Risk of miscarriage. Infection and inflammatory processes of internal genital organs. What are the types of pathology

The miscarriage in medicine is called a spontaneous abortion, which implies spontaneous interruption of pregnancy in the period of up to 22 weeks. The miscarriages are divided into early and late, and their classification on the dynamics includes such a concept as a threatening abortion. It is believed that the threat of miscarriage is a dangerous state, but in most often reversible and important only to contact the qualified medical care in time to preserve pregnancy.

Table of contents:

Causes of the threat of spontaneous abortion

Set the exact cause of the state under consideration is not always possible, but it is necessary to do it. The fact is that already accomplished miscarriage can disrupt the birth of a child in the future, so doctors in diagnosing and analyzing the threat of spontaneous abortion of pregnancy necessarily consider several probable reasons for its accomplishment.

Embryo Development Violations

It is with this mutation that 90% of pregnancy miscarriage are connected on a period of up to 8 weeks. It is explained simple: the chromosomal nature anomalies are destroyed to prevent the birth of non-viable children, it can be called even natural selection. By the way, therefore in most cases, the beginning of the miscarriage for up to 8 weeks of pregnancy doctors do not even try to treat.

Immune failures

There is such a concept as an antiphospollipid syndrome, which is characterized by the formation of antibodies in the body of antibodies to its own proteins. The result of this becomes, thromboembolism, the risk of latency of the fetus growth and severe preeclampsia increases dramatically.

To diagnose a similar immune failure, it is necessary not only to detect antiphospholipid antibodies, but also note certain symptoms - for example, inexplicable non-obscuration of pregnancy and thrombosis.

Anomalies of the uterus

There are in mind congenital defects of the genital organs, to which the incomplete partition of the uterus. It is this anomaly that increases the risk of developing spontaneous abortion almost twice. It is noteworthy that more serious uterine structure defects (double uterus or counya) are much less common to interrupt pregnancy.

Cherry insufficiency

Such a disease leads to premature softening and shortening of the cervix, which provokes the influence of the oily water and the beginning of the generic activity. Most often, crooked deficiency occurs absolutely asymptomatic, only in rare cases a woman may notice the appearance of periodic pains and nonspecific discharges. That is why all pregnant women on the period of 19-21 weeks are carried out - measurement of the length of the cervix with the use of intravaginal ultrasound sensor.

Hormonal reasons

Some doctors are confident that the cause of miscarriage can be in the body of a woman. But this is all the only theory, as hundreds of cases are known when the diagnosed low level of progesterone is perfectly combined with normally flowing pregnancy.

Infectious diseases

The cutting of the uterus and the subsequent interruption of pregnancy can provoke high body temperature and strong intocication of the body, so doctors any infection in the case of pregnancy is considered as a potential danger. But among all infectious diseases, the rubella and brucellosis are particularly dangerous for pregnant women.

System Women's Diseases

Doctors identify a number of systemic diseases that can complicate the course of pregnancy and increase the frequency of spontaneous abortions. These pathologies include:

  • autoimmune diseases;
  • blood coagulation disorders;
  • pathology of the thyroid gland.

Note: Many believe that the reason for the threat of miscarriage can be sports, flight by plane, sexual activity. But doctors extremely rarely associate these factors with spontaneous interruption of pregnancy for up to 22 weeks.

Symptoms of threat of miscarriage

Each woman should know the signs of threatening miscarriage, because most often the qualified assistance rendered timely assistance gives hope for pregnancy.

It can be the most different - abundant and oscillation, last long or stop literally in a few minutes, even the saturation of the color may be different. It often happens that the bleeding is temporarily stopped, and after a while it renewed again. This is the case when a pregnant woman is simply obliged to consult a doctor in a break between vaginal bleeding.

Not in each case, vaginal bleeding means the threat of miscarriage, this symptom may indicate minor hormonal disorders, the implantation of the fruit egg. But hoping that in a particular case, vaginal bleeding in a pregnant woman does not constitute anything terrible, will be stupid.

We recommend reading:

Painted pain at the bottom of the abdomen

The second explicit sign of the threat of miscarriage is pain or. But specialists are not recommended to navigate exclusively on this symptom, as it can accompany other natural changes in the body of a pregnant woman.

Note: Any bleeding started during pregnancy should be a reason for the visit to the gynecologist. If the bleeding is abundant and accompanied by a pulling pain at the bottom of the abdomen, then the ambulance brigade will be needed to provide emergency medical care.

Treatment of threat of miscarriage

Therapy appointed with the condition under consideration is selected by a gynecologist in a strictly individual order, since it all depends on the cause of the threat of miscarriage. In some cases, the woman is heading for treatment in the hospital, and if the situation is not dangerous, then the patient can leave at home.

Note: If there are genetic disorders, then prestitious pregnancy is extremely rare. Doctors, of course, will try to correct the situation, but most often these attempts do not give a positive result.

What to take when symptoms have a threat of miscarriage? Alone - nothing! Only a specialist may choose competent and effective therapy, and if we consider general principles for the treatment of the state under consideration, they will be as follows:

Note: If the threat of miscarriages was formed in the late periods of pregnancy, then most often put the ring on the cervix, which helps prevent her premature disclosure. This procedure is simple and almost no contraindications or hazardous consequences.

Prevention of threat of miscarriage

Despite the large number of reasons and provoking factors that lead to the state under consideration, to prevent its development is quite real. The woman, in the period, must fulfill the recommendations of the gynecologists:

  1. It is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination and future mother, and father. During such a survey, analyzes will be made on the genetic compatibility of future parents, and if incompatibility is clarified, the doctors will be able to prepare in advance for a possible miscarriage and preserve future pregnancy.
  2. You need to treat all the available infectious diseases - only after that it will be possible to begin conception. However, during pregnancy, a woman should avoid contact with sick people and at all less often to be in crowded places.

In addition, from the first days of pregnancy, a woman should avoid stressful situations, and if it is impossible to do this, then you need to consult with a gynecologist and systematically take (for example, or a dye).

It is natural if a pregnant woman is fear of losing his future child and during each visit to the toilet checks whether she has bleeding. Particularly nervous those women who have previously had miscarriages. However, anxiety can be vain, because not any appearance of blood or abdominal spasm are signs of miscarriage.

Even women with healthy pregnancy can be small blood discharge, which are called implant bleeding. They are caused by the implantation of the embryo in the mucous membrane of the uterus, permeated with a large number of blood vessels. However, there are not always bleeding unfortunate, so we turn to precautions with which you can avoid miscarriage.

Causes of miscarriage

The risk of miscarriage to a certain extent depends on the age of the mother. In women aged 18 to 35 years, which is traditionally called a childbearing, the risk of miscarriage ranges from 10 to 25%. In women of the age group, from 35 to 45 years old, the risk of inconsection is already 20-35%. The danger of pregnancy interruption increases to 50% in women who have reached 46 years old and older.

Of course, there are many other prerequisites that increase the danger of miscarriage and reduce the likelihood of a complete movement of pregnancy.

Chromosomal disorders - the most frequent cause of miscarriage during the first trimester. Chromosomal disorders refer certain deviations from the norm in the chromosomes of the child, which makes it impossible to further develop its body.

The miscarriages occurring in the third trimester are most often associated with the diseases of the mother, and not any genetic anomalies in the child. Women who do not receive adequate treatment of diabetes are more at risk of miscarriage. If the treatment of diabetes is carried out correctly, there is no reason for concern.

Increase the danger of miscarriage and other diseases and conditions, such as increased blood pressure, systemic red lupus (erythematosis), as well as infectious diseases: Rubel rubel (Rubella), herpes simpleness, chlamydia.

Also increase the risk of miscarriage some features and diseases of the uterus or cervix. The danger of miscarriage increases myomas and other benign formation of uterine tissues.

The cause of miscarriage may be a weak cervix, which is prematurely opens even without any preliminary signs of labor activity, which can provoke expulsion of the fetus.

Also the cause of miscarriage may be:

  • high temperature more than 38 ° C;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • stresses and injuries during pregnancy;
  • taking drugs, smoking, excess caffeine use;
  • improper nutrition;
  • the effects of toxic chemicals or radiation;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • improper implantation of the embryo;
  • problems with uterus or cervical.

Methods for reducing the risk of abortion

To begin with, you must understand that there are no absolutely win-win recipes of how to avoid miscarriage. However, there are some ways to which you can resort to reduce the risk of abortion.

  • The most important thing is to take care of your health. If your body is great, it will create the best conditions for your child to grow and develop.
  • The correct development of the child is largely dependent on what you eat. Watch your food during pregnancy is helpful.
  • Very important for maintaining and strengthening your health are regular exercises. Ask your doctor, which exercises come to you during pregnancy.
  • To cope with the voltage, you can resort to such relaxing exercises as meditation or yoga.
  • Beware of taking tablets, alcohol, smoking and any unhealthy food. The best thing you can do is abandon caffeine.
  • Avoid activities that can cause stress.
  • Do not engage in sports or similar activity.
  • Stay away from smokers.
  • Never start taking medication without consultation with your doctor.

Remember that the threats and dangers for miscarriage are individual from every woman. And maintaining the overall health of the body and avoiding dangerous situations reduces its likelihood. From the moment the pregnancy is confirmed, fully follow all the recommendations of your doctor, so that both tolerant and childbirth have passed safely. Planned blood tests, urine, ultrasound, who prescribe your doctor, will help identify many problems during pregnancy. Stay healthy and give birth to a strong baby!

According to statistics, about one quarter of pregnancy ends with miscarriage, while often long before the moment the woman itself knows about pregnancy. What are the causes and symptoms of miscarriage? And what to do in this situation? These and other questions are worried about women who are preparing to become a mother or only plan.

The miscarriage is a complication of pregnancy, characterized by spontaneous (spontaneous) rejection of the fetus in the period when its viability is impossible outside the uterus. Miscarriage and premature birth - different concepts. If after childbirth, albeit premature, the child can "go out", then after miscarriage, the fruit just dies. To date, modern medicine makes it possible to maintain the viability of the premature fetus born at the 25th week of pregnancy. At the same time, the fruit is in the future normally growing and developing as children born on time.

Bleeding of various intensity and duration during pregnancy, as well as painful sensations are a signal for immediate treatment for medical care, since it may be the beginning of miscarriage.

There are miscarriages caused by natural reasons (spontaneous) and artificial (abortion or abortion), which may be provoked by medical reasons. As a rule, most spontaneous (spontaneous) miscarriages occur during the first trimester of pregnancy. But the spontaneous interruption of pregnancy (miscarriages) after twenty weeks of intrauterine development is one percent of all pregnancies. According to numerous studies, it has been established that the miscarriage is two times more often occurring in women over the age of 35 years than young women. However, the health of the woman itself is of great importance.

It is believed that the lack of a pregnant woman toxicosis during the first trimester of pregnancy (due to hormonal failure in the body) indicates the tendency of this woman to miscarriages. Of course, this is not a rule, since there are a lot of women who do not experience morning seizures of nausea and fools, and later enter the pregnancy to the end and give birth to healthy children.

What to make women who have a threat of miscarriage during pregnancy? The most important thing is not to panic! After all, from the correctness of your behavior during pregnancy will depend on the outcome of pregnancy (miscarriage or childbirth).

Causes of spontaneous miscarriage.
The reasons for spontaneous miscarriage can be many. An important role is played by the health of women, history I have previous pregnancies, the presence and number of abortions, etc. More than half of the miscarriages happen in women due to the improper genetic development of the fetus, which may be due to hereditary or random factors. Blastocystosis is a frequent cause of miscarriage (60% of cases), it contributes to the development of the fetus anomalies that make it impossible to ripen. In this case, the woman's body destroys the defective and non-visual fruit. 10-15% of cases of miscarriage occurs randomly, in the absence of a woman visible predispositions. Blastocystosis occurs by the merger of "poor-quality" genital cells of the mother and father. As a rule, in this case, the miscarriage occurs on the sixth seventh week of pregnancy. It is impossible to prevent it, and it is not necessary because the child as a result of blastocystosis will be abnormal. The possibility of repeated miscarriage in this case is very low.

To the reasons of spontaneous miscarriages include many other factors: the improper development of the uterus, tumor, cervical injury, misa (but not always), erosion (often leads to ectopic pregnancy), spikes after inflammatory lesions, serological conflict, acute infectious diseases that pregnant woman suffered in the first trimester, general diseases, chronic diseases (syphilis or toxoplasmosis), unfavorable ecological situation, radiation, severe working conditions, physical, emotional and psychological overvoltage, alcohol, drugs and drugs, inflammatory processes in systems and organs, pyelonephritis, Angina, pneumonia, appendicitis, diabetes.

One of the frequent causes of miscarriage is an artificial interruption of pregnancy (abortion), especially the first. In many cases, it develops without pregnancy, which is diagnosed after three and more miscarriage in a row. The lack of progesterone hormone in the body of a woman can also provoke miscarriage.

Anomalies in the development of the placenta can also contribute to the threat of abortion. Women encountered with a similar situation during the year are under the stringent supervision of doctors. In this period, pregnant women are contraindicated.

In addition, the cause of the miscarriage can be the break of the fetal shells and intrauterine infections.

The age of women can also cause the threat of pregnancy abortion. Late pregnancy is her offensive after 38 years.

Failure for nutrition and poor nutrition, as well as high blood sugar levels in the blood can also provoke spontaneous interruption of pregnancy.

The threat of miscarriage during pregnancy occurs in women who have passed the treatment of infertility, as well as in cases of multiple pregnancy.

Diagnostic procedures in rare cases may cause spontaneous interruption of pregnancy (fetal biopsy - stretching the outer layer of fruit shells of the embryo - puncture of the umbilical vein).

It is worth noting that regardless of the reasons that caused the miscarriage, each spontaneous interruption of pregnancy contributes to the risk of repetition of the situation. Nevertheless, if you listen and fulfill all the recommendations of specialists, you can prevent miscarriage.

Symptoms of miscarriage.
The symptoms of miscarriage are different, but the most dangerous is considered to be different kind of vaginal bleeding: in the first trimester of pregnancy (until the end of the 16th week). Also, the symptoms of miscarriage can be observed during the period of the next menstruation by 4, 8 and 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Catching pain at the bottom of the abdomen or in the lower back, blood discharge, vaginal bleeding are the main symptoms of miscarriage, in this case it is necessary to urgently cause a doctor.

Bleeding can wear a weak and insignificant nature, be short-lived. Blood color may vary from red to brown, sometimes in a mixture with mucus. Bleeding in some cases can resemble a normal menstrual cycle. It also happens that bleeding is insignificant and stops spontaneously after a short time. If you begin treatment, then pregnancy can be saved. If the bleeding is enhanced and accompanied by a stupid pain in the lower abdomen, this indicates the beginning of the miscarriage. More intensive development of these symptoms, tuning tissue particles suggests that the miscarriage has already occurred.

As a rule, the embryo dies in a few days or weeks until the moment of natural removal of it from the uterine cavity. Since the parts of it are very small, they can not be noticed among the blood selections. I will compare with an inflated gray-white ball (if the placenta is a whole). In the event that the placenta is torn, in the discharge of blood can be seen particles of pearl-white.

The miscarriage can be incomplete, full and erroneous.
Incomplete miscarriage - when the fret bag is also conducted and fabrics (perhaps with an embryo) fall into the vagina. In case of incomplete miscarriage, part of the tissue is excluded, and some of the blastocysts and small fragments of the biopsy of Chorion remain in the uterus. The remaining parts cause bleeding. Therefore, a woman is required urgent surgical intervention (cleaning), otherwise intrauterine bleeding may happen or get infection.

Full miscarriages are considered in the case when all parts of the fetal with the placenta were removed from the uterus. As a rule, the full miscarriage occurs on the seventh week. In this case, the woman does not require cleaning.

An erroneous miscarriage is the so-called frozen pregnancy, in which the embryo dies, and the pregnancy continues. Dead fruit can stay in the uterus for several weeks, even months. The uterus in this case does not grow, but its neck is tightly closed. Ultrasound is the best way to determine whether the fruit is alive or not. If pregnancy was counted frozen, then the fruit is removed from the uterus.

Partial separation of the placenta or the fetal shells from the uterus wall can also cause bleeding. Pregnant women who started bleeding should always keep blood samples on a piece of fabric so that the watching doctor can explore them.

Treatment and prevention of miscarriage.
Given the results of the examination of a pregnant woman, the doctor prescribes treatment. With minor pains, the absence of blood discharge and miscarriage earlier, treatment can be carried out at home. During this period, it is recommended to refrain from the behavior of life. There are cases when the miscarriage is effectively prevented if the treatment is appointed taking into account the causes and nature of complications. In the threat of miscarriage, the woman is exposed to a medical examination and takes assigned drugs: most often the resulting diastolic effects, vitamins, painkillers, sedatives, hormonal (including those that block the production of prostaglandins). At the same time, the pregnant pregnant is the bed mode.

As mentioned earlier, any bloody discharge during pregnancy should be a reason to appeal to the doctor. As a rule, the doctor conducts an ultrasound, and if the embryo is alive, pregnant to preserve pregnancy is sent to the pregnancy pathology department. 90% of such cases end the birth of a healthy child. Since the risk of premature births still exists, pregnancy must be carefully tested.

If a pregnant woman in the second trimester found a vice of the cervix in the second trimester, then there are circular seams on the cervix. During pregnancy, the cervix must be closed so that the egg does not fall out of the fetus of the uterus. The effectiveness of such treatment is 80% of cases.

To prevent miscarriage due to the serological conflict during pregnancy, the blood transfusion is carried out in rare cases, which helps to remove damaged cells, antibodies and excess bilirubin. With this process, 75% of the blood of the child is changing, but the child will continue to produce blood cells with their own antigens. In addition, patients are prescribed supporting therapy, including intravenous administration of albumin solution, which reduces the risk of free bilirubin penetration into the brain.

Patients for the prevention of incompatibility are introduced immunoglobulin RH D 72 hours after childbirth, miscarriage and abortion. Its action is directed to the elimination of RH-positive fetal blood cells that penetrated the mother's blood flow. This procedure is repeated after each birth and miscarriage.

In the case when the serological conflict occurs in the second trimester of pregnancy, this indicates the death of the fetus and the subsequent miscarriage.

How to behave after miscarriage.
It is important after miscarriage to refrain from sexual intercourse within two weeks. In addition, it is not recommended to use tampons during this period. It is better if the first sexual contact will occur after the first menstruation after miscarriage, which, as a rule, occurs after 4-6 weeks after spontaneous interrupting pregnancy.

Specialists are recommended after miscarriage to use contraception methods 3-4 months, since the rapid advance of pregnancy after miscarriage has risks associated with the psychological state of a woman after losing pregnancy that does not contribute to the normal course and development of a new pregnancy.

The miscarriage does not mean that the next pregnancy will end in the same way. The chance to give birth to a child after three miscarriages in a row is 70%, four - 50%. No one will give warranty that the next pregnancy will pass without complications, nevertheless, miscarriage - does not mean that you have no chance for happy motherhood.

Finally, the test showed two small, maybe even barely noticeable, but such long-awaited stripes. Mom and dad make repairs in a potential childish, borrowed by crumbs from the tummy and together come up with the name to him ... But suddenly, like a scuffer on the head, at one of the techniques, the gynecologist sounds the diagnosis of "threat of misciring." The world is fading, stress is shrinking, and the future mother remembers nervously, where she was not relieved. But the threat of miscarriage is not a sentence: many pregnant women with this diagnosis live all nine months and in terms they give birth to healthy and strong kids.

What is miscarriage?

In the gynecological practice, miscarriage is considered to be the cessation of pregnancy on the period before. If the embryo rejection occurred before, the miscarriages are called early if from the 12th to the 22nd - Late. From the 22nd week, the child is considered no longer an embryo, but fruit, and if the pregnancy is interrupted after this period, it is customary to talk about.

Types of miscarriage

Distinguish such types of spontaneous abortions:

Also, the types of miscarriage are classified according to the evaluation of the state of the uterus and its content:

  • An empty fruit egg is a phenomenon in which development occurs normally, but inside it or empty, or the embryo in the first week ceases to grow.
  • Full abortion - spontaneous removal from the uterus of all components of conception:, yolk, , Village, trophoblast on the initial timing, and embryo, amniotic fluid, , , and the accumulative shell at later.
  • Empty abortion - revealed but the embryo is still inside. In some cases, its disclosure can still be stopped and avoiding miscarriage, but almost always such a state is developing to a complete miscarriage.
  • An incomplete abortion - miscarriage took place, but fragments of the embryo or the fruit shell remained inside.
  • Measuring pregnancy - the death of the fetus inside the wing for the lack of arbitrary rejection.

Threat miscarriage as a diagnosis

The state of threat of miscarriage is a pathology that often, but not always requires treatment. As a rule, the diagnosis of "threat of miscarriage" is made if the doctor revealed to Palpation and on the ultrasound, which is elevated.

If such a state is detected, the doctor primarily recommends minimizing or stop sex life and physical exertion at all. In the relaxation of the smooth muscles of the uterus, spasmolytic but-shpa and papaverine will be effective. In some cases, there will be a woman's premises in the hospital's condition.

Signs of miscarriage

Signs of completed miscarriage change depending on the period of tolerance:

Symptoms of threat of miscarriage

When something is wrong with having a child, the maternal organism will give it to know about it. On time taken into account the signals will significantly increase the chances of survival of the embryo. The threat of miscarriages can be recognized according to the following symptoms:
  1. Vaginal discharge, the color of which varies from light pink and scarlet to brown-brown. Their intensity can also be different - from a pair of spots on underwear to abundant, as during menstruation. Usually, when an abortion has occurs, the number of secretions increase gradually, so the earlier a woman seek help, the better. Sometimes the allocation remains scarce, but it should alert the fact that they last a few days.
  2. Tangible painful spasms at the bottom of the abdomen. They can be compared with the pain that many are experiencing at the beginning of menstruation. But if a woman is aware of pregnancy - it is impossible to confuse symptoms.
  3. Grapple-shaped pains in the lumbar region.
  4. Painful spasms at the location of the ovaries and the uterus.
  5. Nausea, accompanied by chills, and sometimes diarrhea.
  6. Reduced chest sensitivity.
  7. The disappearance of any signs of pregnancy.
In the early stages with a threat of miscarriage. The voltage and discomfort at the bottom of the abdomen, as well as the stitching selection, are evidence of the attachment of the fetal egg. Unrest is unnecessary: \u200b\u200ba woman should calm down, since with a real threat of miscarriage stress only makes worse.

Causes of miscarriage in early terms

Putting the hitch at risk and determine the miscarriage are capable of different factors, and cannot be identified. However, in many cases, the maternal organism rejected the germ because it turned out to be defective or something broke its proper development.

I trimester

About 2/3 of the miscarriage falls on the first trimester. The reasons may be the following:

Chromosomal failures. From 1 to 12th week, they "echo" more than half of the embryos. Many occur by chance, almost never repeated and no longer depend on parent materials in any way, although this is also possible.

- chromosomal anomalies. The risk of anomalies associated with heredity is growing with the age of parents. To appeal to genetics also follows, if at least one of the spouses has relatives or children with chromosomal vices.

Progesterone deficiency. - This is a hormone on which all pregnancy is holding. It contributes to the readiness of the uterus to the implantation of the embryo, "muffles" the immune system so that the embryo lives and develops, relaxes the smooth uterine muscles, blocks lactation during pregnancy. Those. If the hormone is not produced in sufficient quantity, pregnancy or will not come, or will end on early. If the analysis shows the low level of progesterone, the doctor will decide on the appointment of medicinal progesterone support.

Excess androgens (male hormones), which actively suppress all female.

II trimester

The likelihood of a threat of miscarriage in the second trimester is significantly reduced. The embryo with a daily surrounded by a thick layer of placenta, which protects the child from many harmful effects.

- About 15% of the child's loss from the 13th week a week are the consequence of congenital or acquired uterine defects (hypoplasia, bend, doubling the body, a couny or saddot uterus), the presence of neoplasms in its cavity (polyps, mioma, tumor), a history of cesarean sections.

Another 19% of the miscarriage occurs due to the imperfection of umbilical cord or placenta. If the embryo cannot obtain a sufficient amount of nutrients, it means that it cannot fully develop. The problem can be detected on the second Uz-study and solved by placing a pregnant in day hospital for infusion therapy.

Common risk factors

A number of factors have been determined that they may entail a threat of miscarriage on any noiseing period.
  1. Preserving the previous intensity of physical exertion. Any kinds of exercise, and especially sharp (jumping, running, martial arts), up to 18 weeks significantly increase the risk of miscarriage. The exception becomes only swimming - they can be engaged in them on any time.
  2. Alcohol consumption. Any dose of ethyl alcohol (the main component of all the "funny" drinks) is to some extent affecting the embryo. Alcoholic beverages are especially dangerous to - Weeks of pregnancy, until the placenta is formed. No matter how inhuman it did not sound, but it is better to miscarly than the birth of a child with or FAS.
  3. Smoking. The threat of miscarriage is not only the harmful mother's habit, but also the Father. First, the smoker provides a sperm of much worse quality than non-smoking, and secondly, the pregnant woman involuntarily becomes a passive smokers, breathing together with a cigarette smoke hundreds of toxic compounds.
  4. Drug addiction.
  5. Eating antidepressants, in particular, paroxetine and venlafaxine.
  6. The use of a number of drugs. Most of the drugs are contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy, and if appointed, only after assessing the risk of mother / child health. Self-treatment, self-recognition or replacement of drugs issued by the doctor is also a frequent cause of the defeat of the embryo and the threat of miscarriage.

  7. Independent treatment of herbs. Such innocent, at first glance, grass, like a chamomile, St. John's wort, the leaves of raspberry, nettle, etc. can increase the tone of the uterus and cause a spontaneous miscarriage.
  8. The impact of poisonous substances from the environment.
  9. Continuation of work in harmful production.
  10. Injuries. Any injury is able to increase the tone of the uterus and cause a threat of miscarriage, but the most dangerous - abdominal injuries. The child inside the womb can get damage incompatible with life, and the body will begin to reject the deceased embryo.
  11. Age of pregnant. The older the woman, the higher the likelihood that she will not be able to endure the child.
  12. Multiple pregnancy.
  13. The use of intrauterine spiral during conception. In general, the Navy is a means of contraception, but sometimes in a gust to conceive a child, women forget to visit the doctor and remove the spiral from the uterine cavity.

  14. Infectious diseases. Influenza, rubella, toxoplasmosis, cortex, windmill, syphilis, herpes, hepatitis B, chlamydia often provoke the threat of miscarriage.
  15. The presence of chronic diseases. When in the body of the future mother there are foci of chronic diseases, it works at the limit. Pregnancy The immune system will perceive as an additional load and threat of life.
  16. Polycystic ovarian. The syndrome is associated with a significant violation of hormonal background and failures in the work of many organ systems, which without appropriate treatment does impossible pregnancy.
  17. Pregnant women (enhancement of blood pressure).
  18. Hypoteriosis. The violation of the functions of the thyroid gland also prevents the baby tooling.
  19. Uncontrollable diabetes mellitus. During pregnancy, some women develop a special kind of disease - gestational diabetes mellitus. To keep the child, the disease should be kept under strict control.
  20. Autoimmune diseases. If the protective system acts against the organism protected by it, it means that it almost always "rebels" and against the toal child. There are results of studies that prove that autoimmune diseases cause genetic failures from embryos and, as a result, the threat of miscarriage.
  21. Rhow-conflict child and mother. If the mother has a negative rhesus factor, and the baby from the dad got a positive, its immunity will perceive the embryo as a foreign object and will try to negotiate with all their might.
  22. Previous abortions. Each subsequent abortion (no matter, he was held at the request of a woman or ) Reduces the likelihood of baby tooling. This is due to irreparable violations of the work and the structure of the uterus, ovaries and other organs.
  23. Strong stress. Nervas, experiences, fright, grief or family scandal often become the reason that the body will consider the pregnancy too heavy for himself.
  24. Overheat. Bath, sauna, hot tub, vacation by the sea at the height of the season or summer heat increase the total body temperature of a woman, which threatens miscarriage.
  25. Change blood clotting.

What to do with the threat of miscarriage?

In the event of the slightest suspicion at the threat of miscarriage, the first thing is necessary to the doctor (his first, the first, duty - anyone). If suspicions are supported by bleeding - call "Emergency". But if the embryo rejection began spontaneously, not as a consequence of external factors, before starting preserving therapy, it should be insisted on an ultrasound and surrendering blood tests: perhaps miscarriage because the embryo is defective. The preservation of an inferior fetus only derete the time of his death, and will make an abortion heavier both physically and psychologically.

If the reason that caused a threat to miscarriage, is known, the first thing to be done is to take yourself in hand and not give in to a panic. Fear contributes to the emission of adrenaline into the blood, and adrenaline, in turn, enhances the cuts of the uterus. Along the way, call "ambulance". Be sure to rise in panties pure, folded several times a piece of clean fabric - this is necessary to assess the number and intensity of the selection.

If there is pain in the stomach - you can not eat liquid and food before the clarification of their etiology. It is strictly forbidden to warm the stomach - it only contributes to the interruption of pregnancy. Also, it is impossible to take painkillers - it will not be possible to evaluate, everything or miscarriage continues. For the overall facilitation of the state, it is allowed to take only antispasmodics (but-SPAP or Papaverin should be in a pregnant woman to be instead of talisman). It is also not allowed to clean the intestine.

Treatment of threat of miscarriage in the early stages

The main thing in the treatment of the threat of miscarriage in the early periods of pregnancy is complete peace. Since it is not necessary to ensure it exclusively in the hospital's conditions - away from the working problems, home worries and family troubles - you should not complain about the doctors, that, they say, the vitamins would be able to drink at home.

Related research

To establish a threat of miscarriage factors and definitions of effective treatment, a number of blood tests should be made:

We also need research:

  • delivery of urine on ketosteroids (17-ks);
  • mAZ for the presence / absence of chlamydia, mycoplasma, other STDs.
If there is only a threat of miscarriage, and the rejection itself has not happened - the ultrasound is not recommended, since, according to some data, it increases the tone of the uterus.

Medical therapy

Unfortunately, preserving treatment with proven efficacy in the post-Soviet space does not exist. Where foreign physicians prefer to provide pregnant peace and just to wait, they are trying to treat our all forces, often making meaningless and wrong steps. Sometimes domestic doctors save what they need to grow further, giving women unnecessary hope.

For the treatment of threat of miscarriage in domestic practice, the following means are used:

After the treatment of pregnant, it is recommended to hold back from emotional and physical exertion, sex, visits to crowded seats.

Homemade treatment

Finding under the control of the doctor - at least some, but the guarantee of compliance with all prescriptions. But only pregnant gets home, the "adjustment" of treatment begins: a dinner husband must be prepared, you need to put it on the store, you need to wash, it is necessary to remove the tablets to have a drink on time. Because of the "distracting" factors, home treatment is possible only with a strict self-control.

Information for husbands. If the spouse has revealed a threat of miscarriage, your task is to do everything possible to save the child. First of all, it is an adhesion of all households, providing a recreation wife and full rest, calling only positive emotions.

Prevention of threat of miscarriage

Warning of possible embryo loss should occur long before fertilization.

If the miscarriage still happened

If the pregnancy was planned and welcome - the miscarriage is hardly experienced on any time. Even the most persistent and restrained women begin to engage in self-confidence and blame themselves in what happened.

It is easier if the interrupt occurred on the reasons independent of the failed mothers - for example, genetic or influenced by infectious infectious disease. In this case, we can talk about a natural selection: yes, it's a shame that it happened to you, but the fate of the unborn baby from life in torments because of physical or mental inferiority, and you gave you a chance to more carefully pass medical examinations and give birth to nice, Health baby.

Worse, if the miscarriage happened because of the Women's fault: he used alcohol, shifted with a non-embled girlfriend, succumbed to the husband's spells, when it was impossible to do it, dragged the heavy packages with the products from the store, went to massive walks and picked up the flu or was injured in the crowd. Well, it also carries his life lesson, and the next pregnancy (and it will definitely come!) A woman will be at times more attentive to its special state and will not allow frivolity to remove the day meeting with the long-awaited child.

Very often, women who have lost their baby, get caught as soon as possible again. But this case does not tolerate the hurry, and the potential mother should be given to its body 6 months for complete recovery after unsuccessful pregnancy. During this time, it is also necessary to establish the reasons that caused the miscarriage: to be examined with her husband in genetics, to be tested for all sorts of infectious and sexual diseases, a few cycles to observe the level of progesterone, to analyze your lifestyle, nutrition, and the treatment methods used at the moment of pregnancy.

"It really sounds threatening. Especially if the pregnancy is desirable and longworn. It pleases that the diagnosis of" threat of miscarriage "is not necessarily spontaneous as a result. Moreover, doctors, after setting such diagnoses, make maximum efforts to preserve pregnancy. And since "warned is armed", then let's look at what is the threat of miscarriage when and why it arises, and what to do to correct the situation if the first alarming bells appear.

What is the threat of miscarriage?

The miscarriage is a spontaneous interruption of pregnancy, which is happening on the period of up to the twenty-second week. If the miscarriage occurred in the first trimester of pregnancy (up to 13 weeks), it is called early. Interrupting pregnancy, starting with, is called premature childbirth. As a rule, something is wrong with the body of a pregnant woman, it is likely that there will be miscarriage, "report" certain signs. This is called the threat of miscarriage.

Symptoms of threat of miscarriage

The threat of spontaneous interruption of pregnancy is accompanied by certain symptoms. If you know about them, you can prevent the problem in time.

So, we can recognize the threat of spontaneous abortion by such signs:

  1. Vaginal discharge, ranging from light pink, scarlet and to dark brown. These discharge can be scarce - literally a few drops, or abundant - as during menstruation. As a rule, with a threat or starting spontaneous abortion, at first, the selection is minor, but over time are becoming increasingly intense. Sometimes allocations are very scarce, but do not stop over several days.
  2. Strong spasms of the lower abdomen. Pain during the threat is identical to the one that women are experiencing with very painful menstruals. But in some cases, bloody discharge may not be accompanied by painful sensations.

What could cause the threat of miscarriage?

The reasons that lead to a spontaneous abortion, and at first only a threat of such, quite a lot. Below, we present a list of the most common causes that contribute to the occurrence of the threat of miscarriage in pregnant women.

  1. Hormonal. If in the body of a woman in an insufficient volume, certain hormones are produced, "responding" for the prosperous development of pregnancy, there is a threat to its interrupt. In particular, it concerns progesterone or estrogen. If it is not enough to determine that in the body of a woman is not enough, for example, progesterone, you can preserve pregnancy, assigning taking drugs containing this hormone. But too much hormones is not good too. After all, the increased level of androgens (so-called men's hormones) is also the reason for the threat of miscarriage.
  2. Genetic. Due to the so-called genetic "breakdowns", the fruit, in most cases, is developing incorrectly. Often it is unwinable and dies in the early stages of pregnancy. According to statistics, approximately 73% of the miscarriages occur precisely for this reason.
  3. Infectious. If in the body of a woman "popling" any infectious disease, including those that are transmitted by sexual means (chlamydia, herpes, cytomegalovirus, trichomoniasis, toxoplasmosis, syphilis, and so on), then the chances of the occurrence of the threat of miscarriage - colossal.
  4. Immunological. These reasons arise as a result of the immune incompatibility of a woman and a man, as well as with a rhesus conflict. In the second case, it is meant that the child inherits the positive Father's Rh, and the rhesus-negative body of a woman is trying to turn the embryo cells alien for it.
  5. Physiological. These include various defects or anatomical features of the structure of the uterus and cervix, that is, the female sexual system. This may be, for example, the improper structure of the uterus or its insufficiency.
  6. Medicinal. There are a number of drugs that are categorically prohibited for receiving pregnant women, because they can cause the threat of spontaneous interruption of pregnancy.
  7. Age. Doctors argue that women older than 30 years will automatically fall into a risk group, since after this age the body functions with certain "failures".
  8. "Harmful". These include habits like smoking, and drugs.
  9. Physical and mental. Heavy physical work, strong emotional stress, overwork - the right step towards the diagnosis of "threat of miscarriage".

By the way, a separate line can be noted abortion and non-pregnancy that happened in the past. This is also often the reason for the occurrence of the threat.

First actions in the threat of miscarriage

The first thing you need to make a pregnant woman who has noticed the symptoms of the threat of miscarriage is to lie down and take the phone. It is necessary to go to bed in such a way that the legs are in a raised state. The phone is needed in order to inform the doctor about what happened and, if there is an opportunity, cause it to the house. As a rule, after consulting a doctor, a woman with relatives should go to the hospital, where she will provide medical care. If the bleeding is strong, you need to call an ambulance, the employees of which are obliged to provide first medical care on the spot, and then give a pregnant woman to the gynecological department of the hospital. It is very important until the woman is waiting for a doctor, try to calm down. If it does not work independently, it is possible to drink a few drops of tincture of valerian or dyeing. Sometimes the doctor in the telephone mode, listening to the woman, can ask for one or two but-shop pills. Do not worry about this, because but-shp for pregnant women - the drug is allowed, it relieves the spasms and the tone of the uterus.

In most cases, with a strong threat of miscarriage, when real unequivocal symptoms are already manifested, a pregnant woman is put on saving. Treatment in the hospital stationary department will undergo depending on what caused such a state. In order to determine this, conduct a special examination and analyzes.

Each pregnant woman should know about the prevention measures to protect themselves and prevent the threat of miscarriage. It should be remembered that cured chronic and acute diseases, rational full-fledged nutrition, rejection of bad habits, avoiding stress and strong physical exertion is the key to the fact that the threat of miscarriages of the Woman's fault will certainly not come. As for others, more complex, reasons, then here already as Mother's nature will be ordered. The assignment of the woman is to reduce the risk and do everything possible to make a healthy and strong kid to light.

Especially for Olga Rizak