Deep eyes. Correct makeup for deeply planted eyes. Ideas, photos and videos

With the help of a standard set of decorative cosmetics, some shortcomings of natural beauty can be easily corrected. We suggest to consider how to make makeup for deeply planted eyes, tips from world-famous stylists and makeup artists and examples of make-APA.

Possible mistakes

Many stars pop scene and theater have small or deeply planted eyes - this is Keira Knightley, Kate Moss, Kate Blanche and others. But we do not notice this, moreover, these women are a reference to beauty. All thanks to the skillful hands of stylists. What errors can not allow:

  1. The line of eyebrows is very important than the lower they will be - the stronger the shortcomings will be noticeable. It is also not necessary to get involved in the form of "house" otherwise you can become a chronically surprised girl. We advise you to emphasize the bending of eyebrows with basic shadows that are applied first forever;
  2. The "darkened eyelid" scheme does not work for this side of the eye. Dark shadows are only stronger than their visually "pressed" in the face;
  3. It is impossible to darken a movable fold;
  4. The eyeliner should be as thin and natural as possible, right at the line of the eyelashes, only then you can achieve the effect of "fresh look."

Video: Makeup for girls with deep eyes

Main technique

Photos - Deep eyes

To begin with, consider the basic principles of shadow. For small and large eyes, they are the same, but if you combat the colors well so that they do not just complement each other, but they played you on your hand, you can achieve stunning success.

Step-by-step makeup performance:

This makeup is suitable for closely arranged deeply planted eyes, but in this case you need to make the main focus on the inner corner of the eye. It is made by light paints, perhaps even pearl (if the color bottle is allowed).

Photo - The principle of applying shadows

3 types of makeup

Arrows are a universal technique that can be applied to all types of eyes. The technology is slightly similar to staining of almond-shaped eyes with a hanging age. Before the start of the procedure, you need to wash and degrease the skin, otherwise the shadows will fall unevenly. Consider visuality how to make a beautiful day makeup:

  1. We are applied by moisturizing cream and tunnel, we undress, after sprinkling powder, it will later also visually increase the volume of eyelashes;
  2. Close your eyes and stretch the top eyelid if you do not have experience working with eyelid, you can use the pencil or Japanese technique "Arrows with a spoon";
  3. We look at the fine line the top line of the eyelashes, you need to bring it from a corner to the corner, if necessary, decide;
  4. Apply mascara, it is especially well to cry a corner to the bridge.

If you wish, you can bring the arrow to the tolendies then it turns out oriental eye makeup. This technique is suitable for round and color cuts. If you wish, you can use bright shadows in Arabic style, then light daily makeup will turn into an evening.

On narrow eyes with a deep fit, it will be great to look so-called makeup-Chicago. This is the symbiosis "birds" and "banana".

Photo - Makeup Chicago
  1. Alternatively, we apply a bright powder, perhaps even the lighter shade of the skin;
  2. Now all over the area of \u200b\u200bthe eyes (this is the upper eyelid and the bottom, half the bridges to the eye, the area under the eyebrows) we apply the basic shadows;
  3. We visually imagine a loop that covers the top eyelid, up to the briefing line. This loop begins at an outer corner, is carried out above the moving line of the eyelids. Here you need to use dark shadows that emphasize the beauty of the eyes;
  4. Pain in the inner corner, external leave a little more free, it is schematically visible in the photo. The whole secret is how to decide the shadows;
  5. After the black mascara is applied to the eyelashes.

If you perform makeup in bright colors, you will get a great festive or wedding image.

Another simple makeup that can be done itself - it nude.. Its technique is used almost on all fashion shows spring-summer 2014, the main chip is that the beauty of the eyes and face is revealed with the minimum number of colors.

The correct Nude uses only beige and brown colors that are as similar to the skin without cosmetics. How to do it? We offer readers master class in pictures:

  1. Wipe the face, degrease the skin, drink the working area;
  2. Armed with shadows of natural color, they are pretty rustic over the entire space of the century;
  3. Next will need a brown pencil. We are conducting a very thin line, as in the technique of arrows, at the very edge of the eyelashes;
  4. Now there is a turn of the second layer of shadows. Girls with the hanging centuries will love this technique, because it is not overloading the eyes, allows you to hide this chalk defects. On the moving eyelid, we apply the shadows on the tone-two darker the basic, on the inner corner and under the eyebrows on the tone lighter to create a glare;
  5. If necessary to grow;
  6. Painting the eyelashes recommend either lengthetic ink, or separating.

Photo - Makeup Nude

Such a make-up can be done for a wedding, just ask the makeup artist a little play with the shadows of pearl color, sequins and special decorative beads.

We select tones by color

Conditionally all girls are divided into 4 coloring: spring, summer, autumn, winter. In fact, they are more, because there are mixed types of appearance. Based on such facts, you need to know which colors can be used in the make-up of deeply planted blue or green eyes, and which is impossible.

  • Spring - light peach and pink shades, light gray, natural (according to the makeup artists-creators of the video master class of makeup for blue eyes, with this color just magically will look light yellow or bright beige);
  • Summer - cold shades, it can be bluish, purple, black pencils and eyeliners, mother of pearl;
  • Autumn - all shades of green and brown, pink, peach, purple; If the eyes of Karie, then the blue shadow is perfectly complement;
  • Winter - cold and bright - red, black, blue (do not miss daily makeup, without it you look fresh and not interesting, try to at least light your eyes over and under the centuries).

Beauty standards changed over the centuries. Each woman has a unique face with its specific features, including such as widely spaced cheekbones, long nose or thin lips. This can also be attributed to the "deep" eyes. Many of their owners are dissatisfied with their appearance, and in vain: Nowadays, there is a large range of decorative cosmetics, with the help of which deeply planted eyes can become bottomless, and the eyes are chagging. You should only adhere to the applied makeup of simple rules.

What can and what can not?

And its technique of application is a difficult task, especially if we are talking about deeply planted eyes. To achieve success, you will have to try out the considerable amount of equipment for eyebrows, eyelashes, eyelids, determine which shades are best suited to the color of your pupils, find out which arrows beautifully emphasize eye cut. All these actions require a lot of time and patience, but the result is worth it.

As already mentioned, each woman has a unique appearance. Nevertheless, the owners of deeply planted eyes during the selection of suitable shades should be followed by several simple rules. * Bright shadows - your best friend. With their help, you can visually expand your eyes, increase the distance between them, make a look open. Thanks to the shadows of pastel tones, makeup will look natural. * Use shadows with a mother of pearl if they are appropriate in a particular situation. Sequins also help to increase their eyes. * Choose three shades - light, medium and saturated. They can be combined depending on the technique of applying. Even the most beautiful face can be spoiled if you choose inappropriate colors, incorrectly apply decorative cosmetics or overdo it with it. What is contraindicated with the owners of deeply planted eyes? * Black or dark blue shadows, a thick arrow applied with black eyeliner - all this visually reduces the eyes. However, many girls with deeply planted eyes are suitable such colors as brown and dark gray. * Various shades of pink and purple should be used with caution. If you fail to choose the tone or overdo it with such shadows, the look can become painful. * Do not apply the shadows to the area under eyebrows or on all eyelid. * Make-up artists do not advise girls with "deep" eyes to apply eyeliner to the lower eyelid and unnecessarily highlight the lower eyelashes.

Makeup for deeply planted eyes: Application technique

Many Hollywood stars have "deep" eyes, but it does not prevent them from being real beauty and style icons. Professional make-up artists work on their images, who know that the secret of attractiveness lies not only in the choice of suitable cosmetics, but also in. Not every girl can afford constant trips to the beauty salon to a professional, but learn how to properly apply shadows, mascara, eyeliner can be at home. Shadow Like other parts of the person, the eyelids require preparation for making makeup on them. The best option is to use the basics of makeup, designed for the age, but can be used and powder. As a base tone, you should take the brightest shades - white, cream, light pink. Light or pearlescent shadows must be evenly distributed over the entire surface of the upper eyelid. Dark colors should be used very carefully and in small quantities, for example, to bring the outer corner of the eye or the lower eyelid. With the help of a tassel, create soft transitions between shades. Mascara and eyeliner The line created by the contour pencil for the eyes or eyeliner should be thin. Try to spend it close to the growth line of eyelashes. It is impressive to highlight deeply planted eyes and make them brighter will help the selection of an outer corner of the eye. Before applying the carcasses, the makeup artists advise prepare eyelashes and take advantage of a special basis, but you can do without it. The emphasis should be done on the upper eyelashes, applying mascara in 1-2 layers. It is advisable to choose a remedy for eyelashes additional volume. EyebrowsEven the most careful and thoughtful makeup may not bring the desired effect if it is not complemented by beautifully decorated eyebrows. In most cases, dense eyebrows are suitable with the owners of the "deep" eyes, but they still have to experiment with their form. To find out which drawing of the eyebrows will look at the most effectively, a professional will help, it is better to contact him for the first time, and then you can simply keep the form by correction.

With the help of a standard set of decorative cosmetics, some shortcomings of natural beauty can be easily corrected. We suggest to consider how to make makeup for deeply planted eyes, tips from world-famous stylists and makeup artists and examples of make-APA.

Possible mistakes

Many stars pop scene and theater have small or deeply planted eyes - this is Keira Knightley, Kate Moss, Kate Blanche and others. But we do not notice this, moreover, these women are a reference to beauty. All thanks to the skillful hands of stylists. What errors can not allow:

  1. The line of eyebrows is very important than the lower they will be - the stronger the shortcomings will be noticeable. It is also not necessary to get involved in the form of "house" otherwise you can become a chronically surprised girl. We advise you to emphasize the bending of eyebrows with basic shadows that are applied first forever;
  2. The "darkened eyelid" scheme does not work for this side of the eye. Dark shadows are only stronger than their visually "pressed" in the face;
  3. It is impossible to darken a movable fold;
  4. The eyeliner should be as thin and natural as possible, right at the line of the eyelashes, only then you can achieve the effect of "fresh look."

Video: Makeup for girls with deep eyes

Main technique

Photos - Deep eyes

To begin with, consider the basic principles of shadow. For small and large eyes, they are the same, but if you combat the colors well so that they do not just complement each other, but they played you on your hand, you can achieve stunning success.

Step-by-step makeup performance:

This makeup is suitable for closely arranged deeply planted eyes, but in this case you need to make the main focus on the inner corner of the eye. It is made by light paints, perhaps even pearl (if the color bottle is allowed).

Photo - The principle of applying shadows

3 types of makeup

Arrows are a universal technique that can be applied to all types of eyes. The technology is slightly similar to staining of almond-shaped eyes with a hanging age. Before the start of the procedure, you need to wash and degrease the skin, otherwise the shadows will fall unevenly. Consider visuality how to make a beautiful day makeup:

  1. We are applied by moisturizing cream and tunnel, we undress, after sprinkling powder, it will later also visually increase the volume of eyelashes;
  2. Close your eyes and stretch the top eyelid if you do not have experience working with eyelid, you can use the pencil or Japanese technique "Arrows with a spoon";
  3. We look at the fine line the top line of the eyelashes, you need to bring it from a corner to the corner, if necessary, decide;
  4. Apply mascara, it is especially well to cry a corner to the bridge.

If you wish, you can bring the arrow to the tolendies then it turns out oriental eye makeup. This technique is suitable for round and color cuts. If you wish, you can use bright shadows in Arabic style, then light daily makeup will turn into an evening.

On narrow eyes with a deep fit, it will be great to look so-called makeup-Chicago. This is the symbiosis "birds" and "banana".

Photo - Makeup Chicago
  1. Alternatively, we apply a bright powder, perhaps even the lighter shade of the skin;
  2. Now all over the area of \u200b\u200bthe eyes (this is the upper eyelid and the bottom, half the bridges to the eye, the area under the eyebrows) we apply the basic shadows;
  3. We visually imagine a loop that covers the top eyelid, up to the briefing line. This loop begins at an outer corner, is carried out above the moving line of the eyelids. Here you need to use dark shadows that emphasize the beauty of the eyes;
  4. Pain in the inner corner, external leave a little more free, it is schematically visible in the photo. The whole secret is how to decide the shadows;
  5. After the black mascara is applied to the eyelashes.

If you perform makeup in bright colors, you will get a great festive or wedding image.

Another simple makeup that can be done itself - it nude.. Its technique is used almost on all fashion shows spring-summer 2014, the main chip is that the beauty of the eyes and face is revealed with the minimum number of colors.

The correct Nude uses only beige and brown colors that are as similar to the skin without cosmetics. How to do it? We offer readers master class in pictures:

  1. Wipe the face, degrease the skin, drink the working area;
  2. Armed with shadows of natural color, they are pretty rustic over the entire space of the century;
  3. Next will need a brown pencil. We are conducting a very thin line, as in the technique of arrows, at the very edge of the eyelashes;
  4. Now there is a turn of the second layer of shadows. Girls with the hanging centuries will love this technique, because it is not overloading the eyes, allows you to hide this chalk defects. On the moving eyelid, we apply the shadows on the tone-two darker the basic, on the inner corner and under the eyebrows on the tone lighter to create a glare;
  5. If necessary to grow;
  6. Painting the eyelashes recommend either lengthetic ink, or separating.

Photo - Makeup Nude

Such a make-up can be done for a wedding, just ask the makeup artist a little play with the shadows of pearl color, sequins and special decorative beads.

We select tones by color

Conditionally all girls are divided into 4 coloring: spring, summer, autumn, winter. In fact, they are more, because there are mixed types of appearance. Based on such facts, you need to know which colors can be used in the make-up of deeply planted blue or green eyes, and which is impossible.

  • Spring - light peach and pink shades, light gray, natural (according to the makeup artists-creators of the video master class of makeup for blue eyes, with this color just magically will look light yellow or bright beige);
  • Summer - cold shades, it can be bluish, purple, black pencils and eyeliners, mother of pearl;
  • Autumn - all shades of green and brown, pink, peach, purple; If the eyes of Karie, then the blue shadow is perfectly complement;
  • Winter - cold and bright - red, black, blue (do not miss daily makeup, without it you look fresh and not interesting, try to at least light your eyes over and under the centuries).
Irina Danilina

Eyes - the first thing to pay attention to when looking at a person: this is proven research. They represent the inner energy of a person, being "windows of the soul". Character in the eyes is easily determined, because even without knowing the foundations of physiognomy, one by one only looks, a kind person or evil.

Knowing how to determine the character in the eyes, you can learn a lot of interesting things about a person. It is important to all: the shape of the eyes, their size, the location relative to each other, the color of the iris and proteins, even the structure of the eyelashes!

Eye shape and character

In physiognomy, great importance is attached to the features of the eyes, because the shape of the eyes and are characterized with each other.

1. Large, convex eyes

Holders of large, expressive eyes are sincere, artistic, smart, sociable, natural in the manifestation of emotions. The beauty of such an eye is indisputable that it can cause failures in his personal life: too attractive for the opposite sex!

2. Eyes Skivat

It is a person's eyes of a gambling, energetic, ambitious, decisive, risky and intuitive possibility of a successful deal. Women with such eyes is distinguished by sociability, the impulsiveness of the behavior, the desire for domination, risk and the tendency towards reckless actions when everything is literally put on the card.

3. Little eyes

The eyes of this type indicate punctuality, moral sustainability, solid life principles, devotion in friendship and love. However, the owners of such an eye of jealous, subconsciously feeling their imperfection. Women is easy to visually increase the size of the eye with makeup, and men should develop self-confidence.

4. Deep planted eyes

For the owners of the eye of this type, such properties of nature, as a dreaminess, conservatism in views, credulity, vulnerability, calm temper are characteristic. Thanks to its natural data, they are perfectly focused on financial matters, but do not like to risk, so they have stability and success in terms of money.

5. Dividing eyes

Holders of diagonal eyes are characterized by such character traits as optimism, courage, determination, self-confidence. However, the tendency to adventurism and carelessness can lead them to rash actions, recklessness and risk. However, the unshakable confidence of these people in itself, as a rule, contributes to success and good luck.

6. Eyes having lowered external corners

If the outer corners of the eye are located below the internal, then the person has a sad expression of the face. People with such an eye tend to take care of the good of others more than themselves. Their immense kindness can play with them a dick joke: they will have to infinite the problems of other people, forgetting about themselves and their interests due to weak will. Women can visually change eye contours with makeup, and men will have to work on themselves in order to improve self-esteem, developing strong will and desire for victory.

7. Big eyes having a little iris

The eyes of this type look extended, as from the approaching danger. Such eyes, the protein can be seen not only on the sides, but also from the bottom - in the form of a white strip between the iris and the lower eyelid. Their holders have a rustling temperament and a sense of constant anxiety, therefore are not inclined to long-term obligations. It is worth thinking about working with frequent business trips and a partner with which separations are not excluded for a slight period of time. Insight, trick, generosity - the strengths of their nature.

Character in the eyes: The influence of various signs

1. Location of the eye

Of great importance for harmonizing the features of the face has the arrangement of the eye relative to each other. In the ideal case, the distance between them should be equal to the length of one eye, which indicates a good relationship of a person with relatives and society as a whole.

Closely planted eyes testify to a weak will and excessive influence of parents for human life. On the contrary, the eyes disproportionately from each other testify to a strong person who does not experience parental influence and care, perhaps with them in cool relationships.

2. Color of the iris eye and proteins

The dark brown color of the iris testifies to the human life energy. Blue eyes point to the kindness of their owners, green - on mysteriousness and high intelligence, the yellowish shade of color speaks of temperament, and violet - the charming of nature.

White and pure eye proteins are a sign of health. Krasnut and yellow proteins indicate the problems of the internal state of the human body. A bluish tint of proteins speaks of the mysteriousness of nature: it happens in people with brown eyes from birth.

3. Too noticeable proteins

Sometimes the eyes have proteins that surround the rainbow shell from all sides. Such eyes have people with an indomitable character who do not control their condition. They are easily falling into rabies, so it is better not to mess with them.

4. Eyelashes and character

Thin and rare eyelashes are usually insufficiently active people. Short and thick eyelashes are peculiar to energetic, strong personalities with a rather aggressive character. Long eyelashes are a sign of soft-heartedness and kindness of human nature.

5. Wrinkles in the eye area

The presence of wrinkles near the external corners of the eye, similar to "goose paws," says about the sexuality of man. The time directed upwards, these wrinkles indicate the persistence of the nature of their owners, allowing to always achieve their goals. Omitted by the book, they may indicate a possible divorce.

6. Heavy century

Heavy eyelids indicate the determination of the nature of a person with sufficient sensuality.

The character determination of the eye allows you to learn many personality features at the dating stage, which can manifest only after a long time. As they say, "warned, then - armed"! All rights reserved. Reprint article is allowed only with the permission of the site administration and indicating the author and active link to the site

Decorative cosmetics facilitates women's life, because with its help you can adjust the flaws in appearance. It can be skin defects, shape of a cheekbone or nose, shouldy eyes. In this article we will talk about makeup for the treated or deeply planted eyes.

Causes of climb eyes

Why does such effect appear in people, and in addition, dark circles are formed? Wood eyes may be a consequence of certain diseases or life situations.

Active smokers over time notice the changes relating to their own appearance. The implanted eyes are a consequence of the impact of nicotine on the vessels, which from lack of oxygen begin to gradually narrow. This also applies to passive smokers. In addition to the shoulder eyes, there is an increased tear, an unpleasant feeling, as if sand or sorinka hit the eyes.

Of course, the reasons may not be so serious. For example, eyes clearly give out human fatigue, react negatively to lack of sleep, stress and experiences.

What else can be attributed to the reasons of the shoulder eyes and dark circles?

  1. Age changes - the skin ages, and less oxygen goes to the tissues, which is why the depressions occur.
  2. Inflammatory processes in the kidneys and a bustling bubble.
  3. Revealed trachoma.
  4. Violated liver or kidney work.
  5. Cardiovascular diseases.
  6. Hormonal imbalance in the body.
  7. Excessive physical activity.
  8. Dehydration of the body as a result of certain situations.


False eyes are quite common. Some women with admiration are looking at celebrities with perfect features of the face and do not even suspect that under the layer of makeup hid the same deeply planted or needed eyes with dark circles. And it is no secret that professional makeup and high-quality cosmetics are creating wonders with female appearance.

The makeup artist involved in the face of a person with his eyes should first take care of how to visually align a clear difference, expand his eyes, make them bright and expressive. In this case, the correction is important. Makeup for the shoulder eye includes the use of black eyeliner, carcasses and light shadows with pearl sampling.

Common mistakes

If you have needed circles under the eyes or bruises, listen to the following recommendations:

  • rim up the eyebrow so that the feeling of its pressure on the eyes does not create;
  • do not fully dim the eyelid with shadows, eyes will become even smaller;
  • undesirable to emphasize the fold of the shadows;
  • arrows better draw on the line of eyelashes is not too fat;
  • circular lining is not suitable for the shoulder eye;
  • dark shades of blue, purple, gray colors are not suitable for makeup, they will make dark circles even brighter.

Making make-up independently, it is necessary to adhere to the general principles of the application of cosmetics, but also forget about the individuality is impossible. Perhaps your case is an exception to the rules.

Relief from deep folds

Dark circles are characterized by the needy eyes. How to fix this feature of appearance? Just make up. First, it is necessary to use only the correctors of bright shades, which are processed by the area around the shoulder eyes. Secondly, the corrective means is preferably purchased on the tone lighter of the main tonal cream. The corrector is applied the main tone. You can use a light powder for consolidation, it is applied to the top eyelid, forehead and eyebrows.

As mentioned above, the eyebrows better raise the eyes visually became wider. For this, the basic shadows are applied along the growth line. Deep fold in this case remains untouched. Use better nude colors, that is, natural. The exceptions are shades of pink color that create the effect of inflamed eyes. Shadows need to be applied to the moving eyelid, excluding the external corners of the eyes.

Lightening the fold will help light shadows with a flicker effect. They are better to apply on the fold itself, not reaching the depression. Brightening the entry bones will help hide a deep fold.

Make-up technique

The shadows of the primary color are applied slightly above the growth line of eyelashes. If it comes to day makeup, it is not completely all over the century. It is advisable to use an eye pencil and shadow of the same shade. In this case, you can draw a slightly with a pencil line along the eyelashes and a little confused. Eyelashes as a result will be visually voluminous. The arrows in length should be the same as eyebrows. In completion, twisting cilia with tweezers and score in the car.

Starting a makeup for the shoulder eyes, no need to forget about the lower eyelid. It must be prepared. Everyone knows that the shadows and powder from the top century are shredded to the bottom, so with a cotton wand you need to clean this zone and work out the correct. Corrective products of yellow shades are well coped with dark circles under the eyes, greenish shades help cope with redness. Consiller in the lower eyelid can be covered with a tone base or light layer of light powder.

If you decide to bring the bottom eyelid with a pencil, do not forget to soften the lines with a sponge or a special brush for cutting. The inner corners of the eye are brightened by the basic color of the shadows. When painting the eyelashes in mascara, watch them not stick.

Big eyes - Visual deception

Often, the imaginary eyes are combined with a deep eyeball. It is possible to correct this feature of appearance using a special makeup called "Chicago". The periosteum and deep fold are adjusted in the same way as mentioned above, only shades of decorative cosmetics change.

Makeup for the shoulder eyes "Chicago" is characterized by the use of white and black shadows. With the help of a light corrector, it is necessary to whiten the bulk of the century where the skin is darker. Black shadows are needed to highlight an external corner of the eyes. The lines line parallel to the excretory line. The arrow is better drawn from the inner to the outer corner, observing the limits and raising the eyebrows. If the circular liner is undesirable for the shoulder eye, then you can bring the eyeliner in the lower eyelid to the middle and growing it. Mascara is applied very thickly. Such makeup is admissible, even if there appeared on the blade after blepharoplasty.


Eyebrows - part of the person who pays special attention in the process of makeup for the shoulder eyes. The ideal option will be but this does not mean that such a form should have all women having their void or deeply planted eyes. It is advisable about this to consult with a makeup artist in the beauty salon or a cosmetology room. Refresh the usual image can be using new forms.

An irresistible image of a woman cannot be imagined without decorative cosmetics. Cosmetic tools help hide disadvantages, for example, shoulder eyes.