Steel wedding - Code a real holiday for two. How to choose the right classic, practical and creative gifts for a steel wedding

Each year of living together has its name and customs that are associated with these dates. 11 years old wedding anniversary - although not a round date, but still a reason for the celebration. Family life is already tuned, the kids have almost grown and spouses can celebrate their successes in overcoming all the difficulties that arose on their joint happiness.

What is the name of 11 years of marriage? This anniversary is the name of the steel wedding. It is probably due to the fact that after the first ten family life, the relationship becomes as durable as strong and tempered steel.

Customs 11th anniversary

In ancient Russian culture, each holiday has its own signs, customs, rituals and every anniversary of marriage is also not an exception. So, having lived together for 11 years, the wedding anniversary involves a joint swimming in the natural source at dawn. On this day, the spouses hang over the door with a metallic horseshoe to protect the house from the "bad eye". Moreover, the horseshoe hangs together - the wife serves nails, and the husband is attached to the horseshoe to the wall.

By the 11th anniversary of the marriage in the house, as was put, the repair was already made and placed new furniture, that is, the house was updated. If it does not work out to buy new furniture, you can arrange a permutation that will also make a novelty element into the atmosphere of the house. To celebrate it is recommended to decorate the room with brilliant interior items - beautiful lamps, crystal glasses. A good acceptance is considered an anniversary to invite a married couple, which has already lived enough for many years together.

Only the most native people and friends are invited to the celebration, since this day is considered a family and the presence of not very close friends is not welcome. It is also very good if children will be attended at the celebration as a symbol of the update.

What to give?

On a steel wedding, it is customary to give certain gifts with elements of steel or its color associated with this celebration:

  • Metal frame for photos or album with glass and metal elements;
  • Wine glasses with a metal edging;
  • Metal casket for family relics;
  • Decor elements with silver, gold, shiny edging and lines.

Souvenirs and memorable little things

Souvenirs with an engraved date of anniversary will also come up with a married couple to taste. It can be a metal brilliant tray, a plate, you can even present samovar. Also on a steel wedding is made to give sets of metal saucepan or pan. If the house has a fireplace, then a metal grille for a fireplace is suitable for the gift.


Spouses on this day take congratulations and gifts in the form of household appliances and chrome-plated kitchen utensils. What a hostess will not be delighted, for example, the coffee machine in which it will cook a coffee with their beloved husband or a slow cooker - with the help of it you can quickly and deliciously cook dinner.

"All in the house ..."

Relevant gifts will be decor elements - floor lamp, table lamp, painting made of metal. Depending on the financial wealth, it is not necessary to give an expensive gift. By choosing an original inexpensive thing as a gift, e can be wrapped in a brilliant wrapper, which will play the role of symbolic steel. Spouses can be awarded with metal medals with the inscription "11 years of family life."

The husband of his adorable wife on this day gives a bouquet of 11 colors. And according to the signs, if the bouquet will flash 11 days, then the marriage will continue to be strong and happy. And the gift of her husband from his wife can be a steel dagger, which man will not be reached by presented arms.

Original gifts

The original gift of the spouses will be steel rings with engraving dedicated to this date. There will also be a wonderful memorable gift on the 11th anniversary of the marriage shot of a film about a married couple. In a 3-minute video, children's photos of spouses can be placed as a clip as a clip, the brightest wedding photographs, the photos of their younger children and all this for beloved music.

Relatives may arrange a gift in the form of a filled photo album. The album can be made from wedding photos that will remind spouses, what a wedding it was beautiful, from the first family photos. And invested in the album photos from each anniversary of the wedding, "draw" the path passed. And complete this gift is recommended by colorful wishes on the last page.

An option with a photo album can be beat in the form of a collage with photos, drawings, comic expressions and wishes of a long and happy life together. Relevant gift will be the mirror, especially which is framed in the steel frame. The mirror not only symbolizes mutual understanding between the spouses, but also doubles all the good thing that is in the family and pushes the worst one.

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Reed Khasanova

Eleven more families marked the solemn event - a steel wedding. At the change of tin, symbolizing the first ten-year-old wedding anniversary, the strongest metal comes.

It means that Relations between spouses have already establishedstopped, passed the test of time. Steel - metal noble, besides it glitters, so the celebration must be marked with glitter.

Preparation for the celebration

According to custom, who came from the depths of the centuries, on this day, before giving gifts, spouses must make joint olion ritualTo be cleaned of the assemblence of the negative. To do this, they need to plunge into the water naked, holding hands. Of course, in modern realities, no one at dawn will look for a reservoir, but the joint adoption of a relaxing bath will be pleasant.

You should invite friends and loved ones to the celebration, and I must have the presence of a married couple who has already overcome the line of family life in 11 years

According to this, it promises spouses a long lucky joint life.

To the eleventh anniversary of family life, it is desirable to present in advance his wife as a gift fireplace as a symbol of a homely hearth or a steel horseshoe, symbolizing well-being.

Steel anniversary: \u200b\u200bWhat should be a gift for my wife?

Gifts on this day are gifts filled with a special meaningAnd the spouse should approach the selection of the present very carefully to keep the tradition and leave the memory of this day for many years, and also to give his wife to feel their love and care.

Universal gifts

Under the category of useful and valuable things that can be given to his wife are suitable objects with a shiny chrome surface, significantly facilitating the life of the hostess at home. These are household appliances:

  • electric kettle;
  • blender;
  • multicooker;
  • coffee machine;
  • hairdryer with many nozzles;
  • refrigerator;
  • dishwasher;
  • microwave;
  • toaster;
  • coffee machine.

Choosing that giving a wife to the steel wedding anniversary, you can stay on such presents as: a set of metal dishes, on steel items for kitchen, decorative glass vases, decorated with metal or painted under it, high-tech lamps, which are beautiful Let's fit into the interior.

Romantic ideas of gifts or presents with their own hands

There is a wonderful tradition to the eleventh anniversary of the wedding to give your wife a bouquet of 11 colors

They should be "especially persistent" varieties and stand in a vase at least 11 days. They will not be covered and long will delight the eyes: chrysanthemums, roses, gladiolus, dahlias, majors, carnations. Florist may pick up a bouquet in steel colors or arrange it in accordance with the solemn date.

For 11 years from the wedding, the wife can give a set of silver jewelry or expensive jewelry, as well as jewels from white gold. Traditional stone steel wedding - Turquoise. Bracelets, earrings, rings, pendants with this pebble look very worthy. It is advisable to pack such a gift in a steel casket or a silver box.

Silver earrings with enamel and turquoise; silver Ring with Enamel and Turquoise, All SL (Prices on the links)

Please the second half and the designer thing, decorated with metal:

  • handbag of the famous brand;
  • wallet;
  • belt;
  • case for smartphone;
  • umbrella.

Surprise wife for the eleventh wedding anniversary will be a certificate of a spa on expensive pleasant procedures: chocolate wraps, relaxing massage with oils; As well as in the beauty salon, where the spouse will receive high-quality cosmetology services. You can arrange a gift with Packaging in steel or silver shades. You can also buy a ticket for two or children to one of the exotic warm countries.

A romantic gift option can be a mirror in a steel frame that will decorate the room and will remind a spouse every day.

Some men who have certain abilities can give a spouse for 11 years of life together in marriage. gift made with your own hands. If you apply a fantasy, you can create a romantic bouquet of candy. To do this, you will need: spanks, candy, wrapping paper, threads, ribbons, beads and rhinestones for decoration. Candy, stripped on ships, can be decorated with your taste: wrap with other wrappers, decorated with butterflies, beads, hearts.

The idea of \u200b\u200ba gift to his wife for 11 years since the wedding day can be a wall panel, decorated with joint photographs of the family.

Having collected in advance the impressive amount of metal coins, you can save them with liquid nails a round or rectangular shape. A casket can be placed in a prominent place to decorate the interior, and use it as a cosmetics or piggy bank.

Original and creative gifts

The original gift of his wife on the 11th anniversary of the wedding will be the book-safe. Hiding her on the bookshelf, it can be stored valuable things without fear of their fate

If the second half loves walking in the fresh air and prefers to lead an active lifestyle, it will be glad to give such a gift like a bicycle.

And if she is kidding the evening with a TV or reading an interesting book, you can give a wife for the steel anniversary of the wedding chairs.

Souvenir flowers made of steel and supplied to the floor vase, diverse the interior of the house and will be the perfect presentation in honor of the 11th anniversary.

Creative gift It will rightly be considered a poverty for reading in the bathroom, which will very much to appreciate the lover to soak in a thick foam. In the same unusual presentation, mirrored glasses for reading lying, the image in which is reflected under the required angle.

Steel wedding - a wonderful reason for the spouses to demonstrate that they love each other, that over the years they did not fit the feelings, but on the contrary, they got stuck and hardened as steel. This celebration will be remembered for many years, because it should be bright, cheerful and fabulous.

February 7, 2018, 01:42

Spouses are confidently included in the second dozen of living together. They already know well what you like and do not like the second half, they built a house together, life, they grow a child and make a career. 11 saturated years of living together - so what is the wedding? Strong and brilliant - steel!

What is remarkable steel?

Steel is not natural metal. This is a man-made alloy from iron and carbon. In antiquity, steel valued and made reliable blades from her. So the relationship of the spouses over the years turned into a solid and strong family. And yet, both steel can be melted and an understanding between spouses can be lost, the wedding portal believes. So the steel wedding is a reminder of a couple that you need to continue working on relationships so that the family flourishes.

Traditions and belongings related to anniversary

If the previous anniversary, a pink wedding, denotes a strong feeling, then the current is a strong union. The ancestors believed that the steel wedding is a new stage in the life of a couple, the reason to be cleaned by the soul and body and brilliance and order in the house.

What needs to be done by 11?

  1. The people were able to update the dwelling to the steel wedding. From major repairs before buying furniture and interior items. If there is a lack of funds, it is enough to make at least a small permutation in the apartment.
  2. For several days, general cleaning is carried out in the house.
  3. On the anniversary of the anniversary, the spouses must swim in the river or carefully fall into the bath. It is believed that the water washes off all the sorrows and the negative, which happened to the family over the past years. After the ablution, her husband and wife put on white clothes.
  4. At the eleven years, which were held from the day of the wedding, the couple should complete any case, for example, hang over the door steel horseshoe. At the same time, they do everything consistently: the wife submits tools, the husband nails horseshoe.
  5. Another tradition is a ritual of donation. The spouses are comfortable to come together opposite each other and exchange gifts. At the same time, it is important to speak pleasant words, farewell, wishes, and also thank your soul mate for that good that he or she does for you.

Gifts and Signs

What holiday is without gifts? And since the anniversary itself suggests the ritual of donation, the choice of memorable souvenirs should be approached with special attention.

Noting the anniversary of weddings by year, the most universal gift "for her" from his beloved husband is, of course, flowers. In this case, the bouquet of eleven colors will look very presentable. However, consider that for 11 years of weddings for folk signs Floral gift Wife is symbolic. The longer the bouquet costs, the more durable the relationship in the future. So from classic roses it is better to refuse. The greatest long-livers among colors are chrysanthemums, gerbera, cloves. The original and practical solution will be the flower composition in the sponge. These flowers will definitely preserve long. In addition, they can be supplemented with a beautiful decor of steel shades.

Romantic gift for 11 years old weddings will be jewelry (steel products are safe and original), mirrors (one of the attributes of the steel wedding), boxes and charging. Jewelry steel is becoming increasingly popular due to its strength, hypoallergenic properties, ease of care (the material does not darken and does not fade from the contact with water).

And what can you give to the steel wedding spouse if it is practical? Then it can please the most diverse kitchen utensils (pans, frying pan, baking, vases, trays, kettle - they will all be excellent quality). Also pay attention to the gadgets placed in the steel case, such as mobile phones.

What to give a favorite husband for 11 years since the wedding day? It makes sense to invest in the hand of narrowed steel! Give sharp objects like knives or blades is considered a bad admission. However, today there are many interesting items made of women at the disposal of women. For example, wristwatches, solid handles, money clips, flash cards or removable hard drives, car accessories. If the spouse has a hobby, the choice becomes even easier. For a traveler - a hiking flask, for a collector wines - a horn with inlay, for a chess player - a board and figurines made of steel, etc.

What to give, if you were invited to a steel wedding?

  • 11 years old who spent spouses with a wedding - this is a symbolic 1 plus 1. So any paired objects made of steel are suitable: decorations, locks with a key, two umbrellas, etc.
  • Souvenirs and traditional aunts: medallions, horseshoes, memorable plates with engraving, mirror, painting in steel frame, photo album or photo frame in the appropriate frame.
  • From the practical gifts of spouses for 11 years of life, any appliances will please any appliances (from toasters and blends to televisions and coffee machines), kitchen utensils, a safe, a set for kebab or barbecue.
  • Active pair will delight sports products: bicycles, simulators, pedometers with steel elements.
  • And, of course, think over

11 years of living - this is quite a long time in order to learn how to draw conclusions and in general become real spouses from the word "SU" - that is, "together" on the Vine Slavonic Unit. By this time, the husband and wife are already undergoing the most complex crises, accompanying living together, and the family comes a calm and mutual understanding, so they must know what kind of wedding is celebrated after 11 years of living together.

History and traditions of the eleventh wedding anniversary

Many holidays at this point are already carrying the status of family, and this day, 11 years from the day of the wedding, it is also customary to celebrate. What a wedding comes after 11 years from the day of the wedding, and what is the name of this day? Many spouses love to celebrate the anniversary of the official marriage's official, and follow how many years have passed after painting.

It is believed that after 11 years since the wedding, a wonderful family holiday comes, which is called a steel wedding. By this time, the spouses are fully trapped with the characters, and their love and relationships become strong as steel.

But if you remember the basic properties of steel, then among them - the ability to change and get a variety of impurities. Therefore, in such an important period for the family, the husband and the wife together can change their lives and their relationship. A bright passion takes place at this point, and the spouses begin to move from passion to the habit. During this period, it is very important not to be confused mutual respect, because in 11 years since the wedding, various "impurities" accumulated: offended, reproaches, unfulfilled promises and unjustified hopes. And in order to go through the zinc, or the steel anniversary of the wedding, you need to properly make a number of rites:

  • in the morning on the day of the zinc wedding, the husband must take four large steel nails and drive into the corners of the house, in wooden floors. It symbolizes the strength of the family, because the house is strengthened in this way;
  • so that the anniversary of living together remember, the spouses on this day put on the table only steel dishes: iron spoons, forks and cups with plates. The whole family in the morning prepares breakfast, and if guests are expected, the hostess should not forget what a wedding is celebrated for 11 years together;
  • the steel wedding after 11 years of living together is usually more modest than ten years since the wedding, but there are many customs here. 5 meat dishes are put on the table, each of which symbolizes wealth in the family: buoyenin, homemade sausage, saltson, cold and boiled meat.

There are a lot of interesting customs of the celebration of this anniversary:

  • in the Caucasus, the assorted meat on the Mangal was always put on the table, which had to be sophisticated by the wife, and the meat was preparing meat. It was believed that it symbolizes family cohesion and strengthens the relationship between spouses;
  • in medieval Europe to the question of which wedding for 11 years marriage, always answered - the wedding of the steel sword. To this day, the husband ordered or spawned himself a sword, who wore on this day on the belt, and after he hung over the entrance to the house, as charm;
  • and in medieval France, 11 years from the day of living together, they called the holiday of steel sword, and to the present day in the country so called a zinc or steel wedding;
  • in the US, to this day, it is customary to give each other into small metal spoons that symbolize wealth.

In the corners of the house, the hostess laid out coins that did not remove 11 days, from the day of the 11th anniversary of the wedding, it symbolized wealth and wrapped the house from the negative.

We all remember, what a wedding is celebrated for 11 years in marriage, and therefore, on such a day, the festive table was set by the Kazanokanov, in turns in turn threw steel coins for good luck and well-being.

What is customary to give on the eleventh wedding anniversary

If you were invited to visit a zinc wedding, you can give any metal products. And in order not to forget how many years, you can enhance my friends a memorable sign with the names and the date of such a pleasant event in their lives. After all, it does not matter which one is celebrated anniversary, your attention and friendship is more important. And the spouses give each other everything that is considered necessary, from metal rings to the car. The main thing is that the gift is associated with the metal.

How to celebrate the eleventh wedding anniversary

It is no longer important here which fantasy came to mind those who did not forget what a wedding for 11 years together comes. You can go on a tour of 11 countries in Europe, or to celebrate the anniversary after the wedding jumps from a parachute, to give 11 roses - the main thing that this day is remembered to both. And for those who are looking for nontrivial ways, how to celebrate the wedding for 11 years, you can escape from everyone and enjoy each other's society.

Congratulations on the eleventh wedding anniversary

And of course, you should forget about congratulations for your second half or friends on the anniversary of the wedding of 11 years. It is important to remember how the wedding is called for 11 years, and wish the steel health and everything that is associated with the fortress and strength.

At all times, I remembered what is called this day, and how much time spouses lived in legal marriage. 11 years in marriage is a wedding that checks the fortress of the Spirit and the Fortress of Love. And it doesn't matter how exactly the wedding is called for 11 years, because it is much more important that the husband and wife are still on this day, as many years ago, loved each other and appreciated. Forgot all the insults and in love with each other in love with each other, despite how many years they lived together.

Couple, held in life hand in hand 11 years, celebrates. This wedding anniversary is quite symbolic. After all, not only the name of the wedding "steel" confirms the strength of the relationship, but the symbol "11" suggests that "1 + 1" is already a real pair. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the choice of gifts for a steel wedding to emphasize the importance of the event.

How did Steel hardened: what to give on the anniversary of the wedding 11 years?

It turned out that gifts for each are chosen according to its name and symbolism.

After all, together lived as many as 11 years, and the family joined the new decade.

An original gift for the 11th anniversary of his wife will hold a holiday day in accordance.

Come up with how to hold the rite of morning ablution.

To do this, you can arrange departure to nature, where to prepare a place in the reservoir, decoring it with wicker floral garlands or symbolic objects.

If 11 wedding fell during the cold season, prepare the original bath.

We use rose petals, aromatic oils, candles.

Start a festive day with romantic ablution, and the celebration will be remembered for a long time.

Do not forget to hand the steel horseshoe.

After all, it is on this day that it is customary to hang such a charm over the door. You can find a real horseshoe or purchase an unusual decorative souvenir.

Exchange with symbolic steel rings. You can apply original engraving with your own names or words of love.

Of course, it is unlikely that such jewelry will be worn every day, but they will replenish the wedding collection of the rings, which already has the wedlies with weddings.

Steel Wedding: What to give to your beloved wife?

The main gift for a woman on any holiday has always been flowers. On the steel wedding there is a wonderful tradition to give his wife a bouquet of 11 flowers.

It is worth observing this ritual, but try to choose a bouquet of flowers that are guaranteed not covered for 11 days.

According to the tradition, a bouquet must simultaneously be fresh at least 11 days, which promises "young" in the future happiness and consent.

Therefore, approach the choice of flower gift is thought out so that the present in the future does not become a reason for disappointment and offense. Remember, a long time to please the eye of chrysanthemum and dahlias, roses and gladiolus, carnations and majors. And do not risk with peonies, tulips, daffodes.

Do not forget about the material gift for your beloved wife for a steel wedding.

Please make a woman with jewelry of silver. This metal glitters no worse than polished steel. Therefore, the ring, ring or earrings with a bracelet will be a completely symbolic gift for his wife at the 11th anniversary.

Suitable and jewels from white gold.

Well, if your lady prefers only a classic yellow gold, do not deprive her such joy. Just do not forget to pack such a gift for my wife in a steel casket, which can also perform an independent gift.

Suitable as a gift and the original stand-holder under the jewelry of steel. It can be made in the form of a female hand, unusual hooks or a tree, an abstract figure.

You can choose a designer thing with steel decoration. This can bag, belt, cover for smartphone, wallet.

A gift for a wife for 11 weddings does not have to be material. Daily troubles, vitality, care for husband and children take a lot of time from her, absolutely not giving the opportunity to relax.

Give a woman rest and pleasure. Send your favorite to the spa, handing it a certificate for a holiday.

Just do not limit the woman banal procedures, which it allows himself regularly, and offer really expensive pleasant events in the form of massage with oils, chocolate wraps.

Together 11 years - what is the wedding, what to give my husband?

How long do you need to live with a man to accurately guess his desires?

Someone is enough, someone will need as much as, and someone and throughout his life will not be able to understand what the spouse will become most of all.

But if young people lived with each other 11 years, a wife, at least knows that to give her husband to the steel anniversary.

And not necessarily limited to symbolic gifts. You can always come up with as the chosen president give symbolism.

To do this, use the steel packaging in the form of foil, and apply steel elements for decoration.

Give your man a modern electronic gadget. It can be a telephone and tablet, and objects for a car in the form of a video recorder, navigator. Pick up such a gift in laconic style.

Steel housing, glare buttons and screen fits perfectly into the holiday concept.

Clock with a steel bracelet are suitable. The strap can be leather, but must have steel rivets.

Of course, give such a president if you do not believe in various superstitions.

Choose a cufflink or holder for a tie from shiny metal. Add a gift to the tie to themselves, which should be steel or gray.

You can apply original engraving on such accessories.

Safe - an excellent present for homemade breadther and fully corresponds to a symbol of 11 anniversary.

And, of course, the best gifts will be the presidents associated with the interests and hobbies of men. Believe me, and in this area you can pick up a lot of thematic and symbolic souvenirs.

Dachnik and picnic lover hand the brazier, a barbecue kit.

Give a new collective knife, saber, dagger or original souvenir revolver.

Men tremendously belong to such things, and your gift will definitely take an honorable place in the collection.

Melomanany and kinomans will delight with new columns, samboofer, headphones. Players - wireless mouse and Wi-Fi keyboard.

The athlete can give a home simulator or dumbbell. After all, such projectiles are not manufactured without the use of steel.

Family travel hand out the camcorder or camera, and new gear or flask.

Let your spouse's dreams turn on a steel wedding day. And if he has long wished to learn how to play musical instruments, but life peripetics always prevented such hobbies, give him a guitar or synthesizer.

Such a gift will still remind the wedding day of the 11th anniversary.

Many, gathering for a holiday, wonder what to give to friends. And in vain, because friends have a great opportunity to choose non-bank or practical presents, and original or comic gifts for a steel wedding.

Such souvenirs create a festive, cheerful mood and a funny setting at the celebration.

A good presentation will be the mirror. Such a brilliant gift in the steel frame belongs not only to the symbol of understanding between spouses, but also is able to increase family happiness happier.

This souvenir will necessarily bring happiness to the family. Further overlaps, which will help spouses in a difficult moment.

Such a stone will definitely transfer its energy to the owner, but it is better to pick up suitable in accordance with the sign of the zodiac.

You can give spouses and medal. They can be in the form of award, souvenirs, memorable decoration. They can be decorated with a commemorative inscription, symbolic pattern, original wish or accomplishment. Such a coin can be not only a souvenir, but also to decoration, if we wear it on the chain.

Give newlyweds with a matryoshka. Of course, not one, whole 11. Each painted doll will symbolize the last year.

What is given to the steel anniversary of the wedding 11 years: unusual gifts from friends

Who, like friends, will be able to please comic gifts.

From the category of cool presents, choose symbolic and help them with original wishes.

Giving a horn for wine, as a symbol of abundance, wish the "only horns" in the marital life.

Hand tablecloth-self-backed as a symbol of abundance on the table, and remind about peaceful life without scandals.

Give the bedspread on the bed, wishing night feats.

A presented turtle remind you that you need to hurry slowly, without fuss.

And the bird-alarm clock, on the contrary, about what you need to do everything.

Boutaphic handcuffs will serve symbols of durable marriage, and a pair of bonded steel locks - an unbreakable union.

If the couple is all right with a sense of humor, give her a comic cartoon or collage from photographs of the funniest moments of life.

The most creative gift will be an excursion to the forge. And if the master classes are provided there, the pair itself can force the symbol of its steel happiness.

The chest with steel coins is originally. You can, hovering them on a money tree.

Gift for 11 years Weddings: Pleasant little things from friends

Friends often wish to please "newlyweds" and practical gifts, but financial capabilities do not always allow you to purchase expensive things.

The present in the form of a memorable and necessary gift can be:

  • steel glasses;
  • original flask with frames;
  • unusual candlesticks made in an old style or high-tech;
  • photo frames;
  • stands under umbrellas, which is necessary for a hospitable house;
  • steel cornices in an unusual form;
  • tea or coffee service that can be added with sweets or cake;
  • steel bucket for champagne, which will decorate any festive table;
  • sconce, flooring or lamp with a wish of bright years of living together;
  • steel kitchen accessories type blades, forms for baking, custard teapots, Turks for brewing coffee.

Any pleasant little thing will be useful if thoughtfully approach her choice, taking into account the needs of spouses.

What to give to the steel anniversary of the wedding 11 years to relatives?

Usually, distant relatives are limited by options for low-cost practical gifts, such as give friends to a steel wedding.

But close relatives, especially parents, it is worth thinking about acquiring more expensive presents. After all, it is from them, the spouses are waiting for special attention.

In this case, it is not necessary to be limited to a comic souvenir or an unfamiliar thing.

It is better to please the spouses with home appliances. It can be a washing or dishwasher, refrigerator or freezer. And do not worry that the family has its own technique, in 11 years it is definitely outdated.

Contemporary gadgets are also suitable. Any mistress will become a multifunctional multicooker, bread maker or aerogril.

Do not disregard and kitchen utensils. Believe me, get a good set of saucepan, pan or melchior kitchen appliances for pockets not every family.

You can buy steel garden furniture if the family owns its own or country house.

Give, if there is not enough time or fantasy to choose from the original gift, money. Only pre-meet with unusual ways, how to hand them to the wedding.

Steel anniversary: \u200b\u200bWhat to give parents for 11 years weddings?

Children have a couple who lived together for 11 years, are still very small to deal with the ideas of gifts for parents for the steel wedding. Therefore, grandparents should come to the rescue.

The pair will be pleased if the kid also congratulates them on the holiday.

Better, if a gift for a steel wedding is made with your own hands.

It can be an original greeting card, decorated with foil appliqué. A bouquet that can be made of steel elements, and an original photo frame or an album, decorated with steel coins or other metal elements in the form of sequins, chains, beads.

In the same way, you can make a mirror or a photo of mom and dad.

Any gift will have to do with the newlyweds on the 11th anniversary, if it is awarded from the heart with the wishes of family happiness.