How can I raise hemoglobin nursing mom. Anemia in a nursing mother: how to increase hemoglobin

Maintaining the normal level of hemoglobin when carrying and feeding the baby's breasts is a very important aspect for the proper formation and health of the kid. Hemoglobin is responsible for a very vital process in the body - this is the supply of all systems, organs and oxygen tissues, without which life is impossible. And if an adult anemia will lead to bad well-being and a gradual violation of the normal activity of the body. It is in the case of a reduced hemoglobin in mommy during pregnancy and breastfeeding, a child can get underdevelopment of various organs and systems that cannot be fixed with anything. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to maintain during pregnancy, and how to increase hemoglobin after childbirth.

Iron norms in a pregnant and nursing woman

The body of a woman containing iron protein is required more than a man due to the monthly blood loss. But even more increases with the onset of pregnancy. This need explains very simple - the mother's body should supply all the necessary substances, and including iron growing in the womb. The same goes on and after the birth of the baby in the period of feeding with breast milk. Only when the child will begin to eat independently, with the mother, an additional duty to ensure the body of children's vital trace elements.

Doctors recommend pregnant to raise hemoglobin as the fetus grows. Because not only the lack of iron adversely affects how the organism is growing in the womb, but also on the maternal. Excess hemoglobin also entails adverse effects. Therefore, there are iron norms in a pregnant woman depending on the trimester:

  • I trimester - from 114 to 134 g / l.
  • II trimester - from 112 to 128 g / l.
  • III trimester - from 111 to 129 g / l.

The determination of the level of hemoglobin is engaged in the laboratory. To analyze blood for hemoglobin, it is enough to hand over the capillary blood of the finger. And to determine the indicators of glycosylated hemoglobin make a fence of a blood substance from Vienna.

Causes of lack of iron in the woman in labor

To know how to raise hemoglobin nursing mom, it will be necessary to first study the causes of iron deficiency in the postpartum period. Since, if you do not fix the source of the problem leading to a decrease in hemoglobin. Then the use of products rich in iron, and the reception of iron-containing drugs will not bring the desired benefit.

The reasons for the increased need of pregnant and women in the gland:

  1. Filling the requirements in the gland placenta and umbilical cord.
  2. Multiple pregnancy.
  3. Reducing the volume of circulating erythrocytes by increasing blood plasma.
  4. Loss of blood during generic activity.
  5. The use of a large amount of calcium, which prevents the normal absorption of iron.
  6. The aggravation of chronic pathologies.

Symptoms of shortness of hemoglobin after childbirth in a nursing mother:

  • Dizziness, pressure in temples, scalp.
  • Weakness, systematic ailment.
  • Disturbance, constant drowsiness.
  • Decay concentration of attention.
  • Lone pale skin and mucous cover.
  • Flashing black dots before your eyes.
  • Dry mouth, change in taste.
  • Pre-perspective condition, nausea, vomiting.

Methods of increasing hemoglobin after childbirth in a nursing mother

Low hemoglobin after childbirth in a nursing mother is raised by different methods. Perfectly raises the level of iron a number of food. But in particularly severe or launched cases, the lack of hemoglobin in the woman in labor can not do without pharmacological preparations containing iron and ascorbic acid for the rapid and high-quality assimilation.

How to raise hemoglobin after childbirth in a nursing breastfeeding with products (iron content is indicated in micro grams):

  • Asparagus (9000 μg).
  • Groats buckwheat (6650 μg).
  • Oatmeal milk or cereal of Hercules (3630 μg).
  • Drinkle bread (2800 μg).
  • Wheat groats (2700 μg).
  • Dried mushrooms (2600 μg).
  • Chicken eggs (2500 μg).
  • Fresh domestic apples (2200 μg).
  • Beet barded (1400 μg).
  • Smorodine black (1300 μg).
  • Cabbage quashen (1300 μg).

Products rich in iron is actually much more. True, the content of iron in them may be less significant. It is necessary to select the diet during breastfeeding period, taking into account the fact that some products and ingredients in food can cause a unwanted skin reaction in the baby or from the digestive system.

Lactation directly depends on the diet of a nursing mother.

How to increase hemoglobin after childbirth in a nursing mother, through medicines, you must consult with the doctor. Because each iron-containing drug has a different dosage. And in order to avoid overdose of the mother and a newborn, you need to strictly follow the possible daily iron rate.

  • Sorbifer Duruless.
  • Feneuls.
  • Aktifferer.
  • Ferrum Lek.
  • Malto and others.

The advantage of pharmacy preparations is a quick effect. And the advantage of food is complete safety and absence of overdose risk. The choice of a method to replenish hemoglobin after childbirth in a nursing mother depends on the anemia. With a light (90-110 mg / l) of the degree of iron deficiency anemia, you can do food with rich glands. But already with an average (70-90 mg / l) and especially severe (from 69 mg / l and below), it is better to resort to professional means to restore hemoglobin levels.

In contact with

It is said about the need for its increase when anemia is diagnosed in mommy. A woman feels her headaches, drowsiness, lethargy. Even fainting happen. Hemoglobin is a protein that binds oxygen and carbon dioxide in blood erythrocytes. Due to this protein, oxygen is transferred from the lungs to all cells and tissues of our body. And when hemoglobin is low, then oxygen starvation occurs. So how to properly increase the amount of hemoglobin in the blood of a new mumble?

About anemia after childbirth

An indicator of an important protein in the blood decreases for a number of reasons. Among them are improper nutrition and severe childbirth, multiple pregnancy and aggravation of chronic diseases. Nevertheless, the main reason for the fact that the newly minted moms suffer from anemia is the loss of blood during the delivery. This is approximately 200-300 ml.

And it is also worth considering that during pregnancy in women increases the total amount of blood due to an increase in plasma volume. As a result, blood is cutting, and red blood cells (erythrocytes) becomes less. The situation is preserved and even aggravated after childbirth. By the way, a third of women after the appearance of crumbs to light suffer from a hidden disadvantage of iron. Upon clear anemia, mommy can lose consciousness, suffer from dizziness. It is constantly cloneing for sleep, it is difficult for her to focus, there is a feeling of dryness in the mouth, shortness of breath, the perversion of taste, tachycardia.

Normal is considered to be the hemoglobin content of at least 120 g / l.

About raising hemoglobin levels

As a rule, under anemia, women after childbirth prescribe iron-containing drugs. Medicine treatment can last 4-6 months. Such medicines are recommended to drink with acidic juices - so the gland will be easier to enter the body and seek. By the way, pharmacy iron-containing drugs contribute to constipation. Therefore, this property should be taken into account to women prone to this violation.

It is necessary to know that simultaneously taking iron-containing drugs and calcium. These are mutually exclusive means. But many moms, watching the deterioration of the condition of hair, teeth, nails, take calcium-containing drugs.

As for traditional medicine, it will help to increase hemoglobin in the blood, the juice of carrots and beets taken in equal proportions will help. It must be used in the morning, immediately before feeding the crumbs. It is necessary to start with 50 ml and follow the reaction of the baby, because all the products of red can cause allergies from the baby. So the benefit for mom can turn into a risk for a child. It should be noted that the red beet has a property to reduce blood pressure.

Diet with anemia is the inclusion in the ration of iron-containing products. And the most useful for the new Mom is buckwheat. It is advisable to use it every day, gradually, refueling with a small amount of vegetable or butter. You can boil it on milk. In second place on the content of iron among the croup - millet. From it, you can also cook porridge and soups, so that the menu of nursing mommy is more diverse.

Good and safe sources of iron are beef, veal, low-fat pork, tongue and liver. Meat products are also preferably included in the menu daily and alternate for a variety. In order for iron from products better than the body of a woman, the amount of fats in the diet should be limited. If there are many of them, it is pernicably affecting the formation of erythrocytes and hemoglobin. It is necessary to give preference to the fats of plant origin or dairy. And it is also worth considering that black tea is hampered by the absorption of iron in the body. Therefore, it is better to replace it with young mommies.

Unfortunately, rich grenades rich with iron, red caviar, walnuts, stearage the lactating women to use risky. But two squares of hematogen will become very useful if they eat them in the form of a dessert after the main meal.

In addition to the products, raising the hemoglobin in the blood of the woman will help walks outdoor walks, full sleep and recreation, frequent and fractional food.

Reducing the level of hemoglobin is characterized by general malaise, frequent chills, lethargy, headache, increased fatigue, dizziness. This condition caused by the deficiency of iron in the body is seriously transferred by any person, it is especially difficult to have a nursing mother that is also responsible for the health of his baby.

Methods for increasing the level of hemoglobin nursing mom

Among the generally accepted and useful tips, the following options are traditional:

  • the diet should be diverse and optimally balanced;
  • when the hemoglobin deficiency, you need to constantly use rich products and vitamins.

The list of products rich in iron is quite extensive, but we are talking about a special category of problems: you need to raise hemoglobin nursing mom, so it is necessary to constantly remember that any product introduced into the diet can affect the state of the newborn. If the child has a tendency to the emergence of allergic reactions, then bright in color of vegetables should be avoided, and not to use the recommended chocolate and hematogen recommended by many.

Mature beef and beef liver are universal products. Since vitamin C is required to better absorb iron, then green apples must be present in the diet.

Wonderful sauerkraut in all respects is added to soup in small quantities. In the spring, it is necessarily introduced into the nutrition of the tops of fresh young nettle, which is also added to the soup (on the liter of water a handful of grass).

Available beet can be used in different variations: the ingredient of borscht or lettuce, juice, to drink which is recommended a month for a glass daily. Useful regular use of boiled beet.

An effective mixture of juices made of beets, radish and carrots in equal proportions. Accepted on a tablespoon two months three times a day.

In the morning it is useful to eat 150 g of grated fresh carrots with vegetable oil or sour cream.

From the list of products recommended for administration to the diet to raise the hemoglobin of a nursing mom, those that do not cause individual intolerance are selected. Each person, and even more so, the baby on breastfeeding, there are their difficulties in the assimilation of certain products.

  1. Sea cabbage.
  2. Spinach.
  3. Freshly squeezed grenade juice, divorced in equal proportions with water.
  4. Egg yolk (one per day). Special efficiency has eaten three quail eggs during the day.
  5. Dried fruits compote.
  6. Milk products.
  7. Fresh and frozen berries of strawberries, strawberries, raspberries, honeysuckle, dogwood.
  8. , grapes.
  9. Melon, watermelons.
  10. Rowan red fruit (handful of berries or tablespoon juice per day).
  11. Daily hamberry daily.
  12. Walnuts (150 g) with a spoon of dining honey.
  13. Bean, tomatoes, millet, green peas.
  14. Sardines, salmon, herring, soybean containing vitamin B12.

Recipes with iron-rich

Roasted buckwheat croup, chopped on a meat grinder with nuts with adding honey, is stored in the refrigerator. All ingredients are taken in equal proportions. It is used in the morning before eating on a tablespoon.

According to a glass of Kuragi, a raisin without stones, walnuts with the addition of lemon (cut and remove the bones) skip everything together through the meat grinder and pour the glass of honey. Use on a tablespoon twice a day.

... Magnesium - 450 mg (buckwheat, barley, sea fish, almonds, legumes, raspberry, strawberry). Takes part in the formation of bones, regulating the work of the nervous system, the exchange of carbohydrates and energy. Iron - 25 mg (beef, pork, to a lesser extent - lamb, rabbit, poultry meat, beef liver). Participating in the formation of hemoglobin, contributes to the transfer of oxygen to all organs and tissues of mom and baby. Zinc - 25 mg (animal meat, liver, eggs, cheese, legumes). Participates in the synthesis of proteins, the hormone of the pancreas - insulin, regulates the appetite and digestion, together with calcium strengthens the bone skeleton of the newborn. Iodine - 200 μg / day (marine fish and dumb seafood, mo ...

Elizabeth Tribune, 25 years old, Mom Irina (5 years old), Tatiana (3 g., 8 months), Yulia (10 months). Prevented when olders were 8 months old. Fed before her year - 4 months of pregnancy. No differences from feeding younger without pregnancy found. During feeding and pregnancy, Vitamins Pin Prnavit, Mantnu. Sometimes I raised hemoglobin iron, but I carry it badly, so I tried to do it at the side. During pregnancies, practically refuse meat and birds, i.e. Meat - no more than once a week, mainly vegetables and fish. There were no threats, the nipples are very sensitive, because of this, the feeding turned out, and then it would still feed. Somehow the question stopped feeding did not arise. Before a year - there was such an installation with me, and pregnancy in the opposite ...
... if the child is less than six months, and its main food is breast milk, you need to carefully follow the condition of its health and weight gain. A child who has already been entered the lure, you need to diversify it, respectively, and gradually increase the number of other food than maternal milk. Mom, resolved on tandem breastfeeding, dare to calm: milk during and after childbirth under the influence of hormones passes the poles. Therefore, the newborn in the first days of life will receive a colostrum, so it is necessary, and not mature milk. There is also the opinion that the involution at the occurrence of a new pregnancy begins not after the fulfillment of the age of the child, but before. If the situation is critical ...


Hello. And I have such a question. Dress 1 year and 3 months. And here I learned that I am pregnant again. Employed. Metal. Scorn breasts. But it torments the question and how to be 3-4 days when I am in the hospital ... Although the son is now eating but more often suset ...

Very good article, and most importantly on personal experience.
I have a second pregnancy, the first 9 months, and the teeth go out. She planned to overcome from the chest, and now it's so hard to do it. After reading your article, I realized that it was not worth doing this and I will continue to feed.
It was even calmer.
Thank you

07/08/2017 12:38:25, Anastasia

Why did the apple juice be recommended as first supplies? In apple juice there is (albeit a bit) Vitamin S. Why was needed vitamin C? Vitamin C helps to absorb iron from the mixture (as you know, hospitals did not contribute to successful breastfeeding, and a lot of children turned out to be artificials in the first 3 months). Iron in breast milk is very small, the maternal nutrition on the amount of iron does not affect, but almost all iron from breast milk is easily and quickly absorbed by the organism ...

We are on guv. Child 5 months. They came from the polyclinic today, upset. Low hemoglobin, 97. Assigned juice to enter. And for some reason was surprised that the milk is enough. And what's the juice, I did not understand, the doctor herself said that it was not to raise hemoglobin. Preparations have not yet been prescribed, we will take the analysis (it was done for a long time). Help the advice.

daughter 6 months. Passed the analysis before vaccination - hemoglobin 97. I have 115. The child on breastfeeding, a couple of days ago began to give buckwheat porridge and apple puree (it gave him a few days before). Now I drink Malto Foul (iron preparation) on the recommendation of the doctor and eat more than the entire iron-containing. Actually, questions 2: Will it get to raise hemoglobin to a child, or still give the drug of iron directly to her (not yet, since she ...


Gomeopathy helped us. From 79 to 106 raised. Dried Ferrum Phosphoric. After Aktipherina, appointed by the pediatrician, sick belly (son was 11 months).

03.03.2003 15:41:32, Eletel

Iron direct child. If it is really anemia. Through the milk, do not raise the iron.

What do you think really raise hemoglobin in a child, adjusting the mother's food, if 2,5 feeding is replaced by lures?


mom needs not only to correct food, but also take vitamins or gland preparations. I know my experience that if the hemoglobin in the baby is not very low, then this is usually enough.

If the mother is healthy (in the sense of anemia), then the food can hardly change something. Try to drink gland preparations, I once helped me, but mine was significantly less (3 months).

Received the results of the analysis. We have 104 hemoglobin: ((Doctor of something nepolenny mumbled about multitabs. We are on full breastfeeding. How to raise this hemoglobin ??


Mom burst what increases hemoglobin - liver, pomegranates or juice (if there is no reaction for the reaction) ... but in general, look at the search for Katya cuzovkin, a lot of useful writing

We had 110 for 3 months (the boundary of the norm), wrote down the baby with the gland, and I sorrififer or phenyuls. From Juice, the Rebikik began constipation for 3 days, I ceased to mock it :))) And I drink iron itself, although I have the most conscious life of hemoglobin 110. About Multitabs: I give it from a month to prevent Rakhita (there Present vitamin D)

On Thursday we need to be vaccinated, for this they handed the blood of a finger. Hemoglobin we have 108, low, but the vaccination will still do. The doctor said to blow Malto 5-6 drops 2 times a week \u003d 1 month. 1) Has anyone given this drug and precisely in such a dosage? 2) said after 2 weeks to introduce adhesion in the form of juices and vegetable puree. I said that we were completely on GW and do not want to introduce up to 6 months, for which the doctor answered me that up to 6 months. In who, who all is well, and we need to raise ...


for 3 months, hemoglobin is really low. I would give an iron who would give iron, especially if Gveschnik.malofer? Not sure, but you can try, the fact is that it is not well absorbed, because. Special acidity is needed ... so it can slide, and maybe not :)
We do not raise the juice and vegetables with hemoglobin. So it's still, it is better now a gland product, and lures after 6 months, as planned;)
Unfortunately, I had to face this theme repeatedly to face, both children on the gland + I myself: (

Hemoglobin move after a couple of weeks. If it is confirmed that low, then maltofer. And the hemoglobin juice does not raise (how much to drink it is necessary?, But the gastrointestinal tract is easy. And the vegetables will not save themselves in this matter, so - I am for lures from 6 m. :-) Well, and if there is an opportunity to go to normal Pediatrician - Better before, the later :-))))

Hello! Hemoglobin 88 g / l for a child of 4 months - is it horror-horror or just horror? The pediatrician insists on the gland preparations. I think about the drops of Besch (the older child was raised hemoglobin to them before each operation, and after too). The child eats exclusively by my milk, except for this fail in hemoglobin, the doctors have not yet frightened. Before the dust for a long time, especially before meat. Will have to give up?


We were quietly discharged from the hospital with a hemogabin 100 and ordered to drink Malto. Within 3 months (analyzes every 2 weeks), hemograbin was standing on its own. But our pediatrician (I trust her), having shifting some kind of honey. Lit-ru said that sometimes when receiving a maltone, some time may not change, and then there may be a sharp jump. Our case: after 3 months, when everyone was ready to change the drug, suddenly 118 at once.
In general, 88 is, in my opinion, -2 degree of anemia. But for a baby on breastfeeding, it is important that the mother also had high hemograbin. We donated in the same laboratory (I charge) to exclude the lab. error. And also, if you had a strong jaundice of a newborn, then this can also be discounted. As well as dysbacteriosis, when not all batteries are absorbed. In addition, anemia is iron deficient (iron shortage - then ferrous drugs) and due to the lack of vitamins of the group B (much less often, but then, accordingly, these vitamins).
In principle, our doctor said that if the child adds goodness in weight, it is enough just to follow the dynamics of Gemagise. But me (psychologically calmer, if we raised hemograbin) it was not enough, so we accepted the medicine.

And what color figure of blood? They are important in a pair with hemoglobin

blood passed today - hemoglobin 101 daughter 9 months: the adhesive eats badly - pushing his mouth and turns his head, alternatively agree on soluble cereals (on breast milk) and banana ... what to do? Enter meat or give iron?


This is normal. Here, read:

"The concept of the norm is very relatively relative and largely depends on
only on the newborn is a child or one year old,
but from how the child was born (naturally or
by cesarean section), in what time and with what
weight, what diseases sick mom during pregnancy.
We only note that at birth, hemoglobin levels significantly
higher than throughout the rest of the human life,
and it is the decay of "elevated" hemoglobin accompanied
the emergence of the so-called "physiological jaundice of newborns".
Here by the time the jaundice will pass, hemoglobin and go down
to normal age indicators.

The hemoglobin level is usually in the range of 125-135
g / l in the 1st month of life and 100-114 g / l - on the second.

On the 3rd month of life, the content of red blood cells in the peripheral
blood averages 3.15-3.75 million, level
hemoglobin - 92-112 g / l.
The difference in the content of hemoglobin between children
located on natural and artificial feeding

small. In children who are on artificial feeding

We had the most up to 11 months. We rushed only porch and banana, nor meat, nor vegetables, except for petty breast milk. Then suddenly one fine day thrown on my soup and ate it all, and in the "slicing form" :). Now we are a year and months, we eat everything, but only pieces, and we have a low hemoglobin from six months, while there are no problems, I do not give anything and forcibly entering. But we have no manifestations of this low hemoglobin, except for analysis. It grows well, moving, eats well. If hemoglobin does not affect the health of the hemoglobin, then IMHO does not need to be stuffed by it without borders, neither iron or vitamins.

Good all day! Yesterday attended 3 months! There were a doctor. Everything is in order, but hemoglobin is the lower boundary of the norm ... The doctor prescribed the baby to drink Ferrum syrup. But the annotation says that only 6 months can be! Here we are sitting and thinking what to do ... Is it worth it to give iron-containing drugs in general? Maybe it's just better to drink anything like that, and he moves with milk? What do you think mommies?


The lower boundary of the norm is not a reason to drink anything IMHO. Yegor Hemoglobin 113, do not bother, and the pediatrician does not bother us.

Yes, I also seem to drink better mom, and if it doesn't help, then only the child. In any case, the Pediatrician advised us.
For a child, an iron-containing drug is still heavy, and even on the basis of syrup.

Virgin, Denisian hemoglobin 115. In general, a good little, although not yet critical. Question: Is it really anything to raise it using my diet?


we have 116 per month :)) 110 - the lower limit of the norm. And raise ... Damn, I forget to ask everyone, there is an insecurity on new imagine pediatrics after 2 months of some kind of specials. We need to drink iron preparation, I went to call :))

In children on breastfeeding, hemoglobin is always slightly lowered, because In breast milk there is practically no iron and if you take preparations with iron, hemoglobin will only rise from you. The child can give iron in the drops - there is especially for infants, but this is if it is critical (you also, in general, while the norm, and then begin to give juices, fruit and vegetable purees, and then meat - so hemoglobin will raise himself) . Good luck and do not worry!

The child has 6 months. Hemoglobin 101. In addition to breast milk feeds on a vegetable puree (corn with potatoes). Now we are going to introduce buckwheat porridge, and then a green apple. (We enter the lore only now because of diathesis.) How do you think it is necessary to give the child the applications of iron, or with the receipt of adherent the hemoglobin increases?


Thank you very much for the responses. Contact our pediatrician, we ordered us to drink
hemoofer or Malto (hemoofer is a new drug), because In addition to low
we have a low color indicator (0.73) and one diet can not do.

04/06/2000 16:17:46, Natasya

What does your pediatrician say?
We also have a low hemoglobin - a son of 9 months (100). The doctor prescribed the drug Malto. It was created specifically for kids and pregnant side phenomena does not give - well, only a chair of a little later will become eager. It transfers his child perfectly - the drug is delicious - it can be added to anything. It gives 3 to 4 weeks, then they make a blood test. If hemoglobin rose, then another month is given a little in less to fix the effect. It is necessary to do this, otherwise all the treatment of the Nammark.
Dieta raise hemoglobin from this level is very difficult.
Yes. Even, at the level of less than 110 do not make the vaccination of ADC. You can do the remaining vaccinations.
Consult your doctor!
In conventional polyclinics, actiferin is prescribed, but this drug is often vomiting.
Raise hemoglobin levels!

05.04.2000 18:43:02, Dasha

Girl 11.5 years. Very serious IT ... But blood - Mr. 145? This may be? And what threatens this increase?


have you passed the hemoglobin of the finger?

I do not think that vegetative-vascular dystonia and elevated hemoglobin are somehow connected. I am not a pediatrician, but the adult concepts of hemoglobin is not as high to give clinical manifestations (and in general it can manifest themselves in the head, pain in my head and in caviar, constantly red leather, strong itching, especially after a hot tub). In adults, it happens with hemoglobin above 170 g / l.
If you are disturbing it, you can just in case contact the hematologist. But rather, the reason is reinforced sports, excess meat in food, a long stay in a stuffy room, especially crushed. The tendency to extensive weight can also lead to some increase in hemoglobin.

Hello. My daughter (age 6 months) does not sleep at all at night, falls asleep in the morning. Became sluggish, weak. Please advise how to establish a child's child. I will also be grateful for the advice on how to increase the content of hemoglobin in the blood of the child (I also feed the breast). Thank you

Question: With low hemoglobin you can not make a massage? And why?


The first time I hear this! Maybe we are talking about what you must first be examined? If, for example, a low HV is associated with increased bleeding, then the massage is really impossible. Or if suspicion for a tumor, TTT. And if the banal iron deficiency anemia is why it is impossible?

Hello everyone! I have not been here for a long time for technical, now all the rules., I will be! And here is the question: the diet will soon be 10m, a very active sector. In 7m, my period began. And the endocrinologist in the children. The clinic said that it was necessary to throw guv, as the nursing hormones come with milk. In our situation, this is unrealistic, and I hear about it for the first time, but suddenly she is right? And the second: the baby hemoglobin was low in 8m, then did not check. It is really in general if the child is more chest eats than ...

Good day! My senior angina had sobbed and the recovery was told to pass the overall blood test. All indicators are normal, except hemoglobin - 147 (above normal). I was glad that high, and then I read that high hemoglobin is also bad, as well as low: (drew the attention of our pediatrician to this fact. They said to reckon blood. Repeated - 146 hemoglobin, i.e. again high. Yesterday I went to learn the results of this analysis, and our doctor is sick, it was replaced. So ...


Take more child and rear in a couple of weeks. Most likely, it was after the disease.
But the fact that the doctor does not pay attention to such an exception is terrible. Highly increased hemoglobin may indicate some serious diseases. I will not scare you, most likely it is not your case. Just from my friend, two doctors were shouted due to increased hemoglobin and said that she had to rejoice. When she herself reached the hematologist, then after the examination, she put a bad diagnosis and said that such an analysis directly pointed to it.

try fresh berries - maybe even from the garden.

I daughter gave beet juice, mixed with apple (1/1). Eat grenades yourself, beets (raw) or beet juice (though, it is not very tasty), beef. In general, hemoglobin can be reduced due to the spring exacerbation, a lack of vitamins. Summer everything should cure.

From August 1 to August 7, the World Breastfeeding Week takes place in more than 170 countries of the world on the initiative of the World Health Organization. The Russian company "World of Childhood" supports the idea of \u200b\u200bnatural feeding and produces goods to help establish and maintain the possibility of breastfeeding. The company's specialists create high quality and safe products to facilitate the care of mothers and help the kids grow healthy and happy. World Breast Week ...

Anemia is the most common problem during pregnancy, at which the content of hemoglobin in the blood is reduced. Among pregnant women in the overwhelming majority of cases, anemia arises from a lack (deficit) of iron in the body. At first, the iron level of the depot is reduced, due to this, the level of hemoglobin may still be within the normal range. However, in the future, without adequate therapy, the level of hemoglobin begins to dramatically decline and iron deficiency anemia develops ...

The problem of the emergence of iron deficiency anemia is facing most pregnant and lactating women. Iron stocks that have been accumulated to pregnancy are gradually depleted, and the latent deficit is first, and then an explicit iron deficiency in the body, which manifests itself clinically. A woman begins to notice the symptoms of the disease, which were not disturbed before. Weakness, dizziness appears, the skin becomes dry, loses the tone, the hair begins to fall out in more, losing the shine, the nails become brittle, are smelling, there are characteristic changes in their drawing. But most often a woman who recently became a mom does not pay attention to these disturbing signals of the body and writes its condition to chronic fatigue associated with the recent advent of the child. Meanwhile, there is a further level reduction hemoglobin in nursing Women who is exacerbated from every week.

The development of anemia is facilitated by the increased cost of iron, which are associated with its losses during the last trimester of pregnancy, an increase in the volume of circulating blood, bleeding in childbirth, breastfeeding and other reasons. Some moms seek as early as possible to come in her old form as early as possible, and immediately after childbirth, they sit on a diet, in which the power is not balanced. With this diet, the body does not receive the required amount of iron and its reserves are not only not restored, but also continue to decrease. So it is so important to take iron feeding drugs.

Undoubtedly, breastfeeding carries additional iron losses. But it is impossible to overestimate it. In breast milk contains all the necessary substances for the growth of the child, its immunity. Thanks to the contact of the child and the mother during feeding, a connection is established, which brings a sense of calm, occurs the skin of the baby with microorganisms that perform a protective function from pathogenic microbes. In addition, breastfeeding stimulates cuts from the uterus, which is very important for the prevention of postpartum bleeding, which carry additional iron losses.

For preventing the development of anemia, iron-containing drugs are prescribed by doctors. As a rule, their techniques begin with the last trimester of pregnancy or earlier - in the case of an earlier diagnosis of the reduction in blood hemoglobin. Iron Drugs Nursing Women Be sure to be assigned in a timely manner. Safety drugs refers "Hemobin". Vitamin and mineral complexes that help to absorb and digest this element are also promoted to repleural iron reserves. A woman who feeds the baby breasts must necessarily get the necessary daily iron rate. The greatest amount of iron is contained in the liver, veal, greenery, grenade, buckwheat. Nursing mother should not stick to a vegetarian diet, since more efficient iron is absorbed from meat products. In the diet must be present vitamins, such as ascorbic, folic acid. They contribute to the best absorption of iron, stimulate the formation and ripening of red blood cells.