Become a surrogate mother. What makes up the cost. Psychological preparation of the future surrogate mother

In many countries of the world, including Russia, married couples who are not able to bear and give birth to a child on their own are interested in various assisted and substitutional reproductive technologies. Therefore, it is worth revealing in detail the question of what surrogacy is, how to become a surrogate mother, and other nuances of this complex process.

The very essence of the presented method lies in the fact that spouses who have been unable to conceive a child artificially or naturally for a long time choose a wife for this purpose. Thus, three people are involved in the process of giving birth to a child. Initially, let's figure out the definition of surrogacy - how it is and who needs it.

Women who are interested in how you can become a surrogate mother should understand that this is a type of assisted reproductive technology, in which they give voluntary consent to fertilization, gestation, birth and official transfer of the child to genetic parents.

The surrogacy process itself can be complete or partial. The second option, in which the surrogate's egg is fertilized by the sperm of the spouse of a married couple, is prohibited in Russia. This is due to the fact that with this approach, the woman will be the genetic mother to her child, and this violates moral and ethical principles when transferring the baby to a married couple.

You can partially become a surrogate mother. This option is considered more acceptable from the psychological point of view, and is also allowed and regulated by Russian legislation. With this type of substitutional motherhood, cells of the expectant mother or donor are used, they are taken, fertilized with the sperm of the spouse, and then planted into the uterine cavity of the surrogate mother.

General information

Also, two sides of this process should understand how to become a surrogate mother, because you need to be sure that a woman carrying a child does not have any abnormalities, and in the future the baby will not develop pathological problems.

There are a number of requirements that a woman must meet when wondering how to become a surrogate mother. First of all, it is necessary to take into account age restrictions. Only applicants who are 20 years old, but not yet 35 years old are eligible to participate in the program. The starting and ending numbers may differ, which always depends on the rules of the clinic to which the girl applied.

Age restrictions are due to the fact that it is during this period that girls are able to produce healthy offspring, and their reproductive function is working at full strength.

In addition, an applicant who wants to become a surrogate mother must have at least one child of her own. Otherwise, she will be refused. Also, with regard to applicants who are legally married, they need to have permission from their husband to participate in the program.

When answering the question, who is a surrogate mother, how to become a participant in the program, one should also mention the need to undergo a detailed medical examination. A full range of diagnostic procedures will allow you to establish the level of health, the presence or presence of severe chronic or genetically transmitted diseases.

And, of course, considering in detail surrogacy, how to become a participant in the program and other subtleties, you need to know that the applicant, neither in the past nor in the present, should have any bad habits, she will have to undergo an examination by a psychiatrist, talk to a psychologist. Applicants who have a criminal past are also not allowed to surrender.


In most cases, women who decide to bear a child for a married couple, to a greater or lesser extent, understand how to become a surrogate mother, how much it costs for the applicant, they are no less interested.

All medical examination for the girl will be free, including the fertilization procedure, but initially you should find out what kind of complex of diagnostic procedures the applicant is waiting for:

  1. Examination by a gynecologist. A doctor with this specialization is engaged in the study and identification of various pathologies, including physiological deviations from normal development, of the genital and reproductive organs in a woman.
  2. It will be necessary to pass smears for microflora, which will help to establish the presence or absence of the herpes virus, cytomegalovirus, chlamydia, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis, toxoplasmosis and rubella.
  3. It is also necessary to pass a smear from the cervical canal, and a biomaterial to determine the cleanliness of the vagina.
  4. Specialists conduct a cytological examination of the cervical scraping.
  5. It will be important to be examined by a mammologist, and to undergo an ultrasound of the mammary glands.
  6. The girl will have to donate blood: general analysis, biochemical, for the detection of AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis, ALT, AST, bilirubin, urea and Rh factor.
  7. Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, fluorogram, examination and conclusion of the therapist regarding general condition health, cardiogram.
  8. In conclusion, it is necessary to submit a certificate from the neuropsychiatric and drug addiction clinic, to provide confirmation of the health of relatives and children.

Now you can clearly understand how to become a surrogate mother in medical terms. However, it is equally important to consider the legal side of the process, as well as talk about how conception and fertilization occurs.


Many girls are very interested in how surrogate conception occurs. Regardless of which type is chosen (partial or full), IVF (extracorporeal technology) is used for fertilization. In the beginning, medical professionals do everything to ensure that the highest quality biological material can be obtained from the parents. First of all, both partners undergo a medical examination, during which they also pass the necessary tests.

At the next stage, the woman's ovaries are stimulated. In this, they resort to the help of hormonal therapy, which will allow several eggs to mature at once. When the goal is achieved, mature oocytes are removed by puncture. At this time, the future father donates sperm.

The fertilization process itself takes place in a laboratory environment. Both types of biological material are combined and placed in a special incubator. After 12-18 hours, see if fertilization was successful. If the result is positive, then the egg is placed on a special medium, where it continues to develop until the embryo stage.

A day later, another assessment of the quality of the process is made. In case of failure, another cycle of procedures is carried out before the next menstruation. If successful, the material is planted in the uterine cavity of the surrogate mother and awaits its attachment. If all is well, then pregnancy begins.


So, how to apply for surrogacy in order not to do unnecessary actions, but at the same time to protect your rights. This should be discussed in more detail. First of all, a candidate for surrogacy should contact an intermediary who will enter her data into a special database. It is important to understand that such organizations should initially sign up for a visit by telephone or via the Internet.

The next step is the questionnaire process. This procedure is available, in most cases, online, which can significantly save time and effort. When the primary data has been sent for processing, and the time and day of the meeting with the intermediary has been set, it is worth going for an interview.

You must have the following package of documents with you: a passport and an identification code, if any, a marriage or divorce certificate, a child's birth certificate, the results of a medical examination and the necessary certificates from doctors.

In situations where the applicant satisfies the intermediaries in all respects, her data is entered into the database, and then all that remains is to wait for the future parents to choose her. Considering in detail surrogacy, as it happens in legal terms, it is worth mentioning what to do when potential parents are found.

The next step will be a meeting of three parties: a surrogate mother, a lawyer and a married couple. At this step, an agreement will be signed that regulates the responsibilities and rights of all participants in the process. The girl herself, with her signature in the contract, gives her voluntary consent to undergo all the procedures and activities related to surrogacy.

On the part of the future parents, they undertake to provide financial support to the surrogate mother during the entire period of bearing the child, pay for her special care, food and medical support.

The document necessarily covers the following issues:

  • The rights and obligations of a surrogate mother;
  • Rights and obligations of potential parents;
  • What amount of monetary reward, and how long will the woman receive;
  • Place of residence of the girl during pregnancy;
  • Obligation to keep the confidentiality of the birth of a child;
  • Conditions for monthly maintenance of a pregnant woman;
  • The amount of compensation for harm to health;
  • Actions if miscarriage occurs or more babies are born.

You cannot do without a contract, otherwise there is a great chance of becoming a target of scammers who will take a decent amount of money from their parents, and then disappear in an unknown direction.


Collectively, the candidates are interested in how to become a surrogate mother and how much it costs. The question is not entirely correct, because the girl pays nothing for the examination. All financial costs are covered by potential parents.

In most cases, a surrogate mother is entitled to a monetary reward for the provided service for bearing and giving birth to a child. Parents pay an average of 500 thousand rubles in compensation, plus they fully support the woman.

Requirements (video)

The content of the article:

"I want to become a surrogate mother" - suddenly an idea comes to a woman's head, what needs to be done for this, what conditions must be met and what selection parameters must be met in order to become a surrogate mother. Let's take a closer look in this article on how to become a surrogate mother.

According to the laws of the Russian Federation, potential parents can look for a surrogate mother for the birth of their child on their own or contact special organizations that will select a suitable candidate, help draw up a contract and conduct the necessary tests for the surrogate mother and potential parents. But in both cases, a woman who has decided on surrogacy must strictly comply with a number of criteria.

Only those women who meet the following requirements are allowed to participate in surrogacy programs:

Age from 20 to 35 years old. Women from other age groups are usually not involved in surrogacy. This is due to the fact that it is at this age that a woman has the most chances to endure and easily give birth to an absolutely healthy baby. In addition, during this period there is less health risk for the surrogate mother herself.

At least one own child with no health problems (over a year old). Having a child is a guarantee that the woman is in good health and there will be no problems during pregnancy.

Passing a comprehensive medical examination, which will confirm the complete physical and mental health of the applicant.

Lack of any bad habits.

Consent to undergo all procedures related to surrogacy.

Surrogacy concept

Surrogate mother or surrogate mother Is a woman who agrees to bear and give birth to a child for other parents. A married couple to whom a child born by a surrogate mother is passed are called “authorized parents”.

There are two types of surrogacy today: partial and complete... In case of partial fertilization, the donor cell of the surrogate mother herself is fertilized. In this case, she is also the genetic mother of the born child. (This type of surrogacy is prohibited in Russia). With full surrogacy, donor cells from authorized parents are used. Fertilization takes place in a laboratory, and the resulting embryo is transplanted into the uterus of a surrogate mother, a procedure called IVF.

Required examinations for a surrogate mother

Only completely healthy women who are psychologically ready for all procedures can become surrogate mothers. Applicants for participation in surrogacy programs must undergo a comprehensive examination. Here is a complete list of required tests, research and medical certificates.

Analyzes and examinations for a surrogate mother

Gynecological examination in order to study the reproductive function of a woman and exclude diseases of the female genital area.

Swabs for the detection of various infections (cytomegalovirus, herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis, toxoplasmosis, rubella). The smear is valid for six months.

Swabs on the flora from the urethra and cervical canal, as well as on the degree of cleanliness of the vagina (valid for 1 month).

Cytological examination of scrapings from the cervix (valid for 1 year).

Examination by a mammologist, breast ultrasound.

Clinical blood test and clotting (valid for 1 month)

Biochemical blood test: ALT, ACT, bilirubin, sugar, urea (valid for 1 month)

Blood test for infectious diseases: syphilis, hepatitis B and C, HIV (valid for 3 months).

Determination of the Rh factor and blood group.

Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs with an assessment of the endometrium.

Fluorography (valid for 1 year).

Examination by a therapist and a conclusion on the state of general health and the absence of contraindications for carrying a pregnancy (valid for 1 year).

General urine analysis (valid for 1 month).

A certificate from the neuropsychiatric dispensary at the place of residence that you are not registered or the conclusion of a psychiatrist after a personal examination.

A certificate from the drug addiction clinic at the place of residence that you are not registered.

A certificate of the health of your child or children from the district pediatrician.


If the results of the examination indicate a woman's health problems, then she is not allowed to surrogate motherhood. Also, women with malformations of the uterus or those who in the past have frozen or miscarried will not be able to bear a child for other parents. In addition, some clinics do not work with women who have had a caesarean section. The fact is that a scar remaining on the uterus can create problems during embryo implantation. And those medical centers that still allow such women to participate in programs require at least three years after the operation.

Psychological preparation of the future surrogate mother

A stable emotional background and psychological readiness of a woman for surrogacy play no less important role than good physical health. She should be clearly aware of what she has decided on and what difficulties await her while carrying a child for other parents. Medical organizations, whose activities are related to surrogacy, usually involve psychologists to work with potential candidates.

Conversations with a psychologist make it possible to find out whether a woman is aware of such moments:

She must be prepared to hand over the newborn to authorized parents.

She will have to face a certain risk, because unsafe substitution therapy is performed with surrogacy.

She may have to go through the condemnation of loved ones and even serious conflicts with them, since surrogacy is still unacceptable for many people.

During the period of carrying a baby, she may have to leave her home and move to another place.

She will also have to accept a new lifestyle with many restrictions: abstinence from sexual activity, a strict daily routine, refusal of junk food and adherence to the diet recommended by doctors.

How to act to become a surrogate mother

If a woman wants to participate in a surrogacy program, she needs to act in this way:

1. First, she contacts the intermediary organization to enter her data into a special database. To visit this organization, you must first register. You also need to go through a survey (in many companies this can be done directly on the site). When meeting with employees of the organization, you must have the following documents with you: a marriage or divorce certificate (if any), birth certificates of children, medical certificates with the results of all necessary examinations, including from a narcologist and psychiatrist.

2. If a woman fits all the criteria, she is entered into the database, and now her task is to wait for the parents to be picked up.

3. When the intermediary company finds potential parents who are satisfied with the candidacy of this woman, a meeting with a lawyer is held and the parties sign an agreement. In this agreement, the woman agrees to all surrogacy-related procedures and confirms her obligations. The parents-to-be, in turn, undertake to pay for the surrogate mother's services and provide her with special care during the gestation period. You cannot do without the conclusion of such an agreement, since surrogacy is very expensive and the parties need to protect themselves from possible actions of fraudsters. It should also be added that for a married woman, surrogacy is possible only with the written consent of the spouse.

Guarantee conditions for a surrogate mother

Let us tell you more about the contract between the surrogate mother and the authorized parents. It necessarily stipulates the following conditions:

The rights of each of the parties.

Their responsibilities.

The amount of monetary compensation (from the intermediary or from the parents themselves), and the period for its payment.

The place where the pregnant surrogate mother will live.

Obligation to maintain the secrecy of the birth of the child.

Monthly maintenance of a pregnant woman.

Compensation in case of harm to health.

Actions in case of miscarriage or the birth of a sick baby.

Which is better to contact a medical agency or work with potential parents directly

It is very important to contact a medical institution. By law, no other organization is allowed to perform surrogacy-related procedures. This is due to such considerations:

Both sides must be completely secured against possible actions of intruders.

A woman needs to be well cared for and kept healthy during pregnancy. (Under the contract, the clinic is responsible for the health of the mother and child).

With surrogacy, the likelihood of unforeseen events is not excluded. Thus, a woman who has given birth to a child may refuse to pass it on to genetic parents. And then it turns out that a married couple who dreamed of a baby will be deceived. The medical institution is the guarantor of the contract and is responsible if the surrogate mother fails to fulfill her obligations.

How much does a surrogate mother cost?

The exact cost of such services cannot be immediately named, since everything depends on the specific situation. The price depends on several factors: the needs of the woman carrying the child, the services of the clinic, the proposals of the customers. In Russia, the cost of surrogacy usually ranges from 1 to 3 million rubles (taking into account monthly payments in the postpartum period). If we talk specifically about how much surrogate mothers receive, this amount consists of the fact that during pregnancy a woman receives a monthly living allowance of 15-30 thousand rubles, once money to buy things for pregnant women 10-15 thousand rubles, after the birth of a child the surrogate mother receives the agreed amount, as a rule, from 500 thousand to 1 mil. rubles, if twins or triplets are born, the amount can be increased by 2 or 3 times. All manipulations, examinations and analyzes related to pregnancy and childbirth are paid for by the child's genetic parents. In addition, future parents can provide free housing for a surrogate mother for the entire duration of pregnancy.

So, surrogacy is a very responsible decision. And before deciding on this step, you need to realize what difficulties you will have to face. Not every woman can do such a task, so analyze the situation well and soberly assess your capabilities, not only physical, but also mental. You will be able to successfully participate in the program only if you are one hundred percent confident in yourself and do not have any health problems.

In Russia, in other countries of the world, there are quite a few married couples who, for various reasons, as a rule, related to the health of one or both spouses, cannot independently conceive their own children in a way that is customary in the public understanding. In this case, there is only one way for them that will allow them to fulfill their dream - this.

In addition to already established married couples, there are also single people, more often these are men who do not have a second half, but who want to become the father of their child, as an example, Philip Kirkorov, who in 2011 became a father, just having resorted to the services of a surrogate mother.
Despite the obvious advantages of surrogate motherhood, there are still many ethical and legal disputes, and the physiology and psychology of both surrogate mothers themselves and future parents and children born in this way are vigorously discussed.

Surrogate mother - definition of the term

A surrogate mother is a woman who agrees to become pregnant, bear a fetus and give birth to a child who, after birth, will be passed on to another married couple, called authorized parents. Surrogacy is divided into two types:
  • Partial, in which a donor egg is taken from a surrogate mother and further fertilized, in this case, a genetic relationship is obtained between the mother and the unborn child.
  • Full - this is when the sperm and the egg are taken from the authorized parents, after which they are fertilized in laboratory conditions, and after that the embryo is placed in a surrogate mother for further bearing and development of the fetus.

Fertilization procedure for a surrogate mother

It is used for fertilization of a surrogate mother in both partial and full type of motherhood. However, quite often there are cases when the wife's sister agrees to the role of a surrogate mother and, given that the IVF procedure is quite an expensive pleasure, conception occurs through sexual intimacy. But such "fun" should be treated with great caution, because it is extremely rare to conceive a child in this way the first time, and a man may like such "legalized" sexual pleasures, which will cause tension in family relations.

Criteria for selecting women for surrogacy

“I want to become a surrogate mother” - similar thoughts arise in a number of women, but they, as a rule, do not know all the subtleties and peculiarities of surrogate motherhood. First of all, full compliance with all medical requirements is necessary - this is excellent physical and psychological health, the absence of bad habits in the form of addictions to alcohol and tobacco products, as well as drugs. Compliance with the age criteria, as a rule, does not exceed thirty-five years of age, the presence of at least one healthy and strong child of their own, and of course no leads to law enforcement agencies, and even more so no previous convictions. In cases where a woman wishing to become a surrogate mother is in an official marriage, then she must have the consent of her husband in writing.

The decision to become a surrogate mother can only be voluntary and accepted by the woman herself. Initially, as soon as all agreements are reached and the timing of future procedures is agreed upon, the woman is obliged to adhere to all the recommendations received from the doctor, to be regularly observed by him, to undergo the prescribed procedures strictly according to the schedule.

Artificial termination of pregnancy in the case of surrogate mothers is extremely rare and the reason for this, in most cases, is medical indications. However, if a woman, for any of her reasons, decides to terminate the pregnancy, no one can interfere with this, and the authorized parents will have no influence on the decision. If the surrogate mother, after the onset of pregnancy, leads an immoral lifestyle, does not comply with the regime, uses alcohol or other unwanted drinks or substances in this state, the authorized parents will again be powerless and will not be able to exert influence.

It is extremely important to make the right choice of a woman who will carry a child for nine months. After the parties have decided on their choice, it is necessary to resort to the services of a qualified lawyer who will tell both parties about their rights. You should also conduct testing for the psychological compatibility of each of the parties in order to avoid unexpected conflicts on this basis in the future. The final decision should not be made in a hurry and on emotions, you should carefully weigh all the arguments, rely on your own inner feelings after the meeting, regardless of whether you are a surrogate mother or an authorized parent, and only then draw a conclusion.

What is the cost of services and how much is paid to a surrogate mother

It is not uncommon for someone from close people to become a surrogate mother, it can be a sister or a mother, if her age permits, less often her friends agree to this role. In these cases, as a rule, the financial side of the issue is absent and, by giving consent, a loved one does not expect any material benefits for himself. However, it is still better to immediately discuss all issues, since during pregnancy there will be inevitable financial costs, ranging from medical services and some drugs, ending with food, which should be as varied and useful as possible, as well as various whims inherent in this position.

When a stranger becomes a surrogate mother and he does this not only for the sake of spiritual urges to help a married couple, but rather because of a desire to improve their financial situation, then in this case it is necessary to conclude a surrogacy agreement, in which all the rights and obligations of the parties to the length of the entire pregnancy and after. Such documents help to protect authorized parents from unreasonable financial losses in a situation when the surrogate mother decides not to give the child after childbirth, which happens, however, very rarely. Of course, the costs that were made during all nine months for various medical services, food and other household goods, you will have to put up with them. In general, there are no clear prices regulated by any law that establish general rules in this area, it all depends on the region of residence, the clinic you applied to, or if it is in private, then again the amount depends on the agreements of the parties.

Quite often, "customers" want to have complete information and control over the surrogate mother's lifestyle while she is carrying the baby, to be sure that she follows all the recommendations, the daily routine and does not resort to bad habits. Therefore, such lovers of total control either rent a separate home for a surrogate mother near their own, or settle in their residential area.

Due to the fact that the whole process from the beginning of preparation for pregnancy to conception and further bearing of a child is a rather long and not easy process, there are no lovers of "easy" money and quick profit in surrogacy. Force majeure situations occur extremely rarely, and this is basically banal greed and extortion of an additional amount by a surrogate mother from authorized parents after childbirth, and even then, only in the absence of a properly drawn up contract.

Surrogate or adopted child

A child born from a surrogate mother with a full type is actually 100% a child of authorized parents, even at the genetic level, with regard to children with partial fertilization, it is clear here and without explanation that he is half-blood related to the mother who gave birth to him. All this puts a certain psychological residue on some married couples, which they cannot cope with and the families break up. This is especially true for wives in cases where, in order to save money, conception occurs naturally through sexual intercourse, they simply cannot come to terms with the alleged betrayal, which they themselves agreed to. The financial costs for all procedures are very high, while the likelihood that everything will go well and no additional cash injections will be required is extremely low, in which case you will have to repeat everything anew, paying new bills accordingly.

Or maybe you shouldn't complicate everything so much, because in Russia, and in other countries, even in the near and far abroad, there are a huge number of children of refuseniks, or those who have lost their parents for various reasons, while completely healthy and talented, striving to find a full-fledged family. This is by no means an excuse or recommendation, but just information for thought.

Year after year passes in fruitless attempts to get pregnant, but doctors give a disappointing prognosis. When emotions find their way out, an informed decision comes: it is necessary to find a "living incubator", which will become a surrogate mother. From this moment on, a lot of questions arise. How to choose a woman who can bear and give birth to a healthy baby, how much does it cost, how to legalize documents and regulate the life of a future mother while she is carrying your baby? Moreover, this issue has two sides. On the one hand, the personal life of the person hired by you to provide the service, on the other, your concern for the health of the unborn child, which directly depends on what is, drinks and even sees and feels (experiences) the surrogate mother. Let's try to sort out all these issues together.

What is surrogacy

This is an auxiliary one in which three people are involved in the birth of a child. This is the father who gives his sperm and consent to raise the future baby. This is the genetic mom who provides her egg and consent to take on maternal responsibilities after birth. A third person, a surrogate mother, also ensures the birth of a child. This is an adult woman of childbearing age who undertakes to carry a child for his genetic parents and does not pretend to have him after giving birth. For this she receives material compensation.

How the legislation considers this issue

To date, this reproductive technology is not prohibited in the post-Soviet space. That is, both potential parents and a surrogate mother can apply to a special clinic or a legal agency, draw up an official agreement that will regulate their relationship from the moment it is signed until the birth of the baby. The contract is ending on the transfer of the newborn to his genetic parents and full material compensation to the woman for all the inconveniences associated with pregnancy and childbirth.

A substitute mom or just a job?

It is believed that it will be very difficult for a woman who carried a child under her heart to part with him, because there is a close psychological connection between them. However, you need to think about this when the thought of how to become a surrogate mother has just visited you. The surrogate mother has nothing to do with the baby genetically. Pregnancy begins with the IVF procedure, after which it is no different from the usual one for all nine months. The only difference is that a woman is carrying someone else's child. She does not need to worry about the further upbringing of the baby, her function ends on the day of birth. Having received a material reward, she will be able to return to normal life.

How to find a surrogate mother

This is the most difficult thing that a family will have to face, which for various reasons cannot have children. Imagine yourself: a woman should be healthy, not have addictions and sexually transmitted diseases. It is very important that she is psychologically stable, pregnancy already leads to a hormonal surge and frequent mood swings, and your child does not need a nervous and nervous mother. Where will her pregnancy take place, what will she eat, how will her sexual and personal life, hygiene and regular visits to doctors be regulated? All these are complex questions that must be answered in detail in the process of drawing up a contract.

Many women have little idea of ​​how to become a surrogate mother, and make such a decision only because of material problems. In this case, a consultation with a psychologist is required, who will help you understand yourself today and honestly answer the question of whether you are ready for such a step.

Where to look for a mom for a future baby

The first thing that parents begin to study is the Internet. Since such services are not prohibited by law, you can find a large number of ads on various sites and forums, such as "I want to become a surrogate mother." Usually, such an ad indicates the age, the presence of children, the absence of bad habits and external data. The latter has practically no meaning, except in cases where the egg of a spouse who wants to have a child cannot be taken for physiological reasons. Then, with the consent of the surrogate mother, her egg is fertilized with the sperm of the male customer, and she genetically bears her child, pledging to hand it over to the married couple of customers after giving birth.

However, from the experience of many couples, we can say that searching for candidates through ads takes a lot of effort and nerves, therefore, after making several calls, future parents most often turn to a specialized agency. Its employees undertake the obligation to provide you with a database of women, and here you will see not a banal announcement "I want to become a surrogate mother", but detailed questionnaires with photos, a full medical examination of candidates and the conclusion of specialists, data on marital status and the presence of your own children. In addition, these women have already been interviewed and are fully aware of the services they intend to provide.

Choosing a mother for your baby

First of all, she should be nice to you. You will have to closely communicate for 9 long months, perhaps even live under the same roof. And if you feel uncomfortable in her company, then it is better to look for another candidate. We are all different, wait for a woman with whom it will be easy for you to find a common language. We have already discussed where to find a surrogate mother, now you need to choose from a number of applicants the one that will give life to your baby. Discuss all the details of the future contract with her. If there are nuances in which you cannot find a compromise in any way (living of the expectant mother, diet, physical activity), then it is worth talking to someone else. What should include an official document that is drawn up between the parents and the "hired mother"?

We calculate the cost

Probably, one of the most important questions for parents is how much the services of a surrogate mother cost. Typically, an agency can provide profiles of women with a wide variety of requests, ranging from $ 5,000 to $ 25,000. It depends on the age. Usually, young girls, students in need of money, or women over forty are charged lower prices. The price is also influenced by the status of the woman, as well as her orientation towards the category of customers. But the average amount is $ 15,000. Add to this the payment for the services of the agency, as well as the clinic in which IVF and the subsequent management of pregnancy will take place, the cost of food for the pregnant woman, the necessary medical care and childbirth.

Official document

A contract with a surrogate mother must be drawn up under any conditions, even if these services are provided by yours. This is a guarantee of fulfillment of obligations by both parties. At the same time, the contract of one couple with a surrogate mother can be very different from another, it is important to take into account the interests of specific people, to regulate their relationship. In general terms, this document contains:

  • Detailed data on persons wishing to have a child.
  • Details of a woman willing to provide services to a surrogate mother.
  • Rights, obligations and responsibilities of the parties.
  • Conditions and measures in relation to the surrogate mother in case she refuses to transfer the child to the customers, as well as if they refuse to accept it. This includes all sorts of options for giving birth to a disabled child.
  • Other conditions that are reached by agreement of the parties.

What are the requirements genetic parents can present to the expectant mother?

A complete list must be drawn up, discussed with the woman who will act as a surrogate mother, and notarized. There are examples when a pregnant woman was literally kept locked up, letting out for a walk under supervision and forbidding to see family and friends. Such conditions negatively affect the psychological state of the woman, and hence the unborn child. The requirements for a surrogate mother are already quite stringent: they are between 25 and 35 years old, have at least one naturally born child, no serious and chronic diseases, bad habits, mental disorders and drug addiction. In addition, if the woman is married, the written consent of the husband will be required.

If a woman will live with her husband during pregnancy, then both of them must undergo regular medical examinations. The surrogate mother undertakes to limit contacts with relatives, especially potential carriers of various diseases (ARI, ARVI, and others). An athlete or a stay-at-home, the expectant mother will have to adjust the level of physical activity under the recommendations of the doctor leading the pregnancy. Her genetic parents will also monitor her nutrition very closely, while being more demanding than an ordinary pregnant woman to herself.

If the substitute mother works

The age of a surrogate mother rarely exceeds 35 years old, it is difficult for older candidates to find those who want to acquire offspring. This is due to the physiological characteristics of the female body: the older the mother, the more difficult pregnancy can be. Although today this threshold is clearly underestimated, many women who are busy with their careers begin to think about family in their forties. But one way or another, the substitute mother most often works, so this fact must be taken into account when drawing up a contract. Parents need to be sure that she will have enough time to visit the doctor and the necessary examinations. Another important fact is the working conditions. They should not be harmful or heavy, carry a potential risk to the unborn baby. Otherwise, the expectant mother will have to quit. Such a requirement is most often made by parents, because they are already "employers" who will pay all the costs of maintaining a woman during pregnancy and provide compensation in the form of a lump sum.

Duties and rights of a surrogate mother

If you decide to provide such services, then the preparation will take a lot of time. First, you need to find a reliable agency and post your profile there. Before concluding a contract, you will need to undergo a complete medical, psychological and psychiatric examination. All results, including medical and genetic examination, should be provided by the woman to the future parents. They also bear all the costs of the survey, unless the agency provides otherwise, that is, the preliminary survey at their own expense.

The consent of a surrogate mother when concluding a contract or agreement means that she:

The range of responsibilities is not very broad, but this is only a generally accepted plan. Parents can include a clause about the expectant mother's living with them throughout the pregnancy, so that they can personally control her nutrition, well-being and even social contacts.

End of pregnancy

The birth of a baby is a long-awaited event, which also means the end of the contract. Now the surrogate mother is obliged to transfer the child to the genetic parents, after which she can receive full compensation for the pregnancy. Parents are also responsible for improving the woman's health within 56 days after childbirth. But what if maternal feelings woke up, and the woman refuses to give up the newborn? This case must be spelled out in the contract with clearly defined consequences. The legislation of different countries regulates this issue in their own way. In Russian there are points according to which a woman who has given birth to a child has the right to keep it for herself.

If the parents refuse to pick up the child

Such cases most often occur at the birth of a baby with a pathology, for example, if it arose at the time of childbirth - trauma, injury. Or if the child has a defect that has not manifested itself in any way during intrauterine development. This clause should also be in the contract and provide for the responsibility of the parties. In this case, the parents have no right to demand from the surrogate mother the return of all funds spent on the examination and maintenance of the pregnancy, as well as the amount of remuneration. They must pay compensation in full, which is stipulated by the contract. In the event that the parents refuse the child, the surrogate mother retains the right to keep it for herself or to transfer it to the care of the state. In the event of the transfer of the child to genetic parents, the woman forever loses the right to him. The consent of the surrogate mother for this must be obtained even during the drawing up of the contract.

Birth certificate

Based on the current legislation, children born by surrogate mothers are recorded immediately in the surname of their genetic parents. From the moment of signing the contract, they are exactly them. At the same time, there is a subtle point: immediately after giving birth, a woman must give written consent that the customer will be recorded as the mother. After that, she no longer has the right to the baby, the newborn is not shown to her, so as not to awaken instincts. There are times when a family takes a former surrogate mother for. According to psychologists, parting with her at the moment when the need for nanny services will disappear will be a difficult test for the whole family.

This is another difficult point, purely psychological. What is the surrogate mother going through? Reviews of women who provided such services indicate a strong desire to keep the child for themselves, postpartum depression due to the lack of opportunity to care for "their" baby. Add to this social stigma, lack of support from relatives. And you will understand that surrogate mother is not an easy choice. That is why it is very important to choose a woman who is not only physically healthy, but also psychologically stable, without a tendency to hysterical fits and severe depression. It is possible to include in the contract in advance the obligatory visit to a psychologist before making a decision and undergoing psychotherapy after childbirth, so that this trauma is worked out and does not affect the woman's later life.

Today, the number of children born through surrogacy is growing. This is often the last and only option for a childless couple to find the joy of motherhood. For others, it is a way to earn money, pay for their education, and improve their living conditions. With a well-drafted contract, surrogacy has no risks for both parties, but for this you need to turn to professionals, and not try to draw up a contract yourself. Substitute motherhood is a chance for many married couples to find the joy of being parents, and not of an adopted child, but of their own baby. Children from surrogate mothers are blood relatives of their parents, they are simply carried by another woman.

How can you become a surrogate mother? If you are young, beautiful, have no health problems, and you have your own children, then you can safely become a surrogate mother. This is a great help to those young couples who, for some reason, cannot have their own offspring. The question always arises: how to become a surrogate mother and how much they pay, certain methods and conditions, the place of stay of a pregnant woman and some research. These points are resolved separately with each expectant pregnant woman. Payment may vary depending on the contract on both sides, but all the rules for compliance with pregnancy are the same for all surrogate mothers.

How to become a surrogate mother in Moscow?

In order to become a surrogate mother, it is necessary to study all the prices of the service and this program. It is recommended to contact in Moscow, to those institutions that are specialized. You will find these medical institutions in the capital of Russia without any problems. What do you need for surrogacy? It is necessary to find out and study some of the requirements:

  • Age category from 23 to 34 years old.
  • Elimination of the use of alcohol, tobacco and drugs.
  • A history of two children (usually, these women are more likely).
  • The absence of a history of diseases of the genetic and mental nature.
  • Legal consent of the legal husband for further surrogacy.

The above criteria are insufficient to carry out this procedure. It is necessary to further undergo all diagnostic measures - analyzes.

What does it take to become a surrogate mother?

This issue has several controversial sides. Firstly, this is a huge help to a couple who cannot have children. Secondly, you can make good money and improve your financial capital. If a woman wants to become a surrogate mother with confidence, then she should start visiting a specialist in the field of psychology and studying some legal issues. It is recommended to get recommendations from a lawyer, because in the future you will have to deal with the documentation of the contract with the parents of the unborn baby. If everything works out in this area, then you can confidently go to the medical center.

Surrogacy - how to become a surrogate mother?

In fact, becoming a surrogate mother is not so easy (list of surrogate mothers). To do this, you need to choose a clinic of interest to a woman. Next, a questionnaire is filled out, where the parameters of the expectant mother, general health, marital status and family members are clearly indicated. The help of surrogacy consists in the fact that there is a substantial payment to the mother for bearing the child.

After that, the childless couple agrees with you a contract, and now you can say with confidence: "I have become a surrogate mother."

Surrogacy - there are many jobs in various major cities. It is recommended to negotiate contracts in big cities, for example, in the capital of Russia itself. The fact is that the payment is much higher and the services are comfortable. It is recommended to negotiate contracts in those medical institutions that have a positive reputation and a lot of good reviews. Undoubtedly, in large cities, wages are much higher than in the periphery. How to become a surrogate mother and how much they pay can be found out directly by contacting the medical center.
Are children from surrogate mothers healthy?