Statuses about bad friends of traitors. Wise sayings and phrases about betrayal

Probably, indeed, betrayal is the worst thing that can be. Betrayal of friends, loved ones, those in whom we have no doubts, those whom we trust without hesitation. It’s like losing the earth under our feet and the sky over our heads, because those we believe are our earth and our sky.

Isn't it foolish to uproot a good old tree in order to hopefully stick a dubious market sapling in its place? Isn't it foolish to harass the good old, whether it be wives or leaders, for the sake of their naive hopes.

Understanding, compassion, kindness, love are the only ideals. And when we betray them, we become those we despise. And we lose our humanity, and then only violence and destruction remain in the world after us.

Fidelity in love is entirely a matter of physiology, it does not depend at all on our will. Young people want to be faithful - and they never do, old people would like to change, but where can they be.

Betrayal of a man is not treason. Betrayal is not that he left for another. Betrayal - when you're pregnant ... he'll tell you to have an abortion.

Thanks to those who left me in difficult times. You have made me stronger. So much stronger that we better not cross.

Trustworthiness is a brand, for the acquisition of which it is necessary to do some dirty trick.

Never forgive cheating. Any betrayal is a comparison, a search for something better than you have. He who seeks the best will never appreciate what he has ...

We must remember that those things that bring you a lot of money will sooner or later betray you.

He who sold his homeland and sells himself.

What could be more humiliating for a betrayer than the realization that they were not able to take advantage of his betrayal.

Kings know about the affairs of their ministers no more than cuckolds know about the affairs of their wives.

Don Juan is the one who cheats on a woman, but not on women.

It's a shame when you are Judas, and you are sold as Christ.

Betrayal, destroying hope and faith, kills love.

That physical betrayal is only a consequence of spiritual betrayal. For people who have given each other love have no right to lie.

Nothing in the world smells so good as the corpse of an enemy, a traitor or a traitor.

Love is not a moral issue. But feeling knows no betrayal. It grows, disappears, changes - where is the betrayal? This is not a contract.

To whom chastity is a burden, one should not advise it, lest it become a path to hell, turning into filth and lust of the soul.

Who is alive, in vain awaits the praise of the haughty crowd. Only the devotion of friends is the treasure of the masters, It is more beautiful than all the riches of the world.

The most cruel, the most evil and intolerant of their opponents are traitors and renegades.

Anyone who is used to making black out of black and black out of white is capable of any deception.

Keep me, Lord, from those whom I believe. Whoever I don’t believe, I myself will beware.

Betrayal, like the law, has no retroactive effect.

When your head is turned, it is difficult to notice the moment when your neck has already been broken.

It makes no sense to kill petty traitors in a state where the government itself consists of traitors.

Love and friendship are the things for which you have to endure betrayal and betrayal.

The first betrayal is irreparable. It triggers a chain reaction of further betrayals, each of which further and further removes us from the point of our original betrayal.

Forgiving betrayal is not much different from betrayal itself.

He has already abandoned you once and will leave you again. You can't depend on people who let you down.

Believing the oaths of a traitor is like believing the godliness of the devil.

The biggest competition is in the market for selling skins.

Every backstab has its own face.

One cannot be betrayed in order to protect many.

The closest thing to the body is a selling hide.

Is there even one person who has never betrayed? Loyalty is exclusively a dog's quality!

The betrayal of the people closest to us is killing us slowly, very slowly ... It seems to rip the skin off your whole being ... you can live without a soul, you can live without a hand ... but without skin? When is your body one continuous wound?

He was a person, he betrayed - he became a roundabout.

Nowadays there is a large number of various social networks, the most popular of which are "in contact" and "classmates". Why are they so attracted to people? First of all, by the fact that they are able to bring people together. This happens through communication. This is how you make new friends and keep in touch with old ones. To diversify your correspondence, you can use special statuses that make communication more interesting. But friendship is not always true, so they were invented statuses about friends who have betrayed... It is them that we have collected in this article.

Sometimes it seems to me that I can only trust my cat.

Do not be afraid of enemies, beware of friends, because it is the latter who betray.

When you lose a friend, then you feel very bad, but it is even worse if you suddenly realize that you have never had a friend.

The concept of "friendship" is sometimes more appreciated by animals than people.

Loneliness manifests itself in the environment of wonderful people who understand you, if each of them has someone closer to you.

A friend is a person who must be valued and cherished, but, unfortunately, in life you rarely come across friends who can really be treasured.

An excuse can be found for a person who betrayed love, but not for a person who betrayed friendship!

Why can you only buy a greeting card? I would buy a dozen offensive ones, with content like: "Thank you, Dear friend, for leaving me at the moment when I needed it so much!"

Friendship is like a rope, if it breaks, then it will not work without knots.

The more accurate the calculation, the stronger the friendship.

Choose carefully not only enemies, but also friends, because sooner or later they will become enemies.

Friendship is not stopped by a quarrel; alas, time dissolves it.

Abusing a friend's trust is the most heinous and outrageous crime.

If your friend does not notice your distance and cooling, then he does not value your friendship.

Lost friendships cannot be resurrected or recovered.

To lose the most precious thing is to reject a devoted friend.

In order to somehow justify the impermanence of friendship in advance, we often complain about friends.

Don't waste your time with someone who doesn't want to spend it with you.

Recently I decided to quit drinking beer, after a month my friends, who I thought they were, stopped calling me. How painful it is to realize that I had no friends.

They say that real friends cannot be replaced, my friends easily replaced me. Conclusion?

True loyal friends are just a myth, a legend invented by someone. Sooner or later they will betray you, believe me, I know ...

The people you drink beer with on the weekends are not necessarily your friends. Don't believe me? Stop drinking, then you will see for yourself ...

We remember those who rejoiced and had fun with us, and we forget those who shared grief with us.

How naive we are, we betray at every opportunity, but at the same time we sincerely dream of real friendship.

I wonder where I got this feeling of disgust for people whom I sincerely considered close ...

They threw me again, betrayed me again, but I don't care - the immunity has developed.

I walk, smile, and it seems like you won't tell me that the thought is throbbing painfully in my head: “Betrayed! Betrayed! Betrayed! "

I can really be called a BELIED friend, because I was BETRAYED!

The most terrible pain and resentment you feel at the moment when your loyal dog bites you.

All my friends betrayed me, except for one who stayed close and always supports me. This is my husband!

Only close people can inflict the most severe mental pain.

Parting with loved ones is incredibly painful, but it is even more painful when loved ones part with you, and for no reason at all.

Better to have no friends at all than to have traitorous friends.

You wrote to me: "Hello, how are you?" at that moment when your new friends betrayed you, and I answered, but my soul felt somehow disgusting and sad.

I wonder what your former best friends are doing now, they probably say nasty things about you with those about whom they used to say nasty things.

He was my best friend, I’m looking at our photos, where we rested together, and only now I realized that I had lost my best friend. Sad.

There are never many friends; there can only be many acquaintances. And the best friend, there will be only one at all. We offer you a selection of statuses, quotes and aphorisms about friends. Some of them will help you understand what real friendship is and how thin it has a line, while others will amuse you and cheer you up. We are sure that in humorous statuses about friends, almost everyone will recognize themselves or their friend!

Friendship is a relationship in which a person is immersed in childhood. Playing in the yard, children begin to make friends, then friends appear in the kindergarten, at school, in the student environment. At work, finding a friend is already much more difficult, as a rule, by this time a person already has friends, and possibly an experience of betrayal, so he is in no hurry to let someone get too close to him. In addition, the spirit of superiority and competition is always boiling at work, so it's good if friends are not bound by a common occupation - then they have nothing to share.

Friends are not just people you can meet to chat and have fun. Friends are, first of all, people to whom you are ready to open your soul. A true friend will never be jealous, but, on the contrary, will only rejoice at the achievements of a friend. A friend is a person who always speaks the truth, perhaps even criticizes in private, but in front of others he will never dare to talk about the shortcomings of his friend. A friend is a person who believes in you, who can give a magic kick and say that everything will work out for you!

It is strange that we are afraid to be friends with those with whom we have shared the best moments of this short life. Who else can we be?

It so happens that friends with whom many bright moments have been lived become just acquaintances ...

Friends should be valued regardless of their background. (Kate Morton)

Friends are much more valuable than diamonds.

A true friend is always by your side. He shares with you joys and sorrows. When you are in trouble, he is always ready to sacrifice himself for you, without thinking about the consequences, without expecting a reward, such friends rarely come across, if you meet, take care of him. It is your strength. (From the movie Rebellious Spirit)

A true friend is support and moral support, while he does not count on benefits and always helps unselfishly.

The best remedy for melancholy is meeting friends.

With friends, the world becomes brighter and life is more fun.

Dying for a friend is not difficult. It's hard to find a friend to die for.

True friends are ready for anything for each other.

In friendship, it is not the same as in love; friendship requires obligatory reciprocity. And equality at all costs. But not in the sense of being the same. (I. Efremov)

Friends are the same in their rights, but in tastes they can be different.

A friend in need is a friend indeed. (Russian folk proverb)

To understand who is next to you, a real friend or not, only difficulties and trials will help.

If you went to visit a friend, then the sight of his children even before you entered the house will tell you whether you are honored as a friend. If the children meet you joyfully, you can be sure that your friend loves you and you are dear to him. But if his children did not come out to meet you, then your friend does not want to see you. Then - turn around and return home without hesitation. (Menander)

Now I'm waiting for my friend to finally have children, I want to check if he is glad to see me ...

Everyone sympathizes with the misfortunes of their friends, and few rejoice at their successes. (O. Wilde)

A true friend will never be jealous, he will only be glad of all the successes of his comrade.

About funny, good, best

There can be no sharp corners in the circle of true friends.

Among friends, there is no meta for traitors, liars and gossips.

Where is the wise and faithful friend? Become one yourself!

To have a good friend, you yourself must first become such.

He who is a good friend himself has good friends.

Your friends are a reflection of you.

A true friend is the person to whom you don’t need to be told “make yourself at home”. He's already at the refrigerator.

A friend and his family are like close relatives.

Friends are the people who hate your ex more than you ...

Friends are ready to break up anyone who has hurt you.

Probably, each of us has a “pen pal” who lives far from us, but at the same time knows more about us than those who live nearby.

Because he does not know anyone from your environment, and he will not tell anyone anything, which means he will not betray.

Friendship is not 538 friends on the site, but one friend in life, which you can't send to figs, because you will have to go there with her, so as not to worry about how she will get from there.

Friends are not sent, because they may never return.

True friends are friends who won't let you do stupid things alone.

Real friends will either dissuade you from stupid things, or they will go to do them with you.

About betrayal

You will not understand anything in friendship until you are betrayed by a friend who was the best.

Friendship must go through difficulties to become real. If one does not endure them and betrays them, then there was no friendship ...

When you are in a car with money -
Friends shake you in their arms.
When you buy them wine -
They laugh with you at the same time ...
You make gifts, you hurry to them,
You are worried and value your friendship.
You come and help them in trouble.
You are crying ... And where are your friends today?
When not by car, but in debt.
When not above the ground, but at the feet.
Take a closer look who is next to you,
Is this a friend given by fate?
And those who laughed in unison
And spent a million with you
Today they will also laugh,
To discuss you with your enemy.

The more money you have, the more "friends" you will have ...

When a friendship begins to weaken and cool, it always resorts to heightened politeness.

They don't stand on ceremony with their friends and they don't take offense at anything, because they themselves are like that, but with friends you have to be polite ...

Friends are not capable of evil, otherwise they are accomplices.

And if one friend is capable of causing harm to another, then he is a traitor.

There is no enemy more cruel than a former friend. (André Maurois)

After all, he knows so much about you ...

The enemy is usually made of a friend.

From friendship to enmity, as well as from love to hate, is one step.

Do not make acquaintances with those who betrayed old friends - as they betrayed old ones, so they will betray new ones.

Do not make friends with him, do not expose yourself to betrayal.

Why is a stab in the back inflicted by those who, as a rule, are protected by the chest?

A friend is the closest, and at the same time, the most dangerous person, because he knows everything about you.

The statuses are cool, funny and meaningful

Mom was right. Better to have a hundred friends than a hundred toys. Especially when your friends are as funny as Petya. (From the song of V. Gromova Ship)

Only out of these hundred, only one will be the best.

There is only one person you can rely on.
“I thought there were two of us. (From the movie Dr. House)

In friendship, two must be confident in each other.

True friendship is when the message “I’m sick” comes back to you “What are you, FUCKED ??”

There were so many joint plans ...

Girlfriend is a news service, a liquor store and a psychological support center all rolled into one!

Sometimes it is also a stylist, make-up artist and ... a spy ...))

A true friend is not the one who sympathizes in trouble, but the one who shares your joy without envy.

Betrayal statuses are aphorisms and quotes about apostasy from moral duty for your own benefit. A capacious attitude to the violation of this word and fidelity, to betrayal of a spouse and has always been censured as a person himself. In all religions of our world, treason is considered a sin.

Friends or foes

Statuses about the betrayal of friends whom he trusted with all his heart, opened his soul and secret thoughts, remind that you need to trust with caution.

  • A fake friend is scarier than an enemy.
  • It is difficult to find someone close in spirit, but it is even more difficult to keep.
  • A dog is a good friend, but a bad friend if he is a dog.
  • He who does not share misfortune with you will not share joy.
  • The worst enemies are former friends.
  • It can be called a crime when your trust is abused.
  • It's scary to walk with a good friend to the fire and to the bathhouse, with a bad friend and to the store.
  • The trip is usually set by the one who is walking next to you.
  • He hugs him with one hand, sticks a dagger in his back with the other.
  • A traitor is like a worm: through what he crawls, he passes through himself.

Statuses about betrayal of friends show how much pain one person can inflict on another, without even thinking. The whole world and faith in people are crumbling.

  • If you have betrayed, do not expect trust.
  • Friends usually end up with money.
  • Finding a friend is harder than love.
  • Trust only yourself, but even then with caution.
  • A blow from behind can be struck by someone whom you protected with all your heart.
  • As children, our parents taught us not to trust strangers. We have now learned not to trust our acquaintances.
  • There is no worse misfortune than the betrayal of a friend.

Female infidelity

Statuses about the betrayal of a loved one are always the cry of a wounded soul.

  • When your beloved betrays you, it seems that you fell from the 12th floor, but somehow survived.
  • A woman who loves cannot betray.
  • are broken arms. You can still forgive, but no hug.
  • Changing, every woman is looking for the best, but can the “best” choose a traitor?
  • The spouse is recognized on business trips of the husband.
  • Women love the weak, but they betray them because they don't respect them.

Statuses with a meaning about the betrayal of women justify the act by the weakness of the stronger sex.

  • A real man's wife does not cheat, she does not have enough strength for this.
  • A woman does not cheat, but every time she checks that you are the best.
  • Women have such a subtle perception of the world that they manage to feel sorry for themselves even during infidelity.
  • If a wife cannot change a man, she is cheating on him.
  • Do not forgive the betrayal of women, they will not forgive you for your forgiveness.
  • The woman does not change, she is looking for the best male for her offspring. So it was laid by nature.

Male infidelity

Statuses about the betrayal of men who abandon young girls for a new hobby and wives for the sake of ephemeral freedom show what pain betrayal of a loved one can bring.

  • Behind the success of a man is his beloved woman. Betrayal is behind the success of a woman
  • Never forgive your husband: having changed once, he will always betray.
  • the one you love can inflict.
  • He was so faithful between betrayals.
  • For every lie I will give you a balloon so that you fly away in a week.
  • I forgave his betrayal, but he did not forgive my forgiveness.
  • Wish your ex good luck, because he lost his happiness.
  • A strong man will live with the woman he likes. The weak is looking for the one who will replace his mother.

About husband and girlfriends

Statuses about the betrayal of people, a husband or a close friend say that most often the closest people deceive us.

  • Thank you, dear friend, for taking a weak person away from me. But you yourself were left without friends and with the fear that he had learned to change.
  • Never show your boyfriend to your friends, it may end up in someone else's wedding, where you will not even be invited.
  • There will be a lot of guys, but it is difficult to find a good friend who will not betray.
  • I cried on my best friend's shoulder until I smelled my boyfriend's perfume on her vest.
  • I always felt sorry for my best friend and forgave her everything. And then she grew wiser.
  • You cannot be considered a friend if you betrayed. You are just an unfamiliar girl who, passing by, took the trash from my house.
  • Your grievances are painful. But you are comforted when trouble comes to your friend.
  • Girlfriends take other people's men who are praised by their wives.

Family and Children

The statuses about the betrayal of not only the wife, but also the children are a reproach towards weak men who could not stand the happiness of being fathers.

  • If the husband leaves his wife, it hurts. But if he leaves the children, it is fatal.
  • You gave the child life, but you take the father.
  • How much can a man hate himself that runs from his little reflection?
  • If the child is abandoned by the father, then he will betray his whole life, fearing trust and love.
  • A devoted child is not alone - God is with him. The one who betrayed the child loses his guardian angel forever.
  • You betrayed, so you are weak and stupid. Weak people do not have the right to bear the title of "dad".
  • All people in their hearts carry the seed of betrayal, but only the most pitiful creatures allow this sprout to germinate.

Statuses about the betrayal of the Motherland

  • He betrayed his homeland - he betrayed himself.
  • If the price is good, you can sell your soul, but never betray your country.
  • Traitors are hated even by those they have served.
  • By betraying your homeland, you betray your own mother.
  • Love for one's country makes a citizen out of a person. Treason is a savage.
  • The Russian person clearly divides the concepts of homeland and state. The state can be sold, but the Motherland cannot.

The statuses about the betrayal of their country seem to conclude that if you are able to cheat on a friend or a woman, then you can betray your homeland.

  • Someone else's bread is sweet, but if it was bought by betrayal, then you can choke on it.
  • The homeland does not forget traitors. Even a loving mother is able to punish her son severely.
  • Love your land in joy and do not abandon it in trouble.
  • There is nothing more ugly than a soul that considers its homeland unworthy.
  • Betrayal is disgusting in itself, but when they betray the Motherland, there is no worse crime.

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When you are in a car, with money, friends swing you in their arms. When you buy them wine, they laugh with you at the same time ... You make gifts, you hurry to them, You are worried and value your friendship. You come and help them in trouble. You are crying ... And where are your friends today? When not by car, but in debt. When not above the ground, but at the feet. You take a closer look, who is next to you, Is this a friend given by fate? And those who laughed in unison, And spent a million with you, Today they will also laugh, With your enemy you will be discussed.

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Good friends are interested in how you are doing, and not just talk about their own.

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Do I have friends? Certainly! Especially when I am in a good mood and a desire to take a walk. When do I get lonely? No, unfortunately they are not.

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People are the most gentle, loving, kind, sympathetic, peaceful and caring creatures in the world. Especially when they need something from you.

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I could find an excuse for a person who betrayed love - it was a hobby. But to a person who has betrayed friendship, I cannot ...

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How painful it is when you opened your soul and heart to a person, and he just betrayed you ...

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Why is a stab in the back inflicted by those who, as a rule, are protected by the chest?

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Sometimes you don't know which is better - to lose a friend or to forgive her for her betrayal ...

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You should never exaggerate the stupidity of rivals and the loyalty of comrades.

If one of your friends turned out to be a shit ... then be sure to step on him ... They say it's for money!))

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Every year I am convinced that my friends also have an expiration date.

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Good friends make great traitors.

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Unfortunately, sometimes there are such friends that when their true face is revealed, you think: it would be better if I were friends with my enemies ...

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Time doesn't matter to me anymore. You can be friends for 10 years, and then find a knife in your back.

When I asked God to rid me of my enemies, I began to lose friends.

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My parents in virginity told me that there are no friends for life, but I did not believe, I thought that I had found such a friend, cried and defended our friendship, and now I understand that my parents were right after all.

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It’s bad if you don’t have friends, but it’s even worse if you believe that you have them.

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Dear friend, if you don’t call me when you feel good, then don’t call me when you feel bad!

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If friends do not call for a long time, then they are doing well.

The more friends you have, the fewer of them will come to your aid in difficult times.

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Sometimes even the best friends don't need you, because something more important than friendship happens in their life.

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Sometimes God gives us a few bad friends, so that later, when we meet a good one, we understand what a priceless gift he is for us.

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Betrayal of your best friend is one of the deepest wounds that is difficult to heal, and sometimes even impossible.

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Our friendship is like glass, beating quickly and easily, only the wounds from the fragments heal for a very long time ...

There are no bad friends. If he is insincere, not close, dishonest, it means that he is just an acquaintance, and nothing more.

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A friend is the one whose betrayal comes as the biggest surprise to us.

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Friendship ends where mistrust begins.

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Learn to distinguish friends from those with whom you drink beer at the weekend, and then you will not worry about the betrayal of another "friend".

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To a person who betrayed love, I could find an excuse that it was just a hobby. But to a person who has betrayed friendship - I cannot.

With friends like that, you don't need enemies ...

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There is such a thing as friends. There is a concept, there are no friends anymore ...

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Sometimes it seems that friendship is the name of processed cheese and nothing more ..

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Everybody has a friend like "Adidas", but not everybody has a real one.

  • #1

    Vladimir Shebzukhov

    Who happened to deceive

    Do not call him a fool in vain.

    In deception, the true essence -

    If he was friends with you,

    He trusted you more

    What did you deserve!

  • #2