How to dress beautifully: stylist's advice (photo). How to learn to dress beautifully? Stylist tips

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Clothing is one way to express individuality. But, unfortunately, not everyone dares to stand out against the general background. First, it comes from not knowing how to create your own style. And secondly, because of the belief that dressing stylishly means dressing expensively.
By following a few rules and using some tips, you can quickly and inexpensively create a stylish look.

How to find your style in clothes

Finding your style is not an easy task. It is important to take into account all the features of appearance, listen to inner feelings, and take into account many other factors so that the chosen style becomes a harmonious reflection of their own “I”. Often women buy separate things they like, not being guided by a single wardrobe style. As a result, the image turns out to be unremarkable, ordinary, uninteresting, and sometimes even contradictory.

The search for your style should begin with the study of basic information about existing styles, about fashion trends. At the second stage - evaluate such prerequisites for the formation of style as age, body type, occupation and internal preferences.

After that, an understanding of what the style should be will appear. For example, an active student girl is likely to opt for a casual style. A forty-year-old woman top manager will choose a business style.

Next, you should evaluate your existing wardrobe for compliance with the chosen style, get rid of inappropriate things and gradually begin to form your new and individual image. It is practical and convenient to form exactly the basic wardrobe.

The combination of colors in clothes for women

A harmonious combination of colors is one of the main ways to create a stylish look. To accurately form your color image, it is enough to be guided by four rules.

  1. The colors of opposite sectors of the spectrum and related colors (located in the same sector of the circle) are ideally combined with each other.
  2. Black, white and gray go with all colors.
  3. All pastel colors are combined with each other.
  4. You can use from 2 to 4 colors in an outfit. One color should be the main one, the rest should complement it.

How to combine clothes

The ability to properly combine clothes will help in creating a stylish and harmonious image. Consider 6 basic rules for combining clothing items.

How to choose the right clothes for your body type

Given the features of the figure, you can quietly hide its flaws and highlight the advantages. It is customary to distinguish 5 types of figures.

  1. Triangle: narrow shoulders, a clear waistline, wide hips. Advice: we focus on the upper body and divert attention from the lower.
  2. A circle: rounded shoulders, lush chest, lack of a clear waistline, medium hips, slender legs. Advice: draw out the silhouette, focus on the chest and legs.
  3. Hourglass: the same volume of the bust and hips with a clear waist. Advice: we emphasize the ideal curves of the body, avoid straight or loose-fitting clothes.
  4. Rectangle: the same width of the shoulders and hips, the absence of a clear waistline. Advice: we focus on the waist, try to create rounded shapes.
  5. Inverted Triangle: broad shoulders, lush chest, lack of a clear waistline, narrow hips. Advice: we focus on the lower body and divert attention from the upper.

How not to dress - the main mistakes

Unfortunately, not all girls and women carefully choose what to wear. As a result, even good things look worse on their owner. Let's look at the main mistakes.

  • wrong size;
  • age discrepancy;
  • inconsistency with the type of figure;
  • incorrectly selected colors;
  • wrong combination of clothing items;
  • untidy type of clothing;
  • mindless pursuit of fashion trends;
  • underwear is visible from under the clothes.

How to make a basic wardrobe

The basic wardrobe is the basis for creating a large number of clothing sets. A well-chosen base will help you look new every day without increasing things in the closet, and therefore without additional costs.

Basic wardrobe for a woman 30 years old

At 30, a woman already finds her individuality, knows about most of the advantages and disadvantages. At this age, teen clothes should be a thing of the past. Femininity, elegance and good taste - this is what should be at the head of the style of a 30-year-old woman.

The basic wardrobe for a woman of 30 should include:

Basic wardrobe for a woman 40 years old

At 40, a woman is especially attractive, feminine and energetic. The style of clothing at this age should combine elegance, sexuality and restraint.

The basic wardrobe for a woman of 40 should include:

Basic wardrobe for a 50 year old woman

By the age of 50, a woman exudes confidence and a special charm. But sometimes, in pursuit of the desire to look younger than their age, ridiculous mistakes are made. Of course, fashion trends should be followed, but classics and quality should become the basis of style.

The basic wardrobe for a 50 year old woman should include:

Basic wardrobe for full

The wardrobe of the full representatives of the fair sex should be chosen especially carefully. Clothing should highlight the advantages (of which there are many) and hide the flaws. It is very important to choose high-quality corrective underwear that visually helps to make the figure more slender and toned.

The basic wardrobe of a full woman should include:

Evelina Khromtchenko is one of the famous and influential people in the world of fashion and style. By listening to her fashion tips, you can improve your wardrobe and make your look more stylish.

  1. Every woman should have a basic wardrobe. It's practical and convenient.
  2. Clothing should be varied and boring, for any occasion.
  3. Avoid vulgar clothing.
  4. Competently combine styles, colors and styles.
  5. The outfit should always be complemented by at least one accessory that matches the image.
  6. Shoes should be fashionable and comfortable. Must have beige shoes and black pumps.

Every woman can learn how to dress stylishly and inexpensively. The main thing is to remember the rules for choosing and combining clothes, to be aware of fashion trends and take care of yourself.

So they began to call the wardrobe that does not need to be worn. This name has nothing to do with provincial towns or village life. It was just noticed a long time ago that people coming from small towns dress very conservatively. This is where the name came from.

Experts in the field of fashion and style identified 10 signs of a provincial wardrobe. These are the most common signs, but if desired, they can be specified. These signs include: excessive gold jewelry, conservatism, black pumps, lack of variety in clothing styles, lace underwear, blouses, inability to wear tights and accessories, fear of color in clothes, use of fakes.


After analyzing each sign of the provincial style, you can decide on the choice of clothes and remember forever how not to dress.

The first sign is that girls and women dressing in this style prefer gold jewelry to beautiful and stylish jewelry. There is an opinion among lovers of the provincial style that silver is too simple, and jewelry is very cheap. And preference is given to gold jewelry, which is worn without knowing the measure. Rings on each finger, a combination of gold and silver jewelry at the same time, gold jewelry is worn with a tracksuit and sports shoes - this indicates a lack of taste. Therefore, in order to look stylish, modern, it is necessary to take the choice of jewelry seriously. Adhere to the rule: less is better, but better. You should not buy cheap gold, it looks absolutely tasteless.


Conservatism is the next sign of how not to dress. Modern style trends allow you to express your individuality through appearance. Youth fashion offers bright, original and comfortable clothes and accessories. In the modern concept of a stylish wardrobe, it became possible to combine different getting new images. But fashionable and bright ideas are alien to supporters of the provincial style. There is a complete lack of style, as it is simply not understood. In this case, there are clothes for work (purely business) and for leisure (sports). Even if the work does not imply the presence of a dress code, then there is not enough imagination to diversify the wardrobe in order to look businesslike, but modern. You can also look sporty in jeans, instead of sneakers, it is preferable to wear sneakers and sports sandals.

Cheap things

Clothes are chosen according to the principle "cheap and discreet". It does not take into account the fact that inexpensive clothes are almost always made of poor quality material. This affects both the convenience of things and the health of supporters of the provincial style. Also, these things don't last long. After the first few washes, they lose their appearance, the fabric, if not stretched, still looks sloppy. It is better to have one quality item in your wardrobe than three bad ones. There will be no big benefit in price, but you can win in health and appearance.

Black shoes

If we consider 10 signs of a provincial wardrobe, then the fourth will be the familiar Provinciality is not in the shoes themselves or in the fact that they are black, it lies in the fact that these shoes are worn with any clothes. The inability to select and choose a variety of shoe models, an absolute disregard for modern styles, is justified by the opinion that such shoes fit everything.

Yes, earlier, with the scarcity of the assortment of shoes produced, perhaps this was true. But in the modern world, the industry, represented by both imported and domestic manufacturers, produces comfortable, stylish shoes that can be matched to any wardrobe.

Failure to wear jewelry

Properly selected accessories and jewelry successfully emphasize the image. They will make it complete. The inability to properly combine accessories makes the image too simple and inexpressive. And with their excessive use - tasteless and defiant. For representatives of this style, the inability to wear accessories is considered absolutely normal. Although now in the information space there is a great abundance of printed materials about fashion and style, from fashion magazines to books by authoritative authors: stylists, fashion designers and designers. Television is replete with various programs about how and not to dress.

But for this female category, there is only their purely conservative opinion, since they absolutely do not understand why inexpensive clothes will look tasteless with an expensive leather bag. And also in this case, the recommendations and criticism of specialists about errors in creating


Provincial clothes are also knitted sweaters and blouses that stretch, roll up and have an ugly cut. As a rule, these products are made of low quality materials. Therefore, not only do they not keep their shape, but they also do not allow air to pass through and do not allow the body to breathe. And this not only provokes the appearance of an unpleasant odor, but can also cause skin problems. Now youth fashion allows you to replace the outdated style of sweaters with sweatshirts, cardigans, jumpers, half-overs, which are comfortable to wear, have a modern design and color, thereby allowing you to look fashionable and stylish.


Another of the 10 signs of a provincial wardrobe is the inability to choose underwear. Since here, in any case, they prefer to wear underwear with an abundance of lace and rhinestones, so that it looks “rich”.

And it doesn't matter where you put it on. But there is a division of underwear. For example, if you need to go to the gym, then there are sports bodices and swimming trunks that fit snugly to the body, have a breathable fabric texture. Under tight and tight turtlenecks, models of a smooth texture should be worn, without lace and rhinestones. Then, from under the clothes, the underwear will not puff up and spoil the overall appearance. Everyday models are of different types. But it is recommended to choose a set consisting of a bra and panties, combined in quality and colors, this is considered good form.

But it is necessary to distinguish an everyday set from erotic lingerie for special occasions. Since it is out of place to wear lace models with fishnet garters and stockings of the appropriate nature in the office.


The inability to select and wear women's tights has thoroughly settled in the provincial wardrobe. It lies in the fact that they are worn always and everywhere, giving preference to a shiny structure. A summer dress with sandals and pantyhose worn looks very ridiculous. Only representatives of business style do not walk with bare legs. They always wear pantyhose to work in the office or to a business meeting. Therefore, the industry for such a case began to produce models of 8 and 12 den. They are very thin, do not interfere with the owner in hot weather and look organic in a business suit. The rest of the representatives of different styles are recommended to wear this part of the wardrobe in accordance with the situation and the weather. Follow fashion trends, do not wear outdated models, so as not to look stupid.


Differs in a variety of a color palette. The combination of shades in clothes allows you to create an image. In the youth style - a great abundance of colors and their shades. Youth fashion sometimes uses the incongruous in clothes, achieving unexpectedly spectacular results. A sense of proportion and taste leads to the creation It is absolutely alien to the provincial wardrobe. There is a lot of black in it, which is combined with white and red, and sometimes gray is used.

The fear of looking unfashionable leads to the fact that they begin to look not only boring and stereotypical, but create an image that should not be followed.

Counterfeits of branded items and accessories

Preference for branded fakes is given by girls of provincial style, not realizing that the presence of a label of any brand does not guarantee the quality and belonging of a thing to the products of a well-known company. Especially if, for example, a bag or glasses are bought in the passage or in the market. It is better to buy a quality leather bag from a local manufacturer than a branded fake. After all, the fake looks cheap and vulgar. Poor-quality dark glasses spoil not only the appearance of the owner, but can also harm vision, up to eye burns.

A small conclusion

Having considered 10 signs of a provincial wardrobe, we can draw a conclusion and start learning to look stylish. This is easy to do. If there is no person nearby who is versed in matters of style and fashion, or simply with good taste, you can get information from printed sources. Or use special resources for analysis and their combination. Do not be afraid to look stupid, because there is nothing more stupid than following the provincial style. Therefore, it is necessary to change the attitude towards these 10 signs and destroy the provincial stereotype in choosing a wardrobe.

Looking stylish in the modern world, where you are met by clothes, is simply necessary. However, you also need to know how to dress properly so as not to be a black sheep, to match your status, age and situation.

How to dress for work

It all depends on the type of activity. People working in the field of culture are allowed a lot in some creative groups. They can combine the most unusual things, allow themselves to be extravagant. For example, a dress or skirt can be easily combined with sneakers and a shoulder bag. The coat may be a size larger than required. Such sets look unusual, but emphasize the originality of the individual.

How to dress properly for workers in the field of education or medicine? They need to always look so as to inspire respect and a desire to listen and trust. Therefore, it is better to stay on strict classical clothes. The same can be said about office managers, deputy directors, directors and other people who work with business partners and should always look presentable.

Basic clothing styles

  1. Rock style. Suitable for youth. A very conspicuous style dominated by dark-colored clothing. The kit must be present: a leather jacket or vest, some metal accessories. This style is somewhat aggressive, so it is necessary to dilute it with softer details.
  2. Glamor. Clothing of this style is intended for publication. An indispensable attribute of a glamorous outfit is rhinestones, sparkles or bright colors.
  3. Zen. This is oriental style. This type of clothing includes harem pants, multi-layer tunic sweaters, sweaters with oriental patterns, turbans, and active accessories.
  4. Sport. These are sportswear. However, within reasonable limits, this style can be present in any set in the form of sneakers, sneakers, t-shirts, sweatshirts, etc.
  5. Casual. These are clothes designed for everyday wear. This should include flat boots, jeans, scarves.
  6. Classic. These are clothes that look good in almost any situation. Classics are a straight or narrowed skirt, a sheath dress, trousers with arrows, shirt-type blouses.

To understand how to dress correctly and beautifully, you need to navigate these styles. Their list may be different, each of the fashion designers offers its own classification. In addition, sets that combine clothes of different styles look most advantageous. For example, a glamorous long skirt looks stylish with a rock-style leather jacket. There are many such combinations.

How to choose clothes to please men?

If you want to always look elegant and stylish, as well as attract the attention of men, you need to remember a few important points about how to dress correctly. Numerous sociological surveys have shown that most of all men prefer ladies in dresses and skirts. They also dislike overly sexy, revealing clothing. Therefore, it is worth choosing skirts of medium length, not very short and not too tight. It should also be remembered that any pattern on clothing distracts attention from the contours of the body, so you need to be careful with prints and ornaments. Fitted, slightly tight-fitting clothing favorably emphasizes feminine forms, which is also very popular with the representatives of the stronger sex. As for trousers, it is better to choose plain models, classic cut or tapered to the bottom. Men don't like it when women wear wide, sweatpants or corduroy pants. Shoes, of course, must be heels. Let it be not very high - 5-6 centimeters, but it will give additional growth, make the figure more slender.

Girls with excess weight and some figure flaws experience particular difficulties in choosing clothes. This is also due to the small selection of fashionable outfits for young girls with curvy shapes.

There are a number of tricks, thanks to which all the flaws of the figure can be hidden.

How to combine colors in clothes?

An important point when buying clothes is the selection of colors. There are several rules to follow.

  1. There should not be more than three colors in a set of clothes. Only virtuoso designers will be able to create an outfit that will have more colors and shades, non-professionals should not take risks. One of the colors should be basic, primary. And all the others are designed to place accents and make the image more saturated.
  2. Warm shades are best combined with warm, and cold with cold. However, there are exceptions to this rule. Red color can be combined with bright green, blue. However, you should not mix green with pink or red with blue in one set.
  3. All whitened shades (pastel) harmonize well with each other. Therefore, if you want to create a set of bright, unusual colors, choose clothes in pastel colors.

So, let's look at some color combinations to understand how to dress correctly. Full girls should pay special attention to the color of their clothes, because it can fill.

Red and green

The combination is bold and exotic, but quite acceptable. Such an outfit always looks bright and not beaten.

Blue/cyan and brown

This combination of colors always looks stylish, and most importantly, suitable for all occasions. You can add beige to this combination. A blue blouse always looks spectacular with cream trousers. You can set accents with a dark brown belt, a dark blue bag.

Gray and blue

A classic combination for an office worker. Such clothes can be easily put on for an interview, as such colors give a person a serious and reliable look. Having bought a pair of gray trousers and skirts, blue blouses, you will always know how to dress properly. This set is also suitable for all occasions.

Black with other colors

If you do not know how to dress properly, then it is better to choose black as the basis, as it is universal and can be combined with other shades. In addition, black is also suitable for full girls, as it hides figure flaws. Black goes well with pink, red, lilac, gray and white. It's best to avoid bee coloring and don't wear black and yellow or black and orange.

How to dress properly to look slimmer?

All dark colors visually slim, but light ones, on the contrary, reflect light and add extra pounds. So, to look slimmer, you need to wear dark blue, dark green, gray, brown, purple things. It is also believed that outwardly more slender girls are made by plain clothes. Indeed, it is better not to take risks with prints, because some of the patterns on clothes expand and deform the figure. You need to combine colors wisely. Dark accents should be placed on problem areas: in the waist, hips. For example, the black sides of a dress or blouse make the torso much smaller. Dark trousers hide overly wide hips. For girls who are overweight, shiny, mother-of-pearl things are strictly contraindicated. By attracting the sun's rays, they visually add a couple of kilograms.

Thus, in every situation it is necessary to know how to dress a girl correctly. After all, the clothes are hers.

The most important thing is to determine what exactly you consider stylish and what is the likelihood that you will unquestioningly follow fashion trends. For some, the convenience of clothing is preferable, for others it is the coincidence of its boundaries with the framework of the dress code, while still others want to express their individuality as much as possible.

A significant part of the girls dream of being more beautiful than stylish, but these concepts are not far from each other. It is important to remember that it is worth moving in one direction, not spraying on all the new items, because it’s not far from absurd images.

How to dress stylishly? Surprisingly, a stylish wardrobe is, first of all, feminine things that emphasize the silhouette and beauty, as well as those items of clothing that fit perfectly on you.

The main criterion for creating a wardrobe can be your personal preferences, color tastes or occupation. Consider how to dress stylishly and inexpensively, having a base of things that, with the right addition, will change along with the direction.

    T-shirts with short sleeves. Neutral colors: gray, white, black beige. There shouldn't be a drawing. It is desirable that there be at least two or three of them.

  • . Suitable as a classic blue shade, and a little darkened. Avoid fraying, appliqués, patches, and other extras as they change with fashion.
  • Pumps. The color spectrum should be classic: beige, black, gray, brown. Bright colors, lush design will automatically bring such a pair of shoes out of the base of the wardrobe.

A loose-fitting light gray shirt with long sleeves goes well with gray trousers, a straight cut and black high-heeled shoes.

The original beige skirt, with a fringe below the knee length, is perfectly complemented by a brown shirt, straight silhouette, with long sleeves, a brown clutch and beige high-heeled sandals.

A blue denim skirt, straight cut, above the knee length perfectly harmonizes with a white top, a short black jacket, a voluminous style, a small bag and black high-heeled sandals.

A stylish gray striped suit, consisting of an elongated jacket with flared three-quarter sleeves and straight-cut trousers, looks good with a white top, clutch and white sneakers with thick soles.

A white skirt, flared cut, below the knee length will look great with a black crop top, straight cut, long sleeves and black high-heeled boots.

A white skirt with a blue print, flared silhouette, below the knee length will create a stylish look with a white shirt, loose fit, short wide sleeves, a small lilac bag and dark blue shoes with medium heels.

  • . No frills and frills! Light blue, soft pink or pure white - everyone will suit. Interesting, like colors and ivory, and pearls.
  • It looks stylish both with a strict addition and with entourage unexpected solutions. The main nuance: the fit of the skirt should be perfect. Well, if among the colors you prefer gray, beige and black shades.

  • Bag. Here, unfortunately, it is difficult to manage alone. A dark tote bag for work and school, a clutch for evening events, and bright or just light for summer.

A light blue sweater with a straight cut will make a harmonious ensemble with beige-colored trousers, a wide silhouette, a large bag and black sandals with a flat sole.

A gray-green pencil skirt, below the knee length, goes well with a brown jacket, a semi-fitted animal print jacket, a small bag and brown sandals with medium heels.

Skinny gray jeans are perfectly complemented by a light brown sleeveless top, a peach-colored shawl with a print, a terracotta-colored tote bag and high-heeled brown sandals.

Stylish suit in black with white print from the Chanel collection, consisting of a short jacket and wrap skirt, straight cut, knee length, combined with a sleeveless blouse and high heeled boots from Chanel.

A translucent brown-green blouse from the new Rodarte collection of a straight silhouette, with voluminous sleeves to the elbows and a deep neckline, decorated with ruffles, complemented by tight black trousers and platform sandals from Rodarte.

Victoria Beckham's new season white skirt with a pink floral print is free-cut, below the knee length and is in harmony with a white jacket and white Victoria Beckham low heels.

You can list such things for a long time, considering seasonal wardrobe options. Remember that the main thing is to correctly supplement such a base with elements that are specific to you and are your continuation.

How to look stylish in autumn and winter

Every lady wants to know how to dress stylishly in autumn, and even in the coldest period - in winter. Modern compositions have become very diverse and unexpected. This means that everyone will be able to find the perfect option for themselves.

    Classic. Calm and cold shade, maximum rigor of style and confidence in your look.

  • Bright shades. Let your imagination run wild - bright yellow, rich burgundy, fuchsia and delicate lilac. Each of them will find a place not only in summer, but also in winter.

Autumn jacket with khaki print, flared silhouette, mid-thigh length with a hood is perfectly complemented by dark gray jeans, slim fit, tote bag and black boots with low heels.

A raincoat of a light brown shade, straight cut, below the knee length perfectly harmonizes with a white shirt, a red sweater, a gray-blue print skirt, a straight silhouette, a small bag and light brown moccasins.

A thin gray coat, straight cut, knee-length looks good with a light blue sweater, a printed navy blue wrap skirt, a small bag and high-heeled sandals.

A thin coat of a light pink shade, straight cut, below the knee length, with a fur collar will look great with a top, tight black trousers, a voluminous patent leather bag and black high-heeled ankle boots.

A dirty pink fur coat, straight silhouette, above the knees, with three-quarter sleeves will create a stylish winter look with a white blouse, blue cropped jeans, a small bag and beige high-heeled ankle boots.

A silk dress in a light pink shade, loose-fitting, floor-length, with a train will make a harmonious autumn ensemble with a gray-blue sweater with a pattern, a small bag and white moccasins.

  • Unexpected drawings. Colorful, and sometimes a bit odd, patterned and geometric prints, sometimes reminiscent of an unfinished drawing, covered many jackets in this year's autumn-winter collections.
  • Knitten things. Any knit, whether tight, openwork or thin, is popular in all seasons, but tight things are difficult to wear in the hot season without causing surprise to others.

  • Sheep's wool. Charming "curls" attracted many famous designers. They did not limit themselves to jackets and sheepskin coats, they got such an effect, and sweaters, and.

A printed suit, consisting of a straight cut blouse with short sleeves and cropped trousers, goes well with a thin coat of light lilac shade and beige sandals with high heels.

A blue dress with a small print, fitted cut, below the knee length, with a slit and long sleeves, is perfectly complemented by a short brown leather vest, a dark gray coat with a fur collar and high-heeled wet asphalt ankle boots.

A short sweater in a light gray shade with blue stripes, in a loose style, perfectly harmonizes with tight black trousers, a light gray fur coat, mid-thigh length, a small bag and black high-heeled shoes.

Black leather pants from Tommy Hilfiger's new season collection paired with a striped top, tan cropped jacket and black high heel boots from Tommy Hilfiger.

A white autumn suit with a pink floral print from the collection of the fashion house Victoria Beckham, consisting of a fitted jacket and trousers in a classic silhouette, is complemented by Victoria Beckham white low-cut closed shoes.

An elegant floor-length, long-sleeved white dress with a black striped print from the Victoria Beckham collection that matches with white Victoria Beckham closed-toe flats.

Fashion and style can offer many variations of winter trends, even translucent dresses can be found among them. It is important not to lock yourself into fashion, but to find a response also in the benefits to your health, the comfort of your body. Items of clothing made of sheep's wool will be especially to the liking of heat-loving girls and women who, over the years, have minor health problems.

Secrets of a stylish look for the summer

In summer, as a rule, there is minimalism in clothes and, on the contrary, a maximum of possible accessories.

The minimum base includes plain and colorful dresses, chiffon and knitted overalls, as well as the unchanging classics of summer -. Of course, you can buy 10 dresses with different prints, a lot of T-shirts with intricate stripes, but not every girl can afford such a waste.

Summer is the time for accessories, with which, having only a jumpsuit and a couple of T-shirts in stock, you can create different looks for any occasion. How to dress stylishly in the summer and what additional details to add, we will consider below.

  • Neck. A massive necklace with precious stones, beads, a chain with large links, multi-layered pendants and thin rims adjoining the neck - a great range to choose from, isn't it? Bright colors for a walk, sophisticated jewels for the evening and classic black and white for an office dress code. This season was a discovery in successful combinations of several materials into one product, such as leather and metal, plastic and wicker elements.

A summer skirt in bright red, flared cut, above the knee length will create a stylish look with a printed crop top, long sleeves, a small bag and white ankle boots with high thick heels.

A black summer dress with a checkered print, straight cut, above the knee length will make a harmonious ensemble with a cropped yellow jacket, a silver-tone clutch and black high-heeled shoes.

A suit for summer in green with a floral print, consisting of a short T-shirt with a straight silhouette with short sleeves and loose-fitting trousers, goes well with dark blue moccasins.

Beige trousers from the collection of the Chanel fashion house in a wide cut, with large pockets, combined with the original short-sleeved blouse, clutch and yellow shoes with low-cut inserts from Chanel.

A checkered summer dress in black and white from the Diane von Furatenberg collection with a semi-fitted silhouette, sleeveless, with a deep neckline is complemented by a voluminous bag and open high-heeled sandals from Diane von Furatenberg.

Gray shorts for the summer from the new Giorgio Armani collection in a wide cut are in harmony with the top, fitted jacket, small bag and sandals in light gray with high heels from Giorgio Armani.

Summer skirt in a small floral print from the collection of the new season from Michael Kors in a flared cut, above the knee length is combined with a white shirt with three-quarter sleeves and sandals in beige with a flat sole from Michael Kors.

A dress for the summer in white with a print from the collection of the fashion house Moschino of a fitted silhouette, with straps, with a voluminous skirt above the knee length, complemented by yellow high-heeled shoes from Moschino.

This Valentino summer dress in marsh print has a loose fit, flared cut, above the knee, with one long sleeve, in harmony with a tote bag and black Valentino flat sandals.

  • Earrings. Massive shoulder-length options and miniature round-shaped options have become favorites of the new season. Pearl earrings are especially common in the most successful fashion collections.
  • Bracelets. Thin or wide, plastic or knitted, transparent, pastel or bright green - only your imagination can limit your variety.
  • Rings. So small, but such an irreplaceable accessory. Massive rings with bright stones are especially delightful in the summer sun.

A summer sweater in a white shade with a red stripe, a tight-fitting cut, with short sleeves is perfectly complemented by a flared, pleated skirt in light gray, above the knees, a white bag and pink ballet flats.

Summer denim shorts in a light blue hue are in perfect harmony with a beige blouse, straight cut, with long sleeves, a clutch and light brown high-heeled sandals.

A stylish top for the summer in black, with straps, with a lace insert looks good with a flared skirt in a light gray shade, a clutch with a metallic effect and black high-heeled shoes.

A summer knitted skirt in a turquoise hue, a straight silhouette, below the knee length will look great with a sleeveless floral print blouse, a beige knitted bag and purple open flat sandals.

Of course, not everyone can afford a large number of accessories, especially from precious metals. In truth, 2-3 universal sets are enough to create a bright look: thin precious metals, bright stones and a plastic one-color set.

How to dress stylishly for overweight women

A number of tips and your own sense of taste and proportion will help a plump woman dress elegantly and stylishly. Any build deserves to be recognized as the best of the best. How to move in the right direction, we will consider further.

    The first rule is correct posture. It slims and makes you look more confident and even majestic.

  • Properly fitted underwear. Aligns the silhouette and gives the opportunity to correct not only small, but also larger imperfections.
  • Among all tights, look for options with inserts that have a slimming effect.

A blouse for fat girls in black with a print, free style, with three-quarter sleeves perfectly harmonizes with skinny trousers in a dark blue hue and yellow high-heeled shoes.

A coat with a leopard print, flared silhouette, above the knee length looks good with an elongated white blouse, tight trousers, a clutch and black high-heeled shoes.

A dress for overweight girls in a turquoise hue with a floral print, fitted cut, above the knee length will look great with a navy blue denim jacket, a bag with an animal pattern and blue shoes with medium heels.

Long shorts for full white, wide cut, below the knee length will create a stylish look with a cropped top in black, with three-quarter sleeves, a tote bag and black high-heeled shoes.

A short pink jacket with a straight silhouette will make a harmonious ensemble with a white T-shirt, blue jeans with scuffs, tight-fitting cut and high-heeled gray sandals.

A knee-length white pencil skirt goes well with a fitted top, a straight-cut jacket with silk lapels and black low-heeled shoes.

    Do not choose clothing styles that resemble a bag. Too spacious options will not hide, but, on the contrary, emphasize extra pounds. At the same time, there should not be a maximally tight-fitting effect, let the clothes fit gracefully to the body.

  • A strong contrast between the combined colors, as well as a series of light shades is not recommended. The dark spectrum is able to slim and align the silhouette.
  • Long models are useless, among vests and cardigans, get models up to the middle of the thigh, no more.

Of course, someone will say: “How is it, so many prohibitions!” Any figure has a number of prohibited, and a number of recommended features. Dress as you wish or try to look slimmer and more graceful - it's up to you.

How to dress stylishly for work

And at work, a woman must remain a woman. The working atmosphere only sets the direction of your image, adding to it a touch of classics and rigor. What things will become the most indispensable for creating a stylish work bow?

Shoes. Office ladies, whose working day is not full of active movements, can safely afford high and even very high heels. But for those who are more likely to be on the move, comfortable moccasins or for a hot period will become a replacement.

A guipure skirt in a white shade, straight cut, knee-length, with a high waist will create a business look with a white blouse, a short jacket, a clutch and beige-colored high-heeled shoes.

Tight black trousers will make up an office ensemble with an elongated top in white, a fitted coat, beige, below the knee length and black high-heeled ankle boots.

Gray business trousers in a classic cut with arrows go well with a light pink blouse, loose fit, three-quarter sleeves and black high-heeled shoes.

An office skirt in a brown shade, a straight silhouette, above the knee length is perfectly complemented by a white blouse, a brown raincoat, below the knee length, a black clutch and shoes with medium heels.

A dark red business suit, consisting of an elongated jacket, fitted cut and classic-style trousers with arrows, perfectly harmonizes with a small bag and dark gray high-heeled shoes.

A skirt in a light gray shade, tight-fitting, below the knee length looks good with a blue sweater, with an asymmetrical bottom, a clutch and black openwork high-heeled sandals.

Gray business suit from the collection of the fashion house Emporio Armani, consisting of a fitted jacket and trousers in a classic cut with arrows, combined with a white top, a small bag and black high-heeled shoes from Emporio Armani.

A black office skirt from the Escada collection in a flared silhouette, below the knee length, is complemented by a fitted jacket with three-quarter sleeves, a green shade with a black print and black high-heeled shoes from Escada.

An elegant light brown blazer from the new Ralph Lauren collection with a fitted, peplum style is in harmony with a thin belt, a white pencil skirt, knee-length and animal print sandals with high heels from Ralph Lauren.

Knitted items. Comfortable to wear - easy to wash. Another important factor for work clothes, because it gets dirty much faster. Turtlenecks, cardigans, skirts, trousers and even dresses can be made from such fabrics.

Pencil skirt. Or rather, her classic form-fitting shape, strictly flowing around the line of the hips.

Visual body shaping is their job. A high waist slims and stretches the silhouette, shortened models, in combination with, on the contrary, add broken lines and shorten your look.

A gray dress, a tight-fitting silhouette, with thin straps, below the knee length, is perfectly complemented by a thin lilac sweater, an animal print clutch and beige sandals with medium heels.

A black business skirt, straight cut, knee-length perfectly harmonizes with a brown sweater, with a neckline, a straight-cut coat, a clutch with an animal pattern and brown suede ankle boots with high thick heels.

A black office dress, a tight-fitting silhouette, below the knee, sleeveless looks good with a fitted white jacket, a small bag and light beige high-heeled shoes.

A straight-cut, knee-length gray skirt will look great with a light pink blouse with short sleeves, a brown knitted cardigan, a pink clutch and high-heeled sandals.

The word "work" includes millions of different variations. Our advice can become the basis for any stylish wardrobe of our time. But remember that if you are a creative person, or your bosses accept a flight of fancy in appearance at the workplace, go ahead and embody the most daring outfits.

Stylish everyday look

The section in which there is always the largest number of new products and unexpected solutions. Ahead are several images created by designers in the wake of the latest fashion trends.

  • . Cotton and chiffon, classic and romantic, very short and with long trousers - the option is chosen depending on the season and the type of your figure. A top, a T-shirt, and also or sneakers complete a stylish look for an ordinary day.

A burgundy plaid dress for every day, fitted style, above the knee length looks good with a black leather jacket, a fringed tote bag and suede ankle boots in wet asphalt colors at low speed.

Light blue denim jumpsuit with three-quarter sleeves and a low waist will look great with white shoes with black high heel inserts.

A loose-fit coral black striped short sweater with three-quarter sleeves will create a stylish casual look with a gray short skirt, a straight cut, a small bag and black high-heeled sandals.

A striped white dress with dark green stripes, a fitted silhouette, above the knee length, with short wide sleeves will create an excellent ensemble for every day with a small blue bag and low-cut black boots.

The printed skirt, flared cut, below the knee length goes well with a blue patterned top with a black insert, sleeveless, tote bag and beige high-heeled sandals.

Beige trousers, wide style, are perfectly complemented by a white sweater, free silhouette, with an asymmetrical bottom, a small bag and black high-heeled shoes.

    Actual length to the knee and mid-calf. This outfit is more likely to be reflected in the warm season and on the occasion of a romantic date. The abundance of ruffles, folds, flounces and much more will complement the image of a young girl.

  • Raincoats. From thin in summer to thick in early winter. There are no boundaries here, because some eminent designers share models full of minimalism, while others release models wearing raincoats richly decorated with embroideries and large appliqués.
  • 60s. Faded strict trousers, a jacket a couple of shades brighter and a jacket studded with large stones or containing a massive rich pattern. A tote bag and pastel loafers with no extra trim will complete your time traveler look.

For some reason, very little is written about stylish home clothes. This is all, probably, because often old worn NOT home clothes become “stylish home clothes”. And that's the best :)

Otherwise, at home we put on a terry bathrobe and feel super-cosy.

Yes, indeed, the main difference between home clothes and everyday clothes is convenience and comfort, but you still shouldn’t turn yourself into a “plush queen”. Especially with a beloved man :) Well, you yourself know that, girls!

But HOW to dress at home so that it is both comfortable and beautiful, and even the husband so that he gasps with admiration, I will tell you now.

Stylish home clothes: photo


Knitwear is perhaps the best thing to wear at home. Knitwear is pleasant to the body, stretches well, and there are a myriad of possible options for “bows”.

In order not to resemble an aunt relaxing on the Adler coast in the 70s, choose things with a minimum of details :-)

Let me remind you, girls, even though flowers are in trend this season, multi-colored buds on a knitted dressing gown will definitely not please a man. Try a combination of leggings and an oversized T-shirt - it will be what you need!


Have you tried wearing a skirt at home? Not? It can be not only beautiful (well, no comments at all), but also convenient.

You can even try a straight skirt. Provided that it is made of well-stretched jersey. Combined with a voluminous shirt - just a bomb!

Be careful with floor-length knitted skirts, especially if staying at home involves walking around the apartment with a mop or vacuum cleaner. There is a risk of getting caught on the hem :)


I already wrote about this above, but I will remind you again. Girls, free your home wardrobe from colorful knitted robes. Maybe 30 years ago, it looked normal (although I highly doubt it). A straight dress without a print will look much more attractive.


A silk or satin set looks the coolest. But, if you find good cotton or knitwear, you will also be a very stylish desperate housewife.

Which pajamas are right? See photos!


As an alternative to slippers with a fur pompom, soft homemade ballet flats are perfect. Now these are sold in almost every mass market store with tights and underwear. There are both warm models and light ones for the summer.


“It's cold at home, but I also want to wear dresses and short skirts! What do i do?" - you will say after reading all of the above. Sharing a secret weapon.

GOLF AND TIGHTS. Who said that you can only wear them on the street or in the office? Complete with a short skirt or dress, soft tights or long warm stockings look just amazing. And, well, very attractive. Tested on my husband :) Also, don't forget about cozy sweaters and cardigans!

Home make-up


I am not advocating war paint at home. But with a fresh face of a healthy color, you will look one hundred percent and not a single husband will be scared. If you use makeup in your daily life, then you can try a light BB cream at home. It will not only make you beautiful in 10 seconds, but also take care of your skin.


My favorite stores are the well-known CALZEDONIA and OYSHO (there, by the way, you can buy tights and stockings for your home).

Also, don't miss the homewear department at H&M and Uniqlo.

And here's another life hack for you, girls. Clothes for the home can be bought at major sales. Especially at the end of summer, when discounts on summer clothes reach 80%. I have a bunch of knitted dresses (correct!) and skirts from the basic clothing collections in my home wardrobe, which I snatched at the end of August for mere pennies. In general, we look wider!

Oh yes, and don’t forget about the shirts of your beloved!


Girls, home clothes can really be not only cozy, but also beautiful! Remember, in 90% of cases, your man sees you in the morning (in a dressing gown and with a terry towel on his head) and in the evening, when you are tired after a hard day, after taking a bath, put on the same dressing gown. But before the start of a life together, he saw you only in full dress.

So let's all boycott terry bathrobes, colorful dresses and velor tracksuits with rhinestones and please ourselves and our loved ones with our cool look. Well, at least on the weekend :)

Here are some more photos for inspiration.