Pharmacy ointments for scars and traditional medicine. Is there a need for medication. Homemade creams for scars and scars

The appearance of scars or scars on the body is always frustrating for us, and almost everyone wants to get rid of them. For some people, they represent only a cosmetic problem, while others cause a lot of discomfort in the form of itching, burning and pain. How to get rid of scars and scars? What pharmacological preparations can help in such cases?

Skin scars can be atrophic, normotrophic, or hypertrophic. This classification is important when choosing a method for removing cicatricial changes. Some of them can be eliminated with the help of various ointments, creams and gels, and to get rid of others, you may need a combination of hardware cosmetic techniques using external treatment products. In most cases, normotrophic scars respond well to therapy with anti-scar preparations, while hypertrophic, atrophic and keloid scars are more difficult. The age of the scar is also important: fresh scars are much easier to remove than old ones.

In this article, we will review popular drugs for the treatment of scars in children and adults, introduce you to the main indications and contraindications for their use and the principles of their action. Remember that the choice of such products for external use should be carried out by a doctor. By following all his recommendations, you can avoid mistakes and quickly get rid of ugly marks on the skin.

Indications for the appointment of ointments for scars and scars

Ointments for scars and scars can be prescribed in such clinical cases:

  • preventive measures to prevent the development of scars after surgical operations;
  • normotrophic scars, which are a cosmetic problem;
  • atrophic scars caused by poorly healing or severe forms of acne;
  • stretch marks after pregnancy or sudden weight loss;
  • hypertrophic scars;
  • keloid scars;
  • tendon contractures after injuries;
  • ankylosis, causing restrictions in joint mobility;
  • Dupuytren's contracture.

Side effects and main contraindications for the appointment of ointments for scars and scars

Each drug for the treatment of scars and scars may have its own contraindications, which depend on the components that make up its composition. That is why its appointment should be performed only by a doctor. But all ointments from scars and scars have a number of general contraindications:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • the presence of an open wound surface in the area of ​​the scar;
  • the presence of ulcerative-necrotic or purulent processes in the area of ​​the scar;
  • the presence of allergic reactions (rashes) in the area of ​​the scar;
  • the presence of oncological neoplasms in the area of ​​the scar;
  • finding a scar near the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyes or mucous membranes;
  • applying other drugs to the scar area (to avoid adverse reactions caused by drug interactions).

Some of the drugs for the treatment of scars and scars should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding and have age restrictions for prescribing.

In most cases, ointments, creams and gels for scars and scars do not penetrate into the bloodstream and do not have a systemic effect on the body. Their side effects are often expressed in the form of local reactions:

  • burning;
  • rashes (, bubbles);
  • redness;

Such adverse reactions are rare and often occur when the rules for use are not followed or due to hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. They can be eliminated by following all the doctor's recommendations for applying the ointment or replacing it with another one.

Overview of popular preparations for scars and scars

To compare the effectiveness of various ointments, creams and gels for scars and scars, large-scale scientific studies have not been conducted. But dermatologists and their patients stand out for several indisputable "favorites". In this article, we will review just such preparations for scars and scars.


Gel Contractubex is produced by the German company "MerzPharma" in tubes of 10, 20 or 50 g. It is a gel-like mass of light brown color, which has a neutral odor.


The Contractubex gel contains the following active ingredients:

  • allantoin;
  • onion extract Serae;
  • heparin sodium.

Due to their complex effects, this drug contributes to:

  • dissolution of the upper keratinized layer of the skin on the scar;
  • accelerating the formation of healthy skin cells;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • water retention in tissues;
  • softening of hard scar tissue;
  • slowing down the growth of fibroblasts (connective tissue cells that make up the scar);
  • elimination of allergic and inflammatory reactions in the scar area.

Contractubex gel can be prescribed for the treatment of fresh scars and the prevention of their formation (after complete healing of the wound surface). In such cases, it is applied to the scar area with light rubbing movements 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment for such scars is usually about 4 weeks.

To eliminate chronic scars, Contractubex gel is used for longer courses (from 3 to 6 months). The agent is applied to the scar area 2-3 times a day, and at the last application (before going to bed), an airtight bandage is applied to the scar area (for example, from a plastic bag).

The effectiveness of this remedy for scars and scars largely depends on the regularity of its use: the drug should be applied to the area of ​​damage daily and several times a day. To enhance the effect, the gel can be used after steaming the skin or in combination with physiotherapy. During treatment with this remedy, exposure to the scar area of ​​direct sunlight, cold and intense massage should be avoided.

Contractubex can be administered to children and adults (including pregnant and lactating women). The only contraindication to its use is intolerance to the components of the drug.

Zeraderm and Zeraderm Ultra (Zeraderm and Zeraderm Ultra)

Zeraderm and Zeraderm Ultra silicone gels are produced by the Dutch company Rofil Medical Aesthetics in 15 g tubes. After application to the skin, they form an airtight silicone film that promotes faster scar resorption.


Zeraderm Ultra is an advanced version of Zeraderm gel. Zeraderm gel contains polysiloxane (a high molecular weight silicone compound), and Zeraderm Ultra is supplemented with coenzyme Q10, UV filter with SPF 15 and vitamins K and E.

The active ingredients of Zeraderm and Zeraderm Ultra gels contribute to:

  • the creation of an airtight film of polysiloxane, which contributes to saturation with moisture, softening, resorption and flattening of scar tissues and enhancing local oxygen exchange;
  • elimination of inflammatory reactions in capillaries;
  • elimination of itching or burning in the scar area;
  • acceleration of cell renewal in scar tissues;
  • elimination of persistent or postoperative erythema (vitamin K in Zeraderm Ultra);
  • protect tissues from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays (UV filter in Zeraderm Ultra).

The application of these gels can begin immediately after the wound has healed. The agent is applied in a thin layer on the cleaned area of ​​the scar 2 times a day with soft rubbing movements. The duration of treatment depends on the type of skin, age and structure of the scar and can range from 2-3 weeks to several months.

Zeraderm and Zeraderm Ultra gels can be administered to children and adults and are well tolerated by most patients. These scar remedies can be prescribed during pregnancy and lactation.

Dermatix and Dermatix Ultra (Dermatix and Dermatix Ultra)

Dermatix and Dermatix Ultra silicone gels are produced by the Dutch company ICN PharmaceuticalsHolland BV in tubes of 6 and 15 g. They are a transparent, odorless gel-like mass, which, after drying, forms an airtight silicone film on the surface of the scar.


The Dermatix gel contains polysiloxane and silicon dioxide, and the Dermatix Ultra formula is supplemented with vitamin C ester. These substances provide:

  • the formation of an airtight film that saturates scar tissue with moisture, softens them and accelerates their resorption;
  • elimination of discomfort in the scar area (itching, burning);
  • reduction of redness and pigmentation.

These gels can be applied to the scar immediately after the wound has healed. Before use, the scar area is cleaned and thoroughly dried. A thin layer of gel is applied to the scar area with soft massaging movements, which dries quickly (after 4-5 minutes). 2 applications per day. The duration of treatment depends on the age of the scar, its structure and is usually at least 2 months. If necessary, the course of therapy is extended.

Gels Dermatix and Dermatix Ultra are well tolerated by most patients and can be prescribed to children and adults. The drugs can be used during pregnancy and lactation. Adverse reactions are extremely rare.

Kelo-cote (Kelo-cat)

Kelo-cote gel and spray is produced by the American company Advanced Bio-Techologies in tubes of 6, 15 and 60 g or in aerosol bottles of 50 and 100 ml. They contain the same substances that form an airtight film on the skin.


The active ingredients in Kelo-cote gel and spray are polysiloxane and silicone dioxide. Due to their properties, this drug has such effects on scars and scars:

  • maintains water balance in scar tissues and elasticity of the skin adjacent to the scar;
  • makes the scar flatter, softer and smoother;
  • eliminates itching and burning in the scar area;
  • activates collagen synthesis;
  • inhibits the growth of fibroblasts.

The gel or spray is applied to cleansed and dry skin 1 or 2 times a day. After the drug has dried, sunscreen or makeup can be applied to the skin. The duration of use is about 2-3 months, and if necessary, the course of therapy can be extended.

Kelo-cote gel and spray are generally well tolerated by all patients and can be used in both children and adults. Adverse reactions with this drug are very rare. If necessary, Kelo-cote may be given to pregnant and lactating women.


Mederma gel is produced by the German company Merz Pharma in tubes of 20 g. It is a transparent gel-like mass with a specific smell.


The composition of this remedy for scars and scars includes the following active ingredients:

  • cepalin (or serae onion extract);
  • allantoin.

Due to their complex effect, Mederma gel has the following effects:

  • stimulates the production of collagen;
  • accelerates the renewal of skin cells;
  • accelerates the dissolution of keratinized scar tissue;
  • inhibits the formation of fibroblasts;
  • retains moisture in the scar tissues and skin;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • helps to eliminate blood clots;
  • eliminates inflammation;
  • has an antibacterial effect.

Mederma gel can only be used to treat "young" scars (not more than 1 year):

  • stretch marks;
  • cosmetic scars after acne, removal of neoplasms and tattoos;
  • scars after thermal or chemical burns;
  • postoperative scars;
  • scars left after aggressive cosmetic procedures (mechanical, chemical and laser peels).

The gel is applied to cleansed and dried scar tissue 3-4 times a day and rubbed with zigzag and pressing movements for 3-5 minutes until completely absorbed. The duration of treatment is determined individually and can range from 3 to 6 months or more.

The drug can be used to treat adults and is not contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. A milder Mesoderm gel for children is already being produced in the USA, but it has not yet appeared on sale in Russia.

In most cases, this drug is well tolerated by patients. Sometimes allergic reactions can be observed in the form of redness, itching, rashes, tingling and a feeling of fullness.


Kelofibraz cream is produced by the German concern SandozPharmaceut GMBH in tubes of 25 and 50 g. It has a pleasant fresh aroma, is well absorbed, leaves no residue on the scar and moisturizes the skin well.


The composition of this remedy for scars and scars contains the following active ingredients:

  • urea;
  • sodium heparin;
  • D-camphor.
Treatment with this remedy is effective

Due to the action of active ingredients, Kelofibraz cream has the following effect:

  • regulates skin moisture;
  • increases elasticity, softens and moisturizes hardened areas of the scar;
  • improves blood circulation in the scar area;
  • stimulates regeneration processes;
  • smoothes and smoothes the protruding parts of the scar;
  • reduces tissue swelling;
  • eliminates blood clots;
  • accelerates the resorption of scar tissue;
  • has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

Kelofibraz cream can be used both for the treatment and for the prevention of scarring and stretch marks.

The drug is applied in a thin layer on cicatricial changes 2-4 times a day and rubbed with light massaging movements until completely absorbed. On "young" scars, the product is applied 2 times a day, and with more old or hardened scars, more frequent application of the drug (3-4 times) and compresses with cream at night are required.

Kelofibraza can be prescribed to adults and children older than one year. It is not recommended to prescribe the drug for the treatment of facial scars in young children, pregnant and lactating mothers. This remedy for scars and scars rarely causes adverse reactions.


Gel Fermenkol

Fermenkol gel is produced by JSC NPK High Technologies (Russia) in tubes of 20 g. The same product is available in the form of electrophoresis kits (2 bottles with dry powder, 4 g each).

The gel is a transparent mass consisting of an enzyme composition of 9 collagenolytic proteases obtained from the digestive organs of marine invertebrates (crabs, etc.). Due to their properties, the drug breaks down some of the amino acids that make up keloid and hypertrophic scars and makes them more elastic, flat and less noticeable. Along the way, Fermenkol eliminates itching and pain in the scar area.

The gel is applied in a thin layer to the previously cleaned and dried scar area 2 times a day. The product is not rubbed into the skin and allowed to dry on its own. The duration of the course of treatment is 30 days. If necessary, not earlier than after 15 days, the course of therapy can be repeated.

Fermenkol gel can be administered to adults and children of any age. Its use is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to collagenase and in hypotrophic and atrophic scars.

The drug rarely causes adverse reactions in the form of redness, burning or itching in the scar area. They are quickly eliminated on their own immediately after the abolition of Fermenkol.

Scarguard (Skargard)

The product is applied to the skin

Scarguard liquid cream is a liquid consisting of silicone, hydrocortisone and vitamin E. The product is applied to the scar area with a special brush and, after drying, forms a film on it that acts as a compressive bandage.

The active components of the drug contribute to the activation of collagen synthesis and faster softening and resorption of the scar. Scarguard cream is applied to the cleaned and dried scar area 1-2 times a day for 30 days. After drying, sunscreen or makeup can be applied to the skin. If necessary, the course of treatment can be extended up to 6 months.

Scarguard Liquid Cream can be used to treat and prevent any type of scarring and rarely causes side effects. The drug can be administered to adults and children over 2 years of age. Its appointment during pregnancy and lactation is not recommended.

Scar Esthetique ® (SkarEstetik)

Skin regeneration agent

Scar Esthetique ® cream is produced by the American company ScarHeal in tubes of 4 and 10 g. It contains silicone and 23 active ingredients (onion extract, coenzyme Q10, arnica, bisabolol, shea butter, vitamins A and C, palmitoyl tetrapeptide, palmitoyl oligopeptide, beta-carotene, chitosan, etc.).

Due to the action of active ingredients, scar tissue softens and smoothes, the appearance of the scar improves and collagen production is activated. Scar Esthetique ® cream can be used to treat post-burn, post-operative and post-traumatic scars of various types and to eliminate stretch marks.

The cream is applied to the cleansed and dry area of ​​the scar 3-4 times a day with gentle massaging movements. The duration of treatment is determined individually and can be 3-4 months.

Scar Esthetique ® cream may be prescribed for the treatment of adults. In rare cases, the drug causes adverse reactions in the form of rashes and redness, which are eliminated after its withdrawal.

RejuvaSil (Rejuvasil)

RejuvaSil gel is produced by the American company ScarHeal in tubes of 4, 10, 15 and 30 ml. This scar remedy contains not only silicone, but also additional active ingredients: emu oil, squalene and vitamin C. These substances make this scar remedy more effective than conventional silicone scar gels.

RejuvaSil gel is applied in a thin layer on the cleaned and dried scar 2-3 times a day, the scar area is lightly massaged and left to dry completely. After that, sunscreen or makeup can be applied to the skin. The duration of the course of treatment is at least 2-3 months and may be extended depending on the age of cicatricial changes.

The drug can be administered to adults, pregnant and lactating mothers. If adverse reactions occur in the form of redness and rash, its use should be discontinued.

The choice of ointments for scars and scars should be performed by a dermatologist who can take into account all indications and contraindications and evaluate the likely effectiveness of the drug.

In some cases, to eliminate scar tissue, complex treatment with the help of cosmetic procedures and the use of external medicines may be recommended. This approach to the treatment of scars and scars will save not only your money, but also save you from wasting time and unwanted side effects of the drug. Remember this and be healthy!

Which doctor to contact

If a person has a scar or a scar that he wants to get rid of, first of all, you need to contact a dermatologist. The doctor will advise medicines indicated for different types of scars. In addition to drug treatment, skin formations can be removed in a beauty parlor, and in some cases, surgically.

Although there is an opinion that scars adorn a man, not all scars look aesthetically pleasing. And for women, their appearance can cause deep depression, especially if these scars are on the face.

There is no longer a need to constantly hide scars under clothes or under a thick layer of foundation. The development of medicine allows you to get rid of these skin defects without surgery and needles. And although the result from the use of external agents will not appear so quickly, they are much safer and cheaper than alternative methods of treatment.

Main characteristics

Each ointment for scars and scars on the face and body may contain a different amount of active substances, vitamins, minerals and hormones. The ingredients contained in the preparations are usually divided into 4 groups:

  • Keratolic (stop the formation of scar tissue, restore the epidermis, increase immunity);
  • Anti-inflammatory (destroy bacteria, eliminate inflammatory processes);
  • Antithrombotic (improve blood circulation, prevent the formation of blood clots);
  • Fibrinolytic (dissolve blood clots, stimulate collagen growth).

The action of all medicines is local, it is aimed solely at eliminating defects in the skin surface. Most of them are applicable only on completely healed areas of the epidermis. Antibacterial ointments quickly penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, restoring tissue from the inside, without harming the patient's health.

There is a group of drugs that can prevent the appearance of scars. These include "Rescuer", "Solcoseryl", "Levomethyl" or "Levomekol". These products help the skin recover from minor damage, destroy bacteria. With them, you can forget about the scars from scratches or cuts. But it is worth remembering that the use of ointments containing an antibiotic must be agreed with your doctor.

It is not recommended to use several different products that have the same effect in order to avoid overdose. It is enough to choose the right cream that is most suitable for a particular case. You can focus on the price, real reviews and the composition of the product. Be careful when choosing a cream if you are allergic to any substances. Also, during pregnancy and lactation, not all of them can be used.

Before using this or that drug, it is necessary to consult with a dermatologist.


All manufacturers of medicines make sure that their product is not only effective, but also convenient. The most popular today are ointments, creams and gels, since they require almost no effort to apply to the skin. Medicinal products are available in tubes, bottles and jars of various sizes and shapes.

Ointment for scars on the face can be used at home after a mandatory dermatological examination. To eliminate shallow scars, any type of ointment is suitable. It will not be possible to remove pronounced scars only with the help of external means; you will have to resort to laser resurfacing, hormonal or ultrasound therapy. However, in these cases, the doctor may prescribe a course of treatment with creams or ointments as an important element of complex treatment.

Creams for black spots on the face - an overview of the most effective remedies

Pharmacy funds

  1. 1. Contractubex.

This gel for scars and old scars is produced by the German company Merz Pharma. The composition of the combined preparation includes:

  • Onion extract (has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, reduces swelling);
  • Allantoin (accelerates the healing process, increases blood circulation);
  • Heparin (softens tissue, promotes fluid retention);
  • sodium salt.

The tool is often used to get rid of stitches left after surgical operations, as well as stretch marks of any type. It is quickly absorbed, easy to use, economically consumed. Heals fresh and old scars.

  1. 2. Zeraderm Ultra.

A safe remedy with a quick effect. Suitable for healing scars left after operations, chickenpox and acne. Cream for scars and scars "Zeraderm" is odorless, dries quickly, forming an imperceptible protective film on the skin. Thanks to its high content of youth coenzyme Q10 and vitamins A and E, it not only heals scars, but also rejuvenates the skin. It has no contraindications, therefore it can be used on the skin of the face, as well as for the treatment of traumatic scars in children. To get the best effect, you need to apply it at least 2 times a day.

  1. 3. Scar guard.

A water-based scar ointment, infused with vitamin E, hydrocortisone and silicone, effectively fights scars on the skin, making them almost invisible. It dries very quickly, relieving inflammation and saturating damaged skin with all the necessary components. A special brush, which comes with absorbable ointment, helps to economically and accurately apply the product to the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. Since the remedy is very strong, it is not recommended for pregnant women and children (under 3 years old).

  1. 4. Dermatix.

The action of the silicone gel "Dermatix" from scars is similar to the drug "Zeraderm". It can be used not only for the treatment of scars, but also for prevention (prevents the appearance of stretch marks). The tool has no contraindications, except for an individual allergy to any component of the gel, therefore it is in great demand among pregnant women. Silicone substances do not enter the bloodstream, the effect of the medicine remains only external, therefore it can be safely used even by children. Apply to cleansed skin. The optimal effect can be achieved with a 2-fold daily procedure (morning and evening).

  1. 5. Kelo-Cote.

Resorption of scars with the help of the Kelo-Cote gel from an American manufacturer occurs quickly and efficiently. A silicone-based preparation can also have a preventive effect. It softens, moisturizes damaged skin, gives it elasticity, relieves itching. The greatest effect can be achieved with complex treatment (with laser resurfacing and microdermabrasion procedure).

  1. 6. Kelofibrase Sandoz.

German cream for scars "Kelofibraza" is ideal for getting rid of normotrophic scarring, and is also an effective prophylactic against stretch marks. It contains camphor, sodium heparin and urea. The cream anesthetizes, relieves inflammation, promotes tissue repair. The low price compared to analogues makes this drug more affordable, but its use is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. It is also not recommended for small children.

  1. 7. Fermenkol.

The remedy for scars and scars "Fermencol" can be purchased not only in the form of a gel, but also in powder form (for phonophoresis and electrophoresis procedures). The drug is designed specifically for the removal of scars of keloid and hypertrophic types. Professional silicone gel carefully cares for the skin, relieves irritation, brightens the scar, protects damaged areas from negative external factors. Cannot be used to treat atrophic scars, may cause minor allergic reactions.

  1. 8. Clearwin.

Indian remedy for fast resorption of scars, proven over the years. The cream promotes the regeneration of skin tissue, dissolves scars, acne spots and stretch marks. It contains only natural ingredients:

  • Basil;
  • Aloe vera;
  • Sesame oil;
  • Vitamins A, B, E;
  • Beeswax;
  • Extract of lodhra, calamus and margosa.

The tool is effective for removing age spots, helps to get rid of dark circles under the eyes, saturates the skin with useful components. "Klirvin" helps the epidermis to recover even after severe burns, treats acne, has a preventive effect. This versatile drug will also help rejuvenate the epidermis.

  1. 9. Rescuer.

Universal healing balm "Rescuer" has a quick and effective effect on damaged areas. It is effective for burns, cuts and various injuries. Due to the high content of such natural ingredients as essential oils (olive and sea buckthorn), beeswax, vitamins A and E, as well as calendula extract, it relieves pain and swelling, eliminates infection and spread of bacteria, and accelerates the restoration of the epidermis. Organic ointment for resorption of scars and scars "Rescuer" has a pleasant smell, can even affect the deep layers of the skin.

  1. 10. Heparin ointment.

Scar resorption ointment contains a fast-acting substance - heparin, which is of animal origin. The drug is created on the basis of Vaseline, therefore it has no smell. It has a healing and anti-inflammatory effect. This is an affordable anticoagulant agent that has a wide range of applications. With it, you can not only treat scars, but also prevent their appearance. Often it is used to heal scars left from deep acne. An important advantage is that such a medicine can be used during pregnancy.

  1. 11. Hendels Garden.

Natural pomegranate body emulsion contains many active ingredients such as vitamins, folic acid and phytoestrogens. Due to the natural origin of all the elements, this ointment helps to get rid of scars on the face and does not cause any allergic reactions. The emulsion nourishes and moisturizes the skin, promotes rejuvenation, the synthesis of collagen and elastin, improves the structure of the epidermis. It does not allow the connective tissue of scars to grow after surgery. There are no contraindications for use.


  1. 1. Scar repair.

Scar Repair Liquid Scar Repair is used to heal scars, stretch marks, scars and other unwanted skin imperfections. This drug helps to restore beauty and youth, penetrating into the deep layers of the epidermis and gently affecting them. Chemical ointment for scars after surgery can harm the body, and the natural ingredients that make up Scar (lavender oil, vitamins A and E) make it an excellent alternative to "chemistry". This unique liquid effectively fights against inflammatory changes, such as acne. Can be used for keloid convex postoperative scars. Does not cause irritation, peeling or burning, gives a 100% result, suitable for all skin types.

  1. 2. Malt.

Specific cream "Melt" contains only natural elements (vegetable oils and extracts, vitamins, salicylic acid, sulfur, glucosamine). The peculiarity of the drug in its action, which is based on the activation of metabolism inside the cells of the epidermis. This allows you to regulate the process of blood clotting in the affected area. The cream not only perfectly masks and brightens scars, but also eliminates various side skin defects.

  1. 3. Herbal eraser.

"Eraser" is a product of Ayurvedic medicine, its action is aimed at the treatment of stretch marks and various types of scars. It contains medicinal herbal oils from India and the East. This is one of the most inexpensive products with similar properties. The cream for scars on the face and on the body contains natural ingredients, but there are contraindications for use associated with allergic reactions to one of the components of the drug.

  1. 4. Boro Care Loren.

Anti-scarring Ayurvedic agent "Boro Care" was created as a drying, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal drug to combat acne. However, its healing properties have also shown themselves in the healing of postoperative scars. The cream can be used not only on old, but also on very fresh wounds. It relieves swelling, inflammation and pain, regenerates all layers of the skin, brightens the pigment.

  1. 5. Nuobisong.

An inexpensive Chinese product created using Swiss technology. It contains only natural ingredients, gently cares for the skin, fights dryness, irritation, peeling in the area of ​​scars. Healing cream is most effective for healing fresh scars. A light massage in the area of ​​the scar will help to improve the result. The product dries quickly, forming a special film that protects the top layer of the skin from wind and ultraviolet radiation. The advantages include a pleasant smell and low cost of the product.

  1. 6. Pasjel Precious Skin.

Thai cream with a high content of collagen is positioned as a prophylactic to prevent stretch marks. Its healing effect extends to the treatment of other types of scars, making it almost universal.

  1. 7. Balm-spray "911".

Among domestic products, one can single out an inexpensive, but effective remedy "Balm 911", which is created on the basis of plant components. This is an effective product that helps to quickly normalize the condition of the epidermis in the scar area. Since milk thistle oil is included in its composition, use during pregnancy is unacceptable.

  1. 8. Bio-Oil.

One of the best remedies for getting rid of skin defects is Bio-Oil Swiss oil. The components included in its composition have anti-burn, regenerating and soothing properties. The product is suitable for combating any type of scars, acne marks and other types of rashes. The result is achieved already on the 4th month of application. The oil is quite expensive, due to which it received a lot of unflattering reviews, but its popularity has not fallen, since it is really effective.

Folk remedies

It is worth paying attention to some traditional medicine, the healing properties of which have been tested for centuries. Scars can be helped by:

  • Bodyaga is a freshwater sponge powder that serves as an alternative to more expensive peels. With it, you can get rid of age spots on the face, smooth the skin from scars, improve the structure of the epidermis. There is also a good rejuvenating effect.
  • Unrefined coconut oil contains essential vitamins, trace elements and fatty acids that help restore the skin. It is often used during therapeutic massages or in the form of compresses.
  • Camphor, rosemary essential oils and tea tree oil help to improve the structure of the skin, soften and brighten it. It is recommended to dilute these oils with base oils (almond, jojoba, castor).

Most of the most effective modern drugs for the treatment of scars and scars are based on folk recipes.

Ointment for scars on the face today can be found in any pharmacy. Moreover, the assortment is not limited to 1-2 items, but makes it possible to choose the best option, taking into account the complexity of the cosmetic problem, because scars and scars are different.

Deep, remaining after trauma or surgery, require long-term treatment and the use of the most effective drugs, while such a phenomenon as post-acne can be eliminated without much effort.

The composition of drugs intended to eliminate scars and scars is diverse, respectively, and their principle of action is also different. However, all of them are designed to reduce the depth and size of the scar, eliminate skin tightness and smooth its surface, make the scar lighter and less noticeable.

The basis of an effective scar ointment is made up of active substances that accelerate blood circulation and the synthesis of collagen fibers, silicone components that adapt to any type of scars, as well as a complex of vitamins, trace elements or essential oils. All components that make up the ointment for scars and scars can be divided into several main groups:

  • anti-inflammatory - have a bactericidal effect and quickly stop the inflammatory process in tissues;
  • keratolytic - designed to heal damaged skin, accelerate its regeneration, prevent the formation of scar tissue;
  • fibrinolytic - their action is aimed at activating the production of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the formation of healthy skin;

The greatest effect of anti-scar preparations can be achieved if they are applied to recently healed. Old and deep scars and eliminate only local means is quite difficult. In this case, cosmetic methods are additionally used - laser resurfacing, electrophoresis or phonophoresis.

Types of scars and scars

Which scars respond best to topical treatments (ointments and creams)? Cosmetologists say that these are fresh, recently formed scars, in the tissues of which metabolic processes are still functioning. All cosmetic defects are divided into the following groups:

Normotrophic scars- quite easily treatable with local preparations, located at the level of the skin, have a pale shade, so they are practically invisible. Appear after minor trauma or superficial damage to the skin.

Atrophic scars- have a flabby structure, a pinkish tint, located below the level of the skin. The most common manifestations are striae and stretch marks on the body after childbirth, scars left after the removal of various neoplasms (papillomas, warts). Quite easily removed with the help of products containing silicone fillers in combination with the electrophoresis procedure.

Hypertrophic and keloid scars. This type of formations is most clearly expressed on the skin, since it is distinguished by a bumpy structure and a bluish-reddish tint. The scars are dense to the touch, slightly painful, and can be reminded of themselves by constant itching. It is difficult to get rid of such defects, ointments alone are indispensable here, a set of measures is required - from laser resurfacing to plastic surgery, followed by the use of anti-scar preparations.

  • the presence of atrophic scars left after chicken pox, furunculosis or acne (post-acne);
  • stretch marks on the body after a sharp weight loss or striae formed after childbirth;
  • cosmetic defects in the form of normotrophic, keloid or hypertrophic scars;
  • post-traumatic tendon contractures with limited mobility (including Dupuytren's contracture);
  • ankylosis of the joint caused by arthrosis or trauma.

Contraindications and adverse reactions

Like other medicines, scar removal preparations have a number of contraindications. They should not be used in case of individual intolerance to the components, used to treat wounds that have healed only partially or are complicated by an inflammatory and purulent process. It is forbidden to use ointments with absorbable action in the presence of a tumor process in the area of ​​​​the scar or in the case when the scar is in close proximity to the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Since preparations for scars and acne are intended for external use, they practically do not have a negative effect on the body. But with increased sensitivity to the components, they can cause allergic skin reactions - itching, hyperemia, rashes. Therefore, before buying an ointment for scar resorption, consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist and find out possible contraindications.

Popular ointments for scars and scars: an overview

Specialists in the field of dermatology most often recommend the following remedies to their patients:

Contractubex gel

From the German manufacturer MerzPharma, it is designed to eliminate minor skin defects and post-acne. This is the best ointment after chickenpox for scars, because it actively restores and regenerates healthy skin cells, softens hard scar tissues by preventing the growth of fibroblasts (connective tissue cells).

Additionally, the drug improves the processes of blood circulation and air exchange, provides antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects. The active substances of Contractubex are an extract (extract) from onion serae, allantoin and heparin.

When treating fresh scars, the gel is rubbed into the affected area 2-3 times a day for 4 weeks. Removal of chronic scars requires a longer application (from 4 to 6 months). To enhance the effect, the gel can be combined with an ultrasound procedure or applied under a bandage (after steaming the skin in hot water).

The gel can be used practically without restrictions, even during pregnancy and in childhood, the only contraindication is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. The average price of Contractubex is from 450 rubles per tube of 20 g.

Dermatix (Dermatix Ultra)

The best silicone gel from the Dutch pharmaceutical company. It is a transparent, viscous, colorless and odorless mass, which, after application, quickly forms an airtight protective film on the surface of the scar. The active substances of the drug are silicon dioxide, polysiloxanes and vitamin C. This remedy is perfect for removing scars of varying complexity (both fresh and old).

The principle of operation of Dermatix is ​​based on the elimination of unpleasant sensations - itching, burning in the area of ​​the scar, pigmentation and redness. The film that the gel, after drying, leaves on the surface of the damaged area, helps to retain moisture, soften the scar tissue and accelerate the resorption of the scar.

The duration of treatment with daily double treatment takes on average about 2 months. This is a completely safe scar resorption ointment, which rarely causes adverse reactions and can be used in children and adults, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. The price of the drug is from 1500 rubles.

Kelo-Cote (Kelo-Cote)

Products from American manufacturers, which are available in the form of a gel and spray. It is used to heal and prevent the formation of almost all types of scars. The main active ingredients, like all other silicone gels, are polysiloxanes, as well as silicone dioxide.

The use of the drug allows you to get rid of the scar due to the fact that the active substances create a protective film that allows you to maintain water balance, moisturize and soften the surface of the scar, as well as activate collagen synthesis, accelerate cell regeneration and relieve the accompanying itching and irritation.

Immediately after application, a film is formed on the surface of the charm that does not allow air to pass through, which protects the skin from external influences throughout the day. Silicone gel can be safely used on any part of the body, it is well tolerated, does not cause irritation and other negative reactions.

The drug can be used without restrictions for adults and children. In combination with microdermabrasion and laser resurfacing, this is the best ointment for post-surgery scars, which is recommended for use after removal of stitches. However, the cost of this drug is high - a gel with a volume of 15 g costs from 2000 rubles, a gel in a tube with a volume of 60 g - from 8000 rubles, a spray (100 ml) - from 3500 rubles.

Zeraderm (Zeraderm Ultra)

Another representative of the group of silicone gels, the principle of which is to create a protective, moisture-retaining film on the surface of the scar. The composition of the preparation, in addition to silicone compounds, is enriched with coenzyme Q 10, a light-protective filter, active oxygen and vitamins K and E.

This is one of the best preparations for scars and acne on the face, as it provides UV protection and allows you to use decorative cosmetics over the protective film.

Otherwise, the principle of action of the gel is practically no different from other silicone-based anti-scarring agents. The drug is prescribed for adults and children immediately after wound healing. The gel is applied twice a day for 2 weeks or longer.

The duration of treatment depends on the age of the patient, the condition and type of skin, the structure of the scar and other individual characteristics. The cost of a Zeraderma tube (20 g) averages from 500 to 700 rubles.

Cream with a refreshing aroma to remove scars, from the German company Sandoz Farmasyut. It contains heparin, urea and camphor, which provide absorbable, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. The use of the drug allows you to smooth and even out the skin in the scar area, soften and moisturize hardened areas, improve blood circulation and speed up regeneration processes in the damaged area.

This cream is successfully used to prevent stretch marks that form after pregnancy or due to rapid weight loss. But during the bearing of a child, during lactation and in childhood, this drug cannot be used.

To eliminate fresh cosmetic defects, the cream is used twice a day, when treating old scars, the frequency of application is increased and additional compresses are made with the cream at night. The drug Kelofibraz is also quite expensive, for a tube of cream with a volume of 50 g you will have to pay 2500 rubles.

The gel from domestic manufacturers is produced by the High Technologies company in the form of a gel in tubes (20g) and bottles with a dry powder for the electrophoresis procedure. It is intended for the treatment of post-acne, as well as fresh or old keloid and hypertrophic scars. The basis of the drug is animal collagenases isolated from freshwater and marine organisms.

It is this innovative basis that ensures the breakdown of amino acids that make up the protein basis of scars and scars. Additionally, the drug helps to eliminate discomfort, itching, has an antiseptic, analgesic and resolving effect.

Regular use of the gel helps to lighten and soften the scar, reduce its size, increase skin elasticity.

The gel has established itself as an excellent remedy for scars on the face left after furunculosis or acne. The drug can be used practically without restrictions in adults and children, atrophic scars and individual sensitivity to collagenase are contraindications for use. The cost of a gel (10g) is on average 700 rubles.

The gel from the German company Merz Pharma is similar in composition to Contractubex, with the exception of heparin, which is absent in this preparation. The gel is recommended to be used to eliminate fresh cicatricial changes, the “age” of which is not more than a year - stretch marks, atrophic scars after burns, peels or cosmetic procedures to remove neoplasms. In the treatment of keloid and hypertrophic scars, the effectiveness of the drug is not too high.

The drug slows down the formation of fibroblasts, accelerates the synthesis of collagen fibers and the regeneration of skin cells, improves blood circulation, has an antibacterial effect, and effectively fights the inflammatory process on the skin.

The duration of treatment is individual, on average this process takes from 3 to 6 months with daily use of the gel up to 3 times a day. The drug has no restrictions for use in pregnant women and children, but in some cases it can cause allergic reactions. The price of a gel in a 20g tube is from 500 rubles.

Skagard (liquid cream)

The basis of the drug is the hormone hydrocortisone, silicone and vitamin E. The cream should be applied to the scar with a special brush, it dries quickly and forms a film like a pressure bandage.

Under the film, the active components of the drug activate the production of collagen and accelerate the resorption of the scar. The huge advantage of the drug is that after the film has dried, sunscreens and decorative cosmetics can be applied on top of it.

The drug is quite safe, it can be used in children older than 2 years, but during pregnancy and lactation it is better to refrain from using the cream. The course of treatment can last from 1 to 6 months, during which Skagard is used twice a day. Prices for the drug "bite" - the cost of a small tube of cream (15 ml) is about 6,000 rubles.

Inexpensive ointment for scars and scars

Most anti-scar preparations are expensive, however, in pharmacies it is quite possible to find funds at a quite budget price. Among them, the most popular are:

Cream Clearvin

The drug effectively removes age spots left on the face after acne, and prevents the formation of postpartum stretch marks on the skin. The main advantage of the drug is in its natural composition, containing only natural ingredients.

The Indian-made cream was created on the basis of the ancient teachings of Ayurveda, it is based on extracts from local plants - aloe vera, vachi, calamus, basil, margosa, lodhra. Their therapeutic effect is enhanced by additional components - turmeric, beeswax, vitamins and trace elements.

The cream well levels and brightens the skin, has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiseptic effects, perfectly softens and moisturizes scar structures, improves the tone and elasticity of the epidermis, and accelerates the resorption of scars. This is one of the most inexpensive drugs - its cost is just over 100 rubles.

Ointment Sledocid

Recommended for removing old scars, post-acne. The drug promotes active skin regeneration, provides an anti-inflammatory effect and can be used as a prophylactic to prevent scarring.

The ointment should be applied to damaged areas on the face and body twice a day. The duration of the course of treatment is individual. The cost of the drug is from 100 rubles per tube of 15 g.

Balm Rescuer

It is recommended for use for the treatment of scars and scars formed after injuries and burns. This is a natural safe product based on oils (olive, turpentine, sea buckthorn), calendula extract, beeswax and vitamins A and E. The complex of active ingredients provides a pronounced anti-inflammatory and absorbable effect and helps to get rid of fresh scars and scars.

The balm should be applied to the affected area in a thick layer, under a bandage. Active substances penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, relieve irritation, itching and swelling, accelerate regeneration processes and smooth out scars. The average cost of the drug is from 120 rubles per tube (30g).

Modern aesthetic medicine is constantly looking for ways to help people get rid of unaesthetic and sometimes uncomfortable skin defects. There are very effective hardware, injection and surgical techniques, but they all have their own strict indications and contraindications, and many are also very expensive.

That is why various creams, ointments and gels from scars and scars are becoming more and more popular. The main advantage of such drugs is the ability to use them at home, without visiting a clinic or beauty parlor. They are very easy to use and are most often sold over-the-counter in pharmacies or directly from vendors.

The use of absorbable and softening scars and scars creams is most effective for shallow skin defects. When it comes to more serious damage, stronger methods come to the fore, such as ultrasound and or hormone therapy. The use of absorbable ointments in this case is recommended as an additional tool that can enhance the result.

In addition, creams are also good for preventing scarring from wounds and cuts, as well as situations in which stretch marks are likely to form, such as sudden weight gain or pregnancy.

Principles and features of the action of anti-scar preparations

The funds under consideration may contain various surfactants, vitamins, minerals, hormonal agents, essential oils of plants: their composition is quite diverse and they also “work” according to different principles. But in all cases, creams, ointments and gels act locally, without affecting the body as a whole.

The main purpose of such drugs is to reduce the size and height of the scar, lighten it, which makes the scar less noticeable, soften and eliminate tightness. When used on fresh lesions (with fully healed wounds), further growth of scar tissue can be prevented, itching and redness can be reduced.

Depending on the active ingredients, certain external agents normalize blood circulation, increase collagen synthesis, increase local immunity, have an antibacterial effect, and maintain the skin's water balance.

The doctor will help you choose the best option in each case, after a detailed study of the type and size of the scar formation. Also, it is worth remembering that:

  • Normotrophic (located at the level of the skin) scars are easily treated with creams.
  • To remove (above the level of the skin), (flabby, below the level of the skin) and apply complex therapy, which may include both the use of hardware cosmetology in conjunction with ointments, and surgical treatment.
  • Fresh scars are always much easier to heal than old ones, in which the metabolic processes have practically stopped.

The best ointments and creams for scars and scars

It is important to note right away that there have been no serious scientific studies comparing the effectiveness of various anti-scarring drugs. However, some experience gained by doctors and patients allows us to single out several unambiguous “favorites”:

A drug Peculiarities Photo

Contains sodium heparin, allantoin, serae onion extract. It slows down the formation of scar tissue, stimulates the production of collagen, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Effective for removing shallow skin defects. To enhance the action, it is recommended to use it together with ultrasound.

Increases blood circulation in the skin, saturates it with moisture and maintains water balance, has an anti-inflammatory effect. The main active ingredients are urea and sodium heparin. It can also be used to prevent stretch marks in case of weight fluctuations.
The main active ingredients are polysiloxane and silicone dioxide. Forms an imperceptible film on the surface of the scar during movement, which protects and heals tissues for 24 hours. It relieves itching and irritation, a feeling of tightness, restores water balance, smoothes scars, stops the growth of connective tissues. The Solaire series has an additional UV filter.
They are almost transparent silicone plates 10x10 cm in size. Using a bandage or patch, the plate is attached to the damaged area of ​​the skin. They are used to remove all types of scars, the duration of therapy depends on the size and maturity of the lesions.
Contains hydrocortisone, silicone and vitamin E. When applied, it forms a transparent film that compresses damaged tissues and promotes their healing. The film must be renewed 2 times a day throughout the entire treatment period.
It is most often used for resorption of scars after operations, especially in children. After drawing forms a dense, waterproof film. This preparation is one of the best options for treating facial skin, as it provides UV protection and does not interfere with the application of cosmetics over it.
Contains silicone and silicon dioxide. As well as previous products, it forms a breathable film that prevents the surface from mechanical damage. It is used for scars of varying complexity, as well as for the prevention of their formation.
Consists of collagenases (enzymes that break down collagen) of animal origin, due to which it is very effective when working with both fresh scars and age ones, incl. over 6 years old. In the latter case, for the best result, it is desirable to carry out electrophoresis with this drug, i.e. doctor's help is required.
Its composition is similar to Contractubex, but does not contain heparin. It is believed that this drug gives very good results in the correction of atrophic scars, stretch marks, but is noticeably less effective in the case of keloids and hypertrophic scars.

The effectiveness of scar removal using cosmetics depends on the size of the damage, the degree of bulge above the skin surface, the "age" of the scar. Small recent defects can be easily corrected, older and larger ones require long-term therapy using additional treatment methods.

The choice of cream is best done under the supervision of a specialist, this will allow you to individually select the most effective drug, avoid the occurrence of allergic reactions and waste of money.

Scars and scars remain on the human body after operations, injuries and cuts. Some people perceive them as a cosmetic problem, others feel soreness, itching and burning in the affected area.

You can get rid of scars and scars with the help of medications and folk remedies. Alternatively, you can remove the defect by . But while the flaw is fresh, it can be removed quickly thanks to the use of a special ointment, cream, gel or patch.

What scars and scars can be removed by local means

Based on the experience of doctors and cosmetologists, newly formed scars are better treated with external agents. The first time after the operation, metabolic processes continue to occur in their tissues. Normotrophic scars are located at the level of the skin and are barely noticeable due to the pale shade. Easily removed by local means.

Atrophic scars are characterized by a flabby structure. They look sunken and have a pinkish tint. An example is postpartum stretch marks on the body in women, scars after cauterization of skin neoplasms. Atrophic scars are well removed using products that contain a silicone component and are used with electrophoresis.

Keloid and most pronounced. They are striking with a bluish-reddish tint and a bumpy structure. To the touch, such scars are dense. They cause mild soreness and itching. No ointment for resorption of scars and scars can cope with keloids and hypertrophic scars. Their correction requires an integrated approach, which includes laser resurfacing, plastic surgery and the use of absorbable medications.

What are the indications for the use of external agents for scars and scars:

  • Keloids.
  • Dupuytren's contracture.
  • hypertrophic scars.
  • Normotrophic scars.
  • Prevention of tissue scarring after a surgical skin incision.
  • Atrophic scars after furunculosis, chickenpox, acne.
  • Tendon contractures as a consequence of injury.
  • Stretch marks after pregnancy or sudden weight loss.
  • Ankylosis, limiting the mobility of the joints.

Some preparations for the correction of scars and scars are not allowed to be used by pregnant and lactating women. There are also funds that have age restrictions on the use. Which ointment is better to use in a particular case, the doctor will advise.

Overview of effective drugs for various scars and scars

What kind of ointment is needed to heal bodily scars and scars will help you understand the list. We have collected all the funds that experts prescribe most often to patients with skin blemishes.

We list them and describe them in detail:

  • Contractubex.
  • Zeraderm and Zeraderm Ultra.
  • Dermatix and Dermatix Ultra.
  • Mederma.
  • Kelofibrase.
  • Fermenkol.
  • Scargard.
  • Scar Aesthetic.
  • Regivasil.


The drug of the German pharmaceutical company Merz Pharma contains Serae onion extract, sodium heparin and allantoin. The Contractubex gel is packed in small tubes with a volume of 10, 20 and 50 g. Its color is light brown, the smell is neutral.

Pharmaceutical properties of the drug are as follows:

To prevent the appearance of scars and scars, doctors prescribe after the complete healing of the operated tissue. According to the instructions, the product is applied to the damaged area up to 3 times a day with light massage movements. The course of therapy is 1 month. The old scar is removed for about 6 months. After the evening procedure, which is already performed before going to bed, an airtight bandage must be applied. The area can be sealed with polyethylene.

When using Contractubex, it is important to avoid direct sunlight, cold exposure and intense rubbing on the scar. The gel can be used by children, adults, pregnant and lactating mothers.

The effectiveness of the remedy depends on the regularity of the procedures. With daily use, along with steaming the skin and performing physiotherapy, the desired result will be achieved faster. The cost of the drug starts from 450 rubles.

Zeraderm (Zeraderm Ultra)

As the best remedy for scars and scars, you should consider the Zeraderm line (Zeraderm and Zeraderm Ultra). Tubes with a gel volume of 15 g are produced by the Dutch drug manufacturer Rofil Medical Aesthetics.

Upon contact with the skin, the product transforms into a silicone airtight film. The "greenhouse effect" under it contributes to the rapid resorption of the scar.

What properties do Zeraderm and Zeraderm Ultra gels have:

  • Soften and flatten scar tissue.
  • Eliminate itching, burning and inflammation.
  • Accelerate cell renewal.
  • Protect the skin from UV exposure.
  • Eliminate postoperative erythema.

Zeraderm preparations can be used as soon as the wound heals. The damaged area is pre-cleaned and treated with a thin layer 2 times a day. The agent is rubbed with smooth movements. The course of therapy depends on the duration and structure of the scar. Minimum - 2 - 3 weeks, maximum - several months. The price of the Zeraderm line is from 700 rubles.

Zeraderm gel is based on polysiloxane substance. This is a high molecular weight silicone compound. Zeraderm Ultra additionally contains vitamins E and K, coenzyme Q10 and UV filter SPF-15.

Dermatix and Dermatix Ultra

Dermatix and Dermatix Ultra silicone products in 6 and 15 g tubes are produced by the Dutch manufacturer ICN Pharmaceuticals Holland BV. The transparent gel mass, as it dries on the skin, transforms into a silicone film, under which an airless space is formed. The product has no odor. The cost is high - from 1500 rubles.

The Dermatix gel formula is based on two substances - polysiloxane and silicon dioxide. Vitamin C is additionally included in the composition of Dermatix Ultra. The complex effect of substances ensures the elimination of itching and burning in the area of ​​​​the scar or scar, softening and resorption of compacted tissues, and reducing pigmentation.

One of the gels can be applied to the scar immediately after the skin has healed. The affected tissue is pre-cleaned and dried. Then a thin layer of medicine is applied and gently rubbed for several minutes. Manipulation is performed in the morning and in the evening for several months until the defect is completely eliminated (at least 2 months).

Gels Dermatix, Dermatix Ultra, Zeraderm and Zeraderm Ultra are well tolerated by patients and are suitable for children and adults. They can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Kelo cat

The drug of the American company Advanced Bio-Techologies has the form of a gel and a spray. The gel is sealed in tubes of 6 and 15 g. The spray is in an aerosol bottle of 50 or 100 ml.

The composition of different forms have the same. On the treated area, the active substances form an airtight film.

Both the Kelo-cote gel and spray contain polysiloxane and silicone dioxide. Substances have a comprehensive effect on scars and scars:

Kelo-cat is applied to dry clean skin 1-2 times a day. When the product dries, you can apply sunscreen or makeup on top. Duration of therapy - 2 - 3 months or longer.

Side effects with the use of Kelo-cote products are rare. The use of the gel / spray during pregnancy and lactation is allowed. The Kelo-cat remedy is expensive - 3500 rubles.


The gel of the German company Merz Pharma called Mederma is sold in tubes of 20 g.

This is a transparent medicine with a specific smell. Consists of allantoin and cepalin (Serae onion extract). The complex effect of the components allows you to achieve goals such as:

  • Elimination of the inflammatory process.
  • Stimulation of collagenase, blood circulation and renewal of skin cells.
  • Saturation of keratinized tissue with moisture.
  • Softening and dissolution of the compacted area.
  • Elimination of blood clots.
  • Antibacterial effect.

With the help of such an ointment against scars and scars, like Mederma, it will be possible to quickly remove fresh flaws. Their age should not exceed 12 months. The tool perfectly smoothes stretch marks, removes postoperative scars, traces of post-acne and unsuccessful removal of tattoos, scars after chemical and thermal burns and scars after cosmetic peels.

Like other remedies, Mederma is applied to a clean, dry scar (3-4 rubles per day) and rubbed into the tissue for 3-5 minutes until completely absorbed. Palm movements are zigzag with light pressure. The course of therapy can be short 3-month or long, up to six months or more. Price - from 500 rubles.

In rare cases, Mederma gel provokes adverse reactions. Patients note redness, rashes, itching, tingling and fullness in the treated area.


A pleasant aroma of freshness, fast absorption and excellent moisturizing of scar tissue - this is how Kelofibraz cream can be characterized. The product of the German concern Sandoz Pharmaceut GMBH is sold in tubes of 25 and 50 g.

There are no silicone compounds in Kelofibrase. The cream is based on three active ingredients:

Timely application of ointment from scars and scars after surgery, you can achieve the following results:

  • Decreased tissue swelling.
  • Improvement of local blood circulation and regeneration.
  • Softening and moisturizing coarse fabrics.
  • Elimination of blood clots.
  • Increasing elasticity.
  • Rapid resorption of pathological tissue.
  • Pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effect.

The principle of scar treatment with Kelofibraz cream is simple. A thin layer is applied to the affected area and the scar is massaged until the cream is completely absorbed. The frequency of procedures is 2-4 per day. Fresh scars are treated 2 times a day, old or rough scars - 3-4 times a day. The last procedure is performed at night with the application of a compress. The cost of the cream is 2500 rubles.


Fermencol from scars and scars is a gel in a tube of 20 g and an electrophoresis kit (2 ampoules with dry powder in a package). The drugs are produced by the Russian JSC NPK High Technologies.

The clear gel is made up of several enzymes derived from marine invertebrates. Beneficial collagenolytic proteases break down the amino acids of keloids and hypertrophic scars, relieve itching and pain, and make the defect area less noticeable.

How to use Fermenkol:

The price of Fermencol gel starts at 700 rubles.

It is contraindicated to use Fermenkol in case of hypersensitivity to the collagenase component. Also, the remedy will not help patients with atrophic and hypertrophic scars.


Corrective liquid cream for scars and scars Scarguard, judging by the feedback from patients, contributes to the most rapid softening and resorption of the scar. Scargard has three active ingredients - vitamin E, silicone and hydrocortisone. This is the most expensive corrective. Skargard cream is for sale at a price of 6 thousand rubles.

The liquid preparation is applied with a special brush 1-2 times a day for 4 weeks. The affected area is pre-washed and dried with a soft towel. It is allowed to cover the treated area with sunscreen and apply decorative cosmetics.

After drying, Scargard cream forms a film on the scar, the effect of which is similar to that of a pressure bandage. As necessary, therapy can be extended up to six months. The liquid remedy is suitable for the treatment and prevention of all types of scars. It does not provoke adverse reactions. However, Scarguard cream is contraindicated for use during pregnancy and lactation.

Scar Aesthetic

Scar Esthetique is a cream from the American company ScarHeal, designed to heal scars and scars. The volume of the tube is 60 ml.

The composition of the cream is quite rich. In addition to silicone, it contains 23 more active ingredients, among which are:

  • Beta carotene.
  • Arnica.
  • Shea Butter.
  • Bow Serae.
  • Chitosan.
  • Coenzyme Q-10.
  • Vitamins A and C etc.

The active components of the cream soften and smooth compacted tissues, activate the production of collagen and improve the aesthetics of the skin. The tool is prescribed to eliminate stretch marks and a variety of scars that remain after operations, burns and injuries.

According to the instructions, Scar Esthetique cream is applied to a clean, dry scar and rubbed with soft massaging movements. The frequency of defect treatment is 3-4 times a day for 3-4 months.

Side effects during the application of Scar Aesthetic cream are manifested by rashes and redness of the skin. Negative reactions disappear on their own after discontinuation of the drug.


The American company ScarHeal produces another effective drug for scars and scars - this is RejuvaSil gel in tubes of 4, 10, 15 and 30 ml. In addition to silicone, the product contains squalene, ascorbic acid and emu oil. Like other corrective medicines, Regivasil gel is used 2 to 3 times a day.

A small amount of the product is applied to the scar, rubbed and waited for complete drying. Next, as needed, the skin is treated with a sunscreen. If the scar is on the face, make-up can be applied after the treatment.

Regivasil gel is prescribed only for adult patients, including pregnant and lactating women. With the appearance of a rash or red spots, treatment is stopped.

Inexpensive remedies for scars and scars

As you know, foreign preparations for scars and scars are sold at a high price, so they are not available to most consumers. However, poor patients can also get rid of a skin defect.

For them, pharmacies have budget options:

  • - Ayurvedic preparation removes traces of post-acne, postpartum stretch marks and age spots. It evens out the relief of the skin, brightens it and exhibits antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties. The cream increases the elasticity of the dermis and accelerates the process of scar resorption. Klirvin is inexpensive - 100 - 150 rubles.
  • Heparin ointment. A powerful anticoagulant, heparin prevents the formation of blood clots and dissolves existing scars and scars. The second component, benzocaine, works as an anesthetic. The substance benzyl nicotinate improves the absorption of heparin and dilates blood vessels.
  • Ointment Sledocid. This ointment for scars and scars is the most effective and inexpensive remedy that copes with post-acne and chronic scars. It relieves inflammation, restores skin cells in the affected area and prevents tissue scarring. Sledocid is used twice a day according to an individual course. A tube of ointment with a volume of 15 g is sold at a price of 100 rubles and a little higher.
  • Balm Rescuer. The medicine copes with scars and scars that remain on the body after burns and injuries. The balm does not contain chemical components. Its formula is based on beeswax, olive and sea buckthorn oils, calendula extract and vitamins A and E. Natural ingredients quickly dissolve fresh blemishes and relieve inflammation. Apply a thick layer of balm to the problem area under the bandage. A tube with a volume of 30 g is sold for 120 - 150 rubles.
  • Sea buckthorn oil. Saturated with vitamins, fatty acids and trace elements, the product removes old scars as much as possible. The oil improves local blood circulation, saturates the skin with moisture, stimulates the growth of healthy cells and exhibits antibacterial properties. It is recommended to apply sea buckthorn oil on the scar under a bandage. This product is not suitable for allergy sufferers.
  • Tea tree essential oil. The drug is diluted with water 1: 3. If during the treatment there is a burning sensation or other discomfort, then the remedy is poorly perceived by the body.

Salicylic acid is one of the inexpensive remedies for scars and scars. This is an aggressive substance that is allowed for use in concentrations up to 10%. Acid can increase skin irritation and cause even more scarring. It can only be used in consultation with a dermatologist.