Phrases about the unrequited love of a guy for a girl. Quotes about non-reciprocal love. Margaret Mitchell. gone With the Wind

A person in this state wants to express his thoughts, to tell others about what is happening in his soul, but at the same time there is always a fear of being incomprehensible and rejected.

That is why statuses about unrequited love come to the aid of a lover. Sometimes such quotes from famous people or just beautiful phrases can completely change a person’s attitude towards non-reciprocal feelings, because even in them you can find something positive and bright.

How to find the perfect statuses about unrequited love, and how to choose them?

Of course, it is very difficult to come up with a status about such a strong feeling on your own, because you need to put your own special meaning into the statement. That is why many sites collect interesting sayings and quotes that can be used as a status. A rich choice helps each person to choose their ideal statement, because such feelings are unique, and everyone experiences the lack of reciprocity in their own way. How to choose the ideal status, and what should it be?

  • The status should, first of all, please the person himself, reflect his views on life and his emotional state.
  • Such a statement should not be too long, because then it will look organic on social networks.
  • The status should have a secret meaning, which will help in one phrase to tell others about a person’s emotions.
  • If someone's quote is used as a status, then it is better to indicate the author as well, than a person emphasizes his knowledge in the topic.

Of course, such a statement has its own purpose. Sometimes the feeling of unrequited love is so strong and all-consuming that a person simply cannot explain what is happening in his heart with words. That is why, beautiful quotes will help explain the soul-tormenting events to people around. If the person himself cannot confess to his beloved in the depths of his feelings, the statuses will come to his aid, and in a few words they will explain all the suffering and emotions.

What a pity that what has become for me
your existence is gone
my existence for you.

Everything happens in life (Kuch Kuch Hota Hai)

I always dreamed of seeing in her eyes the love that is in mine. And today, finally, I saw her. But she's not for me...

Boris Pasternak. Doctor Zhivago

All grief is that I love you, but you do not love me. I try to find the meaning of this condemnation, interpret, justify, rummage, delve into myself, sort out our whole life and everything that I know about myself, and I don’t see the beginning and I can’t remember what I did and how I brought this misfortune. You look at me somehow wrongly, with unkind eyes, you see me distortedly, as in a distorted mirror.
I love you. Oh, how I love you, if I could only imagine! I love everything special in you, everything profitable and unprofitable, all your ordinary sides, dear in their unusual combination, a face ennobled by inner content, which without this, perhaps, would seem ugly, talent and mind, as if taking the place of a completely absent will. . All this is dear to me, and I do not know a person better than you.
But listen, you know what I'll tell you? Even if you weren't so dear to me, if I didn't like you to such an extent, all the same, the regrettable truth of my coldness would not have been revealed to me, all the same, I would have thought that I loved you. Out of sheer fear of what a humiliating, annihilating punishment dislike is, I would unconsciously beware of realizing that I do not love you. Neither I nor you would ever know. My own heart would hide it from me, because dislike is almost like murder, and I would not be able to strike anyone with this blow.

Five centimeters per second (Byôsoku 5 senchimêtoru)

I had a feeling that at least a little, but I understand why Takaki seemed different from the others, and at the same time, I realized that he would never look at me the way I dream about it. That's why I didn't say anything to him that day. Takaki is very kind, but he is so kind, but only, only, only... His gaze will always be fixed on something far away, something higher than me. I will never be able to give him what he craves. And yet, and yet, I know that tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, and always, I will love Takaki, no matter what happens.

Exchange Holiday (The Holiday)

Shakespeare said: "Everything ends with the meeting of lovers." A thought of rare beauty. Personally, I haven't experienced anything similar. But I would very much like to believe that Shakespeare succeeded. In general, I think I think about love more than I should. But it fascinates me that love has the power to turn our lives around. By the way, Shakespeare said another wisdom: "Love is blind." And to this I can subscribe. Someone completely inexplicably love disappears. And someone just loses his love. Well, of course, love can be found (albeit for one night). And there is a completely different kind of love - the most cruel. Such love leaves no hope for its victims. It's unrequited love... In romance novels, people mostly fall in love with each other. But what about the rest of us? Who will tell about us, about those who are alone in love? We are victims of a one-sided feeling. We are the curse of the world of loved ones. We are unloved. We are walking patients. We are handicapped without priority parking.

Robert Pattison

One-sided love is the most correct, probably. Don't be afraid that something will go wrong.

Margaret Mitchell. gone With the Wind

Do you think, I don't know, that when you lay in my arms, you imagined that I was Ashley Wilkes? It's a pleasant thing. A bit, though, like playing ghosts. It's as if there were suddenly three people in the bed instead of two. Oh yes, you were true to me because Ashley didn't take you. But damn it, I wouldn't be mad at him if he took over your body. I know how little the body means - especially the body of a woman. But I'm angry with him for taking over your heart and your priceless, cruel, shameless, stubborn soul. And he, this idiot, does not need your soul, I do not need your body. I can buy any woman for cheap. But I want to own your soul and your heart, but they will never be mine, just like Ashley's soul will never be yours. That's why I pity you.

It's disgusting to miss someone who doesn't miss you at all. (Janusz Wisniewski "Loneliness on the Web").

To say that there is no difference between mutual love and non-reciprocal love is the same as equating wine and wine with poison. Anton Evpatievsky

Mutual love is not thoughts inside the head. Rather, these are the thoughts of the second person, so dear and warm. — Eric Byrne

You're wrong. And it's not love at all. Take my hand. Feel it. Feel me. Here it is, your love, very close. F. Sagan

The human spirit dies at the very moment when feelings cease to excite, and there is no place for mistakes and love in the human heart. – Goethe

I don't want to force her. I'll give it to someone else. No matter who she is with, nothing is more important than her happiness. And I ... will endure this pain. The main thing is that she smiles ... From the movie “Forever Yours”

If I am not reciprocated in love, I suffer more than when I cannot find water after drinking in the morning. From the series "Cream"

A loving person can cause the most severe pain ... He knows where to hit. And love dies.

Read the continuation of the quotes on the pages:

We say “out of love (a)” when we are afraid to admit our feelings.

Without falling in love, one cannot come to the conclusion that love does not exist.

I saw her only once. Maybe that's why I love her all my life ... A. Vampilov

Loneliness is when a person has no one to tell that he is lonely ...

Love opens up a new world for you, even an unfortunate one. - statuses about unrequited love

“It often happens that after a woman has given the key to her heart, she changes the lock the next day.” - C. Saint-Bev.

I don't understand why they call it heartbreak. It feels like all the bones are broken too. Jared Leto

“Parting reduces moderate love and increases strong love, just as the wind blows out a candle and fanns a fire.” – La Rochefoucauld

We say “It's over between us” when everything is just beginning.

Loneliness is when those you love are happy without you.

We were taught in school that one plus one always equals two. But this is not always the case. Sometimes one plus one equals one. For those cases when one plus one equals one, even a special word has been invented. This word is love. From the series "Life" (Life)

“My friend, does it not occur to you that there is only one thing in the world that she loves more than you? Try to understand that precisely because she truly loves you, she wants to give you something that she loves even more. And I will tell you why she sheds tears: because you lack the courage to bring her the same gift in return.” John Fowles ‘The mistress of a French lieutenant.’

And I drink to forget that they forgot about me.

“It's so easy to die, but so hard to live. It's so easy to lose love and so hard to keep it. But it’s even harder to pretend that you don’t care about the little man whom your heart madly loves ... ”

Often we say “I don’t love”, but tears flow in our souls.

Often we say “I hate” just so that we ourselves believe it.

“Perhaps in this world you are just a person, but for someone you are the whole world.” — Gabriel Garia Marquez

“Love is the difference between two, which, however, are completely indistinguishable for each other. The feeling and consciousness of this identity is love.” – Hegel

“The image of the beloved cannot grow old, for every moment is the hour of his birth.” – Goethe

“From love is born love.” – Sophocles

“Each person carries in the depths of his “I” a small cemetery where those whom he loved are buried.” – Rolland

We “Hope” when there is no chance.

We “Wait” when we know that we have already been forgotten.

Unrequited love is useful for a poet's notebook: it fills the pages, devastating his soul.

We say “I forgot you (a)” when the thought of a person does not go out of our heads.

We ask to be "left alone" when we need someone's support.

We say “Go away” so that the person does not see our tears.

I always dreamed of seeing in her eyes the love that is in mine. And today, finally, I saw her. But she is not for me ... From the movie “Everything happens in life”

“Love is more honest than trust, because even a deceived lover deserves not pity, but surprise and respect. Love never looks stupid, and trust always, if it is not connected with love.” – Platonov

When we meet a special person, we give him all our time, he absorbs all our thoughts, and every time we have to lose him ... Cecilia Ahern

“Forgive me, my love. I'm sorry, my dear, That I loved you, I wanted to be with you. Forgive me, my love, Someday I will forgive, That you did not love, That you did not love me. if a person does not see that you love him or does not want to notice, then it is not destiny to be with him.

There is no unrequited love!

“Love immediately divines love that has already been born, or sees its possibility, its probability.” – M. Edgeworth

A true friend will always be better than his girlfriend, so she can betray you and change you. A true friend is always faithful and will help in difficult times!

“It always seems to us that we are loved because we are good. But we don’t realize that they love us because those who love us are good.” – L. Tolostoy

But I’m always there, only you don’t see me ... and then it will be too late when you understand what I mean to you, but I’ll just leave ..

The subscriber cannot accept your love. Unknown author

He doesn't text me, he doesn't stroke my cheek, he doesn't ask how I'm doing.... but for the sake of him I want to live ... - statuses about unrequited love

We say "Never" when we know it will happen again.

It's amazing how much grief people have to bring to each other before they finally become happy - if you're very lucky. Mikhail Veller

There is no mutual love. Artem Nio

She doesn't need anyone. Now another unwanted boy holds her hand, and she just looks into the distance. Into the void, and remembers how he did it ...

Believe me, it is sad and painful to see the love that is destined to remain unrequited because of you. J. Tolkien

“No pretense can either hide love where it is, or express it where it is not.” – La Rochefoucauld

Unrequited love is the longest.

Unrequited love is when you remember something he doesn't even know about.

We “Dream” knowing that this will never happen.

“Respect has limits, love never.” – Hugo

"The heart is only balanced on a razor's edge." — Pierre Reverdy

Often we say “Goodbye” in the hope of seeing the person again.

Loving someone who loves you is narcissism. Loving someone who doesn't love you is, well, that's love. Frederic Begbeder

“The opposite of love is not disgust or even indifference, but a lie” - S. Dovlatov.

Every night I fall asleep repeating the same thought: you don't love me. so that it doesn't seem otherwise.

… it’s even strange how a heart can hurt because someone didn’t look at you! Charlotte Bronte

The most heartbreaking way to miss someone is to be with them and know they will never be yours. - statuses about unrequited love

There are two people who don’t need each other for hell, but one of them still doesn’t understand this - statuses about unrequited love

Sometimes we can't say "I love you" when we're afraid to hear the answer.

“Those who are incapable of love are prone to sentimentality just as those who are incapable of brotherhood are prone to familiarity.” – F. Iskander

We say “I deleted his (her) number” when we remember it by heart.

“Love forgives everything except voluntary absence” - Stendhal

You express well only the love that you do not feel ...

If we can still love those who made us suffer, then our love only becomes stronger.

“Love flees from those who chase after it, and those who run away, throw themselves on the neck.” - W. Shakespeare.

Love is never perfect. I don't want to erase her from my life. I love my pain. She is my friend. Jim carrey

The worst way to miss a person is to be with him and understand that he will never be yours.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

What a pity that what has become for me
your existence is gone
my existence for you.

Joseph Alexandrovich Brodsky

I always dreamed of seeing in her eyes the love that is in mine. And today, finally, I saw her. But she's not for me...

Everything happens in life (Kuch Kuch Hota Hai)

I had a feeling that at least a little, but I understand why Takaki seemed different from the others, and at the same time, I realized that he would never look at me the way I dream about it. That's why I didn't say anything to him that day. Takaki is very kind, but he is so kind, but only, only, only... His gaze will always be fixed on something far away, something higher than me. I will never be able to give him what he craves. And yet, and yet, I know that tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, and always, I will love Takaki, no matter what happens.

Five centimeters per second (Bysoku 5 senchimtoru). Kanae Sumida

Shakespeare said: "Everything ends with the meeting of lovers." A thought of rare beauty. Personally, I haven't experienced anything similar. But I would very much like to believe that Shakespeare succeeded. In general, I think I think about love more than I should. But it fascinates me that love has the power to turn our lives around. By the way, Shakespeare said another wisdom: "Love is blind." And to this I can subscribe. Someone completely inexplicably love disappears. And someone just loses his love. Well, of course, love can be found (albeit for one night). And there is a completely different kind of love - the most cruel. Such love leaves no hope for its victims. It's unrequited love... In romance novels, people mostly fall in love with each other. But what about the rest of us? Who will tell about us, about those who are alone in love? We are victims of a one-sided feeling. We are the curse of the world of loved ones. We are unloved. We are walking patients. We are handicapped without priority parking.

Exchange vacation (The Holiday). Iris Simkins

Do you think, I don't know, that when you lay in my arms, you imagined that I was Ashley Wilkes? It's a pleasant thing. A bit, though, like playing ghosts. It's as if there were suddenly three people in the bed instead of two. Oh yes, you were true to me because Ashley didn't take you. But damn it, I wouldn't be mad at him if he took over your body. I know how little the body means - especially the body of a woman. But I'm angry with him for taking over your heart and your priceless, cruel, shameless, stubborn soul. And he, this idiot, does not need your soul, I do not need your body. I can buy any woman for cheap. But I want to own your soul and your heart, but they will never be mine, just like Ashley's soul will never be yours. That's why I pity you.

Margaret Mitchell. Gone With the Wind. Rhett Butler

Unrequited love is like... a sore throat. Quite compatible with life, just unpleasant, but it is impossible not to think about it. Tea with lemon and honey helps for a while, and also time and silence. When you speak only becomes more painful - even breath intercepts.

Elchin Safarli. If you only knew...

Hello, the title of this issue is a quote about unrequited love with meaning. The first quote will be: And in the most empty minds, love often gives birth to sharp inventions. Kozma Prutkov

If love is gone, stay human!

The loved one is forgiven what others are not forgiven, and they are not forgiven what they forgive others. Shevelev I.N.

Love is selfishness together.

I'm sorry, I need you, I somehow myself, I hope I can ...

He carried his love like a banknote - which no one wanted to exchange. G. Malkin

The more spacious the heart, the more it can accommodate loved ones; the more sinful it is, the more cramped it is, the less able it is to accommodate loved ones - to the point that it is limited to love only for itself, and then false; we love ourselves in things unworthy of an immortal soul: in silver and gold, in fornication, and so on. St. Righteous John of Kronstadt

In love, woe to the vanquished!

Lovers inspire, lovers feed. T. Kleiman

Amor fati - love of fate.

Love is an attempt to escape from loneliness!

If you seek to solve a problem, do it with love. You will understand that the cause of your problem is the lack of love, for this is the cause of all problems. Ken Carey

Women in love are like death: they are uninvited and do not come when they are called. R. Campoamor.

I dream about you every day, I think about you at night!

Love should bring joy, if it is not, then it is not love!

A woman is weakest when she loves, and strongest when she is loved.

When love sighs for the first time, then at the same moment wisdom suffocates!

Success in love takes away strength no less than failure. Erich Maria Remarque

Love should be with someone who wants to wake up with you all his life.

Maybe love really is a disease, but, alas, it is not contagious.

ra odium generat, concordia nutrit amorem - anger breeds hatred, agreement feeds love.

My dear (th) tiger (tigress), every day I fall more in love with you!

We mentally return to the first love in order to end the last.

Marital fidelity is carried forward by the horns. V. Sumbatov

No wonder female fidelity was given such great importance! Public good, public evil are connected with their behavior. Heaven or hell in the family is caused solely by that rumor

Love is like a sticky disease: the more you are afraid of it, the sooner you catch it. N. Chamfort.

The words I love you ... are empty words that mean nothing ...

Sincerity and loyalty are the foundation of a long relationship.

Entangled in love alternately sigh, then rejoice. They rejoice because they are transferred to something better. They sigh because they lose themselves, lose and destroy. Marsilio Ficino (XV century)

When you are loved, there is no doubt about anything. When you love yourself, you doubt everything. G. Colette.

Love is a battle between the sexes. A woman must defend herself first, a man must defend himself afterwards, and woe to the vanquished! And Dumas is a son.

He who wants to acquire love must reject every malicious and unpeaceful thought, not to mention deeds and words, must forgive everyone just and unjust insults.

In life, selfless love is more common than true friendship. J. La Bruyère.

To try to forget someone is to remember him all the time. Jean de La Bruyère

Marriage is what is left as a memory of love. Helen Rowland

Women have the whole heart, even the head. Jean Paul

Love is the strongest and most effective balm for the soul.

Love should soar, not crawl in the mud.

The longest we remember is that we have been forgotten. Albert de Sircourt

And don't think that you will be loved if you don't love yourself!

Love between friends is destroyed if you envy or become an object of envy, if you inflict or suffer damage, if you dishonor or suffer dishonor, and finally, if you harbor and hold thoughts suspicious of your brother. Saint Maxim the Confessor

I remember your hands, lips, and with a shudder I dream of feeling them again!

The one who is wounded by separation cannot be healed by anything except a meeting.

Love arises suddenly and unconsciously: we are driven to it by passion or weakness. J. La Bruyère.

Whoever wants to enter the path of love, let him take care of himself in relation to all people, whether they are good or bad. Reverend Isaiah