Themes for a bachelorette party before the wedding. Colored women's party. Contests and games

On the eve of the wedding celebration, the bride and her bridesmaids are racking their brains over the organization of the bachelorette party. It is understandable, soon you will tie the knot, so in the end you need to have a good time. Many girls do not know where to start, there are so many ideas that their head is spinning. We will help you with the organization of an incendiary event. So let's get started.

Decide on a date

In the old days, a bachelorette party was held exactly 1 day before the wedding, this option is hardly suitable for modern girls. The ideal time for the event is Friday or Saturday, you can capture 2 days at once. It is advisable to arrange a bachelorette party 5-7 days before the celebration, the bride will move away from the parties and begin mass preparations for the wedding, and the girlfriends will have time to sleep off at the weekend.

Make a guest list

Carefully go through all the acquaintances and write a detailed list. Re-read it several times so as not to accidentally bring in those who will tell the groom all the secrets of your fun. Only best friends should be present at the bachelorette party, with whom you share your innermost dreams and experiences. It is not necessary to invite 10 people if they are not close to you. It is better if there are fewer people, but you can trust all of them.

Work out the scenario

The most important stage of the bachelorette party, it sets the tone for the entire event. Describe in detail all the places you want to visit, indicating the time of arrival / departure. You should have everything scheduled by the minute, perhaps something will not go according to plan, but this cannot be predicted. Sit down with witnesses and make contests, think over fortune-telling and interesting games.

Order themed costumes

Are you planning an 80s themed party? Great choice! Shop for retro suits, tight corsets and wigs. Decide on stage images, buy fabric and give it to tailoring. You can also visit carnival shops and pick up masks and ready-made outfits for yourself.

Start from the script, if you are not planning anything grandiose, buy a white top for the bride and order the print "Bride!", For the bridesmaids, choose pink or red outfits, the inscription is appropriate - "Bridesmaid!". Do not forget about the veil, it should match the color of your attire.

Send out invitations

Make an individual invitation for each of your girlfriends. Now you need to find out which of them will be able to attend, and who should not be counted on. Indicate the approximate start and end time of the event, the exact date and sketch out a rough plan for the bachelorette party while maintaining intrigue. Do not forget to mention the preparatory meeting, where you will try on images and agree on a meeting place on the day of the bachelorette party.

You should also discuss the amount that each of the invitees will contribute to the piggy bank. An interesting feature is that the bride usually does not pay for the bachelorette party, it is completely organized by her friends. It all depends on the material well-being of the participants. Send out invitations in advance to take into account all the important points and adjust the plan in case of unforeseen circumstances.

Book your seats

Decided to spend a bachelorette party in a strip club? Alright, now you need to book your seats. Visit the establishment and discuss the menu with the administrator, learn about promotions, possible discounts and evening scenarios. Discuss all the nuances with the manager, for example, calling the bride to the stage and the boundaries of what is permitted. Decide on alcoholic beverages, in some establishments you can bring booze with you, subject to an order for a certain amount. Feel free to ask questions, on the day of the bachelorette party, the waiters, dancers and the entire administration will work for you.

If the choice fell on the spa, find out about the availability for this date and the workload of the masters. Discuss the desired set of procedures, their duration and cost in order to pre-calculate the budget and plan the time.

Order a limousine

The most popular form of transport for a bachelorette party if you are planning to visit several places for the evening. Don't forget that weddings usually take place on Fridays and Saturdays, so all cars may already be booked. Call the limo rental company 3 weeks before your bachelorette party and book a car.

You can call several companies to determine the price. Tell the manager your approximate route, discuss important points (1 hour as a gift or frequent movement from one institution to another).

This is how the main moments of preparing a bachelorette party before the wedding look like. Do not shift duties from one friend to another, control the entire process yourself. Even if you don't succeed, best friends will find a way to have a bachelorette party without preparation. Agree, brilliant ideas come to mind friends!

Interesting ideas for a bachelorette party

In addition to the standard preparation, you can consider other options for an incendiary event.

Bachelorette party for brave ladies
Are you young and energetic, adrenaline flowing in your blood? Do you like to party with your friends and are not afraid of bold ideas? Pay attention to extreme sports! Always dreamed of skydiving? Alright, time to get things done. The groom and all his friends will be jealous when they learn how the ladies saw off the bride to family life.

If there is no company in your city that does this, give preference to karting, quad biking, jumping, catamaran rides (boat, water skiing), wind tunnel. Plan and book everything in advance, do not reveal your secret to anyone. Take lots of photos and stock up on champagne to mark the end of a good day before the wedding.

Bachelorette party for photogenic girls
Do you like to take pictures and post pictures on Instagram? Hire a professional! Buy beautiful clothes, arrange shootings and feel like a model from the cover of glossy magazines. Come up with interesting images, rent a studio or go in search of beautiful places.

During the summer, you can climb on top of a building and take a series of shots against the blue sky. Ask for help from a makeup artist, the master will make makeup to match your outfits. This option for holding a bachelorette party will leave a lot of positive emotions, and the photos will remind you of a great time spent with friends!

If the event is scheduled for the warm season, come up with a picnic menu and go to nature. Decide on the outfits, you can wear short shorts, plaid shirts and cowboy hats to look like western movie characters. If this option is not suitable, give preference to developing sundresses, wide-brimmed hats and beautiful sandals. Do make-up and hairstyles that match your images, take your camera with you. Try to dress in outfits that are similar in color and style to maintain a unique style.

The shore of a river, sea or lake is suitable as a venue for a bachelorette party. You can also go to the lawn in the forest or to the country. Prepare the blankets on which you will sit, take care of the dishes. From drinks, choose champagne, sangria or wine, they are more suitable for gatherings with friends.

Bachelorette party style pajama party
This style of pastime is suitable for calm girls or for those who have limited funds. Gather all your friends in advance, discuss an approximate scenario and menu. Go shopping and buy the most beautiful pajamas, soft slippers and headbands.

Choose funny movies to watch, stock up on champagne and fruit. Plan a party for the night, arrange with your friends to stay overnight. Play twister or lie on the couch and just chat. Sincere conversations without gossip and intrigue will be remembered for a long time.

Puzzling over how to arrange a bachelorette party before the wedding? Gather your closest friends, think over the scenario and outfits. Choose a venue for a party or sit in nature. Book a limousine in advance to be driven by a personal chauffeur throughout the evening. Have fun to the fullest!

And the bride with her friends - for a bachelorette party, and this event is usually held with enthusiasm and good mood. In order for the party to be remembered by both the hero of the occasion and her guests, it is necessary to think over ideas for a bachelorette party before the wedding.

There are several popular options for holding such an event, among which each girl will be able to choose the right solution for her company, and if you wish, you can come up with something of your own based on ready-made ideas.

home option

Among the ideas on how to spend a bachelorette party, the simplest in terms of organization is. It can be made original if you select a specific topic, for example,. In this case, all the girls dress up in outfits in the style of the last century, watch old films together and dance to jazz, blues and rock and roll.

It is considered popular in the home stop. This is a quiet version of the event, where all the girls dress in home clothes, spend time talking, do each other's hair, makeup and manicure. It is advisable for everyone to cook several different dishes together so that it is enough for the whole night, because a pajama party involves an overnight stay.

At home, you can organize an impromptu spa. To do this, you will need to stock up on masks, scrubs, creams and other products for skin and hair. Girls can help each other with procedures and spend time reminiscing about the past and dreaming about the future. In this case, the bachelorette party will be not only interesting and memorable, but also useful for appearance.

In any case, the bride will need to prepare suitable entertainment for her bridesmaids. Dancing, karaoke, games, competitions and quizzes are good ideas for a bachelorette party. For relaxation, you can buy light alcoholic drinks, if the girls do not mind. If desired, you can arrange a mini-bar with original cocktails.

Party in a club or restaurant

If the bride and her bridesmaids are not used to a quiet pastime, a bachelorette party is a great occasion to have fun from the heart. It is not known when it will still be possible to gather in the same composition, because many have families and obligations, so such a party will leave the warmest memories in memory. If you choose a popular public institution, it is better to book a table at least a week or two in advance, so that on the appointed day you will not encounter a lack of empty seats.

Previously, the bride needs to talk with all the bridesmaids, you can do this in one of the social networks, organizing a general dialogue if you can’t meet in person. The girls need to decide together where they would like to go - to a cafe, restaurant, bar or club. And then choose a place.

The issue of costs also needs to be addressed. In some cases, the bride pays for the entire holiday on her own, in others she asks her friends to pay a reasonable part of the check. In the latter case, this nuance must be discussed with friends in advance so as not to cause embarrassment during the event. But in most cases, the cost of a hen and stag party falls entirely on the shoulders of the bride and groom, because this is their holiday.

Popular places

To have a fun and cool party, it is not necessary to use original ideas for a bachelorette party. You can easily choose the right solution from those that are used most often.

If the city is large, then you can find other interesting places for a bachelorette party in it. For example, you can find an anti-cafe, arrange or go to a concert of a musical group. When choosing such places, it is advisable to consult with friends if there are doubts that they will like a particular solution.

To beautifully hold a bachelorette party, many girls prefer to use extraordinary ideas for conducting and scenario. For example, you can arrange an extreme vacation - skydiving, ride a plane over the city with a pilot, visit go-carts or a climbing wall. However, when choosing interesting ideas for a bachelorette party, make sure that the final decision suits all friends, as some are afraid of heights, others are afraid of high speed.

If the bachelorette party will take place in the warm season, there is no need to have a party in a stuffy apartment, because you can take advantage of the good weather. For example, you can have a beach party until late at night with a fire, guitar songs and outdoor contests. If possible, you can ride a catamaran or boat.

In those cities where there are rivers or access to the sea, in the summer you can often meet pleasure boats. They allow not only to admire the beauties of urban nature, but also to have a party on the deck.

Interesting! The bachelorette party will be unforgettable if you arrange incendiary dances on the ship to the sound of champagne glasses.

In some cases, it is possible to have a rooftop party if the weather permits. From there, an excellent view of the city will open, and at the same time no one will disturb the girls. Climbing onto the roof of a house without permission is not the best idea, it is better to use the services of special agencies that will not only ensure safe passage, but also creatively decorate the surrounding space.

Theme parties

To spend time in an original and fun way, there are ideas for a themed bachelorette party. They can be combined with the theme of the wedding itself or different from it.

The following options are popular.

  • . If girls love the film of the same name, then they can celebrate a bachelorette party in a retro cafe or at home. The party should look like a socialite, black cocktail dresses are suitable as outfits, and hairstyles are done with a bouffant or large waves. Cupcakes, cookies and other sweets are suitable as snacks.
  • . Heavy music lovers can go to a rock bar or to nature. Ideally, if at least a few of them will be on motorcycles. The clothes should have a maximum of black, leather and rivets, as a hairstyle, you can make a defiant bouffant, apply shadows in the Smokey eyes style on your eyes, and make up your lips with red lipstick.
  • Provence. A bachelorette party can be gentle and touching. To do this, it is enough to put on light dresses in pastel shades and go to nature, preferably to a lake or a flower field. Girls can collect bouquets of flowers, weave wreaths and enjoy fresh air and a picnic.

If you wish, you can embody any topic at a bachelorette party - creative ideas for a bachelorette party are limited only by the imagination of the participants: the more extraordinary the friends think, the more fun the holiday. Girls can go to a collective master class, for example, to create interesting hairstyles or professional makeup. Cooking, pottery, beadwork or drawing courses can be interesting.

You can arrange an active holiday with friends. In the warmer months, you can go on a mini-horse hike, play beach volleyball or rent bikes for a forest walk. In winter, you can go bowling or billiards, go ice skating or snowboarding.

How to get beautiful photos

In order for the bachelorette party to remain not only in memory, but also in photo albums, one of the stages of its implementation can be a professional photo shoot. For her, you can invite a photographer who will not only take original and high-quality pictures, but also subsequently process them in a graphics editor.

Another idea for getting original photos of a bachelorette party is to rent a studio with the desired interior for a certain time. It could be a royal palace style, a steampunk hideout, a stage with musical instruments, or a cozy living room with a fireplace, a large Victorian sofa and a fluffy carpet on the floor.

A photo session can be arranged in nature if there are picturesque places in the city or not far from it. To make the pictures original, you can stock up on special accessories that are sold in stores with festive attributes. These are all kinds of wigs, hats, mustaches and lips on sticks, etc.

If desired, girls can visit a museum or gallery to take vivid photos within their walls. You will first need to obtain permission from the administration, most often photos are allowed to be taken for a fee.

It is not necessary to come up with bright ideas for a bachelorette party photo shoot. After all, even in a city park, you can take original pictures with the support of a professional.

Outfit Options

When planning a party, you need to think over the ideas of dresses for a bachelorette party for the bride and bridesmaids in advance. The easiest option is to come in loose-fitting clothes, but if you pick up the same things, you get original photos. The choice of dress code will depend on the theme of the party, if any, and the location of the event.

In most cases, you do not need to come up with original outfit ideas for a bachelorette party - just wear the same wardrobe items, for example, short multi-colored skirts, bracelets with large buds or a veil. Girls can pick up ribbons in the style of those worn by graduates, only with the inscriptions "Bridesmaid". If you wish, you can go further and order the same T-shirts with inscriptions, for example, "Gang of the Bride".

If the girls are not satisfied with the standard dress ideas for a bachelorette party, they can dress up in a cowboy style. To do this, just wear jeans, a hat and a plaid shirt. If desired, it can even be tied with a knot at the waist. For a party on the beach or a boat, you can wear vests and sailor's caps, and for the theme of dudes, bright items of clothing are suitable.

The bride needs to think through a lot of organizational issues when planning a bachelorette party so that everyone is comfortable and fun. It is worth considering the following nuances:


Ideas on how to celebrate a bachelorette party are limited only by the own imagination of the bride and her bridesmaids. If you wish, you can arrange a fun and memorable party with minimal financial costs. The main thing is to stock up on a good mood and from the heart to spend time with your closest friends.

A bachelorette party is a headache for the bride's best friend. In order for the party before the wedding to be interesting and fun, she needs to have time to solve a lot of issues: write or select a script, organize an invitation for guests, draw up a clear plan for the event, prepare outfits and holiday attributes. But most importantly, you need a beautiful idea for a bachelorette party, which will be nice to implement.

Creative Ideas for a Bachelorette Party

Every real friend is ready to do everything possible to organize a gorgeous bachelorette party for the bride. To do this, she is not averse to considering a lot of creative ideas for a bachelorette party and choose from them the one that the bride will like the most. We will try to help with this.

party quest- a great idea for brides who love something unexpected. Such a surprise is a fascinating journey through the city, during which the bride will strive to get to a bachelorette party, the venue of which she does not know. And here, as in any quest, notes, the right people, riddles and many other surprises will help.

Paintball for a bachelorette party it looks, of course, very exotic, however, many active girls will be happy to play this male fun. A laser weapon for a bachelorette party is probably better, although shooting your friends with paint capsules is much more fun. In a word, the choice here is yours and your mood.

You can practice shooting in another place. How do you like the idea of ​​​​a shooting bachelorette party in dash? It is quite possible that the bride, tired of the pre-wedding fuss, will want to release negative energy in this way. After all, it's great to shoot your problems with a few shots point-blank. In addition, the shooting gallery is an excellent place for an uncompromising competition, without which no bachelorette party can do.

"Master Class"- a good reason to spend a bachelorette party is not only interesting, but also useful. Of course, the idea of ​​such a bachelorette party should be tailored to the interests of the bride, because this event is dedicated to her. But who, if not best friends, should know all the weaknesses of the future keeper of the family hearth. As for the topic of the master class, it can be dancing, cooking lessons, painting, art, cocktail making and much more.

Bachelorette Party Idea - Pajama Party

A pajama party is a great idea for girls who prefer a homely atmosphere to clubs and discos, who like to chat, conduct dialogues more than have fun to break away to metal rhythms. However, this does not mean that a pajama party can be left to chance and not prepared for it at all. On the contrary, so that it does not look like ordinary gatherings, include fun games, quizzes in the program, come up with funny tasks and do not be stingy with a good table with alcoholic drinks.

You can relax at home no worse than in entertainment establishments, prove it.

"Party in the club"

The idea of ​​a bachelorette party "hangout in a club" is very popular today. Many girls, saying goodbye to their free life, dream of finally having a good time at the disco with their girlfriends. Such parties usually end in the morning of the next day, when the club program is completely exhausted. The bachelorette party "hangout in the club" does not, of course, give the girlfriends the opportunity to have a good chat, but it gives a huge boost of energy and positive.


The sauna is one of the most attractive places for a bachelorette party. It provides many interesting options for relaxation and communication. Each sauna has a complex of pleasant and useful procedures, including massage and herbal teas. After them, the body of the bride at the wedding will radiate health and a lot of positive energy. If you like the sauna as an idea for a bachelorette party, then you need to understand that it is incompatible with large doses of alcohol.

Celebration in a limousine

A ride in a luxury limousine is a great idea for a bachelorette party before the wedding. It's so nice to feel like a part of high society and rush through the city at night with champagne. Such an event requires considerable expenses, but it is worth it. Plan your VIP trip itinerary in advance. These can be places that are dear to the bride: a school, a cinema, the first cafe, a disco, a park where she met her betrothed. How many interesting photos will be taken in one trip!

Photo session in nature

The idea of ​​combining a bachelorette party with a photo session appealed to many brides. After all, this is not only a pleasant event for every girl, but also a way to capture this day. Here, of course, two points are very important - a professional photographer and a beautiful place for filming. As a gift to the bride, you can give her a certificate to the photo salon.

Fresh air, beautiful nature, a fun walk in the company of best friends - is this not the best option for "farewell" to girlhood. Look at the video, how fun and beautiful you can hold an event outside the city.

Male striptease

For lovers of something hotter, there is the idea of ​​a male striptease at a bachelorette party. Here, of course, you need to ask the bride's opinion in advance so that the surprise does not disappoint. If the bride does not mind, give her a pleasant opportunity before a long and happy marriage to look at the body of a strange man.

Travel is the best idea for a bachelorette party

It is difficult to find an alternative to the trips that every girl dreams of. If finances allow, organize a bachelorette party weekend for your beloved friend, where she will be distracted from pre-wedding troubles, change the situation. You can even go to another city or another country if you have enough money and the groom will not mind such a tour on the eve of the wedding.

Theme party

A theme party will require you to organize the event well, since everything on it should match the chosen style. This applies not only to clothes and other attributes, but also to the dishes that will be on the table. Below we offer several popular themes for such a celebration, and you can choose one that will be well received by the bride.

Retro style 60s passed the test of time on many bachelorette parties and fell in love with many modern girls. The atmosphere of that time is best created by women's outfits and hairstyles, as well as the corresponding restaurant interior. The retro style of the sixties is also pleasant small talk with light alcohol and delicious dishes.

"Children's holiday"- a new idea for a bachelorette party, which invites all its participants to return for a while to a carefree happy childhood, to feel like little protected girls again. For such an event, you will need a children's cafe and bright outfits for girls. Relax, be sweetly naive and stupid, throw off the mask of an adult, at least for a while, which often prevents us from being ourselves.

If the bride is fond of the East, then why not organize a bachelorette party for her in oriental style. To implement this idea, choose a pleasant oriental restaurant. You do not even need to decorate the room in any special way, since the interior of such establishments is designed in the appropriate style. There must be an oriental menu here, a hookah, incense, enchanting music and delicious oriental dances.

But, any idea that you choose should please the main character of the bachelorette party - the bride. Remember this.

Competitions for a bachelorette party

Here are some popular ideas for bachelorette party contests that will give the event an atmosphere of fun and excitement.

For karaoke no special conditions are required, it can be held both in a restaurant and in a comfortable home environment.

Merry competition "excuse phrases". All the girls, including the bride, remember how their men shied away from some business. Whoever writes down more such excuses becomes the winner.

Dance on the newspaper looks more spicy when paired with a man, but girls can also have a lot of fun trying to dance on a newspaper that constantly shrinks in size at regular intervals. The winner is the girl who lasts the longest on the smallest newspaper sheet.

essence games "Take off the garter" in that you need to remove it from your leg without the help of hands. Whoever manages to do it faster wins this competition.

Don't forget about the prizes for the winners, they need to be prepared in advance. Usually these are small and funny souvenirs.

What can you give the bride?

Gifts for the bride are an indispensable and very pleasant part of a bachelorette party. Of course, the choice of a gift is always yours, but there are some items that are not recommended to be presented as a gift to the bride - a bad omen. Modern girls are not as superstitious as their mothers, and, moreover, grandmothers, but still do not give the newlyweds knives, watches and mirrors. Jewelry, books, bedding, all kinds of certificates, a bottle of expensive wine or cognac, a wedding garter will be your excellent choice.

Although the organization of a bachelorette party is not an easy task, but you will definitely cope with this task and find a great idea for a party. To make everything go without a hitch, get ready for the bachelorette party in advance.

A bachelorette party is a farewell evening for the bride, which is arranged for a great pastime for a girl with her friends. Finally, you need to have time to say goodbye to riotous youth, touching dates with neighbor boys, reckless club dances until the morning on weekends.

Or just say goodbye to lonely cold evenings, boring art-house movies and the habit of waking up at noon. Family life is a happy evolution from a self-sufficient person to a happy person.

But after the page "I'm free" and before "I'm married" there is a thin, colorful bookmark under the enticing code word: "Bachelorette party." This is where you need to make such a holiday so that it is pleasant to remember the past, but not too eager to look into the next “chapter”.

In advance, you need to take into account the following nuances, prescribed by the thousand-year experience of young happy wives:

1. The bride’s evening can be organized by the bride herself, if someone else is preparing the wedding and the girl has enough strength, or a future boyfriend, a loving sister or an activist friend. The organizer must be!

2. Such events do not suit the eve of the wedding itself. The ideal option is a couple of weeks before the celebration.

3. It is necessary to take into account the interests of the bride herself and her friends. Women who have been married for a long time or mothers-to-be are unlikely to approve of dancing late or skydiving.

4. Budget. Every event has costs. There are two important points here. First, any scenario can always be adapted for low cost or high cost. And secondly, all girls are obliged to take part (and financially) in the preparation of the holiday.

5. The main thing is the atmosphere! Let only benevolent girlfriends be at the bachelorette party, and not envious familiar young ladies from work, whom it was inconvenient not to invite. After all, a bachelorette party is a personal matter!

The sea worries - one, the bride worries - two ...

(Budget option for home gatherings)
A nautical-themed girl's party can be an original way to gather bridesmaids in a cozy, relaxing setting. Who does not like such a water atmosphere, you can hold a “cosmic” or “flower” meeting in a similar spirit, replacing the attributes of the underwater world with stars, planets, boats with UFOs or flowers and buds.

For sailors and mermaids

To hold this celebration, you need to consider some of the nuances.

You will need:

1. The same items in clothes. For example, something blue. T-shirts, skirts, tights ... You can give out special blue scarves or caps made of paper at the entrance.

2. Invitations can be made with painted shells, anchors, boats on blue paper. Alternatively, print from the Internet.

3. A bottle of wine (or rum?) and biscuits for tea time. You can bake or buy ready-made.

4. Balloons, nautical-themed napkins, nautical-themed posters or fashion magazine clippings depictions of beautiful men and women at sea. Printed funny predictions, twisted into tubes, ribbons for tying them to the liver.

5. A disc with songs similar to the soundtrack to the movie "Titanic", "You are a sailor, I am a sailor", "And by the river" and others, with a mention of the water element.

6. White paper for drawing, adhesive tape for attaching it to the wall, pens or pencils, note paper.

7. Camera! Where without him?

Give mooring lines

In advance, the organizer sends (gives) invitations to the girl friends and the bride, indicating the theme of the holiday in them.

You can indicate in each that the hero of the occasion will need to purchase or make a small gift with a meaning with his own hands:

  • soap, so that beauty always remains with her;
  • a keychain so as not to confuse the key to the husband's heart;
  • and similar trinkets. She will be pleased.

At the bachelorette party itself, you can drink a bottle of wine or champagne, make a toast to female friendship. As an appetizer, why not use cookies decorated with bows and playful predictions embedded in them before serving.

On the attached drawing paper, blindfolded, the girls will draw the perfect man. Dance music will connect friends in fun dances. Here you can also determine the winner and present a portrait of the very ideal man on the "canvas".

After drinking, the bottle of wine needs to be washed and dried, and at the end of the evening, each participant in the holiday will write wishes for herself, which they will bury in the garden and dig out in 10 years at the same time and with the same composition. At parting, you can give your girlfriends balloons decorated with wishes from the bride, and girlfriends will give her their little souvenirs.

For the Vamp Woman: From Dusk Till Dawn

The option of holding this girl's evening can take place at home and be quite interesting, or take place within the walls of a club or cafe, in an open area or in a separate room where no one will disturb the girls.

What do you need from the attributes

1. Appearance. A dark cape or a black dress, a red scarf or luminous horns will be in the theme. White long fangs, bright scarlet lipstick and smoky eyes are also not in the way.

2. Red drinks and dishes: wine, tomato juice, cherry compote, tomatoes, red meat.

3. The selection of music can be of an erotic nature, be in the style of rock or consist of the favorite songs of each participant in the event.

4. Printed photos from the Addams Family movie, red balloons are suitable for decorating the room.

5. If the continuation is expected in the club, you need to inform all the companions of the ladies present. Their permission is required. Maybe they'll have to take the girls home.

6. Clarify the presence of male striptease in the institution's program. Many men disapprove of watching their halves undress other guys.

7. Take into account the waste on the table, booze, taxis, entrance to the club. It is more convenient if the girls pay for transport and the entrance ticket themselves, and each will bring a dish for dinner. And the issue of finances does not need to be raised, and the future young wife will not have to start preparing hearty meals on the eve of the wedding. She's having a bachelorette party!

How is this evening going?

Fun! First, the bride gathers her friends dressed up in the style of Dracula. Here you can fool around, take a photo with unusual masks and costumes, have a bite of "thematic" food.

Having changed into a more familiar style, but with vamp elements, you can go dancing. The main thing is to take into account the dress code of the proposed club and permission to take pictures in it. A table must be booked at least a month in advance.

It is important to warn your spouses or parents about where the celebration of the girls' evening will be and what time the girls will be at home. It's great if they meet. Beautiful vamp women are still defenseless and beautiful. Their safety must be under control.

All the best - with your own hands

In recent years, there has been an increased interest in everything that is made by hand. Warmth and exclusivity of hand-made products make it attractive for girls.

Why not hold an original girl's party, combining the pleasant (communication and learning new things) with the useful (you can take the result of the work with you as a keepsake, and there, on maternity leave, these hobbies can still become a money hobby!).

What needlewomen need

1. Decide what topic the bachelorette party will be devoted to: one needlework or each girl will be able to teach her friends her occupation.

2. Actually, materials. To make soap, you need to purchase soap for the base, aroma oil, glycerin, dye, mold.

To make cookies, approximately, you will need at least a standard set:

  • flour;
  • oat flakes;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • eggs;
  • soda;
  • baking powder;
  • milk;
  • oil and other ingredients - too.

3. To decorate invitations or glasses, bottles in the decoupage style, you should find clean glass bottles. PVA glue in tandem with three-layer napkins, as well as beads, acrylic paints, glue brushes will also not be superfluous.

4. View the approximate technology of each lesson on the Internet.
You can additionally invite a master (for a fee) or spend this evening with friends so that no one interferes.

5. Background music: with favorite melodies of the bride and all her friends.

6. Festive table: a couple of quick salads and a bottle of wine or an ordered pizza and green tea would do the trick.

7. Decoration of the apartment: balloons and photos with girlfriends or wedding-themed magazines will perfectly create the right atmosphere.

8. We must not forget about the tools: scissors, paper, brushes and other equipment should be enough for each.

Sample Action Plan

Notified in advance, girlfriends come to visit the bride in a decorated apartment. The recently pooled class items are already waiting on the table. Then the girls in random order are accepted to demonstrate master classes.

For example, it is better to start with cooking, since baking time can be usefully spent on decoupage. Or you can set the order with the help of a coin or a contest with chairs and music like “Whoever wins is the first to demonstrate talent.”

The advantage of such gatherings is that each participant will not go home empty-handed. Such activities are soothing. The saturation of the program allows you not to think about competitions, taking a break only for a snack and fun dancing.

Treasure map awaits

This version of the quest is suitable for active girls who are ready to move around the city (or microdistrict) in search of a mysterious treasure. You can decorate the box in a special way and put a bottle of expensive wine or excellent green tea in it so that all participants can enjoy the taste of victory.

Where does exploits begin?

You can prove that female friendship is strong and uniting by completing certain tasks in search of a treasure.

To do this, you need to consider the steps:

1. On the eve of the bachelorette party, you should “work out” the area - the city, district, yard or house where the search will be: decide on the route.

2. In some places, it is worth hiding little hints in a playful way, showing the way for further points. Make sure that these notes are not noticed by other people.

3. Draw a map. Let the groom, a neighbor's child or a friend help with this.

4. Prepare a pirate entourage: eye patches, bandanas, vests.

5. Pay attention to snacks. Cheerful running around, especially over long distances, leads to an increase in appetite. You can collect a basket of groceries the day before or reserve a table in an inexpensive cafe with music a month in advance.

6. Warn the girls in advance about sportswear (you need to clarify the dress code for the cafe) and about wasting money on lunch.

7. For a more expensive option, you can include horse riding or kayaking, skydiving or go-karting in the quest.

What is a bachelorette party

A great girl's evening for energetic girls who need to let off steam before a responsible event. A bridesmaid dressed as a pirate can amusingly present the card. She should help with the preparations.

If there are a lot of girls, you can divide into 2 teams and choose a captain, come up with a motto. Participants can also be decorated with eye patches and bandanas. After each destination, the girls can answer some riddles about the bride. Great mood and excitement will help make such a bachelorette party unforgettable for everyone.

Pajama party for the elite

This event has a calm atmosphere. Its specificity is that it implies an overnight stay for the bridesmaids. If the groom does not live with the bride before the wedding or is absent, this is just the right option for a party.

Ready for a pillow fight

If the bride has the latest model of a vacuum cleaner in the house, and pillows stuffed with down are a dime a dozen - then a pillow fight should be on the list of entertainment!

If not, then it is the turn of other activities for which they will come in handy:

1. A CD with good classic movies like Pretty Woman or Breakfast at Tiffany's and a device to watch it.

2. Of course, pajamas! The option of chaste nightgowns and plush dressing gowns, slippers in the form of animals and knitted socks is allowed. There is no place for open underwear here.

3. Cookies, popcorn, light snacks (for a movie night), yogurt, fruit, and eggs for an omelette in the morning, sandwiches.

4. Masks and creams (hypoallergenic) for the face and hands that will not cause skin irritation before the wedding.

5. A slideshow with joint photos of the bridesmaids or a gift for the young, where the story of their acquaintance is revealed.

6. A bottle (wine or empty) for playing "bottle", only each participant tells her innermost secret or wish to the bride.

7. The number of beds and bed linen, slippers and towels for all participants of the bachelorette party.

good night girls

The very evening of farewell to the girl's life looks pretty nice and organic. Invited bridesmaids do not need styling, hairstyles, hairpins. The atmosphere itself sets up a lyrical perception.

Viewing the slide show will immerse everyone in the world of true love. Snacking something light at night, to your favorite movies, with a clay mask on your face will forever remain in the memory of your best friends, who will share their secrets before going to bed.

A la "Fashion magazine"

What is the biggest dream of every girl? Get on the cover of a magazine! You can order the services of an experienced photographer or ask someone who knows how to handle professional equipment. Make a photo session, print the results or arrange them as a slide show - if you wish. An event like this can be fun.

To remember the bachelorette party ...

For this you need:

1. Consider a route.

  • Budget option: arrange photography in beautiful places (the photographer will tell you);
  • a more expensive analogue: in addition to the photo, you can “fix” the celebration on the skating rink, skiing, on the beach (if it is the summer season). It is so easy to combine photography and outdoor activities.

2. Find a decent photographer, not at the last moment, of course.
Consider makeup, clothing style, mood, theme. If everything will happen in nature, check the weather.

3. Snack. A bachelorette party must be delicious! Picnic or cafe - to choose from.
Negotiate the cost with the photographer and all participants. Let the bridesmaid help.

Like this? Original! In professional photos, the happy bride and her friends look amazing. Walking in the fresh air and posing are pretty exhausting, so you can forget about competitions. If the program includes a trip to the cinema or to a water park - even better: no girl will forget such an adrenaline rush.

How to understand if a bachelorette party was a success

Just. When the bride (future married friend) looks at the photo report about her farewell party with a bachelor life, she must have tears of joy and tenderness in her eyes that it all happened. The bride should not change her mind about getting married, therefore, in the preparation of girlish gatherings, one cannot do without a sense of proportion. At the wedding, then it will be possible to “break away” to the fullest!

The tradition of organizing a bachelorette party before the wedding has come to us for a long time. Ever since the time of Kievan Rus, it was customary to spend the last evening of the bride (or one of the last) in the circle of her closest friends, sisters or other representatives of the fair sex. True, the scenario of the holiday has changed significantly. Between us girls: we offer you a rating of the most interesting ideas for organizing a bachelorette party.

According to tradition, the bridesmaids decide how to spend the bachelorette party. The entire organization is also placed on their shoulders, and sometimes even material costs. If you are a friend, then we recommend making a surprise for the bride. However, it is better to warn the girl in advance that she should carve out a free evening in her schedule.

Remember: this is a holiday for the future bride and you need to take into account her tastes. For example, if a girl is shy, you should not drag her to a male striptease. And vice versa: a lover of noisy parties will be bored drinking tea at home under a Disney cartoon.

In some cases, the bride herself does the work. If you are one of these girls, then you have more options in planning. No surprises: you can choose the perfect place, the right time, and generally arrange everything to your liking.

There is a third option: arrange a bachelorette party with the help of the organizers. They will help you find the best option: both according to the scenario of the evening and at the prices of contractors.

If you still decide to act on your own, then first of all you need to decide on the idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba bachelorette party. We suggest doing this - read on for the most fun options for holding.

Ideas for a bachelorette party before the wedding

How to celebrate a bachelorette party? A question that is equally difficult to answer for both friends and the bride herself. We offer you a selection of our favorite options - you may be able to find something useful for yourself.

Many underestimate the option of a home celebration, considering it too boring. But, if you think about what to do at the bachelorette party, then everything will be very fun.

The first thing that comes to mind in this context is a pajama party. If space permits, it was good to leave the girlfriends at home with an overnight stay. The standard dress code is robes, pajamas, funny hair pyramids and no makeup. You can treat guests with homemade cocktails and pizza ordered at home. As entertainment, you can put your favorite cartoon, a romantic comedy, or review old photos with your future husband.

The advantage of such a bachelorette party is that you are not limited by any framework - do what you want and how you want. You can play games, share secrets, fight with pillows, take pictures and make faces, jump on the bed ... In a word, play like children.


Already a classic, a variant of a bachelorette party in a nightclub. You can go to a club, a karaoke bar or even a male striptease! The taste and color, as you know ... You will walk all night long - such entertainment is sure to be remembered by every invited guest.

You can set a specific dress code: for example, all girls must come in short dresses or make up their lips with red lipstick.

This version of the celebration is what is called “to break away in full”. Even if you are not prone to such noisy entertainment, perhaps at least once in your life it is worth a try?

Bachelorette party in a certain style

Now it has become fashionable to use a certain style or theme as part of the celebration of a bachelorette party. The first option - you can use the plot of any work or movie. For example, to organize a bachelorette party in the style of "Alice in Wonderland" you do not need to rent a table in an expensive restaurant - you can arrange a tea party in nature.

A broader example is to organize everything in a cheeky pin-up style. Having made a choice, you will make it easier for yourself to choose a dress code, a place and treats. Please note that even the most extensive topic obliges you to follow it in the smallest detail. Therefore, think over everything to the smallest detail.


Among all the ideas for a bachelorette party, the quest claims to be the most original. This is a series of fun tasks that a bride has to go through in order to become a good wife. For example, from the proposed ingredients, choose the ones necessary for making borscht. Or from a dozen black socks to collect 5 pairs.

Friends are planning competitions for a bachelorette party. If the bride goes through everything successfully, then at the end a surprise will await her - for example, coffee and sweets.

Bachelorette party at the SPA

A great way to combine business with pleasure! If you choose this option for a bachelorette party, then you can schedule it just a few days before the wedding. Relax, enjoy relaxing treatments, and at the same time arrange a holiday for your skin and hair. As a result, you will be able to spend the whole day with your friends, and on your wedding day, you will look just fine!

A word of advice: don't experiment with beauty treatments. If you haven’t bleached your hair before or haven’t gone to the solarium, don’t try it right now. The result may not be exactly what you expected. And it will spoil the mood of any bride.

Another option for having fun and having fun. Why not take your friends to a cooking or pole dance class? The lesson will become for you a little preparation for family life, you will learn something new and will be able to surprise your new husband. Plus, no one canceled the fun - everything will be unforgettable in the circle of best friends!


The longest version of a bachelorette party - to organize it, the bride and friends need at least 2 free days. A trip in a purely female company can be scheduled for the weekend. It is not necessary to go far - you can go to a neighboring city or just go out into the countryside with tents.

This option is considered the most difficult in terms of organization: everything needs to be foreseen in advance, book tickets and accommodation, take time off from work, etc. However, such a girls' weekend will be a real reward for all efforts - you will stay with your friends, have fun, and a little separation from the groom before the wedding will only inflame your feelings more.

How to arrange a bachelorette party: preparation

Preparation for the bachelorette party takes place in stages. First you need to think through all the details and only then proceed to the organization. So, let's begin?

Set the date. We recommend avoiding surprises at this point. It is better to check with the bride/guests in advance whether this date is free. It is better to arrange a bachelorette party 1-2 weeks before the wedding, because the future wife has yet to have a good rest before the most important day in her life. We also do not recommend scheduling a bachelorette party for a weekday - after having fun at night, in the morning it will be very difficult for girls to return to normal working hours. The best option is Friday night.

Make a guest list. When compiling a list of invitees to a bachelorette party, remember: this is not a wedding yet. You do not need to call all the girls you know, including former classmates, classmates and colleagues. The holiday implies a narrower circle - only best friends or closest relatives. Unless you're planning something provocative, like going to a strip club, it's a good idea to include your mother and future mother-in-law on the guest list. I'm sure they will be pleased.

Buy a veil. Or several at once - if there are few girlfriends. To distinguish the bride among her friends, you can buy her a white veil, and the rest of the girls - a different shade. The veil should be of short length - maximum to the shoulder blades. The effect is guaranteed: you will attract a lot of attention from others, and the photos will turn out great!

Choose a venue. Please note that the place must match the theme of the bachelorette party and accommodate a sufficient number of people. It can be a picnic in nature, a table in a cafe or a small hall in a cinema. Alternatively, you can even spend the holiday at home by having a pajama party.

Write a bachelorette party script. Transfer to the place of celebration, treats, style and competitions for a bachelorette party - all this should be thought out in advance. It is better to prescribe an hourly timing, which will contain all the necessary addresses, phone numbers and names. So you make it easier for yourself the process of controlling the holiday.

Order invitations and cake. Not mandatory, but a very pleasant item in organizing a bachelorette party. In invitations, you can specify the desired dress code if the holiday takes place in a certain theme.

Rent transport. The classic option for a bachelorette party is a white limousine. But, if you want to save money, you can rent any modern foreign car. An even simpler option is to order a taxi for the bride to the place of celebration.