Sports equipment for children. Physical development of the child at home. Sports equipment for children

you can see the method of attaching parts to the wall with anchors.

The LEKO sports goods factory has been producing home sports complexes for children since 2000. Safety is of great importance. From the very beginning, the basic design principle for children's sports complexes was laid - no kind of breakdown should lead to the fall of the sports complex. We have invented a structure in which the possibility of a fall is excluded (the hinge in the upper part of the struts is removed, because of which the complex can "fold").
In 2002, we invented a method for attaching mounted shells completely eliminating chafing of the ropes. Since that time, there is no need for regulations on checking the ropes for chafing, after installing the LEKO children's sports complex and tying the simplest fasteners, there is no need to periodically check the wear.
The attachment system for mounted shells can withstand a load of up to 250 kg.
The ingenious assembly system eliminates the hazardous operation of lifting an already assembled assembly to fit into the spacer.

For all the time, more than 400 thousand children's sports complexes have been sold. We have no data that at least one child was injured due to marriage in sports centers.
In 2009, an important change was made to the design - the fastening of the crossbars is completely hidden inside the racks, the holes are closed with plugs, which protects the child's hands from scratches.

Each batch of children's sports complexes (500 pieces) undergoes control assemblies and tests.
A special system of precision manufacturing of the racks was invented, which ensures the complete absence of backlash at the joints of the racks.
A thorough engineering analysis is carried out for each case of contacting technical support. We do not save money on returning defective parts to the factory, defective parts are delivered at our expense from anywhere in Russia. Currently, the number of rejects in children's sports complexes does not exceed 0.05%.


LEKO pays great attention to the compactness of the packaging of children's sports complexes. Shockproof packaging.
A special system for checking the completeness has been created, thanks to which errors in the equipment of sports complexes have been reduced to a unique value - less than 0.1%.
Much attention has been paid to ease of assembly and installation. The original assembly system based on the fact that first one side of the sports complex is completely assembled, and then the second is completed to it, makes assembly easy and does not require the participation of a second person. Do not involve specialists in the assembly of the LEKO children's sports complex, it is really very simple to assemble it (but you need to have an electric screwdriver).

A home children's sports complex is not only a sports equipment for the development of a child, but also an interior item. LEKO attaches great importance to design, all non-design elements are hidden inside the structure, the colors of the auxiliary elements are consistent with the main color, the hanging shells and cords on which they hang are consistent with the color of the main elements. Our concept - home sports facilities are essential elements of the interior.
The new modern design developed by LECO - IT design is characterized by the absence of welded joints and the widespread use of polymer materials in parts.

After the end of the warranty, LEKO transfers spare parts to children's sports complexes free of charge, but delivery is at the expense of the buyer. You can also get additional elements in the case of moving the sports complex to a place with a higher ceiling.

In infancy, you need to do special massages and gymnastics, periodically undergo water procedures and temper. From the age of three, you can already begin to select the appropriate sports equipment. However, many different factors and even medical advice should be taken into account.

Before subjecting a child to stress, it is imperative to consult a family doctor or pediatrician. He can recommend exactly what exercises to do and what kind of equipment to use for this.

It should be noted that while the child is small, then he should be protected from significant loads associated with lifting weights or overstraining. However, it is possible to actively engage in stretching, reaction, or ligament and tendon development. For these purposes, sports walls are well suited, which the child can use throughout his development. At the same time, with small additions, they can always be turned into various devices that work with the entire muscle group.

As a child grows up, a moment comes when the same physical activity is not suitable for children of different sexes. Therefore, it is necessary to decide which sports equipment to choose for the boy, and which one for the girl.

From the moment a child reaches school age, many parents strive to send him to the sports section. At the same time, boys are usually arranged for those sports that are either popular in the place of residence, or are taught self-defense. The most common sports for girls are gymnastics and ballroom dancing. However, it should be borne in mind that no matter what section the child goes to, he still needs to do exercises for general development. Moreover, from the kind of sport that has been chosen, a sports equipment should be selected. It should contribute to the development of those muscles and ligaments that, due to the specifics of a particular discipline, remain unused.

When choosing sports equipment for children, you should definitely take into account the quality of the material from which it is made. It is necessary that it is not only of high quality and environmentally friendly, but also meets certain safety requirements. It is necessary that all sharp metal corners are covered or protected by a special coating. The inventory should be free of damage, chips and rust. At the same time, when choosing a sports equipment, one should proceed from the individual parameters of the child or purchase such devices where it is possible to adjust the weight, length or tension.

The main thing is that everything is carried out without coercion. Do not exceed the load and achieve rapid muscle growth. At the initial stage, it will be enough to develop flexibility and plasticity, and the formation can be practiced only when the human bones have reached their optimal state (approximately 16-18 years).

We all want our children to grow up not only smart, but also healthy, physically strong. And for this we should make sure that they develop harmoniously. Mental stress must be combined with outdoor games and sports entertainment, which will satisfy the natural need of babies for physical activity.

Movement is truly joy. Human emotional well-being is unthinkable without it. If physical exercises are organized correctly, then much more can be achieved - to bring up strong-willed personality traits in a child, improve health, develop muscles, develop a beautiful posture, and involve the baby in regular aerobic exercise.

In this regard, children are very useful. The very presence of bright Swedish walls, horizontal bars, exercise bikes and other types of equipment in the room is an additional incentive for physical education. Children constantly imitate adults, they will be happy to compete on a gymnastic balance beam. After all, this sports equipment is so similar to a real log used in competitions for adult athletes! Such classes develop endurance and grace, foster the will to win. Kids need to be taught to own their bodies from an early age. In the future, this will help them achieve success not only in sports, but also in other aspects of life.

Children's sports equipment is safe, has an aesthetic appearance and optimal ergonomics for children. The exercise equipment specially designed for young athletes includes a children's treadmill and an exercise bike. The original design of these devices allows for training in the form of a game. Working out on sports simulators, kids not only acquire good sports skills, but also learn to be disciplined.

Harmonious development is facilitated by exercises performed with the help of a wall horizontal bar. This shell is great for developing flexibility and dexterity, strengthening joints and different muscle groups. Regular exercises on the horizontal bar allow the child to throw out excess energy, and therefore he exercises with pleasure, becoming stronger and stronger each time.

It is very useful to have a children's slide for fun riding or at least a trampoline in the house. Children love to jump, but adults, trying to save upholstered furniture, often forbid them to do it. The ban on jumping will not have to be introduced if a trampoline specially designed for this purpose is installed in the children's room. The child will be able to frolic as much as he wants, while developing coordination of movements, speed and agility.

Children's sports complexes make it possible to significantly enrich the conditions for obtaining useful physical activity. In addition to the wall bar, which itself is a versatile sports equipment, the set usually includes horizontal bars, stops, resistance bands and rings for performing gymnastic exercises. The complex can be supplemented with a strong rope and securely fixed on a horizontal bar or wall bars. The rope will help kids develop dexterity, make their legs and arms strong. Modern children's sports complexes can withstand a fairly large weight load. They can be used by several kids at the same time.

By constantly using the Swedish wall, children will be able to train all muscle groups. This equipment allows you to perform descents and ascents, pull-ups, push-ups. At the same time, shoulders, back, legs, arms receive a good load; the body develops harmoniously. Such exercises are recommended to improve the condition of the respiratory system and the cardiovascular system, for the prevention of flat feet. They improve performance indicators such as chest volume, body weight and height.

Let the children be cheerful and healthy!

To paraphrase a well-known saying, we can say: take care of your clothes again and health from a young age. Honor by itself, but the stunted and weak often have to sacrifice it. However, just health is not everything. Brute strength without ingenuity and skill ultimately produces results equivalent to weakness. Wits and skills are developed in the process of work, so the very process of designing and assembling a sports corner with your own hands will be useful to the whole family. Even if the child is still quite a toddler, he will definitely look at what his dad is doing, give him a screwdriver, screw or something else. And it will be with pleasure and benefit to study at the complex, in which a particle of his labor is invested. And on the equipment that is described in this article, parents will be able to warm up a little - they will stand it.


In a city apartment or a small private house, it is possible to equip mainly a children's sports complex. Adults on it will be able to do simple exercises without great muscle tension, sudden movements and strong swings, and adolescents - depending on the corpulence and degree of physical development. Why? Indeed, at first glance, making a sports corner for children is not at all difficult, see the example of manufacturing in the video:

Video: homemade children's sports corner

Let's recall a little school physics. More precisely, mechanics and kinematics. The kinetic energy acquired by a moving body is proportional to its mass and - attention! - the square of the speed. And the mass, in turn, is proportional to the cube of linear dimensions.

Let's say your weight is 80 kg and your height is 180 cm. The son has already grown up; his height is 120. If he develops correctly, his weight will be approx. 40 kg. Now suppose you swing your legs on the horizontal bar (crossbar). Your legs are twice as heavy and half as long; acc. and the speed of movement of the feet at the end of the swing will be one and a half times greater. And their kinetic energy is four times that of a child. At the end of the swing, it will be transmitted to the body, and through it - to the projectile and its attachment. If you delve into SNiPs, it turns out that a child can get up to anything on shells without risking overloading the building structures that support him, but adults need to be careful.

Therefore, on all the shells described below, an adult will only be able to warm up a little. A home simulator capable of giving an adult full physical activity is designed and built in a completely different way from a sports corner. See, for example, the video (there you can also download drawings from the link):

Video: An example of a sports facility suitable for adults

Location, shells and mount

Choosing a prototype for repeating a sports corner or designing your own at home on site, you must first of all solve 3 problems:

  • Find a place for a corner in the house;
  • Choose sports equipment;
  • Determine the method of fixing the complex to the supporting structures.

A place

Is it possible at all to arrange a sports corner at home, from which there will be benefit, is determined by the availability of free space for it in the house:

  1. For a preschooler, at least 1.2 free walls in length (for 2 shells: a wall bar and a climbing frame) and at least 80 cm of a floor that is not used systematically in front of it in width. Any ceiling height.
  2. From first graders to the beginning of puberty (10-12 years old) - at least 1.6-1.8 m of the wall and 1.2 m of the free floor in front of it. Ceiling height - from 2.5 m.
  3. For teenagers and adults, for an easy warm-up - walls from 2.2-2.5 m and the floor in front of it from 1.5-1.7 m.Ceiling height from 2.8 m for people of average height and from 3.2 m for tall (above 180 cm).
If only one person, or several in turn, will train on the apparatus, the required wall space can be "bent" by 90 degrees and the complex can be actually placed at an angle in the corner of the room. In this case, the required length of the free wall is divided according to the width of the shells (at least 60 cm by one). The free floor in front of the complex will need a square with a side equal to the width of the widest projectile. If the rings and / or trapezoid are suspended from the console (see below), at least 1.2-1.5 m of the floor must be freed out of it from regular use.

Large and / or older adolescents and adults only exercise one apparatus at a time in the home sports corner (see above). Preschoolers and primary school students can and should be engaged in a company; let's say, with friends, girlfriends. This develops an athletic spirit, competitiveness, and a habit of fair and supportive competition. In this case, the entire complex is located only in a line for which the length of the free wall will be required:

  • Preschoolers - from 1.6 m.
  • At the age of elementary grades - from 2 m.
  • Teenagers of average build up to 14-15 years old - from 2.2 m.

The free floor space in front of the complex will need as much as for single lessons.

Note: the above requirements are explained by the need to avoid both mutual injury and overloading of load-bearing building structures.


The minimum composition of a home sports corner includes a trace. shells:

  1. Swedish wall;
  2. Height-adjustable gymnastic bar (horizontal bar);
  3. Rope ladder with hard steps;
  4. Rope;
  5. Damping mat.

It is highly desirable to supplement the sports corner for schoolchildren with gymnastic rings (item 1 in the figure) .:

Basic and additional equipment of the home sports corner. Methods for attaching a sports corner in a house (apartment) to building structures

All children in general will be very useful climbing net, pos. 2, if only there is room for it. For a house / apartment with ceilings from 3.2-3.5 m, if several people are engaged in the shells, it will be good to arrange a platform with a fence above the corner, pos. 3, a kind of podium for the most powerful and dexterous. A sports corner with a pedestal perfectly develops self-esteem in children without painful conceit and healthy competition.


It is possible to fix the children's home spacer between the floor and the ceiling (pos. 4) in the figure if the ceiling is concrete, and the floor is laid with laminate, etc. with sufficiently strong board material without logs on the filling leveler. Otherwise, you run the risk of serious injury to those involved in the sudden collapse of the entire structure of the complex.

The most reliable fastening of the structure of the sports corner to the wall with anchor bolts, pos. 5, but hammer and poke at the wall; maybe just after renovation, something you don't really want. Next, we will consider how a children's sports corner for preschoolers and schoolchildren can be absolutely securely attached to the wall in an apartment in just 2 points.

About crossbars

If the sports corner is used by people of different ages, then the first question that arises here is the diameters of the bars on the wall bars and the horizontal bar. Children need crossbars 24-30 mm thick, otherwise they will not grip properly. For adolescents and adults - 40-42 mm, taking into account the inertia of their body mass. Using the method described below, you can glue crossbars for a wall with a diameter of 26-30 mm from inexpensive packaging plywood, which for many years can withstand a regular man weighing 75 kg.

The horizontal bar is subjected to many times greater loads. A possible solution described on the Internet is a wooden rod pressed into a thin-walled steel pipe. But, firstly, thin-walled pipes made of high-strength steel are expensive and are not cut by meters at the request of the buyer. And most importantly - how to push a wooden blank into a thin pipe at home? You cannot use a jack or wedges with a stop - the opposite end of the pipe will collapse. To plant loosely on glue - there will be no required strength.

Exit - a crossbar with a diameter of 30-35 mm, glued from 3 layers of 12-mm plywood 36 mm wide, see below. The middle layer is 2 strips 12 mm wide. Between them, when gluing, a steel threaded rod M12 with tails protruding outward by 100-120 mm is inserted. A re-glued bag with a section of 36x36 is perfectly turned on a metal lathe in a diameter of up to 35 mm (an aluminum tube is put on the tail inserted into the spindle so as not to wrinkle the thread). When assembling the horizontal bar (see below), the wooden ends of the crossbar are glued into the sockets of the consoles, and immediately, until the glue has dried, the assembly is tightly pulled together with nuts and washers from 40x2 mm. The excess steel core is trimmed after the adhesive has completely cured. Of course, you cannot turn the sun on such a crossbar. Exit by force on one hand will not work either: the maximum length of the crossbar for a person's weight up to 80 kg is 1.2 m.But 4-5 times a man can lift 75 kg by a coup repeatedly and systematically.

Pear, rukhod, slip, trapeze, climbing wall

As part of children's home sports corners, available for sale, there are often shells that are necessary and useful in themselves, but not in compact complexes for the home. So, before we figure out what and how to do, let's see what is not needed.

Most often, zealous manufacturers supplement the corner with a handle and a slip - a rolling board, pos. 1 and 2 in the figure:

The punching bag (item 3) is generally not harmful, but you need to learn to box under the guidance of an experienced trainer who is well versed in psychology. If a child, God forbid, grows up to be a psychopathic bully, that's worse than bad. Trainers of boxing clubs and sections more than once had to say to very promising wards: “Sorry, but if you don't want to go to jail, you can't box. And if you want, it's without me. " Even without getting into a criminal environment, such people are not harmoniously developed and happy. A striking example - Robert Cohn from "Fiesta (The Sun Also Rises ..." Hemingway. Old Ham himself was not one of the last boxers and knew perfectly well what he was writing about.

Note: the same applies to all other combat sports and paramilitary sports - shooting, biathlon, etc.

The rukokhod (horizontal ladder) is not capable of directly disfiguring the psyche. But to harm her and physical health at home - very much even. Exercises on the handle are rhythmic, requiring movement in space. Simply put: you need to get into a rhythm, make at least 4-5 working interceptions and then smoothly get out of the rhythm. The minimum length of a children's handgrip is from 3.5 m. If it is shorter, it is like running a hundred meters in pieces in a room, pushing off the wall each time. But if there are treadmills for running, figuratively speaking, forcing the space to move towards the runner, then there are no “self-run” hand grips yet and are not expected.

Children's sports complexes-transformers (pos. 3 and 3a) do not solve the problem. First, the climbing frame is low. Secondly, if the handle is deployed, you will not work on the horizontal bar and rings. Thirdly, in such a cage it is not long and injured. And most importantly: with the extended handle, the complex turns into a kind of playhouse, it visually fences off the space of the corner from the room. Everyone needs to retire from time to time, but the sports game is not a puppet game or in cars. The moral foundation of sport is openness. If the environment in the sports corner contributes to the development of introverted tendencies in the character, then this will in no way benefit him and his abilities.

Often home sports corners are also equipped with a flying trapezoid - a crossbar on ropes - or a swing. A trapezoid is absolutely harmless, except for cases of careless and / or inept handling, but in an ordinary living room it is almost useless: you will not swing on it properly. In order to be able to do at least some exercises on the trapezoid, you need to take out the consoles somewhere from 1.8 m, which is unrealistic at home.

Slip is definitely fun and useful. If at the bottom of it there is a brake springboard (this is still at least 0.8 m in length, taken away from the room), and behind it is sand or at least the usual trampled earth. Without them - a nose smashed against the floor or wall, chronically slung elbows and knees, or a fifth (or pot-bellied) point rubbed into the blood on the mat. Instead of a board for rolling, if there is enough room for a corner, it will be much more fun for a child and more useful for him to attach a climbing wall to the sports corner, see the videos:

Video: do-it-yourself climbing wall and wall bars

Building a sports corner

The basis of the home sports corner is the wall bars. Consoles are rigidly attached to it, to which rings, a rope and a rope ladder are suspended. The ends of the consoles are also rigidly connected by a crossbar. First of all, it gives general rigidity to the entire structure and in this case can be just a round wooden stick, for example, a piece of a handle (holder) for gardening tools or household utensils. If the crossbar of the consoles also serves as a horizontal bar for adults, then, firstly, it should be made as described above. Secondly, the forward extension of the consoles is needed from 420-450 mm, and their thickness is from 40 mm wooden or from 30 mm glued from plywood, see below. Children's horizontal bar is made in the form of a removable structure, put on the crossbars of the wall bars. This allows you to set the optimal height of its crossbar in accordance with the child's height.

Drawings of the wall bars for the home sports corner are given in the figure:

The size of 176.71 mm turned out, apparently, as a result of a purely geometric calculation. Since the accuracy of wood processing is higher (+/–) 0.25 mm is unattainable, 177 mm should be taken instead. The upper and lower bars often make up a Λ-shaped holder for a children's horizontal bar. They are connected by a crossbar of the horizontal bar itself with a diameter of 40 mm, inserted into free holes of the same diameter. The horizontal bar crossbar is fixed with 10x60 self-tapping screws screwed into the holes indicated by the red arrows. In the same way, the parts of the upper and lower parts of the holder are assembled into H-shaped assemblies. Thus, the children's horizontal bar is removable and storage, because the upper part of its holder rotates freely on the horizontal bar.

Another advantage of this design is that it is fastened to the wall with anchor bolts, which is more reliable and less damaging to the wall than pads-"slips" on 3-4 screws in the dowels. But a rather serious drawback for a home craftsman is the need for all parts in expensive and poorly available "sports" wood: hard, durable, which has passed natural shrinkage, complete defect detection and rejection.

What is a sports tree ...

Wooden parts of sports equipment are subject to strong irregular alternating loads. The wood has little elasticity and is clearly structured. The phenomenon of spreading loads, which so often helps in engineering, practically does not work under such conditions. Therefore, hidden defects in wood are especially dangerous for sports equipment.

The hidden blemish of wood can be a speck of rot the size of a match head and less lurking in the mass of wood. It is not detected by external examination and static tests; in building structures and furniture will never show itself if the tree is seasoned and the mold fungi that caused decay have died out. But in sports equipment from a hidden defect, an initially invisible crack can creep.

When the center of destructive stresses is hidden somewhere near the middle of the crossbar, the crack develops slowly and will make itself felt in advance: the crossbar will crackle under load, apparently sag. Then the crack will come to the surface and if you ignore its appearance, the crossbar will break before breaking completely.

If the stress source is hidden at either end of the bar, things are worse. There may be no noticeable symptoms until an embryonic crack "shoots" through the wood fibers at once for the entire length of the part, just at the highest load on it. The danger in this case is not only the fall of a person, but also sharp fragments of wood that can seriously injure him.

... and how to do without it

Flat parts, for example, bowstrings (sidewalls) of the Swedish wall, in order to avoid destruction from a hidden defect, can and should be re-glued from plywood, see below. Plywood is the cheapest packaging; the main thing is that the veneer layers in it are oriented mutually perpendicular. Incipient microcracks simply have nowhere to shoot, and without this they are safe.

Note: if you are in the gym, take a closer look at the ends of the gymnastic bars. They are glued from "sports" wood according to the same principle.

The crossbar for an adult horizontal bar must be done as described above. In any case, the steel core will prevent sudden destruction and will strengthen the part by an order of magnitude, because sudden destructive loads are concentrated precisely along the axis of the round.

The rungs of the wall bars and the rope ladder can be made of ordinary commercial wood, as long as there are no knots, cracks and visible traces of defects on it: streaks, strong cross-bed, black or colored spots from rot and mold. You just need to prevent the embryonic microcrack from firing, pulling the edges of the part. Usually metal fittings are used for this, but there are simpler ways, see below.

How to glue plywood

The “shot” of an embryonic microcrack is theoretically a shock wave of stresses propagating in a material at the speed of sound in it. Therefore, to plywood parts of a sports corner out of plywood that are superior in strength and reliability to solid wood from the finest wood, you will need:

  • An area of \u200b\u200beven hard floor and a film to cover it - it goes without saying.
  • PVA glue. The strength of its seam is quite sufficient for a home sports corner, and in terms of the degree of acoustic damping, it is second only to silicone, but much cheaper.
  • Water-polymer emulsion (VPE) for the impregnation of workpieces. VPE is the same PVA, strongly diluted with deeply purified, distilled and degassed water. Strengthens soft wood and has all the antiacoustic properties of PVA. 3-5 liters of WPE are enough for a sports corner.
  • Loads, not lighter than 1.5-2 kg each, at the rate of 35-50 kg per 1 sq. m of glued surfaces.

How to assemble a plywood wall bar with crossbars from pieces of shovel holders, a rake or mops for a home sports corner on PVA and self-tapping screws is shown in the figure:

Let's explain the details:

  1. For flat parts, workpieces of the same size are cut in quantity to the desired thickness. For example, if a part is 30 mm thick, then out of 10 mm plywood 3 pieces, and out of 6 mm - 5 pieces;
  2. Through holes are drilled in separate blanks where blind nests are needed;
  3. All blanks are thoroughly impregnated with HPE: plywood alternately 2 times on each side, and round ones - until the core is visibly moistened;
  4. The workpieces, still wet from VPE, are covered with a thin layer of PVA with a brush and placed in a bag, without waiting for the glue to set;
  5. The package is loaded with weights evenly distributed over its surface;
  6. When beads of glue protrude on the edge of the package, the "left" blanks are trimmed;
  7. Drying at room temperature - at least 3 days;
  8. Bowstrings are additionally fastened with small screws;
  9. Glued, too, without waiting for setting, crossbars;
  10. Until the glue has set, the wall on the floor is leveled from the skew ("propeller"). You can just trample with your feet;
  11. On the recumbent wall, the beams are fixed with self-tapping screws at the ends;
  12. Drying for another 3 days;
  13. Drilled where necessary, through holes - ready.

Note: inner layer blanks can be assembled from butt-fitted pieces. This does not noticeably affect the overall strength of the product.

At first glance, it may seem that self-tapping screws driven into the ends of the beams will weaken them and contribute to the development of microcracks. But - just the opposite. Shooting cracks most often develop from foci located near the axis of the part. Steel hardware will ditch them in the bud. In addition, it will open the edge of the round in the nest, and other possible stress centers near the edge will also be strangled without being born. This is one of the seeming paradoxes of sopromat.

This design has one more important advantage: instead of the Forstner drill (inset in the figure), holes for the holes can be drilled with an ordinary pen drill for wood, or circular. Moreover, the bottom of the hole, selected by the Forstner drill, is not perfectly even: in the center of it there is a depression of approx. 2 mm with a sharp tip, this is the mark from the drill guide point. In furniture, this is insignificant, but in a sports equipment something like a pin prick in a mass of material can become a focus of stress concentration. And also, for reference: a set of pen drills of 6-7 pcs. for diameters from 12-16 to 40 mm it costs about 1.5 times cheaper than one Forstner drill by 40 mm. Moreover, you can drill with "feathers" even with a brace, and with a Forstner drill - only on a machine, or with a hand-held power tool if you have a solid working skill.

How to make rings

The outer diameter of the gymnastic rings for adults and large teenagers is 30 cm; thickness (cross-sectional diameter of the "donut") - 3 cm. Children - 18-24 cm and 18-24 mm, respectively. Blanks for rings are glued from plywood, as described above, but with a small trick, important for their strength: the fibers of the wood of the adjacent sides of the squares that make up the blank should be oriented mutually perpendicular in the package.

Now, well, we glued the bag together, cut it out with a jigsaw or cut out a square donut with a circular drill, and then what? You can, of course, cut off the corners of the donut section, get the roundness of the section with a semicircular rasp on wood and bring it to the pattern with a sandpaper. But, if possible, you can bring the ring right away on a metal-cutting lathe:

  • Clamp the workpiece into the spindle but outward (the tailstock is not used);
  • At 150-300 rpm, we remove one quarter of the inner semicircle of the section;
  • Turn the workpiece over, remove the remaining quarter of the inner semicircle;
  • We put the workpiece on the spindle mustache in a spacer from the inside;
  • Remove a quarter of the outer semicircle;
  • Turn the workpiece over, remove the remainder of the outer semicircle;
  • We finish the workpiece with sandpaper: remove the residual seams from the lathe.

Wall for little ones

It happens that there is only enough space in the apartment for a children's sports corner. It is just that it is possible to attach it to the wall in just 2 points. A novice athlete will grow up, switch to large apparatus - there will be less hassle with cosmetic repairs.

A drawing of a children's Swedish wall for preschoolers and younger students is given in pos. 1 pic .:

Bowstrings - ordinary planks without knots and defects or 20 mm plywood impregnated with WPE. All bars are garden tool holders. If for household utensils - take it with analysis. They don't dig with a mop and don't move stones. The holder may turn out to be pine, but you need oak, beech or, at worst, birch. In the horizontal bar holder, its crossbar is fixed with 6 mm self-tapping screws, as described above, but from the front end of each bracket.

Mounting to the wall - at 2 points with card hinges (pos. 2; see also below). The device of an easily removable horizontal bar holder, more reliable than the original one, is shown in pos. 3. To install it, the slots of the brackets are put on the crossbars of the wall, the holder is turned up, the grips of the stretch marks are placed on the next crossbar from the top, and the horizontal bar is pulled down onto the crossbar. The horizontal bar will sit in place like a glove, no matter what the irrepressible child does on it.

To mount the wall in place, temporary pads of 3-4 mm plywood are stuffed with small nails on its heels, and hinges are placed on the heads, each with 2-3 self-tapping screws. Then the wall is attached to the wall of the room and holes in the wall are marked in place. They are drilled, the temporary gaskets are removed from the heels of the bowstrings and the wall is hung on screws in the dowels.

Now the fun begins (pos. 4), for which an assistant is needed. Prepare a pair of foot pads made of microporous rubber 5-6 mm thick (2 mm thicker than temporary pads). Dad substitutes a stop (a piece of wood). He takes a couple of pry bars, pry them on the wall by the lower crossbar at the very bowstrings (in no case closer to the middle!) And presses 3-5 mm upward (no more). The assistant quickly lubricates the elastic bands with assembly glue, slips them under the heels of the bowstrings. Dad lets go of the pry bars, everyone waits for an hour and a half for the glue to set and the rubber to stick to the floor. Dad then struggles to move or rip off the wall. If it works out, he goes to sign up for the strongman competition. At least in his district, he can safely count on prizes.

Note: there is no need to make crossbars from propylene pipes with reinforcing steel liners - the plastic is slippery, and children's handles are not yet particularly gripping. And an adult horizontal bar - where did anyone see the plastic one? Now there are plastics that are stronger than steel, but they slip out of sweaty palms much easier.

Rings and ladder

How to hang rings, stairs and a rope on the sports corner largely depends on the availability of free space in the house. But in any case, you can find a rational way.

Often the rings are hung on the horizontal bar crossbar (pos. 1 in the figure), but this is definitely irrational: it is inconvenient to do both. The ladder and the rope in line with the Swedish wall not only take up extra space, but are also inconvenient: hands and feet touch the wall of the room. It is best to hang the rings, a ladder and, possibly, a rope on the wall bars, pos. 3, but in this case the wall, consoles and their fastening to the bowstrings must be especially strong and reliable.

The strength of the parts re-glued from plywood, as described above, is simply monstrous. And a completely reliable attachment of the consoles to the bowstrings is made with 5 furniture screws - confirmations - with a diameter of 8 mm along the crests of the thread or, better, through bolts from M8 to M12. But hardware (metal threaded fasteners) are located not in an envelope, as in building structures and furniture, but in a wedge, pos. 3.

The arrangement of hardware by an envelope is justified where some general elasticity of the product or structure is required. Under irregular alternating loads, the fastening with an envelope behaves, figuratively speaking, like a shaft wedged in a tight socket. If the torsional load exceeds a certain value, this "shaft" can "turn" and the fastener will collapse all at once. And the wedge fastening, on the contrary, gives the product additional rigidity, which is what is needed for sports equipment. If the load reaches a destructive value, all the fasteners will not immediately turn out: the wedge breaks gradually from the point to the butt. In practice, the console, before coming off, will necessarily loosen up, which will be noticed in advance.

Soft connections

The rings are suspended on ropes (ropes) made of nylon or propylene braided linen cord from 8 mm in a children's sports corner, from 12 mm in a teenager or from 16 mm in an adult. If the rope is twisted (twisted), its diameter is doubled. It is better to use a 16mm braided cord straight away; the convenience of using shells at any age will not diminish in any way.

The rings are most often tied with a scaffold knot (item 1 in the figure) or a Lynch loop (item 2 and item 4 in the figure above). Their disadvantage is that the ring is covered by one branch of the cable. A braided cable loses strength much faster as the strands wear out than a twisted one. Therefore, "real" sports equipment is suspended only on twisted cables: before one breaks, frayed strands will crawl out of it, but the twisted cable can break suddenly.

It is better to hang the rings on the sports corner on the load loop, pos. 4 in fig. In the naval business, it is permissible to use it even when loading torpedoes onto submarines outside the base: the probability of breaking 2 cable branches at the same time is zero. Rings and a ladder to the crossbar for the same reasons are hung on the fishing knot, pos. 4. Pay attention to the fixing sleeves (turns of the running end of the cable around its carrying branch); shown by arrows on the right in pos. 4. If the rings are supposed to be removed, they are left apart, as in the figure; this will make it easier to untie the knot. If the rings are tied tightly, then the fixing sleeves are pushed up tightly, tightened and tightly tightened the knot before connecting the free end and the bearing branch with an end mark (see below).

At the top of the console, the cables of the rings are best secured by passing them through the vertical through holes and wedging them with a round solid piece of wood. A 6-10 cm long tail is left above it, which is folded back and nailed with 3-5 small studs to the upper edge of the console. You need to nail it down with wallpaper nails or put ordinary washers or pieces of plywood under the caps.

More about stairs

For the above reasons, bona fide manufacturers do not make the rungs of the rope ladder for a children's sports corner plastic. If you see this, don't take it. But the home sports corner staircase has other features as well.

What is correct in the upper left in the figure is the marks (in the center in the figure) on the free ends of the cable and fastening the loop for the suspension. But it is wrong to fix the steps with knots above and below: a straight knot is unreliable, it crawls. Especially if the cable is plastic. The ladder must be assembled on a template with a wire rope, as shown at the bottom left in Fig. The diameter of the steps is 20 mm, the diameter of the cable is 8 mm, the distance between the steps is 150-180 mm; the width of the step overlap is 200-250 mm, the extension of the ends of the step for the bowstrings is from 30 mm.

The holes in the cable treads can be drilled if they are made of certified wood for sports equipment, see above. Otherwise, the steps for the stairs are prepared as shown on the right in Fig. The grooves with a depth of 2.5-3 mm are selected with a round wood rasp. Stamps on the outriggers of steps play the role of fittings. The entire staircase is assembled on the scaffold nodes (see above).

Climbing frame

The climbing net is the only piece of equipment in the children's sports corner, for which you need measured lumber: an ordinary timber from 100x100 mm. The total tension from the mesh branches is high, and flat parts will not withstand it. A frame with a width of 60-80 cm and a height of 1.2-1.6 m is made of a bar. It is impossible to exceed 1.7 m according to general safety rules. At the corners, the frame parts are connected in half a tree and fastened with self-tapping envelopes: the climbing frame already works as a building structure. The climbing rope needs 6-8 mm; mesh sizes from 120x120 to 180x180 mm.

The easiest way is to make a climbing frame with square meshes; it is also the most convenient for most children. You will need a template-mandrel from a piece of plywood with a width equal to the diagonal of the mesh, which, in turn, is equal to 1.4 sides of the mesh. For example, for a mesh 150x150 mm, the width of the template will be 21 cm; with a margin for a bypass cord - 22 cm.

A "square" climbing frame is braided as shown in pos. And fig., From corner to corner diagonally without knots: the cord is simply threaded into the mesh of the previous diagonal. The mandrel, leveling the meshes, is also placed diagonally and advanced along the course of weaving: I threw the cord onto the mandrel, passed it through, advanced the mandrel, pulled the cord, etc.

Children, especially dexterous and smart ones, will benefit more and, perhaps, will like a climbing frame with rhombic meshes connected by net knots, pos. B-D. In fig. indicated the so-called. reverse order of knitting, when the mandrel is extended in the course of knitting. Knitting in reverse order is easier and faster if the meshes are large enough not strictly the same size, and the cord is thick. It is also possible to tie the climbing frame with a straight knit, like a fishing net (see the figure on the right), when the mandrel, on the contrary, is pushed into the loops along the course of knitting:

  1. The upper row of loops is formed along the mandrel, as before. case;
  2. For knitting the first loop, trace. row of shuttle with a cord is carried out acc. the loop of the top row, the cord on the loop is left with a margin;
  3. Tie, but do not tighten the net knot;
  4. Push the mandrel into the loop;
  5. Tighten the cord until it lies on the mandrel;
  6. Pull the excess cord through a loose knot;
  7. Tighten the knot.

Pay attention that in some holes of the frame of the "diagonal" climbing frame there is 2 branches of the cord. To do this, the drilled holes are handed out into ovals with a round rasp on wood. If a loop passes into the oval hole, it is tightened with a hook and the branches of the cord are fixed with a wedge driven between them. You can also fix free branches of the cord in the oval hole: their ends of 6-7 cm are bent and nailed to the frame, as described above for the rings. Such an attachment is convenient because the cord on the net will need several tens of meters. It will not work to wind it all at once onto the shuttle: the skein simply will not pass into the next mesh.


A damping mat is necessary for a home sports corner more than any other equipment: it is forbidden to engage in sports exercises on equipment in a room with a hard floor without damping pads both by the general rules of life safety and by sports PB. If an adult is injured due to the absence or inadequate quality of the mat, this is certainly not an insured event. If the child is in the family, the parents are to blame. Responsibility - up to criminal, depending on the severity of injuries and the consequences of them. I advise you to buy mats for the sports corner, but after reading the prices for them, parents have a burning desire to find out if they themselves can make a reliable mat for the sports corner. The answer is yes.

The device of a homemade damping mat for a home sports corner is shown in the figure:

It will withstand a fall from a height of up to 1.7 m for both an adult and a child without serious consequences for the fallen. The secret is in gaskets made of ordinary window glass mesh, which give the mat additional elasticity. Cover (shell) - from any sufficiently strong fabric: canvas, tarpaulin, burlap, etc.


As you can see, self-construction of a home sports corner is not technically difficult and does not require expensive materials. But it requires thorough training in several areas of knowledge and a certain personal sports experience, albeit without outstanding achievements. And this is more than justified. Sports activities bring invaluable benefits to a person. But - not knowing the ford, do not go into the water. Training anyhow on anything, you can harm yourself and your charges even more. Therefore, the home and / or children's sports corner must fully comply with the general requirements for the quality of sports equipment.

Anton Nikitin 2012

This page is for those who, like us, believe that motion for children it is extremely useful and simply necessary. Much has been written about this, including on our website (,).

But how can this need be realized? Especially in urban environments where opportunities are severely limited? This is what I want to devote to this section. I will try to describe the sports equipment that we had in our family. Almost all of them were made by the hands of Boris Pavlovich from improvised materials and served us throughout our lives, and some of them are still used by the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of B.P. and L.A. :)

The exercises that are described here (and in the photo galleries) have already been tested on three generations of Nikitins. They don't make super athletes, butgood for healthbabies, make them dexterous, careful andteach you to feel your strength... And what is very important: they give them the opportunity to get used to constant movement, activity, physical exertion, which helps a lot later, already in adulthood.


Mom and Dad - the first simulator

Of course, the very first and most important sports equipment, at least during the first few years of life, are the parents themselves. Mother's and father's hands for a newborn completely replace any sports complex. Strictly speaking, any action with an active, awake baby can represent physical exercise for him (and, preferably, for parents :)).

For example:

- take it from the crib or stroller, giving the fingers so that the child can grab onto them and hang on;

- hold in your hands so that at least part of the body weight falls on the legs (for example: put your palm under the baby's heels, etc.);

- from time to time, bend over with him so that he strains to maintain an upright position, etc.

This does not cancel some special physical exercises, but in case of lack of time, it may well replace them. Human fingers are also good in that they allow you to feel whether the child is holding on tightly, whether it can be lifted at the same time and how much he can hang in his arms.

Special note:

The child is an active participant in all exercises (as opposed to conventional and even dynamic gymnastics). It is very important that the baby CAM takes hold of his father's / mother's finger, and not his parents hold it! Parents need to be very sensitive to how tightly the baby is holding, and more insure him, and let the child do the main "work" by himself.

All loads are good in moderation. The main indicator is the emotional state of the baby. If your baby starts crying, stop the exercise.

Sports equipment HOME:

Nowadays, many different children's home sports complexes are being produced. They are mainly intended for city apartments. But a ready-made complex is the simplest solution. It is much more interesting to create their own living environment for children, which can include not only sports equipment, but also sleeping and working places. (I would like to devote a separate photo gallery to this on our website. We will be glad to place your versions of such "rooms - corners". Photos can be sent to ).

The most important and versatile home sports equipment is a horizontal bar, rings, ladder (wall bars). Let's start with them :)

Horizontal bar

If it is possible to make only one shell in the house - let it be a horizontal bar or rings.

Horizontal bar (preferably removable and height-adjustable) can be done already in the crib and stroller for an infant. Holding on to it, the baby will be able to rise, sit down, and then get up.You can hang toys to the horizontal bar :)

Unfortunately, the horizontal bar is not included in every sports complex, mainly to save space. Since our dad did not save on space for sports equipment, we even had two horizontal bars at home. One - taller and thicker, which could be used by an adult, the second - lower and thinner. The horizontal bars were located at right angles to each other. This arrangement immediately sharply increases the possibilities of their use, especially in combination with the pole on which they are attached.


Rings are almost a must-have item in any sports complex. But at the same time, they are easily installed as an independent projectile. The rings take up little space and can be easily removed. Only for their full use, they also require a lot of space (one of the favorite children's exercises is swinging on rings, in various versions). We hung them right in the middle of the room (see the film "Are we right?" And).

Rings are universal in age (until the moment when the baby went further ...);
- will be interesting to a child with any physical fitness;
- allow you to do very different exercises (many muscle groups are involved);
- "teach" the child to evaluate and calculate his own strength! Tired of your pens? - baby CAM puts his feet on the floor and is released. Therefore, it is a big mistake to "hang" the baby on rings, and even more so to swing! The child must learn all this by himself.

What should be the rings? It is important!
The thickness and shape of the rings should be comfortable for a child's hand:

Ring thickness (section diameter) - no more than 20 mm;

Ring shape, in our opinion, round is preferable, since itsafer and more versatile (on sale there are "triangular", flat, etc.).

Hanging ropes must be strong enough, but flexible at the same time (rigid cables are not suitable).

Height adjustment the suspension should be simple, and not only in order to make the rings lower for a baby or higher for an older one at any time. Free height adjustment allows you to do more exercise on the rings. Suitable for this, for example, wire eights (simple and very reliable option)or better adaptations. The main thing is that the rings do not "slide" lower during exercise.

1. When you walk or run with a small child, more often give him your finger (the one that is more convenient for him and for you) so that he himself can hold on to it. It is safer and healthier than taking his hand.

2. Lower the shells (high rings, horizontal bar) so that the child CAM can reach them. Do not lift your child to the shells!

3. Let the baby CAM swing, to the best of his ability, on rings, swings and other equipment. Don't rock the child! Since it is impossible to determine exactly how tightly it holds!

4. Do not interfere with the person exercising on the sports equipment: do not make people laugh, do not frighten, do not cross the line of the apparatus swing.

5. Each new projectile must be carefully checked for durability: whether it can withstand an adult, his jerks, jumps, swinging, etc. - before admitting children to him!

6. Rejoice at success, praise for achievements, but do not provoke exercises that exceed the child's capabilities.