The degree of adaptation to kindergarten characteristic. adaptation in kindergarten. Three degrees of addiction. The degree of adaptation of the child in kindergarten

Easy degree of adaptation

By the 20th day of stay in the kindergarten, the child's sleep normalizes, he normally starts to eat. The mood is cheerful, interested, combined with morning crying. Relations with close adults are not disturbed, the child succumbs to farewell rituals, is quickly distracted, he is interested in other adults. Attitude towards children can be indifferent, and interested. Interest in the environment is restored within two weeks with the participation of an adult. Speech is inhibited, but the child can respond and follow the instructions of an adult. By the end of the first month, active speech is restored. The incidence is not more than once, the terms are not more than ten days, without complications. Weight unchanged. There are no signs of neurotic reactions and changes in the activity of the autonomic nervous system.

Average degree of adaptation

Violations in the general condition are more pronounced and longer. Sleep is restored only after 20-40 days, the quality of sleep also suffers. Appetite is restored in 20-40 days. Mood unstable during the month, tearfulness throughout the day. Behavioral reactions are restored by the 30th day of stay in the preschool educational institution. His attitude towards relatives is emotionally excited (crying, screaming at parting and meeting). Attitude towards children, as a rule, is indifferent, but may be interested. Speech is either not used or speech activity slows down. In the game, the child does not use the acquired skills, the game is situational. Attitude towards adults is selective. Incidence up to two times, for a period of not more than 10 days, without complications. Weight does not change or slightly decreases. There are signs of neurotic reactions: selectivity in relations with adults and children, communication only under certain conditions. Changes in the autonomic nervous system: pallor, sweating, shadows under the eyes, burning cheeks, skin peeling (diathesis) - within one and a half to two weeks.

Severe degree of adaptation

The child does not fall asleep well, sleep is short, cries out, cries in a dream, wakes up with tears; appetite decreases strongly and for a long time, there may be a persistent refusal to eat, neurotic vomiting, functional disorders of the stool, uncontrolled stool. The mood is indifferent, the child cries a lot and for a long time, behavioral reactions are normalized by the 60th day of stay in the kindergarten. Attitude towards relatives - emotionally - excited, devoid of practical interaction. Attitude towards children: avoids, avoids or shows aggression. Refuses to participate in activities, does not use speech, or there is a delay in speech development for 2-3 periods. The game is situational, short-term.

Adaptation of the child to kindergarten


Snezhana Ivanova

Adapting a child to kindergarten is a complex psychological process that can be accompanied by various negative manifestations.

Kindergarten is the place where the child spends most of his preschool time. Kindergarten is the first social institution in which the baby has to be, interact with other children. It is in it that children learn to communicate with each other, build friendships, share toys, etc. Every kid who enters kindergarten will not pass a difficult process of adaptation.

Adaptation is the process of getting used to the baby group, caregivers, other children. Often the requirements that apply to a child during admission to a children's educational institution are quite high. The child needs time for the addiction to go smoothly and painlessly, without leaving rough marks on the psyche. Adaptation of a child is a complex psychological process that can be accompanied by various negative manifestations. Parents and educators should be tactful and friendly. During this period, it is important to help the baby, support him in every possible way and calm him down.

Features of the child's adaptation to kindergarten

Kindergarten at first seems to the little man an unpleasant place in the world. Firstly, the child is separated from his mother - the closest and dearest creature. Secondly, he must enter his first collective in his life and take his individual place there. Both of these are very difficult to do. Adult support at this stage is extremely important, because without such help, the baby will either withdraw into himself or begin to show aggression. What advice should parents and caregivers take into account?

Changing the routine of the day

Being in the family circle, the child lives in a certain rhythm and mode. When he enters kindergarten, his life changes rapidly. There is a change in the regime of the day, to which it is not so easy to adapt. It can be difficult for a baby to get used to when to eat, when to sleep or wake up. At home, all these actions were performed at completely different hours. In order to make the adaptation to kindergarten easier, it is recommended to follow the same schedule at home. An orderly lifestyle will help the child quickly get used to the new environment.

getting used to the group

It should be taken into account that it is not always easy for a child to get used to the atmosphere of the group itself. He may not like something in the outer space. Not all children always develop good relationships right away. Children, especially at a young age, still do not know how to make friends, take into account and accept someone else's point of view. It is necessary to teach them to express their emotions correctly, to show their best qualities of character (and every kid has them). Sometimes when picking up a child from kindergarten in the evening, parents note that he has become nervous and irritable. This is due to the fact that during the day there were some intra-group conflicts. They may not have been expressed or resolved in a timely manner.

Child health

When sending a child to a kindergarten, parents need to be prepared for the fact that his health may noticeably decrease in the near future. This phenomenon has become the main feature of adaptation. The immune system of the child begins to rapidly rebuild. The disease is a protective reaction of the little man. His body learns to adapt to changing conditions. At home, he was in an isolated environment, where, whenever possible, purity, love and attention always reign. Kindergarten carries unfamiliar smells, sounds and vivid impressions. The child learns to communicate with other children, instantly becomes infected from a suddenly ill classmate. Usually, when entering a kindergarten, the child begins to get sick steadily once every two weeks or even more often.

Opportunity to express yourself

Each child has their own individual characteristics. If you want to see your child successful in the future, then give him the opportunity to express his personality. To grow a happy person, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions for him in reality. The process of adaptation to kindergarten is sometimes accompanied by conflict situations. In them, the child learns to defend his point of view, to express his own feelings. Don't interfere with this. No need to try to turn a child into a robot that must justify the expectations placed on him by adults. Your son or daughter in the team must have the opportunity to somehow prove themselves. Make him feel important, significant, accepted, and loved. Only then will the baby attend kindergarten with pleasure, without throwing loud tantrums to his parents in the morning.

Desire to be seen

Another feature of adaptation is the need to be noticed in the group. If this does not happen, the child can openly provoke a quarrel, go into conflict and even fight. Some educators are faced with foul language from their little pupils and grab their heads. In any case, it must be remembered that such behavior is dictated by the desire to be noticed, accepted by the team. All these negative manifestations may well be part of the child's adaptation, getting used to a new place.

Longing for mom

The child, finding himself in kindergarten, experiences severe anxiety and fear. These emotions are caused not just by a change in the usual environment, but by longing for the closest person - mom. Even an adult can sometimes find it difficult to find a common language with colleagues in a new team. The child is afraid to be alone in an unfamiliar place. All the actions of the teacher and other children cause him fear, to which he reacts with distrust, hysteria, and additional whims. Until the baby realizes that nothing bad will happen to him in kindergarten, he will continue to cry. Crying here is a way to get attention. One should take into account such a feature of adaptation as a pronounced longing for the mother. The child must feel and know that his parents will definitely take him home, and not leave him “with someone else's aunt” forever.

The degree of adaptation of the child in kindergarten

Depending on the conditions of the kindergarten, the child's addiction is easier or harder. Three main degrees of adaptation should be noted, which indicate a different psychological state of the baby, the characteristics of his nervous system.

Light degree

An easy degree of adaptation is characterized by the rapid adaptation of the child to a new social environment. The child literally in a week begins to freely navigate in space, to know all those present in person, establishes friendly relations with classmates. Mild is less common than moderate and severe. With this approach, children get tired less, show less aggression and isolation. In most cases, with a mild degree of addiction, the child gets sick less often and misses intra-group classes, freely comes into contact with peers.

Average degree

The average degree of adaptation is characterized by a fairly long addiction. For a long time, the child cannot understand why his mother took him to this institution and why he does not come for him for so long. A kid of two or three years old does not understand the meaning of being in a state building at all. He sees many children around him, but does not realize that for each of them the parents return in the evening. If you observe the reaction of the baby, it will become clear that he thinks that his mother is leaving him forever. Every time he experiences separation from her, it's like the last time. For a child who has not reached even three years of age, separation from his mother is the greatest tragedy. He does not know how to behave in an unfamiliar environment, does not know what is happening to him, cannot control his own feelings.

Severe degree

With a severe degree of adaptation, the child cannot enter the children's team for a long time. In the morning farewell to his mother, he reacts with a stormy cry, turning into hysterics. Such a kid is often sick, refuses to attend kindergarten, does not follow the rules of behavior, strives to disrupt the caregiver's regime moments, distracts and attracts the attention of other children. A severe degree of addiction is characterized, as a rule, by sleep disturbance, loss of appetite, and stool disorder is sometimes observed. The child becomes nervous, uncontrollable and at the same time helpless. By his behavior, he demands participation, tries to attract the attention of those who are nearby. Unfortunately, not every adult is able to understand this and make the right decision.

Time of adaptation of the child in kindergarten

Many parents are interested in a completely logical question: how much time does a child need to successfully undergo adaptation? It should be noted that this process is not easy, depending on many factors. Here one should not rush and in every possible way adjust the child, force him to adapt to the established order. Adaptation to kindergarten takes place individually for each child. The adaptation time depends solely on the following significant points.

Child health

The more physically developed and hardy the baby, the easier it will be for him to adapt to the constantly changing conditions in kindergarten. The health of the child is paramount here. Otherwise, the baby will get sick very often, which will negatively affect his internal state: he can become nervous and irritable.


There is a rather controversial point here. There is an opinion that the process of adaptation to kindergarten is influenced by the age of the child. But here experts disagree. Some say that the younger the child, the easier it is for him to survive separation from his mother and other family members. Others argue that older children adapt better to kindergarten due to the development of some consciousness. Not accustomed to attending a kindergarten from one and a half to two years old, it becomes difficult for a child to fully adapt at three to four years.


Much in the process of adaptation to kindergarten depends on the individual characteristics of the individual. It is harder for a modest and quiet child to survive separation than for a sociable and lively one. Of course, an accommodating baby is convenient for the teacher: he does not climb anywhere, does not cause any trouble. However, having failed to throw out their emotions in kindergarten, the child accumulates them in himself, which cannot positively affect both health and adaptation in general.

If you decide to send your child to kindergarten, then follow the advice of a psychologist below. In this way, you will help your child go through the process of adaptation in kindergarten in the most favorable way. Many parents get lost in elementary situations due to lack of necessary experience and do not know how best to proceed. The advice of a psychologist will help to cope with this difficult task.

Don't leave it for long

In the early days, you should limit the hours of stay to two or three. Otherwise, the baby will not be able to properly adapt to the environment and will cry for a long time. Just imagine how much stress it is for him to be separated from his family and stay in unfamiliar walls for a long time! It's time for anyone to get confused, let alone a little man who has just begun to live.

Getting to know the group

Introduce your favorite child to kindergarten in advance. Let the child gradually get used to the teachers, the children, the environment. Then the process of adaptation to kindergarten will be much easier. For starters, you can come to the group just to get to know each other, to see what conditions the children are in. This will benefit both you as a parent and your child. The kid will no longer be scared when you bring him there next time.

home conversations

They will help to partially overcome the internal conflict arising from the fact that the child does not understand why he should stay in kindergarten, while a loving and caring mother leaves him. Be sure to explain that you will take him back home in the evening. It will be even better if the parents not only silently take their child to kindergarten, but also tell in a nutshell what kind of place this is and what it is intended for. Talking at home can be extremely helpful, especially if you suspect that the adjustment process will be difficult for your baby.

Thus, the adaptation of a child to kindergarten is a complex and multi-level process. The task facing parents at the moment is to help him cope with emerging fears, overcome anxiety.

When the time comes to send the child to kindergarten, parents have a lot of fears and doubts. It's normal to be nervous in this situation, but it shouldn't stop you from helping your baby get used to the new routine. In many ways, how the psychological adaptation of the child in kindergarten will take place depends on the mood of the parents.

How long do children get used to kindergarten at 2-3 years old or even at 5 years old and is it possible to facilitate the process? Let's try to understand the stages of adaptation of kids to kindergarten, the pros and cons of attending it, possible problems, as well as the rules of behavior for parents during this difficult period.

It is known that some children get used to the garden quickly and easily, others more difficult. In total, there are three degrees of adaptation of the child in kindergarten: light, medium and heavy.


More than half of the kids getting used to the conditions of the kindergarten is easy. They enter the group without tantrums, are in a good mood, willingly communicate with other children, and respond to the teacher's appeal to them.

Going to the kindergarten does not cause protest, sometimes the baby even asks to go there, whims and bouts of bad mood are short-lived. In such a situation, we can talk about easy adaptation. It usually lasts up to 4 weeks and proceeds against the background of good health.


If the child has a moderate degree of adaptation, he experiences anxiety when approaching the group, but after a few minutes he copes with the tension and goes to play with the children. Often, these babies tend to deliberately violate the rules of behavior in the garden to see what happens and get individual attention.

With moderate adaptation, children often suffer from respiratory diseases. The reason for this is the stress of changing lifestyles and being in a team where the risk of infection increases markedly.

This adaptation lasts about 1.5 months. If, with an increase in SARS, you should consult a doctor for advice and start strengthening the immunity of the crumbs, addiction will be easier and everything will return to normal soon.


The difficult adaptation of a child in kindergarten is expressed in problematic behavior, frequent, sometimes complicated, colds, and nervous breakdowns. The kid does not want to make contact with the teacher and other children, shows practically no interest in the offered toys, behaves anxiously and shyly. When parting with your mother, prolonged tantrums are possible.

If this period lasts for months, and there is no improvement, parents should seek advice from a child psychologist and neurologist. Prolonged difficult adaptation may indicate the psychological unpreparedness of the child to visit the garden.

The emotional state of the child in the period of addiction

In order not to be angry with the baby for bad behavior and whims during the adaptation of the child in kindergarten, parents should try to understand his emotions. For the crumbs, who had always been with her mother before, the beginning of visiting the garden is a serious stress.

Features of adaptation of children in kindergarten are such that in the early stages negative emotions predominate - fear and anger. The kid does not want to enter the group, clings to his parents, starts to whimper. He is afraid that they will forget about him and not take him away, he is afraid to stay with new people in an unfamiliar environment.

Sudden outbursts of aggression are possible - the child breaks out, not allowing himself to change clothes, or even tries to hit an adult. This is an expression of protest against separation from parents, which should smooth out as you get used to the conditions of the kindergarten.

If a few minutes after the mother leaves, the child calms down, the adaptation is normal. In the future, the baby may still periodically whimper when parting and in company with other children, but gradually the negative will be replaced by positive emotions from new experiences, games, and communication. The end of the child's adaptation to the conditions of the kindergarten can be recognized by the good mood of the baby in the evening and the easy farewell to the parents in the morning.

The harm and benefits of a nursery

Theoretically, it is possible to give the baby to a nursery as early as 9 months, but in practice, few people dare to do this. Such an early age usually does not allow the crumbs to serve themselves, because in order to go to kindergarten, you need to be able to eat yourself and ask for a potty.

Even if the family has a difficult financial situation and the mother needs to go to work, psychologists recommend thinking about the child’s stay in the nursery group no earlier than he turns 1 year and 6 months old. Otherwise, deep stress is guaranteed for both the baby and the parents.

Of course, the early start of visiting the kindergarten has its advantages:

  • Mom will be able to go to work and the financial situation of the family will improve.
  • The child will observe in the nursery a day regimen that is optimal for his age, will receive a balanced diet, regular walks, and will acquire the first physical education skills.
  • Communication with other children contributes to the development of new skills in the baby.

But there are also significant disadvantages:

  • The child will get sick more often, as infections spread very quickly in the children's team.
  • It is more likely that the adaptation of children in the younger kindergarten group will be difficult, because at 1.5-2 years old they are not yet ready to be separated from their mother.
  • Even the best teacher is not physically able to give each child in the group the amount of attention they need at this age.
  • If the baby still does not speak well, he will not be able to tell you that someone offends him in the garden.
  • Many important moments of growing up a child can pass you by. In addition, it is likely that he will adopt the habits and behavior of caregivers, and not his parents.

From the point of view of medicine and psychology, the process of adapting children to the conditions of a kindergarten is easier if they have already reached 2.5-3 years. Until this moment, it is undesirable to give the baby to the nursery.

Risk factors

How a child adapts to kindergarten depends on many factors.

There are nuances that make it difficult for a child to get used to new conditions:

  • Negative attitude. If parents do not present kindergarten as a fun and interesting event, show their excitement or fear of the upcoming event, there are more chances that the baby will have problems with adaptation.
  • Child's temperament. It is known that choleric and melancholic people experience difficulties in infusing into the team more often than phlegmatic and sanguine people.
  • Family Composition. If the child is the only one in the family, accustomed to increased attention and instant satisfaction of all desires, this also serves as an aggravating factor.
  • Health status. Sick children are more difficult to tolerate a change of scenery. This is especially true for children with a weak nervous system.
  • Atmosphere in the family. If parents often quarrel in front of a child or pay too little attention to him, this affects the formation of personality. Such kids are usually insecure, cannot establish friendly relations with their peers, so the social adaptation of children in kindergarten is delayed.

How does the adaptation of the child in the garden

The model of comfortable adaptation of children of primary preschool age to kindergarten involves gradual learning. In the first week, the baby is brought for several hours - for breakfast and a walk. At this time, he can get acquainted with the children and caregivers, look around in the group.

In the future, the child is left in the garden until lunch, later - for daytime sleep. If the process of adaptation of the child in kindergarten is normal, after that the baby can stay for the whole day.

Adaptation of children upon admission to kindergarten always depends on individual characteristics, but more often its initial period lasts 2-3 weeks. On average (4-5 years) and older (5-6 years) preschool age, it can take up to 4 weeks. The baby is able to fully adapt to the garden in about 2 months, in difficult cases - in 3-6 months or more.

Habituation occurs in various forms, but typical types of adaptation of a child in kindergarten can be distinguished:

  • Active. From the first day of visiting the garden, the baby is nervous and hardly parted with his parents. This attitude can last up to 2 weeks, after which the situation gradually improves.
  • passive. There is no negative for kindergarten, but at home the baby behaves worse, becomes capricious, sleeps restlessly, and may appear. These phenomena pass as they get used to the new conditions.
  • deferred. For some time (from a couple of days to 3 weeks), the child goes to the garden with joy, but then refusal and tantrums follow. Then the normal adaptation process begins.
  • Failed. Getting used to the group does not occur, the negative does not decrease, since the child's nervous system cannot cope with the load. If this condition lasts for more than 2 months, then the baby is not yet ready for a change in lifestyle or the conditions of this kindergarten (methods of education, group) do not suit him. There are chances that the child's adaptation in a new kindergarten or in another group will be more successful.

How to ease addiction

The question of how to facilitate the adaptation of the child to kindergarten worries all parents who are going to send their child there. There are several tricks that, although they do not guarantee instant addiction to the group, can greatly facilitate and speed up the process.

  • Set your child up for the positive. Explain that going to kindergarten is an advantage, an indicator of how old he is already. Tell him that interesting activities and new friends are waiting for him in the kindergarten.
  • Teach your child in advance the basic self-care skills - wash, eat, use the potty, dress and undress. Try to make the daily routine close to that which will be in kindergarten.
  • Bringing the baby to the group, part easily. Long goodbyes and the worried face of the parent will only make things worse.
  • If the child is very difficult to part with his mother, instruct him to take him to his father, grandmother or grandfather in the first days.
  • On the day of the first visit, give the baby gifts for other children with you. This will make it easier to get to know them.
  • Be sure to start with short visits to the garden.
  • Tell the caregivers about the features of your baby, explain how it is easier to calm him down, distract him.
  • Dress your child so that he will not be hot or cold in the group. Bring enough change of clothes with you.
  • Provide the baby with maximum comfort at home, treat with understanding the increased capriciousness during the period of adaptation to the garden. It is also worth reducing the number of recreational activities.
  • Be interested in everything that happens to the baby in the kindergarten, praise for obedience, crafts made, new skills.

What is the "adaptation period"?

One of the most characteristic difficulties in the upbringing of young children is the problem of adaptation to new conditions and to a children's institution.

Admission of a child to a nursery causes, as a rule, serious anxiety in adults. And she is not in vain. It is known that changes in the social environment affect both the mental and physical health of children. An early age is especially vulnerable to adaptation, since it is during this period of childhood that the child is least adapted to separation from relatives, is weaker and more vulnerable.

At this age, adaptation to a children's institution is longer and more difficult, often accompanied by illnesses. Some children experience even a short-term separation from their mother with great difficulty: they cry loudly, they are afraid of everything, they resist any attempts to involve them in any activity. It is clear that at least one such child can "paralyze" the work of the entire group.

It requires patience, the ability to inspire confidence in oneself and cooperation with the mother of the child. And, of course, an individual approach: some children need affection and physical intimacy, others, on the contrary, avoid direct contact and prefer to be alone, others can be interested in a new toy.

Changing living conditions and the need to develop new forms of behavior require both the child and the adult to make great efforts. Both the course of the adaptation period and the further development of the baby depend on how the child is prepared in the family for the transition to a children's institution, and on how the educators and parents organize the period of his adaptation.

A change in lifestyle leads primarily to a violation of the emotional state of the child.

specialnawnadaptation period:

1. Emotional tension, restlessness or lethargy. The child cries a lot, strives for physical contact with adults or, on the contrary, irritably refuses them, avoids peers. The peculiarities of children's behavior during this period are largely related to the peculiarities of their temperament. Children with a phlegmatic temperament will behave rather inhibited, and children with a choleric temperament, on the contrary, will be overly excited, crying often. In any case, the child's social ties can be very tense, and sometimes completely broken.

2. Emotional distress affects sleep, appetite. Separation and meeting with relatives are sometimes very stormy, exalted: the baby does not let go of his parents, cries for a long time after their departure, and the arrival again meets with tears.

3. At the same time, the activity of the child in relation to the objective world also changes. Toys leave him indifferent, interest in the environment is reduced.

4. The level of speech activity falls, the vocabulary is reduced, new words are learned with difficulty.

5. General depression combined with the fact that the child is surrounded by peers and is at risk of infection, which leads to frequent illness.

Degrees of adaptation

Doctors and psychologists distinguish three degrees of adaptation: mild, moderate and severe. The main indicators of severity are the timing of the normalization of the emotional self-perception of the baby, his relationship to adults and peers, the objective world, the frequency and duration of acute diseases.

Period easy adaptation lasts 1-2 weeks. The child's sleep and appetite are gradually normalized, the emotional state and interest in the world around are restored, relationships with adults and peers are being established. Relations with close people are not violated, the child is quite active, but not excited. The decrease in the body's defenses is expressed slightly, and by the end of the second or third week they are restored. There are no acute illnesses.

During adaptation moderate violations in the behavior and general condition of the child are more pronounced, getting used to the nursery lasts longer. Sleep and appetite are restored only after 30-40 days, the mood is unstable, during the month the baby's activity decreases significantly: he often cries, is inactive, does not show interest in toys, refuses to study, practically does not talk. These changes can last up to a month and a half. Clearly expressed changes in the activity of the autonomic nervous system: it can be a functional violation of the stool, pallor, sweating, shadows under the eyes, burning cheeks, manifestations of exudative diathesis may increase. These manifestations are especially pronounced before the onset of the disease, which usually occurs in the form of an acute respiratory infection.

Of particular concern to parents and educators is the condition severe adaptation. The child begins to get sick for a long time and seriously, one disease almost without interruption replaces another, the body's defenses are undermined and no longer fulfill their role. Another variant of the difficult course of the adaptation period is the inappropriate behavior of the child, which borders on a neurotic state. Appetite decreases strongly and for a long time, there may be a persistent refusal to eat or neurotic vomiting when trying to feed the child. The child falls asleep badly, cries and cries in a dream, wakes up with tears; sleep is light and short. When awake, the child is depressed, uninterested in others, avoids other children, or behaves aggressively.

A child crying quietly and indifferently, indifferent to everything, clutching his favorite home toy to himself, not responding to the suggestions of educators and peers, or, conversely, a child violently expressing his protest against the new conditions by screaming, whims, tantrums, scattering the toys offered to him, aggressive - this can be a child in a period of severe adaptation. Improvement in his condition is very slow - within a few months. The pace of its development is slowing down in all directions.

Factors affecting the success of a child getting used to a childcare facility?

1. Physical condition as a factor influencing adaptation.

First of all, the nature of adaptation is associated with the physical condition of the child. A healthy, physically developed baby has the best opportunities, he copes better with difficulties. Children who are nervously and somatically weakened, who get tired quickly, have poor appetite and poor sleep, as a rule, experience great difficulties during the period of adaptation. Frequent diseases adversely affect the immune system, can slow down mental development. Lack of proper regimen and sufficient sleep leads to chronic fatigue, exhaustion of the nervous system. Such a child copes worse with the difficulties of the adaptation period, he develops a stressful state and, as a result, a disease.

2. The age of the child as a factor influencing adaptation.

The next factor influencing the nature of the child's adaptation to new conditions is the age at which the baby enters the children's institution. This factor has a deep connection with the attachment of the child to the mother and the neurotic forms of behavior that arise on this basis.

Attachment to the mother is a necessary condition for the normal mental development of the child. It contributes to the formation of such important personality traits as trust in the world, positive self-awareness, initiative, curiosity, and the development of social feelings. For the emergence of attachment, a long and stable emotional contact of the mother with the child from the first days of his life is necessary. Attachment begins to form already in the first half of a child's life and by the end of the first year takes shape in the form of stable affective-personal ties with loved ones, especially with the mother.

In the first half of the first year of life, attachment is expressed mainly in positive emotions, the special joy of the child when his mother appears. At 7 months, the child begins to react to her departure with distinct excitement, anxiety, and anxiety. In the period from 7 months to 1.5 years, attachment to the mother is expressed most intensively. Sometimes the feeling of separation anxiety becomes so traumatic that it remains for life as a fear of loneliness. A pronounced fear at the age of seven months testifies to the innate sensitivity of the child and should be taken into account both in his upbringing and in deciding whether it is worth giving him to a nursery early. At 8 months, babies begin to be afraid of unfamiliar adults, cling to their mother, as if emphasizing their attachment to her. There is a further differentiation of the social world. “Others” appear in it. Usually, fear of others does not last long, up to 1 year 2–4 months. Subsequently, children perceive other people more calmly, but may be embarrassed in front of them. Fear, anxiety experienced by children from 7 months to 1 year 2 months can become a prerequisite for the subsequent development of anxiety and fear. Under adverse conditions, anxiety develops into anxiety, fears into timidity, becoming a stable character trait. Often there is a neurotic attachment of the child to the mother, to relatives, which is largely due to the anxiety of loved ones.

Many children aged 6 months to 2.5 years find it difficult to adapt to a nursery, but this is especially noticeable at the age of 8 months to 1 year 2 months, i.e. during the period when the anxiety at separation from the mother and the fear of strangers coincide.

3. The degree of formation of communication and objective activity.

An equally important factor influencing the nature of adaptation is the degree of formation in the child of communication with others and objective activity.

How do leading activities and communication affect the nature of the child's relationships with other people, including strangers? How can they affect the nature of adaptation to childhood institution?

In the course of business communication, the child forms special bonds with the people around him. The direct, emotional contacts of the infant with the mother, which are selective in nature, intimate, personal, are being replaced by contacts centered on an object. Practical interaction with objects and toys is more impersonal. For him, the emotional closeness of partners is not so important, because all his attention is focused on the subject. Of course, any child would rather play with a loved one than with a stranger, but if he knows how to establish business contacts, then it is easier for him to be distracted from the personality of his partner, and therefore it is easier to communicate with strangers than a child who has only experience of personal communication. This means that the adaptation process will proceed more safely with a baby who has business communication skills related to objects. It has been established that children who experience difficulties in getting used to a children's institution most often have predominantly emotional contacts with adults in the family. At home they play little with them, and if they do, they do not activate the initiative, independence of the kids too much. These children have an overdeveloped need for attention, affection, and physical contact. Satisfying this need to communicate with strangers is difficult. In a nursery, where caregivers cannot give the child as much attention as in the family, he feels lonely and uncomfortable. Such a child prefers to play alone, without turning to an adult for help, without involving him in a joint game. Thus, communication and objective activity are separated. Communication takes place on an emotional level, and the game develops mainly without the participation of partners. The cooperation with an adult necessary for this age does not develop. And the lack of practical interaction skills and reduced play initiative with an increased need for attention lead to difficulties in the relationship of the child with unfamiliar adults.

Psychologists have identified a clear pattern between the development of a child's objective activity and his getting used to a children's institution. Adaptation proceeds most easily in children who are able to act with toys for a long time, in a variety of ways and with concentration. Having got to the nursery for the first time, they quickly respond to the offer of the teacher to play, explore new toys with interest. In case of difficulty, such children stubbornly seek a way out of the situation, do not hesitate to turn to an adult for help. They like to solve subject problems together with him: to assemble a pyramid, a nesting doll, and elements of a designer. For a child who knows how to play well, it is not difficult to get in touch with any adult, since he has the necessary means for this. A characteristic feature of children who have great difficulty getting used to the nursery is the low level of objective activity, including play. Their actions with objects often have the character of manipulations; games with plot toys do not captivate them, they are poor in content and composition of game actions. The difficulties that arise either leave the child indifferent, or cause tears or whims.

4. The relationship of the child to peers.

The attitude of the child to peers also has a great influence on the course of adaptation. Children who find it difficult to get used to a children's institution often shun their peers, cry when they approach, and sometimes behave aggressively towards them. The inability to communicate with other children, combined with difficulties in establishing contacts with adults, further aggravates the complexity of the adaptation period.

Thus, the state of health, the ability to communicate with adults and peers, the well-formedness of the subject and play activities of the child - these are the main criteria by which one can judge the degree of his readiness to enter the nursery and the successful adaptation to them.

5. The nature of family relationships.

One more important factor should be taken into account, which can complicate the period of adaptation of the child to the nursery. It is associated with the psychological characteristics of the parents, especially the mother, and the nature of relationships in the family. If the mother is anxious and suspicious and takes care of the child too much, if she has a conflicting character and prefers an authoritarian style of upbringing, if parents experience difficulties in communicating with others, if quarrels often occur in the family, all this can cause the child to become neurotic and difficult to adapt to preschool institution.

How can I help my child adjust to daycare?

First of all, a preliminary acquaintance of the educator with the child and parents is necessary. And such work should begin before the arrival of the child in a children's institution. In many countries, it is widely practiced that educators repeatedly visit the child's family, get to know him in his usual conditions, and establish contacts with parents. Knowledge about the individual characteristics of children, their temperament, preferences and tastes in food, games and toys, about the flow of regime moments will help the teacher to better establish interaction with the child from the first days of his stay in a children's institution.

If for some reason visiting the family is difficult, you can arrange a meeting with the child on the territory of the children's institution. Mom can bring the child to the playground for several weeks at a time when children are playing on it, introduce the child to the teacher, and help the teacher organize a joint game. The same can be done in the group room, where the child will get acquainted with toys and furnishings. Such a visit should be fairly regular, but not long.

The main thing is to interest the baby in a new situation for him, to make him want to come to the nursery again, to prevent the emergence of fear of strangers and the situation.

Rules of conduct for mothers during the period of adaptation of the child to the child care facility.

  1. Support the initiative of the educator and cooperate with him in everything.
  2. Play actively not only with your child, but also with other children.
  3. If you have played with your toddler, gather up the toys and put them back where others can play.
  4. Give your child a choice of games. An adult follows the child, supports his interest, becomes a partner in the game.
  5. When interacting with your child, try to stay at eye level.
  6. Actively rejoice in the success of the baby.

A sign of the completion of the adaptation period is the child's good physical and emotional well-being, his enthusiastic play with toys, and his friendly attitude towards the teacher and peers.

List of used literature:

  1. Galiguzova LN Stages of communication from one to seven years. / L. N, Galiguzova, E. O. Smirnova. Moscow: Enlightenment, 1992. 143 p.
  2. Galiguzova LN Pedagogy of early childhood. / L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. M.: VLADOS, 2007. 301 p.
  3. Lisina M.I. Formation of the personality of the child in communication.Peter, 2009. (Masters of Psychology series.)
  4. Ruzskaya A.G., Meshcheryakova S.Yu. The development of speech. M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2007.
  5. Pavlova L.N. Early childhood: the development of speech and thinking. M .: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2003
  6. Smirnova E.O. Child psychology. Textbook. Peter, 2009

During the adaptation period, the following factors must be considered:

Condition and development of the child. It is absolutely clear that a healthy, well-developed child endures all sorts of difficulties more easily, including difficulties of social adaptation. Therefore, in order to protect the child from diseases, to prevent mental stress, parents should do their best to provide the child with conditions for development and take care of his health.

Baby's age. It is more difficult for children of one and a half years to endure separation from relatives and adults and changes in living conditions. At an older age (after one and a half years), this temporary separation from the mother gradually loses its stressful influence.

Biological and social factors. Biological factors include toxicosis and diseases of the mother during pregnancy, complications during childbirth and diseases of the baby during the neonatal period and the first three months of life. Frequent illnesses of a child before entering a preschool institution also affect the severity of adaptation. Unfavorable social conditions are essential. They are expressed in the fact that parents do not provide the child with the correct regimen appropriate for age, a sufficient amount of daytime sleep, do not monitor the correct organization of wakefulness, etc. this leads to the fact that the child is overtired.

The level of training of adaptive capabilities. Socially, this opportunity does not train on its own. The formation of this important quality should go in parallel with the general socialization of the child, with the development of his psyche. Even if a child does not enter a preschool institution, he should still be placed in such conditions when he will need to change his form of behavior.

No. 12. Organization of the life of children in the period of adaptation to a preschool institution. Persons responsible for its success.

When entering kindergarten, all children experience adaptive stress, so it is very important to help the child overcome emotional stress and successfully adapt to the new environment. Experts distinguish three periods of a child's getting used to kindergarten: acute, subacute, compensation period. The first two periods can be classified according to severity - mild, moderate, severe and extremely severe. The characteristics of all degrees of adaptation are described in the specialized literature, so we will focus only on the functions of a nurse during the period of adaptation. Among them: - work with medical records, if necessary, a conversation with parents to determine the child's health group, understanding the history of its development, clarification of complications and prohibitions on certain medications and products;

Together with the psychologist and the head teacher of the preschool educational institution, preparation of recommendations on the mode of adaptation of the child to the preschool educational institution based on the records in the medical record;

Preventing children with viral infections and other current diseases from entering the kindergarten, monitoring the health of children and food intake;

Together with teachers, maintaining an adaptation sheet (is carried out until the child fully adapts to kindergarten).

Often the reason for the unbalanced behavior of children is the incorrect organization of the child's activity: when his physical activity is not satisfied, the child does not receive enough impressions, he experiences a deficit in communication with adults.

Disruptions in the behavior of children can also occur as a result of the fact that his organic needs are not satisfied in a timely manner - inconvenience in clothing, the child is not fed in time, has not slept.

Therefore, the regime of the day, careful hygienic care, methodically correct conduct of all routine processes - sleep, feeding, toilet, timely organization of independent activities of children, classes, implementation of the correct educational approaches to them is the key to the formation of the correct behavior of the child, creating a balanced mood in him.

No. 13. Phases of adaptation.

In the course of a comprehensive study conducted by scientists in different countries, stages (phases) of the adaptation process were identified.

1. Acute phase - accompanied by various fluctuations in the somatic state and mental status, which leads to weight loss, more frequent respiratory diseases, sleep disturbance, loss of appetite, regression in speech development; phase lasts an average of one month.

2. Subacute phase - characterized by adequate behavior of the child, that is, all shifts decrease and are recorded only in certain parameters, against the background of a slow pace of development, especially mental, compared with average age norms; phase lasts 3-5 months.

3. Compensation phase - characterized by an acceleration in the pace of development, and by the end of the school year, children overcome the developmental delay indicated above.

No. 14. The main objective indicators of the end of adaptation.

Objective indicators of the end of the period of adaptation in children are:

· deep dream;

· a good appetite;

a cheerful emotional state;

Complete restoration of existing habits and skills, active behavior;

age-appropriate weight gain.

No. 15. The main types of adaptation.

Doctors and psychologists distinguish three degrees of adaptation: mild, moderate and severe. The main indicator of severity is the timing of the normalization of the child's behavior, the frequency and duration of acute diseases, the manifestation of neurotic reactions.

Easy short-term adaptation lasts for 2-6 weeks.

Severe - long-term: about 6-9 months.

No. 16. The concept of microbiology. Characteristics of microorganisms.

Microbiology is the science that studies the life and development of living microorganisms (microbes). Microorganisms are an independent large group of unicellular organisms related in origin to the plant and animal world.

A distinctive feature of microorganisms is the extremely small size of an individual.

Diameter b. bacteria does not exceed 0.001 mm. In microbiology, the unit of measure is micron, 1 µm = 10-3 mm). Details of the structure of microorganisms are measured in nanometers (1 nm = 10-3 µm = 10-6 mm).

Due to their small size, microorganisms easily move with air current through water. Spread quickly.

One of the most important properties of microorganisms is their ability to reproduce. The ability of m / organisms to reproduce rapidly is far superior to animals and plants. Some bacteria can divide every 8-10 min. So from one cell weighing 2.5 10-12 gr. in 2-4 days, under favorable conditions, a biomass of the order of 1010 tons could be formed.

Another distinguishing characteristic of m / organisms is the diversity of their physiological and biochemical properties.

Some m/organisms can grow in extreme conditions. A significant number of m / organisms can live at a temperature of - 1960C (liquid nitrogen temperature). Other types of m / organisms are thermophilic m / organisms, the growth of which is observed at 80 ° C and above.

Many microorganisms are resistant to high hydrostatic pressure (in the depths of the seas and oceans; oil fields). Also, many m / organisms retain their vital activity in a deep vacuum. Some m / organisms withstand high doses of ultraviolet or ionizing radiation.

No. 17. Spread of microbes.

The soil- is the main habitat of many microorganisms. The content of microorganisms in the soil is millions and billions in 1 gram. The composition and number of microorganisms depend on humidity, temperature, nutrient content, soil acidity.

Fertile soils contain more microorganisms than clay and desert soils. The top layer of soil (1-2 mm) contains fewer microorganisms, because the sun's rays and drying cause their death, and at a depth of 10-20 cm - microorganisms are the most. The deeper, the lower the number of microorganisms in the soil. The 15 cm of the topsoil are richest in microbes.

The species composition of soil microflora primarily depends on the type of soil. Aerobic microorganisms predominate in sandy soils, while anaerobic microorganisms predominate in clay soils. In their composition, as a rule, saprophytic species of spore-forming bacilli and clostridia, actinomycetes, fungi, mycoplasmas, blue-green algae, and protozoa are found.

Soil microorganisms decompose human corpses, animal and plant residues, self-purify the soil from sewage and waste, the biological cycle of substances, change the structure and chemical composition of the soil. Pathogenic microorganisms enter the soil with excretions of humans and animals.

Air. The number of permanently located microorganisms in the atmospheric air is relatively small. Most of them are found in the near-Earth layers of the atmosphere. As you move away from the earth's surface in ecologically favorable regions, the air becomes cleaner.

The number of microorganisms depends on the height and distance from settlements. Here they only remain for some time, and then they die due to solar radiation, temperature effects, and lack of nutrients.

In winter, the number of microorganisms in the air of open spaces is less than in summer. In indoor air, the number of microorganisms in winter is greater than in summer. Microorganisms enter the air from patients through the respiratory tract, with dust, from contaminated objects, soil.

In the atmospheric air, the species composition of microflora is constantly changing. In the air there can be: staphylococci, streptococci, pathogens of diphtheria, tuberculosis, measles, influenza viruses. Therefore, airborne and airborne dust transmission routes of the infectious principle are possible. And to prevent them, masks, airing, wet cleaning are used.

Water. Water is the natural habitat for many microorganisms. Quantitative ratios of aquatic microorganisms in open water bodies vary widely, depending on the type of water body, season, and degree of pollution. There are especially many microorganisms near settlements, where water is polluted by household sewage. Clean water - artesian wells and springs. Water is characterized by its self-purification: death under the influence of sunlight, dilution with clean water, due to the antagonism of microorganisms and other factors.

The species composition of the water microflora is not much different from the soil. Water epidemics are known: with cholera, typhoid fever, dysentery, tularemia, leptospirosis.

Normal microflora of the human body. The microflora isolated from a healthy person differs in species diversity. At the same time, some types of microorganisms live in the human body permanently and constitute a normal group of microflora, while others are found periodically, entering the human body from case to case.

Respiratory tract: permanent microflora is contained only in the nasal cavity, nasopharynx and pharynx. It contains gram-negative catarrhal micrococci and pharyngeal diplococci, diphtheroids, capsular gram-negative rods, actinomycetes, staphylococci, peptococci, proteus, adenoviruses. The terminal branches of the bronchi and pulmonary alveoli are sterile.

Mouth: specific types of microorganisms in the oral cavity of the child appear after 207 days. Among them, 30-60% are streptococci. The oral cavity is also populated with mycoplasmas, yeast-like fungi, saprophytic species of treponema, borrelias and leptospira, entameb, trichomonads.

Gastrointestinal: The small intestine does not contain specific types of microbes, and occasional ones are rare and few. The large intestine is colonized by transient microorganisms from the first day of life. Obligate anaerobes prevail in it, in particular - bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, bacteroids and eubacteria - 90-95%. 5-10% - facultative anaerobic bacteria: Escherichia coli and lactic streptococci. Tenths to hundredths of a percent of the intestinal biocenosis fall on the residual microflora: clostridia, enterococci, proteus, candida, etc.

Microflora of the skin and conjunctiva of the eye: micro- and macrococci, coryneforms, mold yeasts and yeast-like organisms, mycoplasmas, opportunistic staphylococci live on the skin and conjunctiva of the eye. Other types of microbes, actinomycetes, fungi, clostridia, Escherichia, Staphylococcus aureus, seed the skin and conjunctiva in conditions of severe indoor air dustiness, contamination of household items, direct contact with the soil. At the same time, the number of microorganisms on the skin is many times greater than on the area of ​​the eye, which is explained by the high content of microbicidal substances in the secretion of the conjunctiva.

The microflora of the urogenital tract: the urinary tract of healthy people is sterile, and only in the anterior part of the urethra are gram-negative non-pathogenic bacteria, coryneforms, micrococci, staphylococci and others. Mycobacteria smegma and mycoplasma live on the external genitalia. From the 2-5th day of a newborn's life, the vagina is populated for many years by non-pathogenic coccal microflora, which is replaced by lactic acid bacteria during puberty.

No. 18. microbial variability. Application of these properties in medicine.

Microbes are highly variable. For example, under the influence of certain influences, a bacterium that has the shape of a long stick can turn into a ball. But it is important for us that a change in the appearance, shape of the smallest creatures is sometimes accompanied by hereditary changes in their properties under the influence of irradiation.

In the laboratory, it is possible to "tame" useful microbes that produce, for example, antibiotics, or even change their properties so that they will produce useful products in even greater quantities. So, it was possible to develop a culture of a mold fungus that gives penicillin, the productivity of which is 200 times higher than usual. Under natural conditions, a microbe was discovered that is capable of synthesizing a valuable amino acid, lysine, in noticeable quantities. As a result of the impact applied, an altered form of this microorganism was obtained, which synthesizes lysine 400 times more intensively than the "savage". The addition of cheap lysine to bird and animal feed dramatically increases its nutritional value.

It is possible to deprive pathogenic microbes of harmful properties by acting on them, for example, with x-rays or radium. Such neutralized microbes turn from enemies into our friends. With great success they are used to obtain therapeutic vaccines. To successfully combat harmful microbes, their characteristics must be taken into account. Knowing the properties of microbes, it is possible to create conditions that will be favorable for the development of beneficial species and hinder the development of harmful ones.