Private or public kindergarten: pros and cons, selection criteria. How to choose the right kindergarten. Step-by-step instructions What is the difference between a private garden and a public one

Private or public kindergarten? Surely, many parents asked this question. On the one hand, the payment for a public kindergarten is several times less than a private one, and the fact that it is “official” inspires more confidence, and on the other hand, the prospect of waiting for three years and getting a place in a completely different area of ​​​​the city does not please anyone. Yes, and the turnover in public kindergartens is very high, but the frequent change of teachers does not have a very beneficial effect on the child's psyche. So this question is really difficult. Let's try to figure it out.

There were times!

Eh, our parents had no troubles. With a calm soul, they attached their beloved child to a nursery, and then to a kindergarten. At the same time, it was possible to give the child to the care of nannies and educators from the age of 2 months. And no problems with queues. The children in the kindergartens will be well fed, entertained, and prepared for school.

And note that there are no requisitions from parents and, even more so, a shortage of educators. The profession of an educator, like a teacher, was considered respected, and was very well paid, respectively, and people worked "in good conscience." Now, alas, the situation has changed dramatically, and poor parents, upon reaching a certain age, begin to feverishly weigh the pros and cons, and decide where to give their beloved child so that it is healthy, well-fed and surrounded by attention, care and love. .

There are only two options in this case: either wait three years, and then enter into a merciless battle for a place in a public kindergarten, or tighten your belt and scrape together finances for a private kindergarten that accepts children from 2 years old, and sometimes even earlier. dilemma, however.

What is he, the ideal?

To begin with, let's try to formulate what we, parents, ideally want to get from kindergarten. First of all, these are good conditions for children to stay: equipped fenced and guarded playgrounds, a separate play group of decent size, not 2 by 2, a separate bedroom with comfortable beds, a decent bathroom. In general, the building and the premises must comply with all standards. And ideally, so that you don’t have to chip in every year for new linoleum or furniture.

Secondly, it is very important that there are good educators with specialized education and experience working with children, with a pleasant voice and, most importantly, who love their work and children. And yes, there must be two of them, plus a nanny. Ideally, children should be "guided" by these educators from the younger group to graduation, so as not to get used to different aunts every year.

Thirdly, food. This is often a very sensitive issue. Yes, everyone is now obliged to fulfill the standard, but the quality of the same dish can be completely different. I would like products to be chosen not according to the criterion “so, who will sell us cheaper here?”, But according to usefulness, freshness and naturalness. Agree, it's a shame: you take care of the child's stomach for 3 years, you choose all the best, and as soon as he goes to kindergarten, all the work goes down the drain.

Fourth, classes. They should be carried out at a high level, and not carelessly. After all, this is the development of the child, preparing him for school, and discipline brings up.

Moving on, health. We need walks in sufficient quantities and, of course, physical training classes, moreover, these classes should vary, for example, in the hall, on the street, in the pool. There should always be a nurse in the kindergarten who would exercise real control over all the children who come in the morning. And not as it usually happens - formally. And then you cherish, cherish the child, and someone will bring a sick child and the whole group becomes ill.

Well, and most importantly, it is indifference, so that educators deal with children, and not sit on the phone or solve their problems. It is necessary that the salary of the educator allows him to fully devote himself to the work process.

From theory to practice

And now, let's think together, which kindergarten best meets these requirements?

Let's start in order, the conditions of stay. Public kindergartens are constantly being tested and have to comply with all requirements. True, since its budget is often not enough for everything, the state kindergarten is forced to turn to parents for help. Hence the constant cash injections for the improvement of playgrounds, the collection of money for flooring, furniture and others like them. There are no fewer checks in private gardens, but initially they try to immediately keep a high, competitive bar, and the conditions for staying there are usually at a high level.

The second point is the professionalism of educators. As we said earlier, unfortunately, state kindergartens have high turnover and low wages. In this regard, the professional qualification there is very much reduced. Often, managers are ready to take on everyone who more or less meets the criteria, just to fill empty vacancies. In private kindergartens, there is a very strict selection, since the educator is the face of the company. And the brand must be kept.

The third point is food. Yes, the standards for this item are the same for everyone, but private kindergartens have the opportunity to buy better products, simply for the very reason that their budget is somewhat larger than the state one. Yes, and they can make the menu more diverse: give fruits and juices more often, for example.

The situation is similar with classes, a larger budget means more opportunities to hire really competent specialists, and it is much easier for them to introduce additional classes and subjects.

Another very important factor for private kindergartens is the health of their children. Each child is their profit, and they are vitally interested in his excellent mood and well-being, so everything related to the health of your child in private kindergartens is under special control.

Well, the last point is indifference. In public kindergartens, in fact, fans of their work often work in a good way, but, you see, when you do not worry about your own well-being, when you realize that your work will be paid for 100%, then you will treat your work accordingly and give yourself to her without a trace. So in this regard, teachers in private kindergartens are in a better position.

An example to follow in the studio!

Thus, we found out that both in public and private kindergartens there are excellent specialists for whom raising children is a vocation, not a job. But, based on the financial situation, in private kindergartens there is more opportunity to provide your child with everything necessary than in public ones.

Plus, the opportunity to send your child there not at the age of three, but much earlier, also cannot but please modern parents. Perhaps that is why private kindergartens are becoming more and more popular every year.

For example, a network of private kindergartens

All parents in the world want their children to be happy, to grow up in prosperity and comfort. Therefore, many people approach the choice of a garden very carefully, studying all the nuances: food, proximity to home, qualifications of the teaching staff, material resources, well-groomed children's playgrounds, special development methods, reviews, and so on.

Let's talk about the differences between private kindergartens and public ones.

Real story from our reader

“We sent our daughter at the age of 3 to a private garden. Excellent food, in a group of 8 children, an individual approach to each child, the teachers literally blew dust off the children. All kinds of developing techniques, children are always well-groomed and clean, and so on. Not a garden, but the dream of all parents!

A month later, my daughter stopped talking. Not a single word, just a hum.

They tortured the kindergarten teachers and the head teacher for a long time, what happened? Anything went into my head, of course. And everything is bad. The problem was never found. As a result, they transferred my daughter to the most ordinary state kindergarten, closer to home, with the most modest material support.

There are 25 children in the group. Literally a day has not passed, the daughter spoke again. As if nothing had happened. What was it? The child psychologist told us that our child was "missing natural survival."

State Garden: pros and cons

  • An important plus in the piggy bank of state gardens - small monthly payment which makes the gardens accessible to absolutely all segments of the population. Additionally paid by parents mugs and sections.
  • Proximity to home. Almost everywhere, budgetary kindergartens are located within walking distance of the children's place of residence (this is a social standard for the development of any residential area), which makes the delivery of the child to the kindergarten quick and convenient.
  • To get into the state garden, especially in some particular one, you need to stand in line at the district department of education immediately after the birth of the child. So you have a guarantee that in 2.5-3 years your child will find a place in the younger group. And it’s not at all a fact that in a manger. This is a clear minus.
  • In budgetary gardens there is a large and qualified teaching staff, fizruki and plavruki, music teacher, social teacher, methodologist, canteen workers and so on - all duties are strictly delineated. But recently, one can argue about the qualifications of educators. There is an acute shortage of staff in the kindergartens, as a result of low wages.
  • An issue on which there will never be a consensus is food in budget gardens. Some parents believe that their children are fed well and balanced, others - little and meager, without variety. Only one thing is certain - products for kindergartens undergo strict control. Although there are cases with sour kefir that poisoned half a group of children. But this is very rare, and managers are severely punished for this.
  • In budgetary gardens, the atmosphere is almost always modest., the quantity and quality of toys and educational aids leaves much to be desired. Therefore, parents often have to buy and pay for some things on their own.
  • Large groups always form in public gardens. In especially overpopulated areas - up to 40 children. For obvious reasons, the teacher is not able to pay special attention to each child.
  • In ordinary kindergartens, all pedagogical programs(mandatory and optional) approved by the Ministry of Education and undergo special checks throughout the year. But developmental techniques, according to many parents, are given little attention.

Private garden: pros and cons

  • The main thing - individual approach to each child. The private garden is not free at all. The monthly payment in some gardens is equal to the average monthly salary in the country. Therefore, there are very small groups of children from wealthy families in private kindergartens. And, of course, the teacher can give attention to each of the 5 girls and each of the 3 boys in the group.
  • A significant amount of parental payments goes to strengthen the material base of the garden, to buy good toys and quality teaching aids, tickets to theaters, trips on excursions and so on.
  • There are no queues in the private garden. You can give the child away without waiting for three years. The main guarantor is parental solvency.
  • Groups of different ages meet frequently: from one and a half to three, for example, children can be in the same group, due to the fact that children of the same age did not gather in the right amount (from 5 people).
  • Often parents have to take their children to a private garden on the other side of the city. It is worth considering how convenient it is for the family as a whole and for the baby, such long daily trips to the garden and back. Private gardens are obviously much smaller than public ones.
  • In private gardens, maximum attention is paid to individual development, as well as preparation for school, circles and sections. Disclosure of talents in each child is the main focus of work with children. Learning a foreign language, choreography classes, visiting the pool, special drawing techniques - all this in private gardens is carried out taking into account the inclinations for one or another type of activity of each child. At the same time, one cannot be completely sure that all methods of early development are substantiated and well researched.
  • About nutrition. The owners of private preschool institutions assure parents that their child will always be fed with wholesome and high-quality food. In some kindergartens, an individual menu for a week is discussed in advance with the parents of each baby. For example, for children with allergies, this opportunity is a big plus.
  • The selection of staff in private gardens is carried out very carefully.. Educators must have a higher pedagogical education, extensive experience working with children and the ability to find an approach to each child.
  • In private gardens, special attention is paid to the safety of children. Cameras are installed on the territory of the garden, i.e. the situation when the child ran away from the garden, got on the bus, drove 10 stops and got lost is excluded.

Which kindergarten to choose - only parents decide

It is obvious that each preschool educational institution, whether it is a budgetary garden or a private one, has its own advantages and disadvantages. In which kindergarten to give the child, only parents decide. It is important to take into account not so much the pros and cons of kindergartens as the developmental features of your child. After all, it is for him to go to the garden for the next 3-4 years and he will establish communication with peers. Maybe even home education? The choice is yours, parents.

If parents are planning to send their child to kindergarten, then it is quite logical to make every effort to choose the best option for the baby. The main thing is to choose objectively, because the most expensive does not always mean the best, especially since the choice of preschool institutions is quite significant. Having come to the preschool commission or to the selected kindergarten, you should already know the criteria that should be followed when choosing a remote control. So, let's dwell on this issue in more detail.

Criteria for choosing a kindergarten

Distance from home. Even if your city has an excellent kindergarten in all respects, but it is located in a remote area, which takes more than 20 minutes to get to, you will have to take a deep breath and boldly cross it off the list. It is unlikely that going to such a kindergarten will bring joy to the child, especially if you have to get there by public transport. Even if you have your own car, the road should take up to 20 minutes, otherwise it will exhaust the child, and get up at 6 in the morning in order to “surrender” the child to the caregiver by 8, and it’s unlikely that anyone will be late for work you will like it.

Schedule. The working hours of a preschool institution are no less important, most kindergartens are open from 7 am to 7 pm, but some close even earlier - for example, at 17:00. Very rare establishments work around the clock, so it all depends on your work schedule: can you pick up your child on time so as not to listen to the teacher's lectures every evening? Will you have time to bring the baby on time? - in most groups, parents who are always late are not favored.

Territory of the kindergarten.

Inspect the area, how safe it is: are there any holes in the fence, is the gate closed, is there any immediate proximity to major highways. Are there sandboxes, swings, ladders, flower beds, on the territory of the kindergarten there should be no holes, garbage. Watch the children who walk on the street: how they behave, how the teachers deal with them. It will be great if you come here with a child: not only you, but also your child should like the kindergarten.

Groups and interior decoration. Specify at what age you can send your child to kindergarten, how well the institution is equipped. There should be a hall for music and physical education, a medical office, a speech therapist's office. The groups should be spacious, clean, rooms for classes and sleep should be separate. Are there enough toys? Is the furniture in the room comfortable and safe? Is there a shower room, are the toilet rooms equipped? Pay attention to the fact that there is a corner with information for parents in the kindergarten, are the toys selected according to age, are there places for drawing, designing, is there a book exhibition?

Staff. Do not rush to immediately run to the head, rarely any leader will tell the truth about the employees, it is better to read the reviews on the forums, chat with parents whose children already go to this kindergarten, watch how the educators on the playground treat their pupils. If there are 20-30 people in one group, and there is only one teacher, it’s better to refuse, one person simply cannot keep track of such a crowd. There must be at least 2 tutors or a tutor and a nanny for 20 people.

Food. This question is especially important for parents whose child suffers from allergies. Ask if it is possible for the baby to eat separately, watch how other children eat, look at the menu (it should change every day and be varied). If possible, look at the kitchen: do they adhere to sanitary standards? Are food storage conditions followed? Do they cook tasty and healthy food there?

A kindergarten, public or private, must have a license, permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station, teachers must be accredited by the Ministry of Education, all staff must have health books.

Which kindergarten to choose? Private or public?

Recently, the education system has undergone great changes; gardens of various kinds are replacing state institutions.

Classification of kindergartens:

  • State general developmental;
  • child development centers;
  • Combined kindergarten (improving and developing at the same time);
  • Compensatory kindergarten (for children with various disabilities);
  • Municipal kindergarten (owned by a specific department);
  • Home kindergarten (small group classes in apartments, but such pleasure is not cheap);
  • Private kindergarten.

Consider the most common varieties.

State kindergarten: advantages and disadvantages

  • Affordable cost of payment, but if your child attends individual classes or clubs, you will have to pay more;
  • State gardens are usually located close to the house, so it does not take long to get there;
  • In kindergartens, the duties of all employees are clearly delineated, often such institutions are fully staffed;
  • Developing programs are quite standard, but the methodological support is checked by the state, there is a program;
  • Now about the disadvantage: the first is huge queues, often you have to take your place in the sun immediately after the birth of the baby;
  • Large groups (up to 40 people), it’s not easy for one or two teachers to keep track of so many fidgets;
  • Nutrition: it has already become a byword, some people like kindergarten porridges and soups, and some consider them a real punishment - there is no unanimous opinion among parents;
  • Frankly outdated furnishings, toys, benefits, this again depends on funding and the availability of sponsors from children's institutions, in many kindergartens you have to buy books and toys for your own money.

Private kindergarten: pros and cons

  • First of all, I would like to note the high cost, so not every family can afford such a pleasure;
  • In many institutions, the program is better organized, the material base is good (new toys, inventory, excursions are organized, and so on);
  • It can be difficult to find a private garden in your area, you have to drag the child to the other end of the city;
  • But there are no queues, here the solvency of parents is at the forefront;
  • Small groups, so the education here is better, and the teacher has time to look after the children (provided that the staff is really good);
  • In private kindergartens there is developmental education, various circles, additional study of a foreign language, choreography, drawing, and so on;
  • In many kindergartens, an individual menu is practiced, which is previously discussed with the parents of each child;
  • Mode of operation, private gardens, as a rule, work until late, or even around the clock, so this is quite a worthy option for parents who have a serious work load;
  • It is necessary to check the license of the institution more carefully, as well as the qualifications of teachers, there is a risk of teaching according to methods that have not been fully explored.

Actually, the choice is entirely yours, each institution has its pros and cons. If you sent your child to a kindergarten, monitor his condition: the baby should be happy to go to preschool, communicate more freely with children, gain new knowledge - only then the kindergarten will be useful!

How fast our children are growing! Yesterday, it seems, the kid was just learning to take his first steps, and today it's time to choose a kindergarten for your treasure. All caring parents dream that the child feels comfortable in a new environment, surrounded by attention and care. Therefore, the choice of a kindergarten is a serious issue.

Initially, parents should decide which kindergarten to choose - public (conditionally free) or private (paid). And for this it is important to know about the advantages and disadvantages of each type.

State kindergartens: time-tested classics

Let's start with the state kindergartens familiar to each of us. Let's talk about the features of this type of preschool institutions.
  • An important argument in favor of public kindergartens is the cost of visiting them, which is available to every family. In addition, parents pay for the child's attendance at various circles.
  • It is also important that "free" gardens are usually located near the house, so the trip there and back does not take much time.
  • In the staff of the state kindergarten, the duties of all employees are clearly delineated: there are educators and their assistants, cooks, medical staff, a music worker and a physical education teacher. By the way, the presence of experienced teachers is one of the strengths of budget kindergartens. Although recently the problem of shortage of qualified personnel for preschool institutions has been relevant.
  • To get into the "free" garden, you need to take care of it in advance. The ideal option is to be on the waiting list immediately after the birth of the child. And children are admitted to such kindergartens, as a rule, from the age of three.
  • Groups in state-type kindergartens are completed large (up to 40 children). And behind so many boys and girls it is not easy to see even the best teacher! Needless to say, one can only dream of an individual approach to each baby.
  • Developing classes in state preschool institutions are approved by the program and, as a rule, are standard. Methodological support is checked by educational institutions of different levels. But not as much time is devoted to such activities as some parents would like.
  • Nutrition in public kindergartens is a separate issue, on which there will probably never be a unanimous opinion among parents. Some of them are quite satisfied with the balance and usefulness of the diet, while others consider it meager and monotonous. If you look from the outside, then garden cereals, vegetables, soups and meatballs, on which more than one generation of children have grown up, will definitely not hurt little gourmets. But the absence of overseas fruits and "non-children's" delicacies in the garden menu is quite possible to survive.
  • In the "free" garden, the atmosphere, the quality and quantity of toys and benefits are not always pleasing. These are clear echoes of insufficient funding for children's institutions from the local budget. Therefore, parents have to purchase many toys and the necessary equipment at their own expense.

Private kindergartens: an individual approach for your money

Private preschool institutions appeared relatively recently. Many parents would like their child to attend a private kindergarten. Consider the features of this type of gardens.
  • We note right away that visiting a private kindergarten is not a cheap pleasure. Perhaps only a family without serious material problems can afford it. But is the high cost of visiting a private garden always justified? The answer is probably not possible. But you can look at this issue from the other side: most of the funds are spent on strengthening the material base of the garden, purchasing educational toys, sports equipment, tickets to various events, sightseeing trips, etc.
  • The advantage of private kindergartens is the absence of long queues; you can send your child to such an institution without waiting for him to turn three years old. The ability of parents to pay is the main condition!
  • But the location of such a garden is not always happy. Often, parents have to take their child to a private garden, which is located on the other side of the city. It is worth considering how the baby will react to daily tedious trips in public transport or standing in traffic jams.
  • Groups in paid private preschool institutions are formed small (from 5 to 10 children), so each child receives an individual approach, enough attention and care, which allows him to maximize his abilities and talents. For example, such an important moment of early development as the correct memorization of verses is much easier in small groups. At the same time, some kindergartens fail to create a full-fledged group of children of the same age. And therefore it happens like this: kids from one and a half to three years old and even older are together. This, of course, would be avoided.
  • Group and individual developmental classes, as well as preparation for school, the work of various circles in a private kindergarten are given maximum time and attention. Learning a foreign language, choreography classes, visiting the pool, developing classes (for example, modern drawing techniques, as a rule, causing complete delight in children) - this is not a complete list of opportunities that paid kindergartens provide to their pupils, taking into account their inclinations to this or that. other type of activity. At the same time, in such a kindergarten one cannot be completely insured against the use by educators of dubious and unexplored methods of teaching and early development.
  • We talked about nutrition in detail in the context of state kindergartens. Owners of private preschool institutions assure parents that their child will always be fed with wholesome and high-quality food. In some kindergartens, an individual menu for a week is discussed in advance with the parents of each baby. For example, for children with allergies, this opportunity is a big plus.
  • Teachers in most private kindergartens are carefully selected. Mandatory conditions are the presence of higher pedagogical education, work experience, the ability to find a special approach to each kid. But even in private kindergartens, conflicts between parents and teachers are not uncommon due to an inattentive attitude towards the child.
  • The material and technical equipment of these preschool institutions is good: there are enough toys and equipment necessary for the intellectual and physical development of pupils.
  • By sending the child to a private kindergarten, parents can be sure of ensuring his safety. In addition, cameras are installed in some gardens, allowing moms and dads to see what their children are doing at any time.

The choice is up to the parents

We talked about the advantages and disadvantages of public and private kindergartens. We hope that this information will help parents to competently and balanced approach the choice of the best preschool institution for their child. The main thing is to find a garden, visiting which will bring joy and pleasure to the child.

Kindergarten is an important stage in a child's development. Although today not all parents are ready to send their children to preschool institutions, for many families they are an opportunity to work or find time for other things. And for the child himself, this is the first step towards socialization, meeting other adults and communicating with peers. Once upon a time, the state kindergarten or nursery was the only possible option for preschool education. Today, there are alternative options - a private kindergarten, the help of a nanny, or a completely home-based upbringing of a child.

How do parents choose a kindergarten for their child?

In many cases, parents prefer to choose the state one, since attending it is cheaper. But such kindergartens have many shortcomings - too large groups, too nervous teachers, frequent childhood illnesses. However, high cost is not always a guarantee of quality. Therefore, when choosing a private kindergarten, parents, first of all, get acquainted with the reviews of other families.

One of the main criteria for choosing a kindergarten is the behavior of the teacher in relation to the kids. It is the teachers who create a comfortable and friendly environment in which children like to return again and again. Love for pupils and interest in their development cannot be invented or faked.

The second important point when choosing a kindergarten is the method of education. Today's variety of methods often confuses parents. With a closer acquaintance with the system, it may turn out that the family does not share it. Therefore, specific parents choose what is closer to them.

Each family has preferences for additional activities. Some definitely need a swimming pool or a sports ground, others need foreign languages, and others need music lessons. A separate category is made up with special needs, for which there are special preschool institutions. The choice of a preschool institution should be carried out in accordance with the characteristics of the nature, development and preferences of each child and his parents.

A private kindergarten outperforms the state one in many respects. Firstly, these are small groups - 10-15 people each. In such groups, babies are less likely to get sick. For comparison, the number of groups in public kindergartens can reach 25-30 people.

Secondly, financing of private kindergartens is much better than municipal ones. This makes it possible to provide better repair of premises and pay higher wages to educators. High competition in the field of preschool education makes the owners of private kindergartens fulfill the necessary requirements for safety, a comfortable stay for the child and better nutrition.

The choice of additional classes and circles in a private kindergarten is greater than in a public one. If the child has certain inclinations, then parents can choose exactly the garden that corresponds to the characteristics of his development. Educators of private kindergartens often work according to certain methods aimed at harmonious, for example, the Montessori system or Waldorf pedagogy.

Unfortunately, the financial provision of public kindergartens is lower than that of private ones. In addition, parents need to donate certain amounts for various needs of the institution - repairs, decoration or gifts to educators. Yes, and classes in the clubs are held for an additional fee. Therefore, the "free" nature of public kindergartens is conditional.

Among private preschools, there are also low-budget options for low-income families. They are often organized at home, in apartments, do not always meet safety requirements, and the quality of child care in them is not the highest. Often educators only look after the kids without walks and games.

A family with a fairly high income always requires a competent price-quality ratio from a private preschool institution. Talented teachers and high-quality developmental classes can be in both private and public kindergartens. But an individual approach to a child in a private garden is provided much better.

One of the reasons why parents choose a private kindergarten for their child is the desire to develop his personality and the unwillingness to develop him according to state standards. Today's parents are more demanding of the conditions in which the child grows up. Therefore, the requirements for teachers of state preschool institutions have become much stricter, and the opinion of the child is taken into account more.

In some cases, the atmosphere of a preschool institution may not be to the liking of the child himself. This can happen in both private and public kindergartens. Among private preschool institutions, there may also be those in which the price is unreasonably high, and educators or pupils allow themselves a dismissive attitude towards each other.

To familiarize the child with the kindergarten, you need to start visiting it from a short time period of 2-3 hours. To do this, in many preschool institutions there are short stay groups. To prevent the adaptation from being too painful, in many institutions there is an option to stay with the mother for the first few days.

The atmosphere of a children's educational institution does not necessarily depend on the source of its funding. The main criterion for choosing a kindergarten is, of course, the mental and physical comfort of the child himself.

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