How beautiful to decorate a Christmas tree with ribbon bows. How to make bows for a Christmas tree with your own hands. How to create a unique Christmas tree design

The tradition of hanging lush red bows on the Christmas tree came to us from Europe.

A Christmas tree decorated with satin bows looks very elegant and stylish.

Their traditional types, that is, ordinary single bows, have gained great popularity.

However, you can decorate the Christmas tree with other options: for example, beautiful double bows or even large gift bows.

The choice of their color will depend on the overall color scheme of the festive interior.

A very big "plus" of such ribbon bows for the Christmas tree is that they are made very quickly. In any hour you can make a dozen of these decorations!

Do-it-yourself Christmas tree bows can be made from both satin ribbon and colored paper, as well as candy or foil wrappers.

In order for the bows on the Christmas tree to be beautiful and bright with your own hands, they should be decorated with beads and various beads.

The decor can not only be sewn on, but also glued with special glue.

Colored bows of various "calibers" look charming on the Christmas tree, giving it a festive elegance.

But when decorating the tree with bows, don't waste your time, because we need to leave room for cones, fruits and toys. However, lovers of originality can refuse other decorations.

The bows themselves can be done like this:

1. Tie transparent corrugated organza ribbons directly on the spruce branches, lowering the long ends down, as you see in the photo.

2. Take soft satin ribbons and tie a bow. Sew on a shiny button in the center of each and wrap thin Christmas tree beads around the buttons. You will get beautiful Christmas tree bows with beads.

3. Cut squares from bright gift paper, tie them in the middle with a thin satin ribbon, which you tie with a bow. The result is charming double bows.

Here you can "play" with colors: build elegant plain bows or bright colored ones - as you like.

This simple but very cute decoration will come in handy when decorating the hall, so create more of them.

Flowers from decorative ribbons that decorate bouquets will look very organically on the Christmas tree.

If you have them, place them next to the bows - you get a wonderful harmonious combination.

Another original version of decorating a Christmas tree with bows is that children's bows are carefully untwisted in length and hung on the branches of a Christmas tree in the form of festive tinsel.

You can fasten several bows together to end up with a large ribbon.

And so that the attachment points of the bows are not visible, hang a few small satin bows of the size on top.

Bows do not have to be an addition to any decoration. They look very nice on their own.

You can choose just such an “outfit” for the Christmas tree and use bows made of ribbons and fabric in red, golden color or with a pattern for this.

Bows to match the Christmas balls will look great. Both simple versions of New Year's bows and multi-layer ones with intricate knots are suitable.

Decorating a Christmas tree with bows of various colors and sizes will perfectly fit into any style, whether it is strict, consisting of just such bows, or a cheerful children's one, where bows are a nice addition to the great variety of New Year's toys.

The holiday is approaching and you need to make a decision about how to decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year, so that a fairy tale and magic fill space, time and human consciousness. Any person who longs for a holiday can cope with the task, if he focuses on the unspoken rules that have been tested in practice by more than one generation.

Stages of achieving the desired results

Decorating a Christmas tree on the eve of the New Year holidays is already a joy in itself. But since you don’t want to “lubricate” the pre-holiday mood and the expectation of a miracle with confusion about the location of certain New Year’s accessories, you should head for a pre-thought-out procedure:

  1. The first step on the way to the long-awaited effect will be decorating the green beauty with garlands. Placing this bulky element on the branches in the first place will greatly facilitate subsequent tasks.
  2. Given the fragility of Christmas tree decorations, it is recommended to start placing them from above. This approach is especially relevant when choosing a tall Christmas tree.
  3. Using paper products as New Year's decorations, it is better to distribute them among the needles at the last moment. Since such toys are not particularly noticeable among the sparkling New Year's tinsel, they will play their role only against the background of a completely finished picture.
  4. The final chord in the decor melody will be the decoration of the Christmas tree with artificial snow, rain, etc.
  5. An excellent addition to the festive interior can be certain figures combined into mini-compositions. Relying on this method, it is possible to inhale the magic and the surrounding space.

Christmas Tree Decoration Algorithms

A cut down tree begins to live a completely different life as a result of decoration manipulations. To do this, you should use any suitable method of placing accessories:

  1. Chaotic placement of sparkling balls, combined with a circular order of garlands.
  2. Arrangement in a spiral, both garlands and toys (according to size and type). Thus, several spirals are formed on the Christmas tree, different in color and character.
  3. Longitudinal direction for garlands and toys, selected in accordance with the colors. The tinsel tied into bows between the verticals of the toys gives a special effect.
  4. Adherents of the classical style are recommended a circular arrangement of toys and garlands. Moreover, as you approach the bottom of the tree, the size of the decorations increases.

Effect obtained through style selection

Starting to decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year, we pursue the goal: to please ourselves and our loved ones. In this regard, you can only limit yourself to your own imagination. All methods are good here:

  • purchase of designer toys;
  • use of accessories of past years;
  • skillful disposal of surrounding objects and furnishings;
  • making a product with your own hands.

The most important thing is to choose exactly the style that will perfectly fit into the surrounding interior and will appeal to people who plan to celebrate the New Year at this Christmas tree.

Christmas tree in a classic style

Celebration in the classical style gives rise to the feeling that a beautiful moment has been stopped, as if by some inexplicable magic. Jewelry in this style will help people of any age to plunge into the atmosphere of bygone years again. As a sample, you can use fragments from old films or postcards.

The main attributes of decorating a classic Christmas tree can be:

  • toys in silver and gold shades;
  • the presence of red ribbons and other bright accents;
  • balls and sticks of caramel type;
  • hook-shaped toys;
  • angels, ballerinas and other items made of paper or cardboard;
  • garlands of different types;
  • use of a pointed crown.

Giving preference to high spruce, it is better to put it in the center of the room. The green beauty is smaller, it will look good on a table or chest of drawers. Old toys that remember grandmother's childhood will harmoniously fit into the New Year's decoration in a classic style. Rain and paper decorations can be hung not only on the Christmas tree, but also in the openings between the furniture, on the walls.

Decorations for the New Year in the style of modernity

Each note in the melody of the interior should be in tune with the general style. The need to decorate a Christmas tree in a room designed for hi-tech, minimalism or another modern solution requires the choice of a coniferous beauty of a strictly correct shape. In terms of toys, you should aim for neutral-looking objects, like balls that are similar in color but different in size. Paper decorations in this case are completely inappropriate, because they will stand out from the general row - and spoil the impression with the naivety of the look. Do not get too carried away and New Year's tinsel.

To be considered modern, it would be nice for an adherent of modern style in the interior to get acquainted with fashion ideas from designers of our time. In this capacity, technological structures can be presented, which are very similar in shape to a Christmas tree:

  • New Year's beauty, skillfully cut out of paper or cardboard;
  • a product made of combined materials;
  • imitation spruce made of plastic;
  • composition from recycled materials (plastic bottles, aluminum cans, etc.).

You should focus only on your own mood and the surrounding interior. The most important thing is to emphasize individuality and present the chosen style favorably.

The nuances of decorating an artificial Christmas tree

Decorating an artificial Christmas tree is much easier than an analog taken from the natural environment. The trick is that products with branches of only the correct shape leave the manufacturer's conveyors. When starting to decorate, you do not have to use any special toys, since any will do. The main restrictions can only be associated with the color of the product. For example: the desire to achieve a contrast with toys on white spruce requires the exclusion of objects painted with light and silver paint. An excellent solution is decoration with colorful toys. A special effect is observed if the sequence is followed, like the colors of the rainbow. But the reflections of garlands can only be enjoyed in the dark, since they are almost invisible in a lighted room.

There are some nuances in the decoration of multi-colored artificial fir trees. These items are so pretty that they can do without toys. In these cases, decor should only be used to decorate the surrounding space. If necessary, branches of artificial origin are not at all difficult to repaint on their own.

Unique design - the perfect solution for people with imagination

The design of the New Year's miracle is not bound by any framework. People with unlimited imagination and creative ideas can adopt a unique design:

  • from flowers or fruits;
  • the use of candles (subject to mandatory compliance with fire prevention measures);
  • choice in favor of knitted items;
  • implementation of thematic ideas through old gadgets or accessories, etc.

If each of the inhabitants of the house has their own ideas regarding New Year's decorations, then no one will interfere with the use of several Christmas trees placed in different rooms. In this case, you can choose both a living beauty and artificial options of any color. Any of the ultra-modern options for a creative look is quite acceptable.

Choice of color solution

One of the most important roles in decorating a Christmas tree for the New Year is played by the choice of color predominance:

  1. The royal combination in terms of colors and shades is the dominance of red and gold jewelry. In order not to spoil the picture, it is very important to refrain from diluting the red-gold scale with other colors.
  2. The freshness of the solution will please the choice in favor of white and red tones. But here you should remember about the boring appearance of garlands of exclusively white color. In such colors, only balls look chic.
  3. The combination of brown and gold shades will surprise you with the nobility of the composition. Here it will not be superfluous to add a certain amount of details painted in red tones.
  4. The magic of yellow-brown-green colors is only enhanced when combined with red and pink decorations.
  5. The harmony of white, green and silver will not be spoiled by some details in dark colors.
  6. An imitation of a winter mood inspired by the sight of shimmering snow and ice can be the use of toys in blue, purple and silver. Bluish lighting will help enhance the effect. Interspersed with yellow or red is not welcome.
  7. In the presence of simple and clean lighting, metallic colors (gold, silver, bronze, etc.) look great.

Top design methods

  • large stars;
  • figurines of Jesus or Santa Claus;
  • lush bow of bright color;
  • a toy corresponding to the sign of the zodiac;
  • decoration in the form of a lush rain or garland;
  • snowflake of the appropriate size;
  • the tip of the traditional pointed shape.

In addition, for general harmony, it would be nice to comply with the color scheme of the design, the shape and style of other jewelry.

A beautifully decorated Christmas tree has become an obligatory element of Christmas decor. It is difficult to imagine a holiday without it, therefore, as it approaches, many are looking for ideas on how to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year, taking into account the wishes of the symbol of 2020 - the rat, what style to choose and what color scheme to base on.

Colors for decorating the Christmas tree in 2020

It should be determined in advance in which color it is better to decorate the Christmas tree in 2020, the color scheme should correspond to the preferences of the hostess of the coming period - the White Metal Rat.

The colors of the coming year are silver, gold, all shades of gray and white. When decorating a Christmas tree, experts recommend taking into account the color scheme that prevails in the interior. For decoration, you should choose the main color and its shades, the second color will serve to emphasize interesting details that will be used in decoration. Finish the design with the addition of glitter in the form of silver or gold tinsel.

Fashion trends and Christmas decor ideas

A fashionable trend in decorating the Christmas tree will be the use of all shades of purple. But it is not recommended to use it as the main one; when decorating, it is better to include elements of lavender or light lilac color.

There are several ways to decorate a Christmas tree:

Trends in the design of the Christmas tree for the New Year 2020:

  1. Handmade balloons will become a fashion trend. They can be made from fabric, wire, cardboard and other materials, and then decorated with wool, glitter, embroidery, pictures, etc.

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  2. On the Christmas tree, be sure to hang edible decorations. You can use cookies, candies, beautifully decorated fruits or gingerbread.

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  3. Experts recommend decorating the spruce with toys with beads or sequins. These decorations are best made by hand. A pattern is applied to a felt or fabric base, after which it is embroidered with beads. Even balls pasted over with sparkles will be a beautiful addition to the decor of the Christmas tree.
  4. Many interesting items can be made from plastic. In the manufacture of such toys, acrylic paints, threads, lace, fur, buttons, etc. are used.
  5. A fashionable trend in decorating the Christmas tree is the use of loose materials. With the help of figured pasta, coffee beans, rice, peas, you can create many interesting details.
  6. Another trend is toys made from natural materials. Chestnuts, acorns, cones, walnuts, dried tangerine or orange peel can be used. In order for the aroma to come from the Christmas tree, you can use sprigs of cinnamon or lavender in the decoration process.
  7. Vintage decor does not lose its relevance. However, it is not hung in large numbers. The toy should stand out from the others.
  8. Among the fashion trends of the season, a special place is occupied by original decorations for the top of the spruce. Big red stars remain in trend. In addition, the crown can be decorated with an angel figurine, a large golden bow, a toy rat.

    If you can't decide how to properly place toys on a coniferous tree, use the following ideas:

    • the arrangement of jewelry in a spiral;
    • scattering of toys and circular placement of garlands and rain;
    • distribution of decorations in the vertical direction;
    • circular hanging toys.

    Symbols for good luck

    If you want to put up a Feng Shui Christmas tree, first decide what goals and desires are priorities and in which direction you need to direct positive energy. According to this teaching, each side of the world is responsible for various benefits:

    • southeast: material well-being, prosperity, monetary gain;
    • east: harmony in the family, mutual understanding, homeliness;
    • south: public recognition, glory;
    • west: replenishment in the family, the birth of children;
    • north: professional achievements, career advancement, success in work;
    • northeast: new knowledge, wisdom;
    • northwest: interesting travels, adventures, meetings with like-minded people;
    • southwest: harmonious personal relationships, happy marriage, good luck in the realm of love.

    If you place a decorated Christmas tree in the center of the room in 2020, it will become a symbol of good health and vitality, because positive home energy is concentrated in this place.

    According to Chinese teachings, red lanterns with tassels, coins with a hole, balls with hieroglyphs are considered symbols of good luck. You can hang banknotes, toys in the form of lotus flowers, cranes and walnuts on the New Year tree. To bring prosperity and happiness to your home, place rat figurines under the Christmas tree.

    7 options for decorating the Christmas tree beautifully and inexpensively

    You can decorate the Christmas tree with balls and other New Year's attributes in various styles. The most popular in 2020 will be the following options for inexpensive holiday decor:

    1. Classical. To elegantly decorate the Christmas tree in 2020 of the Rat, use balls of 2-3 shades of the same size. It is advisable to take the silver color as a basis, because it goes well with other bright colors. In the classic version, decorations are placed on a coniferous tree in a circle, garlands with small light elements and a plain rain are used.

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    2. Retro. This style is characterized by the use of old Soviet toys, round candies in bright wrappers, glass and plastic balls. You can complement the decor with paper snowflakes and stars, and put the figures of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden under the Christmas tree.
    3. Eco. To decorate a Christmas tree in this style, use natural materials: cones, acorns and chestnuts, branches, dried fruits and flowers, cinnamon sticks, cookies and gingerbread. Christmas balls and decorations can be made from wood or paper.

    4. Country. Rustic motifs should prevail in this style: toys made of thread and fabric, knitted boots and mittens, figurines decorated with lace, matte plain balls, felt decorations. A Christmas tree decorated in this style should embody home comfort, warmth and harmony.

    5. European. When decorating a European-style Christmas tree, use balls in 2 shades. Traditional combinations: gold and red, silver and blue. You can also hang satin bows of the same colors and a plain garland on a tree. The use of tinsel and rain is not welcome. A Christmas tree decorated in the European version should be stylish and neat.

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    6. Scandinavian. This decor is dominated by light shades, moderation and simplicity. If you like this style, you can change the natural spruce for an artificial one or make an imitation of a Christmas tree from garlands, wire and other scrap materials.
    7. handmade. If you are a creative person, make your own Christmas decorations. Decorated ceramic figurines, paper balls, clay toys, coffee bean beads, soft pompoms, etc. are suitable for Christmas tree decor.

    8. To decorate a Christmas tree, it is not necessary to purchase expensive designer toys. To get an excellent result, it is enough to approach the decorating process creatively and not be afraid to bring bold ideas to life.

New Year is a holiday that is looked forward to in every home with special impatience. New Year is the aroma of tangerines and the taste of Olivier salad, it is mountains of gifts and surprises, it is a cheerful company and a sea of ​​champagne, and of course it is a smartly decorated New Year tree.

First, let's talk about how you can decorate the Christmas tree?

There are no strict rules in decorating a Christmas tree for the New Year, which means that absolutely everyone can decorate. You ask what?

You can, of course, decorate the New Year's beauty with purchased Christmas toys, balls, icicles, New Year's tinsel, rain and beads. All this without much difficulty can be bought at any store a month before the New Year.

And you can do it in an original way and decorate the Christmas tree with unusual Christmas toys.

Christmas decorations. How to decorate a Christmas tree?

For example, edible Christmas decorations can be a great option for Christmas tree decorations. Delicious homemade cookies, or you can buy them, sliced ​​tangerines and oranges, sweets in bright shiny wrappers, chocolate figurines (Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, a symbol of the coming year, bunnies and cubs).

Caramel Christmas decorations

An unusual option for edible Christmas tree decorations can be caramel Christmas toys. Use baking molds to make them. Place the baking molds on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Put caramels inside each mold. Bake in the oven until the caramel is melted and fills the mold completely.

Then carefully remove the caramel figures and let them cool. Make a hole. Decorate the Christmas tree with frozen caramel figurines or present them as a New Year's souvenir to your family, friends and relatives.

Another option for decorating a New Year's beauty can be family photos, holiday cards, newspaper and magazine clippings, hung on decorative ribbons or plaits.

Remember the Christmas trees from the childhood of our parents, grandparents ... Use family heirlooms in decorating the Christmas tree, such as silverware, jewelry and jewelry, figurines, old children's toys, watches, etc. The Christmas tree will definitely turn out to be unusual and very touching.

Small soft toys can also be used to decorate the Christmas tree. It would be great if all soft toys were themed: Santa Clauses, snowmen, Snow Maidens, Santa Claus bags, bunnies, etc.

If you know how to knit or sew, you can take care of decorating the Christmas tree in advance and make bright and unusual homemade Christmas decorations. Knitted toys will add warmth and comfort to your home, and sewn from bright patches will add extravagance to the entire New Year's interior.

Christmas tree decoration with ribbons and bows

Today it has become very fashionable to decorate the Christmas tree with luxurious ribbons and bows, try to decorate your Christmas tree too. You can use bows and ribbons of the same color or different colors and shades in decoration, you can also try to experiment with the size and style of ribbons.

Decorate the Christmas tree with ribbons and bows, dress up with large Christmas decorations to match the ribbons.

Sprinkle the branches of the Christmas tree with artificial snow. If it is not possible to buy artificial snow, a compromise solution would be to use cotton balls or even the most ordinary flour.

DIY Christmas garland

And finally, a small master class on making a themed letter garland.

Using stencils, cut out the letters you need from a sheet of thick cardboard or foam, decorate the letters and sprinkle with sparkles.

Attach each letter with glue or staples to the rope and hang the finished garland on the Christmas tree.

Feng Shui. How to decorate a Christmas tree according to Feng Shui?

Hello dear readers! What is one of the main attributes of the New Year? Of course, a beautiful Christmas tree! Do you know how the tradition of installing an elegant Christmas tree in the house was born? In ancient times, there was a belief that plants with needles (thorny) protected dwellings and people living in them from evil spirits. People were sure that such plants were inhabited by exceptionally good spirits that could protect people's homes from negative influences and black energy. Therefore, people went to the forest, chose beautiful Christmas trees, brought them home and decorated them with various homemade goodies (nuts, cookies, pears and apples). These goodies were supposed to appease the spirit of the tree, and he, in gratitude, faithfully protected the house from all sorts of misfortunes. Years have passed, many beliefs have been forgotten, but the tradition of decorating a Christmas tree still remains, although nowadays, glass, porcelain, ceramic or plastic toys, as well as garlands, tinsel and rain are more often hung on the New Year's beauty. In today's review, really beautifully decorated Christmas trees will be presented, each of which can be called a standard.

Such examples of spectacular Christmas trees will help you choose the style for your home spruce. You can make New Year's toys yourself, for this you will need to be patient and have a list of improvised materials, in the article we studied options for such incredibly beautiful and soulful decorations, I recommend that you study! If the soul does not lie in the independent manufacture of jewelry, you should just go to the store. By the way, I know one trusted online store that presents a huge amount of Christmas decorations, absolutely for every taste, at the end of the review I will give you a link to this wonderful store.

How to decorate a Christmas tree.

Designers assure for a harmonious perception of a decorated Christmas tree, you should follow certain recommendations, I think we must not forget that the rules are the rules, and no one has yet canceled the individual approach, below will be presented a lot of photos with decorated Christmas trees that look very interesting, crossing out a number of these rules .

✓ The size of the Christmas tree should fit the parameters of the room. Too big a tree will look ridiculous in a small room.

✓ If there are too few toys, it is better to install a small tree.

✓ Artificial trees are easier to decorate, their branches are much more magnificent, and besides, they bend in any direction.

✓ Do not use real candles and sparklers to decorate spruce, remember the safety rules.

✓ Do not install a tree near radiators or other heating devices, this rule applies equally to both a real tree and an artificial one.

✓ Beads and tinsel should be placed around the spruce trunk, not vertically.

✓ By placing the toys near the lights of the garland, you can create an additional mysterious sparkle to the decorations.

✓ Designers assure that when decorating a Christmas tree, two or three color tones should be used, this technique will help ennoble your Christmas tree, creating an exquisite subtext for it.

✓ Do not overload the Christmas tree, just choose three types of decorations, for example, balls, satin ribbons, garlands.

✓ Place toys at the same distance from each other.

✓ Pyramid rule - large toys should be placed below, small ones, respectively, above.

✓ Do not forget to hang a symbol of the coming year on the New Year tree.

✓ On the top of the spruce, you can choose to choose: a large bow, an angel, a spire or a star.

✓ A wonderful technique for decorating a real Christmas tree. We take a can of silver or golden paint and shade the tips of the branches with it, the spruce looks just magical!

✓ Decorate the base of the Christmas tree. For these purposes, special rugs for the Christmas tree are on sale, you can also use cotton wool snow, soft toys or figures of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

Decorated Christmas trees at home.

Below I want to show you the best options for decorated Christmas trees, Christmas trees decorated with the following basic elements will be presented: bows, ribbons imitating men's ties, houses, children's toys, snowmen, snowflakes, Poinsettia flowers, balls. It is worth noting that the imagination of designers knows no bounds, recently thematic decorations of Christmas trees have become very popular, when one object, a movie character or even a movie is taken as the basis. Perhaps even in the near future an article will be published with Christmas trees decorated in the style of movie characters.

Christmas tree in the style of Mickey and Minnie Mouse.

Decor requires themed toys, and a huge polka-dot bow or cap with ears on top of a tree. Great tree, kids will love it.

Christmas tree in the style of Harry Potter.

This wizard boy has fans all over the world, in the style of Potter, they not only decorate Christmas trees, but also hold wedding ceremonies! To decorate a New Year's tree, you need to stock up on antique portable lanterns, toys in the form of owls, and a hat for decorating the top.

Christmas tree decorated with houses.

For such a decor, you need to purchase (or make it yourself out of cardboard) a lot of approximately identical houses, which are then hung symmetrically along the branches of a tree.

Children's toys on the Christmas tree.

In many houses, a Christmas tree is decorated especially for small children, I think this decor will definitely appeal to kids. We select small soft or plastic toys and hang them on the Christmas tree.

Christmas tree decorated with snowmen.

An absolutely winter version of the decor, because snowmen most successfully fit into the festive color. Moreover, such a decor is not at all difficult to create; as Christmas tree decorations, you can use round balls, independently decorated under the head of a snowman. On the top of the Christmas tree, you can also fix the head of a snowman from a foam ball, with a painted face and a hat sewn from felt.

Herringbone with ribbons under a man's tie.

A great idea to decorate the Christmas tree with ribbons that look like men's ties. Such Christmas trees can serve as a wonderful decoration for the office.

Christmas tree with bows.

Bows can be created from satin ribbons, gift ribbons or stiff tulle, organza. Bows should be placed symmetrically on the branches of the spruce, as well as on the top of the New Year's beauty.

Snowflakes on the Christmas tree.

Snowflakes on spruces also look very relevant, the photo below confirms what has been said. Such snowflakes can be made independently using melted wax, cut out of cardboard and decorated with glitter, or purchased ready-made.

Poinsettia flowers on the tree.

A Christmas tree decorated with artificial flowers of Poinsettia, which is also called the Stars of Bethlehem, looks very elegant! Such flowers can be cut out of paper or you can purchase ready-made decorations. You can place them on the Christmas tree below or symmetrically along the branches of the tree.

Balls on the tree.

Balls on the Christmas tree are a classic, the fashion for which, probably, will never end. Below are photos that show various options for the arrangement of balls on a New Year's tree.