How to get rid of negative and protect against negative impacts? How to stop negative emotions, thoughts and actions

"Instead of interested when you give another vacation, you need to start living life from which you do not have to run," - (Seth Godin), a marketer, founder of the recommendation network.

"Madness is again and again to do the same, every time I expect another result," Albert Einstein (Albert Einstein), a scientist, a laureate of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921.

"Most people will prefer misfortune before uncertainty," Timothy Ferriss, American Writer, Blogger, author of the book "4-hour work week."

"Being a high school student, I worked in a grocery store. I had 8 different bosses, and for all the time of work I did not bother to remember the name none of them.

The shop manager wore a golden vest, which did not go completely, and the Director-General constantly packed in a vest of light blue (which looked even more ridiculous).

At the end of the month, before passing a report on profits and loss, they turned into real monsters. To be honest, when a man is yelling on you in a light blue vest, it becomes a little shame. Therefore, when someone from my acquaintances came to the store, I waited until they go hiding in the refrigeration chamber.

My last year of graduate school was a tricky hell. I wrote a few articles and finished the dissertation, but my scientific leader refused to sign it, again and again returning to refinement. There is nothing worse than a person who orders you to jump, swinging before your face keys to a bright future.

Every day I thought about throwing everything. I felt as a spark inside me slowly goes out: I was sulfate, but I did not have anything except to watch what was happening. Something similar I had to worry just once: in childhood (my parents were constantly quarreling, and I was still too young to leave home) And when I started living with my girlfriend (at some point I realized that our relationship I went to a dead end, but I could not take anything because it was too poor and did not have the opportunity to break the lease agreement).

Fortunately, I always managed to change my life for the better. It did not occur overnight, but I always found a way to get out of one or another situation. Now, looking back, I understand that this method has always been the same. "

Negative people will destroy your life!

The human brain has addiction to negative information. The results of numerous studies show that negative information passes through the almond-shaped body (part of the limbic brain system, located in its temporal share) and immediately goes to the so-called "long-term memory storage".

At the same time, the processing process of positive information lasts about 12 seconds.

Another study showed that a person who is undergoing negative influence during 30 minutes (for example, a crude chief or a friend's monologue about what is unhappy), the neurons of the hippocampus are beginning to collapse, one of the functions of what is participation in the process of solving problems.

Miraculous influence of change

Changes will make you happier. :)

A recent study conducted by Professor of Psychology of Connecticut University (University of Connecticut) John Salamon showed that one of the main factors acting on the level of human motivation is dopamine. It is quite obvious that people who feel themselves with their own lives, dopamine level is often critical.

A similar experiment conducted by scientists from the University of British Columbia (The University of British Columbia) showed that one of the simplest and rapid ways to increase the level of dopamine are change.

Many people constantly say that they want to escape from all things that they are so hateful. Nevertheless, they are not in a hurry to embody their desire, continuing to carry their usual existence, which has long ceased to bring them joy.

All because they are afraid of change. You will not be able to escape from negative events and negative people without leaving your comfort zone. If you do not find the strength to go beyond its limits, you never get rid of the need to solve not your problems and sympathize with the failures of others.

Get rid of the influence of negative people

1. Equipment "Rodo"

Remove your own benefit from your brain addiction to negative information.

At the end of the 19th century, an Atlantic cod was in great demand. Rumors about the excellent taste qualities of this fish very quickly reached the west coast. But the problem was as follows: the restaurants of the west coast were to find a way to transport fish at such a huge distance, while retaining her freshness.

Suppliers decided to send frozen fish by train. But when restaurants got and prepared a cod, she was too soft and practically lost his tasteful taste.

After some time, it was decided to build huge aquariums filled with seawater in the train cars. When the goods were delivered to the west coast, the fish was alive, but despite this, the finished dish, it was still tasteless.

A few years later, one young scientist began to study the nature of the cod and discovered that the natural enemy of this fish was som. The scientist recommended the owners of the west coast restaurants to carry fish in the same aquariums, but to immerse two or three soms.

When the Atlantic cod, which was able to flush from Somov, was delivered and cooked, her taste was not different from the one that was served in the restaurants of the Eastern Coast of America. :)

If there is a negative person in your life, from which you cannot get rid of traditional ignoring, learn how to use it in your own interests, directing his negative in the right you need.

2. Fog technique

In the event that negative people have power over you, the best thing you can do to protect yourself from their disastrous influence is to hide your true goals and plans. If they are not aware of what you really want, you will not be able to prevent you.

This is what Isaia Henkel tells about his experience with such people:

"In graduate school, I made a huge mistake, telling my scientific supervisor that I want to find work in the engineering industry.

A few months later, when some dispute broke out between us, he used this information against me. In the future, he intentionally inserted me sticks into the wheels so that I could not get a position in the company, the director of which was already ready to offer me a place.

After missing the opportunity to get on your first job, I decided to no longer devote a scientific leader into my plans, thereby completely disarmed. "

3. Technique "Investing"

Not all negative people are useless. In fact, some of them can be much smarter and talented you. Negative people who occur on our life path often have the interests with us, read the same literature and watch the same films.

Do not allow your own emotions to overshadow the fact that the people are not too pleasant to you possess qualities that can bring some benefits.

For example, if this man succeeded in theft of your largest customers, it is worth thinking about why he still does not work for you. To disarm negative people, you need to honor their merits. Thus, you can not only benefit from this, but also earn their respect and trust.

If it seems to you that someone drives you crazy, move the emotions to the background and try to evaluate the situation from the outside. Try to find in this person something that can bring certain benefits, and start working.

4. Empty technique

Negative people use those surrounding as an elixir life. They need someone who can sacrifice their time to hear about their failures and disappointments.

Forcing others to suffer, negative people feel much better, but when you disappear - create emptiness, the negative characters are forced to keep the burden of their problems independently.

The only disadvantage of the emptiness technique is that before you can completely get rid of negative people, their influence will become more than several times more.

As soon as a negative person understands that you are trying to remove from him, he will do everything to achieve your location again. Since in the past you communicated very often, they will not be easy to make you respond.

Your main task is to resist this desire and remember that sooner or later this person will leave you alone.

Multiplier of happiness

Happiness and success have the same speed of distribution as viruses. According to scholars estimates, communication with a successful positive person increases your chances of becoming happy by 15%. If a friend of your friend is an Iclamp optimist, then your chances of playing a merryback increase by 10%, and if the most positive person you know is your friend's friend, the likelihood that you will become a little happier, increases by 6%. :)

There are more than 7,000,000,000 people on our planet. It would seem that to find the one who will support you and take what you have, should be easy. However, most of us are very difficult to let someone new in our life, since there are much more eloquent mistakes, resentment and commitments, rather than a prospect of make friends with a positive person.

One of the most important steps towards the involvement of successful, strong, optimistic people into its lives is to improve communication skills. A large-scale study conducted by the specialists of the Center for Creative Leadership showed that weak communication skills are the first thing that harms the career growth of the employee.

Isaia Henkel proposes to use the following ways to improve communication skills.

1. Body language

In order for your interlocutor not to feel awkward, learn how to transfer your emotional state with the help of various non-verbal tricks - body positions, facial expressions, gestures.

The results of studies of the Massachusetts Technological Institute show that people who are actively gesticulating during the conversation, make the impression of strong charismatic personalities.

2. susceptibility

Usually, a sensitive person has excellent communicative skills, since it is much easier for him to "read", which in one or another situation they feel others.

One of the fastest and efficient ways to increase its susceptibility (sensitivity) is the reading of fiction. Many studies show that reading has a positive effect on human abilities to determine and understand the emotions of others.

3. Calibration under the situation

In neurolynguistic programming, the concept of "calibration" is used to describe the ability of a person to recognize and adapt to the emotional state of the interlocutor or the situation in which it falls.

If you entered the room and felt that something is wrong, the first thing you should do is to pay attention to the body language of others. Who behaves aggressively? Who seems depressed? Who occupies a neutral position?

As soon as you understand what mood in most present, you will be much easier to establish contact with them and find out what happened.

4. Movement to action

Some people emit light, others - absorb your vitality. Of course, a person who can boast excellent communicative skills, refers to the first type of people: he gives the surrounding a good mood, makes them smile, enjoy life, inspires and attaches confidence in their own power.

If you want to encourage a person to action, you will have to take care of his emotional state, since one of the most important factors affecting the degree of human motivation is the development of so-called "joy hormones", which belongs to serotonin and endorphin.

5. Simplicity

Then as You talk about something, just as important as that thanyou tell.

Replacing simple understandable words by professional terms, you allow a huge mistake. Putting the interlocutor in an awkward position, you will not look smarter in his eyes. Rather, on the contrary: he will seriously think about whether it is worth spending time on a pompous self-confident clever.

6. Multiority

The more diversity in your life, the more interesting to communicate with you.

If you are a middle manager who spends most of his time in the office, take a few surf lessons or diving, jump with a parachute or go with your friends in a hike. If you feel about the category of houses, try to find a job on the Internet.

Knowing that you have a lot of varied opportunities, you can not use them.

7. Attentiveness

The powerful, influential, successful people have no more powerful reception than the effect of presence.

The presence effect assumes that all your attention should be fixed on your interlocutor: you should not only speak, but also listen, empathize, make him believe that you don't care.

The key to success is the right sequence

Find your destination, rally around yourself and only then offer them a product or service. In case you like to work on other people, said sequence remains unchanged: first you must define your goals, and then find a job that will help you achieve them, but not in reverse order.

It should be noted that most people come exactly up to the contrary: they are arranged on the desired work, they build useful ties and only then try to find at least some meaning in all this. As a rule, such people very rarely achieve any heights.

1. Start from the end

Raising wages Or the guideline cannot be endpoints. These are just life guidelines, the number of which is completely unlimited.

The main goal of any person should be his lifestyle - the list of mandatory actions that he performs, barely tearing off his head from the pillow or returning home from work, then what he works through day day. This list may include sports, evening walks, reading, learning a foreign language, mathematical modeling courses and the like.

Many people burn at work for an imaginary good life. The problem is that they do not even imagine what it should be. They simply diligently strict long lists of cases, fill the weekly calendars, go to business meetings, do not part for a minute with their smartphone, without thinking about what all this should lead.

Take a pause, look forward, determine the main goal, and then start moving to it from the other end. :)

2. Arrange priorities

Your life priorities should correlate with the goals set, and not with experienced feelings and lists of cases. Only in this case will you save yourself from bizarre solutions that can knock you down from the right path.

Remember that your life goals are not only what you want to achieve, but also how you want to live your life.

3. Implement your dreams

Each of us has a dream. Create a fuzzy picture of a happier, rich and successful self is very easy. However, it is understood that the words "happier" mean for you, and determine how much you should have money to feel rich, not so simple.

Energy at home. Creating a harmonious reality Kivrin Vladimir

How to avoid negative impact

The effects of geopathogenic zones on the body cannot be avoided, but it can be loosen. The best way is to move at least a neutral zone, but not always real life allows you to perform this wise decision. Often the buildings in which people work are located in geopathogenic zones, but to transfer production to another place is usually very difficult, moreover, it requires large material costs. Finding another decent work to many people is quite difficult, so you have to take measures to protect the body from harmful effects. It is even more difficult with the place of residence - it is necessary to change the usual area, the apartment will be paid, spending forces and funds, which in most cases there are few, but sometimes you have to move to preserve life and health.

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How to get rid of the negative impact of a person from the letter: "I write this letter with trepidation in the shower. I do not know whether men often write you, but I still decided. Your book I bought my mom. I read it in one evening, and then I purchased another 12 of your books. I ask my statement

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Adoption of negative ... A person needs to learn how to get along with the negative parts of his being, only then it becomes whole. We all want to live only in the positive part; When you are happy, you take it, and when unhappy - reject. But you are something else.

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From childhood, it was impossible to a false installation in the heads: allegedly work could not be joy, otherwise it would not be called work. You resisted and your example wanted to prove the opposite, but lost. Now you work in your office and teeth sharpen all 8, 9, 10 hours, until you come home and you do not kill the girl with whom you live. Hrenovo to be you. But remember when it all started. Where did this whole negative come from? Do you really inform you working moments, and not your own habit of thirst negative, which you have developed with such persistence recently?

Stephen Patone, intelligent and far from a stupid scientist, revealed that any complaint leads to negative emotions that may have long-term consequences for the brain. He says: "If you are forever complain, bringing your own strength, then in reality you do not think that you have the power to change something. And so you never change anything. "

In other words, have a positive attitude at work - this is important in the context of all your life, and not only within one working day. How to save this very positive attitude and how to get rid of negative? Tell about it just below.

Avoid office "Game of Thrones"

To participate in intrigues - it is fun, bold and low. With this you will face any team. Someone necessarily dislikes his colleague, someone chief, and someone - you. People do not know how to live a friendly team. This is the nature of human, you will not do anything with her. However, if you contribute to the proceeding process of interpersonal relationships, if you contribute to conflict, then be ready that the wave of the explosion will hit you. Therefore, always away from all this.

Notice some problems? Talk about them straight, there is nothing to break rumors at dinner. No one hears your fair claims? It's bad, but try to work better and remove from the negative, if you want to stay in your place. Intrigue is the case of low people (not dwarfs, but you understood).

Be positive in the office

Do you think the Council is stupid and banal? Maybe so. But this is one of the most effective tips. And you don't need to be a genius to follow him. Just emphasize attention on positive emotions, positive dynamics and success. You can tell the joke at lunchtime, although if you don't know how to joke, it is better not to tell anything. The essence is to forget about the negative, which is happening, and think only about good. We do not recommend doing it always and everywhere, but in the working hours it will be useful.

Most people add their colleagues, bosses and subordinates to "friends". When you do it, I must keep in mind that your page can regularly evaluate higher instances. If you are one of those people who constantly complain about social networks on the world, injustice, government and their own life, then think about what image is created in your colleagues heads. So it is better not to exchange social pages at all, and if you added someone as a friend, then watch what you write, because you are watching.

Support contact when conversation

When you have a meeting, or you communicate with colleagues, then you should not abstract from the subject of the conversation. Such behavior that resembles the behavior of a foreign listener, you show disrespect to your interlocutor. When it happens, you automatically provoke a relief of negative lesions on your life. Try to maintain visual contact, be an active listener and participate in a conversation.

Humped colleagues

Always congratulate your colleagues for the well done work. If you raise it, not you, I will send him a hand and wish good luck. The envy is a devil toy, firstly. Secondly, when you get a reward yourself, do not forget to praise people who helped you achieve her. This is not a working, but the method, thanks to which your body will emit positive energy - it will be easier to work.

Be teacher

If there is idle time at work, then it is time to spend this time with benefit - read books, listen to podcasts that are somehow connected with your work. Find information that will be useful for you and your colleagues. Good, everything is learned and, most importantly, share this information with colleagues. So you'll show you that you are a step further than them, but at the same time you can also give a good job advice. You will be such a team of the team, to which everyone will come for advice.

Be resistant to criticism

This is important because the criticism is inevitable. And everyone will have to fight it, if not demonstratively, then at least internally. The problem is that criticism does not always be reasonable. Damn it's a shame when you are sure that you work well, and you tell you the opposite. But let's be honest with each other - most often the criticism falls into the apple. If this is so, then accept it, try to correct the errors and go further. This position will save your nerves.

Adapt to change

The quiet harbors in this world does not exist - everything changes. Your task is to adapt to changes to survive. In the career of things in this way. Your colleagues are dismissed, because they cannot cope with new conditions? Upgrade your workflow, throwing the archaisms and take the things that seemed to you stupid, new way and unnecessary, because they, as a rule, replace all the old and taught.

But to develop their adaptive skills, you need to follow the trends of your profession. Separately, we advise you to read a foreign press. Even if you are a plumber, you will be useful to find out what the Japanese came up with, and how it will help in your work.

Lone Wolf - Dead Wolf

Conduct time with colleagues, be sociable and friendly. We have already written that the commandment in modern conditions works badly. The best option will be found among the colleagues of friends, go to the bar together and establish a trusting relationship. This will help improve the psychological situation at work. In addition, you will acquire allies.

Only professional correspondence

When social networks, messengers and other joys of the information society have absorbed your working relationships, then the temptation began to write something evil addressed to his colleague, chief or competitor. But you have to be a professional. Only business correspondence - no more nor less. Do not let the emotions eclipse your mind and destroy your career. Of course, some things need to express, but we recommend that you wait exactly 24 hours before sending an angry message. With a probability of 99%, soon you will send such a letter straight to the basket.

When we are in a bad mood, our distorted consciousness perceives the world through the prism of eternal discontent and disappointment. The circle closes when our negative thoughts smoothly and imperceptibly flow into negative emotions, and emotions go into destructive actions.

If this vicious circle does not break on time, the negative consequences of your thoughts begin to affect not only your mood, but also on your career, personal life and physical condition. The fact that such a condition can lead to depression and a sense of constant anxiety.

You can stop negative emotions only when you understand what exactly causes negative thoughts and a further chain of unpleasant events. You will find your triggers (impulses) - find your golden key to a good mood and in the future you can not only prevent negative emotions and actions, but also catching gray thoughts behind the tail right on your head.

Philip Viana (Philip Viana), a bank financial adviser with a very tense schedule of life and work is divided by its secrets of the negative.


In psychology, the term " trigger"Means any external stimulus, which acts as an impulse, triggerwhich launches the corresponding emotional or physical reaction.

Thoughts, words, actions and sometimes physical reactions can be triggers of your negative state. One single trigger can be quite harmless, especially if you gave yielded a trip to the negative. For example, we beat the dishes or crooked well. Plate - to smithereens! Bad thoughts - at the exit! It all ended, all satisfied and you finally can buy those new plates for which it is not for since last year, but there was no reason.

But ... But if after you broke the plate, you will hear something like "I can't believe that you broke your mother's favorite cup!" The process does not complete and just a bad mood can go to anger and cycle will start again.

Negative thoughts like a flame

Imagine a negative thought in the form of a flame. On an empty concrete car park, such a flame will not be able to cause much harm. Its very easy to fasten it or it will gradually dogently in itself. But even if a small flame will turn around in a closed room filled with flammable and explosive material, troubles are not avoided. Even if you begin to stew it, the flame will try to die as much as possible before it is repaid. The flame will burn until it becomes not to burn.

The same thing happens with a man in anger. The flame of discontent inside flared up and if it is tightened, it will not stop until the other emotions look inside the person and eventually one emptiness will remain. I do not know if you ever have an uncontrollable anger that burns everything inside. You feel angry and aggression! You suffocate from the negative right up to the feeling of physical chest pain. You lack breathing, you suffocate. And when this flame breaks out, it is incubating everything - your relationship with relatives and friends, your emotions, your work. When the fire goes out, usually, there is already nothing to burn.

An example of a negative emotional cycle

You are going to an important business meeting and get into traffic. As a result, of course, late. And even if you were late for a meeting just 20 minutes for a good reason, you still begin stress and you feel it even physically - the waves of nausea are rolled.

There are thoughts in the head that you are constantly late, you can't do anything, your colleagues do not appreciate you, you cannot enter into favorable deals, etc. Your circle closed and delays you in a swamp called "I am a loser and no one loves me." Plus, you begin to break down on the car surrounding drivers, which are not to blame for anything and just like you, turned out to be hostage situations.

Is there a way out? Try to calm yourself the thought that you specifically leave in advance, but still got into a plug. Everyone can make a mistake. And colleagues will definitely enter your position and understand you. In the end, 20 minutes is not an hour.

Recognize triggers

In order to keep calm in any situation, you must understand what exactly is a trigger for you, and work out them. Moreover, in different situations and for different emotions there are its triggers. Add to this positive thinking, the choice of the right environment and avoiding the negative, the choice of work that you really like, your favorite hobby, which you have enough free time and, of course, the right choice of people around you - and you will have reliable armor.

Weaken triggers

Try to find in all positive parties and think positively. It is quite difficult, as a person - the creation of mysterious and even if everything around it is perfect, we carefully do not believe and find negative moments at least in trifles. And if they are not, then we simply come up with it (everything is so good just happens). Therefore, you will have to spend time to learn positive thinking and find a positive moment even in the most unpleasant situation.

For example, instead of thinking that you are not attractive and no one loves you (even if it is true), think about what you have your loving family, which every day is looking forward to your return from work, loves very much You are also glad.

Try to extinguish negative thoughts immediately as soon as they arise in your head. To begin with, try every day to allocate at least 5 minutes to make a list of all the good deeds that you have managed to do for today, your positive qualities, things and people who make you happy.

Destroy the cycle and sample

Sometimes it happens that you are not able to recognize the impulse that launches your negative emotions. For example, you went to bed in a good arms of the Spirit, and woke up with beech. In this case, instead of following the usual schedule "I woke up, I drank coffee, I read the newspaper," it is better to interrupt this standard cycle and do something else. For example, adopt soothing or invigorating (depending on the situation) shower. The shower soothes and washes off negative emotions. You can imagine how all your alarms and bad thoughts go to the water. Relax, Tune in to productive and positive day.

Try to avoid negative economic and political news from the morning. Get out of the house early, so that without stress, slowly get to work and you still have a cup of coffee.


Learn to clean the flame of the negative before it began to flared up and devour you. Do not let the negative fill life and distort your perception of reality. Try to find positive moments even in the most hopeless situations.

Anger, anger, aggression, apathy, anxiety - all this destroys our life, changes us to unrecognizable and leaves our souls empty and dull. Remember this before you think about what nothing happens for you.

People experience negative feelings, such as sadness, anger, jealousy or hatred, when the situation in which they are located, comes out from under their control. Negativity is a very common phenomenon, especially in the workplace. These emotions tend to force people to doubt themselves and affect how they do work and perceive various things. Despite the fact that, in general, it is quite natural to sometimes get into situations that can cause negative emotions with us, it is still worth knowing how to cope with such negative emotions. Below are 25 tips that will help you cope with negative emotions caused by unpleasant situations.

25. Evaluate the situation objectively

Never blow out of an elephant fly
When something bad happens, try to avoid exaggeration and desire to make the situation more negative than it really is. Sometimes a person can deceive himself and inflated from the fly of an elephant, constantly thinking over it again and again. This is not necessary, and this leads to undesirable stress. Instead, try to think about solving solutions and apply some of the Soviets that you will find in this list.

24. Learn to be prudent

This advice is hand in hand with advice from paragraph number 25. When bad situations happen, the temptation to act spoil, on the wave of emotions instead of logic, too much. First of all, you should learn to keep your emotions under control and not give them to influence your judgment. If something unpleasant happens, simply accept how the troubles sometimes occur, and find a way to cope with them and live on.

23. Think about ways to help you relax

This is a simple solution, but, nevertheless, it is one of the most effective. If there is a wave of negative, it can be a bright sign that you morally "blown out." Exit the negative situation and relax. If you are at work, it may be a difficult task. Nevertheless, there are exits here, you can go and talk to someone in another department and while Lunch stroll, instead of eating with colleagues indoors.

22. Try to understand the situation and make a lesson from her

The sad truth is that we live in the world of complete negative. However, this does not mean that you are doomed to get into its network. Learn to recognize negative situations and carry out lessons from them, overcoming them, remaining positively tuned. Usually, in each situation there is a positive side, even if it is small. Learn to find it and focus on it.

21. Do exercise

Not many people know the fact that in addition to maintaining your figure in good shape, exercise also help reduce the level of stress in the body. Classes, for example, gymnastics, allow the body better to cope with negative emotions, since endorphins are produced in the process, forcing you to feel better.

20. Do not hold on for the past

It is true, we really learn from your own mistakes (at least it should be). But one thing to extract a lesson from my mistake and move on in life and completely different things to think about the past and sink in the tag of the negative. Learn to understand that the past will remain past. Just so, because you still can't change it. You will not be able to influence him, embellish it, stop the moment in the past, erase it from your memory or to expose any other form of adjustment. Therefore, if you still can not change anything in your past, why do you need to spend valuable vital energy and time on thinking and regret? Instead, focus on the present and strive for a bright future. You will feel happier and more productive when you concentrate the entire wasteful energy on what you can do in the present.

19. Learn not easy to listen, but hearing people

Listened is one of the best ways to cope with the negative on the work. Just like you, your work colleagues want to be heard and they need one who can simply listen to them. During group discussions, try to carefully listen to other people, and not just what you want to say. This will improve your relationship with colleagues and help prevent situations that otherwise can become a source of negativity.

18. Admit that you are the same person, like everyone else and also sometimes allow mistakes.

Admit that you are just a person and that you sometimes support the solutions that you really don't like.

Of course, it is very difficult to recognize that you are also capable of promoting the spread of the negative around you. If you learn to recognize your ability to make mistakes, you will be much easier to perceive the negative of other people, and the best means against the negative, as you know, is tolerance. However, tolerance does not mean absorbing this negative. Just try to create a positive setting and be a positively tuned person.

17. Spend some time thinking about the positive aspects of your life.

Spend some time alone every day and think about the positive aspects of your life. Very easy to break under the pressure of the obvious negative, but when you stop for a minute and think about your life, it becomes clear that you actually have a lot of things that you can be grateful fate, that is, much, what other people do not have .

16. Make breaks or take walks alone

When you are in an extremely stressful situation, and you feel that the soil is about to go out of your feet, dropping you into the abyss of the negative, take a break and stroll. In addition to the fact that the walks reduce stress in the body, they also do not give your negative emotions to shrill and make you say something that you will subsequently unrest.

15. Take yourself as you are, along with all your drawbacks and advantages.

The leveling of negative partly implies making themselves and learning how you can help yourself. If you failed to achieve some kind of purpose, never blame and do not cause yourself for an incorrect decision or for an error in judgment. Know that you are a person and are able to make misconduct, like all other people.

14. Try not to occupy too defensive position

Try not to allow yourself too bright to manifest self-defense.
This is especially appropriate in the workplaces where skirmishes with colleagues during stressful situations are not rare. If someone says something negative, try not to get up at once. Listen to what was said and if there is a grain of truth in this, do it, accordingly. Nevertheless, if there is no truth in a negative statement, do not let those who have said to touch, keep calm and stay positively configured.

13. Instead of informing over the negative situation, try to reflect on the possible ways to solve it.

The ultimate goal is to complete the case with the optimal result. If you are thinking about the negative situation or thought, you lose time, because it does not move from the place. Instead, recognize the seriousness of the situation, but start thinking about the possible ways of its permission or above the improvements that can be made to alleviate it.

12. Enter open questions

Specify open questions to help determine the source of the negative situation. Specifying such open questions as: "What will you get to happen if ___?", "What would you like to know about _____?" What do you already know about _____? "What do you already know about _____?", You allow people to give more natural answers that will help to reveal much wider. debated issue. It is wonderful, as such questions and discussions give the place of individuality and creative potential of your peers and colleagues at work (in a positive situation). On the other hand, such closed questions as: "Do you feel better today?", "Do you think you're right?", "What is better, green or red?", Limit their answers with the words "yes" and "no" that Depending on the context, it can be perceived as a manifestation of confrontation. If you are trying to determine the reason for the negative situation or create a more positive decision, the best tactics is the task of open issues.

11. Decide to remain calm

We have a greater power over their actions than we think. The decision to come into rage or remain rational and calm is only the solution. Accept the conscious, targeted decision to maintain peace of mind when negative situations appear. It will not only help you stay calm, but will also give you a chance to turn a negative situation into a more positive.

10. Decide on one problem at a time.

Discuss all questions and decide on one problem at a time. This will allow you to more effectively focus on finding an exit from the situation that is the reason for the advent of the negative in the workplace.

9. Let's give other people the opportunity to express their opinion

Sometimes, everything that is required to reduce negativity is the listened person. We are all people and each of us wants to be heard and appreciated.

8. Never disappear from the complaint, even if it seems very trivial

This is applicable to both the work atmosphere and home conditions. Do not make your habit ignoring complaints, even if they seem trivial to you. If someone accounts, that this complaint is important, then for this person it is far from trivial. Listen to what this person says, and try not to perceive what has been said on your own expense. A complaint may be a valuable observation, which is worth considering. After listening to her, you will give a speaking person to understand that appreciate his opinion and create a more positive and productive situation.

7. Try not to get involved in the excessive creation of the rules.

Never create rules for everyone, unless few break the instructions
This is another example of a board that you can use both at work and at home. If you occupy an influential position at work, try not to create a huge number of rules. It is important to give people freedom to exercise their individuality, at the same time, while maintaining the appropriate mode of operation. Nevertheless, too much the number of rules creates a stressful environment and can become a source of negativity both at work and at home.

6. Enter the box of the box for proposals

In most cases, problems in the workplace arise due to the fact that there is no necessary dialogue between employees and the administration. Thanks to the introduction of a box for proposals, employees will be able to speak freely and thus the administration will be able to accurately understand which problems need to be solved first.

5. Sponsor the company's events that serve as an ideal environment for the development of friendly relations between employees.

This advice is more suitable for the work environment. It is very useful at least once a year to hold an event for its employees, which is capable of rallying them. Such events will give your subordinate feeling of fun, and also contribute to the maintenance of the balance between work and life and let them feel highly appreciated.

4. Investigate the situations in which several employees are involved at once.

In the workplace sometimes there are problems that relate not to one or two employees, but a whole group. Such problems contribute to the growth of negativity and they need to be solved as soon as possible. To deal with such a problem, try to explore this problem and solve it most optimally.

3. always respond quickly

The rapid solution to the issue helps to get rid of the negative in the team as soon as possible. The longer you pull and postpone the search for exit from the predicament, the more increasing the negative and affects you who surround you people and even those people with whom you work.

2. Always have at acceptance plan how to cope with the negative

It is always good to have a plan of how you can handle the negative, this means that you should think about situations that are potentially sources of negative and think about your actions in advance that contribute to the successful search for the exit of them. Naturally, you cannot foresee the future, but planning and thinking of different scenarios will allow you to be much better prepared for problematic situations, in the event of their occurrence. For example, you are at work and you hear how your employees are gossipped about your boss. How do you behave in this negative situation? Think about it now, and if such a situation happen in real life you will know exactly what you need to do.

1. Prevent the spread of office gossip

If you are holding a senior position, warn your subordinates about the dangers of allowance and spread is gossip. Gossip are among the most common causes of the advent of negative in the workplace, as they cause negative thoughts about other people and adversely affect work and interpersonal relations in the working team.