Download application for android children's fairy tales. Audio fairy tales for kids. Why is it worth downloading the world of fairy tales - 2 fairy tales for children full for android

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You do not know what to do with a child? The child asks to read an interesting fairy tale at night? With the application "Audio fairy tales for kids" you can untie your hands, the program contains 17 of the best audio fairy tales for kids. All stories are voiced by talented actors. An unusual and diverse world of magic and miracles will open up for your children, which will introduce them to very kind heroes, as well as teach life wisdom. This application will take one of the leading places on your phone or tablet. List of fairy tales:
Two goats;
Gingerbread man;
Swan geese;
Snow Maiden;
Dereza goat;
Fox and Thrush;
Masha and the Bear;
Chanterelle with a rolling pin;
Bunny and fox;
and etc.

Main screen:

After launching the application, three buttons will be available to you: select a fairy tale, other fairy tales, exit. To view the list of fairy tales, click on "Select a fairy tale". You will see a list of fairy tales available for listening. Navigation through the application is carried out by vertical gestures. Choose one of the seventeen tales to listen to and click on it.

A window will open with the name, the time of scoring and a beautiful illustration for the fairy tale. At the bottom of the window are the control buttons for listening. Tales are read by both male and female voices with a pleasant audio background. Using the button "Other fairy tales" you will proceed to download other fairy tale applications from the developer DedFOX.


Very interesting app, my child just loves it. With "Audio Tales for Babies" you can lull your baby to sleep almost instantly. I can say that all fairy tales are nothing but digitized Soviet records. Five on a scale of five.

- an amazing application for android for modern children and their parents. The program is designed to instill a child's interest in reading, as well as make this task easier for their parents. And, it is worth saying, the project turned out to be more than successful - you just can’t tear yourself away from the books inside the catalog. The application is distributed for free, but there are in-app purchases. Nevertheless, the payment system is democratic - you can always participate in promotions, enjoy discounts and even read free versions.


Miracle Book: fairy tales for children is the largest collection of interactive Russian-language books. They are intended for children aged 3 to 12 years. The main feature of fairy tales is that children can now not only read them, but also play, press keys and participate in stories. There are many eminent publishers in the catalog, such as Rosman, Phoenix and others. In addition to interactive books, here users can find interactive cartoons, panorama books, educational information and much, much more.

Before you start using the main functionality of the program, it is recommended to go through an easy registration stage. Thus, all registered users can read 2 free books daily.
All material is conveniently sorted into categories and sections. Particularly noteworthy are the "panoramas" - they will show three-dimensional main characters and recreate a fabulous atmosphere. In addition, fairy tales sometimes come across scenes where you need to press certain keys in order to perform some action. For example, in the famous "Snow White" the reader needs to help the heroine get out of the dense forest. To do this, click on various animals that can show the right path.

Interface, graphics and sound

The application interface is conveniently structured. On the left is the control panel. The main menu is represented by an assortment of books with colorful covers. Graphic design is made at the highest level with bright pictures and nice animation.
If you wish, you can turn on reading the book aloud (voiced by professionals).

Lots of books, both panoramic and interactive;
- interactive cartoons.
- several books a day in the public domain;
- there is an opportunity to listen to fairy tales;
- bright, high-quality graphics.

Not found.

Miracle Book: fairy tales for children for android - a wonderful application with a large selection of books, colorful graphics and professional voice acting.

At the moment, the mobile game "Wonder Book: Tales for Children" is distributed on the official website of applications for smartphones absolutely free of charge and is recommended for installation on devices with firmware not lower than 4.0

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