I want a job that I love. How to find a job you love. Personal contacts: relatives, friends, social networks

Everyone knows how important it is to do what you love. This gives physical and psychological health, and also brings, as a rule, more income, since we invest in our favorite business with all our energy, with all our hearts. However, finding your favorite business is not so easy. What's stopping you from finding a job you love?

There are a number of beliefs and behaviors that prevent you from finding a job you love:

1. Belief in the supernatural power of everything that resonates vividly in our soul

There is an opinion that a favorite thing is like true love: you can recognize it immediately, at first sight. And to find it, just like true love, is not given to everyone, this is luck. Several times I heard the phrase: "You are lucky, you have a favorite thing."

The belief that you have to be lucky to find your favorite job is based on the fact that every day we see a large number of people around us working in the wrong place. And then it may seem to us that this is how it should be, that such is life, that this is how it should be. And that your favorite work is something like a miracle.

Indeed, because few people really know what they want to do professionally, finding your calling can seem like a miracle. But that shouldn't stop you looking for it. It is useless to look for true love - it is found by itself. But with work, things are different. And not only with work. Understanding what you want, what gives you pleasure is also work, sometimes quite long, but undoubtedly useful. It means the need to listen to yourself, the need to pay attention to yourself and notice what you like and what you don’t. In addition, it means the need to support what you like and what you don’t like - to reject and not make a deal with yourself: “Okay, so be it, I will do it for now.” Often, when we agree to a compromise, we give up on our dreams and stop looking for what we want to do. Even if at the moment you are forced to do an unloved thing, do not stop there, but keep looking. You won't find your own business.

2. Remember that the first and very important step in finding a job will be just the beginning of these very searches.

Talking is one thing, but acting is another. Do not hope that your favorite work will find you by itself, it is unlikely. You may not believe it, but as soon as you take the first step, you will realize that you are one step closer to your cherished desire. If you think about it, it's quite possible. However, as before, thousands of people sit at their jobs, as if in hard labor, spending months and even years of their lives in vain, achieving absolutely nothing in their lives.

There are quite a few reasons for this, but they are all banal, and boil down to two simple theses:

1) disbelief in yourself and your strengths;

2) constant postponing of important matters “for later”.

People have the most sophisticated forms of excuses, although there is nothing surprising in this, because the one who does not want is looking for reasons, not opportunities ...

The vast majority is simply afraid to leave the zone of personal comfort. Fear makes them endure unloved work, in return it gives them the familiar, but understandable state of absolute dissatisfaction with their own lives. Their life turns into routine and boring obligations: every week they wait for the weekend, and every year for vacations.

Where to look for your favorite job?

Be open to finding a job you love. You can start by analyzing the work that you currently have. Remember the moments that bring joy and interest you. Understand the reason why this activity is the most interesting for you. Then try to determine what kind of activity can also interest you, but for a longer period of time.

However, do not be upset about this if, after a detailed and in-depth analysis of your work, you do not find anything interesting or bringing you joy, and even more so a sense of satisfaction from the process. I think, after thinking a little, you will still make a list of possible professions. Then, think about what you need to do to get this position.

Try to be honest with yourself for now. Take a look at how you live and what position you hold? Do you like what you have at the moment?! Believe me, all your desires really have the ability to come true. Each of us can become anyone, the main thing is to believe in ourselves and our strengths. Do not waste time, make right now a list of activities that bring you satisfaction and joy. Start acting, stop being lazy and afraid!

Exercise #1:

1) Take a pen and a piece of paper and write down 10 sentences that will begin with the words: "I must ...". You need to write down 10 things that you think you should do in life;

2) Now write down 10 sentences that will begin with the words "I can't ...". In this part of the exercise, you need to write down 10 things that you think you cannot do;

3) Read aloud what happened. What feelings does the writing evoke?

4) Now cross out the word “should” in the first ten sentences and replace it with the word “want”. In the next ten sentences, cross out the word “I can” (leave the particle “don’t”) and also replace it with the word “I want”;

5) Read what you got. What feelings does what happened, now?

While doing this exercise, you may have noticed that everything you wrote down you either want to do or don't want to do. However, when you tell yourself “I have to” or “I can’t” instead of “I want” or “I don’t want”, it blocks the energy and prevents you from enjoying what you are doing or refusing to do it. Practice in everything you do to discover either your desire or your unwillingness. The more you understand and know about your “want” and “don’t want”, the easier it will be for you to apply this to your work.

2. Not having a goal to find a job you love

Often the desire to find a job to our liking is not fulfilled, because we do not set ourselves such a goal. For example, just finding a job is important because you have to live for something. And in order to find it, we set ourselves the goal - to find a job, take the appropriate steps - draw up a resume, send it to employers. And what is for the soul is something that you can do at your leisure, if you have time. And since there is no goal, then there are no consistent actions that will help you find what you like. Set a goal to find what you love. Analyze what steps will help you move in this direction. What do you need to find your favorite job? What can help you find a job to your liking? Make a plan of action. And the exercises that I suggest will help you take the first steps in this direction and get closer to your goal.

3. Lack of action

Sometimes we say to ourselves: “If I don’t know what I want yet, then what’s the point of doing something? That's when I understand, then I'll start moving." But until we take practical action, we run the risk of remaining in the same place. Finding a job you love is a business, not a reflection, and it requires activity.

Exercise number 2.

1) Answer the following questions:

If your life had a very specific purpose, what would it be?

If there was a god or some other super being, what powers would it give you? For what? What could you give to the world, people?

2) In accordance with the answers, determine your life mission and form a life credo.

4. Fear of trying

Continuing the previous point, I want to note that finding an occupation to your liking is a purely practical matter. It is impossible to find a favorite thing without trying yourself in different activities. It is impossible to know if you like to draw or not if you have never tried it. Child psychologists recommend that parents take their children to different circles and sections. In order for the child to decide for himself what he wants to do in life by the end of school, by this period he must try himself in different activities. To understand whether you like doing something or not, you can only try to do it.

Exercise #3:

1) Write down on a piece of paper everything that you like to do, everything that you have ever done and enjoyed it. You do not need to think about whether this can become your business yet. Just remember, think. Perhaps you once read a report at the institute, and it inspired you greatly. Or you like to sing with the guitar. Or go shopping. Write down everything you enjoy doing. This exercise can be done for several days, adding to the list what you still remember or come up with.

2) If you carefully read the resulting list of cases, you will notice that all cases can be divided into groups. Remember the childhood exercise called “Find the common ground”? So, you need to do the same thing: break down all the cases according to some common feature. One group, for example, refers to communication with people, another group to clothing, a third to literature, and so on.

3) What profession or professions is each group of things that you enjoy doing related to?

4) Which of the professions you have identified do you like best?

5. The belief that you are unworthy of having a job you love.

The roots of this belief are in relation to oneself. If you think that you are unworthy of being happy and doing what gives you pleasure, then it will be difficult for you to discover or apply it in your professional activities. Change your self-esteem. It's real - to do what you like, and still get paid for it.

6. Fear of losing what you already have

There is even a saying about this: “Even if it’s inferior, it’s mine.” Or "Better a tit in the hand than a crane in the sky." Sometimes we are afraid to try something new for fear of failure and losing the results we have already achieved. What if it doesn’t work there either, and I’ll lose it here?

Take reasonable risks. Do not rush into a new business recklessly, calculate the chances of success. If you have to start from scratch (and you almost always have to start a new business from the position of a "beginner"), secure a rear for yourself first or create an "airbag" from the money set aside just in case.

What you have already achieved in life is very important. This is your experience, your skills, your knowledge. Wise is the person who relies on his experience.

Exercise #4:

1) Write down what you are good at.

2) How can each of the items you wrote down help you in the professions from the previous exercise? How can your skills and abilities help in those things that you love to do?

7. Disbelief that what you love can bring money

Often we think that what we like is a hobby, passion, and work is something else. And this is perhaps one of the main obstacles to making the profession enjoyable. Hobbies and work can and must coincide in order for us to be happy and satisfied with life.

Exercise number 5:

1) Take a look at the results of exercise #3. For each item, answer the question: what is stopping you from making money from it?

2) Write a different resume for each of the professions identified in exercise #3. Justify your choice with your experience and education.

3) HR departments of various companies have a favorite question: why do you want to work in this position? You can answer it right now. Write a short essay on each profession, why you want to work in it.

Exercise number 6.

Let's make a check for those professions that you chose in exercise number 3.

1) For each profession, find a thing that will symbolize it. It can be absolutely any thing that causes some association with the profession. Place it in the room. Do this with every profession. There should be as many things as you managed to find professions.

2) Now every profession has its own place in space. Stand in the place where one of the things lies (at the same time, pay attention to which place you stood in the first place). This place is a space for a designated profession. Rising to this place, you "occupy" this profession, this professional niche. How do you like this place (and in this profession)? What feelings do you have in this place? Are you comfortable here, interesting, convenient? Are you on your own? What do you want to do in this place?

Go in turn to the places for other professions and do the same.

You just have to learn more about this profession, understand what you need to work in it, look at the sites about open vacancies, the expectations and requirements of employers for an applicant for this position and write a competent resume. If you still can't find what you would like to do, try looking through the same sites. Open in the rubricator the areas that attract you the most, see what positions and professions there are, pay attention to what arouses your interest. Send out your resume and go to interviews. This way you can learn more about professions and understand whether you really like them or not. It's time to make money when the exchange rates fluctuate. For those who do not know how to do this, I give a schedule of master classes where you will be taught the basics of trading on the FOREX currency market and many other tricks.

To find a good job, it is not necessary to be a rare professional or have a long experience, although, of course, professionalism is very important. It is important to understand that many employers are ready to educate their staff. That is, it is not the main thing. And what is the main thing?

Finding a job is often a grueling process that drags on for months or even years. despite the crisis, age and strict selection of employers?

To uncover the secret of a successful job search, first we will figure out which employees the employer is interested in.

Everyone knows that cadres decide everything. And every employer will tell you that it is not easy to find an employee. The goal of an employer is not to employ those who are concerned about finding a job, but to find the right person.

On the one hand, we have a lot of job seekers who cannot find a job, and on the other, employers with a problem finding valuable employees.

Who is the employer looking for?

To find a good job, it is not necessary to be a rare professional or have a long experience, although, of course, professionalism is very important. It is important to understand that many employers are willing to educate their frames. That is, it is not the main thing. And what is the main thing?

The Secret of the Indispensable

There are people who never have problems finding a job. It seems that they are irreplaceable. No matter how young they are, they are in demand until old age.

Anyone can become such an indispensable employee and find a well-paid job at home or abroad by discovering and realizing what is inherent in nature.

How to recognize your talents and strengths, how to use them, and, finally, how to find a job that will bring satisfaction? Answers to these questions at the training "Systemic Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan.

How can I find a job that is interesting and suitable for me?

Each person has innate mental characteristics that allow him to ideally perform a certain job, while enjoying it. Knowing yourself "from the inside", it is easier to realize yourself professionally, find a suitable job, your unique place of work and specialty.

After all, often people find work where they can not open up. To work "in one's place", to be a specialist "from God" - this means that a person not only found a job, he found a place to realize his talents.

For example, consider a few.

    Be sincere. It is better to warn about your excitement than to look stupid during the interview. Sincerity has. It is for this reason that it is worth abandoning deception and fraud during an interview and when writing a resume. Any discrepancy during a conversation with an employer will cause distrust and will not help to find a job.

    Despite the excitement, talk about your real strengths, strengths and experience (or lack of it). Decent behavior will help you find a decent job.

    2. It's hard to find a job because deep down you don't want to work.

    And it comes through in the interview. You may or may not be aware of it. Perhaps someone close to you insists that you find a job, gives advice on how to do it, but something inside you opposes this idea.

    Even a simple temporary job pleases if you need money or really want to realize yourself. On the other hand, you can find flaws in any “good” job if you don’t feel like working. Either the work schedule is not suitable, or the place of work is not pleasant.

    Reasons for reluctance may vary. For example, a sound engineer immersed in himself seems to want to find a job, but deep down he would like to fence himself off from people, noise and senseless, according to his feeling, fuss. The owner of the visual vector may feel threatened by people (), unconsciously trying to avoid contact with them. This also makes it difficult to pass an interview and find a job.

    What to do?

    Psychologist's advice: the reason that "sits" in the unconscious and blocks the job search can be detected and eliminated by studying system-vector psychology. The states level out, come back to normal when there is an understanding of the structure of one's own psyche, the underlying causes of one's reactions.

    The study of system-vector psychology is the study of oneself and others, understanding one's desires and states. In a short period, this eliminates many psychological problems, allows you to understand yourself and find your dream job.

    Get rid of the reasons that prevent you from finding a job

    It happens that a person is not hired for unknown reasons. He is not shy at the interview, he really wants to find a job. It doesn’t matter for him whether he has an official place of work or not, he agrees to any conditions, to any work schedule. Perhaps he is even a great specialist with great experience. Why can't he find a job?

    When choosing a new employee, the employer is also guided by irrational feelings: “I liked it - I didn’t like it”, a pleasant feeling remained after the conversation or not, I want to deal with a person or not.

    It will be difficult for a person with whom they do not want to deal with to find a new job.

    The reason is his internal suffering, which he informs others about with his smell (pheromones). Simply put, if a person is tormented, if he lives in resentment, phobias, those around him unconsciously feel this and shun him.

    Fortunately, the situation changes when lightness and joy come to the place of suffering. It is not difficult for a person who causes irresistible sympathy to find a job without experience, even if it is his first job.

    Bad internal states are nothing but unfulfilled desires:

    • Depression, which completely discourages the desire to find a job, occurs if the desires of the sound vector for knowing oneself and the structure of the world are not filled. Depressive sound suppresses desires in other vectors, it becomes very difficult for a sound engineer to find a job to his liking - any job seems meaningless. But depression disappears as soon as the desires for sound are filled.

      Fear fetters the owner of the visual vector if he does not realize his huge emotional potential. Conversely, the ability to direct emotions forever frees from fear.

    Each vector is a whole system that can work smoothly, or it can fail. When the vectors are in order, I feel good, I am pleasant to others. When the system fails, I suffer and bring suffering to others. The mere understanding of how it works removes many bad states, which means it allows you to become capable of realizing yourself in professional activities, to answer the question yourself - how to find a job.

    After the training "System-Vector Psychology":

    “I was disoriented, I didn’t know where to stick and what to apply myself to, I thought that the main thing was to believe in my dream, and it would come by itself. I was a wild girl who does not speak well, cannot clearly express her thoughts, does not know why she lives.

    Yana Parshina, sales manager

    The article was written based on the materials of the training " System-Vector Psychology»

I don't want to go to work. Every day you have to force yourself. Just tired of work. I tried many activities - and all is not right. This is how people who have not found their place in life feel. How to find a job to your liking? How to find your favorite job so that every day does not seem like unbearable hard labor, but is filled with happiness and meaning? Yuri Burlan's training "System-Vector Psychology" helps us to understand this issue.

How to find a job you love at 40

This question often arises in 40 years.

Firstly, a person at this age has already tried something in his life, but did not understand where you can make your efforts in order to enjoy work.

Secondly, there is anxiety: I am already 40 years old, and I have not decided on the business of my life. At this age, people are already reaping the fruits of their realization - prosperity and a sense of satisfaction. And you don't have it. Moreover, no one needs an employee who does not burn with his work, works under duress.

Third, it seems that age makes it difficult to find interesting work. An applicant with no work experience at this age raises suspicions: where has he been so far, what did he do?

Such fears are understandable, although they can arise at any age. For example, it often happens that a person graduates from a university, goes to work in his specialty and realizes that he has chosen not his own business. Therefore, for him, the question “How to find an interesting job to your liking?” no less relevant.

At any age there is only one opportunity - to understand what you want. What are your true desires and abilities by nature? The exact answer to this question can be obtained at the training "System-Vector Psychology".

Know yourself to find a job you love

The system of eight vectors gives us a complete picture of the human psyche. You just need to decide which vectors you have. This helps not only with the choice of profession, but also with working conditions.

For example, the presence of a skin vector suggests:

  • interest in such professions as a dancer, athlete, salesman, manager, businessman, economist, lawyer, engineer;
  • desire for high material prosperity, social status, career growth;
  • suitable work with constantly changing conditions, business trips, requiring organizational and leadership skills, competition and a competitive spirit.

The owner of the anal vector will suit the work:

  • cabinet maker, clerk, archivist, librarian, historian, teacher, trainer, expert, analyst;
  • requiring special attention to detail, the ability to find errors, accuracy, love of order;
  • with the absence of rush jobs and tight deadlines, the ability to complete one thing before starting the next.

The combination of different vectors in one person allows you to increase the possibilities of implementation, choose a more multifaceted and interesting job.

For example, a common combination of vectors in a city dweller is anal, cutaneous, and visual. The owner of such a vector set will cope with the work, in which, respectively, you need:

  • accuracy, attention, quality, good memory, analytical skills;
  • speed, adaptability, flexibility;
  • the ability to feel the mood of people, communicate and help them.

A more complete understanding of oneself is formed at the training "System-Vector Psychology". After all, the choice of profession and work will depend not only on the presence of vectors, but also on the degree of development of their properties and state. For example, the presence of a sound vector in a state of non-realization will plunge a person into depression, in which there are no desires at all, especially the desire to work. In this state, any work will seem meaningless, and it will be difficult to make the right choice.

Bundles of vectors can give stable life scenarios that can be positive or negative, that is, interfere with the search for your dream job. For example, in the skin vector there is a scenario for failure that is formed when a child with a skin vector was humiliated in childhood, hitting his desire to be the first. For example, they said: “You are an ignoramus, stupid, incapable of anything. Your hands are growing out of the wrong place. You will work as a janitor all your life. Thus, they deprived him of the potential to experience healthy ambitions and a desire for social status, characteristic of this vector.

The skin vector endows a person with high adaptability, so the skin child quickly adapts to the feeling that he is a loser. Such a person in adulthood will not be able to find a job to his liking, because he will always choose places where he will feel humiliated, make mistakes and unconsciously enjoy it. It is possible to get rid of such scenarios only through awareness of the causes of their occurrence. And then the way to really interesting work will open.

What to do to find an interesting job

The job search algorithm is already known:

  • decide what you would like to do;
  • write a resume;
  • find an employer;
  • get an interview.

At each of these stages, knowing about vectors helps. We have already decided on the first stage - we know exactly what we want. But just as accurately, we can understand what kind of employer we need. What is the vector set of the manager, how developed are his properties, which means how successful will be the activity of the organization or department in which you have to work. What are the values ​​that the team you want to work in broadcasts, and are you on the way with it. This understanding helps to correctly compose a resume so that it exactly falls into the employer's shortage.

No less important step when looking for a job. Knowing the values ​​and keywords of different vectors will help to do this successfully. For example, the owner of the skin vector will speak briefly and to the point, as it saves his energy and time. He will use the words “logical”, “no”, “impossible” in speech. His catchphrases: “Time is money”, “I don’t have time”, “I don’t owe anything to anyone”, “What will I get from this?”. He will be interested in your ability to self-organize, meet deadlines, adapt to change, and strive for career growth.

The owner of the anal vector will be interested in your professionalism, experience, talk about the quality of work, about the order. He can mention past experience, traditions, refer to authoritative opinions. “I said - I did”, “You go quieter - you will continue”, “Tested by time”- his expressions.

Any employer, of course, will like it if you share their values. If you are on the way with this person, you will be able to speak the same language with him, using the same keywords. And then you will have mutual understanding from a half-word.

Condition is the key to interesting work

It happens that you look for a job for a long time, you go to interviews, but they don’t take it. What is the reason? We often pay attention to the external impression, but think little about the internal state. When we do not know what we want, or we are afraid, or we do not see the point in work at all, this is reflected in our state. We are lethargic, apathetic, not enthusiastic, that is, we do not show our interest in work. Then the employer will not be interested in us.

The same thing happens if we are looking for only the possibility of earning money or solving our personal problems in work. While choosing an interesting job to your liking, you need to focus on such a realization of your innate abilities that would benefit people. This gives double pleasure from work - from the fact that we ourselves enjoy doing what we love, and give pleasure to people.

Training by Yuri Burlan "Systemic Vector Psychology" provides all the tools for understanding other people. Dislike disappears, there is a sincere interest in others. Understanding and the ability to realize my properties give happiness and the feeling that I can do everything, I can cope with any task.

With such a person it becomes pleasant to communicate. And since in our collectivist mentality even working relationships are largely built on personal connections, such a person is more likely to be hired.

Finding a job is easy if you know what you want

Now we know all the components of finding an interesting job:

  • knowing yourself, your desires and values ​​- what your soul lies in;
  • understanding other people, their desires and values, the ability to speak their language;
  • good psychological state.

With such baggage, the question “How to find a job you like?” becomes easily resolved. That is why it is better to start looking for such a job with Yuri Burlan's free introductory online training, which helps to gain this knowledge.

“I got a job that I like. It's amazing that this kind of work even exists. I thought there was no such job for me in nature. But ... oh, miracle! I have changed a lot, my priorities have changed. I found something that gives me joy!”

Proofreader: Natalya Konovalova

The article was written based on the materials of the training " System-Vector Psychology»

Our well-being directly depends on how satisfied we are with ourselves and our lives. Relentless statistics say that there are not so many satisfied people. More than eighty percent of working people would like to change their profession and are thinking about how to find a job they love. Very often such thoughts come even to mature people, because it is in adulthood that we begin to overestimate our lives. Often we compare our achievements with the successes of our friends and acquaintances, and if it seems to us that the comparison is not in our favor, we begin to doubt the correctness of what we have been doing so far.

We may not be satisfied with the salary, or maybe the work itself seems boring and routine. Thoughts come to mind - how to find a good job (because I can do more), I want to earn more money and go to work with pleasure? If you want to find a job that you will like, then be prepared for the fact that you will have to change a lot in your views, habits, and possibly in life in general. But for the sake of achieving a happier life, it is worth taking a risk and trying to break your stereotypes. There is no need to be like the millions of people around the world who go every day with disgust, as if to hard labor, to an unloved job, but do not want to change anything. Or rather, they dream about it, but they do not go beyond reasoning about “can I” and “how could it be done”. They argue for years, leaving everything the same.

Where should you start?

Let's agree - before you think about how to find a job you like, first try to figure out what is really going on in your very soul. Ask yourself specific questions:

  • What does "work for my heart" mean to me?
  • How important is the material factor for me in my future work?
  • Can I make certain sacrifices for my purpose?

It is very important to understand yourself, to analyze your own “wants”, to understand what is of paramount importance for you: self-realization, job satisfaction, or the achievement of material prosperity.

To be honest with yourself, the answers to these questions will not be difficult to find. You can even conduct a mental experiment. Try to imagine that the work that you will do will be quite boring, but you will receive much more for it than you earn now. Would you accept such a job? Ask: can I sacrifice my interests on the condition that the work will be well paid? If the answer that you give to yourself is obvious to you and does not cause any doubts, then it is he who should play a decisive role in the strategy of choosing and finding a new job.

A good worker gets a good salary!

Of course, more often than not, a person who is thinking about how to find a job takes a position that is primarily focused on money. And this is understandable. Any of us can say: “I leave home, give work eight hours (or more) of my personal time that I can spend on my family, and as a result I want to earn the money that both me and my family need.” In such a situation, no doubt, you need to look for a job that will pay well in the first place. What to do in order to get a better paying job? There are professions in demand on the labor market, and a person who is focused on getting a high salary tries to develop his professional and personal qualities in a certain direction. This specialist will strive to improve his professionalism, receive additional education in order to sell his services more expensively. A hardworking and purposeful person has a great chance of success.

But many, especially women, have professions that do not bring enough income to live on. For example, doctors and teachers working in municipal clinics and schools. These people work well even at low salaries because they love their jobs and enjoy seeing the results of their work. They are in their place, and they like their work. If a person cannot change his vocation, does not want to step on the throat of his own song - does this mean that he should not think about how to find a job with a higher income? Is it possible that, remaining devoted to his beloved work, he will never be able to provide the family with the necessary level of prosperity? It is unlikely that work, even in your favorite specialty, can give pleasure if you pay too little for it.

To all according to their merits, to each according to his position

Professionals have always been and will always be in demand. Everyone has the opportunity to find a high-paying job. For example, the same teachers can be advised to look for work in a gymnasium or a private school. If the city is too small and there are no such educational institutions in it, then it is worth considering options for moving to a larger city. At the same time, one must be aware that such a step requires some preparation. In large cities, competitive selections are quite tough, although a qualified specialist always has a good chance of finding a job fairly quickly. You just need to visit job fairs in advance, study the relevant sites on the Internet.

A well-written resume will help a lot in finding a job. If you have to go for an interview, try not to forget - the outcome most often depends not only on the degree of qualification of the applicant for the vacancy, but also on how confident the applicant is, how he will be able to present himself during the interview. And if the option of moving is not at all suitable, then one could think about a business combined with a favorite thing - to take and open the first private gymnasium in your city!

work at home

When family circumstances require us to stay at home more, then you can even try to find work on the Internet at home. Moreover, such work can be closely related to your favorite hobby - for example, you can do your favorite needlework, photographing the process of making crafts, and then sell photos of the master class to various needlework sites.

Or create your own blog dedicated to a topic that interests you, and it will also bring you income. In the end, today you can even work, for example, as an accountant, without leaving your home and using the Internet. Of course, to work on the Internet, you must have certain knowledge, which is not so difficult to obtain. It must be remembered - to make good money, you need to study! And under a lying stone and water does not flow.

In any case, it makes sense to think about where else you could apply your knowledge and experience. If nothing comes to mind, then you can look for a job in any way possible - call job advertisements, go to interviews, send out your resumes, consider even the most unexpected options and offers - and at the same time listen carefully to yourself. Even if you don't end up switching jobs quickly, you can at least be able to prioritize and understand what is most valuable to you. You will figure out what exactly you like and what you don’t, and then it will become clear how to find a job that you like.

If you are afraid to quit your unloved, but familiar job, then you can combine the search for a new business in which you could put your soul into, and the work that you are still holding on to. Sometimes it can be quite difficult to implement, but for the sake of the prospect of a better future, it is worth enduring the additional burden. If you have not yet found yourself, could not decide what kind of activity you would like, the trial and error method can help you. Try your hand in several directions. As the Americans say, it is impossible to know the taste of blueberry pie without trying it. If you, for example, have never sewed on a sewing machine, you will not know how interesting (or uninteresting) this activity is for you. Do not be afraid to experiment, do not be shy about your respectable age if you are no longer young. If you are confident in yourself, you will be more likely to be hired. Therefore, you still need to work on increasing your self-esteem - after all, only someone who understands and loves himself knows how to find a job to his liking.

Things to remember

The desire to provide a high standard of living for your family is commendable, but a sense of proportion is no less important. This is especially true for us women. We must not allow it to turn out that all our strength and time was spent on achieving well-being, while our family, perhaps, needs our care and attention much more. Moreover, it is impossible to achieve the limit of the desired well-being - the more it is, the more you want. For example, it is enough for someone that their child goes to a public school with good teachers, another wants to enroll their child in an elite gymnasium, and a third wants their offspring to study abroad without fail. You can’t keep up with everyone, and you shouldn’t set the level of someone else’s well-being as a guideline!

However, do not be afraid of change! Even if, as a result of your searches, you suddenly realize that at one time you chose the wrong specialty, you should not despair. Now it is even fashionable to have several educations, and psychologists generally advise changing the field of activity every seven years. Take a step towards a new life! Take a deep breath of air, gather together all your determination - and proceed to action. Give yourself the opportunity to learn how great it is to make a living doing what you love!

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Many people work simply because they have to work, they do not feel joy from their work, they do not like it, many even hate their work, but they work only for the sake of money.

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Think about where you are or not? Maybe something needs to be changed in life?

How to find a job that you will like and fully satisfy you?

If you find your favorite job, you like it, you have a good salary, then you are a very happy person.

But there are times when a person fails to find a good job, he is forced to work where he can provide for himself and his family.

Why does a person have an unloved job? Because at one time the parents made a choice for him, they chose where to go to study and without asking the child made the wrong choice for him.

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Sometimes they don’t even ask the child’s opinion and dictate their own terms, so in the future a person gets an unloved job.

At first he puts up with the choice of his parents, and then gradually he begins to hate his job and begins to think more about his dream.

But why, if you have an unloved job and you hate it, you do not change anything in your life?

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Very often, people do not dare to change their lives and continue to go to an unloved job as hard labor.

Then they lose their sense of joy, they see the world around them in gray colors, the person begins to get sick and falls into a deep depression.

And people who have made their choice, they love their work, they do what they love, they easily get up and run to work for them, work, joy, satisfaction, happiness.

Such people are happy, they feel great, they always succeed, they move mountains without even noticing them.

Do you want everything to work out for you?

So, you need to decide what you want to do and start looking for a job for the soul.

In the evening or on a day off, when no one bothers you, sit in silence and dream.

Remember your childhood dreams, what did you dream about? What did you want to become?

Remember your school years, hobbies and hobbies and write down all your dreams and hobbies on paper. Then look at them carefully, think, reflect on what is closer to you now at the moment.

What do you want to do from this list? Go through the list and check off the odds, and when you have a few ideas left, you must make a choice and decide what you want to do and who you want to become.

Remember, it is never too late to change something in your life, the main thing for this is a desire, if you have it, then go ahead.

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Look at your lists, what is closer to you now, for example, you love animals, you can’t even walk calmly past a cat or dog on the street.

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Of course, at first you won’t be able to earn money on your hobby, but over time you will develop and you won’t even notice how everything will change in your life.

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Once you decide what you want to do, you start planning your future.

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When a person has a goal, he forgets about everything and strives to achieve his goal, it inspires him and gives him a lot of strength.

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If you have firmly decided to change something in your life, then change, think, take the first steps, and you will definitely find luck and satisfaction. Sometimes it happens that what you love becomes unloved and vice versa. Try a few ideas and you'll find your favorite activity.