Education of patriotism and citizenship in history lessons. "Education of patriotism in the classroom and in extracurricular work

“Proper upbringing is our happy old age, bad upbringing is our future grief, these are our tears, this is our fault before other people, before the whole country,” wrote A.S. Makarenko. The problem of patriotic education in modern conditions acquires new characteristics and, accordingly, new approaches to its solution as an integral part of the holistic process of social adaptation, life self-determination and personality development. The gradual loss by teenagers of the traditionally Russian patriotic consciousness has become more noticeable. Indifference, selfishness, cynicism, unmotivated aggressiveness, disrespectful attitude towards the state have become widespread in the public consciousness. A new generation of young people is growing up on American action films and Asian drugs. And as an inevitable result, drug addiction, drunkenness and juvenile delinquency are on the rise. There is a steady decline in the prestige of military service.

Today it is vitally important to revive in Russian society the feeling of true patriotism as a spiritual, moral and social value, to form in a young person civilly active, socially significant qualities that he can show in the creative process and in those activities that are associated with the protection of Russian borders. It is no coincidence that moral and patriotic education is considered one of the priority issues of education in all educational institutions.

In modern conditions, the need to develop and implement new approaches to determining the priorities and fundamental principles of moral and patriotic education is obvious. The need to form a patriotic-minded younger generation follows from the very essence of the process of modernization of education. For the formation of an active personality of a citizen - a patriot of his Fatherland, his worldview, the spiritual world, other approaches are needed that optimize this process. Among the means aimed at improving the patriotic education of children, a special place is occupied by moral education at school.

History lessons have always been designed to promote the education of citizenship, patriotism of students, for which the study of the history of Russia provides fertile material. Knowing the idea of ​​the Motherland, experiencing a feeling of love for it, enthusiasm, experiencing anxiety about its present and future, the student asserts his dignity, strives to be like the heroes of the Motherland. Member of the Patriotic War of 1812 Ya.P. Kulnev wrote: “A hero who serves the Fatherland never dies and comes to life in offspring.”

Moral- this is not a natural, but an acquired, educated personality quality, since a morally mature person must have character traits that correspond to the generally accepted in a particular society at a given stage of its development, the established order, norms, and traditions of social life.

Patriotism- this is a deep social feeling, which certainly includes pride in the past and present of one's Fatherland, manifested in specific good deeds and deeds and in the desire to defend and protect the interests of the Motherland.

Moral and patriotic education is an important task of the formation of the individual and is one of the main conditions for its viability in society.

Thanks to the patriotism and heroism of the masses, Russia managed to get out of the most difficult situations in the most difficult periods of its history. History lessons are designed to help schoolchildren survive and comprehend all the positive things that happened in the past. Assimilation by students of the idea of ​​love for the Motherland, for all mankind, instilling universal norms of morality is the most important stage in the formation of citizenship, the education of a Citizen of Russia. This is achieved when the ideas of patriotism are revealed to the mind and heart of the pupil in vivid, emotional images, awaken in them feelings of empathy, gratitude for the courageous fighters for the triumph of truth and justice. At the same time, knowledge about the Motherland should cause not only pride in its achievements, but also heartache, anxiety, concern that we still do not have what it should be.

History is a powerful and ever-living force that creates a Patriot, a Citizen.

It seems to me that this is especially important now, when many people have lost their value orientations, lost a sense of love for their homeland. It is bitter to realize that in our modern society citizens do not associate themselves, their lives with the prosperity and power of the Fatherland, have forgotten its history, do not understand that “without the past there is no present, there cannot be a future, that without love for the Fatherland there is not and cannot be love for Humanity."

From the pages of magazines, newspapers, from television screens, the theme of the Motherland has essentially disappeared, its past is hushed up or denigrated, many facts are distorted. They are increasingly trying to instill in us such thoughts as, for example, the idea that the United States made the main contribution to the victory over fascism, and it is to them that we owe the fact that we were able to liberate our Motherland and hoist the banner of Victory over the Reichstag. The country has forgotten its heroes, forgotten those to whom it owes its existence, its independence.

To a large extent, the blame for this lies with modern programs, which devote very few hours to such topics as “The Patriotic War of 1812”, “The Great Patriotic War”, etc. But it is precisely the lessons of these topics that provide the most fertile material for patriotic education, for instilling a sense of love for the Motherland, its heroic past.

History textbooks, especially for high school students, are written in hard-to-reach, dry language and are poorly illustrated. They practically do not contain bright factual material, some of them contain gross factual and even spelling errors. In addition, they, like textbooks in other subjects, are expensive and not always available to some students, and even more so to schools that have not had the funds to purchase them for a long time. Therefore, in my work I try to pay as much attention to this issue as possible. At the same time, I always remember the words of Sukhomlinsky, who wrote: "... the strength and effectiveness of patriotic education is determined by how deeply the idea of ​​​​the Motherland takes possession of the personality, how clearly a person sees the world and himself through the eyes of a patriot". The most fertile material for instilling love for the Motherland contains lessons on the Great Patriotic War. From the first lessons of the topic, on which I allocate the maximum possible hours, I create a certain emotional mood, using a phono-reader, illustrative material. The lesson begins with a recording of the song “Holy War”, against which the verses sound:

The flowers seemed to be cold.

And they faded a little from the dew.

The dawn that walked through the grasses and bushes,

They searched with German binoculars.

A flower, all covered in dewdrops, clung to the flower,

And the border guard held out his hands to them.

And the Germans, having finished drinking coffee, at that moment

They climbed into the tanks, closed the hatches.

Everything breathed such silence,

That the whole earth was still asleep, it seemed.

Who knew that between peace and war

Only five minutes left!

And immediately Levitan's voice sounds in the recording about the attack of the fascist invaders on the USSR and the order to mobilize. Then I announce the topic: “The Beginning of the Great Patriotic War” and talk about the crossing of the borders of the Soviet Union by the German-fascist army. The forces of the parties are characterized, examples of the heroism of the Soviet people, which manifested themselves already in the first hours of the war, are given. At the lesson, students report about the heroic defense of the Brest Fortress, about the defenders of the Lopatin outpost, about the feat of Gastelo. At the same time, illustrations about the defense of the fortress, the painting “Defending the Brest Fortress”, the poster “The Motherland Calls” are used.

In the lesson “Siege of Leningrad”, records are used: “Voices of Heroic Leningrad”, “Seventh Symphony” by Shostakovich, photographs of the series “Monument to the Heroic Defenders of Leningrad”, “Piskarevsky Cemetery”. In the story of the teacher and the messages of students, there are poems by M. Svetlov, N. Tikhonov, M. Isakovsky, O. Bergolts, dedicated to the defenders of the city:

My sister, comrade, friend and brother,

after all, it is we, baptized by the blockade!

Together they call us Leningrad,

and the globe is proud of Leningrad.

And if from now on they want

Finding words with concepts on a par,

Tell about the shed priceless blood,

About courage, they will say - Leningrad -

And everything will merge in this word!

And at the final lesson of the topic - the conference: “The sources and significance of the victory of the Soviet Union in the Great Patriotic War” - I pay attention primarily to the heroism of the Soviet people, the military leadership art of military leaders. In the performances of the guys there are examples of the courage of people, their unparalleled feat in the name of the Motherland, the gramophone records of the melody “We need one victory” and “Requiem” are used, against which the lines from the work of the same name by R. Rozhdestvensky are read:

People! As long as hearts are beating

At what cost is happiness won?

Please remember!

Tell your children about them

To be remembered!

Tell the children of children about them,

To be remembered too!

For all the times of the immortal Earth,

Leading ships to twinkling stars

About the dead

Meet the vibrant spring

People of the Earth!

Kill the war, curse the war

People of the Earth!

Carry the dream through the years

And fill it with life!

But about those who will never come

I conjure:

In the lesson “The Movement of the Decembrists”, the material about the fate of the Decembrists, their spiritual and human appearance runs like a red thread. The guys make reports about Trubetskoy, Volkonsky, Nikita Muravyov, Obolensky and others. Excerpts from Nekrasov's poem “Russian Women”, “Message to Siberia” by Pushkin are used. But I pay special attention to the feat of the wives of the Decembrists, their amazing courage. I show portraits of the wives of the Decembrists, talk about their amazing fate, worthy of admiration. At the lesson, an excerpt from "Russian Women" is staged - Trubetskoy's meeting with the Irkutsk Governor General. I continue this theme in extracurricular work, spending an evening dedicated to the Decembrists, where, in addition to poetry, there are also romances performed by students.

The lessons on the topics “The Patriotic War of 1812” and “The Liberation Struggle Against the Polish and Swedish Interventions” also bear a great educational burden. The images of Kutuzov, Bagration, Raevsky, Minin, Pozharsky, Ivan Susanin contribute to the education of love for the Motherland. A bright teacher's story about the events, students' messages about the fate of their participants. The emotional mood of the lessons is also created by illustrations, the use of poetry, excerpts from musical works. For example, the story about Ivan Susanin is accompanied by a recording of Glinka's opera "Ivan Susanin" - Susanin's aria, and at the end of the lesson, as a conclusion about the feat of the people - the finale of the opera with the famous chorus "Glory" and the ringing of bells.

In my work on patriotic education, I also use the huge potential that local history carries in itself: knowledge about my small Motherland contributes to the formation of love for it, a careful attitude to everything that has been inherited from previous generations. In order for schoolchildren to be able to internally perceive the idea of ​​patriotism, to be able to experience the joy of learning new things about their family, about their small homeland, to experience the joy of transferring knowledge acquired independently to their peers and older comrades, we must constantly include this material in our work, raise a citizen not on abstract ideals, but on examples from the life of parents, townspeople, on events from the history of their city. The upbringing of patriotism, respect for the elders, their fate is built on concrete historical grounds.

The famous Kulikovo field is the glory of the Russian Land! These are the southern borders of Russia, where the Nepryadva River flows into the Don River, where the Red Hill rises above the vast plain, crowned with a tall cast-iron pillar with an intricate Slavic inscription: “Grateful posterity to the conqueror of the Tatars, Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy! ”

The lesson instills in schoolchildren pride in our ancestors who managed to defeat a strong and cruel enemy, evokes sympathy for the fallen, an understanding that at the cost of their lives the Russian people saved their homeland from death:

There was such a great groan,

There was a fight with such blood

That the Don was painted in crimson

Down to the very bottom

And here is the lesson: “My family during the Great Patriotic War.” Students prepare for it in advance, looking for material about their relatives - participants in the war or the labor front.

It begins with a recording of the song "Cranes", against which the quatrain sounds:

There is neither a house nor a hut in Russia,

Wherever you look at us from the wall

With the young eyes of a soldier

Inspiring feat of war.

Then I say that the war affected every Soviet family, including yours, it came to every home. After that, I announce the topic of the lesson, written on the board. As an illustration, I use a photocopy of documents and awards, photographs and medals of relatives of the guys who participated in the war. Having familiarized myself with the material in advance, I try to arrange the children's messages in chronological order and briefly present each message in the lesson.

In conclusion, I talk about my grandfather - a participant in the Great Patriotic War

I also turn to the "Book of Memory", to the one dedicated to our Belovsky district, introduce students to it, telling them how to use it. The lesson ends with a melody from the movie “Officers” - “There is no such family in Russia ...” and lines from “Requiem”:

Remember, through the centuries, through the years,

Sending your song into flight,

About those who will never come,


Don't cry, keep your moans in your throat

bitter moans!

Be worthy of the memory of the fallen

Forever worthy!

Such lessons have a huge emotional impact on the children, evoke a sense of pride in their loved ones - participants in the greatest events in history and, I hope, make them proud of the feat of the Motherland, which saved the world from the threat of fascism. Using all the means at my disposal, I try to instill in students a sense of patriotism, love for the Motherland, their city, family, to educate them as a Citizen of Russia. And without this, our society cannot have a future.

Everything passes. The motherland remains

Something that will never change.

They live with her, loving, suffering, rejoicing.

Falling and rising up...

And there's still a lot to go

Kohl is called to the future path.

But brighter and purer than the feelings of the Motherland

People will never get.

One of the main tasks of historical education today is not only an objective presentation of the events and facts that took place, but precisely the education of a sense of love for their homeland in schoolchildren, pride in cultural achievements, awareness of high citizenship and one's duty to the Fatherland.

The 20th century is coming to an end, which brought great disasters to our country: revolutions, wars, mass repressions of the peoples of Russia by the state, ill-conceived reforms and, as a result, economic and political crises. Sometimes, in difficult moments, it seemed that Russia was losing its state independence. But patriotic traditions, national pride, national self-consciousness have always come to the rescue. National self-consciousness is inextricably linked with patriotism, which helps to mobilize the forces of society to solve the problems that have arisen before it, and facilitate overcoming difficulties and trials. According to I. Kant, self-consciousness and awareness of the external world are consistent with each other: "Consciousness of my own being is at the same time direct awareness of the being of other things that are outside of me." Not realizing himself as a representative of one of the ethnic groups, the bearer of one of the national cultures, a person will inevitably consider his culture, his custom and traditions the only reasonable and true.

Everything that is different will seem alien and hostile to him. It was on this, for example, that the propaganda campaign of the second half of the 1940s was based. in the USSR, the purpose of which was to plant the ideas of Soviet patriotism. At the same time, the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) was intolerant of any attempts to revise it. The newspaper "Culture and Life" sharply criticized K. Simonov, who tried to distinguish between "instinctive" and "true" patriotism: to recognize an unfamiliar world", the second, on the contrary, helps people to know this alien world, to recognize certain positive aspects of American technology and life. "They lacked, - writes K. Simonov about people of the first category, - a sense of spiritual superiority over a foreign world, having which one can it was without loss of self-respect to say that American freeways or air-cooled cinemas were great things, and it was a pity that we had not yet had the opportunity to have the same in our country. The far-fetched, false division of the patriotism of Soviet people into two categories leads the writer to mistakes. "Quoted from: A. V. Fateev. Sovereign patriotism of the late Stalinist era // Teaching history at school, 1995. No. 7. P. 2.

The well-known prose writer V. Tendryakov wrote about the peculiarities of Soviet patriotism: “Everything Russian suddenly began to cause painful pride to rise ... What is not in Russian, what resembles foreign - everything is hostile. in a Moscow bun, Edison Street disappears in Leningrad: It was rumored that one dissertator argued: Russia is the birthplace of elephants: ". Tendryakov V. explains such moods, views by the special psychology of the winners that the Soviet people had in the post-war period: it is impossible to win and not feel smug, not imbued with hostile suspicion: are you received as you deserve? To overcome the negative consequences of sovereign patriotism, it is necessary to have national self-consciousness, acceptance of the diversity of the world, to dialogue with carriers, which is the most important step towards accepting the diversity of the world, to other cultures.

And vice versa, during the period of perestroika and after the collapse of the USSR, in the minds of Russians, by all means, the conviction was developed that everything alien, foreign was worthy of imitation and study. The result of such upbringing was a disdain for everything domestic, a lack of consciousness of one's own dignity as a Russian person, and an underdeveloped sense of patriotism. Vyazemsky E. E. et al. Historical education in modern Russia. M., 1997.

The situation that has developed in Russia over the past fifteen years is unusual. The old society, with its economy, politics, ideology, has been destroyed, and the new one is being formed in the absence of a new ideology. In an ideological vacuum, the information processing system embedded in the mass consciousness is turned on. The reassessment of values ​​began. They say that a true citizen loves his homeland. But what is homeland? Native people, home, birches? But there are so many problems around: poverty, unemployment, high prices, terrorism, problems in Chechnya. Is that love too? Is this also homeland? These are difficult questions. You can't love ill-conceived government decisions. But a true citizen, not loving them, is experiencing the pain and difficulties of his homeland. V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “Motherland is your home, your cradle. In your own home, not everything goes smoothly and not everything is fine.” A real citizen must understand that nothing will change without his action.

At present, we are witnesses and participants in the process of a gradual transition to the search for answers to the questions: what and how to teach? Should the school be engaged in education or is it the responsibility of the family only? There are different points of view on this problem. For example, there are authors who believe that a history teacher should not be engaged in the education of patriotism, including love for the "small" one. However, in our opinion, this is a wrong position. It seems that a sense of national self-consciousness (and its rise is inevitable as a response to major socio-political upheavals of recent times) and a sense of love for the Fatherland should be instilled in a person by family and school.

The modern school is called upon to carry out the harmonious development of the individual. In this case, the leading role is given to education. Let's see what the law says: “Education in this Law is understood as a purposeful process of upbringing and training in the interests of a person, society, state” (Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. Preamble).

In general, the word "patriot" first appeared during the French Revolution of 1789-1793. Patriots then called themselves fighters for the people's cause, defenders of the republic, as opposed to traitors, traitors to the motherland from the camp of monarchists. In the explanatory dictionary of V. I. Dahl, the meaning of this word is interpreted as follows: “A patriot is a lover of the fatherland, a zealot for his good, fatherland lover».

The moral content of this concept is more clearly defined in the philosophical dictionary: “patriotism (Greek Patris - fatherland) is a moral and political principle, a social feeling, the content of which is love for the fatherland, devotion to it, pride in its past and present, the desire to protect the interests of the motherland ".

Patriotism can be individual, group and mass. Therefore, the explanation of its foundations, patriotic education and comprehensive education multiply the number of patriots and deepen their healthy sense of patriotism, while bad manners, ignorance, escape from reality, alcohol and drug addiction, various kinds of numerous mental and other deviations multiply the number of neo-patriots, pseudo- and false patriots.

Outstanding people of our country in the past considered patriotism the basis of the spiritual life of a person, his desire for freedom and prosperity of the Motherland. “... A true man and a son of the fatherland,” wrote A. N. Radishchev, “is one and the same thing ... He would rather agree to die than set an example of indiscretion to others ... he burns with the most tender love for the integrity and tranquility of his compatriots ... overcomes all obstacles, he tirelessly watches over the preservation of honesty, gives good advice and instructions ... and if he is sure that his death will bring strength and glory to the fatherland, then he is not afraid to sacrifice his life. ... He is directly noble, whose heart cannot but tremble with tender joy at the single name of the fatherland ... ".

The great Russian poet N. A. Nekrasov in the poem “Who Lives Well in Russia” painted a bright image of the people’s protector Grisha Dobrosklonov, for whom the motto was the meaning of life: “The share of the people, their happiness, light and freedom above all!”.

Understanding the essence and content of patriotism and its great importance in the development and formation of personality, one cannot fail to cite the words of K. D. Ushinsky, full of the deepest meaning. “Just as there is no person without pride,” wrote Konstantin Dmitrievich, “so there is no person without love for the fatherland, and this love gives upbringing the right key to a person’s heart and a powerful support for fighting his bad natural, personal, family and tribal inclinations.”

If patriotism expresses the attitude of a person to his Motherland, to its historical past and present, then citizenship is associated with a person's belonging to a particular people, his political activity.

The concept of "citizenship" is ambiguous:

  • 1) the antithesis of anti-politicism, active and conscious involvement in the affairs of the political community;
  • 2) psychological feeling of being a citizen, a full member of the political community;
  • 3) ability and willingness to act as a citizen;
  • 4) the highest virtue of a free and full member of the political community;
  • 5) commitment to the interests of the political community, most often the state, willingness to make sacrifices for the sake of these interests.

These and other related meanings of the concept of "citizenship" complement and reinforce each other, and therefore, it acquires a very broad meaning. Historically, citizenship is associated with various forms of democracy, with direct participation in the affairs of the community, with the emergence of polis-type relations. Polis democracy provides fully developed forms of citizenship, which is considered as one of the most important virtues of a free and educated Hellene, which distinguishes him from a barbarian or a slave. As a result, citizenship is closely related to patriotism, but is, as it were, its highest form.

A history teacher can tell schoolchildren that the bourgeois revolutions gave a powerful impetus to the affirmation of the virtues of citizenship and patriotism, which are often opposed to loyalty. This was largely facilitated by the assertion of human and civil rights, as opposed to the concept of the rights and liberties granted by the sovereign to subjects. Patriotism is an emotional attitude towards the motherland, expressed in the readiness to serve it and protect it from enemies. Patriotism and citizenship include an interconnected set of moral feelings and behavioral traits: love for the motherland, loyalty to the political system; following and multiplying the traditions of their people; careful attitude to historical monuments and customs of the native country; affection and love for native places; the desire to strengthen the honor and dignity of the Motherland, the readiness and ability to defend it; military courage, courage and dedication; intolerance to racial and national hostility; respect for the customs of culture of other countries and peoples, the desire to cooperate with them.

To instill in children an understanding of all this is the most important task of the history teacher.

A history teacher should also develop in students an understanding of the essence of world historical processes. Without this, it will be difficult for a young person to navigate the political life of society. Political consciousness is inconceivable without developed political thinking, the ability to deeply comprehend political and historical events, evaluate them, and draw correct tactical and strategic conclusions regarding the direction of civil social development. Consequently, here the role of the history teacher is very high.

The core of all civic education is patriotism and internationalism. The school has always developed in the children of all the peoples of Russia a sense of freedom, unity, equality and brotherhood. The essence of the concept of "patriotism" includes love for the Motherland, for the land where he was born and raised, pride in the historical achievements of the people. Patriotism is inextricably combined with internationalism, a sense of universal solidarity with the peoples of all countries. A special place in the international education of young people is occupied by the formation of feelings of unity, friendship, equality and brotherhood, uniting the peoples of Russia, the culture of interethnic communication; intolerance towards manifestations of national narrow-mindedness and chauvinistic swagger. In this process, the role of genuine folk multinational culture, true to the truth of life, is great.

The content of education occupies the leading place in the process of formation of the patriotic and international consciousness of schoolchildren. For example, the study of history introduces the rich patriotic and international traditions of the peoples of Russia.

The study of the recent history of the Russian Federation reveals to children the essence of the reform of the political system, which opens up space for the self-government of society, creating conditions for the full development of the initiative of citizens; debugging the mechanism of democratic identification and formation of the interests and will of all classes and social groups; providing conditions for the further free development of each nation and nationality, strengthening their friendship and cooperation on the principles of internationalism; radically strengthening law and order; creating an effective mechanism that ensures the timely self-renewal of the political system, the development and implementation of the principles of democracy and self-government in all spheres of life. Nikitin A.F. On civic education // Teaching history at school. 1995. No. 1.

Like morality in general, patriotism and citizenship are active. Therefore, their upbringing is carried out in the process of organizing a variety of cognitive and practical activities of schoolchildren. This may be the organization of a school museum, meetings with veterans, trips to places of military glory.

The process of developing moral ideas on issues of patriotism and citizenship is carried out taking into account the age characteristics of students. In the lower grades, the children form the most general ideas about the Motherland as the country where they were born and grow up. The ideas of middle and high school students about patriotism and citizenship are becoming much broader and deeper. It is quite natural that the richer the schoolchildren's understanding of patriotism and citizenship, the more successfully their value judgments (views) are formed and their moral consciousness develops on these issues.

There is no doubt that love for the Motherland appears in a person with the emergence of a feeling of attachment to the places where he was born and raised and with which he has vivid emotional experiences. Leo Tolstoy wrote very well about this attachment to his native places: “Without my Yasnaya Polyana, I can hardly imagine Russia and my attitude towards it.” The feeling of affection and ideas about native places expands and deepens due to the knowledge of one's country and its part - the native land. Familiarization with the facts from the history of the region, city, involvement in them helps schoolchildren to better understand the general patterns of development of our country, make them more understandable, close, organically connect the material being studied with the past and present of their region, city, and thereby contributing to the formation of deep ideas and transformation them into convictions.

A history teacher in the Kaliningrad region is faced with a difficult task - to walk along the shaky line, educating children in love for their native land, without denying the achievements of the age-old culture of this land, and at the same time - without falling into Germanism. The way out may be to study the history of Prussia in close connection with the history of the Russian Empire: the study of the cultural ties between Albertina and Russian universities, the participation of Russian and Prussian troops in the struggle against Napoleon, etc.

literary reading

Education of patriotism in elementary school takes place almost daily. Great importance is given to patriotic education, first of all, in the lessons of the Russian language, literary reading, the subject "The World Around Us". Systematic work on the patriotic education of schoolchildren gives positive results, because the younger generation will not be brought up on the denial of the culture of their country and ridiculing the history of their state, but will learn to find the right guidelines, form a system of attitudes to certain events. Literature has great potential in patriotic education. Oral creativity of any nation contains the richest material for education in the spirit of friendship, mutual understanding, diligence, patriotism. Proverbs, sayings, riddles, songs, epics serve this purpose. Enormous material for the patriotic and civic education of students is presented by episodes of the military history of Russia. So, studying the heroic pages of the history of our country in the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov’s “Borodino”, students reveal the thoughts and feelings of ordinary soldiers who defended their homeland from the enemy, his thoughts about the significance of the Battle of Borodino and the role of the common people, about the Russian national character, about the price at which the glory of the motherland is obtained. In these lessons, a conversation is held about the war of 1812 and the significance of the Battle of Borodino. The main thing when analyzing the poem, we answer the question: “Why do the feelings of the participants in the distant events of 1812 continue to excite us now? Why during the Great Patriotic War, the defenders of Moscow often uttered the words of Lermontov: “Guys! Isn't Moscow behind us?

Reading a poem by M.Yu. "Borodino", the children come to the conclusion that this poem is about the immortal national feat. And at the same time, this is a word of sadness and longing for the past irretrievable heroic days. We highlight the historical significance of the poem "Borodino". Children begin to understand that an ordinary participant in the battle, a simple soldier, tells about the feat of the people, about the great historical battle. And most importantly - his story, simple and direct, is always at the height of what happened.

Analyzing the story of a soldier, we see that the feat of the people not only has not been reduced in its significance, not only has it not broken up into “cases” and particulars, but, on the contrary, has acquired an amazing value. In it, the separate, the particular is united by a common idea. "Guys! Isn't Moscow behind us? Let's die near Moscow, As our brothers died! This patriotic idea, illuminating the whole story of a soldier, gives content and meaning to what is happening. "Borodino" by Lermontov is an autobiography of a national feat.

It is necessary to convey to every child that the most striking thing about the Lermontov soldier is that he sees history, but not from the command post and not from the top of eternity, but from his battery. This is the philosophical significance of Lermontov's poem as a poem about people's self-consciousness. And in the lesson, the student transforms into a simple battery of the Battle of Borodino and proudly reads the lines:

We will go to break the wall,

Let's keep our heads up

For your homeland!

At the lesson, children feel the unity of the army, complete mutual trust and mutual guarantee of one for all and all for one, which is typical for the psychology of a soldier of the people's liberation war.

Children begin to understand that in the poem "Borodino" the poet draws a just, national, liberation war. It defines all proportions of the image, paint, whole and details. In the poem, the word “Russian” is repeated more than once: “Russian bayonets”, “Russian battle is remote, our hand-to-hand combat”; the word "motherland" sounds like a call to battle; and over everything as an excuse for incalculable losses and victims - the image of Moscow, personifying the whole country.

Thus, the significance of this poem for literature, and for the social thought of Russia, cannot be overestimated. And Lermontov's poem "Borodino" is a fertile material for the education of civic-patriotic feelings of younger students.

(from teacher experience)

V.I. Shamshieva,

MBOU secondary school No. 8 (Birsk, Republic of Belarus)

Development of a lesson on the topic "Patriotic War of 1812"

Lesson Objectives:

Tell about the course of the Patriotic War, the heroic defense of the Russian population, find out what its national character is;

To instill a sense of pride and love for the Motherland on the examples of the exploits of the Russian people;

Develop skills in working with documents, with a map, the ability to define, compare and explain concepts.


1. Napoleon's invasion of Russia.

2. Battle of Borodino.

3. Council in Fili and leaving Moscow.

4. Retreat and death of the "Great Army".

Equipment: map "Patriotic War of 1812", documents, textbook, illustrations.


Municipal budgetary educational institution of the city of Kurgan

“Secondary school No. 53 named after A.A. Sharaborina"

speech at the Pedagogical Council:

"Civil-patriotic education

in the lessons of history and social studies "

(from work experience)

Prepared by:

teacher of history and social studies

highest qualification category

MBOU "Secondary School No. 53"

Sharandina Valentina Vladimirovna

Kurgan, 2016

I know since the beginning of the earth

It probably doesn't happen any other way.

Wherever our dreams take us

The road will lead to home.

Where nothing needs to be explained

Where everything is clear and familiar without words.

You just need to come, quietly take off your shoes,

And listen to the silence of your home.

Then you can move mountains away

You can overcome any adversity.

It is clear only after these meetings,

How important it is to protect your homeland!

In the Soviet school, the education of citizenship and patriotism was given priority. Pioneer and Komsomol organizations were the instruments of this education. The content of most humanitarian subjects was also subordinated to the idea of ​​love for the motherland and the Soviet state.

How things stand with the education of citizenship and patriotism today, you do not even need to tell.

It should be noted that with the liquidation of the Pioneer and Komsomol organizations, an effective instrument of education was lost. Therefore, in modern conditions, the greatest burden in the education of these qualities falls on extracurricular activities and such subjects as "The World Around" and "Reading" (in elementary school), and "Literature", "Social Studies" and "History" (in primary and high school).

From the pages of magazines, newspapers, from television screens, from the Internet, the topic of the Motherland has essentially disappeared, its past is hushed up or denigrated, many facts are distorted. They are increasingly trying to instill in us such thoughts as, for example, the idea that the United States made the main contribution to the victory over fascism, and it is to them that we owe the fact that we were able to liberate our Motherland and hoist the banner of Victory over the Reichstag. The country has forgotten its heroes, forgotten those to whom it owes its existence, its independence.

To a large extent, the blame for this lies with modern programs, which devote very few hours to such topics as “The Battle of the Neva. Battle on the Ice”, “The liberation struggle against the Polish and Swedish interventionists of 1612”, “Patriotic War of 1812”, “Civil War”, “Great Patriotic War”, etc. (in senior classes - 1, maximum 2 hours).

But it is precisely the lessons of these topics that provide the most essential material for patriotic education, for instilling a sense of love for the Motherland, its heroic past.

History textbooks, especially for high school students, are written in hard-to-reach, dry language and are poorly illustrated. They practically do not contain bright factual material.

In my work, I try to pay as much attention as possible to patriotic education when studying precisely these topics. From the first lessons of the topic, on which I allocate as many hours as possible, I create a certain emotional mood using video and audio readers, illustrative material, documentary chronicles, slide presentations, etc.

Such lessons have a huge emotional impact on the children, cause a sense of pride in their loved ones - participants in the greatest events in history and, I hope, make them proud of the feat of the Motherland.

In my work on patriotic education, I also use the huge potential that local history carries in itself: knowledge about one's small Motherland contributes to the formation of love for it, a careful attitude to everything that has been inherited from previous generations.

Therefore, I try to take the children on excursions to the halls and museums of the city as often as possible, so that the students of the school get acquainted with unknown historical facts, discover a lot of new interesting things from the history of the city and the region.

After all, you need to raise a citizen not on abstract ideals, but on examples from the life of parents, on events from the history of your city, region. The upbringing of patriotism, respect for the elders, their fate is built on concrete historical grounds.

Currently, the school has developed a certain system of local history work. Its content is determined by the following components: the involvement of local history material in the lessons of history and social studies, local history through special courses and through extracurricular activities.

"History of the Fatherland", like no other subject, contains great potential in terms of patriotic and civic education of schoolchildren. In his educational materials one can find many examples of true patriotism and honest service to the Fatherland. The history of the country is made up of the history of individual regions, so the use of local history material in history lessons is necessary and pedagogically justified. For example, the topics "Stolypin agrarian reform", "Civil war", "Collectivization", "Khrushchev's agricultural policy", agrarian reforms of 1965, 1987, 1990s are supplemented with local history material. Students analyze documents and materials of the local history museum, conduct sociological research, and report the results in class.

When studying the topic "The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union", the guys make messages about the heroes of Russia and the courage of the Trans-Ural soldiers. The study of the heroic pages of the military history of Russia is not fertile material for instilling patriotism and citizenship in the younger generation!

Of particular interest to schoolchildren are messages prepared on the basis of the stories of relatives of the older generation with a selection of photographs from the family archive. For example: “Yazidis. The history of my people”, “My great-grandfather died near Stalingrad…”, “My family during the years of collectivization”, “Pioneer childhood of my parents”, “The history of my family in the history of my country”, etc.

When studying topics on the history of Russian culture, local ethnographic material is used, collected by employees of the Kurgan Museum of Local Lore and presented in the permanent exposition "Trans-Ural antiquity". We visited the Akvilon ethnic center.

The children studied with interest the rituals and religious holidays of the peoples of the north. In the course of the dialogue discussion, the schoolchildren identified the common and singular in the culture of Russia and America. This contributes to the adoption by the younger generation of ethno-cultural traditions, the formation of Russian civil identity.

In the lessons devoted to the problems of modern Russia, the materials of local mass media are actively used: periodicals, city and regional television channels.

An important role in the education of citizenship and patriotism is also played by extracurricular activities, research activities of students. Children get civic experience, learn to understand many processes taking place in modern society.

On the history of the region, such research works were created as “The Archaeological Past of the Trans-Urals”, “Memorial Plaques and Architectural Monuments of Sovetskaya Street”, “The Land of Captivating Happiness. Decembrists in Kurgan”, “History of administrative and judicial prosecution of the newspaper “South of Tobol”. 1912".

Through research work on the study of the past of his region, city, his family, the child becomes aware of himself as part of the country, the ability to influence its development. In order for the students to be able, and most importantly, willing to do such work, I must be ready to always be with them, develop creativity in them, and create a cognitive stimulus.

In research work, the child completely moves away from cramming, he consciously absorbs all the best that is connected with our history.

The whole complex of school disciplines gives the child the stock of knowledge necessary for the future independent life, and each subject in this complex is important.

But there is, in my opinion, such a subject that enables the child to see more widely and understand the world around him more deeply. And this is history.

Each lesson in the history of Russia is a lesson in patriotism, a lesson in love for one's Motherland. History is a powerful and ever-living force that creates the Patriot and the Citizen.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Secondary school No. 11 a. Pshizov

Patriotic education in history lessons.

Tuova Magiret Zulkaninovna-

history teacher, secondary school No. 11


a.Pshizov 2015

“Patriotism is love for the good and glory of the Fatherland and the desire to contribute to them in every way”
N.M. Karamzin.

Everything begins with the Motherland... Among the moral qualities of a person, love for one's Fatherland occupies a special place. Patriotism is the source of spiritual strength. This sacred feeling encourages each of us to remember and honor the traditions of our grandfathers and fathers. After all, the Motherland is both the past and the future at once. This is the land of living and departed generations. These are at the same time covenants and traditions, laws and ways, shrines and relics

As a history teacher, I consider it necessary to develop the spiritual qualities of a person in history lessons, as well as in extracurricular activities. It is necessary to create real opportunities and carry out targeted efforts for the development of patriotic qualities in schoolchildren.

The content of education occupies the leading place in the process of formation of the patriotic and international consciousness of schoolchildren. For example, the study of history introduces the rich patriotic and international traditions of the peoples of Russia, reveals to children the essence of the reform of the political system, which opens up space for the self-government of society, creating conditions for the full development of citizens' initiative; smoothing the mechanism of democratic identification and formation of interests and will of all classes and social groups; providing conditions for the further free development of each nation and nationality, strengthening their friendship and cooperation on the principles of internationalism; radically strengthening law and order; creating an effective mechanism that ensures the timely self-renewal of the political system, the development and implementation of the principles of democracy and self-government in all spheres of life.

Thanks to the patriotism and heroism of the masses, Russia managed to get out of the most difficult situations in the most difficult periods of its history. History lessons are designed to help schoolchildren survive and comprehend all the positive things that happened in the past. Assimilation by students of the idea of ​​love for the Motherland, for all mankind, instilling universal norms of morality is the most important stage in the formation of citizenship, the education of a Citizen of Russia. This is achieved when the ideas of patriotism are revealed to the mind and heart of the pupil in vivid, emotional images, awaken in them feelings of empathy, gratitude for the courageous fighters for the triumph of truth and justice. At the same time, knowledge about the Motherland should cause not only pride in its achievements, but also heartache, anxiety, concern that we still do not have what it should be.

As for the specifics of patriotic education in a rural school, I note that, first of all, teachers should instill in children a sense of love for their native land, their small homeland. The emotionally expressive story of the teacher about the history of the aul, the village in which children live, should arouse in students a sense of pride because they were born on the beautiful land of great workers, their great-grandfathers and fathers, who devoted their lives to such a noble and very difficult peasant labor. Through understanding of the small Motherland, students will develop a deep respect for the Motherland, an understanding of its history. Knowing the idea of ​​the Motherland, experiencing a feeling of love for her, enthusiasm, experiencing anxiety about her present and future, the student asserts his dignity, strives to be like the heroes of the Motherland

Currently, the new Russian society is trying to rethink historical values. The younger generation is not satisfied with the position of "Ivans who do not remember kinship." They are trying to find out their historical roots, interest in their small homeland, which is the moral source of each generation, begins to appear.

In this regard, the opening of rural museums is becoming increasingly important. They become local historical and cultural centers, helping the younger generation to understand the historical diversity based on their original culture.

The children's impressions from trips, where I try to take them in the fall, helps schoolchildren to visualize the picture of the battle. From the excursion we bring photographs, booklets, books, postcards, which are accumulated in the classroom and are also used during the lesson.

The lesson instills in schoolchildren pride in our ancestors who managed to defeat a strong and cruel enemy, evokes sympathy for the fallen, an understanding that at the cost of their lives the Russian people saved their homeland from death:

There was such a great groan,
There was a fight with such blood
That the Don was painted in crimson
Down to the bottom...

And here is the lesson: “My family during the Great Patriotic War.” Students prepare for it in advance, looking for material about their relatives - participants in the war or the labor front.

Then I say that the war affected every Soviet family, including yours, came to every home. After that, I announce the topic of the lesson, written on the board. As an illustration, I use a photocopy of documents and awards, photographs and medals of relatives of the guys who participated in the war. Having familiarized myself with the material in advance, I try to arrange the children's messages in chronological order and briefly present each message in the lesson. So, I say: “At the age of twenty, Datkhuzhev’s grandfather Sultan went to the front ………” And Datkhuzhev speaks, who talks about his grandfather, who was born in 1921 and went to the front in the first months of the war. He went through the entire war, participated in the fighting near Smolensk and was awarded many medals and the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd degree. Since March 1942, the great-grandfather of Ardanova Zarema Zacheriy was drafted into the army. He participated in the battles for the liberation of Sevastopol, was wounded and spent almost a year in the hospital. Awarded with medals “For Courage”, “For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War”, commemorative medals, as well as the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree. The grandfather of Shagundokova Zarina Murat Kaplanovich was drafted into the army in 1941.

Sent to the 114 motorized division. Tankman. Staff Sergeant. He was awarded the Order of the Red Star, the Order of the Patriotic War II degree, the medal For Courage, For the Defense of Leningrad. Came back from the war safe and sound. He restored his native collective farm. Died at the age of 77.

The story of Pshizov Astemir about his great-grandfather Tuov Zachery Sagidovich turned out to be very fascinating.

With the beginning of the war, Zachery Salihovich took the military road of a soldier. He ended up in a sapper battalion, he was given the rank of foreman. The most difficult, unbearable for foreman Tuov, as he later said, were the first years of the war, when our army retreated in all directions, leaving cities and villages, crying and helpless women, children and the elderly. It was painful and embarrassing to look into the eyes of people left to be devoured by the enemy, but Zachery did not lose heart.

It seems to me that the retreat of our troops was a pain not only for great-grandfather, but also for most of the soldiers. I found my great-grandfather's award documents on the website "Feat of the People" (these are real archival materials declassified by the Ministry of Defense.
For this military operation Zacheriy Salikhovich
was awarded the Order of the Red Star

Zachery Salikhovich walked along the roads of war for all four years and was never wounded. Therefore, he considered himself the happiest man on earth. “It must happen,” he himself was surprised at his happiness, “bullets whistled around me, shells exploded nearby, German bombs fell from the sky, and I remained alive and healthy and without a single scratch ...”

In memory of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya

Zacheriy went to the front, having a son, Askarbiya, and a daughter, Lyuba, then, when he was already at war, another daughter was born, and they gave her the name Dzagash (translated from Adyghe means “daughter of war”). At the height of the war, Zachery read in a front-line newspaper about the tragic death of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, and wrote two letters: one to home, the other to his native village council with a request to rewrite the birth certificate of his youngest daughter, changing her name. The front-line soldier asked to give her the name of the brave partisan Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya.

After returning from the front, Zacheriy and his wife Faizet had another son, they named him Nurbiy. He lives and works in the village and has three children. And I am the grandson of Tuov Nurbiya.

Zachery Salikhovich passed away, but his deeds and accomplishments remain in our hearts. He is remembered and will not be forgotten by his children and grandchildren, we also remember him. We will always remember that he was one of the fighting warriors who defended us and our land from fascist enslavement! ... "

So almost everyone in the class found something to tell about their relatives - participants in the war. After that, I also turn to the “Book of Memory”, introduce students to it, telling them how to use it.

Remember, through the centuries, through the years,
Sending your song into flight,
About those who will never come,
Don't cry, keep your moans in your throat
bitter moans!
Be worthy of the memory of the fallen
Forever worthy!

Such lessons have a huge emotional impact on the children, evoke a sense of pride in their loved ones - participants in the greatest events in history and, I hope, make them proud of the feat of the Motherland, which saved the world from the threat of fascism. I continue the topic of local history in extracurricular work. With the help of teachers and students, we collect material on the history of the school since its opening. It is becoming the center of the local history work of the school: we continue to collect material on the history of the school, the families of our students, teachers, we invite guests, participants in the Second World War, which, unfortunately, are becoming less and less. Thus, using all the means at my disposal, I try to instill in students a sense of patriotism, love for the Motherland, my village, family, to educate them as a Citizen of Russia. And without this, our society cannot have a future.

Therefore, the upbringing of healthy, genuine patriotism is intended to solve mainly not only the problem of the country's defense capability, but also much deeper tasks - family, social, cultural.

The main goal of the state is to form among young people a high patriotic consciousness, loyalty to the Fatherland, readiness to fulfill constitutional duties.

Everything passes. The motherland remains
Something that will never change.
They live with her, loving, suffering, rejoicing.
Falling and rising up...
And there's still a lot to go
Kohl is called to the future path.
But brighter and purer than the feelings of the Motherland
People will never get

Knowing your history means standing firmly on your native land, being proud of its heroic past, and being worthy of its glorious future. This is how love for the motherland is born. So a person consciously becomes a patriot of the Fatherland.

Tuova Magiret Zulkaninovna