Private schools for difficult teenagers. Rehabilitation center for difficult teenagers

If at the word “special school” or “closed schools” you associate exclusively with an educational institution where, say, a foreign language is studied in depth, then you are very lucky. This means that you are not aware that there are others closed schools for difficult teenagers. But even if you managed to raise worthy and trouble-free children, you should be aware of such schools, because those who study in them (or are kept, as they say there), need help. Difficult children and teenagers are not to blame either for being born in marginalized families, or for the fact that they did not want to mess with them in a regular school. Most of these children are victims of the indifference of well-to-do adults who have passed by, pretending that the problem does not concern them.

Who are difficult teenagers and how they become

Difficult children and teenagers are children with deviant behavior. Simply put, difficult - children who commit acts that do not fit into generally accepted ideas about morality and morality. They do not go to school, defiantly ignore the comments of teachers and parents, among them a large percentage of alcoholics, drug addicts and substance abusers, as well as delinquents.

It has been noted that the less stable the economy, the more serious the shocks that the state is experiencing, the more urgent the problem of the so-called difficult teenagers. Everything is explained very simply - the more problems adults have, the less time they spend with children, pay less attention to them. Most pupils of closed schools for difficult teenagers complain about the fact that their parents did not give a damn about them. And you think in vain that only marginal children get into this educational institution with iron bolts and a high fence. There are also those whose parents are well-to-do, respected people. But in the pursuit of well-being, they spent so much energy that they no longer had any opportunity to just talk with their own child. Yes, and what to say to him - well-fed, shod, dressed, everything is there, what is not, then we will buy it. It turned out that not everything can be bought, no matter how trite it sounds. For example, a trusting relationship with a son or daughter is not sold or bought, but carefully built over the years, and at the cost of great mental effort.

Whose problems does the special school solve?

They don’t bring their mothers to these schools by the hand - they bring them here in cars with barred windows. They come here by court order. Well, and other sad signs: a checkpoint, movement around the perimeter, iron discipline.

Of course, there are exemplary-glossy establishments. So, according to the media, a special school for teenagers has opened in Moscow, which, apparently, will become the best in Russia. It is built on a special project. “There will be a pool, greenhouses, greenhouses, gyms, workshops, a stadium and much more. The school will have its own piece of land, surrounded by a fence. In general, bars are not supposed to be installed in the new institution, and even the number of guards will be reduced to the very minimum so that teenagers do not feel like they are in prison. However, none of them will be able to arbitrarily leave the school thanks to modern technical means of security.” Creepy, isn't it?

Of course, in special schools these children are seriously taken care of - they teach general education subjects, try to instill at least some craft skills, socially adapt. Here, as a rule, random people do not work. The teachers of such closed schools for difficult teenagers are high professionals who thoroughly know the methods of working with difficult children. Teaching difficult children is always associated with great difficulties - after all, most of them either did not go to school at all, or got there very rarely. It happens that overage students are engaged in the program of elementary grades of ordinary comprehensive schools.

Does such a closed school for difficult teenagers solve their problems? Employees of special schools believe that it is more likely no than yes. After leaving such an institution, children behave decently and do not commit any illegal actions for a month, at most two. And then they again contact the same (or another) company, and again alcohol, drugs, theft. After all, in fact, nothing has changed - the same parents, the same friends. It turns out that, by isolating a teenager, society first of all takes care of itself - out of sight, out of mind. You can’t see them behind high fences - well, okay.

Is there a way out?

How to help a troubled teenager What should society, you and me, do to make such unfortunate children as few as possible? Prevention, and again prevention. Start with yourself. Remember how long ago you had a heart-to-heart talk with your child? They didn’t get into his soul, they didn’t pressure him with moral teachings, but they talked - as with an adult, an equal.

Puberty is the most difficult. But it is difficult, believe me, not only for you and your child, but also for him with himself. Changes that occur at the physical, hormonal levels are inevitably accompanied by changes in character. Try to follow the advice of psychologists. Do not beat around the bush, do not look for tricky "approaches", do not complain that you are not familiar with the methods of working with difficult children. Having chosen a convenient moment, directly say that, they say, you perfectly understand what is happening to him now, that you yourself went through it. And most importantly, let him know that you are not angry with him, but they do not intend to let everyone down, because he is an adult and, therefore, must be responsible for his words and actions. And one more advice of psychologists. Find something for your child to enjoy, download it to the maximum. By the way, teachers and educators of schools for difficult teenagers follow the same path.

Or maybe a cadet?

Recently, in order to help a troubled teenager, open schools for children with deviant behavior have appeared, that is, teenagers go there not by a court decision, but by the direction of the commission on juvenile affairs or at the request of their parents. Education of difficult children here, just like in closed special schools, takes place in parallel with social adaptation, classes with a psychologist.

Well, for parents who do not feel the strength to cope with their children, today there is another opportunity to solve the problem - to entrust their education to teachers of cadet boarding schools.

A cadet school is not a special school at all, and certainly not a prison. Difficult teenagers are not necessarily taught here, although for the most part they are still children from incomplete, socially unprotected or dysfunctional families. In other words, at risk. In cadet schools, the same preventive measures that we spoke about are carried out. Iron discipline reigns here, and the teachers of these schools see the upbringing of real men as their task. But here they do not suppress the personality, but direct the violent energy of adolescents into the right, useful channel for them.

Today in the capital, for example, it is not easy to enter the cadet corps - the competition reaches seven people per place, that is, as it has been from time immemorial, cadet education is becoming an elite one. Of course, children from socially unprotected families have benefits.

Well, discipline, a clear distribution of time, attentive teachers, methods of working with difficult children and adolescents that have been developed over the years - perhaps all this will save a teenager from the street, will not let him turn onto a crooked path. But no teacher can replace mom and dad.

It is known that a society is judged by how children and the elderly live in it. Take a walk in the late afternoon through any sleeping area - if you are not afraid, of course. These and cans of cheap alcohol leading to - someone's children. No matter how they live, it means that not everything is in order with all of us.

Instruction 1 Prepare documents for registration of a child in a boarding school. In addition to his birth certificate and passport, if he has reached the age of 14, you will need to present his medical card, as well as a health certificate. For children who need to be placed in a special boarding school, for example, in a psycho-neurological one, a conclusion of the medical commission should be prepared on assigning them a disability or on a diagnosis if their condition is not so serious. Additionally, you will need a certificate from the passport office on the state of the child's living space in which he lives at the moment. Papers confirming the status of the child will also come in handy - a court decision on the deprivation of parental rights, an act on the abandonment of the child. 2 Contact the district education department and explain the situation to them.

How to apply for a boarding school


Oleg. I have a child after our divorce with my husband, as if he had broken the chain.

At the age of 10, he started drinking and smoking, got in touch with a group of older people, abandoned his studies, began to play truant at school, was rude at home, swearing, then he began to steal and fight. in a year and a half, he did such things, that they also frightened me with a colony and offered to hand over to a special school. his dad is not the best role model, he is also a dunce and a reveler. therefore, the cries of the child that he wants to live with his dad, I did not perceive at all. Well, here's how, and so dismissed the child to send to a dysfunctional dad? But well, we came across a very competent specialist psychologist, he managed to explain to me that the child has the right to choose his own path. I let go. went to live with his father. At first, there were no changes for the better. but we communicated remotely, via skype phone, on the advice of a psychologist, I didn’t ask anything at all and didn’t start moralizing conversations.

Helping dependent families

Adolescence begins when a child crosses the border of ten or eleven years, and continues until the age of 15-16.
The child in this period begins to perceive the world as an adult, to model the behavior of elders, to independently draw conclusions.
The child has a personal opinion, he is looking for his place in society.


Increasing interest in the inner world. A teenager knows how to set goals and achieve them.

In addition to psychological changes, physiological changes occur during this period of time: the child grows rapidly, secondary sexual characteristics appear, hormonal levels change, and so on.

Teenage Problems Teenagers have problems for a variety of reasons.

How and where you can attach a difficult teenager

This is a closed boarding school for difficult teenagers, which means that children come here by court order.

There is iron discipline, perimeter movement and checkpoints at the entrance.

There is a boarding school for difficult teenagers in Moscow.

Establishment No. 9 is located on Boris Zhigulenkov Street in house 15, building 1.

Unlike St. Petersburg, this boarding school is open.
Children with deviant behavior can also get here by the decision of their parents or the recommendation of a special commission. The rules here are not as strict as in institutions of a closed type.

Can difficult teenagers be re-educated? I must say that the problems of each difficult teenager are different.

Sometimes it takes only one month to teach a child to be responsible for his actions, and sometimes it takes a teenager six months to adapt.


Much depends on what psychological problems the boy or girl is experiencing at the moment.

What to do with a troubled teenager? go to boarding school?

A troubled teenager often commits illegal acts, unreasonably risky actions. Depression and anxiety may appear. There are signs that your child is difficult.
They are listed below:

  1. Change in appearance. Unjustified weight gain or loss, self-harm.
  2. Frequent quarrels, fights, complaints.
  3. Poor academic performance, sleep disturbances, depression, suicidal thoughts.
  4. Use of drugs, alcohol.
  5. A sharp change in the circle of communication, refusal to follow certain rules, lies, and so on.

The presence of problems in a teenager is the first signal that you need to establish contact with him.
Your son or daughter should feel supported, understand that his parents love and accept him in any case.

Before the case is considered in court, the juvenile undergoes a medical examination and is referred to a psychiatrist.

If the parents do not agree to these measures, all procedures are carried out by a court decision.

Temporary detention centers Before a court hearing, a child may be sent to a temporary detention center for up to 30 days. This happens in the following cases:

  • when the protection of the life or health of the adolescent must be ensured;
  • it is necessary to prevent a repeated socially dangerous act;
  • if the child has nowhere to live;
  • the violator avoids appearing in court or does not pass a medical examination.

Boarding schools in St. Petersburg and Moscow The most famous boarding school for difficult teenagers (St. Petersburg) is a closed school No. 1. The institution traces its history back to 1965. It is located on Akkuratova street at number 11.
Prepare documents for registering a child in a boarding school.

In addition to his birth certificate and passport, if he has reached the age of 14, you will need to present his medical card, as well as a health certificate.

For children who need to be placed in a special boarding school, for example, in a psycho-neurological one, a conclusion of the medical commission should be prepared on assigning them a disability or on a diagnosis if their condition is not so serious. Additionally, you will need a certificate from the passport office on the state of the child's living space in which he lives at the moment.

Papers confirming the status of the child will also come in handy - a court decision on the deprivation of parental rights, an act on the abandonment of the child.

Contact your local education department and explain the situation to them.

It is allowed to transfer to a boarding school not only children left without relatives, but also those whose mother or father found themselves in a difficult life situation.

Architect Vlasov street, 6

Children's diagnostic centers, Children's clinics and medical centers, Children's health centers,

Weaving street, 5

Children's rehabilitation centers

Festivalnaya street, 22k1, of. 45

Children's rehabilitation centers

st. Krasnogvardeyskaya 3rd, 4

Children's rehabilitation centers

st. Ostrovityanova, 5, building 3

Children's health centers, Children's rehabilitation centers

Yaroslavskoe sh., 44

Novinsky boulevard, 25, building 1

Yoga for children, Children's health centers, Children's rehabilitation centers, Fitness clubs for children

Brodnikov lane, 7

Leningradsky Ave., 64, building 3

Children's rehabilitation centers

Khoroshevskoe highway, 38k1

Children's rehabilitation centers

Palikha street, 13/1

Children's diagnostic centers, Children's rehabilitation centers

st. Bolshaya Polyanka, 22

Children's hospitals, Children's ambulance, Children's rehabilitation centers

Big Rzhevsky lane, 8

Children's development centers, Children's rehabilitation centers

Timur Frunze, 11, building 2

Children's clinics and medical centers, Children's rehabilitation centers

st. Pervomaiskaya, 58b

Children's rehabilitation centers

Oktyabrsky lane, 11

Children's rehabilitation centers

Vinokurova street, 6

Children's diagnostic centers, Children's health centers, Children's rehabilitation centers

Dosflota passage, 2/4

Children's rehabilitation centers

Talalikhina street, 26a

Children's rehabilitation centers

Children's rehabilitation centers

Children's rehabilitation centers are, as a rule, social institutions whose main functions include providing a range of activities and services to children, adolescents and their families. Such centers exist in order to help children after their long-term illnesses, children with disabilities and disabled children to rehabilitate themselves socially. Also, rehabilitation centers, together with parents and social workers, provide a range of social services to achieve the maximum effect in the socialization of the child and his integration into society.

Children's rehabilitation centers in Moscow carry out comprehensive rehabilitation of children and adolescents under 18 years of age, and perform the following tasks:

1. thanks to the introduction of new technologies and methods, they help children with disabilities;

2. during the rehabilitation process include the child's parents and other family members;

3. develop and implement individual social rehabilitation programs;

4. create optimal conditions for high-quality rehabilitation.

Currently, children's rehabilitation centers in Moscow, according to parents' reviews, are a close-knit team of professional specialists who know and love their job, and are ready to give a helping hand to everyone at any moment. Here they value and respect human life, promote the development of the child and create the necessary conditions for his maximum independence.

Children's portal - to parents about children. Moscow | 2014 - 2017

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Special boarding schools for difficult teenagers: features, program, reviews

Adolescence begins when a child crosses the border of ten or eleven years, and continues until the age of 15-16. The child in this period begins to perceive the world as an adult, to model the behavior of elders, to independently draw conclusions. The child has a personal opinion, he is looking for his place in society. Increasing interest in the inner world. A teenager knows how to set goals and achieve them.

In addition to psychological changes, physiological changes occur during this period of time: the child grows rapidly, secondary sexual characteristics appear, hormonal levels change, and so on.

Teenage Issues

Problems arise in adolescents for various reasons. But the following internal conflicts can be put in the basis:

  1. The desire to become an adult, while denying the value orientations by which adults live.
  2. The feeling of being in the center of the universe and the rejection of this by others.
  3. Puberty and fear of a new self.
  4. Attraction to teenagers of the opposite sex and the inability to build relationships with peers.

As a result, it is difficult for a teenager to cope with new violent emotions, and parents should always be ready to support the child in time or give advice. If, in adolescence, in addition to difficulties with changing the body, others also pile on him, for example, the low culture of parents, alcoholism in the family, parents being busy with their own affairs or work, then such a person can fall into the category of “difficult”. For such there are boarding schools for difficult teenagers.

How is the educational process organized in boarding schools?

Usually in special boarding schools for difficult teenagers there are children with major learning problems or those who have violated the law not for the first time. It is difficult to cope with special children, therefore, teachers with extensive experience, defectologists and psychologists carry out their activities in these educational institutions.

Often there are people with medical education in the staff of pedagogical workers. Iron discipline is the basis of education in a boarding school for difficult teenagers. The main goal is to return the child to a normal worldview and life.

First, the pupils check the level of knowledge and intellectual abilities. Verification takes place in the form of testing. If, as a result of its results, a developmental lag is revealed, a boy or girl can even be taught a primary school program.

At the heart of the behavior of difficult teenagers are violations of psychological development, so students from the boarding school for difficult children constantly communicate with a psychologist. These conversations take place on an individual basis. As a result, the specialist tries to find the basis - the reason for this behavior of the pupil.

In a boarding school for difficult teenagers, all children are constantly under the supervision of a teacher, and on Saturday and Sunday they have the right to go to their parents, although some stay for the weekend.

Closed and open boarding schools

These establishments are open and closed. The first of them are similar to cadet corps or Suvorov schools. There is discipline and a daily routine, but the children study according to the standard school curriculum (of course, adjusted for mental abilities), and on weekends they can go to their parents. In closed boarding schools, everything is much more serious - there is a checkpoint, and marching in formation, and regular classes with a psychologist. Some pupils in such institutions do not get home for the weekend, but parents can visit them on the territory of the boarding school.

Reasons to send a teenager to a boarding school for difficult children

The grounds for sending a child to a special school are as follows:

  • committing a crime if the age does not correspond to the onset of criminal liability;
  • age corresponds to criminal liability, but the child is mentally retarded;
  • the teenager was convicted under articles providing for a crime of medium gravity, but released from punishment under the relevant articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The Commission on Juvenile Affairs petitions the court to send the offender to a special boarding school for troubled teenagers. Before the case is considered in court, the juvenile undergoes a medical examination and is referred to a psychiatrist. If the parents do not agree to these measures, all procedures are carried out by a court decision.

temporary detention centers

Prior to the court hearing, the child may be sent to a temporary detention center for up to 30 days. This happens in the following cases:

  • when the protection of the life or health of the adolescent must be ensured;
  • it is necessary to prevent a repeated socially dangerous act;
  • if the child has nowhere to live;
  • the violator avoids appearing in court or does not pass a medical examination.

Boarding schools in St. Petersburg and Moscow

The most famous boarding school for difficult teenagers (St. Petersburg) is a closed school No. 1. The institution traces its history back to 1965. It is located on Akkuratova Street at number 11. This is a closed boarding school for difficult teenagers, which means that children come here by court order. There is iron discipline, perimeter movement and checkpoints at the entrance.

There is a boarding school for difficult teenagers in Moscow. Institution No. 9 is located on Boris Zhigulenkov Street in house 15, building 1. Unlike St. Petersburg, this boarding school is open. Children with deviant behavior can also get here by the decision of their parents or the recommendation of a special commission. The rules here are not as strict as in institutions of a closed type.

Can difficult teenagers be re-educated?

I must say that the problems of each difficult teenager are different. Sometimes it takes only one month to teach a child to be responsible for his actions, and sometimes it takes a teenager six months to adapt. Much depends on what psychological problems the boy or girl is experiencing at the moment.

Now teachers are arguing about whether work in boarding schools for difficult teenagers gives results. At the moment, about seventy percent of students in such institutions significantly improve their knowledge of school subjects. In addition, in such institutions, pupils not only study, but also spend the rest of the time. Thus, problem children create a new social circle and are more successfully socialized in society.

What should parents of difficult teenagers pay attention to?

During adolescence, children defend their independence. This phenomenon affects the child, and it seems that he behaves strangely and unpredictably. Be that as it may, this condition is considered absolutely normal and characterizes the transitional age.

There are signs that your child is difficult. They are listed below:

  1. Change in appearance. Unjustified weight gain or loss, self-harm.
  2. Frequent quarrels, fights, complaints.
  3. Poor academic performance, sleep disturbances, depression, suicidal thoughts.
  4. Use of drugs, alcohol.
  5. A sharp change in the circle of communication, refusal to follow certain rules, lies, and so on.

The presence of problems in a teenager is the first signal that you need to establish contact with him. Your son or daughter should feel supported, understand that his parents love and accept him in any case. It is important to find common topics for conversation, encourage sports, limit TV viewing and computer activities. Give your child advice, listen to him, do not show aggression. If you fail, seek help from specialists.

Don't know what to do with a teenager?

What are the problems for us

do parents visit most of the time?

stays late after school and

cases of your drunkenness

at home and appears through

money and valuables

money for someone

help or other needs

Gerda is a unique project that has no analogues in Russia. The center provides comprehensive rehabilitation for alcohol addiction.

Rehabilitation of adolescents from alcoholism has little in common with the rehabilitation of adults. This is largely due to the young healthy body of a teenager, whose resources are great and the harmful effects of alcohol are felt many times weaker than in adults.

For the rehabilitation of adolescents, methods of psycho-correction, occupational therapy, and trainings are used. Also in our center, a teenager learns life skills and receives an education.

Throughout the course of rehabilitation, we create a unique environment in which adolescents find themselves and their meaning of life, and come out as physically, psychologically and socially healthy individuals.

We guarantee your privacy. Moreover, unlike state centers, a teenager is not registered with a drug dispensary and therefore in the future he will have no problems obtaining a driver's license and getting a job.

Full course of psycho-correction,

rehabilitation and adaptation

Sign up for an interview

1. Work in groups

Group work helps to adapt and learn to exist in society, accept common rules and follow them. Group work is the only quality way to recover from alcohol addiction. This is the case when individual work is not only less effective, but not effective at all.

2. Specialization in teenagers

Rehabilitation of adolescents is fundamentally different from the rehabilitation of adults. Here, there are value differences and age differences, and most importantly, “the absence of a bottom”. This is how experts call the high resource of the teenage body, which helps children easily endure the negative consequences of alcohol consumption. When adolescents are placed in adult rehabilitation centers, a rather low percentage of positive results is observed. . This is due precisely to the lack of a group that is appropriate in terms of age and values, which makes it possible to turn on the mechanisms of recovery. After all, the guys think “Where am I, and where is this alcoholic man”, “This never threatens me.”

3. Support and constant supervision of several specialists at once

Narcologists, psychologists, psychotherapists, motivational trainers work with teenagers. A multifaceted approach allows you to look at the problem holistically and solve it at different psychological levels.

Parents about changes in their children

what happens if you delay?

  • crimes
  • Prison
  • Missing
  • Fatal outcome
  • Intoxication
  • Escape from home

The crippled life of a teenager!

Education - higher: teacher of history and history of religion, KSPU, 1 & 99; teacher-psychologist, KSPU, 2005

The results of our work are positive in 85% of cases. But there are also breakdowns, in which case a month of re-rehabilitation will cost you completely free of charge!

The project employs a team of professionals who are not indifferent to their work, providing care and custody of your child around the clock.

We apply the experience of foreign psychologists and narcologists, use experimental techniques in difficult situations, and achieve results!

What changes will occur in adolescence?

  • Confidence in yourself and your abilities
  • purposefulness
  • Responsibility for your actions
  • Communication on an equal footing with peers
  • Ability to interact with adults
  • Respect for parents
  • self-discipline
  • Self service
  • Getting rid of fears and complexes

We will help you solve your problem!

The privacy of your data is guaranteed

questions we are often asked

1. Will I be able to see my son?

Definitely not earlier than in 3-4 months and this is at best. Isolation of a teenager from his usual environment is an absolutely necessary stage of recovery.

2. Nothing helps us, why will this help?

You need to understand that it is impossible to solve this problem on your own. Especially when a teenager himself is not aware of the problem. The only way to save a teenager is to isolate him from his usual environment and conduct a powerful rehabilitation program with him, in our or another rehabilitation center. There is simply no other way out.

3. In what conditions will the teenager be?

The rehabilitation center is a country house located in an ecologically clean area, with all amenities, rest rooms, a gym, classrooms and a large fenced area.

"Gerda Teenage Rehabilitation Center", Kazan

rehabilitation of difficult teenagers

We work throughout Russia.

We will call you back and answer your questions

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Special boarding schools for difficult teenagers: features, program, reviews

Adolescence begins when a child crosses the border of ten or eleven years, and continues until the age of 15-16. The child in this period begins to perceive the world as an adult, to model the behavior of elders, to independently draw conclusions. The child has a personal opinion, he is looking for his place in society. Increasing interest in the inner world. A teenager knows how to set goals and achieve them.

In addition to psychological changes, physiological changes occur during this period of time: the child grows rapidly, secondary sexual characteristics appear, hormonal levels change, and so on.

Teenage Issues

Problems arise in adolescents for various reasons. But the following internal conflicts can be put in the basis:

  1. The desire to become an adult, while denying the value orientations by which adults live.
  2. The feeling of being in the center of the universe and the rejection of this by others.
  3. Puberty and fear of a new self.
  4. Attraction to teenagers of the opposite sex and the inability to build relationships with peers.

As a result, it is difficult for a teenager to cope with new violent emotions, and parents should always be ready to support the child in time or give advice. If, in adolescence, in addition to difficulties with changing the body, others also pile on him, for example, the low culture of parents, alcoholism in the family, parents being busy with their own affairs or work, then such a person can fall into the category of “difficult”. For such there are boarding schools for difficult teenagers.

How is the educational process organized in boarding schools?

Usually in special boarding schools for difficult teenagers there are children with major learning problems or those who have violated the law not for the first time. It is difficult to cope with special children, therefore, teachers with extensive experience, defectologists and psychologists carry out their activities in these educational institutions.

Often there are people with medical education in the staff of pedagogical workers. Iron discipline is the basis of education in a boarding school for difficult teenagers. The main goal is to return the child to a normal worldview and life.

First, the pupils check the level of knowledge and intellectual abilities. Verification takes place in the form of testing. If, as a result of its results, a developmental lag is revealed, a boy or girl can even be taught a primary school program.

At the heart of the behavior of difficult teenagers are violations of psychological development, so students from the boarding school for difficult children constantly communicate with a psychologist. These conversations take place on an individual basis. As a result, the specialist tries to find the basis - the reason for this behavior of the pupil.

In a boarding school for difficult teenagers, all children are constantly under the supervision of a teacher, and on Saturday and Sunday they have the right to go to their parents, although some stay for the weekend.

Closed and open boarding schools

These establishments are open and closed. The first of them are similar to cadet corps or Suvorov schools. There is discipline and a daily routine, but the children study according to the standard school curriculum (of course, adjusted for mental abilities), and on weekends they can go to their parents. In closed boarding schools, everything is much more serious - there is a checkpoint, and marching in formation, and regular classes with a psychologist. Some pupils in such institutions do not get home for the weekend, but parents can visit them on the territory of the boarding school.

Reasons to send a teenager to a boarding school for difficult children

The grounds for sending a child to a special school are as follows:

  • committing a crime if the age does not correspond to the onset of criminal liability;
  • age corresponds to criminal liability, but the child is mentally retarded;
  • the teenager was convicted under articles providing for a crime of medium gravity, but released from punishment under the relevant articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The Commission on Juvenile Affairs petitions the court to send the offender to a special boarding school for troubled teenagers. Before the case is considered in court, the juvenile undergoes a medical examination and is referred to a psychiatrist. If the parents do not agree to these measures, all procedures are carried out by a court decision.

temporary detention centers

Prior to the court hearing, the child may be sent to a temporary detention center for up to 30 days. This happens in the following cases:

  • when the protection of the life or health of the adolescent must be ensured;
  • it is necessary to prevent a repeated socially dangerous act;
  • if the child has nowhere to live;
  • the violator avoids appearing in court or does not pass a medical examination.

Boarding schools in St. Petersburg and Moscow

The most famous boarding school for difficult teenagers (St. Petersburg) is a closed school No. 1. The institution traces its history back to 1965. It is located on Akkuratova Street at number 11. This is a closed boarding school for difficult teenagers, which means that children come here by court order. There is iron discipline, perimeter movement and checkpoints at the entrance.

There is a boarding school for difficult teenagers in Moscow. Institution No. 9 is located on Boris Zhigulenkov Street in house 15, building 1. Unlike St. Petersburg, this boarding school is open. Children with deviant behavior can also get here by the decision of their parents or the recommendation of a special commission. The rules here are not as strict as in institutions of a closed type.

Can difficult teenagers be re-educated?

I must say that the problems of each difficult teenager are different. Sometimes it takes only one month to teach a child to be responsible for his actions, and sometimes it takes a teenager six months to adapt. Much depends on what psychological problems the boy or girl is experiencing at the moment.

Now teachers are arguing about whether work in boarding schools for difficult teenagers gives results. At the moment, about seventy percent of students in such institutions significantly improve their knowledge of school subjects. In addition, in such institutions, pupils not only study, but also spend the rest of the time. Thus, problem children create a new social circle and are more successfully socialized in society.

What should parents of difficult teenagers pay attention to?

During adolescence, children defend their independence. This phenomenon affects the child, and it seems that he behaves strangely and unpredictably. Be that as it may, this condition is considered absolutely normal and characterizes the transitional age.

There are signs that your child is difficult. They are listed below:

  1. Change in appearance. Unjustified weight gain or loss, self-harm.
  2. Frequent quarrels, fights, complaints.
  3. Poor academic performance, sleep disturbances, depression, suicidal thoughts.
  4. Use of drugs, alcohol.
  5. A sharp change in the circle of communication, refusal to follow certain rules, lies, and so on.

The presence of problems in a teenager is the first signal that you need to establish contact with him. Your son or daughter should feel supported, understand that his parents love and accept him in any case. It is important to find common topics for conversation, encourage sports, limit TV viewing and computer activities. Give your child advice, listen to him, do not show aggression. If you fail, seek help from specialists.

Special schools are not only educational institutions with in-depth study of mathematics or French. It is also essentially a prison boarding school for teenagers under 14 years old. Although legally, of course, special schools do not belong to the penitentiary system, but to the Ministry of Education.

The fact is that teenagers under 14 cannot be sent to places of deprivation of liberty according to the law. Therefore, for children who have committed crimes, special schools are a kind of colony.

I remember we had a hooligan boy in the 5th grade. He robbed youngsters, often fought, teachers said about him: he would end up in jail. Once in a fight he knocked out another kid's eye. After that, we all heard this harsh word - "special school". That's where our bully was sent.

What is a special school? Officially, this institution is called so - an educational institution of a closed type. That is, in fact, a boarding school. Teenagers of 11-14 years old who have committed criminal acts get there.

Until the age of 14 in Russia, children are not subject to criminal prosecution, although legislators have been cherishing the idea of ​​lowering this age for many years, which, in principle, is logical. Crime is getting younger. Now there are both ten-year-old killers and twelve-year-old sexual maniacs. There are many who, after the crimes committed
do not bear any criminal responsibility. Childhood and teenage crime is quite natural - in Russia there are a huge number of homeless children.

Special schools for all juvenile delinquents are sorely lacking. Although it also happens that the special school is filled to half its limit: there are too many escapes. It is not difficult to make a "jerk" from there. I spoke with a convict who was serving a sentence in a juvenile colony, and before that he spent a year and a half in a special school. He said that it was easy to escape from this place and the guys gave a tear every week.

According to the teachers of these closed institutions, many of their "guests" do not know how to read and write at all. Therefore, it is almost impossible to build an educational process with them. According to statistics, 88% of graduates of special schools subsequently end up in prison. I spoke with one of these, Anton V., when he was already in the pre-trial detention center. He landed in a special school at the age of thirteen for domestic murder. Coming out of it, he held out for a year, and then for robbery he landed in the “juvenile” zone. Well, now and at all on the "adult". This is the career ladder. And it all started with a special school. These are really teenage "universities" in front of the zone. And the orders there are appropriate.

In principle, a special school, although it is not an institution related to the prison system, according to a veil, it certainly is. Already there, children receive basic behind-the-barrel knowledge: there is also a common fund, there are their own authorities and “offended”. When at such a tender age something is laid in the head, then this is for life. If everything is fine with the “concepts” in special schools, then everything is very bad with the protection of such institutions. Almost only women work as teachers, and they are not particularly upset about running away - anyway, there are not enough funds for all the children.

Concern about a large number of juvenile delinquents walking free, resulted in the authorities not so long ago in the idea of ​​increasing the number of special schools. Of course, on the one hand, this is correct. But in their current form, special schools and orphanages can injure a child's psyche even more than the street with its cruel laws of survival. In addition to the fact that children from a very early age live according to the laws of the zone, their teachers, “guardians”, sometimes do such atrocities!

Probably, every six months there is this or that scandal around a sadistic teacher who regularly beats, rapes, and tortures children. And in principle, teachers do not show much zeal for their work for ridiculous money. And this work is extremely difficult: difficult children are not sugar. In many correctional colonies, it has now been possible to establish both living conditions and the educational process. Therefore, in the case of special schools, it is worth starting with this. And a simple increase in the number of schools will only establish conveyor deliveries to the zones of young, but already literate in all criminal bells and whistles, criminals.

It may be worth lowering the age of criminal responsibility for juvenile delinquents. After all, the special school gives them a sense of impunity: no matter what you do, even murder, nothing will happen to you. After all, such a feeling of permissiveness remains for life, that's what's scary. In this case, it is appropriate to recall the famous case. It thundered throughout the Soviet Union.

The only case in history when a juvenile murderer was sentenced to death and carried out. This teenager smoked from the age of 4, from the age of 7 he was registered in the children's room of the police, stole, drank. On the day of his fifteenth birthday, Neiland brutally murdered a woman and her two-year-old son. The purpose of the murders is a raid on a wealthy apartment. I got the idea from the Izvestia newspaper, where the adventures of Vladimir Ionesyan, a well-known mugger named Mosgaz, were published in those days. On the corpse of a woman, 17 chopped wounds, 32 bruises and 33 abrasions were later found. To the question of the investigator: why did Neiland need to kill also a two-year-old boy, the killer shrugged: “When the woman screamed, the child woke up and began to cry loudly. I got angry with him and first stunned him, and then hit him on the head with an ax until he stopped talking.

After the murder, Neiland calmly climbed into the refrigerator and had a delicious lunch. And the proceeds from the robbery amounted to only 57 rubles. Arkashka was detained on orientation in Sukhumi. He, despite his minority, was sentenced to death. The world community was indignant: how is it, what kind of morals are in the USSR when psdrostkov are executed ?! But Secretary General Nikita Khrushchev confirmed the verdict by his order.