Eastern Wives: Real Stories and Important Rules. Eastern traditions in family life

The sexual culture of the East is based on other, rather than European, principles. This, for example, the cult of naked body, worship before sensual pleasure. Everyone knows that in countries such as Japan, China, India, Nepal Sexuality is considered not as much as art as science. Sex in these countries is not so much goal as the path, movement and even the development of the soul. Sexuality is considered something natural, it is not rebored, but at the same time it is not an "animal" act performed only for its own satisfaction, and the way to get closer spiritually.

The ancient philosophy, which considered a woman as a "second grade" was a great influence on the attitude of sex in China. The views of the Chinese and are now obviously anti-impedant character: a woman is considered as a creature lower compared to a man. In China since ancient times, women's purity are appreciated, the devotion to her husband is the main thing in family life and raising children. The Chinese family is distinguished by the fact that mutual respectful respect, care, care, requires behavior, which would not damage the family. Such an atmosphere creates a special attachment to each other, and the marriage is primarily in order to have a family. In modern China, as in antiquity, the naked body is negatively estimated.

Anal and oral sex in China is considered perversion and can be punished by law. The Chinese critically evaluate the male masturbation (the loss of seed, they say, is equivalent to the loss of vitality), and to feminine are tolerant. Numbers: 95% of the Chinese do not receive pleasure from sex and do not know how to deliver it to a partner.

Active sexual life has always been part of Japanese culture, and the Japanese still adhere to the councils of ancient books dedicated to the technique of carnal love. For sexual Japanese games, a very slow and formal beginning is characterized bordering the ritual. A woman collects hair in a bundle and challenges them with stiletto, opening the back of the neck, which, according to, Japanese ideas, looks extremely erotic. The man after that, slightly concerns her neck lips or gently spends the tongue on it, as if teasing, and only after that partners are exposed and preliminary affairs begin. When sex begins, the soft movement of the woman's hair sprinkled down, adds new paints to an erotic picture. Japanese couples are traditionally silent, in small wooden houses with paper partitions instead of the inner walls, partners are trying not to interfere with the surrounding any noise. Words pronounced by a whisper or communication without words, but only with the help of touches, strengthen the tension. In Japan, all newlyweds are handed a richly illustrated book, where all possible sex options are depicted. Traditionally, this book is placed under the pillow to guarantee a delicious wedding night.

Women who come to India from other countries simply shock frankly ardent gaze of local men - from here the myth about "sexually concerned" Indians. In fact, the Indian man brought up so that he is simply obliged to abide by the distance in communicating with women and treat them as to his sisters or mothers. The fact is that Indian women are not very unavailable, because men and entails foreigners. In general, the sex in India has been attached to spiritual content and truly ritual meaning. Since the gray-haired antiquity, he was considered part of many sacred rituals. As considered and considered in this country, sex is an act, pleasing to God. In general, the influence of ancient religious customs in India is very strong. For example, female menstruation is perceived as a period of ritual desecration. Women on such days leave all homemade troubles for servants or daughters. Sex to marriage in India is fraught with punishments. But the system of sentences applies only in relation to women: the Code of Women's Conduct has always been much striking, regardless of their social status. Even the "Kamasutra" says that the ideal of sexual excellence is achieved only in marriage. A woman, as they say in this treatise, must fully satisfy the man and submit to all his desires, as well as to keep him loyalty. Love between spouses in India is important, however it is believed that it will certainly arise and strengthen in the process of living together. It is not necessary to marry love at all - in fact, the marriage of love contradicts the traditions for thousands of years. About 95% of all marriages in India lies on the basis of a preliminary agreement between the parents of the bride and groom.

Sex in Thailand has never been considered a forbidden fruit, and the children know early for him early - in 8-10 years. For each Thai men, a course of admission to monastic life is obligatory, and the king is followed by him, and all his subjects. And only passing this course, a man can marry. Traditionally, Thais has one wife. True, in urban life there has always been an unlawful institution of concubines. The existence of "younger wives," as they are called, knows the main wife. It is believed that if a man started his "younger wife," he must keep it well, and also regularly satisfying. The radio rule of a Thai woman is to be a pleasant man, to predict his desires.

The charming and the walled east hides a lot of secrets, but, alas, many of them would never have entered the book "Thousand and One Night." A series of books about the eastern princesses has become a shock for the majority, since he exposed the ugly truth about the humiliating position of women in Arab countries. We collected seven different stories - funny, mysterious, motivating, complex, but all of them unites one - the main characters did not surrender and went to their goal.

"Princess Spices"

Chitra Sivakaruni

None of the visitors of the Spice Store in the California city of Auckland does not recognize that his mistress, Indian Tilo, in fact the princess spices, which has magical power. Buying spices, its customers acquire something more valuable - help performed by their desires. For everyone, Tilo is ready to wise advice and a suitable spice: to free from bias, protect against a bad eye, help overcome loneliness.

But when a lonely American comes to the store, Tilo with surprise understands that he cannot pick up a suitable spice for him, because her vision covers the forbidden feeling that originates in the heart, to follow the magical power for her ...

What will the princess of spices choose - a debt or love?

"I am 10 years old and I am divorced"

Nudjut Ali

The story of the girl Nastjut from Yemen, which at eight years forced married a person, three times over her. Under the terms of the contract, the husband was supposed to wait for the majority, but he beat and raped it for two years.

At 10 years old, the girl escaped from him and appealed to the court. The story based on real events, affecting millions of hearts around the world.

"The king - the bird is singing"

Scheduz Nuri Gunting

This book has become a classic genre along with "Jane Eyr" and "Gone Wind". There are already several generations for mischievous and fragile Feride.

After the death of parents, young Feride is brought up in the house of his aunt together with Kamran. Having matured, Feride falls in love with cousin, but carefully hides his feelings. Quite soon it turns out that Kamran is also not indifferent to the girl. Young prescribe a wedding date. But unexpectedly Feride finds that Kamran has a different. In desperation, the girl runs from the house to never return there. She still does not recognize, what shocks it is waiting ahead and what intrigues will be played with her behind her.

"Girl from the Gold Horn"

The second Roman Kurban Said after "Ali and Nino", written in German. The author managed to live in Asia, and in Europe, and the collision of the two worlds found a mapping in his books.

According to the plot, a 17-year-old daughter Pasha goes to study in Berlin, there it leads a European lifestyle. In this case, the story is conducted from her face, and sometimes many things adopted in Europe seem to be barbaric. Beautiful book that will help to understand the features of the two worlds.

"Thousand shining suns"

The story of the fate of two women, the will of the fate of the evidence of the shocks that destroyed Afghanistan.

Mariam is an illegitimate daughter of a rich man, which he forcibly married a unfamiliar man. Leila is a girl from an intelligent family, which father has read a great future, but forced to become the second wife. Two women in the will of the case were in the same house, went through the hatred to love and mutual support, because only united, they will be able to survive.

"Night of calligraphs"

"Night of the calligraphes" - a fictional biography Riccat Kunt, Women Calligraff.

In 1932, the Turkish government refuses the Arabic Vzci and introduces the new login system based on the Latin alphabet. Schools of scribes are closing, and calligraphes remain without work.

A surprisingly beautiful oriental novel, talking about the fate of a woman disappointed in men and giving themselves to the noble art of the image of a divine word.


Hurrem Sultan is one of the most beautiful, powerful and intelligent government of the world. Her story inspired the creators of the famous series "Magnificent Century".

The book tells about the amazing fate of the Slavic girl, stolen in the XVI century and sold at the Istanbul slave into slavery. Possessing a brilliant mind, an extraordinary power of will and an attractive appearance, she became an abusive slave with his wife Sultan Suleiman's magnificent (conqueror) - the most powerful Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. Mastering the tops of Eastern and European culture, this famous woman entered the story and played a significant role in the political life of his time.

Fascinating love stories of eastern women are worthy of appearing on the pages of books. Beautiful novels with touching and insidious fate of the main characters will overlook you into the world of special mentality, in which the beautiful half of humanity cannot solve with whom to build their happiness. Here women do not marry love, but this feeling still overtakes them every time. Books about oriental women and love are devoted to the most vivid stories of life. Having plunged into these works you will understand how strong there may be love and what people are ready for the sake of those who love with all their hearts.

Beautiful Sami was born in the Algerian family and was brought up in strict Muslim canons. When it was 16 years old, her against the will was married to a rich man with fanatical views on religion. But with the birth of children, she understands that it can no longer live like that ...

Another heartbreaking story about Algerian traditions. Adult girl Nora lived in France in France in the Golden Cage. In the outdoor decent family, the daughter is brought up in religious fear and do not have their own opinions, forever determined the right to vote ...

3. Stolen face: my youth passed in Kabul - Latifa
Imagine that you are a freedomizing girl and you forever "stole a face." Latifa brought up in wartime, when all Afghanistan flooded the Taliban, who advocate for the suppression of a female personality. And then in 16 years old for a dreamy beauty came a pitch hell ...

Two women's destinies intertwined in one knot of pain, despair and humiliation, when the war came to Afghanistan. Mariam is an illegitimate daughter of a secured businessman, and Leila is her sophisticated sister, raising in love and prosper. But how will the sisters live now?

Many girls dream of a rich sheikh and life in a luxury palace. American beauty "lucky" - the heroine married to the secured Iranian and gave birth to him the child. But the fairy tale soon ended and now she can only escape without looking out of the Golden Paradise ...

Sultan is a rich and beautiful princess from Saudi Arabia. She lives in a luxurious setting, blinded by glitter of precious stones. But "behind the scenes" the humiliation and the powerful position of the daughter of Arab Sheikh remain. How does a girl break out of Muslim hell?

The slave life remained in the terrible past and now Sultan acquires his own "I". The girl not only learns to live and express his opinion, but also raises an uprising against the isoor's customs, who forcing each Muslim woman to become a slave of her husband ...

Sultan was revived from a sewing Islamic fire and now collects the community of oppressed and intimidated women, seeking to escape from cruel husbands. There will be no indifferent than anyone else's sorrowful story about their difficult life and violent struggle!

The piety Muslim Mariam with zeal prays about the speedy return of the Son from a terrible war. Afghanistan is covered by cruel flames of orthodox against those people who do not want to live by their rules. But will Allah hear the sad prayer of the explotioned woman?

Famous Norwegian journalist Osia Seyerstad wrote a piercing story about the severe life of Afghan women. The author shares his impressions after a visit to Kabul, freed from the heavy negle of the Taliban and meeting his first free spring ...

Debora Rodriguez is a freedom-loving American, successfully "released" from two unsuccessful marriages. Once an energetic woman decides to go to Afghanistan to help the "slaves" to gain confidence from the opinion of her husband. The first step is the opening of the beauty school.

Roman-Revelation from the famous Arabic writer about the sexual sensuality of Muslim women, hidden under the cover of the flowing parandi causes real shock even the most sophisticated readers! After all, almond gives a voluptuous bitterness ...

Many women living in the Muslim state feel the oppressive loneliness and realize their sad fate to be a skillful "doll" with its despote-husband. The provocative romance is permeated with bitter tears and turns attention to the social problem.

Strict parents issued forcibly Leila married when she was 21 years old. Moroccan girl has no right to vote and his own opinion, and all her life was built on the whims of cruel men and now nothing can be changed. Or is it still there is a chance for the best future?
Favad is a ten-year-old Afghan boy who survibly after the attack of the Taliban. His mother is arranged by a housekeeper to Georgia - a beautiful girl from the UK, who spinning a rapid romance with a dangerous criminal "authority" of Haji Khan.

16. Adminated - Mukhtar Mai
Mukhtar Mai - the infamous woman who brutally raped familiar men with a large crowd of the people. Nobody stood on the defense of 30-year-old Muslims, so she herself decided to tell the terrible truth about her hardest fate, finding the forces to live on.

The famous publicist Viktor Malarek reveals the shocking truth about the girls who went to earnings abroad, and fell straight to the "paws" of the slave trade. Now they are prostitutes or Natasha, as they are contemptuously called domineering and despotic Muslims ...

Robert Irwin is a famous historian and traveler, who in the 19th century, who had a sensational book about the terrible life of Arab girls. This is a heartfelt novel about the nightmare existence of Muslim beauties, hidden from a cruel world into an impenetrable larje ...

19. burned alive - sud
What is how to find out that the closest people sentenced you to cruel death for "disobedience"? The Bestseller book describes the shocking fate of a real woman who dared in early youth to go against Muslim customs and a miracle saved from burning alive.

Every year about two million young girls crippled to their "lord." Wild beauty standards forced to shudder even the most "hard-chamber" people and show all the cruelty of Muslim customs, passing in women the most important thing - health ...

21. I am 10 years old, and I divorced - Nudzhud Ali
Yemen's customs allow to marry adult men on small girls. At the 10th age, Nudzhud gave out forcibly married: the spouse wanted the immediate execution of the "sacred debt", and beaten for disobedience. But the heroine managed to escape and demand a divorce!

How does the "light young lady" live abroad? A beautiful Russian girl is ready to satisfy its Turkish clients "on the highest category", and in response - pain and humiliation. The accusatory book tells about unreserved love, betrayal and boundless loneliness ...

Samias - a righteous daughter from the Muslim family. Even before birth, the parents decided everything for her, putting a rich spouse before the choice. Daily exposed to unthinkable humiliation, the girl shed the river of the tears, but decided to get out of the endless nightmare ...

"I'll be back, I'll be back ...". - This phrase as a prayer repeats many girls who have left live in the "luxury oriental fairy tale". Russian beauty and a hot Muslim man strongly and mutually fell in love with each other, but what will eventually come out of such a controversial union?

The truthful story about the relationship between the rich Kemal and his Fetal Fusun's relative forwards for a long time in any reader! Archaic Istanbul customs require a complete obedience from a Muslim woman to her husband, gradually disrupting the innocence mask ...

Pakistani girl from an early age lived in an English shelter, surrounded by warm love and respect from other people. But barely worth it to cross the threshold of the native home - how everything was changed overnight. The family decided to raise her on cruel Muslim customs ...

  • Half of marriages in Arab countries are still organizing parents. Most people think that no one asks the opinions of the girl. In fact, if the future bride does not like the fiance, she can refuse his proposal.
  • The wedding is impossible without a marriage contract. Unlike the rest of the world, this is a compulsory rule in Arab countries.
  • Arab women rarely marry with representatives of other religions, because in this case they would have to leave the country. Men have more privileges, and they are allowed to marry with Christian and Jewish girls. However, in this case, the foreigner does not receive citizenship, and in the event of a divorce, general children always remain with the Father.

  • In most Arab countries, the bride and the bride must fulfill at least 18 years to make marriage. For example, citizens of Tunisia can create a family at the age of 18, but at the same time the average age of the bride is 25 years old, and the grooms are 30. Early marriages are still popular in some developing countries. For example, in Saudi Arabia and Yemen, most girls get married under 18.

Wedding ceremonies

Wedding traditions may differ in different countries, but the Arab bride and groom celebrate their wedding separately from each other.

  • The wedding of the groom may be celebrated in a different from the "wedding of the bride" day. As a rule, the celebration is very modest: Guests are offered tea, coffee, dinner, and their communication lasts no more than 4 hours. The wedding of the bride is noted much wider: in a big town hall with waiters and artists.

  • "Women's Wedding" is a reason to boast of diamonds, designer shoes and evening dresses, because usually all this beauty is hidden under hijabs (or abays). That is why only women can attend such a wedding. Men are strictly prohibited by men. We also serve only women, and we are talking not only about waitress, but also about singers, photographers and DJs. If the famous singer is invited to the women's wedding, he will not see neither the bride or her guests, as it will be played behind the screen or in a nearby room with a direct broadcast to the main hall.
  • You warn about the visit of a husband for a wedding in advance so that all guests have managed to close themselves by Abayami. If the husband comes to a wedding with brothers or father, then the bride should also put on white Abaiya, because even his husband's relatives should not see her beauty.

  • In Arab culture, there are gifts for young people associated with alcohol, including wine and champagne. Guest is usually given different things of handmade, which can be used in the interior of the future house with a married couple. Also, a man can not get gold jewelry and silk as a gift.


  • Most of the marriages in modern Arab countries are monogamans, since not every man can afford to have several wives. Religion allows men to marry four times, but at the same time they must provide every wife home and give them the same number of gifts, jewelry and, of course, their attention. The presence of several wives is the privilege of Sheikhs and very rich people.

  • The most important is the first marriage. No matter how many wives of a man, the "senior" is considered the first wife.
  • If a man finds a new wife, the rest should take it and conquer the will of her husband, without showing her displeasure. Most often, the wife does not live in the same house, and therefore are extremely rare.


  • According to an ancient tradition, a man who wants to divorce with his wife, should repeat the phrase "I am laughing with you." After that, his wife has to stay in his house for a certain period to make sure that it is not pregnant. During this expectation, the husband may change their mind and regain his wife, saying just "I take you back." You can repeat this procedure "Return" only three times. After the third divorce, he is forbidden to once again take this woman in his wife.

  • A woman can also apply for a divorce if the husband does not provide her. Such cases are carefully considered in the courts, and the wives often receive a divorce. Arab men are accustomed to expressing their love with gold and jewels, not flowers. For example, a husband should walk with his wife to restaurants and buy her dear gifts and clothes. If he has several wives, then the number of gifts and attention should be equal.
  • In all other cases, a woman will be very difficult to get a divorce, since the courts often turn out to be biased and support her husband.

Women's rights

Despite stereotypes, the Arab men are very respecting women. It is believed that they should not need anything.

In fact, Arab women alone received the right to marry on their own request, to submit to divorce and take property. It happened in the 7th century, when women from other countries could only dream of such opportunities. In accordance with the laws of Islam, the marriage between a man and a woman was a contract that was recognized valid only when both partners demonstrated their consent. In addition, at that time, women received the right to ownership of property and the use of assets that they brought to the family as a dowry or earned.

Once a week, all the beaches, water parks and beauty salons in the UAE are open only for women. The man is simply not allowed to enter any of these places. However, Muslim's wife should all receive a husband's resolution. If she wants to go somewhere, then must first tell her husband and get his permission.


A woman is obliged to wear loose clothes in people, under which there can be anything: mini skirts, jeans and shorts. Many fashion girls envy the outfits of Arab beauties. But leaving the house, women must completely close their body with free clothing and hide face. All because its beauty is intended only for her husband and other men should not see her. The exceptions are "female" holidays and weddings, on which men are prohibited by men. Here women can show their designer clothes and decorations. The custom of closing a person is not respected by everyone, but the woman is obliged to cover the head in most Arab countries.