The most powerful prayer is to return the husband to the family. How to return a husband to the family with prayers

Everything happens in life, and sometimes it happens unexpectedly. If a man leaves the family, they try to return him in various ways, up to the use of conspiracies and black magic. However, there is a simpler, but at the same time the most effective method.

If a husband leaves the family, any friend will advise you on many options to get him back. But first you need to decide whether you really need it so much. It is possible that he just made room for a more worthy man who will soon appear in your life.

When you are sure that you want to bring your husband back, you can apply not only conspiracies. Prayers to certain Saints will help much faster, and you will not need to turn to black magic.

Features of prayers

Requests for the return of the husband to the family should be read for a certain time. However, before proceeding, the wife needs to go to church and take communion. If there is a desire to confess and be completely cleansed of unkind thoughts, then this must be done.

Only after visiting the church can one begin to pray. When you are inside, buy some large candles. They need to be lit during the appeal to the Saints and put out when you finish reading. As a rule, one candle is enough for several days.

Prayer to Peter and Fevronia

It is intended for those cases when there is discord in the family. and the matter is approaching the final rupture of relations. In this situation, everything can be adjusted if you ask these Saints for help.

Saints Peter and Fevronia, hear my prayers for love and salvation. I ask you to keep our marriage in harmony and protect us from partings and breaks. Strengthen our bonds of marriage and bestow understanding and respect for each other. Send us forgiveness and humility. I bow before you and gratefully accept your love and help. Amen.

Prayer must be read until the relationship improves. But if there are no positive changes within a month, you should think about the real reason why you want to keep this connection with your partner. Perhaps you have not entirely good thoughts in your mind, and then you can not count on the help of the Higher Forces.

Prayer to the Mother of God for the return of her husband

When a husband leaves the family and does not want to see his wife, the following prayer will help. You need to read it for seven days in a row, and if you missed a day, you should start all over again.

Holy Mother of God, be glorified. You are the one who gave birth to the Son of God. You are the protector of all living things and the patroness of the family. I beg you for mercy. Bless my husband for his return, for I repent of all my sins and purify my soul with my requests. Help restore my family nest, strengthen our spirit and will. Give love mutual and pure. And protect us from all misfortunes and the evil eye. Amen.

These prayers are very powerful, but if deep down in your soul you hold a grudge or resentment against your husband, they will not work. To begin with, you must accept the fact that discord has begun in your relationship and realistically assess the situation. Only by forgiving yourself and your partner can you make amends. Trust the universe, open up to love and don't forget to press the buttons and

Any woman wants a quiet family happiness. But unfortunately, situations sometimes arise when a woman asks herself a question - how to return her husband to the family with prayers quickly? Because he leaves, pulls away and cools off - it happens to his mistress, it happens that he simply leaves the family, and it is difficult to understand the reasons for such behavior of a man. This site is dedicated to family relationships, and in this article we will figure out what prayers can help return a husband, and do it as quickly as possible.

We will analyze a few basic prayers that should be said daily in order to significantly increase the chance of a man returning, but in addition, we will talk about other important components that can affect the restoration of your relationship. After all, in the end, the goal is to restore harmony and peace of mind, and wife and husband.

Do you know what secret words will help to return the man very quickly?

To find out, click on the button below and watch the video until the end.

Who should pray when the husband left the family

There are several options to whom you can give your prayers when such a misfortune happened in your family:

1) To the Matrona of Moscow - you should contact her first of all if your man has committed the sin of treason and left you for another woman.
2) In case of betrayal, it is also useful to pray to Nicholas the Wonderworker.
3) Fedot and Fevronya are the patrons of the family hearth and happiness, and prayers in their direction can also be very effective and useful.
4) The Mother of God can come to the rescue in any situation, including discord in personal relationships.
5) Gury, Samson and Aviva are martyrs who are addressed with various prayers when the feelings between husband and wife subsided, and coldness and alienation settled between you.
6) Andrian and Natalia are those who should be given praise and prayers when you lack respect, love and support of a loved one in your relationship, especially when you really need them.

But before we move on to the prayers themselves, and examine each of them in more detail, remember the most important thing - everything will be meaningless if you are not pure in heart, and your prayers are frank and humble.

Most women, in grief and trouble, when there is misfortune in the family and discord with a man, begin to pray earnestly - but at the same time they do not experience that very frank feeling of favor before God, and those saints to whom the cry and request for help is addressed. A woman wants only one thing - deliverance from adversity, and does not think about the opportunities and blessings that God actually gives us in our lives.

When we focus only on pain and our suffering, we stop noticing all the good things around. We stop thanking God for our life, our health, our loved ones and our children. Therefore, before praying for the return of your husband, and passionately wishing that your husband returned to the family with the help of prayers as quickly as possible, thank God from the bottom of your heart for what you already have. For your shelter, food, loved ones, and so on.

If you really feel gratitude, and not just a desire to receive something from God, then he will be merciful to you and fulfill your desires. And your prayers will not be in vain.

The main prayer to Matrona for the return of her husband

Here are the texts of the main prayers to the Matrona, which can help the wife restore harmony in family relationships, and get rid of the suffering of parting and discord.

Please help me, Holy Mother Matronushka! May my beloved and only return to the righteous path, may he gain reason and feel what he lost in the hustle and bustle of life - that love for me, and that sacred feeling. May the servant of God (add the name of your betrothed) be strengthened again in strength and mind, and our union will become even stronger. And we will find true happiness. And we can pray together for the good of the Almighty. I thank you heartily for your support and help, Blessed Matrona. Amen!

This prayer is recommended to be repeated every morning, at least several times. At the same time, it is important that nothing distracts you from the process of prayer, and that you are completely focused on the words that you pronounce. , if you are constantly distracted, and your thoughts are constantly hovering in the "clouds", and you will not think about the return of prayer, but about worldly worries and difficulties.

How to find the key to a man's heart? How to return it? Need to use secret words that will help you conquer it.

If you want to know what to say to a man in order to charm him, click on the button below and watch the video until the end.

The second prayer to Matrona for the return of her beloved man sounds like this:

Matronushka Matushka - you saw an amazing, abundant and healing river of miracles, and coming from you thanks to Divine grace.
You gave forgiveness and healing to the poor and orphans many times. To the lame, straight gait and glorious walking, to the raging and cursing the name of God,
relaxation and liberation from the devilish intrigues. I turn to you as to my own mother, I direct all my thoughts and prayers to you. I see in you an inexhaustible source of miracles. Help me in my heart trouble, help me return my husband, who has lost his way, and has encroached on family happiness. Guide him on the true path, and return our innermost to the lodge. Thank you and blessed be your name. Amen.

There is also a third prayer to the Matrona, which is best suited for cases when a man left for reasons unknown to you, and you not only want him to come back, but you want to gain an understanding of why this happened and correct the situation - so that in the future love, respect and mutual frank feeling flourished in your family:

Blessed Mother Matronushka, I offer this sincere prayer to the Lord and you, and I sincerely forgive, about myself and about the servant of God (your husband's name), that his thoughts be cleansed as soon as possible, get rid of the evil and unclean influence of others, gain the thought light. And he would instantly remember our love, first-born and bright, purified in the rivers of saints. Offer up an effective prayer to our beloved Lord, and may there be happiness in our union, and love in our family relationships. Let the husband return to the family with the help of this prayer, and let him repent of his dark behavior. Please help him to gain faith in himself, and faith in our feelings and love is boundless. Our happiness is in your hands, mother Matrona. Amen.

Each of these prayers for the return of her husband is very effective and powerful. It is better not to mix them in one prayer, and try to focus every week or month on only one of the prayers. In this case, there will be a maximum effect, and you can be sure that your efforts will not be in vain, and you will be able to find true happiness and peace of mind. And Matrona will not remain indifferent to your pure appeal.

How should a prayer be said so that a husband will change his behavior forever?

Saying prayers is a sacred act that can be like a miracle worker for your soul and your family. But at the same time, it can also have negative consequences if you harbor anger in your soul and feel the desire to take revenge, or harm your husband.

Faced with the betrayal of a loved one, many women feel pain and depression. Some, after excruciating suffering, despair and strive to start life from scratch, when the rest do not even try to give up, resorting to various methods to return the faithful.

Today we will talk about how to return a husband to a family after he leaves for another with the help of prayers.

Church prayer for the return of the husband to the family

“Seeing the abundant river of miracles and healings flowing from you with God’s grace: walking lame, relaxed and lying on a bed of healing, demon-possessed from the spirits of malice, liberation, rushing to you, mother, as if to an inexhaustible source of miracles, suffering and sick and drinking abundantly; consolation and healing, crying out to you with a tender heart: Rejoice, righteous one, sent down to us from God; Rejoice, healer, healing all our ailments. Rejoice, helping us with soulful advice; Rejoice, for all our doubts and perplexities will soon resolve. Rejoice, casting out demons from suffering people; Rejoice, guide to the right path, leading to God. Rejoice, blessed old woman Matrono, marvellous miracle worker!

The petition should be carried out in the church in front of the icon of the Holy Matrona.

Which Saints should be invoked when the husband left for another?

First of all, you should ask for the resumption of the family of St. Fevronius and Peter. It is these names that are often mentioned by women who have known a difficult period in their lives. Prayers to Saints Natalia and Andrian have no less power. One should fall to their icons at a time when the love that once reigned began to rapidly fade away. You should ask for lost trust and understanding. If the spouse began to show aggression towards his wife and at every meeting “spew” sharp words in her direction, then the martyr Guriy Samon and Aviva should ask for respect and return of lost feelings and respect. In the event that the husband left the family in which there is a child, Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Holy Matrona need to pray for the return of the “traitor” home. It would be useful to turn to the Blessed Virgin Mary - the intercessor of all women and children.
If for some reason there is no opportunity to visit the temple, then you can read prayers for the return of your beloved man at home. For more efficiency, purchase all the icons listed above.

How should you ask?

In the evening, when no one is at home, light a few church candles in front of the holy faces, kneel down, close your eyes and say aloud the names of all the martyrs.
After that, imagine a light streak coming from heaven. It is to this line that all your requests should be directed. This way of reading the prayer will allow not only to return the beloved man who left for another, but also to alleviate suffering, as well as cleanse the soul of bad thoughts.

To completely cleanse the hearth, leave the candles to burn out. In addition to reading prayers, spend time three times a day with words that allow you to return your husband to the family:

“Lord, I trust in you, the servant of God (name), in the Mother of God, the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Holy Saints (list all the martyrs mentioned above). I lift up my unworthy prayer and ask for help in a difficult hour. Do not leave me and return the spouse (name) to the family, save him from temptation and vicious passions. Reunite us with our beloved husband, may we cling to each other again and be united before God and people. Amen"

Prayer to Jesus Christ

To return the former love and loved one to the family, you should visit the church and submit a note on the health of the abandoned woman and the departed man. This must be done from a pure heart. After that, you should put 3 candles to the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, Nicholas the Pleasant and Jesus Christ. Then you need to turn to the image of the Savior and address him with the following words:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, do not condemn my love, let me see the desired again. Amen"

Then you need to cross yourself and leave the church.

If prayers for the return of a loved one to the family are read at home, then in this case, you should purchase 12 candles and an icon of St. Nicholas, the Blessed Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ in the temple.

As soon as no one is at home, lock the door, close all windows and light candles. Place the faces of the Saints nearby and imagine the face of your loved one. At the same time, say words aimed at returning love and a loved one home:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. I sin and do not repent, I almost do not pray. Forgive me that I languish in love and sorrow. All my thoughts are about my beloved man, I want him to become only happy with me. As you tell us to live according to the right canons, I bow to you with a deep bow. Return my happiness with a native man, and if he is not mine, let him become a stranger. May your will be done. Amen"

Requests are made multiple times. After each utterance, it is necessary to diligently baptize. Candles should burn out to the end. Throw away the wax residues in an urn, and put the icons in a closed cabinet.

These words will allow not only to return a loved one, but also to know love again.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos

To return a beloved man to the family, you should say the following words:

“Have mercy, Most Holy Theotokos, intercede for us sinners, be merciful, cover our sinners with the incorruptible robe of your soul: your servant (husband’s name) and your servant (wife’s name). Give, Mother of God, love between them and advice in living in love and harmony. To live in council for them both in days and nights and in rainy hours. As a powerful river flows, it does not end, so the husband (name) and wife (name) live in harmony forever and ever.

Be sure to read the thanksgiving prayer to the Lord God after pronouncing the cherished words:

“Having thanked and glorified my Lord, the One God of the Orthodox Jesus Christ for His beneficence, I appeal to you, holy angel of Christ, Divine warrior. I cry out with a prayer of thanksgiving, I thank you for your mercy to me and for your intercession for me before the face of the Lord. Glory be in the Lord, angel!

To return the former love of a spouse, you should not resort to magic and love spells. It is enough to turn to God. He is infinitely wise and just, kind and merciful. One should turn to Him in trouble, and in sorrow, and in happiness, and in joy.

Remember: before making petitions for the return of an unfaithful spouse, read the first few days of the Lord's Prayer. As soon as the tears go away, and calm comes, you can proceed to prayers aimed directly at the return of your loved one.

Do not forget to turn to your Guardian Angel every day, as well as to the Saint with your name. In no case do not trust in the help of the Lord if your mind is consumed by jealousy, anger and hatred. This can greatly exacerbate the situation. Make requests with sincerity and kindness in your heart. You must be completely imbued with the words of prayer, their power and love.

Happiness to you!

Everything can be destroyed, even the closest family ties. When a husband leaves the family, a woman often feels empty, because the usual state of affairs has changed, and now there is no loved one in the house.

Fortunately, the wives have learned to pull themselves together, analyze what happened and draw conclusions, but this is quite cumbersome work without someone's usual support. Therefore, women decide to turn to God and think about how to return their husband to the family with prayers. Our article will help you quickly deal with this issue.

In contact with

There is a stereotype generally accepted and encouraged by society that the husband is to blame, because he is, so to speak, an adulterer and a scoundrel. There is a radical view, where the wife is to blame for everything, who did not please her husband and almost forced him to look for a replacement.

But for some reason it is forgotten that marriage is a union of a couple, and not just one person. It follows that responsibility (not guilt, but responsibility!) is borne by both. Both spouses may have the same type of gaps in behavior and perception, which leads to conflicts, the result of which may be the destruction of the marriage.

These may be the following traits, which, as a rule, occur mutually and are not accompanied by the correct reaction:

  1. Infantilism.
  2. Inhibition in development.
  3. Self-dislike.


If one of the spouses constantly requires attention to himself and all kinds of courtship (it can be a stable ironing of socks, a delicious dinner every evening always, accompaniment in any situation, etc.), then he has not yet grown up and he was released from the sandbox early . So he miraculously started a family in which he behaves like a small child who does not particularly want to grow up.

Of course, the second spouse at the same time will perform the function of a parent and take care of the first. Here the man will go to his mistress because he has found a woman instead of his mother / daughter (depending on the prevailing family structure). You can return this, but without preliminary careful work on yourself, it can end with another beautiful and wise skirt.

Inhibition in development

In situations where one wants to develop and grow further, while the other is too lazy and is looking for any excuses not to take care of himself, then there are two ways out. Either the marriage is still falling apart, or the spouses are trying to adapt. As a rule, such adaptation also entails the destruction of the union. If one spouse pulls another, he will not stand it for a long time.

When a loved one finally wakes up and also decides to take care of himself, marriage can become truly happy and insured against any adversity and betrayal. But if suddenly the second half begins to pull down the developing one behind it ... There will either be a degradation of both as individuals or, again, a gap.

Self dislike

Everything is obvious. If you don't love yourself, then why should someone else love you? In this case, you can return your husband to the family, if he nevertheless decided to leave, only when you accept yourself as a person and as a woman.

Do not confuse self-love with unhealthy selfishness! Self-obsession is also a sign of infantile behavior that will not lead to a happy family.

Is it possible to return a husband to the family with prayers quickly?

It is very strange and illogical to try to look for one hundred percent ways to return a husband to the family with prayers quickly, at home, without getting up from the computer, doing nothing.

Believing is great, and it can help a lot, but it wasn't your lack of faith that took your husband away, it was another woman who turned out to be better than you in some way. If you really decided to return him to the family, then first take care of yourself and analyze your mistakes, and do not throw responsibility on higher powers.

Is it possible to bring him back to the family with some appeals to God, and at the same time quickly? It is forbidden. Rather, it is extremely unlikely that it will be possible to return to the family.

A strong prayer can bring the husband back to the family, however, only if it accompanies those steps in understanding and resolving the situation that have already been described. This is an analysis of the event. These are the conclusions. These are actions.

It is desirable, of course, that you figure it out with yourself before. Prayer will help you to humble yourself and accept events as having already happened, leaving behind resentment, jealousy, indignation, indignation. Only with a pure heart and thoughts does it make sense to turn to God for help in order to return a spouse.

The prayer for the return of the husband to the family from his mistress should in no case contain any negativity or coercion towards the spouse or his new woman - otherwise the text from the Orthodox will be transformed into an ordinary conspiracy. And with conspiracies, it’s already clear who is being addressed.

Prayers for family return

It is logical that when a church person asks, when the husband left for another, “How to return?”, Prayer is the first thing that comes to mind. This is a wonderful and working idea, but we should not try to dump all responsibility on God, but also think about our behavior.

However, some like exclusively conspiracies and prayers. It is quite difficult to return a husband to the family in this way, but some succeed. Of course, only if you really believe and do not hold evil anywhere, will prayer be effective in order to return your husband.

An appeal to the Mother of God, Peter and Fevronia, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Matrona helps to return her husband home.

Mother of God

Many women were helped by the prayer of the Mother of God for the return of her husband to the family.

Prayer text

This is the first prayer for the husband's return to the family. A strong prayer, because the Mother of God has always helped women in overcoming difficulties related to health and relationships with loved ones, in particular, with a sincere desire to return her husband to the family.

Peter and Fevronia

The prayer to Peter and Fevronia for the return of her husband to the family is very popular, because they are the patrons of marriage, conjugal love and fidelity, family and mutual understanding. Among other things, it is customary to turn to them in case of strife in the family and when one of the spouses leaves, with the intention of returning home a loved one.

Prayer text

This prayer for the return of the husband to the family is considered one of the most effective. With her help, many women managed to return their beloved to the family - numerous reviews speak of this.

Nicholas the Wonderworker

A prayer for the return of the husband to the family of Nicholas the Wonderworker can be used. It is quite short and easy to remember, but at the same time it is considered reliable and working if you want to return your husband to the family.

Prayer text

From Matrona

It will help to return her husband to the family quickly at a distance Matrona. Prayer to her is very powerful, because Matrona is considered one of the revered saints in the Orthodox Church and hears everyone who turns to her for help.

How to return a husband home with a prayer from Matrona? Extremely simple. Prayer can be read anywhere. Of course, if there is an opportunity to visit the Intercession Monastery, where the relics of this saint are located, the inner confidence that the prayer will be heard increases.

Prayer text

If you sincerely ask St. Matrons for help, while forgiving her husband and mistress, everything will turn out as it should - among other things, this will help return him to the family.

Prayers for the preservation of marriage

Prayer for the return of a husband's love for his wife and the preservation of the family will help when contacting almost every saint. When there is still no need to return the husband to the family, but it has already arisen, many prayers can be used.

For example, there is a very good prayer to admonish a husband, or has already started some kind of affair. Here we are talking about the fact that he realizes and corrects his behavior in the presence of a marriage, and not about returning him to the family after leaving.

Prayer text

An appeal to the Mother of God, which includes a request to take the family under its wing, is considered very wise and strong.

Prayer text

How to pray at home?

The prayer for the return of the husband to the family is strong in itself, given the sincere desire of the wife and her faith, but some recommend taking care of the correctness of the prayer procedure. In fact, the situation and the ritual events you have carried out do not have such a strong influence on how to return your husband to the family.

Prayers for the return of a loved one can be practiced in any conditions, in any premises, in any clothes. The most important thing is what is in your heart at that moment. How sincerely you turn to God and how strong your desire to return him to the family.

As a rule, a praying woman feels more confident when she is in the temple and prays with everyone. If it helps you get in the right mood, that's wonderful and welcome.

On the other hand, God will hear you in the same way both from the church and from the kitchen. There is also no need for specific ritual accessories if a prayer is said to return the husband to the family.

Very important when praying to return a husband to the family is an inner attitude. First of all, it is worth accepting the situation and not throwing all the responsibility on God. It's not a market where you give one thing and get something else in return! , this should also serve as a lesson for you. Therefore, when praying, you must be ready to accept the will of the Lord, even if it does not coincide with your wishes.

Of course, you should not read a prayer purely for the sake of formality - there will be no sense from this, so you can’t return anyone to the family. If you yourself do not believe and do not put anything into the spoken words, but simply spoke a ready-made text about how you allegedly want to return your husband, and you are waiting for a miracle, you will certainly be disappointed.

It is worth avoiding a common mistake when praying to return a husband to the family - excessive artistry and exaltation. Already somewhere, but in this case, "window dressing" obviously will not lead to anything good and will not return anyone. Moreover, such demonstrativeness is a manifestation of insincerity and a selfish desire to attract attention, which is not at all encouraged.

Conspiracy how to return a bewitched husband

Some see it as a conspiracy. You can return your husband to the family using magic. If you have reached this section of the article, you should already understand that there is a big difference between prayers and conspiracies. Still, a prayer is better suited to return your husband, remember this, but the choice is yours, as in any other situation.

In prayer, you turn to God and ask Him for something that you really lack - help, situation, condition.

In the prayer for the return of her husband, there is no violence towards other people - neither to him, nor to his mistress. This applies not only to physical, but also to psychological violence.

Roughly speaking, if the prayer contains a request that the mistress dry up and become covered with abscesses, she is not addressed to God and is no longer a prayer as such. Even if it contains appeals and expressions characteristic of Orthodox prayers.

Here is the fundamental difference. In a conspiracy, you turn to other forces that can contribute to something, but you must be aware that this is already witchcraft. If instead of thinking about how to return the husband’s love to his wife with a prayer without consequences, you decided to go into witchcraft, the choice is yours, because from now on the responsibility is completely on you.

So, a conspiracy about how to return a husband to the family. Conspiracies can work quickly, but not always in the way you would like. It so happened that a bunch of conspiracies were invented before us. Some have proven their effectiveness in a purely empirical way in how to return a husband to the family. Conspiracies at home are quite reproducible. Some require ritual accompaniment.

As a rule, conspiracies in order to return a husband are used in a complex way. This implies that the conjuring woman simultaneously does both the lapel of her husband from her mistress, and the rituals for the renewal of passion, and the work to return him to the family. , then you still need to separately deal with the lapel, which is quite energy-intensive.

Fierce conspiracy

It is considered very effective if you want to return your husband. It is built on intention and does not require ritual accompaniment.

Conspiracy text

Continuation of the conspiracy

This conspiracy is suitable for those who are still in marriage. That is, if a man has already divorced you and married that mistress, it would be more appropriate to make various quarrels and lapels, and not try to return in this way.

Of course, it is not the stamp in the passport that is taken into account, but the connection is much more serious. If the church marriage is not debunked, but the state marriage is over, the conspiracy is suitable. If there was no wedding, then the wife is considered to be the one with whom the man has a stable sexual relationship in this time period.

Challenge conspiracy

A conspiracy-call to restore past relationships can be used regardless of marital nuances. It is very easy to perform and does not require much time. You should read on a wax candle an even number of times for 4 days.

“The invited is invited and invited, the forgotten is restored. Amen!"

On the 4th day, you need to leave the candle to burn out. The cinder, if it remains, can simply be thrown away.

Candle conspiracy

There are also many conspiracies that prevent the husband from leaving the family. Good reviews, for example, from a conspiracy that needs to be slandered on a candle. It sounds like this:

Conspiracy text

After the conspiracy, you should put the stub of the candle in a red cloth and hide it securely.

In bitter despair, loving Orthodox, say a prayer for the return of the departed husband back to the family. If the Lord blesses, he will return in repentance.

Well, how can one condemn if they don’t let go of the years they lived together and the children who are waiting for a “pilot-dad”?

We'll fix everything. Without justifying the actions of her husband, perhaps he left under the influence of black magical forces. The lover took him away.

In such a case, it will take heartfelt prayer to bring him back to the family.

Go to the Orthodox Church and submit a registered note about your health and the health of your husband.

Put 3 candles to the icon of Jesus Christ, the Matrona of Moscow and the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Being at the image of the Virgin Mary, say these prayer lines to yourself:

Holy Mother of God, I beg you for forgiveness, for the return of my husband. Amen.

Cross yourself diligently and leave the Temple.

For home prayer, buy 3 more candles and the icons listed above.

At the most convenient time for you, retire to a locked room.

Light all the candles. Place Orthodox icons nearby.

Do not reproach anyone, do not scold the lover. Only the Lord will determine the measure of punishment that everyone deserves.

Read the prayer “Our Father” several times. Place the sign of the cross on yourself.

Proceed to the repeated and sincere whispering of special prayers for the return of the husband to the family, addressed to God's Pleasers.

Blessed Staritsa, Matrona of Moscow. For the sake of family happiness, have mercy and bring on your husband who has passed away longing for his native home. Let him return of his own free will, not under duress. If not, please help me get through my bereavement. May your will be done. Amen.

Holy Mother of God, Virgin Mary. Cleanse me from bad thoughts and direct my husband to the path of Orthodoxy. Belittle the Lord God about his return and family aspirations. I only trust in you and ask for forgiveness of sins. May your will be done. Amen.

Matrona of Moscow, Blessed Staritsa. I ask you about a husband who has gone astray, gone on a spree and disappeared. If the lovebird lured me to her, I beg you to let me go. Tell God about the return, and do grace for me. Let him return to the family as soon as possible, for the sake of me and my beloved children. May your will be done. Amen.

Each prayer for the return of the husband should be read at least 3 times, not forgetting to be baptized.

If God wills, you will be reunited again. Otherwise, time will take away the heartache.

Be happy!