Fed data bank of orphans. How does the federal database of orphans work

A person's life cannot be called complete until he has raised a healthy child for procreation. This simple rule is laid down by nature, and no modern trends can change the program established at the genetic level. If a couple does not have the opportunity to have their own child, there is a way out of this situation - the adoption of other people's babies left without parents.

Legislative regulation of adoption in Russia

Every boy or girl left in Russia without parental care falls under the supervision of guardianship authorities. Babies receive the necessary medical and psychological support. Depending on their age, children are assigned to special educational institutions where orphans live. From maternity wards, children are sent to orphanages; at the age of three, babies are transferred to orphanages, orphanages, boarding schools, and social rehabilitation centers for further adoption.

Nevertheless, no matter how well the work of social services is organized, orphanages will not replace a full-fledged family for a child. The main task of the state is to properly organize the process of adoption of orphans with careful control and selection of candidates for the role of new parents.

The main requirements for candidates:

  1. Stable financial position. The family income must provide a living wage for all its members, including those adopted. The living area of ​​the family is assessed taking into account the possibility of comfortable living for a foster child.
  2. Physical and mental health. The absence of dangerous chronic diseases and disabilities is confirmed by a medical certificate. It is not allowed for the adoptive parent to be registered in psycho-neurological or narcological dispensaries.
  3. No past convictions for both spouses or facts of deprivation of parental rights. Be sure to take into account the previous experience of raising their own or adopted children. To give an adopted child back to the state means to close the further possibility of adoption.
  4. Successful schooling for foster parents (more details in the article:). Referral to training courses can be obtained from the social security authorities. Foster parents can choose the course on their own or on the recommendation of social workers. After training, a special certificate is issued.

The guardianship authorities carefully study the entire package of documents and decide on the possibility of the candidate to adopt a child from an orphanage. If the decision is positive, you can start choosing a baby and getting to know him.

Where to find a child?

The search for children is recommended to start with the guardianship and guardianship authorities at the place of residence of the couple. The state structure has all the operational information about orphans who need adoption in their territory. According to the established regulations, local authorities are given 30 days to place a child, after which they send information to the regional data bank (RDB).

If, for some reason, the adoptive parents want a child from another region, they can contact the guardianship authorities of that region or the regional data operator. In the Russian Federation there are no restrictions on a territorial basis - spouses from Arkhangelsk can easily find a child from the Samara data bank or Vladivostok.

It is very convenient to search for a child on Internet resources where photographs, video questionnaires and catalogs of orphans are published, video passports are very popular today. The most famous information resources:

Federal Databank of Children without Parental Care and Orphans

The federal data bank (FBD) contains official information about all children left without care (we recommend reading:). Currently, there are about fifty thousand children who are waiting for adoption. Questionnaires and passports can be found on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation - www.usinovite.ru.

The personal data of babies contains the following information:

  • name, gender, date of birth of the child;
  • physical characteristics, height, weight, hair color;
  • information about the health of the child;
  • possible form of admission to the family;
  • reasons for admission to the orphanage;
  • current photo.

It should be borne in mind that the last paragraph is updated no more than once a year. Detailed information is protected by the law on the protection of personal data and is provided upon personal contact with the relevant services. On the site you can find the contacts of responsible organizations and employees.

Purposes of the databank

The main goal of the federal data bank is to make it easier for potential adoptive parents to find a child suitable for them according to all criteria, to reduce the time spent by children in an orphanage, and to create a single catalog of babies in need of guardianship. Data updates occur each time a happy adopted child finds a new family. The base is replenished when new questionnaires are received from regional structures. Using the resources of the resource, you can save time on personal visits to specialists.

How to use?

By setting the necessary search parameters, you can select all the profiles of babies who can be adopted today. You can get information about the child and get to know him personally only by contacting the coordinates indicated on the site. Each child not yet adopted is assigned to a specific department of guardianship.

By the time of applying for a specific candidate, parents must have the conclusion of the guardianship authorities on recognizing them as suitable for adoption. The responsible officer gives a referral to visit the educational institution in which the child is kept.

After a personal meeting and getting to know the baby, potential parents are identified and decide on adoption (or adoption). If their expectations are met and their heart tells that the child is suitable, the next step is to file an application with the court to consider the issue of adoption. The decision of the court is the basis for registering documents in the registry office and transferring the child from the orphanage to the place of permanent residence.

Non-state charitable foundations

Non-governmental organizations and associations that help to adopt or adopt an adopted child provide more and more assistance to the state. Their main advantage is the ability to make high-quality, detailed video questionnaires and video passports, easy-to-use Internet resources. The bases of funds are not as complete as the state ones, but the quality of the information provided is much higher. In addition, they create additional services for future adoptive parents, communities of interest, interactive address cards, libraries of useful information.

A large number of people in the country can take advantage of the right to adopt. Motivation in this situation can be completely different. However, it is worth understanding that such a procedure can change life forever. Before the database of children for adoption is viewed, it is worth properly preparing for this operation. In addition to the moral aspect, there are a sufficient number of legal formalities that need to be observed.

In many progressive countries, they have already managed to abandon such a phenomenon as baby houses or boarding schools for teenage children. There, underage children have time to shelter either relatives or simply caring citizens. Therefore, there the data bank of children for adoption is empty, if necessary, they are looking for children outside their countries.

The reasons that prompted people to embark on this path may be different. And it is not always possible to find out the true motives from future adoptive parents. The search for children for adoption, a data bank for this will be involved, or personal meetings will have to be used, it can be delayed for someone for many months. Less often there are situations when a few weeks are spent on the procedure.

The reasons why they decided to take a non-blooded child into the family have an individual justification, they can be combined into some groups:

  • due to some illness, the spouse cannot give birth to a child on her own and agrees with her husband to take such a step as adoption;
  • a complete family with children wants to do good by making the orphan happy;
  • parents who have lost their children strive to raise a helper for themselves in old age;
  • an underage mother who has given birth to a child gives it up for adoption to her mother, in fact, the baby's grandmother, so that he grows up among close people;
  • relatives or acquaintances of adults with a child tend to take a particular baby to them, taking care of his future fate;
  • wealthy childless people want to raise a successor and heir to the family.

newborn babies

The most in demand by age are very young children. Information about them is also placed by the federal database of children for adoption. Often they are chosen by younger parents in order to independently engage in children's upbringing, to form habits, manners, etc.

You can take a child into custody database or from the maternity hospital at any age. Often mothers of refuseniks certify documents for renunciation of maternal rights right in the maternity hospital. Information about the child and his health after a while becomes available to potential new parents.

Important! Babies require special conditions that they need to organize for the initial difficult period of mutual adaptation.

Such children require much more attention to themselves and responsibility from newly-made parents. Requirements for such babies do not differ from generally accepted standards:

  • adoptive parents must be of age;
  • the family must have its own living space of sufficient size;
  • livelihood and constant work are needed;
  • you will need to provide a certificate of no criminal record;
  • both parents confirm physical and spiritual health;
  • future dad and mom should not have bad habits;
  • the difference in age with the baby is allowed at least 16 years;
  • Citizens of countries with legal same-sex marriages are not allowed to adopt;
  • parents must not be deprived of parental rights or have the experience of returning adopted children.

To confirm good health, you will need to undergo a medical examination.

How to find the base of children

In all children's educational institutions in which babies are without parents and can be adopted, there are questionnaires for each pupil. Such files contain photographs, date of birth, a small description of the character, any habits or special features.

The prepared file is sent to the nearest guardianship authorities. Further, the information through the regional office enters the federal adoption data bank in Russia. It must be taken into account that the description indicated in the questionnaire is subjective information, which may not always fully or correctly reflect the real state of affairs.

This may be due not only to the unscrupulous attitude of employees to their work, but also to the fact that the habits and character of the child may manifest themselves differently or completely change over time. Therefore, after the bank of children for adoption in Russia has been checked, it is worth visiting the kids you like in person.

Step-by-step instructions for adoption from the maternity hospital

Having set out to become foster parents of a small child, it is necessary to take into account the fact that there is a certain queue in this area. A positive result should be expected only after the biological mother signs the necessary documentary refusal.

The actions of the adoptive parents should then be carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • the couple must be registered in a certain order of the same waiting couples in the guardianship and guardianship authorities;
  • in the same place, in the PLO, they issue special forms for the passage of a medical examination for moms and dads;
  • in addition, it will be necessary to draw up a package of documents for submission to the PLO;
  • after passing through all these formalities, you need to come to the PLO to receive a positive verdict from the employees of the state agency.

In addition to preparing documents, a commission from the PLO will check the condition of the living conditions in which the baby is supposed to grow up. The time it takes to review the documents takes about two weeks. After this period, a final answer will be obtained. Then it remains to wait for the onset of your turn for the refusenik.

Having documents from the PLO in hand, and waiting in line, you must go to court to file an application. If three months have not passed since the collection of all certificates, then the same collected package of documents will do. When the documents were collected more than 3 months ago, a new package will be needed.

Important! Adoptive parents do not pay any state duty in court, so there is no need to enclose any financial receipts. It will be enough approval from the guardianship authorities.

After the decision of the court, the child is allowed to be taken away immediately. The maternity hospital is obliged to provide a postpartum sheet, on the basis of which they apply to the registry office for a birth certificate.

In contact with

The search and selection of a child is one of the most important and difficult stages in the implementation of adoption activities. Many people who decide to accept a baby into their family build in their heads the procedure for finding a child as a simple task, when the child will be brought home by employees of state structures according to the necessary characteristics. In reality, it's not like that at all. Most often, the child needs to be searched for a long time.

The most important thing in the adoption process is the desire to become a real parent to the baby.

Before starting the procedure, you need to study the legal framework and practice in order to know where the adoptive parent should go and how to behave.

The procedure itself requires a lot of time, effort and energy. You should not make numerous demands and wishes about the alleged baby. It may take more than one year for you to be picked up by a blonde girl with blue eyes, at the age of three, without health problems.

The most important thing in the adoption process is the desire to become a real parent to the baby, and what this baby will be like, you will find out in the selection process, understand it with your heart when you meet your baby. It should be understood that in reality, very few children who were left without parental maintenance and upbringing have ideal health.

Search methods

There are several ways to find a baby for adoption:

  • Through communication with familiar people who are employees of the relevant competent authorities. They can advise and provide all the data about the baby that meets all your wishes.
  • The child of your friends or neighbors ended up in a shelter as a result of a variety of circumstances.
  • Accidentally met the baby in a shelter at a holiday or a charity event.
  • You are constantly in contact with children's institutions where orphans live, due to work or other circumstances, and you know about all the children.

Adoption is hard work

But in the vast majority of cases, adoption is painstaking work, inquiries, visits to institutions, familiarization with information about children. This can go on for more than one month, until you find the very baby who will become a full-fledged part of your family.

Part 1 of Article 124 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation: “Adoption is a priority form of placement for children left without parental care.”

It should be understood that adoption is not only your business, it is the task of the state and specialized state institutions work to fulfill it, and you can count on support and assistance. Every year, ways to find babies are being improved, new systems are being introduced to select children. The unified Data Bank of children left without parental care is becoming more perfect and better.

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation is implementing an Internet project - "Adopt in Russia", where you can get access to a constantly updated database of orphans, get all the information you need and get expert advice. The activities of many non-governmental organizations, foundations and projects today can help find the baby.


The Russian Federation has a system for collecting, storing, systematizing data on children left without parental care, care and upbringing. It is called the Children's Data Bank. It is she who is the source from where all the data is provided to candidates for adoption who have made an appropriate request in order to find the baby.

There is a special database of children to be adopted

Formation of the Bank begins at the level of districts of subjects of the Russian Federation. When a child appears who needs to be placed in a new family, the guardianship authorities fill in all the available data about him in a special questionnaire in the territory entrusted to them. It contains photographs, personal data, medical indications, known information about the parents, information about why the baby got into this situation. During the first thirty days, all data about the baby remains with the subordinate guardian body, which takes measures to arrange it.

After the thirty-day period, if the baby was not properly arranged, his case is sent to a higher authority of regional significance. Here, the data is entered into the regional Data Bank. This institute is under the jurisdiction of the regional educational administration and manages all information and provides data upon incoming requests.

The operator and other competent structures in charge of this issue are trying by all legal means in the interests of the baby to determine him in full conditions. To achieve this goal, the following measures are being taken:

  • information about babies is printed in regional print media, special social videos are created in other media (newspapers, television, radio, websites, etc.);
  • all sorts of events and actions, social orientation.

If after thirty days the baby cannot be arranged at the subject level, the package of his documentation is transferred to the operator of federal significance.

It is worth considering the fact that data on children enters databases with delays

Data on children in specialized banks are updated quite rarely. This should be taken into account when searching. So information about children under the age of one is updated once a year, and for babies older than one year, the update is made once every three years. It is worth considering the fact that data about children enters the database with delays. Information about children contained in databases often does not correspond to reality. This applies to the presence of diseases and other features.

The presence of a multi-level system for storing and presenting data on children who need to be placed in a new family allows you to maximize the opportunities to positively resolve the situation for a larger number of kids. The transfer of data to a higher level authority does not imply the termination of the activities of local guardianship authorities for the placement of a child, work continues at all levels.

Where to go

Based on the structure of receiving, storing and providing information about babies, it is best to initially contact the authority at the place of residence. There is a high probability of finding a child that meets your requirements and wishes. Willingly and quickly determine healthy children in new families. In most cases, the data of children with illnesses, disabilities and other problems are transferred to a higher level. There are exceptions, but in practice this is exactly what happens.

In our country, cases are not uncommon when a person wants to adopt in an area where there are no such specialized institutions. Here the question - where to go to the adoptive parent, is quite acute. In this case, it is worth contacting the authorities of regional or central importance.

Willingly and quickly identify healthy children in new families

It is worth resorting to the services of an operator in another region or central authority in situations where the candidate has not developed effective working relations with local employees of the guardianship authority, and was not satisfied with their approach to resolving the issue. What should be done if there is a desire to avoid or reduce the likelihood of a possible meeting in the future with the parents and relatives of the baby.

A citizen of the Russian Federation who has received the relevant documents that allow him to be an adoptive parent has complete freedom of choice in which authority to contact when looking for a child. If the candidate is looking for a specific child, his personal data and other information is known, it is necessary to make a request to the federal operator, and also send an application in the region where the baby is supposed to be.

Finding a child through the Data Bank

Appeal to the operator of the Data Bank implies:

  • Making an application with a request to provide data on children that meet the characteristics that are indicated.
  • Filling out a special form. This paper is needed to enter the data of the candidate for adoptive parents into a special database.

After providing such information, the competent officer is obliged to provide the data at his disposal that meet the parameters of the request. The presence of automated systems allows you to provide information about children on the day of the appeal. In case of technical or other complications, the data must be provided no later than ten days from the date of application.

If at the moment there are no suitable children, the candidate leaves all the necessary data. As soon as a suitable child appears, the potential adoptive parent is notified of this. In accordance with legislative norms, a candidate for adoptive parents is obliged to inform on a monthly basis about the state of affairs, the appearance of new children or the absence of them.

If the initiator of the adoption has found a suitable baby among the provided candidates, he is issued a referral to visit the social, educational, medical institution where this baby is located. A document on visiting a child can be issued to only one candidate at a particular time in order to avoid simultaneous visits to one baby by two applicants.

When visiting the institution, the initiator is required to provide a personal file, a medical card, and all other available information. Employees should talk about the character, developmental features, about the life of the baby. If, after visiting and getting to know the baby, you consider that he is not suitable for you, you must fill out the appropriate paper on the results of the visit for the Bank operator, and submit a new application so that data on other children are presented.

The law does not limit the number of possible applications and visit permits issued, the initiator of the placement of the baby has the right to continue searching until a suitable boy or girl is found.

The selection of a candidate may be suspended if, after the candidate was informed (monthly mandatory notification) about the presence of admissions of children, but did not familiarize himself with the data on children. After a second notification (in a month), if there is no reaction from the initiator, the search stops. In order to resume the selection, the potential adopter must again apply to the Data Bank with an application and provide the required documentation.

Applying to the guardianship authority at the place of residence is another way to find a child for adoption

Other search methods

Another way to search is to contact the guardianship authority at the place of residence with a request to assist in the selection of a baby. After submitting the relevant application and providing all the necessary data, the specialists of the guardianship authority will make appropriate requests to the regional and federal databases. After receiving the questionnaires for eligible children, the adoptive parent candidate will be informed of this and called for review and selection.

But it should be understood that this method is much longer in time. Every person planning an adoption should know that the conclusion on the right to be an adoptive parent and other documents are valid for twelve months, and the conclusion on medical indications is only ninety days. If the selection of a candidate is delayed, it will be necessary to update the papers and certificates.

In addition to contacting database operators, the possibility of searching through institutions whose competence includes the maintenance and upbringing of children who find themselves in a situation of lack of guardianship of relatives and friends is not prohibited.

Most of these institutions are under the jurisdiction of the executive authorities that regulate education. These include:

  • Preschool orphanages. Here are children after discharge from the baby house and up to the age of 7 years.
  • Orphanages or boarding schools. This includes children who have reached school age. They attend a nearby public school. In a boarding school, children study directly in an institution where all the necessary conditions for education are created.
  • Specialized and correctional educational and educational institutions. Children with medical, mental and social disabilities live and study here.
  • Institutions providing medical services for children who are deprived of parental education and care. Such institutions include baby houses and maternity centers.

It is necessary to carefully study the data on the previous life of the baby

When visiting a particular baby, it is very important to carefully consider the study of information about him, its verification. Very often, many diseases and deviations are not noted in the documents; in fact, the child does not have a noted disease, data on the nature and characteristics of behavior do not correspond to reality.

It is recommended to conduct an additional medical examination, clarify the noted data with specialists, and find close contact with the baby himself and the employee in charge of him. It is recommended to double-check the information from the employees of the institution, since the presentation of the data usually has a specific purpose.

It is worthwhile to carefully study the data on the baby’s former life, where he stayed before the meeting, what is known about his parents and relatives. All this can give answers to many questions about the condition of the baby at the time of the visit.

Before adoption, when determining the desired age and other requirements, it is worthwhile to thoroughly assess your capabilities. A prerequisite for accepting a baby into a family is the availability of knowledge and skills in upbringing, living together, building full-fledged family relationships. It is worth taking specialized courses and training, because even if you have experience in raising children, there are always specifics, difficulties and peculiarities with foster children.

As it turns out, the Federal Data Bank for Children Without Parental Care is an impenetrable fortress. The people who managed to get into it are few. And in general, it seems that the FBI is specially closed from all possible candidates for adoptive parents and guardians.

Any bank always has working hours: you can come to the branch from 9 am to 6 pm, lunch from 2 pm to 3 pm, something like that. There is nothing like this in FBI. There is only this.

This is a page on the website adopt dot ru, where you can (if you are very lucky) make an appointment with this same FBD.

I don't know what's going on, but I only have about a dozen living examples when people spent several weeks signing up for this very FBD. And without success! A cursory Internet survey of adoptive parents revealed only one woman who was really in this FBI, and with whom she was “tinkered for an hour and a half”, which made an indelible impression on her.

All the rest, no matter how they tried to sign up through this form, could not do it.

What is the problem?

I think that the main problem is that this system does not work. Well, it’s simple: it doesn’t work and that’s it. Whether because it is wrongly done, or because employees use it incorrectly. Well, it can't be that at 10:03 the entry wasn't YET, and at 10:04 it wasn't ALREADY. What, in one minute (or less) all the slots were already occupied? I do not believe. Most likely, the software is just buggy, huh?

Databanks for children are what many modern adoptive parents start looking for their baby with. However, in order to use them to the fullest, it is necessary to understand how this system works, on what principles it is based and what opportunities it provides.

About the system itself

So, let's think about what to do with those who decide to take such a responsible and serious step as adoption. The data bank on orphans is a full-fledged assistant. To ensure that every child left without parental care can be accommodated, he must receive the official status of an orphan. This is the first condition. If the parents have written a refusal of their own child, from that moment on, he can be taken under guardianship or adopted. It must be admitted that not all children have the status of an orphan, but all because they are still in a legal relationship with their parents. How can this be, you ask. Everything is very simple: the biological mother of a child can serve a sentence for a crime committed, which is why it is impossible to deprive her of her rights from a legal point of view. Even if she is not at all interested in the fate of her child, she does not write letters and does not visit him, she legally still continues to be his mother. The same condition applies to all those children whose parents were deprived of their rights by the court, but at this point in time the period during which they can appeal against the court decision has not yet expired.

Only after the child is assigned the status of an orphan, a personal file will be opened for him, after which the child will be assigned to the district guardianship authority at the place of his registration. From this moment on, the child can be adopted and taken under guardianship. The district department of guardianship is given a month to find a new foster family for the baby. As practice shows, in most cases, especially if the child is older than three years, this cannot be done. That is why, after a month, all information about the child is transferred to the regional children's data bank. For the adoption of a child, this is a real chance. If, after one more month of finding data about the child in this database, it will not be possible to find a new family for him, the information will already be transferred to the federal data bank.


The data of children for adoption in the bank of regional and federal significance accumulate and collect information about children. If we talk about how these banks work in practice, we must admit that they are not updated with the regularity that we would like. That is why it often happens that a child has already been adopted, and he still continues to be listed in the database as a potential applicant for adoption. The database is updated only once a week, and even less often in the regions.

What does this mean for a potential adopter?

First of all, the search for a child requires a considerable amount of free time, moreover, this is a difficult psychological test. Many potential adoptive parents, even at the stage of preparing the entire package of documents, regularly visit data banks, take a closer look at the guys, maybe they are already attached to one of the children. The adoption procedure itself is quite lengthy and complicated, sometimes accompanied by difficulties, so stress and worries certainly cannot be avoided. And just imagine: the parents have finally resolved all issues with the guardianship authorities, have received the right to act as adoptive parents, have already chosen a child, and at the time of obtaining permission to visit him, they find out that he has already been adopted.

You can only avoid this if you save yourself from previewing information about the child, and start collecting all the documents that will allow you to qualify for adoption of the child. The database, photos and information about each baby will become available to you only after you are officially allowed to adopt a baby.

Some potential adoptive parents are somewhat skeptical about the information that is indicated in the children's data bank. Indeed, in the newspapers, on television they indicate information about beautiful healthy babies, but it’s enough to open a data bank, how exceptionally seriously ill children come across, the responsibility for the life and upbringing of which you are not ready to take on. There is an opinion that officials deliberately do not post information about healthy babies online, holding it for foreigners. However, do not believe these rumors. The reason is again obvious - insufficiently frequent updating of information.

Dealing with officials the right way

This topic is not entirely pleasant, but still needs to be considered. Far from all organizations and institutions that potential adoptive parents need to visit, they are welcome. Unfortunately, in our country it occurs everywhere. Potential adoptive parents often face rudeness, a dismissive attitude, they are forced to listen to a lot of dissatisfaction and answer questions that have nothing to do with their case. At these moments, you need to remember your true motive - the desire to adopt a child.

In some areas, prospective adopters must queue to be able to view the database. You first need to come to the reception, go through the procedure for reviewing documents, and only after that wait for the moment when you get access to the database. Yes, adoption is a complicated and responsible process. Data bank, photos of kids - what you still have time to do. The main thing is to aim at the result, study all the regulations governing the adoption of children.

The regional database operator must acquaint all potential adoptive parents with data on children within the framework of the requirements that they impose on them. If we talk about requirements, then remember that the softer and more loyal they are, the higher the chance of finding a baby. In fact, no one limits you, set the search criteria that you consider necessary and necessary, first of all, for your family.