Conspiracy to find good daughter's job. Effective conspiracies for good work

Conspiracies to work.

To hire.

If there is a suitable monetary work, but you still do not know whether you will take you there, but you want to take, do so. Closer to the noon, he burn the candle, and looking into the flame, say out loud (you can look into the book).

"Food-food on a wrought chariot, on a golden mare. Where to go, there are waiting for me, love and respected, the refusal is not offended. There is no failure to me today, neither tomorrow or the day before yesterday, nor the day after tomorrow, no one day, month and year, always, I am glory and honor. Nobody will tell me against me, no one will refuse anything, they will meet open doors, everyone loves me, everyone believes me. Cross Cross, it's a good end! Amen".

Repeat non-stop until the candle does not make a knot.

Conspiracy to find a job with a good salary.

Plant any plant - a tree, bush, flower - to the ground or a house in a pot. When you plan, say without stopping, the more times, the better:

"Sayshevo I plant, grow blessing. Trees and grow, good to bring me. So my new one blooms and good will bring to me."

After sure to take care of the plant. While it lives and grows, you will have a monetary business. If a plant for some reason died, or it grows poorly - not tightening, plant a new one and repeat the whole ritual.

Conspiracy to raise salary.

Take a coin of any dignity and tell it in a whisper or loud, you can read on the book.

"Thank you, Lord, I catch fish, and you send me a catch. So, let my catch griest, bloating bloom, grief so as not to know, do not count the money.
The Lord will not forget me, in the glory of the Lord good to come to me.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

The coin must be put at its workplace, but so that it does not catch the eye to anyone, and so that no one can pick up and shift.

Conspiracy to quickly find work.

Go in the first half of the day in the forest, find the stump more there, go to it and tell me out loud:

"Hello, Perek, dear friend. You lived, waiting, we visited a high tree, I saw a lot. Show me, where the work is good. I sit on hemp, I will find a job in three days. "

After you need to sit on a stump and sit in a minute silently, trying not to think about anything. Then get up, mentally or out loud to thank the stump and leave, not looking around.

To find cash.

In the first half of the day, take a whole bread and speak out loud on it,
You can book:

"Bread-breads, you all the head, everyone will be honored, put on the belt, they happily meet. So I am where I go - there I am happy to meet me, they bring, they take, they are invited to work, they award big money, but thank you say, and even come to know. "

Then cut the bread in half, half twist the birds, the other half
Eat at lunch.

To give a good job.

Every day, just waking up and not yet ending with bed, with closed eyes, repeat three times with a whisper or to yourself:

"Where to go - I know that I ask my, all the obstacles will go away, the enemy will fly away, good luck to me will arrive, the work best I will get to me." It will be so. "

To make a good job well.

Before you go to a new job, take a piece of bread in the morning, sprinkle with salt. Speaking, tell us three times out loud:

"Bread two salt everywhere is honored, with good, we are put on the belt,
Call and in the feast, and into the world. So would have taken me with good, read, respected, put on the best place. Amen".

Eat this piece of bread with an empty stomach salt.

Conspiracies from Hope Stepanova.

Conspiracy to hire.

"I go to the bar, not junk and not old. I go to fit, the owner

loose. My face is nice, my soul did not pose.

Everyone would be surprised for me, the owners were smiling, I died with words.

He would not chase his soul baptized. Lord Jesus Christ


Conspiracies from A.M. Krasnovova.

Z. avdrial to work good find .

Conspiracy to get the right one from the bosses or official.

"Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, be merciful to me, sinful slave you (name), - you see you, my right, I am praised in front of you in my thoughts, so help, on the right decision of my request blessing, the heart of the strengths of this world Soften, Omiri, to help me back. I am going with good to them - let her good and make me, welcome, do not drive from the threshold, and they call them a good word, they give you a kind word, good things we give up. Good hour! With God, with God, with God. Amen".

Conspiracies from Maria Bazhenova.

This conspiracy is inspired by a fountain pen that you fill in the questionnaires when searching for work.

The handle needs to be wrapped with a red wool thread, to speak:

"Handle to hand, order in my head, money in mosne, good luck with me! Amen".

Tips for Great Vangu.

To find a good job, in the new moon, spend such a ritual.

Write on a sheet of paper, what kind of work you want and with which salary. Then cut this sheet into small pieces, mix them with a crushed dry laurel sheet, put on a frying pan, a metal tray, or to clay dishes and begite. When everything burns and cool down, collect ashes, wrap in the cash bill of any dignity and wear with you
(You can in a wallet or bag) as a talisman.

Do not eat bread crumbs with hand - it's to poverty and hunger.
For this purpose, a special brush-mix kit should be in the house.
Also never sweep the table with paper. When the crumbs are sweeping, do not throw them away, but give the birds.

If you want to be accompanied by luck in your work, take the sprig of the acids - this is a grass that is considered to be weary, and it is easy to find in any garden, or if you are lucky, find a four-member clover,
It turns out a particularly strong talisman. Dry leaves under the press or in the book, as for herbarium, and then put under the glass at your workplace.

When you go to pass the exam, or for an interview for a device to work, put a penny under the heel. Good luck will be provided.

So that you have accompanied luck and always attracted money, Wear with you any image of God's cow (embroidered, drawn, engraved on a stone, or decoration, brooch the corresponding form). Success will be, if you drink tea from a circle at work, on which the ladybug is depicted.

Don't talk and don't think too much about your boss - Otherwise, he will bring his disfavor, he will often be angry with you and find fault in trifles.

If the boss for something is angry with you, swears, causes it to the carpet for study, put a small mirror in my pocket with a reflective side from myself. The wrath of the boss will quickly runs out.

If you want your firm flourishing, Work brought all employees financial well-being, and the relationship in the team was good, let someone from employees cake apple pie, which must be added cinnamon. In the cake you need to stick the candles of green (special, for cakes) by the number of employees who will take part in tea party. Candles will be lit, and then dunge together to blew them all at once. Together, eat the pie at work, watching everyone gets row.

(I.Vladimarova "Magic conspiracies for wealth and happiness")

Pour into a clay or wooden vessel of water and put it three days in your beds. In the morning of the fourth day, take water with you to work and, let's say, in the toilet, beg it, saying:

"It was here, here I will go here and walk." Amen".

So that you have no refusal to work.

(N.Stpanova. "200 Siberian healer conspiracy for success and good luck")

If you go to someone with a request to take you to work or help in your problem, first read this plot.

"I do not walk on foot, I do not hurry stuck on a black cat, a gray dog, a red rooster.

There was no refusal to me, God's slave (name):

monday, nor on Tuesday, or on Wednesday, nor on Thursday, nor on Friday and on Saturday.

Take, damn, my care. So I did not know anything against me or no evil and none.

They did not move to the tongue, respected me and loved me.

Cross with a cross, dealing with a good end.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Conspiracy for good luck in finding work.

(Conspiracy of the Pechersk Healer of Mary Fedorovskaya).

First of all, you need to clean up your desktop: throw away everything too much, and all the necessary things are distributed in places. There will be order on the table, it will be in the head, and in affairs, and in money - everywhere. Then close in the room and proceed to spoken.

"Handle to me faithfully serve

With a handle to be friends, live yes not to rush,

To write letters together, and tasks to solve.

How much in the ink handle,

So many strength!

Write handle yes write,

And I need to find the work!

So that denyuchi paid,

To holly-valued,

To be not boring

To be handy.

As I said, so be.

Forever and ever. Amen".

The handle must be tied with a white thread, the second end of the thread hide in his pocket and walk the whole day with a handle. Remember: in the next month you should only use this handle. During the month you will definitely find the place that will be arranged from all sides. "

Conspiracy to receive good work.

("Conspuses from Onega Healer. P. Belova)

"As you know, the work of the work is distributed. We strive to get somewhere, but it turns out that I tried in vain: and the salary is small, and require a lot. Therefore, before searching, it will not be superfluous to create a conspiracy. It will attract the best suggestions to you. Put three nasal handkerchief. In the full moon on each of them, tie the knot on each of them, then place the shawls into a crystal glass or a glass so that the nodules are at the bottom, and three angle (from each handkerchief one by one) loosely hanging from the walls of the container.

Bend over a glass and whisper:

"How to contact a handkerchief in a tight nodules, as the knots will be played in a crystal castle, how the corners for a free draft, so I have a slave of God (name) work to find a serious, monetary, so that a tight wallet is naked. So that my work is causing and nice. So that freely I was surrounded by, the colleagues are kind, and the bosses affectionately! Help Lord! May it be so! My word is tight yes chalk! Goy! "

After that, put a glass with scarves on the windowsill so that it gets under the moonlight, and go to bed yourself. In the morning, gently fold the handkerchief, not unleashing the nodes. One leave at home, another put in your handbag, and the third pocket of your outerwear. Be sure to take at least one handkerchief with you when you once again go to search for work.

Flying to the potential boss, touch the door handle with a conspiracted handle.

If in any place to get a job did not work, do not be discouraged, the highest forces are disassembled from you. The handkerchiefs you must in the right organization will lead you, where you will be taken, and with the conditions you have arranged. "

Plotted or handle to get a job.

If you are one hundred percent sure that we found exactly what they dreamed about, and you have an interview, on the eve of the following plot. Take a new pencil or pen. Hold it a little in your hands and whisper:

"For seven doors, under the seven castles,

Under the protection of a snake with nine heads

The chest is forged,

Dicky flowers painted.

And in the chest is not malicious, not silver,

No other good

Neither great magic

And the goose lies the pen.

Snake not just guarded

What you will not write them - everything executes.

I will go through seven doors, seven locks,

Breakfast will take nine goals.

Help me a feather Magic -

There is a cherished desire.

Let the will of your wildlife

I'll get money.

As I want, let everything fulfill,

And the house of my wealth will be filled.

May it be so! Goy! "

The next day, be sure to take a conspiracy handle or pencil with you. If possible, it is them fill in the questionnaire or write an application for employment. Leaving home, as if forget the stupid thing in the organization in which you would like to work. She will definitely attract you to him, and you will become an employee of this company.

Conspiracy to hire. (from N.Stpanova) .

Conspiracy on the handle to be lucky with work.

This conspiracy is inspired by a fountain pen that you fill in the questionnaires when searching for work. The handle needs to be wrapped with a red wool thread, to speak:

"Handle to hand, order in my head, money in mosne, good luck with me! Amen".

Conspiracy to find a good job.

"The stars in the sky go to their own way, the sun in the sky goes to his own way, and you, a month is clear, our own way is moving - so let me, the slave of God (name), will be in the world of earthly and heavenly, diluted and subnet. On the path I will find the house of Golden, in the house Tron Golden, on the throne Tom my business, the Lord I was given to me joy, for happiness, for good luck, for wealth. The point is waiting for me - it will not wait, no one, besides me, nor old, nor a young nor husband, nor red, nor black, nor white, nor Rum, nor gray. Bring me, Lord, to the throne, let me in my hands, so that I will heal, without grief, without grief and adversity, in the glory of yours, the Lord, myself, and all people for good. May it be so. Amen".

Conspiracy in the workplace, to pay better.

(Maria Bazhenova "Conspiracy of the Ural Healer against damage and evil eye").

This book on Ozone:\u003dyouser&from\u003dbar

For this conspiracy, no girlfriends do not need. They say sitting in the workplace, but turning the face in the other side, where money comes from you (Simply put, towards an accountant):

"BUT postul Andrey fish on the sea Galilean caught, with Jesus Christ, our Lord, spoke. Lord Jesus Christ, went to me a rich catch, to row a shovel. So let the slave of God (name) the Lord will not forget, will not bypass, good will turn, feed, move. Amen, Amen, Amen.

Conspiracy whisper, work a good pull

How to find a job

Collect the coins of the smallest 30 pieces, buy the fabric is red, and on the night after Monday on Tuesday, sack of the fabric of this bag is red for money. When the moon in growth goes, throwing all the coins in the pouch on the dawn on one, put it on the palm, and the left chop, after which the magic words seven times repeat:

Conspiracy so that the desired did not refuse

Before going to get settled, take a thread woolen red and, sentencing, tie up the knot thick on it:

Conspiracy for interview

Another conspiracy on the boss, the decision of the host, affects. To be a good mood to be good, so so that you liked him, the following words of pronunciation:

Conspiracy on cream for work

We make a conspiracy for delicious cream cream fat help you find a high-pay job. Only need not those in the store are standing, but homemade. And the greater cream, the better work there is, the more money you will bring home.

How to work high paying

Such a conspiracy will be more difficult, but it will help you faster. How the new moon is suitable on Friday, go to the forest without looking around, but not talking on the road with anyone.

How to grow at work?

Conspiracy So that career growth is that for work, if you will sit in place in place? To make a career, there are also special conspiracies. It is necessary to conduct it on the moon of decreasing and on Sunday day.

Conspiracy on a big salary

If the career is not needed to you, and you want to get more thanks, then another conspiracy is needed for you:

So the throne is in the Golden Chamber.

The Holy Spirit will come down who will fit next to the throne.

Who will take it to take it, yes for the sinus will give up, highly highly high over the world.

And my face like an Easter egg, like at the holidays a purely mirror,

So that I loved me from all, favorably looked, progress,

Made by name-patronymic, the place was highly given on people,

Angels have been opened by me,

Words My modeling and strong. Amen!

Prayers for job search

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Strong conspiracies for good work

A good deal must not only bring a solid cash income, but also to be "soul". Monetary, but not bringing moral satisfaction The specialty very soon will lead to a huge amount of time for an unloved business. The only acceptable output in this case is to resume the harmony between the benefit and the ability to realize your personal potential. Many people all their lives are in the process of finding a specialty of their dreams, but often do not get as a result of "a matter of life." At this time, they are forced to spend years, and even decades on continuous making money that does not bring any personal satisfaction. Get the right attitude to a quick achievement will help a strong conspiracy "quickly find work." If you are close to such an approach, then it's time to call for extra opportunities.

Conspiracy quickly find good job: tune in luck

Using a conspiracy in order to quickly find work will "awaken" the personal potential of each person. He will help to defeat indecision very well, and get a huge charge of strength for cardinal changes in life. The most frequent cause of the "Zaplanty" on the unloved place is the fear of changing anything in his fate.

A well-held rite in many ways gives self-confidence, allowing you to very soon take a good place. Many women became successful bosses thanks to him. If you have a responsible interview, the confidence will give one of these persons:

  • « I go a catcher, I will be well done, I will become a merchant. I am a lion, I am a wolf, I am a fox, everywhere I have a staircase. Around others will be lower, and I all on the ground above. People will love me, to read will be, respecting will be and welcome before all will be offered ";
  • "I go to the Boyars not to plow in vain. I will go to a good place to fit to ensure that all the owners love to love, universal reverence to achieve, always squeeze. Strong, wise, mighty - help, but tell me how to do not get sneezing from the way, to achieve. The case is good and money to get mine, honorable place to occupy ";
  • "The squirrel fled, and I - notable bird, on all the hands of the master, the great skeleton. Take as an expensive guest, meet the bread - salt, spend the honorable. I won't take a lot for work, but I won't let your hands

They help great in the case when a perspective place in a short time you need to get you. But what to do when the search is relevant for any of your relatives or friends? Spiritual support for loved ones is very important for a person who is in debt, but unsuccessful search for employment. A variety of ritual texts helping your relative to get confidence in your capabilities are very effective here. You can read:

  • "I share my luck, I drink the light, I fed wisdom. Your way is clear, your day is bright, my adversity is behind, win ahead. To get a cute heart to my what he is looking for a long time. The desired not to lose, happiness in a new place to purchase, deserved fee for work to get. He will rejoice, I will rejoice. My confidence is great, my consignation is strong, so be! "

If you are sure to get the desired 100%, but you wish to attract good luck to yourself, for this there are special texts:

  • "Father is light, hurt me from my suma handful of coins. I can work and serve, welcome. I do not ask someone else's, I will not take too much, but my deserved will not loose. I do not like gifts undeserved, I want to pick up my own hands. Tell me where the lesson for the interest of finding, making tight moshnu. "

A variety of conspiracies to quickly find a good and highly paid job will help you choose the option of the soul. It matters not only the text itself, but also the circumstances at which it is read.

Prayer to find good work fast

Rites that help each person fully implemented as a professional is obligatory, but a rather powerful component of success. If you do not even believe in a variety of superstitions, in front of such a responsible step in your life, spiritual support will surely prevail. Right prayer to find good work fast It is called upon to enlist the support of the Higher Forces. In the conditions of the economic crisis and increasingly with each day of professional competition, take a place to help you implement a highly paid specialty quite not easy. In this case, the words that help will be helped by a quick career growth.

Mandatory components of the successful prayer to find a good and highly paid job quickly, should be:

  • confidentiality of execution (the appeal to the highest patrons should be kept secret);
  • sincere faith in success (only such a mood is able to bring luck in affairs);
  • correctly selected time and place (such rites are best done on a growing moon, since it is she symbolizing a successful start for any case).

Before an important interview, be sure to repeat:

  • "Whisper-chistening, I ask the highest strength to help the slave of God (the person's name) is a light way to highlight, easy way to go through, success in your favorite to acquire. Where not to go to me - there, the success of finding, the refusal is not to know, the words "no" do not hear. What can believe - all come true. Amen!".

If the desired did not work with the first time, the prayer intended to find a good job quickly need to repeat every day until the desired result is obtained. Read the text you need every time at one time, namely at dawn.

How to quickly find a good job with a conspiracy

Work, promising good earnings and promotion over the career ladder, we wish almost everyone, but you can find it with a real gift of fate, which is far from everyone. For someone and career, and a decent payment of labor remains an unrealized dream, and all my life you have to adapt to the hcrolls of employers and listen to unjustified attacks.

If you can not find a decent place in life, a good help can serve as a conspiracy that attracts good luck in finding work or already in employment. Such a rite will make it possible to achieve a good salary, and due to their merit. You can find a new job or to place a strict before this chief, and also to quickly earn the collective confidence and use the authority from subordinates and colleagues.

In order for the effect of conducted conspiracies to be maximal, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

Rite accomplishment time. Since the ritual is waiting for income growth, promotion and increase human authority, then all conspiracies for good luck when taking work should be carried out only on the growing moon.

So the night light should have an impact on the course of the process, and if you wish the speedy career growth and a high position, the ritual is held on Saturday. This day can have the strongest influence on the fate of a person and ask her go to the right direction. If a person wants a stable or growing income, then it is possible to achieve the conceived after the rite spent on Wednesday. This day of the week is responsible for the material state, so all the money rituals committed on Wednesday can give the most significant result.

Resistant faith of man due to the rite spent. So that neither has been taken to obtain a good metal work, which prayers would have been read before interviewing the company or when submitting documents, they must be accompanied by sincere faith in the positive consequences of rituals. If there are some concerns or doubts about the correctness of the actions, it is better to immediately refuse a conspiracy, with this with such a relationship will still be little sense. All doubts and groundless fears only create an emotional and psychological block towards success and do not allow all the desires of a person.

Full privacy. Conspiracy should be carried out by adhering to all rules, among which there is a requirement to non-disclosing the details of the rite. If foreign people learn about ritual, it will not only reduce it or cease its action, but also can turn against the person who holds it, becoming not helpful in his career, but the cause of its collapse.

If you observe all the rules and believe in your strength, the magic rituals will become a good assistant on the way in a good salary, to a career and respect from colleagues and leadership.

Rite for good luck in finding work

Conspiracies that attract goodness in employment may not only be a means of contributing to obtaining stable profitable work, but also to those elixir, which will change the life of a person, having relived him from excessive insecurity in his abilities, from doubt about the correctness of decisions and from the persecution of failures.

And prayer, and the conspiracy gives a good emotional charge and instills confidence that success is not far off. Therefore, if it fails to find a job or get an increase in service, you should not wait for the weather by the Sea. It is necessary to apply for magical help to conspiracies designed to bring good luck.

Conspiracy on a scarf.

To take on the desired job, you can spend a fairly simple rite with a nose handkerchief. When a month outside the window starts to grow, you need to purchase a handkerchief of only white and on the same day to speak it:

"Whisper-whispering, will be a slave of God (name) luck on the road, success in work. Wherever I go - there is a job and find. Do not see me failures, do not hear the words "no". Amen!"

Conspiracy read triple, and then the handkerchief is always carried with them. In order for the amulet as a result of the conspiracy began to act, enough for the month. Sometimes it is desirable to achieve before.

Rite for success

Siberian healers enjoy their ritual, allowing to speed up the fulfillment of desires, including on a device to work. The value of this rite is that many generations have already checked its effectiveness and find their calling.

Every day, at sunrise read the following conspiracy:

"God help, Jesus Save! Allow help my problem, work to find, get money! My life to establish, the success of getting! Amen!"

The rite follows every day while the conceived will not embody into reality, and the person will not get the desired work to work. It is safe to say that in the next minute everything will be formed, as it is impossible.

Rite to choose an employee

If all interesting vacancies are sent

summary and remained only to wait for employers to respond to the proposal by the person of their services, you can spend a ritual promoting a new position. This conspiracy is designed to facilitate a conversation with the future leader. Therefore, it follows it on the way to an interview:

"On the way I go, in a new life I go! The owner as I liked the face, my face I had to like it, the character liked, the performance surprised. So that everyone fell down, they were surprised and not drathed! God help me, give my strength, confidence and good luck! Amen!"

They read a plot of seventure, and after that he will be a reliable defense on the interview, give the strength and inspire confidence in a positive decision.

Magic ritual for water

This strong plot of work is prescribed by Wange itself and acts extremely quickly, helping the speedy adoption for the right position. To hold the rite you need to take a glass filled with holy water, which is read by the conspiracy of the legendary Vanga:

"Power of water, help me! In order for the merchants of gold to work me to work to work, so that gold would not be offended, but the attention was not deited. I will show myself as a master is the best of all masters, an expert is the best of all experts. Just be happy about me all will be, gold and the honors to give! Amen!"

Words repeat three times, and then just conspired water drink. If everything is done correctly, it is not necessary to wait for the accuracy of the entire conceived long.

Career Ritual

If there is a job, but I want to achieve more and advance on the service staircase, you can hold a rite for success. It's a shame when a talented employee long does not pay attention to the bosses, fulfilling a long-term routine work. It is for such a situation that a simple, but effective ritual, which is held on a decreasing month, at midnight on Sunday.

In a pre-purchased nasal handkerchief, some not the smallest coins are poured, taking the following words at the same time:

"Not coins I put, but I give the bump!"

Now you can wrap the coins, knocked in the nodule, and go to the forest. Here a person has to find a birch. If it is impossible, then birch can be found in the square in the neighborhood or in the forest park outside the city. The main thing is that there are no people in proximity, and all further actions were carried out in without any witnesses. When they were convinced, you need to bury the coin wrapped in the coil at the roots of the tree, saying:

"How animals work in the forests yes in the meadows, so I wondering God (the name) works, I don't see the white light, I will not begged back. I went, God, grace me, the reward deserved for my efforts, for merit. Glory to you! Amen!"

The cherished words are primarily pronouncing a seventure, and fulfilling all the requirements of the rite, come back home.

The effect of the ritual for career growth can be expected in the first weeks of the month. Merit will be appreciated by leadership, and soon the desired increase will be offered.

But no matter how strong the ritual is applied, the benefit of it will be able to bring only when they believe in his effect and understand that the magical impact can give forces and self-confidence. Use conspiracies and hold rites to good luck is not at all difficult. The work will definitely be found, the career is not far from around the corner, and a worthy salary is and a very simple task, would be in stock faith.

i tried all rituals, I take a plot. I spend the ritual. Everything goes great, invite to interviews, I pass all the stages, the employer is happy, but at the last moment everything breaks down. The reasons are unexpected sometimes, but the result is again in the search, a new ritual, new proposals, and again a sad result. And so six months. Moreover, impact on all branches, and also unexpectedly turning into minus.

Katyushka, and that nammenta do, honey

Hi, you try to a coin in one penny Zakin in the left shoes and go for an interview 100% guaranteeing helps

And how can I impose a damage? You just do not think that I want to do so just to know what to do for such consequences. And I also want to ask such a question: can we use several conspiracy on one work or need to use only 1? Thanks in advance!

It is necessary to admit that in whatever debrist of the search of life we \u200b\u200bhave climbed, but, as a rule, stop in material success as the main component of happiness. After all, our material opportunities are the key to a comfortable life, excellent recreation or cloudless love. Agree that whatever love is neither, but in the end everything is broken about material troubles. Even health, and that, in a large extent, depends on our opportunity to invest in it.

But to have money, you need to have a good, highly paid job. Perfectly, if you manage to find a workplace in the shower, which brings moral satisfaction. It is not only a source of material benefits, but also a great place for self-expression.

Of course, this problem will help solve magic. She is a huge storehouse of knowledge and opportunities, and it has what you need in order to find good, cash.

It is important when you make a rite associated with improving your material opportunities, and work is one of the types of material benefits, follow certain rules. Then your actions will not harm you, and will be exclusively for the benefit.

  • To find an interesting job should be observed by the Moon phase. The rite of improving the material situation is made on the growing moon.
  • This rite is kept secret. Never tell about your magic actions - they will smooth.
  • Do not choose a complex rite, there are many easy to perform rituals. Not everyone has enough effort to bring complex rites to the end, and not brought to the end of rituals will rather cause the opposite action - they will prevent you from finding a good job.
  • Do not forget after rites aimed at obtaining any benefit, make a ritual of sputter. Spump - This is gratitude to the spirits for help.

A person far from the "personnel issues" does not imagine how much the employers are actually thinking equally. They evaluate people on the same "technique."

If you do not know, then uncertainty arises, and after it is an error leading to unfavorable. Simply a person does not accept work.

Here you do not need to especially go into details. There is a lot of information about how to behave with a potential employer. For confidence, you can also apply magic tools.

There is a special rite to hire. The conspiracy in this case is aimed at creating an atmosphere of confidence, businesslike, optimism.

That is, in the eyes of a potential employer, such a person will look like the most attractive candidate.

To hire - an effective conspiracy

When a person goes to the interview, his excitement is quite explained. It is important that it does not damage the impression that he plans to render on a potential employer.

I will not argue about the need to have a corresponding appearance. It's obvious. But about how to cope with excitement, it is worth talking.

There is such a magic recipe that helps in many cases. It is necessary to speak a small spell in front of the entrance to the room where the conversation itself occurs. This is done so.

  1. Stand on the threshold.
  2. Enact with right hand to the cant and mentally, but clearly, say:

"The meekness of David will help me!"

Now there is nothing to be afraid. Boldly step towards your potential fate.

How to go to the employer, leave the house, then throw a coin on the road. According to this action, this action is accompanied by:

"Milicia I do not ask! I go to the road road! So that the legs are not brazed! Where the path is holding, I will get help there! Be my way to good luck! Amen!"

Such words (with the obligatory miscarriage of the coin) are recommended to pronounce when the ads are studied. Even if through the Internet is looking for a vacancy.

Go to the window, throw a coin and spell into it. So the blessing in search will get. Stumble on exactly the place that you are best suited.

But if you liked the vacancy, but only, or the bosses strictly, then another conspiracy should be read.

Its necessarily needed or learn or write down on a piece. Because it is necessary to read it immediately as soon as the interview will end.

Exit the cabinet, try to face south. Say such words out loud:

"The sun illuminates me, the rays of trouble distinguishes. The breeze blows me, good luck to me! Water to the shores arrive, the work to me is nourished! Amen!"

Just keep in mind that it is necessary to say that even in a whisper, but in a voice necessarily. Well, if you can pronounce a conspiracy in the outdoors (in the nearest square, for example).

Sometimes it is necessary to slightly tighten the rigor of those who spend the interview. Or the eyes of the "cover" to them so that they do not come. Or to fight off from competitors so that you get the place.

For this simple rituals are not enough. We need a strong conspiracy, so that they have been hired. Conduct this rite necessarily on the growing moon.

By the way, it is during this period that it is recommended to change the service. The choice will be more successful and prosperous.

Read several times. So that he led to you information about a good sentence, and even helped get rid of obstacles, not to notice them.

Midnight say these words on the church candle:

"The name of the father is speaking, the name of the mother speaks! Let the boyars sit in a pair. I look like in my eyes gently. I want to attach me to the business. As the door step, I will find my own way. Will you go to the left, I will go to the right, and the roads lead to where successful work is always waiting. The boyars will meet, gentlely welcome, talents will appreciate. No one will be replaced! Amen!"

Ritual to spend three nights in a row. Then write a conspiracy on a sheet of paper and carry with you. Be sure to find exactly what is dreaming about.

It is only necessary to believe in yourself, your strength and good luck.

It happens that you know an interesting vacancy, and for some reason you cannot offer yourself. Or already tried, but nothing came out.

High bosses thinks else who is at such a valuable place to attach, does not see (or does not want to see) your talents and merit.

In this case, spend a special rite, which will help to lean those who decide on your side.

Buy in a pharmacy on a pack of chamomile and pepper mint. You will need a pinch.

  1. In the evening in the ashtray (metal plate or bowl), the bonfire will have to decompose. It is made of several matches (pieces of paper).
  2. On the light, you need to pour herbs on the pinch.
  3. When the smoke aromatic appears, then pretend that you collect it in the bubble (from medication or spirits).
  4. Speak at the same way:

"A lot of angels in the sky, all to the Lord Slave (name) are benevolent and kind! Appreciate for my grave works. My talents help help, and my soul fills with the joy of work! I ask the angels of heaven, so that they entered the shell of bodies of bodily. They inspired them with my value, asked me. So that the place (call, what) I was offered, and never spare no awards, nor words of commendable, got rid of the competitors of naughty! Amen!"

On the last word need a bubble to clog.

Work not only supports a worthy existence. If she is loved, a man feels happy. Not a busy idleboard and unhappy.

Cases when people remain without work, occur quite often. Some lowered their hands and worst a pitiful existence, living on unemployment benefits. Others are in search of vacancies corresponding to their professional level, and are busy with this very long. The most unreleased in the process of employment additionally look for temporary part-time work, even in such a difficult period of life to remain in the working track. Those who want to find a good part-time job can be advised to make a conspiracy to a personal thing - best on the white handkerchief. Spread the handkerchief, whisper the spell into it:

"Whisper-whispering, will be a slave of God (name) luck on the road, success in work.
Wherever I go - there is a job and find.
Do not see me failures, do not hear the words "no". Amen"
Wear handkerchiefs with you, and will soon find a temporary work in production.

Career with decent payment

When looking for work, it is important to remember that good vacancies appear on the labor market very often. It is necessary to look at the ads attentively and daily, make requests in the organization, and somewhere must be invited to conversation. It is not difficult to find an employment offer, it remains to overcome the most difficult barrier - an interview. Even confident man is experiencing nervousness before admission. Prayers and conspiracies will not only help push a positive decision in your favor, but also give confidence and good mood. Read the conspiracy on the way to the interview:

"I am going to boyar, not old and not young. I go to go, the owner seem. My face is nice, my soul did not pose. Everyone would be surprised at me, the owners smiled, my words were dying. He will not be able to drive a baptized soul. Lord Jesus, God for Hermit all of us at any time. Amen"

Be sure you like the manual.

Creative work for the soul

Well, if one of the family members, more often husband, has a high stable earnings. Then his half can be at home and lead the economy. But if there is a good education or creative abilities, it will agree not every personality in the role of a housewife. You can find a lesson that allows you to embody all your talents and have a good income. The conspiracy of Vanga is suitable for real professionals confident in their abilities. It refers to those conspiracies that repeatedly enhance the energy of the word. Pour into a glass of consecrated water and read a plot:

"Power of water, help me!

So that the merchants are gold to work me to work
In order for gold to be not offended, I did not adhere attention.
I will show myself as a master is the best of all masters,
Expert is the best of all experts
Rejoice yes everything will be divided into me
Gold Yes Honors to give!
Drink water to drops "

If the husband does not work

It happens that the head of the family is so lazy, which is almost never busy. Nicely hubby finds all sorts of excuses and excuses, and it is impossible to drive him in search of work. The faithful means to freeze it to actions - to read and conspire a job search. To deal with the laziness of the husband, at midnight boil the pan of water. In the boiled water, throw the hair from my husband's head and read the spell:

"As the water was cold and you (the name of the husband), it was cold to work. Like the water boiled, so with you (the name of the husband), the coldness shot. True

Give water to cool, and then throw it into the courtyard to the ground (in no case in the toilet), and tell me the second plot:

"Laziness was, yes with water sailed. Labor (husband's name) Love, the idleness away Goney. May it be so!"

Husband will forget about laziness and start looking for work.

While the spouse is looking for a position, help him with a strong rite. Take his shirt or T-shirt (the closest clothes closest to the body), baptize and read:

"As the Lord is a carpentry case, I learned, the work was not avoided, and my husband (name), work would not be afraid and enjoy the work. As the monks obedience to perform their own, so my husband suffers from work, does not run away from work. Like gods of God are looking for, so my husband will look for work. Angels to help. Exactly!"

So that the children were busy

Children grow and get education. To find a young man, without experience and experience is not easy. In this case, the prayer of the Holy Matron, to read the read daily, will help in finding good work. Matronushka will definitely assume your child, having heard your prayer:

The holy blessed Mother Matrona, the Pomoz's holy prayers for the slave of God (name) to find the work convenient to salvation and an increase in the spiritual, in order to rob to him in God and do not bother his soul on the worldly - a fussy and sinful. Pomping him to find a gracious employer who does not bother the commandments of God and not forcing him who are communicating under the start of his work during Sundays and Holy Holidays. Yes, the Lord God fears the slave of God (name) at the place of his works from any evil and temptation, and there will be a job to he in salvation, the Church and the Fatherland for the benefit of the parents for joy. Amen.

All in case

With the help of conspiracies, prayers, and, of course, all the efforts are all busy work, with posts and good salary. In gratitude to the fate that everything in life is good and arranged, read the conspiracy every evening:

"In the hearts - the Lord God, ahead - the Holy Spirit; Help me start the day with you, live and finish "

Be always in business and with sufficiency!