Themed days at the summer school camp. Thematic shifts and days

Marina Solomonovna Kogan,
Associate Professor of the Department of Education
and additional education NIPKiPRO

Summer practice of working with children convinces us that every day of the camp shift can become in the skillful hands of a teacher an excellent platform for self-disclosure, self-affirmation, self-realization of a child. How many different skills, skills, knowledge about themselves and others can the guys acquire during this time. How much to learn new things, to understand the value of friendship and comradeship, to feel the joy of working for the common good, to learn how to live in a team.

The opposite can also happen: boredom, monotony will fill the childish days, and rudeness, vulgarity, indifference, laziness, hooliganism will crawl out into the world ...

How interesting the life of the children will be depends primarily on you, counselor, educator, on your pedagogical skills, on the ability to understand and accept everyone and everyone, on the desire to create, surprise and inspire.

We hope that our advice will help you in planning your work, give you an impetus to invent and develop, together with the children and colleagues, various models of organizing the life of children.

Our material is devoted to the methodology of organizing thematic days.

What is a theme day?

Thematic day includes a program of meaningful activities for children and adults around a topic, problem.

Thematic days, as a rule, have a name, indicating exactly the scope of the content selection: for example: Birthday Day, Mother's Day. Or a figurative "name-symbol" (lines from songs, poems, proverbs, etc.), for example: "The saved world remembers ...", "His Majesty, the theater" ...

The program of the day may include various activities:

  • intellectual (quizzes, games)

  • labor (labor troops, work in creative workshops, collection and procurement ..)

  • creative (competitions, concerts..)

  • sports (competitions)

  • organizational (case councils, hosts, organizing committee, jury members, etc.)
The content of the day is developed depending on the conditions: a team of the same age, a team of different ages: a detachment, a group or a general camp program (day camp, round-the-clock, etc.)

Variable models for organizing theme days

Model No. 1

Thematic days stand out in terms of the work of the entire camp team. And then the content of the day includes activities for children of different ages, as well as programs for everyone.

The development of planning and organization of such a day is undertaken by the coordinating council, which includes the chairmen of the councils of individual affairs of the day. For example: "Peace Day".

9-10 a.m. Procession and solemn rally at the monument "Remembers the Saved World" (responsible: representatives of different detachments included in the "Council of the Day").

10.30-11.30 a.m. Competition of drawings on asphalt, posters "We live in a dream of peace" (responsible: creative group of the art studio; junior teams participate).

12-13h. Military sports relay race "Brave. Strong. Dexterous." Teams of detachments (of different ages) participate. Responsible: business council, representatives of detachments)

18-19 hours. Meeting hour. "We are visiting participants in the war, home front workers." The event is held by teams or by age groups.

20-21 hours. Program "A song goes to war...".


  • military song theater

  • soloist with guitar

  • music quiz

  • program guests
Model #2

Thematic days are defined in the plan for each day. Then the central affairs of the day are planned, for the organization of which one or another detachment or creative group (organizing committee) from among the guys expressing interest in a particular topic is responsible. Such days can be both in the general camp and in the detachment plans. For example: "Sports Day" (competitions, tribune of awards). "Labor Day" (work at the state farm, summing up), "Tourist's Day" (hike, tourist relay race, Forest Fantasy competition), "Patrol Day" (a detachment is on duty at the camp), "Memorial Day" (June 22, laying wreaths to the monument, ruler), "Day of the Merry Masters" (work in the workshops, competition-exhibition "With Your Own Hands", awards, impromptu concert), "Baron Munchausen Day" (competition for the best story-fiction, find errors in the story of the Baron etc.), "Sherlock Holmes Day" (competitions, games for attention, observation), "Merry Friday" - a day of worries and entertainment, "River Day" (swimming competitions, games on the water), "Martial Law Day" ( military game), "April Day" (laughter panorama), "Day of Dreamers" (fantasy projects competition), "Music Day" (concert hall "Melody"), "Village Day" (meeting with rural children, labor affairs).

Model #3

Thematic days can be included in the camp schedule. Then the programs of these days will be presented with different content. Responsibility for the organization of such days may be borne by:

  • duty squad;

  • business council (representatives of different groups);

  • organizing committee
For example:

Monday - Forest Day
Tuesday - Mastery Day (work of circles, studios)
Wednesday - Labor Day
Thursday - Mastery Day
Friday - Sports Day
Saturday - Game Day
Sunday - Creativity Day

Let us turn to the specific experience of implementing various programs of Creativity Day.

What is a theme day? Thematic day - a pre-planned series of squad or squad events, united by name, goals and objectives, carried out over one or two days.

Thematic days by the nature of the event: Druzhina (held for the entire camp) Squad (held within your squad)

Thematic days of the season are usually developed by counselor pairs IN ADVANCE. Approximate chronology for the season: opening, Olympics, Zarnitsa, Parents' Day, Love Day, Neptune's Day, Day of Surprises, Self-Government Day, closing.

The program of the day may include various areas of activity: intellectual (quizzes, games) labor (labor troops, work in creative workshops, collection and procurement. .) creative (competitions, concerts. .) sports (competitions) organizational (councils of affairs, presenters, org. committee, jury members, etc.)

Requirements for thematic days: The theme of the day echoes the theme of the season The presence of a legend. At least two events (for composite events - at least 5-6) Common goals Mandatory result (awarding and conclusions)

Planning a Theme Day First, you need to determine whether the day you are designing is a simple or compound day. 1. Clearly formulate the goals and objectives of the day and each event separately. 2. According to the view, select activities. 3. Keep in mind that the weather does not depend on you and you cannot plan it. 4. Therefore, the best option would be to double plan activities in sunny weather and replace them with activities in the rain. 5. Two events of the same type are not held on the same day! 6. Remember that any element of the theme day requires decoration. 7. Nothing should be "just like that". Summing up, rewarding and conclusions are required!!!

Theme development. Of the day: It all starts with choosing a theme. The success of the whole event largely depends on this choice, since it is easier for counselors to develop a good topic, and it is more interesting for children to play it. Choosing a theme for the day is a bit like coming up with a squad name.

When a topic is chosen, write down on a piece of paper the maximum associations associated with it. Select the most striking associations from this list. For example, for the Day of the railway worker, these can be: railway stations, rails, semaphores, depots, hump, orange vests ... And for the Day of the Navy: St. Andrew's flag, parade of ships, signal flags, sea battle, sea charts, etc.

Try to come up with a twist. Out-of-the-box solutions are always greatly appreciated. Moreover, one non-standard idea can point to a whole mountain of other good ideas. Instead of holding a simple Olympics, try to hold the Winter Olympics better. Children will be much more interested in playing hockey in the summer than just running on a treadmill.

It is better to break the theme day into three parts (time after breakfast, after afternoon tea and after dinner). For each of the parts, you need to choose a typical game scenario. For example, a station game, a quiz, a sports competition, a stage performance, etc. If a stage performance is chosen, then it is better to spend the performance itself in the afternoon, and devote the first half of the day to preparing for it.

Next, a typical scenario is developed in more detail using the compiled list of associations. For the station game, this will include the development of the entourage (for example, on the day of the railwayman, the teams will move from station to station in a "train") and the detailed development of each station (what exactly the children will do at the "Hump" and "Rail laying" stations). If you're lucky, you'll be able to come up with some very interesting little games.

When working through the day, one should not forget about the design of the camp or its individual sections (stages, rulers, etc.), and it is also worth considering alternative scenarios for bad and good weather.

a static squad event (with one plot or one task) should not be held for more than 1 hour, a dynamic event - no more than 1.5 hours;

But coming up with a themed day is not enough. Any good idea can be ruined by bad implementation. The theme day should also be well spent.

Types of events and their content. 1. Rulers: opening the event, the beginning of the day, holding a solemn moment; summarizing the results of the past day; depending on the event, they can be both official and theatrical.

2. Concerts: no more than 5 concerts per season; require room preparation; require registration of the venue; links between performances (entertainer); games with the hall; system of rewarding participants (most often nominations); require music.

4. Stations: it is advisable not to spend two days in a row; the number of stations is greater than or equal to the number of units; to think over the system of evaluation and summarizing; stations should lead to some result (search for a map, compiling a code word, obtaining a certificate, etc.); competent route lists (distribute routes so that two detachments do not end up at the same station); accounting for the passage time (for example, the station lasts 7 minutes, 2 minutes are given for the transition from station to station).

5. Exhibitions, museum: organize a draw of topics (at a planning meeting; on a ruler; if the detachment wants to choose a topic itself, then this moment must be agreed with the senior leader so that there are no identical topics); organize the work of the jury (the jury can include both representatives of the camp administration and children: one representative from each detachment); organize visits to exhibitions by teams.

6. Games: linear; are held not only on sports days; clearly defined goals and objectives example: green heel, anti-killer, mafia

Lessons (a lesson in wisdom, a lesson in peace, etc.) are necessarily conducted with a serious attitude; the script is correctly prescribed, based on scientific facts, facts from life, literature; is carried out most often by the leaders, the children are spectators.

Examples Squad themed days You are free to choose a theme. It is best if the events are tied to the theme of the season or to a thematic squad day.

Sun Festival. On this day, you can hold the following events: meeting and seeing off the sun, a competition of drawings of the sun on asphalt or on the windows of the building, a series of games in the name of which there is the word "Sun" - "Do not burn in the sun", "Family of the Sun", a quiz on the topic knowledge about the Sun, a musical duel - who will sing more songs about the sun, the creation of a collective application. - Day of the Tourist On this day, you can hold a small competitive KTD on the topic of tourism (exemplary competitions: packing a backpack, drawing up a map, kindling a fire, who will sing more tourist songs, etc.), directly the Evening of a bard song, and you can also go hiking or spend a light in the forest by the fire.

squad thematic days Day of Love Usually consists of 2-3 squad events and 1 mandatory squad. The purpose of the thematic day: the development of communication skills, the development of creative abilities, the education in children of the basics of ethics and the psychology of intersexual relations. Events: search for a soul mate, competition of couples, registry office, disco, which is dominated by slow dances. The post office is open throughout the day. In the detachment, a thematic competitive KTD "Love at first sight" is necessarily held to determine the pair of participants in the squad event.

How interesting the life of the guys will be, first of all depends on you, counselor, on your pedagogical skills, on the ability to understand and accept everyone and everyone, on the desire to create, surprise and inspire.

Thematic days in the day camp with a description

Nugaeva Irina Sergeevna, primary school teacher.
Place of work: Staromostyakskaya secondary school - MOU, p. Stary Mostyak, Starokulatkinsky district, Ulyanovsk region
Description of work: I propose holding a thematic summer recreational season in a day camp. The material can be useful to preschool teachers, counselors, class teachers.
Target: Organization of recreation and health improvement of students in the summer.
Tasks:- selection of relevant topics and effective forms for children's summer holidays;
- creation of conditions for organized recreation and disclosure of the creative potential of children;
- formation of interest in various activities;
Preparatory work:
1. Conducting a survey among children.
2. Selection of relevant topics.
3. Drawing up a work plan.
Expected results: revealing the natural creative potential of each child; the formation in children of skills of independence, self-esteem, self-government; formation of new knowledge, cultural and moral values; improvement of psychological and social comfort in a single educational space of the camp.
Forms and methods: quizzes, competitions, competitions, relay races, theatrical performances, holidays, gatherings, games, reviews, tournaments, meetings, etc.
Description: Holidays are the dream of every child. A dream about favorite activities, adventures, discoveries, interesting meetings, new friends, impressions, about finding a “new self”, revealing oneself, and just playing, reading, walking, etc. Organize a child’s free time, spend entertaining, original, non-traditional, memorable, diverse activities - the task of teachers accompanying the summer recovery of the child. And every year in the summer, when the school is preparing for the start of the school day camp, the question arises: how to surprise, interest children this time? After analyzing the work of the last year's camp, based on the interests of the children, it was decided to draw up a work plan based on thematic days. After all, every new day in the camp, in our opinion, should carry its own interest, its own meaning, its own idea and its content for the child. Where to start? Of course, with planning. And since we need the work plan to be interesting, we need to know the interests and needs of the children. First, we propose to conduct a survey. (Children study at our school, and we already know who will attend the camp and conduct a survey in May). Of course, at first, children need to be reminded what a "Theme Day" is. Thematic day is a form of a general camp or detachment event dedicated to an event, date. It involves deep content, serious organizational preparation, the participation of children and teachers, the use of visual and musical design techniques.
1. Questioning.
a) Would you like it if every day in the camp was themed?
b) What theme days would you like to see in the camp? Mark.
Record Day.
Day of health and sports.
Animation day.
Chocolate Day.
Flower Day.
Day of leprosy and jokes.
Day of the Olympics.
Friendship Day.
Ice Cream Day.
Good Manners Day.
Russia Day.
Day of Remembrance and Sorrow.
Homeland Day.
Pushkin day.
Kindness Day.
c) Suggest your own version of the name of the theme day.
See you at the opening of the camp shift. Do not forget to take a good mood, new ideas with you. We will be waiting for you.

So, after the survey, we conduct an analysis, select relevant topics and draw up a plan.
2. Analysis of questionnaires.
3. Drawing up a work plan.
We offer a work plan for the summer camp "Friendship", with a day stay for children, which we have succeeded.
1 day. Opening camp shift
- Business game "Let's get to know each other and live together!"
- Competition for the best name of the detachment, motto, song.
- Concert and game program "Hello, summer!"
Day 2 Day of fun games
- Good old games "Classics", "Jumping".
- An hour of games: for attention, for logical thinking, a chess and checkers tournament, etc.
- Fun starts.
Day 3 Day of the ECOLOGIST
- Ecological landing.
- Master class on making crafts from waste material "Spoon = matryoshka".
- Ecological costume competition.
Day 4 Pushkin day
- The game "Chain" - reading poems by A.S. Pushkin.
- Journey to Buyan Island
- Drawing competition.
Day 5 talent day
- competition "Song shootout"
- Moment of glory
Day 6 friendship day
- Creative game "Share your smile."
- Making surprises - wishes "All the best to you, my faithful, dear friend."
Day 7 Health and Sports Day
- Cheerful exercises "Vizgkultura".
- Outdoor games "Fun Ball Championship"
- Competition of leaflets "We choose a healthy lifestyle"
Day 8 dance planet
- Master class on teaching dance movements.
- Orange disco.
Day 9 Russia Day
- Action "Know the symbols of your state"
- Educational and entertainment program "I love you, Russia!".
-Competition of poems about Russia.
Day 10 Courtesy Day
- Contest of polite words "We are polite guys."
-Competition program "Connoisseurs of etiquette"
Day 11 Masters Day
- Game - journey "In the world of beauty"
- Workshop "Very skillful hands".
Day 12 April Fool's Day
- Comic football
- Competition of jokes and funny stories "Laughter through tears".
- "Yeralash-carnival"
Day 13 Knights Day
- Quiz “Who is the knight? That is the question?"
- Competition of daring - well done "Bogatyr fun".
Day 14 Day of the native land
- Kaleidoscope of national outdoor games
- Drawing competition "My native side is my cradle"
-Quiz "Do you know your country?"
Day 15 Fairy Tale Day
-Quiz of connoisseurs of the Russian fairy tale "Lukomorye".
- Theater of literary improvisations "An old fairy tale in a new way"
Day 16 Day of Remembrance of Sorrow
- Action "In memory of the fallen in great battles."
- Competition of poems and songs on military subjects.
Dedicated to the memory of heroes...
Day 18 goodbye day
- Labor landing "We were not here."
- Creative concert "In memory of the summer!"
- Closing the shift.
I will describe in more detail a few thematic days that we spent.
Russia Day
This day began in the morning with the action "Know the symbols of your state." Children drew on their faces and hands the symbol of our state - the flag.

Then, at the morning line, an auction of proverbs about the Motherland was held.
And after breakfast, all the children and adults went to the main street of the village, where the educational and entertaining program “I love you, Russia!” was held, which began with the singing of the Anthem of the Russian Federation by the choir. Then, within the framework of the educational and entertainment program, there were held: a poetry competition about Russia, a flash mob “I, you, he, she is a friendly family together!”.

Pushkin day.
This day began with the game "Chain". Everyone was on the morning line: educators, children read one line of A.S. Pushkin's poem "The Tale of Tsar Saltan ...", which was started by the head of the camp. Everyone worried, helped if someone forgot the words. Everyone really enjoyed the unusual start of the holiday.

After breakfast, the Journey to Buyan Island took place. As part of this event, excerpts from the fairy tale "The Tale of Tsar Sultan ..." were staged, competitions of heroes and a drawing competition were held.

The main thing, remember, the summer should not only be warmed by the sun, but also by the attention and love of the counselors !!!

theme day- a wonderful find. The convenience of such a day is primarily in its organization and content. The logic builds up by itself, the theme leads the squad from one event to another, allowing the use of various forms and areas of activity.

Usually there are 3-4 thematic days for one camp shift. But if you want, you can make thematic at least every day

A theme day is a day on which events related to a single theme are held from morning to evening. A theme day can be held for the entire camp, or for one squad. Participating in a themed day is much more interesting for children than playing ordinary everyday games, especially if this day is well thought out. How to do it?

It all starts with choosing a theme. The success of the whole event largely depends on this choice, since it is easier for counselors to develop a good topic, and it is more interesting for children to play it. Choosing a theme for the day is a bit like coming up with a squad name.

For simplicity, you can take a list of holidays and memorable dates and choose from it the most interesting holidays, the celebration of which will be devoted to the whole day (according to the calendar, they may not necessarily take place in the summer). In addition, some events may prompt you to an interesting topic, for example, a solar eclipse, Friday the 13th, or it rains for the third day in a row. It can also be based on a popular cartoon, a historical event, a geographic region, or whatever.

When a topic is chosen, write down on a piece of paper the maximum associations associated with it. Select the most striking associations from this list. For example, for the Day of the railway worker, these can be: railway stations, rails, semaphores, depot, hump, orange vests ... And for the Day of the Navy: St. Andrew's flag, parade of ships, signal flags, sea battle, sea charts, etc. .

Try to come up with a twist. Out-of-the-box solutions are always greatly appreciated. Moreover, one non-standard idea can point to a whole mountain of other good ideas. Instead of holding a simple Olympics, try to hold the Winter Olympics better. Children will be much more interested in playing hockey in the summer than just running on a treadmill.

It is better to break the theme day into three parts (time after breakfast, after afternoon tea and after dinner). For each of the parts, you need to choose a typical game scenario. For example, station game, quiz, sports competition, stage performance, etc. If a stage production is chosen, then it is better to hold the performance itself in the afternoon, and devote the first half of the day to preparing for it.

Next, a typical scenario is developed in more detail using the compiled list of associations. For the station game, this will include the development of the entourage (for example, on the day of the railwayman, the teams will move from station to station in a "train") and the detailed development of each station (what exactly the children will do at the "Hump" and "Rail laying" stations). If you're lucky, you'll be able to come up with some very interesting little games.

Here you need to think about what to make orange vests for railway children, and caps and jackets for sailor children.

When working through the day, one should not forget about the design of the camp or its individual sections (stages, rulers, etc.), and it is also worth considering alternative scenarios for bad and good weather.

But coming up with a themed day is not enough. Any good idea can be ruined by bad implementation. The theme day should also be well spent.

How to create a themed day

o Choose a topic

o Atmosphere (costumes, vocabulary, tokens, roles…)

o Come up with activities on the topic, you can even try food / exercise ... link to the topic.

o Consider their logical relationship between activities

o Come up with a connecting thread (plot, goal, logic…)

o The idea (thought) of the day may also be present

It is important to be able to insert a standard event into a theme day.

Thematic day can be team or general camp. In the latter case, the theme is usually introduced by a theatrical show on the line.

The theme of the day is anything (the day of the Indian, Neptune, the aviator, the day of beauty, love, science, ...)

It is desirable that not only events are tied to the topic, but also regime moments (thematic exercises), various chips related to the topic (not squads, but tribes, each has its own branded coloring, etc.)

Development of a theme day

A theme day is a pre-planned series of squad and / or squad events, united by goals, objectives, a common name and theme, held in 1 or 2 days.

Thematic days are:

o By the nature of the conduct - all-camp and detachment

o By the number of days - simple (1 day) and compound (more than 1 day).

Theme day requirements:

1. The theme of the day, one way or another, echoes the theme of the season

2. The presence of a legend in accordance with the theme of the season

3. In a simple thematic day, at least 2 detachment and general camp events, in a compound day, at least 6.

4. All events have common goals, but different tasks.

5. It is important to anticipate the outcome of a theme day.

When developing a theme day, you need to:

o clearly formulate the goals and objectives of the day and individual events

o choose events according to the type of day;

o take into account that the weather does not depend on us;

o know that two events of the same type are not held on the same day;

o a static camp-wide event (with one plot or one task) should not last more than 1 hour, a dynamic event - no more than 1.5 hours;

o remember that any element of the thematic day requires registration;

o remember that any theme day requires summing up.

Thematic day logic:

The logic of the theme day is built by itself, the theme leads the squad from one event to another. It is only necessary to put into the program something sporty, something educational, something creative, competitive, something from the colloquial genre and some other ritual.

Another advantage of a themed day is that you do not need to come up with a new design for each event. It is enough to make something thematically consistent the night before, and it will fit for everything planned. Morning exercises, cleaning the territory, afternoon snacks, etc. also become thematically endowed.

Theme day planning:

o First you need to determine whether the day you are designing is a simple or compound day.

o Clearly formulate the goals and objectives of the day and each event separately.

o According to the type, select activities.

o Keep in mind that the weather does not depend on you and cannot be planned.

o Therefore, the best option would be to have a dual plan - activities in sunny weather and their replacement with activities in the rain.

o Two events of the same type cannot be held on the same day!

o Remember that any element of the theme day requires decoration.

o Nothing should be “just like that”. Summing up, rewarding and conclusions are required!

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Theme of the day or shift

  • It allows you to fill old events with new meaning and make them more interesting. A topic close to children will arouse their interest in everything that will somehow be connected with it.
  • It requires one way or another to tie everything that happens to the topic.

Thematic days

A thematic ("Theme") day is a day on which events related to a single theme are held from morning to evening. A theme day can be held for the entire camp, or for one squad. Participating in a themed day is much more interesting for children than playing ordinary everyday games, especially if this day is well thought out. How to do it?

It all starts with choosing a theme. The success of the whole event largely depends on this choice, since it is easier for counselors to develop a good topic, and it is more interesting for children to play it. Choosing a theme for the day is a bit like coming up with a squad name.

For simplicity, you can take a list of holidays and memorable dates and choose from it the most interesting holidays, the celebration of which will be devoted to the whole day (according to the calendar, they may not necessarily take place in the summer). In addition, some events may prompt you to an interesting topic, for example, a solar eclipse, Friday the 13th, or it rains for the third day in a row. It can also be based on a popular cartoon, a historical event, a geographic region, or whatever.

When a topic is chosen, write down on a piece of paper the maximum associations associated with it. Select the most striking associations from this list. For example, for the Day of the railway worker, these can be: railway stations, rails, semaphores, depot, hump, orange vests ... And for the Day of the Navy: St. Andrew's flag, parade of ships, signal flags, sea battle, sea charts, etc. .

Try to come up with a twist. Out-of-the-box solutions are always greatly appreciated. Moreover, one non-standard idea can point to a whole mountain of other good ideas. Instead of holding a simple Olympics, try to hold the Winter Olympics better. Children will be much more interested in playing hockey in the summer than just running on a treadmill.

It is better to break the theme day into three parts (time after breakfast, after afternoon tea and after dinner). For each of the parts, you need to choose a typical game scenario. For example, station game, quiz, sports competition, stage performance, etc. If a stage production is chosen, then it is better to hold the performance itself in the afternoon, and devote the first half of the day to preparing for it.

Next, a typical scenario is developed in more detail using the compiled list of associations. For the station game, this will include the development of the entourage (for example, on the day of the railwayman, the teams will move from station to station in a "train") and the detailed development of each station (what exactly the children will do at the "Hump" and "Rail laying" stations). If you're lucky, you'll be able to come up with some very interesting little games.

Here you need to think about what to make orange vests for railway children, and caps and jackets for sailor children.

When working through the day, one should not forget about the design of the camp or its individual sections (stages, rulers, etc.), and it is also worth considering alternative scenarios for bad and good weather.

But coming up with a themed day is not enough. Any good idea can be ruined by bad implementation. The theme day should also be well spent.

How to create a themed day

  • Choose a theme
  • Atmosphere (costumes, vocabulary, chips, roles...)
  • Come up with events in the theme, you can even try food / exercise ... link to the topic.
  • Think about their logical connection between events
  • Come up with a connecting thread (plot, goal, logic ...)
  • The idea (thought) of the day may also be present

It is important to be able to insert a standard event into a theme day.

Thematic day can be team or general camp. In the latter case, the theme is usually introduced by a theatrical show on the line.

The theme of the day is anything (the day of the Indian, Neptune, the aviator, the day of beauty, love, science, ...)

It is desirable that not only events are tied to the topic, but also regime moments (thematic exercises), various chips related to the topic (not squads, but tribes, each has its own branded coloring, etc.)

For example consider all the same day of the Indian:

  • Exercise: young warrior/hunter warm-up (javelin throwing, overcoming obstacles, driving prey)
  • In the morning: Initiation into the Indians - a game of stations with tasks for dexterity, friendship, ending with a visit to the mysterious god of fire and drawing a magic symbol on the forehead.
  • Then you can go on the warpath and play lightning in the Indian style (instead of shoulder straps - a life-giving amulet, war paint, ...)
  • “However,” the leader says, “war is not the best way to resolve conflicts,” and therefore in the afternoon: The Great Gathering of Tribes is a creative competition: performance from the tribe, tribal song, competition of leaders, shamans, hunters, cooks, ...
  • For a snack, a collective hunt for a mammoth will go well.
  • And in the evening: a big council around the fire with stories about the Indians, good songs, in a word, just a fire.

Here is a plan - somewhere exemplary, somewhere redundant - think up to your taste.

A couple more examples of special themed days:

  • day in reverse
    • On Reverse Day, girls become boys and boys become girls. Accordingly, they change clothes, contests such as “anti-miss” are held. Leaders must also be transformed in order to set an example for children.
    • Tip: don't over tighten. The day, on the contrary, started in the morning, is likely to die out in the quiet hour area. Even if you offer children all new unexpected entertainment (it should not be boring!), they will want to return to their original gender (by the way, some children will not want to change clothes at all - be prepared for this). The best thing to do, perhaps, is to start changing sometime after nap time, wow the whole camp with your afternoon tea look, have a flamboyant afternoon activity, and then give the kids the freedom to go back to their gender whenever they want.
  • Understudy Day
    • On Understudy Day, counselors become children, and children become counselors. It is clear that not all children, but only 2 or 3 people who were previously chosen by the whole detachment.
    • Although children seem to play the role of counselors, counselors do not relax, but work doubly. It is still necessary to keep order in the detachment, but now do it not explicitly, but somehow gradually, so that it seems to everyone that these new leaders are in charge of everything. However, if they do not cope at all, you may have to change them or completely stop the day of the understudy.
    • The day of the Understudy, as a rule, begins with the end of the previous day, when the new leaders beat off the squad. Then, sitting with them in the counselor's room, you discuss the upcoming day. New leaders will have to hold events, share your leader's experience with them. In the morning you wake them up earlier, and they go to the planning meeting with you, and there they already get up, exercise, and away we go ...

Development of a theme day

A theme day is a pre-planned series of squad and / or squad events, united by goals, objectives, a common name and theme, held in 1 or 2 days.

Thematic days are:

  • By the nature of the conduct - squad and detachment
  • By the number of days - simple (1 day) and compound (more than 1 day).

Theme day requirements:

  1. The theme of the day somehow resonates with the theme of the season
  2. Having a legend to match the theme of the season
  3. In a simple thematic day, at least 2 detachment and squad events, in a compound day, at least 6.
  4. All events have common goals, but different tasks.
  5. It is important to anticipate the outcome of a theme day.

When developing a theme day, you need to:

  • clearly formulate the goals and objectives of the day and individual events
  • choose events according to the type of day;
  • keep in mind that the weather does not depend on us;
  • know that two events of the same type are not held on the same day;
  • a static squad event (with one plot or one task) should not be held for more than 1 hour, a dynamic event - no more than 1.5 hours;
  • remember that any element of the thematic day requires registration;
  • remember that any thematic day requires debriefing.

Theme Day Logic

The logic of the theme day is built by itself, the theme leads the squad from one event to another. It is only necessary to put into the program something sporty, something educational, something creative, competitive, something from the colloquial genre and some other ritual. For example, if you plan "Forest Day", then the program of the day can be as follows:

  • Zoological races (sports);
  • Quiz "Mysteries of the forest" (cognitive);
  • Competition of handicrafts from natural material ("nature and fantasy") (creative);
  • Conversation “Man is a child of nature” (something from the colloquial genre).

Another advantage of a themed day is that you do not need to come up with a new design for each event. It is enough to make something thematically consistent the night before, and it will fit for everything planned. Morning exercises, cleaning the territory, afternoon snacks, etc. also become thematically endowed. Usually there are 3-4 thematic days per camp shift. If desired, you can make themed at least every day. Here are the topics:

  • Flower Day, Health Day, Guinness World Records Day,
  • Day of laughter, Day of the Indian, Day of pranks and jokes,
  • Sports Day, Girls' Day, Boys' Day, Rain Day.

Event types:

  • Thematic lines. The scheme of the event is the same as for a regular line (formation, reporting, raising the flag), then the legend of the day is explained (a small theatrical performance can be held) and a task for the event, which begins immediately after the line.
  • Concerts. Held on any theme day. You need to prepare in advance, about a day in advance. Each group presents a presentation on a given topic. The organizers are required to design the stage, links between performances, games with the audience, and a developed reward system. At concerts, most often all participants are awarded, according to nominations. (Cinema, Song stays with the man, TEFI)
  • Contests. Held on any theme day. No advance preparation is required. They take place either on stage or in open areas. Responsible persons must decorate the stage, select competitions on a certain topic, produce a system of elimination, awards. Competitions can run in parallel with a neutral event, such as a disco. (Love at first sight, Guinness World Records)
  • Stations. Held on any theme day, especially good on days dedicated to sports. It is advisable to intersperse with static events. Two consecutive days are not held. The most interesting view, since everyone takes part. Required: the number of stations must correspond to the number of units, well-compiled route lists, a well-thought-out rating system, awards. Another option: follow the notes or identification marks. (Day of horrors: mental aid station, paranormal agency, start a brownie, spell, etc.; Zarnitsa: minefield, disguise, encryption, etc.)
  • Exhibitions, museums. They can pass on a single territory, or in buildings. Responsible draw lots between teams, organize the work of the jury, develop a reward system. (Panic Room, Indian Village, Ikebana Exhibition, Zoo)
  • Games. Most often used in sports themed days. Linear. Have clearly defined goals and objectives for children. (Green heel, Breakthrough, Intruders, Bomb, RVS, etc.)

Theme day planning:

  • First you need to determine whether the day you are developing is simple or compound.
  • Clearly formulate the goals and objectives of the day and each event separately.
  • Choose activities according to the view.
  • Keep in mind that the weather does not depend on you and you cannot plan it.
  • Therefore, the best option would be to draw up a double plan - activities in sunny weather and replacing them with activities in the rain.
  • No two events of the same type are held on the same day!
  • Remember that any element of the thematic day requires decoration.
  • Nothing should be "just like that". Summing up, rewarding and conclusions are required!


  • First of all, the planned thematic day is entered into the plan - the grid of the season and signed in stages in the program of the season.
  • If the registration requires any specific things that cannot be found or made in the camp, indicate their need in the program in the “props” section.
  • Design is usually done by the developers of the day. Exceptions are possible.

What and how to arrange:

  1. Concerts. Since they always take place on the stage, you must first decorate the stage. In addition, it will not be superfluous to prepare visual places.

Rewarding usually takes place in nominations, so it is necessary to prepare in advance (according to the number of detachments) certificates or awards made by counselors (Oscar, Ovation Award, Golden Cone, etc.). Diplomas can be provided by counselors of the detachments.

  1. Contests. If they pass on stage, then the requirements are similar to paragraph 1. If they are held in parallel with any other event, they are issued as stations. Prizes are usually awarded to those who take 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. In this case, it is better to use letters printed in the printing house. Now they are sold in any bookstore. Gifts (most often edible) 2 DAYS BEFORE THE EVENT are issued by the organizers in the warehouse.
  2. Games. They rarely need decoration, more often props are needed. But such games as "Green Heel", "RVS", "Catching Ghosts" require registration. In the first case, it will be the board “They are wanted” with signs and portraits of “criminals”, in the second case, sheets for collecting information, in the third, cards with tasks. Awarding either by nominations, or the first three places, or one winner.
  3. Stations. First of all, it is necessary to make route sheets (performed by the organizers), secondly, to issue each station (name, necessary props). The station operator is responsible for the design of the station)
  4. Exhibitions, museums. If the event takes place on a single territory, it is designed as a stage. If in different buildings, it is necessary to make route sheets, which indicate the location of the objects.

The awarding can take place on the same day directly at the event, on the thematic line or the next day.


1) Squad themed days

  • Sun Festival. On this day, you can hold the following events: meeting and seeing off the sun, a competition of drawings of the sun on asphalt or on the windows of the building, a series of games in the name of which there is the word "Sun" - "Do not burn in the sun", "Family of the Sun", a quiz on the topic knowledge about the Sun, a musical duel - who will sing more songs about the sun, the creation of a collective application. -
  • Tourist Day. On this day, you can hold a small competitive KTD on the topic of tourism (exemplary competitions: packing a backpack, drawing up a map, kindling a fire, who will sing more tourist songs, etc.), directly the Evening of a bard song, and you can also go hiking or spend a light in forest by the fire.
  • Nature Day. Offer the squad to create a wildlife museum. The exhibits will be themselves, depicting animals, trees or plants. You can invent and draw tickets, attract a "guide" and let other units go on a tour for a special fee. If there are any animals on the territory of the camp, you can make feeders for them. You can put things in perfect order in any corner of the camp together with the “Pile of Garbage” contest, you can arrange a contest of crafts from cones and branches, a contest of fairy tales about nature.

You are free to choose a theme. It is best if the events are tied to the theme of the season or to a thematic squad day.

2) retinue themed days

  • Day of Love. Usually consists of 2-3 squad events and 1 mandatory detachment. The purpose of the thematic day: the development of communication skills, the development of creative abilities, the education in children of the basics of ethics and the psychology of intersexual relations. Events: search for a soul mate, competition of couples, registry office, disco, which is dominated by slow dances. The post office is open throughout the day. In the detachment, a thematic competitive KTD "Love at first sight" is necessarily held to determine the couple participating in the squad event.
  • Horror Day. The purpose of the thematic day: overcoming subconscious fears by children, developing imagination and artistic abilities, skills in applied arts, getting to know the folklore of different countries. 2-3 squad events, 1-2 squad events. Events: stations, concert, scary story contest, panic room.
  • Day of Leaders (Self-government). The purpose of the thematic day: - acquaintance of children with the lifestyle of counselors, propaganda of the student pedagogical movement, confirmation of the authority of counselors. Held at the end of the season. Events: Gathering (concert on stage), Instructional seminar (stations), Bonfire.

Criteria for expert evaluation of the thematic day:

  • relevance and creativity of the theme day idea
  • social and pedagogical significance of the goal, its specificity and clarity
  • compliance of tasks with goals and results
  • reality and achievability of the goal in given conditions, for a specific period of time
  • clarity and specificity of results
  • logic and expediency of measures
  • the degree of emotional and educational impact of the activities of the day on children
  • the degree of educational and developmental value of the activities of the day for children
  • compliance of evaluation methods with the given results

Thematic shifts

Nowadays, any shift program should be thematic (at least have a bright name).

The longer the period, the more difficult it is to keep children in line with the topic (any topic gets bored sooner or later). Therefore, there is a difference between planning a short (autumn, winter, spring) and a long (summer) shift.

Short shifts

On short shifts, every day is filled with thematic meaning. Each day can have its own sub-theme.

On the very first day, the children are presented with the legend of the shift, in the light of which all subsequent events will make sense.

For example: The evil sorcerer Pimply stole the sunlight, and soon the earth will perish if we do not overcome all the trials and return the stolen light, and for this we will have to prove our friendship, cheerfulness, show knowledge, etc.

Or: You and I ended up at an abandoned base of aliens who flew to Earth many years ago and left the secret of super technology somewhere here. We are an expedition designed to find this secret, but for this we need to piece together an alien map and generally overcome all the obstacles that cunning aliens have left here for conspiracy.

The legend is presented in theatrical form or in the form of a game.

At the end of the shift, the final event takes place, where the final goal is finally achieved by common efforts: the evil sorcerer Pimply is defeated, the stolen sun is found, etc. - in a word, ALL GOOD FELLOWS!

For example consider the shift “10 days until the end of the world” Legend and how it is introduced: On the first day in the evening, when the first light seems to be coming to an end, the counselor suddenly bursts into the hall and shouts “Did you see this ?! There, a huge fireball! No? They have already departed, alas, but this is what they left!” He gives the children an envelope with a letter from aliens, which says something like this: “According to the decision of the Grand Council of Galactic Control, your planet will be destroyed in 10 days. However, you may still be able to save her if you read our encrypted message, the characters of which we scattered with the help of an information laser around your building. Next, the children must collect the letters that were pre-pasted in different places in the case. When the letters are found, a "Semi-animate Pseudo-Mind" is made up of them. These words are entered into the computer, after which a sound file is launched containing the mysterious voice of an alien, broadcasting from the fact that the life of the creatures inhabiting the Earth seems meaningless, and the creatures themselves are unintelligent, and that the earth will be cleaned and used to breed nutritious and useful worms. But, perhaps, aliens will change their mind if we prove to them that our life is filled with meaning and eternal values ​​(sound file is attached).

After that, during each day we prove the presence and importance of different eternal values ​​in our lives, thus, each day acquires its own theme:

  • Friendship Day (rallying games)
  • Day of Truth (game “detective”, flame of truthful words)
  • Miracle Fantasy Day (New Year (it was a winter shift!))
  • Beauty Day (drawings in the snow, costume contest)
  • Health Day (Super Olympiad, demonstration “For a Healthy Lifestyle”)
  • Day of Purity and Whiteness (snow sculptures, “Tide or Boil” plot)
  • Family Day (family competition)
  • Welfare Day (economic game)
  • Statehood Day (political game, presidential elections)
  • Love Day (Love at First Sight, Couple Contest) And so on…

Big shifts

Here we will talk about the compilation of a camp-wide thematic program. Squad plan-grids are compiled by leaders of the squads and, if possible, are also adjusted to the topic.

On a long shift, it is already difficult to sum up the topic every day, so only the main general camp events are tied to the topic

The shift legend begins to be introduced in squads from the very first day, but the real plot occurs at the opening of the shift. There, again, a show on the line and a leader's performance explain everything in a popular way.

Discos on the shift are held approximately once every 3 days and are tied to holidays and big games.

At the end of the shift, if the topic requires, a final event is held.

It is also worth thinking about all sorts of thematic chips that will appear during the shift and will not let the children forget that their camp is not an ordinary boring shift, but a SUPER-MEGA-…

Loop game.

You can make a cycle game, stretched for the entire period of the camp. This is done as follows: choose a topic that interests you. Break it into separate, complete pieces (game day). The volume of the game is 3-5 hours of play per day (it is even more interesting to play it in pieces during the day). The rest of the time is preparation for the current or next game day. For example, crafts, reading. When the game is well thought out, every day is spelled out, the result of the current game day is necessarily written out (you can sum up the day at the evening fire, you can continue the game at the fire), then the camp flies by in one breath. Any game fits any topic... there is no need to reinvent the wheel here. No need to invent a super-duper unprecedented game that will incredibly captivate children. This is impossible. The main thing is to live this camp side by side with them. Live with them this game.

The principle of thematic change

  • We are creating a children's team, i.e. a group of children who are friends with each other, treat each other like brothers and sisters. Therefore, with external competition, the main emphasis in everything is on the interaction of children in the team, mutual assistance and support (the counselor does not focus on winning, the children are fine with this). The commands change every time.
  • Since life is a multifaceted subject, then when we divide we plan multifaceted, i.e. we try to cover as many different interesting moments of life as possible (or find such interesting moments in the ordinary and familiar).
  • A tool was created with the help of which any (even a beginner) counselor could easily create a plan for the day and put it into practice. It didn’t work out that way, because if the counselor is complex and doesn’t play in all the proposed circumstances, then it turns out to be quite boring. And if he plays, and even makes himself some kind of suit - it turns out very, very much.

The idea of ​​building a themed day

The idea of ​​the principle is used in some television programs and is as follows: when creating an informational television program interesting for the audience, several identical blocks were taken and they were lost every day (sports, music, etc.), only their information content changed. Due to the fact that there were a lot of blocks, their content changed, it became interesting to watch. This idea is now used in all morning information channels.

The transfer of this idea to the camp life turned out like this: we make the day thematic. We have three periods "morning", "afternoon" and "evening" when we can do things with our children. Therefore, we do this: "morning" - the study of some specific knowledge for a given day, gaining skills and training, "day" - holding a thematic relay race in the camp and "evening" - holding a thematic KVN.

The word "relay" means the passage of a team of children along the route on the map, on which the places where the stages are located are marked. The teams simultaneously run out from the starting point and go through all the stages in order, but the initial stages are shifted and the teams meet only during the runs from stage to stage. One counselor runs with each team, he tells the task at each stage and controls its implementation.

By "KVN" is meant such an event in which several teams participate, they are given tasks, and either the team performs it in its entirety, or part of the team, or one participant at a time. It is assumed that the teams do not run anywhere. Counselors carry out this business, and at the time of preparation they help their teams. KVN materials (crossword puzzles, tasks, drawings, etc.) after KVN are left in the "corner", therefore, by the end of the shift, a full "corner" with the history of the shift is recruited. Teams keep their line-up for one day. We usually have two, three or four teams, since everything is calculated from the fact that there is no one but the detachment leaders. Four teams are obtained when the leaders of two neighboring squads spend a theme day together (thus we get teams in which the children of the two squads are mixed and they become friends). On another day, the composition of the teams changes.

Ideas for thematic shifts:

  • "Sea navigation" (ships with crews, sailors, captains, sea, anchor, bell, etc.)
  • "Children's Town" (city hall, streets, residents, enterprises, city currency...)
  • "Fairy-tale kingdom" (king, queen, retinue, fairy-tale heroes...)
  • "Forest State" (berendey, forest dwellers...)
  • "Joint Stock Company" (JSC, shareholders, shares, exchanges, board of directors...)
  • "Space flight" (galaxies, planets, spaceships, astronauts...)
  • "Indian tribe" (leader, wigwam, talisman...)
  • "Ecological camp" (green patrol, ecologists...)
  • "Children's TV" (TV stations, TV shows, TV channels, director, producer...)
  • "Theatrical shift" (theatre, troupe, actors, intermission...)
  • "Scientific laboratory" (research institute, professor, designer, engineer, inventor, model, model...)
  • "City of Masters" (craftsmen, workshops, fixtures, tools...)