A magical gift from Santa Claus. Ticket for the New Year's circus show "Magic gift of Santa Claus" from the company "Circus of Miracles Magic gift of Santa Claus on Kuntsevskaya

May you not believe the secrets of magic,
Happy dreams and Scarlet Sails...
But how can you not believe in miracles,
Which did you make for a friend?

The Ivanhoe theater company invites children and adults to the amazing New Year's show of the Circus of Miracles - "Magic Gift from Santa Claus"!

The Circus of Miracles is a grandiose project that has no analogues in our country. "Magic gift of Santa Claus" is:

Amazing festive atmosphere;
- a unique show program that combines circus, theatrical, musical and illusion shows;
- an exciting New Year's story, permeated with magic, kindness and belief in miracles;
- tricks from the strongest circus artists (artists of Cirque du Soleil, the Great Moscow Circus, etc.);
- real miracles from Artyom Schukin - an illusionist, one of the top ten magicians in the world and a finalist of the Minute of Glory show on Channel One.

Famous theater actors, the brightest and most talented participants of the show “Voice. Children”, artists of the newsreel “Yeralash”, winners of the Children's New Wave and Junior Eurovision.

Winter is the time of New Year holidays, real smiles, happiness and, of course, gifts. And New Year's Eve is the best time to make your innermost desires and believe that they will come true.

The protagonist of the show of the Circus of Miracles "Magic Gift of Santa Claus" is an ordinary boy, but he is not happy about the winter holidays, because he does not believe in any New Year's magic. But soon everything will change! To help a faithful friend, our hero will embark on exciting adventures and will definitely receive the most important gift from Santa Claus - faith in miracles and the ability to create them for others!

What makes New Year different from other holidays? Well, of course, faith is magic! On the eve of New Year's Eve, almost every person has a desire to become involved in some kind of magical event.

New Year is a holiday that both children and adults look forward to. This is the time to make wishes. If you sincerely believe, then they will definitely come true. This year will be an exciting Christmas tree Magic gift of Santa Claus from 10 to 31 December 2016 at the Moscow Circus of Miracles.

In the center of the plot of the new performance is a boy who does not believe in miracles at all. He doesn't like New Year's at all. Fortunately, everything changes after the protagonist overcomes several trials. Santa Claus gives him a wonderful gift.

Tickets for the Magic Gift of Santa Claus

All guests of the Circus of Miracles during the winter holidays will find a huge number of pleasant surprises:

  • Tricks performed by the best circus artists. You will be amazed at what achievements a person can achieve in the circus arts. The performance of tricks is at the highest level. It is quite possible that you have not seen this before;
  • Festive show program, which amazes with its scale;
  • Magnificent special effects, which are created on the basis of unique technologies;
  • Beautiful compositions, light melodies of which will appeal to everyone. All songs are performed by the participants of the show “Voice. Children” and theater actors;
  • Lots of trained animals. Children simply adore all kinds of animals. That is why small spectators will be happy to watch their fun games;
  • Cheerful clowns. Sometimes it seems that these professionals are able to make even the most callous people in the world laugh;
  • New Year's gifts from Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

Unfortunately, the Santa's Magic Gift event has already passed. Leave your e-mail to never miss your favorite events again.


About the Christmas tree

Metropolitan buff theater he always devoted special time to small spectators, especially on the eve of the New Year. In the upcoming winter season, a colorful performance has been prepared here for boys and girls. "Magic Gift from Santa Claus" So, the cherished holiday is approaching, but its main characters have neither a cheerful mood nor a desire to celebrate anything. And all because the beloved granddaughter of Santa Claus disappeared, without which it is impossible to celebrate the New Year! Everyone guesses that the Snow Maiden was kidnapped by the villain Baba Yaga and her friend Koschey the Immortal, who have been hatching plans for a long time how to get Grandfather's gift. Of course, only the spectators of the performance can help the Snow Maiden. Armed with a magic wand (which is distributed in the lobby before the start of the Christmas Tree), the guys will unravel the intrigues and overcome various difficulties in order to rescue the Snow Maiden from captivity and bring her home before the chiming clock. And so that the children can participate in the New Year's investigation, parents should already buy tickets at the prices of the organizer for the Christmas tree "Magic Gift of Santa Claus" on the site website. Young viewers are waiting for interesting contests, riddles and puzzles, meeting with fairy-tale characters. Of course, it will not do without your favorite New Year's songs and poems, congratulations from the rescued Snow Maiden and parting words for the next year from Grandfather Frost.

You can choose a ticket with or without a gift. Santa Claus presents sweets to boys and girls from famous Moscow confectionery factories: Rot-Front and Red October.

To attend a show in theater buff each spectator must have a ticket. The auditorium is located near Novoslobodskaya metro station.

Full description

Why Ponominalu?

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Discounts and gifts

Why Ponominalu?

Ponominalu has an official contract for the sale of tickets. All ticket prices are official.

Don't delay your purchase

Closer to the dates of the events, ticket prices may increase, and in-demand ticket categories may end.

Discounts and gifts

After paying for tickets to Ponominalu, you will receive offers from partners with discounts and gifts.

Theater address: Novoslobodskaya metro station, Lesnaya st., 59, building 1

  • Novoslobodskaya
  • Belarusian
  • Mendeleevskaya
  • Belarusian

Moscow theater BUFF

Moscow theater "Buff" went from youth studio to high professionalism. It was created in 1987 under the Department of Culture and Sports of the Sverdlovsk District of the capital. Putting performances based on classical and contemporary works on its stage, "Buff" worked in parallel on other Moscow venues and toured extensively in Russia and neighboring countries.

The rich repertoire of this theater includes productions designed for every taste and age, but most of all "Buff" takes care of the smallest of its viewers. And today it is children's performances that are the main "specialization" of the theater. Based on the best and most famous fairy tales, "Buff" gives them an original cut, turning them into a bright magic show.

And, not limited to performances alone, theater "Buff" also organizes the celebration of children's birthdays and other celebrations. You will be offered more than a dozen holiday scenarios from which you can choose the one that is more appropriate for the age and preferences of your child and his friends. And for teenagers, incendiary parties are held here.

How to get to Moscow theater "Buff": after reaching Mendeleevskaya metro station, go to Novoslobodskaya street. Follow it straight to the nearest traffic light, cross the road and turn left. Now you are already on Lesnaya Street and there is nothing left to reach your destination. Walk along Lesnaya until you find yourself in front of house number 59, where, in fact, the theater is located. This journey will take less than 10 minutes.

You can also walk here from the Belorusskaya-Koltsevaya metro station - the signs will help you find the exit to Lesnaya Street, and then all you have to do is follow the numbering of the houses so as not to miss the 59th. And this walk will also be short - only 10 minutes.

you can independently at the box office of the platform or place an order on the website

What if the New Year comes a little earlier than planned? We think the children will even like it, get their first gifts on the eve of the holidays, dance, sing and play with interesting characters. All this and much more will take place as part of the "Magic Gift of Santa Claus", a performance that has no equal. It will certainly appeal not only to kids, but also to their parents, they will remember their childhood, completely immerse themselves in the festive atmosphere

And they will have fun.

All this is possible thanks to the creative approach of the director to the creation of the performance. Thanks to the unique scenery, the audience will actually feel like they are in a mysterious world where any desires and hopes come true.

Get tickets for this performance - give yourself and your children a piece of happiness, joy and hope that their dreams will come true next year. You can buy tickets on our website. Hurry up, places are limited.