Constipation in a one month old breastfed baby. Interesting video: What to do if the baby has constipation? Features of the digestive system in infants

A fairly common problem that new mothers have to face is constipation in infants during breastfeeding. This is due to the fact that their digestive system is just beginning to get used to the need to digest and assimilate food. Indeed, in the womb, the fetus was nourished through the placenta without the participation of the digestive tract.

Almost every fourth child has suffer from spasms and increased gas formation, accompanied, moreover, by difficulties with bowel movements. Parents during this period should try to eliminate all the causes that provoke constipation. Thanks to a competent approach to this problem, you can avoid the need for the use of medications.

Cause of irregular stool in infants

One of the most topical topics for discussion at various forums for young mothers are precisely the content of diapers. Many parents worry about the frequency of bowel movements, stool consistency, stool volume, odor and color. But do not panic if the baby has not gone “in a big way” for two days. The fact is that during the period of breastfeeding there are generally no established standards regarding the frequency of bowel movements of the newborn. And the use of various remedies for constipation can be simply superfluous or even harmful.

The reason for the problems associated with the stool lies mainly in the breast milk itself, the composition of which is constantly changing. For example, depending on the mother's daily diet, density, fat content, and even hormone milk background. As a result, the baby may empty itself one day after each feeding, and the other day it may not go at all.

The absence of stool for four days cannot be called a pathology if the baby feels good and no symptoms of intoxication or dehydration appear. This can only indicate the complete assimilation of mother's milk by the body. Talking about constipation in a newborn during breastfeeding is possible only with the addition of anxiety, capriciousness, or, conversely, apathy.

Main symptoms of constipation

Constipation in children under one year is manifested in the aggregate of several symptoms:

If the stool is absent for a long time, but the feces are mushy, the baby sleeps well, eats well and there are no delays in weight gain, then this condition belongs to the normal variant.

Factors that cause constipation in newborns

Problems with emptying in infants can occur up to the complete normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. Constipation is the result of reasons:

  • the inclusion in the diet of a nursing mother of products with a fixing effect;
  • insufficient consumption of breast milk or, conversely, overfeeding;
  • high percentage of fat content in mother's milk;
  • hormonal changes in the mother's body;
  • the use of certain medications;
  • muscle hypertonicity or intestinal hypotonicity;
  • low fluid intake;
  • overheating of the newborn;
  • earlier or later introduction of complementary foods;
  • dysbacteriosis.

The elimination of the above factors in most cases contributes to the normalization of the baby's stool. However, sometimes cause constipation can be covered in some diseases. These include:

All of the above diseases are accompanied by constipation and require immediate medical advice.

First aid for a newborn with constipation

Constipation in infants during breastfeeding can be spastic and atonic in nature. In the first case, defecation difficulties arise due to intestinal spasms, in the second - due to a decrease in its peristalsis.

At spastic constipation, the child's tummy becomes hard, the feces acquire a dry texture. An ironed diaper applied to a bare stomach, or a warm bath using lavender, thyme, oregano, lemon balm and valerian will help relieve spasm. At the end of the bath procedures, it is advisable to do gymnastics without putting on a diaper.

Gymnastics consists in alternately pulling bent legs to the chest and in carrying out a bicycle exercise. Movements should be performed gently, without effort. In the case when the child resists, it is better to complete the exercise, since it still will not bring results.

If the baby is pouting, but he does not come out to empty himself on one's own, you can try to remove the accumulated gases with a pipette. For this purpose, it is necessary to remove the tip from the new pipette and lubricate the narrowed part with glycerin. Next, the baby's legs are pressed against the stomach and the lubricated end of the device is gently inserted into the anus to a depth of one and a half centimeters so as not to damage the rectum.

Atonic constipation can be eliminated by daily massage. Most often, such problems with bowel movements occur in premature babies.

To perform a massage for a baby, it is necessary to lay it with its back on a flat surface covered with a diaper. The procedure is done within fifteen minutes. First, circular strokes are made around the navel, after which the oblique muscles are massaged from the edges to the center of the abdomen. Next, the rectus muscles are pointwise massaged in a circle with the index finger and the procedure is completed with stroking.

Helps facilitate bowel movements landing a baby from the age of six months on a potty that has an anatomical shape, which allows you to increase the pressure exerted on the rectum, which increases the urge.

With prolonged constipation, on the recommendation of a pediatrician, you can use an enema or medication, but you should not resort to such methods too often in order to avoid weakening muscle tone, which can be fraught with the formation of a chronic form of constipation.

Compliance with the diet of a nursing mother

If there is a problem of constipation in a newborn while breastfeeding, a young mother should think about the need to correct her own diet. To achieve normalization of the stool in infants, you will need to eat more foods rich in fiber, which is actively involved in stimulating the intestines.

For such products relate:

  • Oatmeal and buckwheat.
  • Seasonal fresh vegetables, with the exception of white cabbage, which increases gas formation.
  • Boiled pumpkin with beets.
  • Bran bread.
  • Fruits and dried fruits.

Fermented milk products will help normalize the state of the microflora of the baby and replenish calcium reserves. All fresh pastries, confectionery, persimmons, bananas, rice and semolina should be excluded from the diet. Also, young mothers will have to temporarily suspend the use of black tea, chocolate and cocoa.

In addition, the correction should be subjected to and drinking woman mode. Along with teas for lactation, you need to drink a sufficient amount of ordinary clean water. Fennel infusions will be useful, eliminating flatulence in a newborn.

Medicines to relieve constipation in breastfed babies

Children under one year old can use laxatives belonging to the group of prebiotics and based on lactulose. When the active substance of these drugs enters the intestine, beneficial microflora multiplies. In this case, the drug itself is not absorbed by the body. Pediatricians do not recommend starting the full dose of the prebiotic immediately, but gradually increasing it to avoid increased colic. The most famous lactulose-based products are Lactuvit, Dufalac and Normaze.

In addition to syrups, to eliminate constipation, the baby can be given glycerin a candle, which does not affect the general condition, but stimulates defecation. Candles also help to facilitate the process of hardened feces due to the fact that they dissolve from the baby's body temperature.

You can use the described drugs only in the presence of simple constipation, not accompanied by vomiting, fever, abdominal pain and convulsions. Usually, the presence of such symptoms indicates the need for urgent medical attention, which in most cases is accompanied by surgical treatment.

The use of folk remedies

For babies up to three months of age, the use of herbal decoctions contraindicated. The exception is, perhaps, an infusion of fennel and dill water. They can be purchased ready-made at a pharmacy or you can cook it yourself. To do this, it is enough to pour a teaspoon of fennel seeds with boiling water and let the broth brew for about half an hour. Thanks to the essential oils contained in the plant, intestinal motility improves, bloating is eliminated, and stool softens.

For six-month-old babies, a decoction will help to cope with the problem of constipation, for cooking which uses ordinary prunes. It is made from one dried plum, soaked for ten minutes in boiled water. After soaking, the dried fruit is crushed, poured with a glass of water and boiled. After cooling the broth, it is filtered and boiled water is added 1:1. Take this infusion three times a day before feeding a teaspoon. For babies older than nine months, the dosage is increased to a tablespoon.

Preventive measures

To prevent problems with stools in infants, it is worth eliminating all factors that can provoke constipation. To do this, follow simple regulations:

  1. It is important to calculate the portion of milk that the baby eats at a time. This can be done by weighing the baby before and after feeding, thanks to which it will be possible to exclude the appearance of constipation as a result of overeating or, conversely, malnutrition.
  2. Between feedings, the baby should be given plain water to drink. Its volume can be advised by a pediatrician.
  3. When newborn does not sleep, you should often carry him in your arms so that he stays in an upright position. Massages and gymnastics will be useful, as well as laying out on the tummy, which is an additional incentive for the intestines to work.
  4. A nursing mother needs to enrich her diet with foods high in fiber, as well as foods that have a laxative effect.
  5. You should not allow the room to be too warm and dry, as this often provokes persistent constipation.

Thanks to a competent approach to solving the problem of defecation and observing preventive measures, it is possible to minimize the likelihood of constipation in a newborn. It should also be remembered that often the normalization of the stool occurs soon after the introduction of the first complementary foods by the nursing mother.

In the first year of a baby's life, parents face many challenges. One of the most common is constipation in an infant, it affects about 25% of children under one year old. How to understand that the baby has constipation and how to help him in this case?

How to recognize constipation

To determine if a child has constipation, pay attention to the number of bowel movements per day, the consistency of the stool and its color, how easily the intestines are emptied, whether the process causes discomfort and pain.

Constipation is the absence of stool in the baby for 1.5-2 days. Normally, in children from birth to 3 months, the chair should be from 2 to 4 times a day, in children after a year - 1-2 times a day.

Fecal masses should be soft: in children under 1 month old they are most often mushy, in older babies the feces become already formed. The color of bowel movements largely depends on the food. When the baby is only breastfed, the stools are yellow, and as complementary foods are introduced, they can turn a color - from light yellow to dark brown.

Normally, the child should easily empty the intestines, not push or cry. When constipation occurs, the characteristics of the stool change.

Parents should immediately seek advice from a pediatrician in the following cases:

  • stool occurs less than 1 time per day;
  • defecation is difficult, accompanied by anxiety and crying;
  • after eating there is bloating;
  • feces are dense;
  • the child refuses to eat, does not sleep well.

It is important to know that constipation can occur even if the baby is exclusively breastfed. In infants, the work of the digestive system is just being formed, so any failures and difficulties are possible.

The reasons

Episodic cases of constipation can be caused by lack of fluid. This reason is especially relevant for artificial or mixed feeding. But even when feeding with mother's milk, in hot weather or in a dry, heated room, there may be a lack of fluid in the body, which will provoke constipation.

Another common reason is mother's unbalanced diet. If a woman eats a lot of flour products, white rice, sweets, meat and fish semi-finished products, then such foods can cause constipation in a baby.

Constipation can cause medications: anticonvulsants, antispasmodics, antibiotics, antidepressants. After a course of taking such drugs, intestinal dysbacteriosis and constipation very often occur.

The introduction of complementary foods most often it has a beneficial effect on the work of the intestines, but it happens in a different way. The infant's digestive system may respond to a new product with difficult bowel movements.

Constipation may have psychological reasons. The forced separation of the mother from the child during a serious illness of the mother or baby is a serious stress for the child, which can manifest itself as a delay in stool.

Constipation can be a symptom of food allergies or lactose deficiency, indicate rickets, myasthenia gravis, diseases of the nervous system. Also, difficult and rare defecation may indicate the presence of hereditary predispositions, congenital diseases, defects in the development of the intestine.


The most likely causes of constipation must be eliminated first. It is necessary to observe the drinking regimen, adjust the mother's diet, removing from it foods that could provoke stool retention, change foods in complementary foods.

If these measures did not help, it is necessary to consult a gastroenterologist, neurologist, endocrinologist to exclude the possibility of serious diseases and pathologies. If violations are found, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment and give the necessary recommendations.

To improve bowel movements, lay the baby on the tummy more often. Massage the abdomen: circular movements clockwise. Do gymnastics with your child. Press the legs to the stomach, first one at a time, and then two at once, make a movement as if the child is riding a bicycle.

Charging can be done while the child is pushing. This will help him quickly and painlessly go to the toilet.

You can stimulate intestinal peristalsis with heat. Attach a warm diaper to the baby's tummy or put it on your stomach. Next to mom, the baby will feel calm and relaxed, and the warmth will help improve digestion.

From the age of 6 months, it is already possible to solve the problem of constipation with the help of complementary foods. Puree from prunes, apricots, apples, peaches, compote or a decoction of dried fruits helps well. It is better to cook mashed potatoes yourself, so you will be sure of its quality.

Medical therapy

Lactulose-based drugs, such as Normaze, Duphalac, Goodluck, Lactulose Poly and others, are considered modern and safe remedies for constipation in infants. These drugs have a mild laxative effect, do not cause intestinal addiction.

Physiologically, the newborn periodically has stool delays until the digestive system is working properly.

Reasons for not having a bowel movement in breastfed babies:

  • fluid deficiency in the child's body;
  • increased fat content of mother's milk;
  • a woman eating foods that have fixing properties;
  • lack of breast milk - provokes "hungry constipation";
  • violations of the hormonal background of a nursing mother - then the mother of the baby will also have a delay in stool;
  • excessively frequent or abundant feeding of the baby;
  • incorrect introduction of complementary foods after breastfeeding;
  • violation of the intestinal microflora;
  • use by mother or child of drugs that cause constipation;
  • weakened muscle tone of the newborn, leading to a slowdown in peristalsis;
  • increased tone of the intestinal muscles - hypertonicity;
  • overheat.

The appearance of constipation in a newborn during breastfeeding, associated with physiological causes, cannot be considered a disease. The symptom disappears after the elimination of the factors that led to its development.

If the reason for the lack of bowel movements is a dangerous disease, other signs of pathology will appear.

Diseases that cause constipation in infants:

  1. Lactase deficiency - manifested by constipation, colic, increased gas formation, regurgitation.
  2. Rickets - a lack of vitamin D is accompanied by a bulge of the abdomen, stool retention, and other signs.
  3. Abnormalities in the structure of the intestine - Hirschsprung's disease, bifurcation of the colon, tumors.
  4. Diseases of the endocrine system - hypothyroidism, diabetes, adrenal insufficiency.
  5. Neurology - manifested in frequent vomiting, stool retention, tremor.

If constipation in a breastfed newborn does not improve after the mother's diet is corrected, contact the hospital.

How to recognize constipation in the baby

Until the age of one month, breastfed infants are emptied from 4 times a day. The number of acts of defecation is close to the number of feedings. Artificials do not defecate so often - this is normal.

In a newborn, stools have a soft, liquid consistency and a yellow-brown tint.

By 4 months, the chair in the baby is 2-3 times a day.

Infants from 6 months of age begin to receive complementary foods after breastfeeding. New nutrition affects the functioning of the digestive system and the nature of the bowel movements:

  • feces become dark;
  • there is an unpleasant odor.

Incorrect introduction of the first complementary foods leads to a delay in stool, so a doctor's consultation is required regarding the composition of the diet, its quantity and frequency.

To understand whether a newborn is really constipated, whether it is necessary to deal with it, watch him:

  • mood;
  • appetite;
  • behavior.

There is no reason to worry, even if there is no stool for 1-2 days, when:

  • the child is calm;
  • not capricious;
  • eats with pleasure;
  • is gaining normal weight.

The following signs speak of constipation:

  • there is no bowel movement for more than 2-3 days;
  • the baby is naughty, often cries, especially when trying to empty;
  • the belly swells up, becomes hard to the touch;
  • the newborn bends its legs, pushes to no avail;
  • poor appetite;
  • when emptying, the feces have a dense structure.

Constipation is rare in breastfed newborns. Mother's milk is easy to digest because it contains all the enzymes and beneficial bacteria that speed up digestion.

At the slightest suspicion of stool retention, contact your pediatrician. Feces that stagnate in the intestines cause intoxication, so constipation is dangerous for the baby.

Constipation in a newborn during breastfeeding has its own symptoms:

  • decreased appetite;
  • defecation is accompanied by crying, whims;
  • when feeding, the child blushes, raises legs;
  • not gaining body weight;
  • gas or stools, if present, have an unpleasant odor.

With the simultaneous manifestation of 3-4 described symptoms, the doctor diagnoses constipation. It is difficult for parents to determine this problem without the help of a doctor.

How to help with stool retention for a breastfed baby

The main task of parents and the doctor is to identify the cause of stool retention in the newborn and eliminate it. In many cases of constipation, nothing else needs to be done.

Non-drug treatments

These are the first options for eliminating constipation during breastfeeding: if they do not help, only then use medication.

If constipation occurs in a newborn, it is important to adjust the diet during lactation. Breastfeeding places restrictions on the mother.

From the diet it is required to exclude fixing products:

  • sweet;
  • bakery products;
  • pasta;
  • fatty foods;
  • black tea, jelly;
  • radish, radish;
  • thick cereals: semolina, rice.

Give preference to products with laxative properties:

  • vegetable salads seasoned with vegetable oil;
  • fruits and fresh juices;
  • boiled or steamed poultry meat, fish;
  • cereals;
  • fermented milk products;
  • pumpkin, beets.

Of great importance for constipation is the drinking regimen of a nursing woman - from 2 liters of fluid per day. It is necessary to supplement a breastfed newborn only in hot weather or if the room is dry and warm.

The nuances of the introduction of complementary foods for infants suffering from constipation:

  1. The timing of the introduction of complementary foods for such children does not differ from the general recommended age: not earlier than 6 months.
  2. Start introducing new foods into the children's diet gradually - from 1 teaspoon per day, add half a teaspoon of food daily.
  3. Enter a new product in the menu with a frequency of 1 time per week.
  4. The best option for the first complementary foods after breastfeeding is zucchini, pumpkin, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots.
  5. Among the cereals that stimulate the intestinal system are buckwheat, oatmeal, and corn.
  6. Eliminate semolina, rice porridge.
  7. Use fruit puree according to age. If the child is already 6 months old, it will be useful for constipation to give prune, plum, apple, apricot puree.
  8. From 9 months, introduce children's fermented milk products: kefir, yogurt.
  9. It is useful to give dill water.

Do not use folk remedies for constipation (decoctions of herbs, compotes, oils) for a newborn without discussing this with the doctor.


Abdominal massage for babies is an effective home remedy for the treatment and prevention of stool retention:

  • relieves cramps and pain in the abdomen associated with colic;
  • strengthens the muscles of the peritoneum;
  • soothes the baby.

  1. Do the procedure one hour before feeding or 2 hours after eating.
  2. All movements are light, stroking, do not press on the stomach with force.
  3. Avoid sudden movements so as not to frighten the baby and hurt him.
  4. During the procedure, talk to the child, smile, turn on calm music.
  5. The massage begins and ends with strokes.
  6. Do each exercise 2-4 times.

For constipation during breastfeeding, massage several times a day.

The sequence of the massage:

  1. Circular light strokes clockwise.
  2. Stroking along the oblique muscles of the peritoneum from the sides to the center.
  3. Massage the navel area with fingers - circular movements.
  4. Point pressing on the rectus abdominis muscles with your fingers.
  5. The end of the session is a relaxing stroke.

Relief will come sooner if, after the procedure, put a warm diaper on the stomach, press the newborn's stomach to your body. Heat relaxes the baby, soothes intestinal pain.

  1. If constipation is spastic in nature (accompanied by pain, bloating, flatulence), stroking a soft massage will relieve it.
  2. With atonic constipation, pain does not torment the baby, and the stool is delayed due to the relaxation of the intestinal muscles. Stimulating massage movements, gymnastics with bringing the legs to the stomach will help.

Exercise therapy and other means

Children need movement - every day do exercises for the baby. Gymnastics helps:

  • increase blood flow to muscles and tissues;
  • speed up metabolic processes;
  • improve the functioning of the intestines and other organs;
  • strengthen muscles and bones.

It is important that the exercises bring pleasure to the child and mother. In infancy, children perceive their body as an object of play. They often play with their legs and arms. During gymnastics, all parts of the body are involved.

The ideal time for physical education is after bathing or when changing clothes. Do gymnastics on a flat surface - use a changing table or a hard bed.

Useful exercises:

  1. The child lies on his back, the pelvis is free. Slowly raise your legs, bending them at the knees, and lower them. Hold the legs bent for up to 1-2 minutes, then release. Repeat the exercise 3 times.
  2. Lay the newborn on his stomach, gently lift his shoulders and spread them apart. The baby will try to raise his head and stand on his elbows. This exercise will strengthen the neck, back, stomach. From the age of 3 months, children independently master this skill.
  3. The baby lies on its back, mother stands on the left. Place one hand under the child's head to hold it in place. And with the other hand, raise your right knee, pulling it to your stomach. Hold this position for 3 minutes. Then go to the other side and do the same with the left leg.
  4. When the baby is pushing, you can help him - press the legs to the stomach.

If a little feces came out during exercise, continue massaging or exercising. This is a sign that your actions are helping.

Do not experiment with folk remedies that our grandmothers treated us with. If the child cannot poop, never use soap bars. Such procedures lead to burns of the intestinal mucosa, causing mechanical damage.

Home non-drug care for constipation in a breastfed newborn is enough. After adjusting the diet, performing simple massages and gymnastics, the chair returns to normal. If this does not help, see a doctor.

Drug treatment: approved drugs

Laxatives for babies are available in the following dosage forms:

  • syrups;
  • microclysters.


Pediatricians for problems with stool in newborns recommend rectal suppositories. Suppositories act locally, their components are not absorbed into the blood, so they are safe when used correctly.

Types of candles for babies:


The most popular and safe. It is allowed to use for newborns under the supervision of a doctor.

  • up to a month old, an eighth of a children's candle is used;
  • for children older than a month - a quarter of the suppository.

A glycerin suppository softens the stool, providing it with easy, painless discharge during constipation.

Sea buckthorn candles

Have a less pronounced laxative effect compared to glycerin:

  • help relieve inflammation and pain in the anus;
  • heal cracks and wounds.
gas generating candles

They have a strong laxative effect due to irritation of the intestinal mucosa.

Up to 6 months, such drugs are contraindicated. And after 6 months they are used with caution.

Use any medicine for constipation only as a last resort, as the intestines get used to constant stimulation and then cease to function on their own.


  • Duphalac;
  • Prelaks;
  • Normolact.

Lactulose is a safe polysaccharide that is not absorbed in the small intestine, but when it enters the large intestine, it promotes the reproduction of beneficial microorganisms.

Syrups on lactulose act as follows:

  • retain fluid in the intestinal system, due to this, the volume of feces increases;
  • stimulates peristalsis;
  • normal microflora is established.

Baby laxative syrups taste good. Can be used from birth.

Dosage of Duphalac syrup: 5 ml per day. It is advisable to give the medicine at the same time.

In the first days of constipation treatment, flatulence may increase, but this phenomenon will pass after 2-3 days.

Microclyster "Microlax"

Microlax is a popular laxative.

Its advantages:

  1. Safety - the components of the drug thin the feces, bring it out without getting into the blood.
  2. Ease of use - the product is sold in soft tubes with a tip for insertion into the rectal opening.
  3. Fast acting - bowel movement occurs within 15 minutes.
  4. The error with a dosage is excluded - one tube contains a portion for one application.

Laxatives are an emergency treatment for constipation in breastfed newborns. They do not help to get rid of the cause of the problem. If stool retention is repeated frequently, show the child to the doctor. He will find out why this is happening and prescribe treatment.

Prevention of constipation in HB

The benefits of breast milk are invaluable. Try to feed your baby for as long as possible. This is the best way to prevent stool retention and other problems with the digestive tract. The baby receives reliable immunity and full development.

So that a breastfed baby does not have problems with stool, watch your diet:

  1. Do not eat foods that lead to an increase in the formation of gases: cabbage, grapes, radishes.
  2. Eliminate foods that potentially cause allergies.
  3. Limit sweets, starchy foods - they strengthen.
  4. Replace white bread with bran bread.
  5. Include foods that improve bowel function in your diet.
  6. Drink water - from 2 liters daily.

To prevent chronic constipation in infants older than 6 months, introduce complementary foods according to age. When introducing solid complementary foods after breastfeeding, ensure your baby is drinking up to 100 ml of purified water per day.

It is easy to prevent stool retention - watch your diet and your child's daily menu. Do preventive massages, exercises for newborns. Walk outdoors more often.

Frequently Asked Questions for Moms

Can you get constipation from breast milk?

Breast milk can cause stool retention if it is too fatty. To prevent this, a mother whose child is breastfed needs to monitor her diet and drink as much liquid as possible.

Can constipation in a mother provoke stool retention in a child for breastfeeding?

If the lack of bowel movements in the mother is provoked by malnutrition, lack of fluid, then this symptom may develop in a breast-fed baby. Taking a laxative suspension and following a diet by a nursing mother will help both solve the problem with the stool.

If psychological factors (stress, feelings) became the cause of constipation in the mother, then this will not affect the work of the intestines of the newborn. But mother's worries are transmitted through breastfeeding to the baby, so watch your emotional state, calm down, eliminate the cause of psychological discomfort.

Expert opinion: Dr. Komarovsky

A newborn on natural, breastfeeding has the right to any frequency, color and consistency of feces, if this did not affect his development. Don't panic if you notice your baby holding stools when he is feeling well, eating with appetite and not acting up. If the problem is diagnosed, you need to deal with the cause of constipation.

Talk to your pediatrician about taking lactulose syrup. This is the best medicine for constipation in children in the first years of life.


With the treatment of constipation in an infant, it is impossible to delay. If the problem occurs frequently and non-drug methods do not help, do not self-medicate, go to the hospital. The pediatrician will determine the cause of constipation in a breastfed newborn, choose the correct therapy tactics and tell you how to deal with stool retention in the baby.

Is your baby constipated while breastfeeding? All parents of newborns face this problem. Violation of the stool turns out to be one of the common problems. According to statistics, 25% of children under one year old have stool disorders during breastfeeding.

How does the digestive system work in a child while breastfeeding?

The feces of the baby is called meconium - this is part of the remnants of intestinal cells and the products of the digestion of amniotic fluid when swallowed by a child. He comes out after the first feeding. Its color is dark, slightly black, and has no smell. The first two days the newborn is emptied from 1 to 3 times.

When breastfeeding, feces are liquid, similar to mustard. It has a yellowish, yellow-brown color, a greenish tint is allowed, it smells of sour milk.

For newborns, emptying after each feeding is considered the norm.

In the first two months when breastfeeding, emptying after each feeding, but at least twice a day, is considered the norm.

In two-month-old babies, emptying occurs from 5 times a day.

With age, the number of bowel movements decreases, at 6 months the stool becomes up to two times a day.

After 6 months, the baby is introduced into the diet, the characteristics of the stool change. Emptying occurs up to 2 times a day, feces begin to be produced, which have a dark color and a specific smell.

The first signs of digestive problems during breastfeeding

Among the symptoms of constipation in a baby are crying and restlessness when emptying

If constipation begins in an infant during breastfeeding, symptoms may be as follows:

  • When emptying, the baby begins to act up, worry and cry.
  • The child strains strongly when trying to empty himself.
  • The baby is slowly gaining weight.
  • Gases with a putrid smell are emitted.
  • If the stool is hard and looks like peas.
  • If during emptying, the first is solid feces similar to a “cork”, and then a mushy mass.

Many parents try to help their baby with laxatives on their own. This cannot be done. If you find constipation in a baby during breastfeeding, a pediatrician prescribes treatment!

6 causes of bowel problems in babies during breastfeeding

Many new mothers are wondering why does the baby have constipation while breastfeeding? There are many answers to this question.

How to relieve the baby from constipation?

In order for the recovery to proceed quickly and without complications, you need to pay attention to the following treatment rules.

Treatment of constipation in babies when breastfeeding should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

It is the doctor who should send for a blood test, feces, examine the internal organs with the help of ultrasound. After that, the doctor will prescribe drugs for treatment that will help eliminate the causes of constipation in infants.

This list includes:

  • Duphalac;
  • Espumizan;
  • glycerin suppositories (for example,).
Massage is an effective method that improves the release of gases

Massage helps a lot. This is an effective method of stimulating motor skills and improving gas output.

There are several massage techniques:

  • Lay the baby on its back and make stroking movements on the tummy (around the navel) in a clockwise direction. 15 circular movements will be enough.
  • Lay the baby on the back, grasp the ankle joints with your hands and bend the legs at the knee joints. At this time, the front surface of the thigh should be pressed against the tummy. Then straighten your legs. Do 5 sets of curls.
  • Put the baby on the tummy, on the crib. Start stroking with the palm of your hand, starting from the top of the shoulder blades (between them) down to the waist. Repeat 10 times.

In most cases, the causes of constipation in breastfed babies are solved by changes in the daily diet of a young mother.

To improve digestion, consider the following tips when compiling your diet:

  • Add all kinds of salads from fresh vegetables with greens, as well as cereals - oatmeal, buckwheat.
  • Eat soups made from vegetable broth.
  • Include boiled chicken meat in your diet.
  • Eat more natural, sugar-free yogurt or kefir.

It is necessary to remove from the diet foods that have a strengthening effect, and introduce foods with laxative properties into food. Exclude from the diet: radishes, fresh cucumbers, cabbage, grapes and legumes.

Enema- This is the last method of dealing with the problem.

Enemas should not be used regularly, it will call . For the procedure, syringe No. 1 (the smallest) with a soft tip is used. An enema is given with warm, boiled water.

Three categorical taboos

Parents often try to solve the problem on their own, but their actions can only aggravate it.

So, what can not be done if the baby has constipation while breastfeeding?

  1. In no case should you self-medicate using laxatives without a doctor's prescription, as there is a risk of side effects: allergies, dysbacteriosis and other disorders.
  2. You can not use the grandmother's method, put candles from small pieces of soap - this can lead to trauma to the rectum and damage to the mucous membrane.
  3. If the baby has no stool for more than 2 days and gases do not go away, you should not delay going to the doctor - these may be signs of intestinal obstruction.
Breast milk is the most suitable food for newborns. It contains many useful substances, trace elements necessary for the full development of the child. Usually, breastfed babies get sick less often and more easily than babies who are formula fed. But even if a child in the first months of its existence feeds only on breast milk, various problems cannot be avoided that accompany the adaptation of the child's body to the outside world. Many parents face the problem of constipation in an infant. The most important thing in this situation is not to treat the baby on your own, on the advice of a relative, girlfriend, so you can only do harm. Only a pediatrician can determine whether a given problem is a norm or a pathology, and, if necessary, prescribe the correct treatment.

It must be understood that the work of the baby's body differs from the functioning of the body of an adult, therefore, the identification of the fact of constipation in a child should not be carried out according to the criteria for its detection in an adult.

Features of the work of the intestines of a child up to a year

The first few days of life, the stool has a dark (sometimes black) color, thick, viscous texture. It is called meconium, it accumulates in the womb and is a product of the processing of swallowed amniotic fluid. Meconium passes out of the baby's intestines after the start of breastfeeding. It doesn't smell like anything and is thick like toothpaste. In the first days of a baby's life, its intestines are emptied on average from 1 to 3 times a day.

After the release of meconium (after 3 days), already processed mother's milk leaves the body. The stool becomes softer, thinner, lighter. It has a smell of sour milk, which does not cause disgust. When breastfeeding, a newborn's stool should be yellow, yellow-green or yellow-brown. Its consistency is similar to liquid cottage cheese. There may be small lumps in the feces, similar to grains. These are undigested particles of curdled milk.

For the first 2 months of a baby's life, he can defecate 2-5 times a day. If the child empties the intestines less than 2 times a day, this is also within the normal range, but only if he is in good health, he regularly gains weight, pisses a lot. The child should urinate about 6 times a day. In diapers, the frequency of urination of the baby is difficult to notice, so it is recommended to abandon them for a while and count the number of diapers soiled per day. At one time, 30-60 ml (2 to 4 tablespoons) of urine should be excreted.

Over time, the frequency of bowel movements decreases, but all this is individual. Babies 2-6 months old, who are fully breastfed, cleanse the intestines 1-5 times a day. If a bowel movement occurs after each feeding, there is nothing to worry about. It is not considered a deviation, even when the baby empties the intestines once every few days. But only on condition that he is cheerful, cheerful, pisses a lot and his weight corresponds to age norms. If the child defecates only once a week, eats only breast milk and feels good, then his mother can turn to the pediatrician, but in no case should you panic and treat the baby on your own. Fruit juices, laxatives, enemas without a doctor's recommendation can do harm. At this age, the bladder is able to hold more fluid, so urination occurs less often, and the amount of fluid released increases to 120 ml (8 tablespoons).

At the age of 5-6 months complementary foods are introduced. Breastfeeding is recommended until 6 months of age. Complementary foods change the color, smell and density of the stool. It becomes darker, denser, an unpleasant odor appears. Sometimes it contains whole pieces of food. There is nothing to worry about: at first, it is difficult for the child’s stomach to digest even boiled food. A child on complementary foods should defecate 1-2 times a day.

Symptoms of constipation in newborns

To understand why a child who is fully breastfed has trouble with emptying, you need to look not at the frequency of bowel movements (it is individual), but at the general condition of the baby.

Symptoms of constipation in infants:

  1. The baby behaves restlessly, does not eat well.
  2. The baby is pushing hard, trying to empty the intestines.
  3. During feeding, the child cries, presses his legs to himself, his face turns red.
  4. Unpleasant smell of feces and intestinal gases, which are often released.
  5. Small weight gain, inconsistency of body weight with age norms.

Causes of constipation

The main causes of constipation in newborns who are breastfed are:

  1. Wrong diet of a nursing mother. The food that a mother eats directly affects the activity of the baby's gastrointestinal tract. Some foods provoke constipation in a child, for example: white bread, fatty meat, cheese, rich bakery products, any kind of nuts, milk, coffee, rice, strong tea. It can cause constipation and the mother may take some medicines allowed during lactation (drugs for heartburn, to raise the level of hemoglobin in the blood, etc.).
  2. Lack of breast milk. When the baby does not eat enough, he has a "hungry" constipation. Milk is completely absorbed by the body and the intestines have nothing to excrete. The problem of lack of milk can arise due to improperly organized breastfeeding. Perhaps the baby is incorrectly or rarely applied to the breast. If this cause of constipation occurs, you should consult a lactation consultant.
  3. The use of antibiotics. If the baby is being treated for any serious illness, then the result of the use of drugs is dysbacteriosis, which leads to constipation.
  4. Immature nervous system. In some newborns, the intestinal wall cannot fully contract and squeeze out the stool mass outward due to immature nerve endings. Within 2 months after birth, the problem resolves itself.
  5. Congenital bowel diseases: narrowing of the anus, Hirschsprung's disease, dolichosigma.
  6. Diseases of rickets, organs of the endocrine, nervous system.

Treatment of constipation in a newborn

If the baby has problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the pediatrician can give directions for a blood test, coprogram, ultrasound, x-ray. There are several methods of dealing with the difficult process of emptying the intestines in a baby:

  1. Massage. You can put the child on the back and stroke his tummy clockwise, bend and unbend his legs. Before each feeding, lay the baby on the tummy.
  2. Changing the diet of a nursing mother. To improve the process of digestion in infants, to cope with constipation, the mother needs to exclude fixing foods and increase consumption of vegetable broths, yogurt (without dyes and flavors), fresh kefir, cereals (buckwheat, pearl barley, oatmeal), dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots), boiled vegetables (especially pumpkins and beets).
  3. Medications (Sab Simplex, Espumizan, Bobotik, Dufalac, Plantex, etc.).
  4. Mechanical intervention (enema, gas tube, candles with glycerin).

In case of constipation, you can put a warm sheet on the child’s tummy, wear it with the tummy down, press it to yourself so that the child feels warmth, the closeness of a loving mother, calms down and relaxes.

An enema should be used only as a last resort, when other methods have not had any effect. Its use can cause an imbalance in the intestinal microflora. For a newborn, you need to buy the smallest enema with a soft tip, rinse it with boiling water, lubricate it with petroleum jelly and pour boiled water at room temperature into it.

In no case should you put laundry soap in the anus. Such advice can be heard from grandmothers. Soap causes irritation of the mucous membrane, which is fraught with the appearance of allergic reactions, inflammation, bleeding.

Parents need to remember that the frequency of bowel movements during breastfeeding is individual, therefore, if there is a suspicion of constipation, you cannot treat yourself, you need to contact a pediatrician. He will determine if the baby has constipation, determine its causes and prescribe treatment.