Caring for a sheepskin coat after winter. How to clean a sheepskin coat at home: types of sheepskin coats, care and storage. What are sheepskin coats

The fashion for sheepskin coats is cyclical: at one time they were at the peak of popularity, then they were almost forgotten about. Everyone changed into comfortable and light down jackets. However, sheepskin coats never completely go out of fashion, and every season stores offer a wide range of tanned fur coats and sheepskin coats of a wide variety of models. Owners of sheepskin coats always look stylish and dignified, and most importantly, they are not afraid of any frost. But, like all things, over time, the sheepskin coat gets salted and dirty, and then the question arises of how to clean the sheepskin coat at home.

What are sheepskin coats?

To choose a safe cleaning method, it is important to find out what the sheepskin coat is made of. Modern technologies make it possible to produce products from various materials, but the warmest sheepskin coats are made from sheepskin. Interestingly, the quality of products largely depends on what sheep they are made from. The lightest and softest models are made from Spanish skins, skins from the USA are considered the heaviest. The skin of Australian sheep is not suitable for sewing good sheepskin coats, as products from it are too cold. In Italy, mink sheepskin coats are sewn, but such products will also not save in severe frosts. Sheepskin coats made of goat skins are considered the lightest. All types of raw materials are tanned with chromium substances, resulting in fur velor. The French word "velours" is translated as "velvet". Accordingly, fur velor is leather trimmed with velvet, that is, very soft and pleasant to the touch. However, colloquially, this material is often called suede.

Artificial sheepskin coats made of acrylic fiber have also become widespread. They look no worse than natural ones, and besides, they do not cause so much trouble with care and storage. Not so long ago, natural and artificial sheepskin coats with laser processing have become popular. The skins are treated with a laser beam, as a result of which all defects turn into original patterns.

How to properly care for a sheepskin coat?

Despite the fact that natural sheepskin coats are covered with a protective water-repellent and dirt-repellent layer, and artificial materials are resistant to any weather conditions, over time, the products become shiny and lose their appearance. So that you don’t have to suffer and think about how to clean a sheepskin coat at home from strong stubborn dirt, you need to take care of the “coat on the contrary” not occasionally, but constantly:

  • Before going outside for the first time in a sheepskin coat, it should be treated with a water-repellent agent. You should not wear a natural sheepskin coat during a thaw, and even more so in snowy or rainy weather. Fur velor can be deformed.
  • If the natural sheepskin coat is still wet, and in autumn and winter you can easily get caught in rain or snow, in no case dry it near heating appliances. Simply blot with paper towels or a dry cloth and hang to dry on a wide hanger. After drying, knead the sheepskin coat with your hands.
  • Before cleaning the sheepskin coat at home, you need to wait until it is completely dry. In most cases, the dirt is easily removed with a rubber brush.
  • If you are a happy owner of a natural sheepskin coat, it would be nice to purchase special products designed to care for velor leather and a polished cube that easily removes fresh dirt from velor. Perfectly removes stains from grease, rain and dirt foam-cleaner for suede.
  • For black and brown sheepskin coats, you can purchase spray paint for suede. The paint masks light dirt and scuffs.
  • If you ride public transport in wet weather, tanned leather may wrinkle. The resulting folds are ironed through a dry white cotton cloth.
  • The most vulnerable places in sheepskin coats are the bottom, the edges of pockets and sleeves, so try not to carry your hands in your pockets, but a bag on your shoulder or elbow. Also remember that natural sheepskin coats do not like perfume. Perfume stains appear on products.
  • Sheepskin coats do not like sunlight or artificial lighting. Therefore, so that the product does not lose color, it should be stored only in a dark cabinet.

How to clean a sheepskin coat at home from scuffs and heavy dirt?

Sometimes we take warm clothes out of the closet and suddenly find that they need to be cleaned. Glossy sleeves and pockets, fraying, greasy stains - it's even surprising why we notice that a thing needs cleaning when the situation has reached the edge. Of course, you can give the sheepskin coat to dry cleaning and pay a lot of money for its cleaning, but you can restore the product yourself. The main thing is to know how to clean a sheepskin coat at home, so as not to harm.

Natural sheepskin coats

Sheepskin coats made of fur velor and suede are afraid of moisture, so it does not matter how you clean the sheepskin coat at home. This should preferably be done in a dry way: with a hard rubber brush or a stationery eraser. An ordinary school eraser perfectly cleans out greasy spots and light dirt. If the dirt has managed to eat in or you accidentally left greasy marks on the sheepskin coat, semolina, starch and bread crumb will come to the rescue:

  • Grease stains are sprinkled with starch, wait 4-5 hours and clean the treated areas with a stiff brush. If the starch quickly darkened, it is replaced with a new one and the procedure is repeated.
  • Dirt and greasy stains can be tried to roll out the bread crumb. Before the stains are cleaned off, you will have to mold more than one bread ball. After cleaning the sheepskin coat should be walked with a stiff brush.
  • The fastest and most popular option for removing stains is with semolina. Grains are poured onto contaminated areas and rubbed in a circular motion with a dry cloth or the soft side of a sponge. During cleaning, semolina almost immediately becomes gray. It is replaced with fresh, and the procedure is repeated until the croup stops changing its color. Some use the same starch instead of semolina.

Sometimes the collar, cuffs and pockets of a sheepskin coat are so greasy that dry methods become powerless. In these cases, you will have to resort to more radical methods:

  • All problem areas are wiped with a piece of cloth dipped in gasoline or kerosene. Note that the method is effective in combating stubborn dirt, but it can only be used on dark suede.
  • Stubborn dirt will help remove a mixture of 4 parts water and 1 part ammonia. Shake the mixture thoroughly, soak a rag in it and treat the surface of the sheepskin coat. At the end of cleaning, wipe the treated areas with a sponge soaked in vinegar solution (1 teaspoon of vinegar per glass of water).

A few words should be said about how to clean a sheepskin coat at home if it is light. You can ennoble an old product with milk and baking soda. To do this, stir a teaspoon of soda in a glass of milk and apply the solution to contaminated areas and scuffs. After that, the sheepskin coat is wiped with a cloth dipped in vinegar solution.

Problem areas - collar, cuffs, pockets, areas around buttons - can be treated with a solution of equal parts of water and ammonia.

Artificial sheepskin coats

No matter how beautiful natural sheepskin coats are, they require careful care, which cannot be said about artificial models that do not deform after walking in wet snow and are easily cleaned with soapy water. All that is needed is to lay the product on a horizontal surface and wipe the dirt with a foam sponge. Excess foam is removed with a slightly damp cloth. After that, the sheepskin coat will remain wet with a dry towel and hang to dry on a coat hanger. Cleaning with a steam generator is also effective. Steam not only removes dirt, but also raises the pile.

It is clear that the soap solution can easily cope with only light dirt. To clean the sheepskin coat from old stubborn stains, use other means:

  • To remove greasy traces of stains, sprinkle with starch, allow the fat to soak, then brush off.
  • Greasy areas are wiped with a cloth dipped in soapy water with the addition of a few drops of ammonia (8-10 drops per glass of water).
  • Stubborn stains are wiped with a solution consisting of equal parts of glycerin and ammonia. After the disappearance of the stains, the treated areas are walked with a damp cloth.

Sheepskin coats with laser processing

After laser processing, the sheepskin acquires an interesting texture. In order not to damage it during cleaning, you must follow certain rules of care. For example, products cannot be cleaned with dry methods: hard brush, starch, eraser, etc. Contact with dry cleaning agents may scratch the laser surface.

Usually, fresh dirt is easily removed with a damp cloth, and stubborn stains with soapy foam: the foam is applied to the soiled areas for 15-20 minutes, after which the treated areas are wiped with a cloth soaked in clean water. If the stains are not removed, use the following recipes:

  • Add 10 ml of ammonia to a glass of warm water. Soak a clean cloth in the solution and wipe heavily soiled areas.
  • Stir 5 ml of ammonia and 10 ml of shampoo or liquid soap in a glass of warm water and treat all impurities with a solution. After that, mix 20 ml of glycerin, 15 ml of ammonia and 5 ml of borax in half a liter of water and wipe the entire surface of the product with the resulting product. Blot the sheepskin coat with a dry towel and hang to dry.
  • In a glass of water, dilute a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and the same amount of ammonia. Apply the solution to dirty areas and wait until they lighten, then wipe the treated areas with a clean, damp cloth. This recipe is only suitable for light sheepskin coats.
  • Stains from light products can also be removed with a solution consisting of 200 ml of milk and 1 teaspoon of soda. During cleaning, wipes should be changed as often as possible.

All listed products should be checked on inconspicuous areas of the product before use. At the end of wet cleaning, the sheepskin coat must be wiped with a clean, damp cloth and dried with a dry towel.

On the one hand, a sheepskin coat is a very versatile and practical thing, on the other hand, with improper care, it quickly loses its attractive appearance. If you want the product to serve you for a really long time, do not forget to clean the tanned fur coat with a rubber brush and treat it with water-repellent sprays during wear. And remember that the product requires careful handling not only at the time of operation, but also at the end of the winter season. The sheepskin coat should be stored on wide coat hangers in the closet, this will protect it from creases. So that it does not gather dust, it is advisable to place it in a cellophane or cotton case. And do not forget to put moth sachets in the closet, case and pockets of the sheepskin coat.

According to statistics, as well as an objective assessment of their products by manufacturers, the service life of a women's or men's sheepskin coat with active wear is three seasons. So that already during this time your outerwear does not lose its attractive appearance and, if possible, lasts longer than most women, you must follow the rules of competent care. NameWoman will tell you how to clean a sheepskin coat at home and give other useful tips.

Shearling coat care basics and dry cleaning

Do not expect severe contamination of the product. Going to a dry cleaner at the end of the season will be helpful anyway. The result of the work of specialists is always better than what you can get at home. By the way, you can also dry-clean shoes made of felt in the company with a sheepskin coat after the winter. If you decide to buy felt boots for the cold season, then you should know that caring for them is in many ways similar to caring for a sheepskin coat. This applies both to the removal of various contaminants and the use of a vacuum cleaner on a dry product, and, in principle, the performance of a thing, depending on the complexity of its decor.

Unfortunately, some models of sheepskin coats after dry cleaning may not look as good as you expect. Especially if the sheepskin coat is already more than 3-4 years old. If the product is heavily soiled, you will most likely be asked to sign a document stating that you will not make claims on the outcome of the work. Unpleasant surprises are inevitable in the following cases :

1. Intricate finishes of halogen sequins or with a silver, gold pattern do not last long on the product. Beauty is gradually lost every day, dry cleaning is a sure way to quickly get rid of such decor. Similar models of sheepskin coats are not practical in principle. This should be taken into account even when you make a choice between different products in the store.

2. If the fur of the sheepskin coat has an uneven color, then be prepared for the fact that the contrast between light and dark fragments will noticeably increase after dry cleaning.

3. If the edges of the sheepskin coat are made of artificial leather, then after dry cleaning, they can be severely deformed and even cracked.

How to clean a sheepskin coat at home

Be proactive. Do not wait for the formation of old and multiple stains, it will be more difficult to get rid of them. Caring women should regularly pay attention not only to their outerwear, but also to the outerwear of their other half, because men are often very absent-minded and not too picky about the cleanliness of clothes. Of course, men's sheepskin coats require the same care as sheepskin coats for the beautiful half of humanity.

For regular and simple manual cleaning of an uncoated sheepskin coat, you will need a soft-bristled or rubber brush. Coated sheepskin coat can be gently wiped with a damp cloth.

In the store you can find special creams and sprays for cleaning sheepskin coats at home.

Only a completely dry product can be cleaned!

To absorb a wet grease stain, a small amount of starch or semolina will help at the site of damage, there will be no streaks. The same products, as well as children's talc, can make traces of greasy at the bottom of the sheepskin coat and on the sleeves less noticeable, also try using the special brushes already noted above.

To get rid of non-greasy stains on ordinary sheepskin coats at home, an eraser or dried white bread is successfully used.

Dry dirt is removed from the sheepskin coat by brushing the surface, and only then wiping it with a cloth slightly dampened with soapy water or covered with soapy foam (you can risk using a carpet vanish for this).

An excellent folk remedy for cleaning a sheepskin coat is gasoline, in which gauze is moistened. However, this method at home can both save a sheepskin coat and completely destroy it. Be sure to do a preliminary test on an inconspicuous area of ​​​​the sheepskin coat, best of all on the inner side of the collar.

It is permissible to wash only some artificial sheepskin coats. It is best to do it by hand, but sometimes machine wash is also acceptable.

If a natural sheepskin coat is just dusty, then a vacuum cleaner will come to the rescue. Use a soft brush for cleaning.

Other rules for caring for a sheepskin coat

- After heavy rain or snow (not the best weather for a sheepskin coat that you want to wear for a long time), do not try to "wipe" the product. The outer side can only be slightly blotted with a dry cloth. Do not dry the sheepskin coat near the battery, this can lead to deformation of the product. Ideally, the sheepskin coat should be dried on a hanger with wide shoulders so that the product does not come into contact with other things. After that, slightly knead the material of the product in your hands.

To care for sheepskin coats, there are special series of products that can be purchased at a specialized outerwear store. It is best to do this in advance, even when buying a sheepskin coat. Note that you can also use shoe care products: a water-repellent spray and tint compositions that will help to carry out a light cosmetic repair of the product - to mask stains or scuffs (only use them after cleaning the sheepskin coat, and not before, and do not apply to severe pollution) .

According to the rules of competent care for sheepskin coats, they should be stored on a hanger with wide shoulders. To protect the product from dirt and dust in the closet, as well as from possible accidental damage by zippers to other outerwear, many people put sheepskin coats in plastic cases. Experts do not recommend doing this, such a “packaging” does not allow air to pass through, and this is harmful to natural fur. Use covers made from natural fabrics, after all, you can make them yourself, and take a cotton white duvet cover as a basis.

If the sheepskin coat is badly wrinkled, you can use a regular iron. But be very careful. Set the heating mode of the iron to no higher than medium, iron the sheepskin coat without pressure, without even lowering the iron completely, and only through a dry and clean white cotton cloth.

Maria Nikitina

Sheepskin coat is very practical, warm and comfortable winter thing. It requires proper and very delicate care. At home, you can clean a suede sheepskin coat no worse than in a specialized dry cleaner.

It is quite possible by following these simple tips:

  • An effective method of dealing with stains and pollution is prevention. While the sheepskin coat is still new, it should be cleaned with a special suede protector. It has the ability to repel dust, moisture and dirt, and will help keep your sheepskin coat a good looking sheepskin coat for a long time.
  • To save the pile of the sheepskin coat, you must use a hard brush made of rubber and rubber. You can use fine-grained sandpaper.
  • For cleaning, you can use only those products that are not very aggressive to natural surfaces. Before use, test the product on the inside of the pocket, or on a sample of fabric attached to a new product.
  • If the thing has faded over the season, you can try a special dye for suede.
    Clean your sheepskin coat immediately at the end of winter, and not before the start of the next season. Old stains are much more difficult to remove.
  • You need to know that in addition to suede, a sheepskin coat can have a collar made from other natural fur, mink, silver fox, fox, arctic fox. This fur requires special care.
  • Sheepskin coat can not be washed in the machine - it will completely ruin it.
  • A suede fur product is not subjected to high temperatures, drying on a heater or batteries.
  • You need to use clothes hangers or lay out the thing on a flat surface to avoid deformation.
  • Be sure to study the factory label in order to understand what the product is made of and what kind of care is acceptable for it.
  • Spots try to clean in hot pursuit, while they are still fresh.
  • When caring for a sheepskin coat, use steamers, they do not harm the surface and keep the beautiful appearance of the clothes, as well as get rid of excess germs.
  • Do not forget about the inside of the sheepskin coat. You need to take care of it by combing it with a special brush for wool. You can buy it at any pet store.

Household cleaning methods

A suede thing always looks impressive and luxurious. But this material is in constant wear, it quickly gets dirty. The main methods for cleaning suede sheepskin coats at home are divided into dry care and wet care.

Dry cleaning methods

Dry is suitable for natural moody suede. Wet can be used if the sheepskin coat is impregnated with some kind of protective compound.

  • against dust, use a regular vacuum cleaner, use a furniture nozzle;
  • dry dirt is destroyed with a brush designed for cleaning suede products;
  • places that are greasy can be put in order with a school eraser;
  • dry dirt is removed using the hard half of the Velcro and adhesive tape;
  • a sheepskin coat that is not heavily soiled can be cleaned with fine sandpaper. Such a surface treatment of the thing will help remove minor dirt, and also give a soft silky look to the product;
  • on a heavily contaminated surface, you need to apply salt Gently rub this place with your hand or a brush, then remove the salt with a dry sponge;
  • greasy spots are destroyed by semolina, you can also use starch. Gently wipe the dirt and remove with a dry cloth or sponge. You can use a brush to clean suede;
  • talc, crushed chalk or white flour. Apply to stain. Scrub dirt in a circular motion. Then remove the powder with a cloth or sponge. If necessary, repeat the procedure;
  • breadcrust will also help remove dirt. Apply to stain. Do not grind too much roll the bread into a ball;
  • tooth powder will help to cope with a greasy stain. We cover the stain with a composition of powder in a circular motion, do not rub much. Then remove the powder;
  • a dirty suede surface is well cleaned with gauze soaked in kerosene or gasoline. But this method cannot be used to clean white products.

Wet cleaning methods

  • The simplest wet cleaning agent is soap suds and a few drops of ammonia. You should know that it is not necessary to wet the sheepskin coat very much, this can deform it. If it still gets wet, spread it on the surface of the table, then knead well
  • a solution of glycerin 20 g, water-0.5 l, ammonia 5 drops and borax 5 also clean suede well. Treat the surface, changing the sponge frequently, let dry
  • old greasy stains will be removed by a solution of milk - 1 cup, 1 teaspoon of baking soda, five drops of ammonia. This solution can be safely used for light and white sheepskin coats.
  • oxalic acid solution will clean stains - one small spoon, two teaspoons of baking soda
  • degrease the surface with a solution of dishwashing detergent and five drops of ammonia. Apply with a sponge, dry at a low temperature
  • the solution will perfectly clean the sheepskin coat: warm water and a composition for natural carpets. Apply the solution foam to the dirty product, dry and vacuum
    dirt on the collar, cuffs and pockets will well remove the solution from the water, the usual washing powder with ammonia - 5 drops. We remove the solution with a brush special for suede

To enhance the result after wet procedures, remove the solutions from the surface with a clean cotton cloth soaked in vinegar.

Natural fur care

It is possible to effectively clean natural fur on a sheepskin coat in this way:

  • Bran from wheat or ordinary sand. Use warm. It is necessary to apply to the fur, comb with a special brush.
  • Shampoo for any furry animal. Dilute the shampoo in warm water until a thick foam. Then cover the fur with a composition of foam. Leave for five minutes. Wash off with clean water. It is necessary not to fall on suede. Dry at room temperature.
  • Vinegar and alcohol solution. Only natural fur can be cleaned. Sponge the composition on the fur and rinse with water.
  • Lemon juice. Apply to the dirt then comb the fur with a comb.
  • Baby powder. Gently cleans stains. Apply the powder, then shake and comb the fur.
  • It will give shine to any fur: salt 30 gr, ammonia - five drops, water 500 ml. Must be applied with a sponge. Comb with a special fur brush.
  • White and light fur will clean hydrogen peroxide 5 ml. water 500 ml. From the sprayer, apply to the fur. Then dry in the fresh air. And comb with a stiff comb.

Storage conditions for a sheepskin coat made of suede

  • To store a sheepskin coat made of suede fabric, you need to purchase a special cover with a zipper. It should be made of polyethylene on one side only, the other side is fabric. Such a cover will allow natural suede to breathe, as well as save from excess dust.
  • You need to hang clothes on good coat hangers that are suitable in size.
  • It is necessary to store a suede sheepskin coat in a dark place in order to preserve the color.
  • Inside the case, and in the pockets, you need to put a moth repellent with the smell of lavender.
  • The storage temperature is cool. Keeping heaters close to each other will dry out the suede and cause it to lose its softness and warp.

There are many secrets to cleaning a suede sheepskin coat at home. If you wear a thing very carefully and carefully, take care of it in time, it will serve you for a long time and will not lose its beautiful appearance.

Sheepskin coat is outerwear, which can be natural and artificial. The product is sewn with fur inside, and with skin outside. In a natural sheepskin coat, fur is very often made of sheepskin. It depends on the quality of the top how to properly care for the sheepskin coat. Treated crack coats cannot be dry-cleaned, but they are very durable and easy to care for.

They look beautiful, but keep in mind that over time the thing may turn yellow. You can bleach a sheepskin coat with a solution of warm water (1 cup), 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and 1 teaspoon of ammonia. All sheepskin coats require the application of special impregnations that protect clothes from dirt and moisture, but white sheepskin coats need this more than others. There are many recommendations on how to care for a leather sheepskin coat.

How to care for a natural sheepskin coat?

Each coat has a care label. Under no circumstances should you throw it away. A sheepskin coat is an expensive thing, and if you decide to use dry cleaning, they will definitely require it from you.

Some features:

  1. In transport in a sheepskin coat, it is better to ride standing up.
  2. Protect the sheepskin coat from bright artificial or sunlight. This will keep its color.
  3. Protect your sheepskin coat from perfumes and deodorants.
  4. Protect the sheepskin coat from getting wet through. The item may stretch. But, if you get wet, dry the thing on a coat hanger at room temperature away from batteries and electric heaters. Shoulders should be wide.
  5. It is allowed to iron with an iron in the “wool” mode.
  6. Buy sheepskin coat care products, water-repellent, dyes in the store, after checking them in places invisible to the eye.
  7. Wipe greasy places with ammonia and tooth powder or talcum powder, taking them equally, closing the gruel.

For cleaning, use a natural rubber brush, eraser, white bread crust, fine sandpaper. If the contamination is severe, dilute 20 g of glycerin and ammonia in half a liter of water and add 5 g of borax.

To remove greasy stains, use talc or starch.

How to care for an artificial sheepskin coat?

For care use a lint care product. It is applied, the excess is removed with a sponge, dried. Grease stains are treated with tooth powder.

A beautiful look of the thing is returned with a mixture of 1 teaspoon of soda, 1 cup of milk, 0.5 cups of water and 0.25 cups of ammonia. Use paints for suede, and for brown coffee grounds.

When buying a tanned coat, we expect to wear it for a long time. To do this, you need to be able to care for a sheepskin coat so that the thing looks like new for many years. Fur connoisseurs advise several ways on how to store a tanned coat so that it does not lose its presentation, and what skin care products can be used.

Storing a tanned leather coat

Basic rules for storing sheepskin coats in the summer:

  • When buying a sheepskin coat, you should take a special bag with you, which is usually sold with it in the kit. If you throw it away by mistake, you need to purchase a large plastic bag with a zipper.

  • To store a coat in a closet, you need to stock up on coat hangers - a hanger that will match the size of the sheepskin coat. They must be made of durable material so that the hanger does not break under the load of a heavy item.

  • Sheepskin coat should be stored in a dark place. The wardrobe fits perfectly.
  • To properly care for an expensive purchase, you need to take care of protection from moths. It is worth buying plastic boxes with Velcro. They are attached to a plastic bag or bag in which the sheepskin coat is packed, from the inside. Moth repellents are placed in such boxes without lids. The zipper is fastened, and thus, unfavorable conditions are created for the moth. You can not stick Velcro on the coat itself.

When stored in a closet, the item may become covered with dust. It's not scary. It can be vacuumed with a conventional vacuum cleaner with a plastic nozzle.

How to handle sheepskin coats in different circumstances

It is not always favorable frosty weather outside in winter. Sometimes in central Russia there is a thaw with wet snow and rain. How then to proceed? It is better not to wear a tanned coat in inclement weather. And if the rain came suddenly, how to save a wet thing? Sheepskin coat may wrinkle during storage. How to care for her, how to smooth her?

What care is needed for a sheepskin coat at home? Experts provide answers to these questions:

  • A wet sheepskin coat should not be rubbed with anything. Particularly wet places are blotted with paper towels. After that, the coat is hung on a hanger and left to dry. An almost dry thing is slightly wrinkled with hands so that the coat does not “stand in a lump”.

  • A crumpled sheepskin coat is ironed, but with great care. For ironing, the coat is covered with a dry white cloth and ironed through it at medium temperature. Before the start of the main ironing of the sheepskin coat, they take the wrong side of the filing and try to iron it in order to evaluate the effect of ironing.

  • If the sheepskin coat has a slightly spoiled look, you can buy products in the store for easy grinding of worn out places and for toning. For genuine leather and artificial tanned coats, these remedies are different. Before going outside in wet weather, it is worth wiping the surface of the coat with a water-repellent agent.
  • Some parts of the sheepskin coat may look greasy. You can try to rub them with a rubber eraser.
  • It is worth handling an expensive thing with care so that it does not require constant care. Basically, cuffs, pockets, side parts, bottom are salted. You should not often put your hands in your pockets, and it is better to wear bags with a long strap not on the shoulder, but at the bottom. When riding in a sheepskin coat in public or private transport, it is worthwhile to slightly raise the bottom of the product when landing. The bottom button in the car must be unbuttoned.

Observing all these rules, the customer has a chance to feel beautiful in an expensive item for a long time.

How to clean a sheepskin coat from dirt yourself?

Not all tanned leather coats are equally dry-cleanable. For example, enterprises do not take a sheepskin coat with impregnation for chemical cleaning. Clothing made of double skin fabric tolerates chemical treatment well.

Especially a lot of trouble is delivered by white and other light sheepskin coats. They turn yellow over time. To delay this moment, it is necessary to periodically give them to dry cleaning. Also, beautiful coats made of leather and fur of Tuscany (Tuscan sheep) bring a lot of trouble. Such products need not only to be cleaned, but also to comb their fur. What home cleaning products are popular among the people?

Cleaning methods depend on the coat material:

  • Sheepskin coats made of suede can be carefully cleaned only in a dry way;
  • Sheepskin coats made of leather are more practical; they can be cleaned with a wet cloth;
  • The most easy to handle sheepskin coats with laser coating - they almost do not get dirty and tolerate the wet cleaning method.

Caring for a sheepskin coat at home is quite simple. It is worth paying attention to the following cleaning methods at home:

  1. Sprinkle starch on the stain, rub it in lightly, and shake it off with a dry cloth. This method is suitable for sheepskin coats that do not tolerate wet cleaning. Starch does not lighten dark-colored coats.
  2. The same can be done with semolina. Semolina absorbs liquid and cleans dirt. The method is suitable for sheepskin coats of any color. It is suitable for both sheepskin and Tuscany.
  3. The method of cleaning with bread is no less effective. Scrub the stain with a crust, then brush off the bread crumbs with a soft bristle brush.
  4. Old greasy stains are removed with a cloth soaked in kerosene or gasoline.
  5. Caring for a suede sheepskin coat at home requires a different approach. Suede is cleaned with salt according to the semolina cleaning method.
  6. The fur of the sheepskin coat is washed with veterinary shampoo and then dried by turning the product inside out.

It is quite possible to clean sheepskin, suede or Tuscany at home. Coats with laser coating and special moisture impregnation can be cleaned with a cloth soaked in water. Such products do not cause much trouble.