How to distinguish genuine skin from artificial: specialist advice. Signs of genuine leather in products - how to distinguish natural skin from artificial

10 ways to distinguish genuine skin from leatherette

Leather products wear, durable and with high-quality design look presentable. However, with the development of modern technologies, it becomes harder to distinguish the skin from the leatherette. Manufacturers know how to imitate texture, smell and appearance of the skin. It greatly complicates the choice, but there are 10 ways to recognize the fake.

Natural and artificial leather

Real leather is made of animal skins, mainly cattle (buffalo, cows). There are products from goat, sheep and pork skin, however, they are not so weed compared to those that are made from the skins of CRS. The leatherette is made of polyurethane or other synthetic materials. In appearance, it imitates a natural product.

Products from the leatherette serve an average of three times less leather things.

From the point of view of pricing, it is easy to distinguish leather from the skin. Products made of natural material is at least 2 times more expensive than those made from a substitute. However, this method is not always relevant, as unfair manufacturers are found, outstanding artificial material for natural, and selling it in a twice price.

10 differences

The last way to distinguish the skin from the leatherette is to check fire. It is risky, because if the material is a fake, the thing can be hopelessly spoiled. The skin near the flame lights up not immediately. First of all, it will become hot, the smell of burned flesh will appear. But the leatherette at similar manipulation will immediately begin melting, turning inside or covered with bubbles, the characteristic synthetic smell of plastic plastic appears. The method works, but in the store the check is unlikely to succeed.

Use psychological techniques. Having come to the store, ask the seller, whether the product is made of the real lea. If he responds positively, ask, from the skins of which animal it is made, is there a corresponding marking, ask to show the inner seams. After detailed questions, the sellers admit that this is not skin, but leatherette. Keep confidently and show that you understand the leather things. Then the desire to deceive you will not arise.


Leather products are always in fashion, they stylishly look, add a different chic image. In order not to be mistaken in authenticity and not to buy high-quality leatherette instead of natural material, you need to know how to distinguish natural skin from artificial. Most people believe that the fake has an unpleasant chemical smell, but the manufacturers have learned to get rid of it by adding crumbs from the animal skins to the product. Make the right choice will help you know the knowledge of the main distinctive moments between these two materials.

Distinctive characteristics of genuine leather

For the production of bags, shoes and clothing, various skin types are needed. Depending on the method of the release, they have various properties - durability, breathability, thickness, wear resistance. There are such basic methods of processing natural material:

  1. Raw. This skin is undergoing the processes of gold, growing. Initially, it is soft, elastic, but hardens after drying. This property is used to give the skin shape, for example, when tight drums.
  2. Twisted. This method is the most common, it gives strength, durability, plasticity material. Thinking is made in different ways (chromium, vegetable, zirconium, fat, synthetic), such matter has softness, elasticity, water / heat resistance.
  3. Raw Such skin is dubmed by aluminum alum, apply in the production of rowed saddle goods, orthopedic shoes.

Each method of selection gives certain properties to the skin. Features and characteristics to help distinguish natural types of matter from each other, such:


Method of processing


Chrome dumping from goat skins

Beautiful appearance, pronounced grain, density, elasticity, moisture resistance, wavy edge

Shagreen leather

Vegetable tanning with alums from different types of skins (ram, horse, goat, donkey)

Fine-grained surface, soft, embossed, beautiful pattern

Chrome tossing of different skins followed by varnish

Smooth or embossed, shiny, flexible, durable, waterproof, soft, stretch

Dumping Slices Elk, Deer, Sheep, Goats

Low pile, softness, breathability, high wear resistance

Artificial skin substitutes

Leathesis - artificial raw materials imitating the type of genuine leather. It consists of such layers: knitwear, non-woven material, impregnation and polymer coating, natural matter consists of a single layer. The leathes are used in all spheres of production. Many artificial substitutes cannot be distinguished from natural raw materials. They have high moisture-, frost resistance and medium degree of resistance to multiple bends. The leatherette is popular due to low cost, practicality and durability. Their distinctive features:

How to check the skin on naturalness

In order not to be mistaken as the purchased goods, for example, the jacket, you need to know how to distinguish the real skin from the fakes in the store. To do this, you can use the following ways:

  1. Cost. This is the very first indicator that helps to distinguish fake. Natural raw materials can not cost cheaply, but the price does not always correspond to quality.
  2. The presence of embossing. All well-known manufacturers put their name on the product, which confirms its quality.
  3. Heat transfer. Touch the product for a few seconds, heat it with warmth hands. As a result of the touch, genuine raw materials quickly warm and will remain dry, artificial - backstage and heats up only for a few seconds.
  4. Edge edge, thickness of matter. Artificial matter has a homogeneous texture, genuine - rough edge over the untreated area.
  5. Elastic properties. Artificial material can be distinguished from authentic by pressing. For natural skin at the moment of pressing, the occurrence of small wrinkles and rapid material straightening is characterized.
  6. Bend the product, artificial raw materials can change the color on bending.
  7. The selection of natural raw materials will have a lot of fibers, leatherette - textile base.
  8. Deformation. When grabbed, cracks should not appear on the material. If appeared - before you fake.
  9. The lining in high-quality products is made of good materials, a cheap fabric will be used in the fake.

Impact of fire

Determine the natural skin, the usual lighter will help to distinguish it from artificial. When interacting with fire, leatherette immediately begin to melt, and in the worst case it is possible to ignite the product, since some manufacturers in the manufacturing process are treated with raw materials with special compositions (aniline). Natural material is not afraid of flame touches, you can only feel the smell of peeled skin.

Water action

In this way, to distinguish the authentic goods from the fake, you will not be able to use the market or in the store, it is unlikely to be allowed to carry out such manipulations. It will take a drop of water that needs to drop on the product. Natural matter immediately absorbs moisture, artificial materials are repelled. If your drop has not absorbed, in front of you fake in all its glory.

Specific smell

Hoping that your sense of smell will help to distinguish a fake from the original, not worth it. Yes, natural raw materials possesses a special smell that cannot be copped with anything. Artificial materials often smell with plastic, glued. However, many manufacturers in creating things are added to their special flavors. As a result, you will not feel chemical odors.

How to distinguish the skin from the leatherette

To distinguish the skin from the leatherette, try pulling the material in different directions. The substitute will resemble rubber, and natural raw materials will dyate smoothly, elastic, but unevenly. Then press on the product. The mark on the script will quickly disappear, and you will feel the density, elasticity of matter. Fake to sell will be more difficult and a trace of finger will be visible for a long time.

Pay attention to the pores in the raw material. This is another way to help distinguish a fake, identify a quality mark. Looking around, you will see that in the leatherette pores are at the same distance from each other, have a single size and shape. In the natural matters of pores are located in chaotic order, and their depth, structure cannot be identical in nature. Lacques from the skins can be distinguished from artificial fake by flexion. As a result, on genuine material, there should be no chances, cracks and scratches, if you spend neatly nail on the surface.

In addition to the above, there is another way to distinguish the skin from eco-leave. Look at the color of the product. The paint in the artificial material is absorbed better, so shades are obtained saturated and brighter. Products from natural matter are not so colorful. In addition, Ecokizh has no characteristic smell inherent in animals, which cannot be said about natural raw materials.

How to find out leather shoes or not

If you are heading to the store or market for a new pair of shoes, also follow the criteria that will help you learn the history of the origin of the material, to distinguish the fake from the original. This moment is very important, because in the shoes you will have to walk in different weather conditions. High-quality goods will not give your feet to stand, bite, frozen and ensures convenience during socks.

Natural shoes should be labeled (small sticker) with graphic signs. It contains information about the top and bottom of the shoe, lining, sole. Here is necessarily indicated information about the material, which is 80% of the top of the model, about lining, insole and 80% of the sole. If there is no matter, out of 80% of which this shoe is made, then only 2 main raw materials used for its production are indicated.

High-quality shoes always has a skin icon that was used in the production of the product. This is a small piece of pressed skin in the form of a rhombus for artificial raw materials and a curly icon for natural. In different languages, on this sample, the following may be written: Genuine Leather (in English), Vera Pelle (in Italian), Cuir (in French) and Echtleder (in German). This secret will also help you distinguish the fake from the original.

If you touch the hovering side of natural raw materials to the touch, it will be a durable, in artificial material - no. The front side of the genuine suede selection also covers a small thick pile. If you spend your hand, then visually the color of the product should change a little. So you can always distinguish the natural suede from its poor-quality fake.

Appearance and cuts

You need to pay attention to the adjacent edges of the product. In genuine leather, the outer fold is reminiscent of a rounded roller, an artificial raw material - a fold is a flap, besides thinner. Consider the involving side of the material on the cuts, the fake will have a textile base. In the quality product on the place of the seams it is unrealistic, because they will all be hidden, but on the inner seams you can try to find an open cut and see the opposite direction, the withdrawal of the used raw materials.


In product products made of genuine leather, we attract strength, elegance and ability to maintain aesthetic look. It is these properties that serve as creating really high-quality products. From leather, clothing, shoes and various accessories. To date, the leather goods are considered one of the best ways to emphasize its status, and bags, business card holders, and genuine leather briefcases are considered a prestigious gift. In addition to the usual leatherer, sellers offer products from pressed skin, assuring that this is also genuine leather.

How to distinguish a substitute from genuine leather?

Nowadays, the number of methods of processing materials is growing every day. Therefore, determine whether the material is natural skin becomes more complicated. But still there are several ways to help quickly figure out where the original, and where is the fake.

It is necessary to immediately designate the fact that as such pressed skin does not exist. This is all the same leather, in which, in the manufacture of products, parts of leather waste are added - chips, trimming, and so on. After that everything needs to be crushed, mix, heat and suggest. When heated to high temperatures, synthetic fibers are melted, gluing material. At the outlet, it turns out quite cheap material with low air and moisture permeability. Such material is suitable for making bags, wallets or belts, but shoes from it is obtained tough and inelastic, harmful to the foot. The main problem of pressed skin is its fragility, such products are short-lived.

Genuine leather is a natural material with a thousand-year history. People learned to handle and then use the skin one of the first. Genuine leather is an animal skins treated with a special way. Elasticity, breathability, density, thermal conductivity, water absorption is the most beneficial properties of the skin. Of course, genuine leather is distinguished by high demand and price. Therefore, unfortunately, there are many ways to simulate genuine leather. To distinguish artificial skin from natural, we need to know the main signs.

1. Genuine leather - softer and elastic leather, and also has a more homogeneous texture.

2. Artificial skin issues a sharp chemical "aroma". Naturally, the smell of genuine leather should not be unpleasant. Do not trust only the smell of skin, as there are special "flavors" of the skin, which are used in production.

3. If the material quickly heats up in your hands, and some time saves heat - it is genuine leather. If it remains cold - this is the leader.

4. Genuine leather should be filled, that is, to the touch, the skin should be soft, and the place of the imprint when pressed quickly should take its natural look.

5. If you hit the leather product in half, then the color should not change on bending. And even with multiple sewage, there should be no traces or dents.

6. The sample of the material attached to the stuff can also tell about its composition - the usual rhombus means the leather, figured rhombus is denoted by genuine leather.

7. The outstanding surface of the genuine leather should be soft, velvety, durable. If you spend your hand - it should change the color by moving the villi.

Many are mistaken, thinking that natural skin need to set fire, and it will not light up. It should be understood that the skin is treated with an aniline coating, which when heated can also catch fire. Of course, at the same time some properties for checking change, but still it is genuine leather, and according to the main features described above, it can be distinguished from artificial.

New technologies today enable perfectly imitate leather products. And it introduces the buyer to confusion.
For what signs in the store can be understood where natural, and where is artificial material? Let's figure it out.

Heat exchange

If you put your palm on the material, then genuine leather is heated easily and remains dry. Artificial leather remains cold and do not take moisture.

Softness and elasticity

Genuine leather is a softer and flexible material, during deformation quickly returns its shape. The leatherette is very difficult deformed.

Product Cut and Thickness

The edge of things from genuine leather slightly rounded, uneven and thick. Artificial material on a slit, smooth and thinner.


"Figure" of pores in artificial materials is the same by location. Pores in natural skin have a chaotic drawing.

Basis of material

Also on the cut you can see the basis of the material. In genuine leather, this is a variety of intertwined fibers, similar to the piled plush. The leatherette, as a rule, has a tissue basis.


Genuine leather is blocked completely and due to this does not change the colors during bend. Artificial material when pressing can change the shade.


The leatherette has a sharp chemical fragrance. But now there are special flavors, imitating the smell of genuine leather.

What does the leather label mean?

If the product is a figured label, then it means made of genuine leather. And if in the form of rhombus, the leatherette was used.

Water and fire check


If you drop some water on the product, then natural leather fluid absorbs and will darken in this place. And from the leatherette, water stalks and the color will not change.

the fire

You need to set fire to the match and touch it with her skin. Artificial material is melted, and natural will not suffer. But it is necessary to do with caution, since natural skin is treated with aniline coating (for brilliance), which makes it a fuel.

What may differ skin types from each other?

I. By type of raw materials

  1. Pork leather. The cheapest skin view. Usually used as a lining material. There is not enough elastic, has a rough and rigid surface, has a resistant smell.
  2. Cattle leather.
    - calf leather. It is considered the highest quality of all kinds of skin due to softness, high strength and resistance to the formation of the chances. Its use is very wide: from upholstery for furniture to accessories.
    - Cow leather. More rude and slightly less durable than calf. It goes to make shoes and bags.
    - Skin bull. Thick and durable material, thanks to this, the products can serve almost forever.
  3. Sheep leather. Durable and very soft. Perfectly for the manufacture of premium products.
  4. Goat leather. Tight and durable, more often used in the manufacture of accessories of popular brands.
  5. Ostrich skin. Elastic and soft skin. It turns out comfortable shoes, outerwear and accessories.
  6. Snake skin. Soft and pleasant to the touch. Like a crocodile, belongs to the skin of the premium class. More often for products from this species takes the skin of python or cobra.
  7. Crocodile leather. The most durable and durable material. A characteristic drawing gives the originality of the product.
  8. Deer leather. Find things from this material on sale is very difficult. Elastic leather, similar toes.

Inga Mayakovskaya

Reading time: 6 minutes


Today in the market of leather products is difficult not to get confused. In addition to the usual leatherer, sellers offer products from pressed skin, assuring that this is also genuine leather. Is it so, and how to distinguish genuine skin from artificial, you will learn in this article.

What is extruded skin and how does it differ from genuine?

Immediately make a reservation that pressed skin, in fact, does not exist. This is the same leather . Only in the manufacture of in its synthetic composition, some of the leather waste is mixed - trimming, chips or leather dust. Then everything is crushed, mix, heated and pressed. When heated, synthetic fibers are melted, gluing material. As a result, it turns out quite cheap material with low air and moisture permeability . Yes, this material is suitable for the production of bags, wallets or belts, but shoes from it turns out tough and inelastic , harm for foot. The main problem of pressed skin is its brittleness, such products are short-lived: belts and fasteners after browse candle on the twenties .

Signs of genuine leather in products - How to distinguish genuine skin from artificial?

Unique properties of genuine leather It is impossible to pass in synthetic materials . Elasticity, breathability, density, thermal conductivity, water absorption is the most beneficial properties of the skin. Of course, genuine leather is different high demand and price . Therefore, unfortunately, there are many ways to simulate genuine leather. To distinguish artificial skin from natural, we need to know the main signs.

So what to watch to distinguish genuine skin from artificial?

Many are mistaken when they say that the real skin needs to be treated, and it will not light up. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the skin is treated aniline coating Which when heated can burn. There are also cases when the skin is glued drawing or print . Of course, at the same time, some properties for checking are changing, but still it is genuine leather, and according to the main features described above, its can be distinguished from artificial .