How to choose the right future profession to your liking if you don’t know who you want to be? How to choose a profession How to understand what profession the soul lies in

"When you grow up, what do you want to be?" - this question is asked by parents to their children from generation to generation. It is good if a child is interested in medicine or designers from childhood. But it often happens that after 10 years of study, he still cannot decide on a profession. How to be in such a situation?

Profession is..

Profession- this is a kind of human activity that requires certain knowledge, skills and training. The profession determines the nature of a person's work, and the specialty determines the type of activity within one profession. For example, a doctor is a profession, but a therapist is a specialty. The position depends on the level of training (qualification) - the name of the position in the documents.

Much depends on the choice of profession. Job satisfaction, income level, health, well-being. A person who is engaged in an unloved business sooner or later begins to complain that "the work got tired, it became not interesting" or "the soul does not lie to her."

In order not to get into such a situation, it is worth choosing an occupation that will bring satisfaction to your liking.

A person must consciously answer the following questions:

  • What do I want to do?
  • What can I do?
  • Do you have enough strength to engage in the chosen activity for a long time?

Choosing a profession for life, where to start looking

American consultant Dale Carnegie once wrote: "The only way to become a wealthy person is to do what is interesting." Therefore, the first thing to do is to understand your interests.

When a person is attracted, he:

  • does not work through force;
  • learns quickly;
  • shows good results;
  • shows a creative approach;
  • enjoys.

Interesting work develops the abilities and talents of a person. It's like delicious "food" for the brain, which fully satisfies the need for self-development and self-realization. Career growth is a nice bonus of the right direction of movement. Even the most interesting work sooner or later ceases to saturate. This situation usually occurs once every 5-7 years. Psychologists recommend at such moments to change the place of work or occupation.

Each position has a list of requirements for a specialist. It's called a profession. This is a psychological portrait of the position, which includes a list of abilities and qualities necessary for successful work. Without them, it will be difficult to succeed in the chosen activity. For example, to become a musician, it is important to have an ear for music, to clearly distinguish between notes and their frequencies. Otherwise, you won't be able to become a professional musician.

Any ability is the result of the interaction of inclinations and the environment. If the genes cannot be corrected in any way, then certain skills can be developed.

The final stage in choosing a profession is determining the degree of development of skills. Here you can not do without the help of psychologists. Knowledge of "strong" and "weak" sides increases the awareness of choice, allows you to predict your future career.

It is necessary to monitor the situation on the labor market in order to understand which professions are in demand, which field of activity to choose in case of changing market requirements.

First of all, get a higher education. Secondary education is a good help, but it does not give real confidence in career growth. This is evidenced by statistics: the annual income of a specialist with education increases one and a half times. Over the course of a career, earnings can increase by 75%.

According to the Ministry of Labor, every second master who could not find a job graduated from the Faculty of Economics or Law. The number of state-funded places in universities in these areas is declining. But this does not mean that the country no longer needs economists and lawyers. Finding an intelligent economist for a manufacturing enterprise is a big problem.

These statistics are a relic of the 1990s. With the development of computerization and the emergence of private business, everyone sought to get a technical and financial education. Today, when financial schemes are built, companies of various profiles appear. An industrial society needs humanitarians to communicate with people and offer them opportunities for harmonious development.

To remain a highly paid specialist, it is important to get a good education, develop and develop professional skills.

How to decide on a profession if you like more than one direction or specialty

Break the "narrow boundaries". If making an important decision comes down to a “yes or no” answer, then a compromise must be sought. If a person refuses to buy a car on credit, this does not mean that he will have to ride the subway all his life. Sometimes it's better to buy a cheaper car or find a job close to home. The choice of vocation should not be limited to only one profession. First you should master one (the most interesting at the moment), and then study the next one.

Expand your choices. Suppose you approached the choice of a specialty consciously, and in the 5th grade you decided on a university. But by the time of graduation, the university became less prestigious, new educational institutions appeared. How to be in that case? Do not get attached to one place of work, analyze curricula in several institutions. Disappearing method. Imagine that the university you planned to enter was closed. What will you do in this case? Decided? Take action!

How to choose a profession to your liking

To find something to your liking, follow these three steps:

1) List everything that you like to do, to which you are ready to devote a lot of time every day with pleasure. It is important to sincerely answer the question and list all types of activities: communication, information search, playing the guitar, etc. The lesson should be liked not only in words, but also in deeds, cause pleasure, cheer up.

2) Study yourself as objectively as possible, but without self-criticism. Think about what kind of job, of those that you like, you can apply for right now? In what area of ​​work are you praised? Evaluate the work also from a geographical point of view. Are you ready to get up early to get to the office?

3) The most important step is to determine what you are. All abilities and skills need to be able to present beautifully. The characteristic “the best accountant” will be of little interest to anyone, because everything is known in comparison. But the “eternally cheerful dispatcher” will find a job faster.

Free test to choose the right future profession

To pass the next professiogram test, you will need a pencil and a piece of paper. For each item, you must select one answer.
1.How do you spend your leisure time?

a) Chat with your friends.

b) Read magazines, newspapers, news, watch news programs.

c) Go shopping, compare prices.

d) Repair, design something, install computer programs.

e) Attend cultural events.
2. What is the most important thing for you in your work?

a) A cohesive team.

b) The possibility of learning, learning something new.

c) stable income, career growth.

d) Opportunity to improve something.

e) Creativity.
3. What is the most important thing in life for you?

a) Relationships.

b) Knowledge.

c) Financial stability.

d) Modernization.

d) Ability to create.
4. What is the most important thing in a person for you?

a) Kindness and compassion.

c) Honesty.

d) diligence.

e) The presence of imagination.
5. What would you do for free?

a) Working with people.

b) Learned something new.

c) Nothing.

d) Invent something new.

d) They did!

Now it remains to choose the most common answers

A- It is important for you to work with people. It could be education, medicine, and even law and order.

B- Information is important to you. You need to choose professions related to science, the study of languages, schemes, formulas, etc.

IN Your field is finance. You are good at managing money.

G- You need to choose a technology-related activity: architect, designer, programmer, engineer, and so on.

D- You are a creative person. You can draw, sing, play movies - the choice is yours.

I can not decide on a profession, what to do

In European countries, the development of children is given great attention. Pupils at school choose subjects that interest them and develop their strengths. And what parents cannot explain, professional coaches tell in detail. They conduct trainings and tests with the child to determine which areas of activity are best for him to focus on.

The Russian education system is built differently. Often young people do not know what they want to do in the future by the time they leave school. At best, they follow in the footsteps of their parents. Well, if the chosen direction corresponds to their own interests. In practice, this is not always the case.

  • Strive for change. Changes in the labor market stimulate the emergence of related and new specialties. Their development will make you a valuable and sought-after specialist.
  • First of all, work should be interesting, and then prestigious. Otherwise, there is a chance to get a “fashionable”, but not enjoyable specialty.
  • Behind the lightness of the screen image lies the hard work of the actor. This applies to all specialties. You can learn all the features of the work only first-hand.
  • Work that does not correspond to the level of physical development can be detrimental to the body.
  • Every person has the right to make a mistake.

The most common mistakes you shouldn't make

The profession is chosen once and for life. In any field there is a change of positions with the growth of qualifications. Specialists who want to develop in the chosen field will have to master related specialties. The first profession can come in handy in the most unexpected situation. For example, a lawyer, previously educated as an art critic, will help to understand antique values.

Choosing a specialty under the influence of someone is good, if the desire to continue the family business is a sincere impulse of a person. Focusing on relatives or peers, you need to understand that all people are different. If Vasya goes to serve in the fire academy because he likes to take risks, then this profession may not suit you, a reasonable person.

Transferring the relationship to the specialist to the work itself. When choosing a profession, one should take into account the characteristics of the type of activity. Just because you like a soulful math teacher doesn't mean you like the subject itself.

Passion for the outer side of the profession. Actors not only pose for cameras and sign autographs. They create a stage image for a long time. Journalists also do not always appear on TV shows. First, they process a lot of information in the archive and communicate with people to prepare a 10-minute video, which will then be voiced by another announcer.

Unwillingness to understand personal qualities and physical characteristics. Not only psychologists, but also friends and relatives will help to determine the strengths and weaknesses. But even the presence of skills is not a guarantee of mastering the profession if a person has direct contraindications. For example, people with a weak heart are not taken as pilots.

It is better to master one profession for life or regularly try yourself in new areas.

It is easier for people with more experience to find a job. We are talking about the development of not one specialty, but several. Why waste time and energy on something that may not be useful in life?

  • First, no one knows what will happen in the future.
  • Secondly, a situation may arise in life when professional skills are not required. Then you will have a fallback.
  • Thirdly, if you want to become an entrepreneur, then you will need the skills of all related specialties: from an accountant to a clerk.
  • So the more experience you have, the better. A person who has mastered several types of activity is more competitive in the labor market.

Choosing a future profession- an important and responsible question that arises for every graduate of the school. How your future life will turn out depends on how correctly the profession is chosen.

According to the conclusions of psychologists, people doing their favorite thing feel happiness and harmony in their lives. They are successful, achieve great heights in career growth, suffer less from nervous breakdowns and almost never get colds. In addition, people who have chosen “their” profession have a great personal life. They have strong families, financial wealth and the respect of others.

It is very important at the beginning of the path to correctly prioritize and determine the path that will allow you to become a self-sufficient and successful person.

Step one. Determine the right direction

In order not to make a mistake when choosing a future profession, you need to carefully analyze those actions, the implementation of which brings the greatest satisfaction. Love to draw? Then you should consider becoming an artist in a book publishing house, an art critic or an architect. Your hobby is breeding aquarium fish? Then you can succeed in ichthyology, the fishing industry, or you are destined to become the greatest explorer of the deep sea in history.

Answer a few questions to help determine your preferences:

  1. What do I love to do?
  2. What am I interested in?
  3. What do I expect from my future profession?
  4. How do I see my future job?

These are the most important defining questions. Sincere answers to them will help to identify the direction in which to develop, that is, they come close to the most important question: how to choose a profession?

In order not to make a mistake in choosing the occupation that will bring satisfaction and joy, you need to clearly understand and realize your desires. Take a sheet of paper and write on it all the specialties that have attracted your attention at least once. It can be an astronaut, a traveler, a designer, a journalist, etc. Now take a close look at the list and analyze in which area you could implement this at least partially.

Think of times when you felt proud and satisfied with a job well done. We can say with confidence that this work was “to your liking”. Answer the questions: What do your desires and interests have in common? What kind of work makes you feel joy and desire to continue it?

Step two. We soberly assess our capabilities

Unfortunately, it also happens that for some reason, it is not possible to get the desired specialty. Most often this is a problem of the characteristics of the organism. For example, you have always dreamed of becoming a pilot. But upon admission, it turned out that your height is 15 centimeters higher than the norm. And there's nothing you can do about it - you won't get any lower. Bitter, of course, but this is not a reason to despair. There are many more specialties in aviation in which your knowledge, desire and perseverance will bear fruit.

Therefore, take a sober look at yourself from the outside and analyze your capabilities. It is not enough to “want”, you also need to “be able”.

Step three. We exclude errors

Very often, young people are guided not by their personal desires and preferences, but by the advice of relatives and friends. When choosing your future profession, exclude such mistakes as:

Parents' advice.

Of course, all parents want only good and happiness for their children. They want to see their child successful and financially independent, and therefore impose their opinion. Do not agree with them if it is contrary to your inner beliefs or interests. You must choose your calling! The life is yours and the choice is yours too.

"For company".

It's a little scary to go into adulthood alone. Much easier and more fun with a friend. But do not forget that the choice of a friend is his personal opinion. And you, if you get an unloved, absolutely unnecessary specialty, you will regret all your life that you did not realize your dream of becoming a fitness instructor.

prestige of the profession.

There are professions that are considered "prestigious". They are outwardly very attractive and give the impression of lightness and accessibility. But, according to the law of nature, what is in demand today will not necessarily be in demand tomorrow. A few years ago, the “prestigious” profession was a lawyer and an accountant. Many rushed to get the “needed” profession, and now there are quite a lot of lawyers and accountants working outside their specialty.

I want to be like..

Another common mistake is to get a profession like a person you admire. But where your idol has reached the heights, you are likely to remain at the foot. You don't have to be like someone else, let others be like you.

These are the most common mistakes when choosing a future profession. Be sure to ask yourself questions:

Is this really my desire?

What motivates me when choosing this specialty?

Career Guidance Tests

Our service offers to pass online tests for career guidance. After you understand yourself, you can consolidate your choice with the help of tests that will help determine the best profession, hidden opportunities and talents, and evaluate your character.


How to choose a profession? The main thing to remember: the profession should bring only joy and pleasure. Then life will be rich and interesting.

We hope that our advice on choosing a profession will help you make the right choice.

You have a long and happy life ahead of you!

Choosing a profession is a very important and responsible step, on which your future well-being largely depends. Therefore, before making a final decision, you need to decide in which area you would like to work. In this article, we will try to figure out how to choose the right profession so that it brings not only material, but also moral satisfaction.


There are various reasons for choosing a particular profession. They can be conditionally divided into external and internal.

External reasons include:

  • Environmental impact;
  • Opinion of parents and friends;
  • Fear of condemnation;
  • Desire to succeed.
Internal causes largely depend on the nature of a person, his inclinations and abilities. For today's young people, the main motivation is the prestige of the profession. In principle, this is a good motive, but you should remember that a trap is hidden in it. Nowadays, legal and economic specialties are very popular. But the fact is that in the future the demand for such professions may drop sharply, so it is hardly reasonable to rely only on prestige when choosing a future direction of activity.

The second place in the list of motivation when choosing a profession is wages. Some young people believe that the most important thing is a good salary, and who to work with is not so important. But this is wrong, since high salaries often do not provide for the growth of qualifications. According to psychologists, the most important thing is the interest in the chosen direction of activity. In this case, the work will become your favorite thing and will bring moral satisfaction. Now you know why it is so important to choose the right profession that suits your character and abilities.

Another important point is the availability of education. It is advisable to get an education in your city, because traveling to distant lands is too expensive.

Main selection criteria

To understand how to choose the right future profession, it is necessary to objectively evaluate different specialties. This will help you determine their advantages and disadvantages.

To do this, you need to answer the following questions:

  • interest in the profession. A job that you do not like will not bring satisfaction and joy. Over time, it will become a source of depression and constant stress for a person;
  • Possibility of self-improvement and creative development. People who have chosen the right profession feel comfortable and confident at work. Therefore, before making a choice, it is necessary to identify your talents and find an application for them;
  • Salary. If you receive little money, you will have to earn money somewhere or even change your profession. Interest in a job that does not bring a normal income quickly disappears, so a person tries to find a worthy replacement as soon as possible. To prevent this from happening, first decide how much you want to receive, after which you can start choosing a profession. For example, you can learn how to become a sales representative in your city. Such specialists receive a good salary and a percentage of sales. But in order to work in this specialty, you need to have the gift of persuasion and be able to communicate with clients;
  • Remember that the final decision should be made only by you, and not by parents or numerous advisers.

Analyzing our skills

Remember what subjects were given to you without difficulty at school. For example, if you liked law, you can learn and acquire such a specialty.

Think about what activity attracts you the most. Specialties such as carpentry, electrical installation, car repair bring a good income. Other skills can also be turned into jobs, such as being able to cook or trade. Take an interest in how to become a sales manager from scratch or a chef, and move forward in this direction. These are quite demanded and highly paid professions that imply rapid career growth.

Analyze your communication skills. If you easily come into contact with strangers, you can learn how to become an insurance broker. Such a specialty is in demand in the labor market in any economic conditions. In addition, working as an insurance broker brings a good income.

Career Guidance Test

This is a very useful thing that allows you to objectively assess your own interests. A career guidance test can be easily found on the Internet or in collections of tests in psychology. Many go through it at home, but it is best to do this during a consultation with a psychologist. The specialist will help you deal with the test results and decide on the choice of a future profession.

Also, ask how to create a resume for a job. This will help you in the future without problems to take a suitable vacancy.

Rules for choosing a future profession

Do you want to know how to choose the right profession and not make a mistake? Everything is very simple.

Make your final decision and start preparing for training.

The most common mistakes

Occupation rating. The demand for different specialists varies from year to year, and you will have to spend a lot of time on training. Therefore, you should not pay special attention to the constantly changing rating.

We follow in the footsteps of our parents. Of course, there are such exceptions when several generations in one family successfully work as doctors or teachers. But if a person does not have any inclinations for a certain profession, he will never become a highly qualified specialist.

Perspectives. The success of a person depends not only on the chosen specialty, but also on his knowledge, experience and personal qualities. A good builder in a few years can open his own company, and a cleaning lady can become the owner of a cleaning company, since their main capital is knowledge and experience.

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Here are some helpful tips on how to choose the right career:

When choosing a direction of activity, do not forget to consider three important factors:

  1. “I want” is your favorite activities and interests;
  2. "I can" - the state of health and talents;
  3. "Necessary" - the demand for the profession in the labor market.

If you take into account these important points, the choice of profession will be successful.

Explore different specialties and decide which ones are in demand in your area.

Examine yourself, your health, character, interests and inclinations.

Pass several career guidance tests.

When making a final decision, do not rely on the opinion of friends or parents. This is your choice, on which the future largely depends.


Do not think that the choice of a profession will determine your fate once and for all. A long interesting life is ahead, so at any time you can master related specialties, improve your skills or radically change your field of activity.

Choosing a career path can be challenging, but moving in a certain professional direction will help you find a job. It will take hard work, planning and introspection from you, and in this case, you can pave the way for a fruitful, beloved profession that will provide for you and your family.


Part 1

Consider Your Interests

    Imagine your dream job. There is an old saying: "If you are trying to choose a profession, you need to think about what you would do if you did not have to work." If you had a million dollars and could afford everything, what would you do? Your answer to the question will not necessarily point you to the most appropriate career choice, but it will point you in the direction of what you need to do.

    • If you want to become a famous musical figure, consider becoming a sound engineer or composer. This career path can be continued throughout your life, and you will have a high chance of success and financial stability in the future.
    • If you want to be an actor, consider working in the media. You can get a degree in communications technology, or climb the career ladder in a television studio.
    • If you want to travel all over the world, you can become a flight attendant/stewardess. Such work provides an opportunity to earn a living and fulfill the dream of traveling around the world.
  1. Consider your own hobbies. You can easily turn your hobby into a future profession. Many hobbies correspond to needs and positions in the real world. Think about what you like and how you can turn this hobby into a profession.

    • For example, if you enjoy playing computer games, you could become a game designer, programmer, or quality assurance specialist.
    • If you like drawing or art, you can learn the profession of a graphic designer.
    • If you enjoy playing sports, consider coaching education and getting an appropriate qualification certificate.
  2. Analyze the subjects that you liked at school. Academic disciplines give you the opportunity to get a lifelong job, but you may have to get additional education. A favorite subject in high school can serve as the basis of a future profession, but you must have a desire to work for the result.

    • For example, if you were fond of chemistry, in the future you can become a laboratory assistant or a pharmacist.
    • If you enjoyed your English lessons, consider becoming an editor or copywriter.
    • If you were fond of mathematics, you can become a specialist in insurance mathematics or an accountant.

    Part 2

    Analyze your skills
    1. Think about the areas in which you excelled in school. What subjects were easy for you? Of course, you may not like this idea, but choosing a career based on skills will help you succeed and provide yourself with confidence in the future.

      • If you need ideas, take a look at the examples in the previous step.
    2. Think about what comes easy to you. If you're particularly good at a particular occupation, such as repairing or crafting, you can secure a great career for yourself. Education may not be useful, but with a degree, finding a job will be relatively easy.

      • For example, areas such as carpentry, machine repair, construction or electrical installation need people who can craft and work with their hands. As a rule, such work is stable and well paid.
      • Other skills, such as the ability to cook, can also be easily turned into a profession.
    3. Review your interpersonal skills. If your skills mainly consist in helping people and communicating with them, there are also professions for you. People who know how to interact with people and actively communicate can master the profession of a social worker, marketer and similar positions.

      • If you enjoy taking care of others, you can become a nurse, executive assistant, or office manager.
    4. If you are not sure about your achievements, ask others about it! Sometimes it is difficult for us to see the areas of life in which we excel. If you're not sure you're good at something, ask your parents, other family members, friends, and teachers about it. Perhaps their answers will surprise you!

      • Among other things, family and friends can help you connect with people in your chosen area. You can join Meetup to find people with similar interests and chat with them.

    Part 3

    Analyze your current position
    1. Analyze your abilities. In order to decide on the choice of all life, you must first understand yourself. If you want to be happy doing what you love, you need to be very aware of your desires and hobbies. Some people even take a break to decide what is really important to them.

      • There is nothing terrible in your search, so do not be discouraged. It is much more important to decide on life plans as early as possible than to wallow in a profession that you will hate for the rest of your life.
    2. Analyze your financial situation. Mastering or changing a profession may depend on the financial situation. Some professions require special education, and sometimes it is expensive. But at the same time, one should not think that a lack of money can become an obstacle to obtaining the desired education.

      • There are a huge number of government programs to help pay for tuition. There is also the possibility of obtaining scholarships, grants and professional training.
    3. Think about what kind of education is required for the desired profession. You need to understand what kind of education you already have, and what will help you master the profession. If the question of money is an obstacle to getting an education, you need to think about what you have at this stage. You also need to make sure that you have a complete secondary or technical education, if time for introspection is limited.

      • If you find that your education is not enough for the career you want, talk to a career counselor to find out what professional opportunities are available to you.
    4. Consider returning to school. If nothing prevents you from getting an education, take note of this information. Not everyone needs perfect grades or a traditional college education, but most jobs require additional training to help you climb the corporate ladder.

      • For example, technical higher education institutions are an excellent choice for those who prefer non-traditional education.
    5. Explore other sources of information. If you are still undecided about the choice of a profession, study more information on this issue on the Internet or talk with the administration of a college or other educational institution.

    Part 4

    Plan your future
    1. Think about what professions you can master with ease. What career changes are available to you? These professions require appropriate skills and understanding.

      • For example, you might work for the same company as your parents, run a family business, or work for a friend. If your options are limited, choose a profession that is easy to master. That will be better for you.
    2. Analyze your future financial stability. One of the most important aspects of choosing a professional path is to ensure a decent level of financial stability. In other words, you will need to earn enough money to provide for yourself and your family.

      • Calculate how much money you need. Do not forget about insurance and pension contributions.
      • Remember that it is not necessary to earn a lot of money or compare your earnings with other people. It is important for you to have enough money for your living.
    3. Analyze how stable your future profession is. The labor market is quite unstable, because our society's needs change in different periods of time. Certain professions are always in demand or, conversely, are quite unstable. You will have to find out if the profession you have chosen is capable of providing you with a stable future and your needs.

      • For example, many people go to law school and take out student loans. The reason is that they hope to earn high salaries in the future. The last few years, the legal profession has not been in demand. These people accumulate huge debts, which are becoming increasingly difficult to pay off.
      • Another example of the work of a writer (or other profession) is the work of a freelancer. Sometimes you will have a lot of work, but there will be times when you will have nothing. Freelance work requires determination and discipline, and it is not for everyone.
    • People rarely know for sure which profession to choose. Most of us take years to find our way in life. Do not think that you are behind the times!
    • If you don't like your profession, change it! Sometimes this requires a lot of work, especially if you are no longer young, but everyone has such an opportunity.
    • It's not the end of the world if you have chosen a profession that is different from your childhood dreams. If you have a job that doesn't weigh you down and secures the future of you and your family, you'll be surprised how happy you can be in terms of your life and career.
    • Listen to your intuition.
    • You may not even know what you're really good at yet. Take the time to find what you really like.
    • The better you know yourself, the better the choice will be.


    • Be careful with jobs that promise easy money. The easy way to earn money is rare.
    • Avoid network marketing and pyramid schemes. Money fraud often leads to deprivation of money and problems with the law.
    • Be careful when working abroad. Carefully analyze the activities of the company before you start working in another country. At best, you will be deceived, and at worst, you will not be able to return to your homeland alive.