How to whiten the scarf paws at home. How to whiten a white flip scarf? Hydrogen peroxide - folk doctor

Snow-white fluff shawl-web - a wonderful accessory inscribed in any wardrobe. It is suitable for elegant ladies and young girls, it is convenient to wear at home and supplement the street suit.

However, a gentle white fluff needs to be cleaned, which will return to him the original color. Chemical treatment was contraindicated, it means that its owner to whiten the scarf, will have to erase his air miracle manually.

In order to whiten the muffin shawl, you will need:

  1. soft bleach for wool;
  2. detergent for wool;
  3. hydrogen peroxide 3%;
  4. vinegar;
  5. terry towel;
  6. frame for drying.
  • Prepare a muffin shawl to washing. In a needle, a non-blocking thread into the needle and type a scarf on her to the teeth - it will save their shape. A powder is shown exclusively hand wash, from processing in the car it is hopelessly rolled, sit down and lose sight.
  • Prepare a solution of warm (not higher than 40 degrees) of water and a soft detergent. Pick the liquid recommended for the gentle washing of woolen fabrics. Add a non-aggressive optical bleach, carefully stir the solution so that there are no grains in it.
  • Lower the product into the water and wechit, passing it through your fingers. For stronger whitening leave a thing clumsy for 15 minutes. Do not trite and do not twist the downcloth - it can roll. Your task is to whiten the muffin shawl without changing the structure of the fibers and retaining their airiness.
  • If the thing is slightly yellowed, soak it in a soft oxygen bleach suitable for wool. Do not use the products containing chlorine and do not exceed the dosage recommended by the manufacturer. Please note that the muffin shawl cannot be boiled and soak in hot water.
  • If you prefer tools tested by time, treat the scarf solution of hydrogen peroxide. Prepare a solution at the rate of 3 tablespoons of three-percent peroxide and 1 tablespoon of ammonic alcohol on the bucket of warm water and soak the shawl in it for 40 minutes. From time to time, turn it out to whiten the muffin shawl evenly.
  • Squeezing Pooh handkerchief palms. We have it in cold water with the addition of a tablespoon of vinegar on 5-6 liters of water. Skip the handkerchief between the fingers, removing the excess moisture, and sunk it into a large terry towel or sheet.
  • To dry down the muffin shawl is best on a special frame with stiletto plastic or stainless metal. Carefully straighten the canvas and toothed. Pooh handkerchief can not be stroke. And such a drying must return the wet shawl in the original form.
  • There are no frames, spread the scarf on a dry towel, gently straighten the drawing and roll the towel into the roll. Wait about an hour, expand the shawl and dry it without removing from towels, on a flat surface. Do not remove the product until it fails.

Gentle, like a web, a snow-white flock of goat fluff, as it is neither sad, with time begins to yellow. Do not be mistaken and do not hurry to get rid of it, and you'd like to ask how to whiten the fluffy handkerchief. Make it will be easy even at home.

Whitening goat fluff

Before proceeding to bleaching shawl or handkerchief, carefully inspect them. If your product-Pautinka is only slightly sweating, then you can help a simple wash, just do not forget to comply with all the recommendations. In the event that the washing is not able to return the former look of the scarf, you can use one of the special chemicals for bleaching, the benefit, in the stores there is a fairly large selection of such funds. Just be sure to carefully read the instructions for use and under any circumstances do not exceed the dose. If you do not like to abuse chemistry, then you can use one of the people's ways:

  • Take a capacity with a capacity of at least 10 liters, pour warm water, the temperature of which should not exceed + 50 ° C and pumped into it hydrosulfate (2 tbsp.). In the resulting solution, soak your product for 30 minutes, while regularly turn over. With a handkerchief, you should contact very carefully, trying not to stretch. After time, it is necessary to rinse several times. The last rinse should be carried out in cool water. In order for the product to become even softer, make a acetic solution by adding two tablespoons of vinegar per 10 liters of liquid.
  • In water, dissolve five pills of hydroperite, adding the same alcohol (on a teaspoon per liter). Capacity is best to take small sizes so that the shawl does not stretch. Yes, and it is necessary to soak in a metal question. The solution must be constantly warm, so you will have to warm it periodically. Just be careful, water in no case should be hot 50 ° C. Shawls withstand in a solution for at least 10 hours.
  • At home without hydrogen peroxide, it is almost impossible to clarify the shawl in the proper look. The drug (20 gr) dissolve in warm water and immerse the web into it for 6 hours. As in the previous Council, the fluid should not cool, therefore will have to maintain temperature regime, periodically warming up the solution. At the end of the procedure, the product should rinse several times, gradually making water with a cooler.
  • This method is desirable to use on a very hot day. In 7 liters of fluid, hydroperite should be dissolved - 5 tablets and 20 cm hydrogen peroxide. The product must be completely covered with a solution. Tasik put in the sun at least 30 minutes. After the time expires, the shawl rinse in acetic solution two or three times.

Do not forget that the snow-white goat fluff does not exist in nature. Usually it has a slightly pastel-beige shade. But if you decide to whiten it, remember that it is very easy to spoil the product. For the suspension, try to whiten the small plot shawl.

Now, knowing how to bleach and handle and handle the handkerchief, during this procedure you will be sure that the exquisite product will not suffer. Following and maintaining this accessory in order, you yourself will look elegant.

Probably, everyone heard a song about the Orenburg Puzzle Shawl. Many women dreamed of acquiring themselves this air cage. Such a handkerchief is not only beautiful, elegant and gives the owner of incredible femininity, but he is also very warm, which is important for our climate. Over time, he loses his whiteness. In order not to immediately buy a new one, you can think about how to whiten the fluffy handkerchief at home.

Easy wash

White graceful web can not be washed as ordinary underwear. Therefore, questions, how to wash, and what to whiten - very important in this case.

  • Before washing, explede the product and thread around the perimeter of the piping fishing line.
  • You can wash in water no more than 50 degrees. Do not rub and not twist.
  • You can not squeeze, just easily skip the product through your fingers.
  • For drying it is better to make a wooden frame that matches the size with the shawl.

  • If there are no frames, then spread the cage on the table, undermining the sheet to it. From time to time, shake the product so that it does not fall.

If, after washing, the handkerchief still lost part of its whiteness, then use or purchase special bleaching agents, which are abundantly offered household chemical stores. You can use folk proven recipes.

Folk remedies for bleaching down shawl

If you firmly decided to learn how to whiten a white flock handkerchief, then use to begin with hydrosulfite.

In 5 liters of cool water, pour 1 tbsp. l. Gidrosulfite and place shawl there. Leave half an hour, but every 10 minutes carefully turn the product in the water.

Rinse at least three times, the last time in very cold water with the addition of vinegar in the same proportion. Dry, as indicated in the Puzzle Care Rules.
If this method is not suitable, then you can whiten the shawl with hydroperite, hydrogen peroxide or ammonia alcohol.

In a small container, we pour water and dissolve 5 tablets of hydroperite in it, then fuel the ammonia at the rate of 10 g per liter of water. After that, in the solution we put the collar hours by 10-12. Water should be room temperature, so if it cools, it can be heated on the stove. But at the same time be careful! Water should not be hot 50 degrees.

The method with hydrogen peroxide is even easier. To whiten the cage weighing 100 grams, you will need 20 g of peroxide. Make the solution and place the product there for 5-6 hours, in this case the water will have to warm up.

If you solved a hot summer day in order to put your winter wardrobe, then use both hydraulic and hydrogen peroxide. In the vessel with water pour 7 liters of water, add 5 pills of hydroperite and 20 g of peroxide. Lower into the shawl solution and put in the sun. Be careful: the scarf must be completely closed with water. After whitening, we rinse several times the product with the addition of vinegar.

Please note that goose the fluff itself is a creamy color, so, seeking a dazzling whiteness, be careful.

Of course, the bleached Shawl looks more beautiful and air, but using unfamiliar whitening methods, you can destroy your favorite thing.

For washing a down handkerchief, choose liquid and delicate detergents: children's gels, shampoos. The optimal water temperature for such a product is 30-40 ° C. Exclude from the process of cleaning the spin, manual twisting, drying under the sun. Put in the car shawl in a special bag and do not use balls for washing. Dry the product, laying up on the fabric, away from the heating devices.

The owners of openwork chaleses often arise a problem with their cleaning. The gentle product is knocked down, sits, loses softness after the wrong washing. Therefore, we will understand how to erase down shawls and correctly care for them, so as not to spoil your favorite thing.

How to prepare for washing a flip scarf

Before wing a muffin shawl, as you should shake it.

After the fluff fiber is unravelable, otherwise, during treatment, a thin pile is confused even stronger. To do this, use a soft brush or scallop with frequent cloths.

It should be actually actually, so as not to pull the loops and do not break the thread of the product. Frame should be in contact with only Posh, not touching the canvas itself.

Choosing detergent

For washing, we select a suitable cleaning agent.

Than having fluffed down

The right choice will be the following means:

  • dissolved soap for children or chips;
  • hair care products (shampoos, rinsers);
  • liquid soap with moderate pigments and flavors;
  • air conditioning for clothes;
  • liquid powder;
  • and silk.

Tip! Refrain from the use of granulated washing powder - the fluff when washing it rolls up with it, and the product loses the former look.

Hand wash flush shawl at home

Before making a flip scarf at home, we select the styrck container.

For processing shawls, a deep pelvis is suitable. If the wash is subject to a non-one handkerchief or it is large, then the bath is borne. The prepared container is filled with warm water (its temperature should not be more than 40 ° C, optimally 30-35 ° C).

In water, dissolve the abundant amount of the selected detergent, soaked the product. After 20-30 minutes, the mild movements of the hand turns.

Attention! It is unacceptable to hits, harrow, rub the thing. This is fraught with the deformation of the fibers and the damage of the fabric.

The next stage is rinsed. Water warm up to 30 ° C. Cold or hot water is harmful. Rinse several times while flowing the rods will not become transparent.

Little secrets of manual washing:

  1. Before watching the muffin shawl at home, wash fluid dilute in water. Its direct contact with the product is categorically undesirable.
  2. It is not recommended, manually washing a flip scarf, keep it under a strong jet of water.

Washing machine

To the fluff handkerchief, when washing in a washing machine, we are guided by the following rules:

  1. Do not erase shawl together with other things.
  2. Set the correct temperature regime (suitable wash wool or delicate tissues at 30-40 ° C).
  3. Disconnect the spin.
  4. Place the machine in the wash case, which will not allow the product to touch the drum.

Features of the drying of the Orenburg handker

As soon as the washing of a down shawl is completed, the next important stage comes - its drying at home.

Sushchee correct

First, let's stop excess water - it is impossible to squeeze the shawl. It will be advisable to hang it in a pouch or grid. Thus, the fabric will not stretch and will not lose the form.

The next phase is to make a handkerchief on a flat surface and let it go.

Note! You should avoid direct sunlight when drying. They can cut shawl, it will become unpleasant to the touch.

Rope and clothespins are better not to use. Due to the clothespins can be dents on the fabric. And on the rope, the brazer can stretch and lose aesthetic appearance.

Special cases

Speak to washing only in cases where it is not avoided. When the scarf is only slightly contaminated or dusty, resort to cleaning.

Cleaning brazers snow

The handkerchief is clear about the freshly-haired snow, slightly spending it in different directions on the surface of the snowy nast. The procedure is repeated for the reverse side of the handker. Then slightly shake it to remove the remaining snow.

If there are spots of dried dirt on the golk, it should not be turned to washing. Remove it with soft movements with dry washcloth.

The snow-white Orenburg Pooh Card gives an image of incredible femininity and attractive foulness. But over time, his whiteness dirty, and the mistress of the header with sadness thinks about his replacement. Do not hurry! It is better to find out how to whiten the fluffy handkerchief, especially since this is easy. A little bit of patience, a little knowledge and some special means - that's all the ingredients.

Does wash will help?

In one of our articles it is written about. If a thing is a little sweating, perhaps a light wash can give her the former whiteness. In any case, the washing rules apply to whitening:

  1. Before immersion in the water, the product is preferably combing combing, and then dial to the caprochy thread or fishing line. The length of the thread is equal to the perimeter of the header.
  2. The water temperature should not exceed 50, a maximum of 55 degrees (ideally 40-45).
  3. Woolen things can not get out. To press the delicate Orenburg flip shawl, you can skip it between your fingers.
  4. For drying it is better to use a special frame to which the product is stretched. It can be bought or make from wooden planks and stationery buttons. Remember that the size of the frame should coincide with the size of the thing.
  5. If you do not have a special frame, dry the product on the table, laying it out on a clean sheet or tablecloth. Periodically shake and straighten it.

If the washing did not help, use one of the special means. Fortunately, there are many products in household chemical stores that will help whiten the fluffy handkerchief. Carefully read the instructions and do not exceed the recommended dose. And if such a tool seems too expensive to you, use one of the people's ways.

Method first. Gidrosulfit

Pour into the appropriate capacity of 10 liters of warm water and pour 2 tablespoons of hydrosulfite there. Immerse a white flip scarf into the solution for half an hour, carefully turning it from time to time. Try not to stretch the product. Rinse the thing several times. Last water should be cold. You can add some vinegar to it (2 tablespoons on 10 liters of water).

The method of the second. Hydrameritis and ammonia alcohol

To whiten a 100-gram fluff shawl, it is necessary to dissolve in warm water 5 of the hydroperite tablets, and then add to the solution is the ammonary alcohol at the rate of a teaspoon on 1 liter of water. Do not take too large basin, as the down product can stretch in the bleaching process.

Now put the product into the water for 10-11 hours. Water should be warm, so from time to time it will have to put a basin on the stove to heat the solution. Watch it to not overheat! 60 degrees will ship your favorite accessory. Thoroughly rinse the thing by adding vinegar into the water.

The third way. Hydrogen peroxide

No folk method costs without hydrogen peroxide. It will help she whiten the fluffy handkerchief. For a 100 gram product, you will need 20 g of peroxide. Add it in warm water and soak in this solution for 6 hours. It also can not be allowed to cool water, so it is possible to periodically heat it. After bleaching, we rinse the thing several times, gradually changing the water to the colder.

Method fourth. Hydroperite and hydrogen peroxide

This method can be used on a hot summer day. Add to 7 liters of water 5 hydroperite tablets and twenty grams of hydrogen peroxide. Immerse a down button into a solution for half an hour and put it in the sun. Water must cover the thing completely. After whitening, we rinse the handkerchief several times, adding vinegar into water.

Safety regulations

Remember that the Pooh goats in nature simply cannot be snow-white. Usually it is slightly milky with a small yellow. Some fashionable worn natural color, others prefer to whiten the thing. However, any remedy can damage the quality of the fluff. Therefore, before using an unfamiliar method, it is better to try its action on a small piece of fluff. Ideal if you have a little thread after mating products.

Carefully, observe all the rules for washing and drying a down handkerchief, and then it will warm you for a long time, emphasizing your beauty.