Hair as in advertising - it's easy. Creation and testing of advertising text for television Beautiful hair for advertising

The concept of beautiful and shiny hair are inseparable: regardless of the hairstyle, shade of hair and their density, the lack of a healthy radiance of hair can largely undermine the beauty of the picture, and vice versa. Therefore, when caring for hair, we try to make it look like silk: smooth and “mirror-like”. This can be achieved by following simple rules:

1. They always say this, and yet we always ignore this rule: washing your hair with hot water is strictly prohibited! It must be warm, because, otherwise, a high degree will open the scales of the hair, making it porous, therefore, depriving it of shine. A temperature of 30 degrees will be enough, and if at the end of the procedure you rinse the curls with cool water, it will be even better: they will thank you with radiance!

2. Surely, you noted that sometimes after drying with a hairdryer, the hair is smooth and shiny, and sometimes sticks out in all directions: it depends on the direction of the air flow. To achieve radiance, direct it from top to bottom , thereby closing the scales. Don't forget to set the minimum temperature! True, the cooler the air, the longer the hair dries, so if there is little time left, dry your hair with half hot (but not burning!) Air, then switch to the minimum temperature. Finish drying with a cool stream!

3. There is such a thing as hair polishing. It sounds expensive, but in fact, this is the simplest procedure available to everyone. All she needs is brush with natural dense not long bristles. It costs a little more than synthetic analogues, but this price difference is justified: such bristles smooth the cuticle scales, giving them shine.

4. One of the most affordable and effective means for shining hair is colorless henna. It does not penetrate deep into the hair, but remains on its surface, enveloping and filling in irregularities. In addition to shine, henna gives hair health: they become stronger and stronger. True, this tool can affect the color during subsequent coloring, so if you plan to change the shade of your hair, consult with your hairdresser first.

5. Fruit acids are the most faithful ally in the fight for hair shine. That is why they are always included in the means to give them shine. rinse aid from lemon will simply make your hair become glossy: one spoonful of juice per liter of water. Rinse your hair with this solution, do not rinse. And if, in addition, the water is not ordinary, but mineral, consider that a royal gift has been made to the hair. This composition lightens the hair a little, so if you do not want to change the shade, use the following recipe ...

6. Nettle decoction is also an excellent rinse for shine. Has a similar effect acidified mouthwash (1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar per 1 liter of water). These products make the water soft, and it is hard water that robs the hair of Hollywood shine.

7. An excellent radiance effect is given by hair masks with eggs in the composition. (there are a huge number of them). One of my favorites: 1 egg, 2 tbsp oil (olive, almond, flaxseed…-the choice is unlimited) and 1/3 tsp lemon juice. Apply to hair, wrap them with a towel and leave for an hour.

8. Achieve an amazing “photoshopped” effect hair can be thanks to the following mask:

  • Coconut oil (2 tablespoons),
  • Honey (2 tablespoons),
  • Ripe banana (1 pc),
  • Cow's milk (2-3 tons of spoons).

The first three ingredients are mixed in a blender until a homogeneous consistency, after which milk is added to them (just enough to make a cream-like mixture). The mask is applied to dry hair for an hour under polyethylene and a towel.

9. An analogue of salon hair lamination is lamination with coconut milk at home. This is an analogue of the method using gelatin, which I once read in reviews and now I just adore. What I share with you. We will need:

  • Coconut milk (0.5 cup)
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • Olive oil (0.5 tsp),
  • Starch (potato or corn, 1.5 tablespoons).

All ingredients are mixed and put on fire. It should not boil, but only heat up: constantly stir the mixture and gradually it will begin to thicken. As soon as it reaches the consistency of the cream, remove from heat and, while it cools down a bit, wash your hair - first with shampoo, after with balm. Blot your hair with a towel so that it is slightly damp and apply the resulting mixture. After that, we put polyethylene on the hair and wrap the head with a towel, stand for 1.5-2 hours. After washing and drying, you will not recognize your hair! If you dreamed of "advertising" brilliance, then this dream will come true.

And, most importantly, remember that the beauty of a woman comes from within Therefore, our nutrition and emotional state play a huge role. More positive emotions and healthy products, then the hair will thank you with its beauty and health.

Thank you for your attention!

Beauty professionals have a clear advantage when starting their own business. They know the business from the inside and understand the specifics of the activity. The main problem is the question of the promotion of a hairdresser.

Having your own customer base will allow you to start a business, but to stay afloat you will have to learn the basics of marketing. You should not be limited to any one direction. The combination of photo advertising, effective texts and promotion on the Internet will give a positive result. We will not consider advertising in the media, as it is too costly. Consider examples of working advertising for hairdressing services.

The main decoration of the advertising text is simplicity and conciseness. And it doesn't matter where you place it. When advertising on third-party sites, do not write banal phrases about the many years of experience of masters and the best hair dyes. List the services and their cost. Specify the materials and cosmetics used, if this is your advantage. For example, in Samara, only you have a new Brazilian composition for laminating hair.

Looking for your master in Samara? In the salon "Venus" women's haircuts - from 600 rubles, men's - from 500. Haircut as a gift! We are waiting for you daily from 10.00 to 21.00 at the address: st. Solnechnaya, 5. Appointment by phone: 78899009888

Do not litter the description of services with unnecessary details! Specify the main thing: type of service, cost, bonus and contacts.

How to Advertise a Barbershop to Existing Clients

  • Invite for promotions:
  • Maria, participate in the “Bring a friend” campaign. Only in January. Recommend the hairdresser "Venus" to your friend and get a permanent 5% discount.
  • Inform about new services:
  • Maria, we invite you to a new procedure - lamination of eyelashes. All January — 5% discount only for regular customers!
  • Give bonuses:
  • Maria, for you a personal 10% discount on a haircut with styling. Offer valid until January 31 only!

Barbershop advertisement: how to write a selling text

To properly promote a hairdressing salon, you need a website. To be seen by users, it needs to be promoted. The easiest option is to pump the site through texts.

What should be the text for advertising hairdressing services? Concise and informative, not overloaded with keywords. Remember that seo-spam has not worked for a long time and will only ruin your site. If a promotion specialist suggests that you promote pages this way, look for another one. Remember that it is important to select requests by region. The best advertising for a hairdressing salon located in Samara should be targeted at the residents of this city.

A good option is to add some texts about current haircuts, hairstyles and hair care. If you offer additional services, please include a description of the procedures.

At the first stage, you can get by with a group on a social network. The main thing is to “pump” it well: then there will be likes, reposts, and most importantly, customers. Regularly update posts with photos and descriptions of services.

What photos to choose for advertising a hairdresser

It is impossible to advertise a hairdressing salon without high-quality photos. It would seem that everything is simple: you only need a model with beautiful flowing hair and a radiant smile. It is, but it is important to remember a few important points.

Pay attention to the picture for a banner or streamer:

  • Focus on customers. They must somehow associate themselves with the girl in the photo. Bright makeup and complex styling look heavy and out of place if your main specialization is simple haircuts and hairstyles.
  • Less photoshop. Image editing is a common practice. However, there is always the risk of overdoing it. Ask the photographer and designer just to correct the flaws and place the right accents. The model in the photo should look natural.

What photos to add to the site on the social network to advertise hairdressing services

Diversify your selection of photos. Include not only finished work (styling, haircuts). Add a photo of the craftsmen and the interior. Post live photos, let them be without professional processing, lively and eye-catching.

The author's expert assessment indicated that the text of this video has the potential to increase the effectiveness of the impact on the audience. The same was shown by his check with the help of a checklist for testing advertising on television. So, the video uses the negative approach “Do you have damaged hair?”, Incomprehensible words “liquid keratins”, abstract words “perfect condition”.

To confirm the peer review, the test results using a checklist and to obtain additional information, a qualitative study was conducted using the focus group method. This type of research is suitable for extensive, detailed examination of attitudes, behaviors, motives and needs, as well as for the study of confidential topics.

Perception of the advertising text "Means for restoring hair Gliss Kur”) showed that, in general, the text of the commercial for hair restoration products Gliss Kur causes negative emotions in the focus group participants associated with the use of incomprehensible words “keratins”, “extreme recovery”, as well as the cliché words “ideal state”. Some participants are repelled by the words: "Do you have damaged hair?"

At the same time, participants in general are calm about the name of the manufacturing company "Schwarzkopf" and negatively about the name of the product itself "Chicken worms" (associations: "chicken worms", "chicken with worms"). Most participants do not clearly understand what "keratins" are. The word "extreme recovery" is perceived negatively by most participants. Also, in general, the words "You have damaged hair" were perceived negatively. The words "ideal state" are interpreted very individually. Regarding the word “scissors”, the opinions of the participants were divided, there are also opinions “for”. All participants unanimously expressed that the influence of this text on the decision to buy this hair restoration product is negative.

Based on the data obtained during the focus group, when writing an advertising text for a hair restoration product Gliss Kur it was recommended:

Thus, the author's expert assessment and the results of the checklist were confirmed by a qualitative study. Based on the assessment of this text, a new version of it was developed, taking into account the factors affecting efficiency:

Simply apply to dry, brittle or tired hair Gliese Chickens. Natural ingredients will fill in damaged areas and restore their former shine and strength. A new remedy for restoring Glies chickens from Schwarzkopf. Your hair is making me jealous again!"

In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the new version of the text, a quantitative study was conducted comparing the old and the new version of the text.

The first pilot survey pointed to the ambiguity in evaluating the effectiveness of the new or old versions of the text. In this regard, a new corrected text has been developed:

“You have healthy hair again! Simply apply the new Glies Hens Extreme Repair to dry or brittle hair. Natural ingredients restore damaged hair and restore shine and strength. Instead of scissors - the new Glies chickens extreme recovery from Schwarzkopf.

In this version, it was taken into account that the words of the product name "new Glies chickens extreme recovery" and the name of the company "Schwarzkopf" could not be abandoned.

In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the new version of the text, a preliminary survey No. 2 was conducted, in which the old and new revised version of the text were compared. In general, the majority of respondents were in favor of the new corrected text: 63% against 37%.

The results showed that there was a very insignificant difference in the choice of text among the audience with secondary education - a slightly larger number chose the new corrected text. There is also an insignificant difference in the choice of text among the audience with higher education - a slightly larger number chose the new corrected text.

Thus, the survey showed that in terms of perception of these texts, the audience is not homogeneous. The younger audience (18–26 years old) is in favor of the old text, the older one (27–30 years old) is in favor of the new corrected one. It can also be assumed that a more educated audience chooses the new corrected text.

It should be noted that during the survey, many participants recognized the old text of the advertisement on the air, which could significantly affect the results. Comments were also received from participants on the new revised text (“Does Gliscur need to be applied to dry hair?”), indicating that this text can be made even more convincing.

- persons with secondary education,

– persons aged 18–26,

– persons 27–30 years old.

Perhaps people with secondary education, as well as those aged 18–26, should present the old text. Persons with higher education, as well as those aged 27-30 years old - present a new corrected text. Another option could be to conduct additional qualitative research on the new revised text and refine it, in terms of effectiveness, for the entire target audience (one text for all segments).

In general, during the creation of this text for television advertising, it was demonstrated that the new text, prepared on the basis of knowledge of factors and stages, turned out to be more effective for a certain audience. The fact that it does not “work” for the entire audience can be explained by two factors:

- the old text is familiar to the audience, and its more emotional part (younger and less educated) chooses it on the basis of, first of all, an emotional connection; the more mature and educated part approaches the choice of the product more meaningfully;

– television, as mentioned earlier, is a very “wide” channel, and its use requires the creation of texts for different audiences.

1. To place advertisements on TNT in turn with different texts (old and new adjusted), referring to two different segments of your audience;

2. Continue to work on improving the text that would suit the entire audience at once.

Report on the focus group “Perception of the advertising text “Gliss Kur Hair Restoration Product””

Focus group title: Perception of the advertising text "Gliss Kur hair restoration product".

Venue: Moscow, auditorium at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.

Date: 06.10.2011.

The purpose of the focus group was to assess the perception of the text of a fifteen-second commercial for Schwarzkopf's Gliss Kur hair restoration product, which was shown on the TNT channel in an advertising block on 03.10.2011 at 15.30, as well as to develop recommendations to improve the effectiveness of this advertising text.

“Do you have damaged hair? Hair transformation by Schwarzkopf. Glys chickens extreme recovery with a complex of liquid keratins eliminates even serious damage, restoring hair to its ideal condition. Instead of scissors - the new Glies chickens extreme recovery from Schwarzkopf.

The most important objectives of this study are:

- identification of negatively perceived information,

– identification of missing information,

– identifying positive approaches for creating effective advertising text,

- identifying words that increase the impact on the target audience.

During the study, a specially developed manual was used, both open and closed questions were asked. Answers were recorded verbatim, with the preservation of vocabulary.

The focus group participants were recruited on the basis of data on the audience of the TNT channel in Moscow. According to the generalized data of TNT and TNS, this target audience is mainly women, 18-30 years old, with secondary and higher education, with a total of about 1,500,000 people.

This focus group is the bottom cluster of the entire target audience. In total, 8 people with incomplete higher education took part in the focus group:

Valeria, 20 years old,

Elena, 21 years old,

Anastasia, 19 years old,

Polina, 20 years old,

Maria, 20 years old,

Anastasia, 20 years old,

Julia, 20 years old

Elena, 20 years old

In general, the text of the commercial for the Gliss Kur hair restoration product causes negative emotions in the focus group participants associated with the use of incomprehensible words “keratins”, “extreme restoration”, as well as the stamp words “perfect condition”. Some participants are repelled by the words: "Do you have damaged hair?"

At the same time, participants are generally calm about the name of the manufacturing company Schwarzkopf and negatively about the name of the product itself Gliss Kur (associations: “chicken worms”, “chicken with worms”). At the same time, it should be noted that one of the participants has a positive association with the name of the product (“curly hair”).

Most of the participants do not clearly understand what “keratins” are (“some particles”, “from carrots”, “something terribly chemical and boiling”, “quarantine”). Only in one participant "keratin is associated with chitin, with the shell."

The words “extreme recovery” are negatively perceived by most of the participants (“Due to danger”, “I have a negative perception. Because at the age of 15 they told me about extreme recovery and cut off the braid”). Only one participant perceives these words correctly (“This is a mask or complex that works very quickly, recovery in one minute”).

Also, in general, the words “You have damaged hair” (“It’s like I’m already completely”; “It is only necessary for someone who has badly damaged hair”) were perceived negatively.

The words “perfect condition” are interpreted very individually (“Smooth, shiny, no split ends, clean, beautiful”; “Like in the advertisement”; “With styling”; “That is, a return to the state that you once had” ; "Obediant"; "Curly").

Regarding the word “scissors”, the opinions of the participants were divided, there are opinions both “for” (“Instead of cutting off, use Gliss of chickens”) and “against” (“Not very good, because scissors only help with split ends, from they will not help other damage).

All participants unanimously expressed that the influence of this text on the decision to buy this hair restoration product is negative.

In an ideal advertising text, the participants would not like to see the words “extreme”, “ideal”, they would like to see more specific information, “serious” words that would tell about something new, unique, about the natural origin of the product, about these examinations, product checks to ensure that the product has not been tested on animals. The participants expressed their desire that the non-domestic origin of the product be emphasized in the text, so that the recommendations come from the lips of experts.

Thus, based on the data obtained during the focus group, when writing an advertising text for Glies Kur hair restoration product, it is recommended:

– to use specialists in the field of hair restoration as sources of information,

- use the data of examinations and inspections,

– emphasize the non-domestic origin of the product, its naturalness,

- abandon the words: "keratins", "extreme recovery", "perfect condition", "scissors", "Do you have damaged hair?",

– use words that give specific information about the product.

The appendix to this report includes:

1. Focus group discussion guide;

2. Transcript of the phonogram.

Focus Group Discussion Guide

1. Introduction.

The moderator introduces himself, explains who he is and what he does. Tells focus group participants why they are here and what they will do. Explains his role.

Rules for participants: speak one by one, call each other by name only; contact each other; to tell the truth; there are no right or wrong answers; listen carefully to all comments; Don't try to please the leader.

Informs about the terms of the discussion: voice recorder. Explains the purpose of applying the results obtained: no one will be mentioned by name. Represents a topic.

2. Acquaintance

Member they ask to introduce themselves. Introduced by name, age, gender. Indicate the names of hair restoration products that were bought recently when visiting the store, what was typical for them and what was not.

What types of hair restoration products are on the market?

What are hair restoration products called?

What are the most important characteristics of hair restoration products?

Why did they pay attention?

How do you feel about the Schwarzkopf brand?

Do you know what "Gliss Kur" is?

Have you heard this text before?

What thoughts and emotions does this text evoke?

Is everything clear in this text?

What do you think of the word "Schwarzkopf"?

What do you think of the word "Gliss Kur"?

What is "liquid keratin"?

What is "extreme recovery"?

What is "serious damage"?

What is the "ideal state"?

What thoughts does the word "scissors" suggest?

Why "instead of scissors - the new Gliss Kur"?

5. Influence of this text on the decision to buy:



6. Idealization: Describe the ideal ad text for a hair restoration product.

8. Hypothetical interaction. If Schwarzkopf's advertising director were here, what would you say or ask? What answers would you like to hear? If you could make one wish (recommendation) regarding the advertising of hair restoration products, what would it be?

Transcript of the phonogram

Survey report "Choice of advertising text for hair restoration product Gliss Kur"

Venue: Moscow

“Do you have damaged hair? Hair transformation by Schwarzkopf. Glys chickens extreme recovery with a complex of liquid keratins eliminates even serious damage, restoring hair to its ideal condition. Instead of scissors - the new Glies chickens extreme recovery from Schwarzkopf"

“You have gorgeous hair again!

Simply apply to dry, brittle or tired hair Gliese Chickens. Natural ingredients will fill in damaged areas and restore their former shine and strength. A new remedy for restoring Glies chickens from Schwarzkopf. Your hair is making me jealous again!"

“You have healthy hair again! Simply apply the new Glies Hen Extreme Recovery Treatment to dry or brittle hair. Natural ingredients restore damaged hair and restore shine and strength. Instead of scissors - the new Glies chickens extreme recovery from Schwarzkopf"

The purpose of the surveys is to identify the most effective version of the advertising text.

Number of polls - 3.

The survey participants were recruited based on the audience data of the TNT channel in Moscow, which hosted the Gliss Kur commercial. According to the generalized data of TNT and TNS, this target audience is mainly women, 18-30 years old, with secondary and higher education, with a total of about 1,500,000 people.

In survey No. 1, which is a pilot study, the instrumentation was tested and the reaction of the segment of the potential target audience was studied - female students, 20–29 years old. The audience was shown the old and new texts.

In the survey No. 2, the reaction of a segment of a narrow target audience was studied - women, students, 18–23 years old, watching the TNT channel. The audience was presented with the old and new corrected texts.

In the survey No. 3, the reaction of the target audience of the TNT channel was studied - women, 18-30 years old, with secondary and higher education. The audience was presented with the old and new corrected texts.

To improve the accuracy of the surveys, two versions of the questionnaire were used in each of them. In option A, the old text was presented first and the new text second. In option B, the new text was presented first and the old text second. Different versions of the questionnaires were distributed to the survey participants in turn: “A”, “B”, “A”, “B”, etc.

Poll #1.

The purpose of the pilot survey is to estimate the time it takes to fill out the questionnaire, to assess the desire of the target audience to participate in the survey, and possibly to identify obvious preferences in evaluating text options.

Target audience - women, 20-29 years old, students of the evening department of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonos, without preferences for watching TV channels.

50 people were interviewed.

During the survey, participants had to fill out a questionnaire with data about themselves and choose one version of the text - old or new.

The results showed that in option "A", when the old text is in the first place, and the new text is in the second place, the opinions of the participants were divided equally. In option "B", when the old text is in second place, the vast majority chose the old text.

Students easily agreed to participate in the survey.

The average time to complete the questionnaire was 1–2 minutes.

The results also showed that in the most representative cluster (21 years old, 31 people), the old text is 30% more convincing than the new one. In general, the majority of those polled were in favor of the old text: 64% versus 36%. Thus, this survey may indicate the ambiguity in evaluating the effectiveness of the new or old versions of the text: both the superiority of the old version, and the absence of a clear superiority of the new or old version.

Poll #2.

Venue: Moscow, Faculty of Journalism, Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov.

Target audience - women, 18-23 years old, full-time students of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonos, watching the channel TNT.

60 people were interviewed.

The results showed that in variant A, when the old text came first and the new corrected text came second, slightly more participants chose the new corrected text (16 versus 14). In option "B", when the old text is in second place, the majority also chose the new corrected text (22 people against 8). We can say that regardless of the location of the texts - in the first or second place, the results were approximately the same.

The results also showed that in the most representative cluster (20 years old, 39 people), the new corrected text is almost 2 times more convincing than the old one (25 people versus 14). In the second most representative cluster (19 years old, 11 people), the new corrected text is also more convincing (7 people versus 4). In general, the majority of respondents were in favor of the new corrected text: 63% against 37% (38 people against 22).

Poll #3.

Venue: Moscow, shopping center "Global City".

The purpose of the survey is to identify the most effective version of the advertising text.

Type of survey - personal interview, interception.

The target audience is women aged 18–30 with secondary and higher education, women watching the TNT channel.

84 people were interviewed.

During the survey, participants had to fill out a questionnaire with data about themselves and choose one version of the text: the old one or the new corrected one.

The results showed that in option A, when the old text was first and the new corrected text was second, slightly more participants chose the new corrected text (22 versus 20). In option "B", when the old text is in second place, the majority also chose the new corrected text (23 people against 19). We can say that regardless of the location of the texts - in the first or second place, the results were approximately the same.

The results also showed that, from the point of view of education, there was a very insignificant difference in the choice of text among the audience with secondary education - a slightly larger number chose the new corrected text (15 versus 13). There is also an insignificant difference in the choice of text among the audience with higher education - a slightly larger number chose the new corrected text (30 people versus 26).

In terms of age, in the younger group (18–26 years old), the old text is preferred. In the older group (27-30 years old), the new revised text is preferred

Thus, the survey showed that in terms of perception of these texts, the audience is not homogeneous. The younger audience (18–26 years old) is in favor of the old text, the older one (27–30 years old) is in favor of the new corrected one. It can be assumed that a more educated audience chooses the new corrected text.

It should be noted that during the survey, many participants recognized the old text of the advertisements on the air, which could affect the results. Comments were also received from the participants on the new revised text (“Does Gliscur need to be applied to dry hair?”), suggesting that the text could be made even more persuasive.

General results surveys

The overall results of the three surveys showed that the more educated part of the audience tends to choose the new revised text. In terms of age, in the younger group (18–26 years old), the older text is preferred. In the older group (27-30 years old), preference is given to the new corrected text

- persons with secondary education,

- persons with higher education,

– persons aged 18–26,

– persons 27–30 years old.

Perhaps people with secondary education, as well as those aged 18–26, should present the old text. Persons with higher education, as well as those aged 27–30 years old, must present the new corrected text.

It should be noted that during the survey, many participants recognized the "old" text of the advertising broadcast on the air, which could affect the results. Comments were also received from the participants on the new revised text (“Does Gliscur need to be applied to dry hair?”), suggesting that the text could be made even more persuasive.


Version of the questionnaire "A" for the new text

Version of the questionnaire "B" for the new text

Poll #1 Results

Version of the questionnaire "A" for the new corrected text

Version of the questionnaire "B" for the new corrected text

Poll #2 results

Poll #3 Results

Which text would have the most influence on your decision to buy Gliss Kur recovery product

(please mark it with a “+”)

“You have gorgeous hair again!

Simply apply to dry, brittle or tired hair Gliese Chickens. Natural ingredients will fill in damaged areas and restore their former shine and strength. A new remedy for restoring Glies chickens from Schwarzkopf. Your hair is making me jealous again!"

“Do you have damaged hair? Hair transformation by Schwarzkopf. Glys chickens extreme recovery with a complex of liquid keratins eliminates even serious damage, restoring hair to its ideal condition. Instead of scissors - the new Glies chickens extreme recovery from Schwarzkopf"

_____________________ _____________________

Name: ________________________

Age: _______________________

Education: ___________________

Do you live in Moscow: ____________

Watch at least sometimes the TV channel "TNT" ___________

The results of survey No. 1 are presented in table 1.

Table 1. Results of testing the old and new advertising text Gliss Kur


old text

New text

By options:

Option "A"

Option "B"


According to the age:

20 years

21 years old


23 years old

26 years

28 years

29 years


Which text would have the most influence on your decision to buy Gliss Kur recovery product

(please mark it with a “+”)

“Do you have damaged hair? Hair transformation by Schwarzkopf. Glys chickens extreme recovery with a complex of liquid keratins eliminates even serious damage, restoring hair to its ideal condition. Instead of scissors - the new Glies chickens extreme recovery from Schwarzkopf"

_____________________ _____________________

Name: ________________________

Age: _______________________

Education: ___________________

Do you live in Moscow: ____________

Watch at least sometimes the TV channel "TNT" ___________

Which text would have the most influence on your decision to buy Gliss Kur recovery product

(please mark it with a “+”)

“You have healthy hair again! Simply apply the new Glies Hens Extreme Repair to dry or brittle hair. Natural ingredients restore damaged hair and restore shine and strength. Instead of scissors - the new Glies chickens extreme recovery from Schwarzkopf"

“Do you have damaged hair? Hair transformation by Schwarzkopf. Glys chickens extreme recovery with a complex of liquid keratins eliminates even serious damage, restoring hair to its ideal condition. Instead of scissors - the new Glies chickens extreme recovery from Schwarzkopf"

_____________________ _____________________

Name: ________________________

Age: _______________________

Education: ___________________

Do you live in Moscow: ____________

Watch at least sometimes the TV channel "TNT" ___________

The results of survey No. 2 are presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Results of testing the old and new corrected advertising text Gliss Kur


old text

By options:

Option "A"

Option "B"


According to the age:

18 years

19 years

20 years

21 years old


23 years old


The results of survey No. 3 are presented in Table 3.

Table 3. Results of testing the old and new corrected advertising text Gliss Kur


old text

New corrected text

By options:

If nature has rewarded your baby with beautiful long hair, then this is a reason for pride. And don't be put off by the prospect of a long and tedious hair weaving. Firstly, beauty always requires sacrifice, and secondly, the master classes of 3 modern and completely simple hairstyles presented below will help you quickly turn your girl into a real princess.

Hairstyle for girls for long hair "Basket"

This hairstyle looks especially good on blonde hair. Light, soft and slightly curly hair is the ideal starting point for this model. Although, in fairness, it must be said that she will not spoil dark hair either.

  1. We carefully comb the hair, gently with a comb we divide it strictly in the middle into two equal parts. We collect them in bundles somewhere at the level of the middle of the ear shell and fix them with hair clips, in other words, with rubber bands.
  2. Each bundle is divided into two strands.
  3. Both strands are individually twisted into flagella, and then these two bundles are twisted along the entire length in a spiral, like a rope.
  4. Having twisted to the end, we fix the ends with an elastic band.
  5. Everything, we do the same with another beam in mirror image. We will get two ropes of hair.
  6. Now, from the tip of the cord, you need to pull out the hair, making the cord fluffy and voluminous along the entire length, and the closer to the ears, the thicker the cord should become.
  7. The result is two voluminous fluffy pigtails.
  8. And now we start the end of the right cord under the beginning of the left one, thread the tip under the clamp, fixing the bundle at the base and carefully mask it. We do the same with the left cord.
  9. As a result, a basket of fluffy cords is comfortably located on the back of your baby's head.

This hairstyle looks very modern and beautiful and will certainly decorate the head of your girl. With such styling, the girl's hair will be in order all day long.

To decorate this hairstyle, you can use:

  • Accessories. Clips can be with flowers, butterflies, spiders and various animals.
  • A shiny braid that can be woven while twisting the flagella. This will make the hairstyle more elegant and appropriate for special occasions.

Beautiful hairstyle for a girl with long hair: a braided bun

This hairstyle is suitable for both elementary and even high school girls, and preschoolers. This hairstyle is elegant, so it will require additional accessories, in addition to the usual hairpins - hairpins and "invisibles". It would be nice to have flowers, twigs, beads in the arsenal of hairpins. All this will diversify the image and make it unique. Hair for the execution of the hairstyle described below must be long enough, because it will not work on medium length hair.

  1. Gently comb the hair along the entire length and collect them in a ponytail at the very top. Hair framing the face should be neatly combed. Secure with a rubber band carefully.
  2. To perform this hairstyle, you will need a roller, which is sold in stores and designed specifically for performing similar hairstyles for adults and children. It is a kind of soft bagel, designed to create volume from the hair. It should be chosen in a color that matches the shade of your baby's hair so that it does not show through the hair. So, this roller should be put on the tail and fixed at the base of the tail.
  3. Spread the hair evenly over the entire roller. It will turn out such a kind of fountain covering the face.
  4. Fasten the hair around the roller with a braid, then pull the entire mass of hair back and divide it into two strands of different volume.
  5. From these strands, braid the pigtails with traditional weaving. It is advisable to braid not tight so that the pigtails turn out to be voluminous.

  6. After that, wrap that braid around the roller that is larger in volume and carefully secure it with small hairpins.
  7. Do the same with the other braid, just change the direction of laying the braid and lay it on top of the previous one. Secure this braid carefully with hairpins.
  8. Hide the ends of the braids under the roller and secure with a hairpin. Here is a wonderful hairstyle for a special occasion.

You can decorate your hair by injecting a hairpin flower into the roller. Or you can just use hairpins with butterflies or flowers.

Children's hairstyle for girls for long hair: a master class with a photo

This is an everyday hairstyle. It can be worn at home, kindergarten, school and anywhere. As the saying goes, "and to the feast, and to the world, and to good people." Due to its versatility and ease of execution, it can be easily performed by your girl without outside help, which is very convenient, especially if the mother is a busy person. Thanks to this hairstyle, the child will look well-groomed and neat. So, let's move on to the description of the phased implementation of this hairstyle.

The presented hairstyles will be appropriate:

  • in the school auditorium;
  • at a solemn children's matinee, if you pick up elegant accessories for them.

In order for the above hairstyles to look perfect on girls, the child's hair must be healthy and shiny. To achieve this, a few tips for caring for a girl's long hair will help:

  1. Of course, the hair must be thoroughly washed, and for long hair it is desirable to use shampoos without lauryl sulfate.
  2. As rinses, it is better to use not ready-made balms, with an incomprehensible composition, but to use herbal decoctions of nettle, chamomile and other herbal preparations. This will make the hair of the little fashionista healthy and shiny.
  3. Do not blow-dry your hair, it dries out your hair and makes it brittle and dull. Try to postpone the procedure for washing long hair for the weekend, so as not to do anything hastily, in a hurry. Trim the ends of your girl's hair once a month to keep it from splitting.
  4. Buy a special comb with sparse teeth, preferably wooden, for combing long hair. It does not make hair electrified. By following these simple rules, you will save the girl's hair from diseases. And the reward for your efforts will be the beauty of your little princess's hair.

Try to make others for your daughter, the master classes of which you will find on our website.


Hair of the same length looks more shiny, as the light lies down and reflects from them evenly. If the haircut is in layers, you need to make sure that the ends do not split. Choose a shampoo for your hair type. In addition, a shampoo that has a pearl or metallic sheen contains reflective particles, which, in turn, allow the hair to shimmer.


When using a special iron, the hair becomes like pure silk, both to the touch and externally. In addition to ironing, there are special smoothing styling products: they close the scales, even out the hair structure, and in addition, nourish the hair. For thin straight hair, it is better to use a serum or spray. For tight curls, oil-based products are suitable: they envelop the hair, thereby making it smooth.


To make your hair look more voluminous, you need to spray damp hair with a volumizing spray, stepping back from the roots, and dry it, lifting each strand with a round large brush, while directing the hair dryer from below. If the hair is thin and difficult to style, then it is necessary to apply mousse for volume with a fixation effect and wind a few strands on the top of the head with curlers.


Applying too much gel or wax to your hair will make your hair greasy. When styling wet hair, it is important to use as much product as needed. For starters - about a coin. If this is not enough, then you need to add a little bit.

In this case, the products are applied from the middle of the hair to their ends, while avoiding the roots so that the hair stays clean longer.

For dry hair, even fewer styling products are required to avoid a "sticky" effect.


Evenly colored hair tends to look flat. To make hair color come to life, stylists recommend. And to add brightness and instantly refresh your hair color, use tint gels and shampoos.


All styling and hair care products should be light, silicone-free, so as not to stick or weigh them down. When styling, using a circular brush, slightly twist the ends of the strands outward - this will give the effect of movement with any turn of the head. For curly hair, drying with a hairdryer with a diffuse nozzle is suitable - it will divide the curls into small strands and allow them to move.