Funny and exciting contests for Valentine's Day at school. Valentine's Day contests at school: games and tasks for children

Scenario of the game program "Valentine's Day " written for younger students who are very interested in this holiday.

Thanks to this, in an entertaining form, with the help of skits and competitions, the teacher can introduce the children a little to the history of the holiday, talk about its traditions and give the first courtship skills to the boys, and to everyone - friendship and mutual sympathy.

Game program for Valentine's Day.

For the holiday, it would be nice to decorate the class in the style of Valentine's Day: hearts pierced by Cupid's arrows, valentines with the names of schoolchildren, proverbs and famous expressions about love.

The program is led by a teacher and two costumed characters: Valentine and Aphrodite, whose role can be played by one of the high school students.


Love, love, we believe in you with hope,

Our doors are open for you in our hearts.

But if you don't knock, then where to meet?

And what is love, who will answer us?

How many words, songs, poems have been written about love, but each of us discovers it in our own way. Let's talk today about this wonderful feeling, especially since there is a reason, because today Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day is celebrated all over the world, why Valentine, we will try to understand this today by looking into the history of this wonderful holiday. And Valentine himself will help us with this. Meet!

(To a beautiful melody, “Valentine” comes out)

Valentine: Greetings! Let's get acquainted, my name is Valentine, and I came to you from a magical country, the country of Love. Do you know what love is? Have you heard how when you look at another person, your heart beats faster? Or how it becomes warm and calm when mom or dad is next to you, because it is the warmth of their hearts that warms you? Or maybe you know the feeling of sympathy for your friends and classmates? Do you know such feelings? (children answer) These are all expressions of love. There is a lot of love in the world, and it manifests itself for everyone and at every moment in a special way, because Love is always a miracle. And therefore, the goddess of love, Aphrodite, will help us deal with this concept. Meet!

(Aphrodite comes out - a love song sounds).

Aphrodite: I am Aphrodite - the goddess of Love, and I am happy to see so many beautiful young people and girls on this holiday, the holiday of all lovers! Despite the fact that February and spring have not yet come into their own outside the window, you have here an atmosphere of joy, blooming and open to everything pure and beautiful youth and anticipation of love. She will surely find you all, and, perhaps, she has already touched someone. As, for example, to the heroes of this

Comic scene for schoolchildren "Pierre in Love"





Maman: Pierre, what's new at school? Have you got any problems?
Pierre: Yes, maman, I want to make friends with Mary, but I don’t know where to start.
Maman: For starters, Pierre, you need to get her attention.
Pierre: Thanks mom, I'll do that.
Leading: Pierre arrives from school with a big bump on his forehead.
Pierre: Good evening, maman.
Maman: Good evening, Pierre. Well, did Mary tag you?
Pierre: As noted, mother. I pulled her bow, and painted the collar on the dress with a marker in red polka dots. She marked me with a pencil case. I don't think the mark will last long...
Maman: You acted foolishly, Pierre. You better make her laugh.
Leading: A week later ... Pierre returns home sad and upset.
Maman: What, Pierre, are you so sad? Did you manage to make Mary laugh?
Pierre: You just did it, mother. I tickled her so much in class that she jumped as if stung and laughed to tears! But now you're being called to school.
Maman: You did wrong, Pierre. You can’t molest a girl so rudely, and even at the lesson. You just have to be more attentive to her.
Pierre: follow her, right?
Maman: Oh, you are stupid, Pierre. You have to give in to her in everything.
Presenter: Another week has passed. Pierre came from school.
Pierre: Hello maman!
Maman: Hello Pierre. How is your relationship with Mary?
Pierre: Fine. Today they took out the garbage, and I gave her the biggest bag of garbage.
Maman: Again you acted foolishly, dear Pierre. I should have been the first to take this bag and help Mary. My last advice. Give Mary the most precious thing you have. So that she will remember your gift for life. Just look, don't make a mistake this time!
Pierre: Thank you, maman, this time I'm definitely not mistaken!

Presenter: Pierre took the rope and came to Mary. He tied her to a chair and put on her lap the most precious thing he had - his beloved rat Larisa. Many years have passed since then. Pierre grew up, Mary grew up. And when she sees Mary Pierre, when she remembers the gift - the rat Larisa, she runs away as fast as she can. But she liked Pierre so much from the first grade !!!

Presenter: This is how love happens...

Aphrodite: Yes, love can be different ... And the mother from this comic scene advised her son everything correctly, if you love - you need to give joy and give the most precious thing, you need to be able to give in and trust .... only Pierre was not yet ready for a real feeling, therefore he did everything wrong .

Valentine: But I'm sure when he grows up a little and wiser, he will be able to win the heart of his beloved. Because you also need to be able to express your feelings correctly. And today you have a unique opportunity to show a sense of sympathy and friendship for each other.

Teacher: And that means it's time for our game program. And let His Majesty Chance help us form pairs for her.

(Hearts with the names of schoolchildren are attached to the darts, throwing darts, they choose each other and gradually form pairs from competition to competition, we must try to ensure that everyone takes part in the program)

Aphrodite: One of the main attributes of lovers are flowers, even if they bloom with us today.

1. Game for Valentine's Day "Let the flowers bloom."

This is a general competition, for which the guys need to be divided into several groups of 5 people.

The essence of the game: there are as many blanks for flowers scattered on the floor as there are groups, all of different colors, only the core is the same for all - yellow. Each group needs to collect their flower faster than the others.

(with the help of darts, 2 pairs are determined for participation in the next competition)

2. Competition "What is Valentine made of"

Explanatory note

The game "First Date" for a festive class hour dedicated to the holiday of March 8 or Valentine's Day. Recommended for students in grades 8-11.

Purpose of the game:

Create a festive mood with fun competitions.


Promote a healthy lifestyle;

Cultivate a sense of community.


Beans or peas;

Three scarves;

Computer or tape recorder to turn on music;

Chalk and board:


Cards with the names of boys and girls of the class.

(Soundtrack 1)

1. In order to play the "First Date" game, you need to recruit 3 teams of 2 people each (a boy and a girl). Who will play will be decided by lot: in one hat are the names of all the boys who are present here; in the other - the names of all the girls. An independent expert (a student of elementary grades) pulls out 3 male names and 3 female ones. Whose names were sounded are invited to the host. The boys are invited to make an airplane and give them to the leader.

2. And now pairs will be formed. Each of the girls receives an airplane and will try to get into her chosen one. But she will compete in tandem with the one pointed by the nose of the plane.

3. The couples for the game take their places near the board, the rest are invited to play the role of the jury. (For each competing team, there are several people from the jury for scoring).

4. The first contest "How well do you know your classmate"

Boys sit on chairs with their backs to the board, girls sit at the board behind their partner in the game. First, the girls answer the question, they write the answer on the board. After they put down the chalk, the boys respond verbally. For each matching answer, the team receives one point.

Give her date of birth.

What time does she wake up if she has to go to school?

- ... and if it is not necessary?

Her favorite toothpaste.

Her pet (favorite).

Her favorite movie.

Favorite actor.

Her mother's name is her mother's.

5. And now the boys carefully looked at their girls. The girls blindfolded their partners in the game.

The second contest "Shoe Cinderella". I take off a shoe from each girl, the boys must find the right shoe by touch and put on their partner. (Soundtrack 2)

6. The third contest "The Princess and the Pea". I ask the participants to move to the back of the class. Now the girls will raise their right heel and I will put some peas (or beans) there. With the help of their gentlemen, the participants return to their place ... How many peas are in a shoe? (Soundtrack 3)

7. The fourth competition "Picture a couple". The jury guesses. Each team receives a task card. In the allotted time, they must, without words, depict what is written on the card. (puppy and kitten; bull and red scarf; cockroach and crayon "Mashenka"). While the couples are thinking and the jury is summing up the intermediate results, lyrical music sounds. (Soundtrack 4)

8. Fifth competition "Compose a rhyme". Each team receives a piece of paper on which A. Barto's poems are written, you need to complete the missing parts of the text. And the jury, meanwhile, cuts sandwiches. (Soundtrack 4)

9. The sixth contest "Who will get dressed faster". All youths participate. We divide into 2 teams. In turn, everyone runs up, puts on a scarf, jacket, hat, bag. He claps his hands, takes everything off himself and comes back. All members of the winning team will receive 2 points, the losers - 1. (Soundtrack 5)

10. Seventh competition "Dance". Each couple gets an orange. Supporting his foreheads should move to the rhythm of the music. (Soundtrack 6)

11. Summing up. Certificates are handed out. (Soundtrack 7)


Wonderful funny Valentine's Day contests for high school students you will find on this page. What is a holiday without interesting games and exciting contests? Of course, first the scenario of the holiday for Valentine's Day, and then the second part of the event continues with competitions.

Think about what games and contests you would like to include in the holiday scenario. Don't forget the joke prizes for the winner and make sure that each of the participants is marked in some way. Here are some examples of games for children and adults:

Games and competitions for Valentine's Day for high school students

- Dance on the newspaper.
A classic game for a company in which girls and guys are equally divided. Rules of the game: several couples dance on a newspaper, after a while the newspaper is folded in half, and so on. The winner is the pair that manages to hold out on a small piece of paper and does not fall.

- Match in a circle.
Rules of the game: seat the high school students in a circle so that boys and girls alternate. The match is passed from mouth to mouth in a circle, after which a small piece breaks off from it. At the very end, a piece of a couple of millimeters long remains - a charge of positive energy for your guests is provided.

- Favorite part of the body.
Rules of the game: the participants sit in a circle, as in the previous game. The host asks the men present about their favorite part of the female body. After listening to the answers, the men are invited to kiss the place that they named from the neighbor on the left or right.

- The perfect couple.

This game is designed specifically for already established couples and is designed to show how well the lovers know each other.
a) The facilitator thinks through the questions that can be asked to the participants. For example - your interests and hobbies, the place where you met, the happiest moments.
b) First, the guys are invited into the room, they are asked questions, and the answers are written down on paper.
c) Then the girls are invited into the room, they are asked the same questions, and the answers are recorded.
d) In the end, the answers in each pair are compared, and the pair that scored the most matches is declared the “ideal pair”

- Love story.
How to play: Give each player a piece of paper and a pen. Explain to the players that they have to write a romantic story for a magazine or newspaper. Each participant writes their part of the story according to your instructions, after which the sheet is folded to hide what they have written and passed along with instructions to the next participant. When the guests have finished writing the story, the facilitator reads it aloud.

- What is the name of the main character?
- Describe the main character
- What is the name of the main character?
- Describe the main character
- How did they meet?
What was the first word a guy said to a girl?
-How did she answer?
-What happened then?
- What did their friends say?

More ideas for questions.
What did the neighbors think?
-What happened on their first date?
-Where did they get married?
-Do they have children, adventure animals?

- Unusual riddles.

Rules of the game:

a) before the start of the competition, prepare suitable phrases, titles of books, songs, famous films about love.

b) Put the quotes in a heart-shaped box.

c) Divide the guests into teams and sit opposite each other.

d) Each team pulls out a piece of paper and illustrates what is written on it - shows an excerpt from a book or

songs. The task of the opponents is to guess what is at stake.

Remember: Talking is forbidden!

- Steal my heart.

This game takes place during a conversation or a feast. Each guest is given a heart.

The rule of the game is to "detect" the guest with crossed legs, then his heart is given to the one who saw it. The guest with the most hearts wins.

We hope you will make your holiday extraordinary and memorable.

View and choose another script on the topic February 14 - St. Valentine's Day, Valentine's Day.

Scenario of a school-wide event for Valentine's Day, or Valentine's Day

On Valentine's Day

In the first light of day

You are your Valentine

Call me.

W. Shakespeare, "Hamlet", from the song of Ophelia.

In many countries of the world, the word "February" evokes cheerful and pleasant thoughts. And this is due to the fact that February 14 is Valentine's Day, or Valentine's Day.

The curtain opens. The light turns on. Emperor Claudius sits on the throne on the stage. Next to him is his entourage, writing down the decree.

Claudius. I, the Roman emperor Claudius, issue this decree and demand its strict observance. I forbid people to marry, because I believe that marriage keeps men at home, and their destiny is to be good soldiers and fight bravely for Rome. From this day on, anyone who disobeys this decree will be executed.

The curtain closes. A boy and a girl come to the fore.

young man. We will not find such a priest.

Young woman. But maybe there is at least one who does not agree with this decree in the same way as we do?

young man. Even if he does not agree, he does not disobey the emperor's decree; for the sake of two unfortunate lovers, no one will risk their lives. (Thinks.) Unless it's Valentine.

Young woman. Valentine? Do you know some Valentine who, despite the decree of the emperor, can marry us?

Youth. It seems, yes, I know such a priest.

The light goes out. The artists leave.

There is a voice behind the scenes. The young Christian priest Valentine did not heed the decree and secretly married young lovers. Having learned about the "illegal marriages", the emperor ordered the priest to be imprisoned and then executed. In prison, Valentine, deprived of books, whiled away his leisure time writing notes for the jailer's daughter. Obviously, both the messages and the daughter were good. Young people fell in love with each other.

Despite the cruel torment and imminent death, Valentine did not stop thinking about his beloved. Before his execution on February 14, 270, he sent the girl a farewell note filled with love and tenderness with a brief phrase “from Valentine”, which later began to mean eternal affection and fidelity. The date of the death of a priest who betrothed lovers, despite severe prohibitions, and who did not see his own happiness, forever remained in the memory of people. His ashes were buried in the church of St. Praxidis in Rome, its gates became known as the “gates of Valentine”. Later, the Church canonized him as a saint, and all the lovers chose him as their patron.

The lights in the hall turn on. Leaders take the stage. In their hands they each have a "valentine" - a postcard in the form of a heart.

presenter. Good afternoon dear friends! We are glad that, despite the cold February weather, it is warm and cozy in our hall from your smiles, from your shining eyes, from the beating of your hearts.

Leading. It was not for nothing that we decided to tell you this amazing story so that you can once again be convinced that true love is not always easy happiness, true love is both suffering, and separation, and sometimes unfulfilled hopes. Valentine did not know how wonderful life can be when you are next to your loved one, he never hugged or kissed his beloved, but despite this, he experienced a real feeling and died with the name of his beloved on his lips. He did not see his own happiness, but became the patron saint of lovers all over the world.

Leading. And now we are pleased to offer you a musical entertainment show dedicated to this wonderful day. Watch, participate, play, admire.

Leading. And remember: there is no more beautiful, brighter feeling on Earth, for the sake of which crazy deeds are committed than love.

Throughout the evening, a variety of concert numbers are shown: dances, skits - everything that can smoothly fit into the program of the evening. The proposed scenario will become an assistant in organizing and holding this holiday.

presenter. Dear friends! Now _____ (name of host) and I would like to do a little warm-up. Everything prepared for this evening is dedicated to love and everything connected with it, love in all its manifestations. Here is our first little competition. Upon entering the hall, you all received cards of different colors. Now they will be useful to you when answering our questions and for participating in contests.

Leading. We will make riddles, and the one who first raises the card up answers. In order to see you better, we will go down to the hall. So let's start:

Postcard in the form of a heart with a declaration of love. (Valentine.)

Combat weapon of a housewife. A symbol of warmth and comfort. (Rolling pin.)

An ardent lover who does noble deeds. (Knight.)

God of love shooting arrows. (Amur.)

presenter. And now those who answered our questions correctly, please come up to the stage.

Participants of the competition come out.

Leading. Dear friends! Congratulations on your first small victory, and now we will play an interesting game. You will have to name as many couples as possible who have become famous for their love and fidelity. For example: Orpheus and Eurydice.

Players call a pair in turn. The one who remains silent when his turn has come is out. Thus, only two participants will remain, between which further competition takes place. The one who remembers the most names receives a small prize: a heart-shaped keychain, a book about love, etc.

Pair examples:

Orpheus and Eurydice;

Odysseus and Penelope;

Romeo and Juliet;

Ruslan and Lyudmila, etc.

Presentation of a gift to the winner.

Leading. What quatrains have not been composed by lovers for centuries! We took the selection of love poems very seriously and realized one very interesting thing - they are different. Love can be said sublimely, funny, mysterious. And each such small love masterpiece is interesting in its own way.

Now the eleventh graders will perform a poetic potpourri about love for you.

Leading. Yes, a wonderful holiday. It is difficult to find a more beautiful, happy and unique holiday date in the calendar. Only the New Year can compete with Valentine's Day in a variety of gifts, cards, surprises, contests.

presenter. It is a pity that this sweet and kind holiday is undeservedly little known in our country. But it's still nice that today lovers in our city are already receiving their "valentines", and in harsh February we felt the breath of spring.


An arrow of love entered the chest,

The chain mail did not save the heart.

presenter. By the way, about the arrow. Do you remember the fairy tale about the Frog Princess?

Leading. Of course I remember. There, Ivan Tsarevich also fired an arrow from a bow, and it landed in a swamp, right into the hands of a frog.

presenter. First, not in the hands, but in the paws. And secondly, she was not just a frog, but an enchanted princess.

Leading. It doesn't matter. He then fell in love with her as a frog. I already understood. When you love - you do not notice the shortcomings. No wonder they say that lovers are blind and deaf. On this occasion, I know one wonderful tale.

Two guys enter the stage. One is dressed like a gentleman: a suit, tie, a flower in the buttonhole of his jacket, and the other is like Ivan the Fool: a loose shirt, a cap on his head, one leg is rolled up. The first is a positive character, and the second is a negative one. They tell a funny story, as if showing different sides of love. The narrators recite the text, interrupting each other without pausing.

Leading. Our holiday is not over yet. Now we will hold a small competition. We took 7 "valentines" and cut them in half. Each heart has an individual incision. Before entering the hall, 14 people (7 girls and 7 boys) received halves from "valentines".

Leading. Now the owners of these cards will come to us and try to find their soul mate to the music. We shouldn't have broken hearts! The first two couples will be able to compete for the title of "Valentin and Valentina". So, maestro, music!

To the music, young people are looking for their soul mate. The first two couples are invited to the stage, the rest are given small souvenirs symbolizing Valentine's Day.

Leading. Dear our winners! We congratulate you. Now you have to fight for the right to be called Valentine and Valentina this year. It is not difficult, to say the least, very interesting. Especially for this competition, we have prepared three tasks for two couples.

Our the first competition is called "Dance with the ball". Its conditions are as follows: both are blindfolded, you pinch the ball with your foreheads and dance like that to the music. Hands behind your back! Those who last longer in the dance with the ball that has not fallen to the floor win.

Cheerful music sounds. The couples dance until someone has a ball.

Our the second competition - "Bon appetit". The boys sit on chairs, the girls stand opposite and feed the guys with their left hand from these plates. Whoever eats the contents of the plate faster and drinks compote faster, he becomes the winner in the second competition.

Conditions: do not turn your head and do not help with your hands! And, of course, do not get dirty and do not litter.

Leading. And our last competition is intellectual. We prepared 3 questions for each team. Who will give more correct answers, he will receive a point for the third contest.

Questions for the 1st team:

1. Three ostriches flew. The hunter killed one. How much is left? (None. Ostriches don't fly.)

2. What is a list?

a) The site of ancient people.

b) Location of tournaments. +

c) The slave market.

d) Council of Indian Tribes.

3. What is the name of a popular musical composition? (Hit.)

Questions for the 2nd team:

1. On the train, the stopcock is red. And on the plane? (There is no stop valve on the plane.)

2. What country is the city of Manchester in?

a) Great Britain; +

b) Tanzania;

c) Norway;

d) Iceland.

3. What is the name of a long luxury car? (Limousine.)

It is necessary to prepare a few additional questions in case both teams answer correctly.

presenter. So, ladies and gentlemen! Valentine and Valentine of our evening are chosen. We ask you to take out the crowns of our beloved.

A young man, dressed as a priest, enters the stage.

Saint Valentine. Dear friends! These crowns are not a symbol of the connection of your hearts, because in life everything can change in one second, especially in such a complex issue as love. But since you happen to be Valentine and Valentine today, you must maintain at least respect for each other throughout this year. I congratulate you and wish you from the bottom of my heart love, happiness and the fulfillment of all desires.

Valentine puts crowns on young people. The winners are awarded honorary prizes in the form of hearts and are invited to enter the hall..


Love for all ages,

As the wise classic said.

So let Cupid be nimble between us

Flutters, sparing no wings.

So let's undress him

Hearts, beautifully speaking,

Let them cripple them with arrows.

Perhaps, not in vain, perhaps, not in vain ...

The holiday is continued by a concert or a disco.

School years should be remembered not only by school days, but by fun activities. Therefore, the guys will be pleased if you are going to arrange a holiday for them. And for everything to go well, on Valentine's Day, a script for high school students is a must.

Decorating the classroom for Valentine's Day

Designing an office of an educational institution is not only a creative task for the soul, but also a great responsibility. God forbid, something falls off, crumbles, looks clumsy or vulgar. Therefore, when putting this “special task” on the students, at least sometimes look at how things are going. The guys, although quite old, may not have much experience in terms of design and it will not hurt you to carefully give them a little advice or share your ideas. So, what can be done for beautiful decoration?

Garland of hearts

We make hearts from colored paper or from colored cardboard. Colors can be whatever your heart desires, but the classic options are red (and all shades), white, gold and, oddly enough, blue. We glue the hearts on a thick thread and - voila - the garland is ready! Such a cute stretch can decorate a school board, walls, ceiling.

Valentine's box

Undoubtedly, one of the necessary attributes of Valentine's Day is a mailbox, with which you can anonymously send a message to your school crush. The decoration of such a box is a whole object for your creative imagination.

Stylized hearts on the windows

Large hearts and cupids made of papier-mâché or colored corrugated paper and cardboard will look very impressive. And this, by the way, is another reason to spend time doing a joint lesson for the whole class.

School table decoration on February 14

Of course, the festive table will also be the center of attention. Balloons - both in the shape of hearts, and just the usual version of round balloons. They can be tied to the backs of chairs or around the edges and center of a table. It is better to lay an inexpensive tablecloth or oilcloth (after the event, you will most likely have to throw it away) and a neutral color - white, gray or beige. Dishes, like a tablecloth, it is advisable to put disposable - plastic or paper, with characteristic patterns and drawings for Valentine's Day. An ideal table decoration would be fresh flowers, which, with their aroma, will remind you of the imminent approach of spring.

A little about gifts and awards on February 14

Another important point that should be taken into account when organizing a school holiday is souvenirs and gifts. Teenagers, by their nature, are impressionable and easily hurt creatures, although they look like adults. Therefore, if competitions, quizzes or competitions are planned at your event, then make sure that everyone, without exception, receives presents, albeit small ones. Any sweets, themed key chains, pens, toys and all sorts of pleasant little things (candles, flashlights, magnets, etc.) can serve as gifts.

The main thing is to present these presents beautifully and in an original way. Bright packaging and funny inscriptions are perfect for their design. For example, a pen "for love letters", a magnet in the form of a heart or an angel, or chocolates in a themed package. Also, of course, you should not deprive the attention of the class teacher present at the holiday. If the teacher is a woman, you can give her a small, beautifully decorated bouquet of fresh flowers and a valentine. If the teacher is a man, then a postcard with a cool signature and good wishes from the whole class will come in handy.

Do not forget to prepare the scenario of the event in advance so that there are no incidents at the holiday that can significantly spoil the mood of the guys. And then the school party dedicated to February 14 will be a great success.

Valentine's Day. Interesting scenario for high school students

The program is designed for the participation of high school students. It contains contests and games that will interest all students without exception. It is best to hold an event in the assembly hall. And be sure to provide for prizes for victories and participation in competitions.


Hello friends! Congratulations to those present on Valentine's Day! Well, let's start our program, shall we?

The game "On the same wavelength"

Every guy who wants can participate in the game. Gift cards are pre-prepared. Examples:

  • fruits;
  • dinner in a restaurant;
  • movie tickets.

This is given to the girls in the future. A lot is drawn and a random card is drawn. Next, you will need to explain with gestures what kind of gift awaits the lady of the heart. It is forbidden to pronounce any sound. After the girl guesses, she receives her gift.


You are so great! And the guys are artistic, and the girls are quick-witted. But do not relax, because it was only a warm-up! And now the task is more difficult!

Competition "Sweet minutes"

This competition is for couples only. The competition is divided into three stages. To play the game, you will need:

  • tangerines;
  • candies in wrappers;
  • water in glasses.

First, the couples are given the first task - you need to clean and eat tangerines. However, this is not done in a standard way. In one hand, the girl and the guy put a mandarin. With the second hand, they cover the partner’s hand and clean the fruit in this way.

After that, it's time for the second task. Take the usual candy. It needs to be unwrapped and eaten. Hands cannot be used.

At the end, the participants take a glass of water and drink it at speed. Hand touching is prohibited.

The winner is the pair that was able to master each of the stages the fastest. After that, the host announces that the players should dance.


Friends! We have a creative challenge ahead of us! Who's ready to show off their talent? Anyone interested please raise your hand!

Contest "Make a Valentine"

Several people are selected. They are given white and colored paper, magazines and newspapers, scissors, glue stick, pens, markers. At the command of the host, they should start making a heart (valentine) for their soulmate. A certain amount of time is given to complete the task. The winner is chosen by the audience, applauding each made Valentine, which they will be shown. And he gets the rightful prize.


Do you know who Amur is? That's right, it's the god of love! He flies over people and chooses couples that are destined for each other! Then he strikes their heart with an arrow of love and sets the couples together! Admit it, have you ever dreamed of taking on the role of such a god?! Well, one of you will have that opportunity today!

Game "Sharp Cupid"

From the total number of those present at the celebration, one is chosen who will play the role of Cupid. He turns his back on everyone. A couple quietly approaches him from behind and hands him a note with the question: “A couple or not a couple?”. It is very important, therefore, to hand “Amur” a piece of paper with a question so that he does not see who is doing it. The task is to determine whether these two are a couple of lovers, or two from different couples approached him. He must give an appropriate answer. The winner will be the participant in the role of Cupid, who will give the most correct answers.


Agree, we got a very nice little Amurchik? But let's not stop there, because there are new tasks ahead! Is there anyone else who wants to earn a prize?

Competition "Statue of Love"

Participation is taken by 2-3 guys and the same number of girls. They leave the room and enter one at a time. Among the remaining students choose a couple more. The one who entered the room first is told that the couple are sitters, and this person is an artist. His task is to depict a love statue.

He arranges the girl and the guy the way the sculpture will look like in the future. After completing the composition, the artist is told that he now needs to take a place in the statue. Then another participant is called. He is told that the love statue did not work out and it needs to be redone. This process goes on until the last person.


Our program is coming to an end! But that is not all! We still have a prize waiting for its winner! I suggest you take another test!

Game "Love Songs"

Players in this competition will require knowledge of various songs. Basically it will be compositions about love. You need to prepare the appropriate songs in advance. Participants stand in one row, after which the melody is turned on. If someone recognized her, then he should raise his valentine up. The melody stops at this moment. The player takes the microphone and asks to turn on the music. The participant is required to sing a guessed song. If this fails, then no points are awarded to him.

Are the students shy and don't want to sing? The problem can be easily solved: guess the melody - you get 1 point. Sang a song - got 3 more points. After that, the participants will be sufficiently motivated. They will want to do everything right and get extra points for it. To reward the winner for excellent ear for music and vocal abilities, it is better to choose an award more serious than a paper medal.


Well guys! Our holiday program is over. It seems that no one was left without prizes, and this is not surprising! After all, you are all so talented, resourceful and artistic. I want to wish you a lot of love, happiness and wonderful relationships with loved ones! See you!

We assure you that this scenario for Valentine's Day for high school students will be to the taste of all students without exception! Merry holiday!