such initial data it is possible to calculate how many pension points he will be awarded.

For 2017, the amount of contributions to the pension fund is 16%. Thus, it turns out that in a year a person should have received 600 thousand rubles and 96,000 rubles were transferred to the Pension Fund (600,000 * 16%).

According to 2015 data, the maximum amount of the insurance premium will be taken into account up to 113,760 rubles.

Even if a citizen received a slightly higher salary, this value will be taken into account in the formula. Having all the necessary data, we proceed to the calculation of the accrual of pension points:

(96,000/113,760)*10=8.4 points. 1 pension point is equal to 74.27 rubles, that is, 621 rubles, which will be added to the fixed payment in the amount of 4558 rubles and the funded part of the pension, which will be formed separately.

What is required for self-calculation of a preferential pension?

The first step is to pick up a work book and see what position was officially recorded. After that, search the Internet for the Federal Law (Resolution No. 665), which contains the entire list of professions that may qualify for a preferential pension.

This is the easiest step, because then you will have to calculate which of the labor periods will be counted in the benefit period. Now you need to check not only the entry written in the work book in the “position” column, but also the place of work with the list given in the Resolution.

Slightly simplified rules for medical workers and teachers, in other cases it is necessary to prove to the state that you have been working in difficult or hazardous conditions all the time.

Every time they hear about another possible pension reform in the news, potential recipients of pension savings understand that the accrual methodology is complicated and incomprehensible. This applies to both ordinary pensions and payments intended for privileged categories of citizens. It is for the latter that this article will address issues related directly to the calculation of pensions.

One of the federal laws adopted in 2013 described the categories of citizens who will receive the insurance part of the pension with preferential supplements. Professions with difficult working conditions, for example, associated with a risk to life - railway workers, rescuers and geologists, as well as other professions, such as teachers, fall under the category of "preferential". Under certain conditions, these citizens can count on early retirement, with appropriate payments.

The conditions are as follows:

  • the number of pension points at the time of registration of retirement must be at least six;
  • naturally, a citizen must be an employee belonging to the above categories of "beneficiaries";
  • the length of service must be no less than the required one, determined by federal legislation, and it varies for different professions.

Method for calculating preferential pension

If a number of points must be observed in order to draw up pension accruals calculated on preferential terms, then the method of directly calculating the amount of deductions does not differ at all from the standard one. Everything depends on the number of pension points, which is slightly higher for privileged categories of citizens than for the rest.

The very concept of "pension point" was introduced in 2015, before that, payments accrued to citizens were calculated directly from the pension contributions of a working citizen and the duration of his work experience. Now, according to the new standards, everything listed is translated into these very “pension points”. The conversion formula is quite simple: the total amount of contributions to the Pension Fund for a certain year is taken, divided by the amount of pension contributions taken in the same year, and multiplied by ten.

For understanding, we will analyze the calculation on a specific example. Let's say that the doctor of the therapeutic department receives twelve thousand rubles a month. Let's calculate the number of points earned by him for 2015. That year, the rate on insurance contributions was equal to sixteen percent per month, respectively, pension contributions for 2015 amounted to:

RUB 670,000 * 16% = 107,200 rubles.

Applying a rate of sixteen percent to wages and taking into account a period of twelve months, we get:

12 000 rub. * 0.16 * 12 months / RUB 107,200

Multiplying the resulting number by ten, we have 2.15 points for the doctor of the therapeutic department, accrued to him in 2015 with a monthly salary of twelve thousand rubles.

According to federal law, all the funds listed before the introduction of the "point" system were automatically recalculated. At the time of retirement, each citizen will receive a pension payment in accordance with the accepted formula, according to which all points earned in a certain year will be multiplied by a rate equal to the value of a point for a certain year.

Example and formula for self-calculation of preferential pension

If desired, the expected pension accruals can be calculated independently. To do this, first of all, it is necessary to compare the entries in your own work book with the list of professions, work in which implies early retirement. The next step will be to determine specific calendar dates for work periods that can be considered as grace periods. Here, not only the name of the profession is taken into account, but also the names of organizations (also collected in a special list) in which labor activity was carried out.

After the full length of service has been painted, it is necessary to check with federal legislation (articles 30 to 32, law No. 400) for compliance. With sufficient experience, you can proceed to the calculation of points for individual periods.

Please note that you will have to deal with rather complex calculations. As mentioned above, the points began to operate quite recently, so it is necessary to take the rates of pension contributions for the period from the beginning of the 2000s to 2014 and calculate the insurance part of the pension using the old formula.

The resulting value must be divided by the value of the pension point adopted for 2015, and the resulting number should be added to the points accrued for various periods of interruption in direct labor activity (child care, sick leave, etc.). It is worth noting that for each year pension points are calculated separately, at the appropriate rates.

Further, all received pension points must be multiplied by the pension coefficient, resulting in an approximate amount of the insurance pension calculated on preferential terms. True, the accuracy of this calculation at home does not exceed sixty percent. A more accurate calculation will help to carry out a special calculator offered on the official website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

If the age is still far from retirement, then instead of complex calculations, it is still better to engage in direct labor activity. If you want to get into the privileged category of citizens, you need to focus on achieving the conditions necessary for this, described at the very beginning of the article.

In the case of applying for a preliminary calculation of a preferential pension, even if the applicant is still far from retirement, the employees of the Pension Fund are not entitled to refuse. Knowing the approximate estimates of your future retirement savings, you can get an additional incentive to increase them.

What documents are needed to receive a preferential pension