Painless epilation. Painless depilation with epilator

Women have begun to get rid of unnecessary vegetation since ancient times, and many methods of dealing with hairs have been invented over the centuries. But to this day, the most effective and giving long-term results, alas, and the most painful: in order for the skin to remain smooth for a long time, the hairs must be pulled out by the roots. Whether you use an epilator, wax strips, or a fashionable one - these procedures are all very unpleasant as one, so the question of how to make epilation painless is urgent.

Pharmacy products

  • Frost Spray. This remedy is actively used by athletes, as it helps to cool bruises, is anesthesia for sprains and sprains. Sold as an aerosol in some pharmacies and sports stores. The price is about 400 rubles for a volume of 400 ml. It is consumed quite sparingly and really helps to make the epilation not painful. It helps, of course, not to everyone and not to complete anesthesia, since the hairs sit deep, and not on the surface itself. Those who are helped are greatly praised. If the remedy works completely, then you will not feel anything at all. It is especially helpful in especially sensitive areas - in the bikini area and armpits, where the epilation procedure is usually the most painful.
  • Lidocaine. It is also a local antiseptic, which many people know about. You can buy it in every pharmacy, it's ridiculous - about 20 rubles. Sold in the form of a solution, gel and spray. You can choose the form of the drug that suits you best. Like FrostSpray, it does not help everyone, but it relieves a significant part of the pain. Convenient for its cheapness and widespread use. In order for the product to work better, after application, wrap the skin with a film and wrap it in a blanket for 20-30 minutes, then painless epilation will be possible.
  • Emla. An analogue of lidocaine, but much more expensive. Less common than its counterpart. It has all the same characteristics as lidocaine. It is released only in the form of a cream.

We use an epilator

The manufacturers of this miracle of technology have tried to come up with as many devices as possible to reduce pain while getting rid of unwanted hair. So when choosing an epilator, give preference to technologically advanced models and you will be happy (as well as smooth skin without unnecessary pain). What can epilators be equipped with and what "bells and whistles" will help you to make epilation without pain?

  • special attachments that lift the hairs;
  • epilators that work underwater;
  • special nozzles with ice.

Of course, even with the use of the most modern "equipment" this procedure will not be completely painless, but you can very much reduce pain.

Traditional methods

  • Use your period chart to your advantage. In the days before and during critical days, your body is most susceptible to pain. Forewarned is forearmed. Just don't epilate during this difficult period. But a day after completion - as many as you like, a more successful date cannot be found.
  • Freeze the ice beforehand. Place it in a plastic bag and walk over the area to be epilated. The ice works as a local anesthetic and can help reduce pain significantly.
  • The opposite of the previous method is to heat the skin. Just do not take a hot bath - the skin should remain dry. Just use a heating pad.
  • It will help to make the whole procedure quick, and therefore not so tangible, and the correct approach to determining the hour, when, as they say, it is already time. Remove hairs of the correct length. The best ones to pull out are those that reach 5 mm in length. More - it will hurt more, and less may not be taken.
  • Stretch your skin lightly when epilating. This will remove almost all of the hairs at once, and you won't have to go over the same spot again. And when the skin is stretched, the hairs are pulled out faster by the root, and not broken off.

Some of this (or even all of them together) will definitely help you cope with unpleasant and painful sensations during epilation. Smooth and beautiful skin without pain is quite possible. And since beauty requires sacrifices from us, doing everything to minimize them is our direct task and duty.

If you need painless epilation with a long-lasting effect, order the services of masters registered in Yuda. Specialists travel to all addresses in Moscow and the Moscow region, having with them high-quality cosmetics and modern devices for hair removal.

Calling a beautician is free. The masters have extensive experience, therefore, they carry out hair removal with minimal discomfort for clients.

Hair Removal Methods

Depilation without pain is carried out by cosmetologists using special formulations that affect the hair follicles. The procedure is performed in different ways:

  • laser
  • sugar paste
  • wax

Epilation may be alkaline, but it is not suitable for delicate areas such as the bikini area, underarms, face or above the lips. In these areas, masters apply wax or remove hair with shugaring. But the legs and arms can be depilated using any of the listed methods.

Cost of cosmetology services

Performers Yuda will do hair removal at home at a minimal cost. Approximate prices are indicated in the price list on the website. The final cost may differ as it is calculated taking into account the following factors:

  • type of procedure
  • session duration
  • type and price of the media used

Order hair removal in Moscow from Yuda performers at the most affordable rates.

Epilation with an electric epilator

This procedure helps to stop hair growth. The advantage of this method is that it affects each hair separately. This allows you to remove hair of any type - vellus, hard, gray. You can literally treat any area of ​​the skin with an epilator.

This method of getting rid of unwanted hair is one of the simplest, but at the same time effective. To alleviate the discomfort during the procedure, it is better to choose good and high-quality epilators that are equipped with helium pads or special cooling attachments.

This procedure on the legs and arms is tolerated relatively well by many women, but not everyone can obey the bikini area. It is not recommended for hypersensitive girls to carry out such a procedure on their own. There is a risk of severe pain shock. Electrolysis is also undesirable for pregnant women, as well as those suffering from various diseases of the venous system.

Since electroepialysis is a very aggressive procedure, it is recommended to apply emollient, soothing and moisturizing creams and lotions afterwards.

Hair removal procedure with depilatory cream

The composition of such funds includes active ingredients that actively affect both the hair itself and its root, which dissolves under their influence. This happens within 10-15 minutes. A small amount of cream is applied to the cleansed skin, and after a specified number of minutes, it is removed using a special stick that is attached to the product. After the first application, a few hairs may remain, but later, with regular use, you can get rid of the hair for a long time, as the hairs become weak, and some of them stop growing.

The indisputable advantage of a depilatory cream is that you can achieve a smooth skin effect in a matter of minutes. After the procedure, you should also apply soothing, revitalizing and moisturizing agents.


This procedure is less painful than electrolysis. Painful sensations arise during the first procedures, then gradually the skin gets used to it and reacts more calmly to wax. The advantage of this method of getting rid of hair is the duration of its action. The surface of the skin can remain smooth for an average of 2 to 4 weeks.

When doing this procedure at home, you need to melt to the desired temperature, apply to the skin area, and place a special strip on top. As soon as the wax begins to cool, the strip must be torn off with a quick and sharp movement against the growth of the hair. Hair removal during waxing occurs at the root, which is why this method has such a long-lasting effect. After the procedure, it is imperative to use soothing, regenerating, protective and moisturizing lotions and creams.

You can also use this method of hair removal in the bikini area. However, experienced cosmetologists advise entrusting the most sensitive areas to salon specialists. They can do it as painlessly as possible.


It is one of the most ancient. Although it became popular not so long ago. It is often used for epilating the bikini area, but it is also effective for epilating the arms and legs.

For it is necessary to prepare a solution. 3 tbsp. l. Heat water over low heat, not bringing to a boil. Add 4 tbsp. l. sugar and stir until it is completely dissolved. Finally, add 1 tsp. citric acid or juice. When the product takes on a characteristic yellowish color and you feel the aroma of caramel, you must remove it from the stove and allow it to cool.

Before the actual epilation procedure, you should prepare the skin with a scrub or lotion. This will prevent irritation after the procedure. Then apply the prepared solution in a thin layer on the skin. Put cotton strips on top, and when the mixture is completely solidified, remove each strip with a sharp motion.

If you decide to epilate at home, consult with an experienced beautician. He will be able to choose the type of hair removal that least of all injures the skin and will not harm it and unnecessary pain to you. To restore your skin, be sure to use anti-inflammatories that contain vitamins E and A, as well as chamomile and aloe.

It turns out that in the second half of the cycle you are more susceptible to pain than in the first. So it is better to schedule epilation in the middle of the cycle or immediately after the end of your period.

2. Be calm

If you are going through a stressful situation, the level of cortisol in the body is increased, which is why even not the most severe pain can be perceived as excessive. Wait for the emotions to subside, or take a light sedative before the session.

3. Know when to stop

If you have a reduced pain threshold, do not strive to process all the epilation zones in one session, arguing that “it’s better to get rid of it right away”. On the contrary: spread the sessions for a few days. It is always a little easier to endure, and besides, you will gradually get used to the sensations, and each next session will be perceived easier.

4. Remember the scrub

By carefully treating the epilation area a day before the procedure, you will get rid of the layer of dead cells and make it easier for the master to remove hairs.


5. Say in words

If you find it difficult to endure epilation sessions, talk to your master about it. Perhaps she has more gentle techniques, or she can offer you an anesthetic cream, or she can distract you with talk, a movie or music. In any case, if the master knows that you are in great pain, she will try to correct the situation, and if you suffer in silence, nothing will change.

6. Choose hard wax

Paradoxically, epilation with hard wax is less painful than liquid wax.

7. Take pain reliever

An hour before the procedure, apply an anesthetic cream to the problem area, and take an anesthetic inside, which helps you with headaches.

8. Breathe correctly for painless waxing

Ask the master to warn you when he starts removing wax, and exhale sharply at this moment. On exhalation, we perceive pain less acutely than on inhalation.

9. Cough

A strange trick, but no less effective than correct breathing: at a painful moment, cough up and the pain will subside.

10. Relax your muscles

It would seem, what does the skin have to do with it? But nevertheless, if you are pinched, the skin also shrinks, and it becomes more difficult to remove hairs. Try to deliberately relax the muscles in the area to be epilated, and the process will be faster and easier.

Every woman strives to always look beautiful and attractive, and removing unwanted vegetation has already become a standard hygienic procedure. Today, there are many methods of getting rid of unnecessary hairs, but some of them cause painful sensations during execution.

The article will consider whether depilation is possible without pain, what methods of painless hair removal exist.

Under the term means the removal of only the visible part of the hair, without directly affecting the hair follicle. The result achieved after such a procedure is very short-lived, the hairs will soon grow back, and a repetition of depilation is required.

In the case of epilation, hairs are pulled out along with the root, which allows you to achieve the preservation of the effect for a longer time after the procedure, in addition, new hairs begin to grow thinner and weaker. Thus, the differences between these concepts lie in the principle of operation of the methods.

Reference! The distinction between the concepts of hair removal and depilation occurs mainly among cosmetologists. Therefore, it is not considered wrong to use both terms to refer to any method of removing unwanted hair.

There are the following ways to remove unwanted vegetation:

Each method of removing unwanted hairs has its own advantages and disadvantages, therefore, when choosing the most suitable one, you should rely on your wishes, preferences, and financial capabilities.

Many women dream of effective and long-term hair removal without pain, but not all existing methods meet these criteria.

The most painless depilation methods include:

The listed methods are the most painless, however, the duration of the achieved result after their application leaves much to be desired.

How to reduce pain during depilation

To reduce painful sensations, you can use various medications or special means with a mild anesthetic effect.

Among the medicines for reducing pain during depilation, both on the legs and in the bikini area, the following stand out:

  • Lidocaine;
  • Menovazine;
  • Prilokain.

These and similar funds can be freely purchased at any pharmacy, while the price of these drugs is low. They can be in the form of creams or sprays.

Special cosmetics, in which the content of the anesthetic allows to reduce the severity of discomfort are:

  • Emla;
  • Light dep;
  • Veet.

Ice cubes can also be used to relieve sore legs. When shugaring and waxing, its use is not recommended, since in this case, muscle tension and difficulty in removing hairs occur from the cold.

A hot bath or shower, if taken before the procedure, has a good effect on reducing discomfort. On steamed skin, hair removal is easier, due to which the effect of reducing pain is due.


Any girl dreams of removing unwanted hair without pain, while ensuring that the result is of sufficient quality and lasts for a long period of time. However, not all methods meet these criteria. Among the most painless are: shaving, the use of trimmers, special depilatory creams, mousses, gels.

Despite the absence of pain during the application of the listed methods, the effect after such procedures persists for a very short period of time and requires a quick repetition. While the electric epilator, vasking and shugaring have a much more pronounced result. It is possible to reduce pain during unwanted hair removal procedures with the help of various medications that have an analgesic effect, or specialized products containing a light anesthetic.