Scenarios junior group locomotive. Scenario plan for the production in the kindergarten “Engine from Romashkovo. Finger game "Sun"

Elena Inozemtseva
Summer entertainment "Engine from Romashkovo"

Holiday « Steam locomotive from Romashkovo» .

Target: evoke an emotional response in children to the game entertainment and desire to participate in it; to consolidate the skills of children in stepping, walking, running at a slow pace.

The course of the holiday

Leading: Summer walks through the gardens

Walking, smiling

Like in a fairy tale, here and there

All colors change.

Children are now on the street is a warm season, summer. And in the summer the bright sun shines, and our children love to play and have fun. Well, let's listen, someone is coming to us.

(To the music enters locomotive)

Leading: Steam locomotive - transporter,

He carries everyone, he carries everyone.

locomotive: Choo-choo! - puff,

I puff, I grumble -

I don't want to stand still!

Sit down, I'll ride!

Leading: Where are we going?

locomotive: I'll take you to meet the sun.

A game "Train"

The teacher offers to play "train": "I will locomotive, and you are trailers". Children stand in a column one after another, holding on to the clothes of the person in front. "Go", the teacher says, and everyone starts to move, sentencing: "choo-choo". The teacher leads the train in one direction, then in the other, then slows down, finally stops and speaks: "Stop". After a while, the horn sounds again, and the train sets off again.

locomotive: First stop village Romashkovo.


locomotive: No, we won't be late. Look, kids, how many poultry live here.

Leading: True, look how many birds are chicken, duck, cockerel, geese. Children, let's play a game with you. I will be your mother chicken, and you are my children chickens. And this is a cat that hunts chickens.

A game "Hen - Corydalis"

The teacher depicts a chicken, the children - chickens. One child (older)- cat. The cat sits on a chair to the side. Hen and chickens walk around the room. caregiver speaks:

The chicken came out

With her yellow chicks,

quoht hen: "Ko - ko,

Don't go far."

Approaching the cat, caregiver speaks:

On a bench by the path

The cat lay down and dozes ...

The cat opens its eyes

And the chickens are chasing.

The cat opens her eyes, meows and runs after the chickens, who run away to a certain corner of the room - "house", to the mother chicken.

caregiver (chicken) protecting the chickens spreading arms to the sides, and speaks at this: “Go away, cat, I won’t give you chickens!”

When the game is repeated, the role of the cat is assigned to another child.

locomotive: Choo-choo-choo, - I'm in a hurry,

Do not count locomotive

Day and night I spin the wheels.

Stop! Brook ahead!

Leading: Aren't we late?

locomotive: But we must see what a beautiful stream. How can we get through it?

A game "Go through the stream"

The teacher draws two lines (cord can be used indoors) and tells the children that this is a river; then puts a board across it (length 2-3 meters, width 25-30 cm)- bridge and offers: "Let's learn to walk on the bridge!" Observing that the children walk only along the board, without bumping into each other, the teacher reminds them that they must walk carefully so as not to fall into the stream. Children walk along the board in one direction and in the other side 2-3 times.

locomotive: Go! Kids go faster. Next stop in the forest.

Leading: Aren't we going to be late to meet the sun?

locomotive: But we must collect flowers in the forest.

Leading: Oh, kids, look how many flowers. And let's collect them.

A game "Collect Flowers"

Children, together with the teacher, bow down and pick flowers (imaginary, to pick as many as possible and make a bouquet.

locomotive: Tu - that I'm waiting for you. Let's go further. So we got to the station "Sun".

Leading Q: Where is the sun? Come out the sun, shine on our children.

(The host shows the attribute of the sun)

Leading: Children, let's play with our sun.

A game "Sun and Rain"

Children squat down behind chairs located at some distance from the edge of the playground or the wall of the room, and look into "window" (into the hole in the back of the chair). caregiver speaks: "The sun is in the sky! You can go for a walk!” Children run all over the playground. On signal: “Rain! Hurry home!”- run to their places and sit down behind the chairs. caregiver again speaks: "Sun! Go for a walk!, and the game is repeated.

locomotive: Children, look, I have a surprise for you.

locomotive treats everyone with sweets so that the children grow up faster, invites everyone to go for a walk.

Potemkina Oksana Nikolaevna
"The train from Romashkovo". Scenario of musical entertainment (junior group)

Steam locomotive from Romashkovo.

Explanatory note.

Communication is one of the main psychological categories. A person becomes a person as a result of interaction with other people. Through communication, the development of consciousness and higher psychological functions occurs. The ability of a child to communicate positively allows him to live comfortably in a society of people; Thanks to communication, the child not only gets to know another person (adult or peer, but also himself.

Preschool childhood is an important period in the formation of a child's personality, including in his communicative development.

“Through play activity and movement, a child learns, and in this sense, play can be called the leading type of activity, as it determines the development and formation of a preschooler as a person” - Carl Orff. (German composer, teacher. 1950-52 publishes a methodology for teaching preschoolers, through communicative games - "Orff. Pedagogy", which received worldwide approval.

Musical activity makes it possible to effectively develop communication skills at any age stage of preschool childhood.

It is this kind of creative activity that is brightly and emotionally colored, includes various ways of interacting with a child, both with an adult and with children of his own age, helping children to get to know each other and themselves better.

Goals and objectives:

* Cultivate interest in the sounding world.

* Develop observation skills.

* Develop communication skills.

* Develop the ability to quickly switch from a visual image to action, movement.

Equipment: A projector for demonstrating the cartoon "The Train from Romashkov", an audio recording with the voices of birds, demonstration pictures, artificial flowers, baskets.

Course progress.

To the music of "Steam Engine", children "drive" into the music room with a train. They sit on chairs.

Musical director: Guys, we arrived at the Romashkova station. Today a wonderful journey awaits us: we will see how the sun rises, we will listen to the birds singing, we will pick flowers on the lawn, we will meet funny horses, we will sing and dance.

The first fragments of the cartoon appear on the screen. The “Engine from Romashkov” drives up to the station, invites them to get into the cars, and set off.

Children, sitting on chairs, watch a fragment of the cartoon, without sound, only action, perform the song "The Engine from Romashkov".

We eat, we eat, we eat for a long time. This path is very long.

Soon we will reach Romashkov. There we can rest.

Here is our train. The wheels are rattling

And on our train. The guys are sitting

Choo-choo-choo-choo-choo! The steam locomotive is running. He takes the guys far, far away.

Musical director: Let's hit the road.

On the screen, the train continues to move and meets a horse - it stops, we make a “Freeze frame”.

Musical director: We make a stop and jump like horses.

Children in a circle, to the music of "Horse", M. Simansky, imitate a horse's run - a gallop.

Musical director: See what is it? Stops. There is a mountain in front of us on the way, and in it there is a long tunnel. We need to go through it. We will do this carefully and slowly.

Two children raise clasped hands and make an arch.

Musical director: Not scary? Then let's go!

The game "Passing through the tunnel" is held to the music of Tilicheeva "Train".

After the game, the music director invites the children to sit on the chairs and continue watching the cartoon.

On the screen, the train stops in a clearing with flowers. "Freeze".

Musical director: Look, what a wonderful clearing with flowers ahead of us. Let's have a little rest and run and collect flowers in a basket.

Baskets are distributed to children, flowers are scattered on the carpet, children collect them to cheerful music.

The whistle of a locomotive is heard.

Musical director: The train is calling us.

The children sit back on their chairs.

Musical director: Guys, just look at this!

On the screen, the train fun continues its journey and suddenly stops. The train listens to the birds singing. "Freeze".

Musical director: Let's sit on the rug and quietly listen to the sounds of birds.

The audio recording of "Voices of Birds" is turned on. After each sound, try to guess what kind of bird. The music director explains and shows in the pictures what this or that bird looks like, looking at the picture, they listen to the voices of the birds again.

Cuckoo. Titmouse. Cockerel. Crow. Woodpecker knock. Ducks. Geese.

Musical director: Guys, we all know a song about a little bird. Let the train listen to how we can sing loudly and cheerfully.

To the music, the children stand in a circle.

The song "Little Bird" by Popatenko is performed.

A little bird flew to us, to us, to us.

I will give the little bird grains, ladies, ladies!

The little bird pecks the grains, pecks!

The little bird sings songs, sings!

The game "Birds are flying" is being held.

A fast melody sounds (at the choice of the music director) and the children “fly” around the hall like birds, flapping their “wings”.

Musical director:

The steam locomotive crashed. And he brought wagons.

Choo-choo-choo-choo. I will drive them far.

Children sit on chairs.

Children are watching a fragment of the cartoon, when the sun has risen in the cartoon, click "Freeze Frame".

Musical director: Oh, guys, look how the sun rises, how beautiful?

And let's say hello to the sun.

To the music, the children make a circle, squat down.

Exercise Arsenevskaya "This is how the sun rises: higher, higher, higher!"

On entry, the children squat.

This is how the sun rises: higher, higher, higher. Slowly stand up and raise your arms up.

By nightfall the sun will set: lower, lower, lower. Slowly lower the handles and squat down again.

"Lanterns" and spin.

Here, so good, the sun laughs. Standing, stomp one foot and clap their hands.

And under the sun we all sing fun! "Lanterns" and spin.

The whistle of a locomotive is recorded.

Musical director: What good fellows you are! We overcame many obstacles on our way, we managed to do it, and the station is not far at all.

Children, sitting on chairs, watch the end of the cartoon. "The train from Romashkov" pulls up to the station.

Musical director: Here is our station. "Freeze".

Look, our teacher meets us at the station. She is waiting for you and has prepared gifts.

The teacher enters the room.

Musical director: Wave your hand to her.

The teacher distributes pictures from the cartoon "The Train from Romashkov".

To the music of "The Song of the Engine from Romashkov," the children leave the hall.

Related publications:

"Gift Train" Summary of the application lesson (second junior group) Topic: “Engine with gifts” Purpose: To consolidate the idea of ​​​​a steam locomotive (its composition and one of its purposes). Fix the idea of ​​​​geometry.

"A train to the forests of our country" the second junior group. Synopsis on moral and patriotic education "Our Motherland" TOPIC: “A train to the forests of our country” (second junior group) PURPOSE: To develop moral and patriotic education in younger children.

Train from "Romashkovo" Lesson in physical culture in the second junior group. ENGINE FROM "ROMASHKOVO" Lesson in physical culture in the second junior group. Purpose: 1. Maintain and develop the flexibility and elasticity of the spine.

“Ah, WELL - KA, MUMMY” (Music sounds, the children enter the hall, walk in a circle and stand near the chairs.) Educator: So spring is knocking.

Physical culture and sports entertainment

"The Train from Romashkovo"

middle group.

Purpose: To teach children to combine various game actions into a single plot.

Integration of educational areas: "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Health", "Physical culture".

Types of children's activities: play, cognitive, communicative, motor.


Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children of primary preschool age through socio-gaming technology, systematize children's knowledge about the quantity, color, size of the subject.

Arouse children's interest in solving riddles.

To systematize knowledge about the benefits of walking in the forest, physical exercises.


Contribute to the development of all components of children's oral speech.

Develop attention, coordination of movements. To form the ability to correlate their actions with the actions of other members of the team.

To ensure the development of the ability to generalize and draw conclusions.


Build social skills.

Generate a desire to participate in the proposed games.

To promote the development of the ability to observe elementary rules during the game.

Contribute to the preservation of children's health through the use of health-saving technologies.

To nurture friendships and goodwill among younger preschoolers.

To help create a joyful emotional mood in children.

Methods and techniques.

1. Visual: show, demonstration.

2. Verbal: artistic word, conversation, story, questions.

3. Gaming: role-playing game,

Form of carrying out: game-journey.

Modern technologies used: health-saving, elements of socio-gaming technology.

The course of directly educational activities.

The teacher and the children line up.


Guys, let's stand in a circle, hold hands and smile at each other, show that we are in a good mood. -I invite you on a journey on a train from Romashkov.


Well, let's go on a trip on a train? We take places in the trailers, and hit the road. gives a signal, the children stand up like a train, taking each other by the elbows, move around the group to the music from the cartoon.

The music stops playing.


Guys, the Train brought us to the Sportivnaya station. I suggest you get out of the wagons and do a warm-up.

Warm up.

One two three four five,

Let's start relaxing! (stretch)

The back was cheerfully unbent,

Hands up!

One and two, sit down and stand up,

To rest again.

Bend forward once and twice

Bend back once or twice. (movement rhyme)

So we became stronger, (show "strength")

Healthy and fun! (smile at each other)

Guys, you did the exercises well, how dexterous and athletic you are.

Guys, we arrived at the Dense Forest station. See how many trees there are. The locomotive invites us to take a walk through the forest and collect items "collect the leaves of the cones."

Children collect cones and leaves accompanied by musical accompaniment.


Guys, how many cones and leaves.

Well done guys, you all did a great job. The train invites you to travel further.

The teacher gives a signal, the children line up in a train, start moving around the group to the music from the cartoon.

Guys, we arrived at the station "Tantsulkino"

What awaits us at this station?

Children's answers?? dancing!!!

Children on display dance an incendiary dance.

The teacher gives a signal, the engine leaves. Music sounds, the children move to the next station.


Guys, you and I arrived at the Fortune Teller station, the Train offers us to solve riddles about animals. When the children guess the animal, the teacher shows a guessing picture.

Small, white in the woods jump-jump,

on the snow poke-poke.

Jumps on the ground, floats on the water. (Frog)

Who walks in the cold cold winter, angry, hungry. (Wolf)

Red-haired cheat, cunning, but dexterous,

I got into the barn, counted the chickens.

Sleeps in winter, stirs hives in summer. (Bear)

A gray ball fumbles under the floor. (Mouse)


Well done guys, you know how to solve riddles. And now it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Take your seats in the trailers, our train is leaving. Music sounds, the children, lining up with a train, move in a group to the carpet.


Guys, did you enjoy our trip? What stations did we visit? What was the first station, what game did we play?

(children's answers)

What were we doing at the second station? Why is it necessary to play sports?

(children's answers)

What were we doing at the third station? Well done guys, you were friendly, attentive, and that's why you coped with all the tasks.

Guys, let's hold hands tightly,

And we smile at each other

And goodbye to each other

We'll give you a kiss! (air)

Leaving the site in a column one at a time.

Entertainment for children of the 1st junior group "Merry steam locomotive"

Educational area: cognitive, artistic and aesthetic.

Target: To create a joyful mood in children from singing songs, games, dancing. Strengthen children's knowledge about poultry.

1. Develop curiosity, activity, sociability.

2. Develop auditory attention, the ability to start and end movements to music.

1. To educate children in an emotional response to joint activities.

1. Stimulate the activity of children in singing, dance movements.

Vocabulary work: locomotive, wagons, hisses, cackles, cackles, crows.

Equipment and materials: house, toys: chicken, goose, rooster; the sun, a scarf, a disk with a recording of the voices of poultry.

Entertainment progress:

Wheels knock, knock.

I don't want to stand still.

I turn my wheels, I turn.

Sit down soon - I'll ride.

Song: "Engine" L. Razdobarin

Children enter the hall one after another to the song "Train Engine", sing along and perform movements according to the text. They stop at the chairs.

Girls and boys!

Look how much sun!

Sunny bunnies jump to us in the window.

Come out to the meadow

Let's play early.

Song-game "Sun" by E. Makshantseva

Guys, look what a beautiful house. Who lives in it?

The phonogram of the clucking of a chicken sounds.

The teacher takes out a chicken toy from the house:

I am a Corydalis at the shed ko-ko-ko.

I collect kids ko-ko-ko.

Oh, where are my chickens ko-ko-ko.

Ah, where are my boys.

The song "The chicken went out for a walk"

Host: Guys, let's play with the chicken.

The game is being held: "The Corydalis Hen flaps its wings"

The phonogram of the cackle of geese sounds.

The host takes out a goose toy from the house:

Hissing, cackling,

Wants to pinch me.

The song "Two merry geese"

Game "Geese"

Host: Geese! Geese!

Children: Ha! Ha! Ha!

Host: Do you want to eat?

Children: Yes! Yes! Yes!

Leader: Run to me!

Geese run to her, arms outstretched - wings to the sides, “pecking” grains. Then the leader shouts: Shh! Run in the field!

Sounds like a rooster crowing.

The leader takes out a cockerel from the house:

Who gets up early

singing songs loudly

won't let the kids sleep? »

Game-staging "Cockerel"

That's who lives in the house, a goose, a chicken, and a cockerel.

They are glad to meet you.

And everyone is invited to dance

Dance "Friendship" show.

Dance "Squat"

Have fun, time to go home. Take your seats on the train.

The song "Locomotive" by Z. Kamponeets.

Children leave the hall to the song.

Equipment: applique of a train and wagons for putting on the chest of train participants, chamomile flowers cut out of paper, various toys, applique of a locomotive and wagons (can be replaced with toys), two gondola cars (toy boxes), plastic balls (later replaced by real apples ).

Leading: We gathered again for our merry holiday!

(Birds singing sounds. The engine (the role of the engine is played by an adult) smells the flowers on the lawn and, seeing the children, says in surprise)

Train: What are you guys doing here? (Lowers head). Looks like I'm late again. Forgive me friends, I will not be late again. Would you like me to take you to the Romashkova station? Then get into the wagons, and we'll hit the road.

(Performance of the song “Engine from Romashkov”)

We eat, we eat, we eat for a long time,
This path is very long.
Soon we will reach Romashkov,
There we can rest.
Here is the train. Our rides
The wheels are rattling
And in our train
The guys are sitting
Steam locomotive is running
Far, far away he takes the guys

Train: Oops, is there a traffic jam here? Let's take it apart! (Congestion is a bunch of toys.)

Oh, what good fellows you are!
All collected from the heart!

See what is it? (stops). There is a mountain in front of us on the way, and in it there is a long tunnel. We need to go through it. We will do this carefully and slowly. Not scary? Then let's go!

(Passing through the tunnel).

Guys, just look at this! It seems these wagons have lost their locomotive! Let's help them.

(Assembling the composition).

The steam locomotive roared
And he drove wagons
I will drive them far.

Leading: Look what a wonderful clearing with daisies ahead of us. Let's have a little rest and run among the flowers.

(Snake run).

Train: And here is the freight train standing on the tracks. Well, where is the cargo? How will he go without him?

Leading: Look, here is the cargo. You just need to put it in freight cars. The guys will help us, and the train will move on.

Train: Children, you are great today! We overcame many obstacles on our way, coped with everything, and the station is not far at all. Here is our Romashkova station.

Leading: Look, our cargo in the wagons has turned into apples. This is magic!!!