How to celebrate a birthday with colleagues at work? Thematic photo session for the lovers of original images. Congratulations on the day of Tatiana Colleague

Simple tips on how to save on a festive table in difficult times

Oddly enough, but the budget celebration of the birthday in the office may be much more soulful than standard (cutting + cakes) table.

Holidays at my past work was made to celebrate thoroughly. "Close" The triumph was tied in the back for more than a week. Each year on the eve of his birthday, I went to the "subway" and burst on the crap: cutting, cheeses, vegetables, fruits, drinks, alcohol and necessarily sweet. The same thing concerned other holidays: protection of the diploma, thesis, the birth of the son. Investments in holiday tables were regular and impressive. But they did not pay off: we boredly gave flowers, bored ate and diverged, without receiving the expected positive.

Office celebration can be made more economical and more sincere, moving away from the standard. You will spend much less money. Time to prepare an unusual table will also leave a little. However, it all depends on your desire.

Cheap and fast

Instead of cuts, laid down in plates, the easiest way to do sandwiches. Firstly, it will take much less money to buy ingredients (sandwiches are more voluminous than cutting, and instead of carbonate you can buy a doctoral sausage), and secondly, it is already possible to fantasize. "You can mix mayonnaise with ketchup, on every piece of bread for sandwiches to smear this sauce, put a sheet of lettuce, chopped roots, thinly cut tomature, ham, cheese, sausage, calazing, and from above, sauce down - another piece of bread, - He advises the Senior Advertising Manager of the magazine Gloria Polina Archimonov. - It is not less than half an hour. Cut the cross with four sandwiches. You can fix the skeps. "

Cheese is also not necessary to buy expensive and different varieties - practice shows that the cheese cutting does not eat almost no one. Replacement: snack called "Cheese with lemon and coffee". Beautiful, original, and colleagues are delighted. To do this, you need to cut the cheese with triangles - as for sandwiches, only thoroughly. On each piece put a lemon lurch and sprinkle with ground coffee. Snack ready!

Instead of kilograms of apples, pears, bananas and grapes you can buy literally several pieces of each of the fruits and ... cabbage. It's thoroughly wash everything, fruits cut into cubes, put on the skewers and make the hedgehog from the cabbage.

Half an hour before work

Bake before work Pie - economical and mental way to treat colleagues. The only difficulty is to get up half an hour earlier. Everything else is very simple. You need to take only one egg, a glass of sugar, a glass of kefir, a glass of mankey and bake a mannicon. Add apples, exclude the semolot - and gets a quarrel. For special solemnation instead of apples, you can use ice cream cherry, which is sold in stores in packages. What is noteworthy - the cherries on the cake goes very little, and one package is enough for 10 charlotters. . Win the pies in foil or in the bike shirt, bring them to work warm and arrange a delicious breakfast colleagues.

If you still do not work in your office, it is possible to bake meat instead of cutting and sandwiches. Make it easy. "To me, on one of the previous works, it was a pity for a birthday to spend money on all sorts of sausages and other smoked smoking, and I bought a very large piece of meat on the Kiev market, cheered salt, pepper and baked in the oven," says Alexey. "It's tastier sausages. (even in a cold form), and much cheaper. The baking time depends on the thickness of the piece: from an hour to two. A slight complication of the recipe: to watch the hole in the meat of the hole with a sharp knife and put the carrots and garlic there. "

Evening before the holiday

You can surprise colleagues difficult, at first glance, dishes that are actually done easily. For example, on the eve you can make curry with chicken. Or prepare a barbecue wings with Blue CES sauce, and to them - baked in mundair potatoes ().

On the sweet - from the anniversary cookie and several spoons of cocoa make a confectionery sausage. Or surprise all the pies with marmalade (). Just cheap, and most importantly - the reputation of the noble culinary will be guaranteed.


Wine and gas production can be replaced with mojito home (or rather, office) cooking. For Mojito buy Martini, Scheve, mint and lime (can still be strawberries). All this, except Martini, mix right in place. Drinking alcohol can be added to Martini's cocktail, nonbeid will drink non-alcoholic.

Mulled wine can be welded in the office kettle: pour wine, cut the orange, add some apples, cinnamon and boil. Consider colleagues, persuading to try even those who are driving: "Caught okay! Alcohol has already milded everything when heated!"

Save on people

There are companies in which they are taken for holidays to bring colleagues into the world and treat them in cafes and restaurants. Here, too, there are ways to save: for example, to reduce the number of invited and call them home. Or - skiing on Sunday. Suggest to go to the zoo, to the cinema or on the clogodrom - to climb on the walls. There are fewer people to such "adventures". But those who come will remember about your holiday only good.

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Anniversaries like whirlwinds
Milestones of your fate noting
But with a smile suddenly notice
What in the soul you all the same seventeen!

You are bright, you live inspiration!
I am proud of a colleague that I know you!
And in this bright, happy moments,
Congratulations on the anniversary of you now!
I wish only joy, success!
Let the trouble goes away!
To work in love - not a hindrance!
Good luck to be in love with you!

We had the honor today fell out this:
Congratulate you with a wonderful anniversary!
You are fifty all the same young
That's just older and wiser

From the collective we want to congratulate
You're happy birthday on this day wonderful!
And congratulations to send everything
So that you are now more charming!

So that all the cases are perfect for you,
So that in the family everything was a century as it should
So that you were not working in vain,
So that you get for all rewards!

Our glorious, dear colleagues
Today, the anniversary tables are covered
We are for her one hundred thousand privileges
We wish the events and sets of discoveries!

Boils work everyday
But among ordinary days
Suddenly the birthday comes,
Wonderful holiday - anniversary!
We want you to wish good luck,
Success in life, bright things,
So that you with a smile - not otherwise
Have met every new day!

That did not come true, let him come true,
Work is just joy let him carry
Colleague, congratulations on the anniversary,
And in the heart only hope let him live!
We wish you happiness. We are a lot,
And we will never forget you
You, dear, sent to us by God,
For honest in life of all hours!

Today, congratulations on the anniversary
Our colleague, and wish you happiness.
We wish the God of Health to give,
Everything else is in your power.
You have everything you need in this life -
Family, work, happiness, beauty.
Let Fortuna smiles more often
And let your angel keep you always.

From the anniversaries in life, do not go away,
They will overtake everyone like birds,
But the main thing, through the years to carry
Heat soul, particle hearts.
We are in anniversary today
Warm, we cordially congratulate
You wish you a familiar care
So that your day is always filled,
So that fatigue was from work,
And the soul, as always, young!

In your anniversary, colleague,
Give congratulations.
We wish good health,
In all matters of luck.
Let you in all, always, everywhere
We want to become more
Successful and richer!

You wish you success and happiness
Everything is the same responsive to be.
After all, you will be afraid
If the heart knows how to love!

We wish you a glorious female share,
So that you are always, everywhere star shone
So that you only obey the will
And so that you are happy steel!

Beautiful years you lived a lot
And at work, respect was discarded
We wish you just enough
So that fifty you have become all more beautifully!

From the team we want verses
You will congratulate you on this birthday!
After all, in prose we do not express words
How glad we will glorify you in the anniversary!

Let you always, lucky in everything in life!
May God protect you from worries!
Let it always be impeccable!
And may always, everywhere, just enough!
Alexander Ryazantsev

Let every moment in your life and an hour
It will be noted by sure.
Jubilee we congratulate you
Reading these lines inspired.
You fifty - not so much.
We wish you happiness for centuries.
Let it be an easy way,
Good friends and good colleagues.

Colleague, wish health!
Today you have an anniversary
And congratulations to you with love,
We wish you joyful days!
Let life give only smiles
And in the heart flower let flowers,
And we know exactly what soon
Your dreams will be fulfilled!

Our team wishes you
Love and happiness in half
Colleague, in this anniversary!
You will be women of all mile!
And do not count the year
For us you are always young
Let life give you success,
You, dear, Best All!

We respect we respect
We adore your colleague!
In the anniversary we wish you happiness,
Let them be afraid!
Friends will be committed
Loves, the family appreciates you!
Everything will be wonderful, know
And I wish you love!

Our colleague, congratulations to you!
You know, you do not need to peel
Do you want us to wish now
Good health and good luck
Joy and devotees,
Let the work argue in addition
It will be life, believe me, fun!

From the Jubileev not to leave.
They will overtake everyone like birds.
But the main thing is to carry through the years
Heat soul, heart particle.
You have an anniversary today.
We congratulate you from the heart!
And in the life of the main wish:
Health, happiness joy
And years before one hundred years!

Let fabulous happiness
You have an anniversary.
Let joy and fun
Your house will come again.
What a pity that again years
We do not return again.
But the big has experience,
Who does not take away.
We wish you a colleague,
Confidently go.
And age is not a hindrance,
Gift from fate!

Contrary to the laws of nature,
Do not be sad about those who have gone
And do not know sadness and care
About the coming, future days.
Congratulations today, colleague.
Let your anniversary be cheerful.
Do not be sad, over the shoulders of half a century,
And the past does not regret at all.

Let it become for you a gift
Today is a bright anniversary.
Colleagues idle with delight,
Smiles just do not regret.
We wish you happiness, inspiration

And the beauty of everyone to conquer,
Good luck, joy, lucky,
To be all younger than fifty.
Alexandra Mosunova

Wonderful person
Fifty today was fulfilled.
And we wish with all the team,
To be happy about life.
Let the success in the affairs of affairs,
Let their relatives love and wait
We wish you female happiness
Let these years go in love.
Julia Paramonhenko

Colleague respected by us
Congratulations on the class date we,
From the whole soul, you sincerely wish you:
Health, happiness, joyful spring!

On 5 let your all successes
For 5 let, there will be personal affairs -
Let not grow up the golden your heart
Let the men's trail, watch not breathing!

55 today it has come,
Such a digit in life is only once!
Blooms the soul, she imagined
So many days and very important dates.

And you neither almost face almost
Though years all quickly swept
Over the years matured, input
And, for you, the verse sounds today.

The eyes are all with the same glitter - mischievous,
So kind, beautiful eyes!
For us, the colleague, you became native,
So be happy, God forbid to live to a hundred!

In the work you are not replaced,
Soul and heart are good -
As a woman slightly wounded
And the mildness of her gentle.

You congratulate you on the anniversary,
We wish joyful roads
So that health is excess
And happiness, it was also the case!

What a woman today
In our team native came,
How - as if the sun illuminated -
A smile clear day lit!

Stepping with us at work,
In one single rut
So amazing hunting
It is congratulated in silence.

Director, Happy Anniversary!
More reasons for laughter
And much money about stock,
And crazy success!

So that in life everything went smoothly
And so not only in words!
And creative ideas in sufficiency
And prosperity in affairs.

Congratulations on the anniversary,
Dear director ours!
Smile more fun
Every day and every hour!

The team respects you,
You cherish you.
We sincerely wish
To be healthy, long live.

Let your family in your work
On "excellent" everything will be
Crisis side bypass
And luck goes to you!

How many years how many winters flew
Birth days have passed a lot.
For you, it was the main thing -
Honest work with all adversities called.

And for all you have already done,
The team is grateful to you.
We wish all the best
In your female happy fate!

Warmly with the anniversary of you congratulations
And we wish to all our branch,
So that money is always on costs,
And the debt with the loan quickly boiled down.

Reports so that everyone has certainly surrendered
And more often so that you smile from the heart,
Health for long-long years
Love, prosperity, good weather!

You have something to be proud of what to celebrate
Where never be late
What to worry about how to live
And the thing is to love!

We wish you health, activity,
In work - great productivity!
Appreciate the team, no doubt
Always be his decoration!

Happy Anniversary, Favorite Our Director!
We wish you happiness and good!
So that all the dreams always come true
That life is beautiful and light!

Let a career develop perfectly
There will be a lot of money and victories!
All dreams come true let quickly!
After all, the chief is more beautiful in the world there is no!

You congratulate you on the anniversary,
Want success to wish
Be with us a bit kinder
Salary more often raise!

Let everything be fine with you:
Family, friends and team,
Well-being in the life of personal
And the sea of \u200b\u200bnew perspectives!

The company's success depends on the head,
We are pleased to be in submission of the winner.
Do not flatter, but simply express our attitude,
We want to congratulate you today happy birthday.
Harmony let him give the sky, and good luck,
Steps happiness next to you, and nothing else.

We do not know how mood
You came to the service today, -
But take a statement from us -
After all, we could not tolerate!

Doubted - they say, "I want to rally",
But - everything is fulfilled. And now -
We decided to quit everything together,
For you can cope with us!

You are such a naked boss,
It's hard with you in your work, -
Mockingbird, joker, hooter, -
The sense of humor is to wake!

So that I remember us, sorry, -
We decided - damn, - Joke will:
Look back - and look -
You have all, damn, back, damn, - white!

Let us ask the question:
"Who is the best boss in the world?"
We will reply without embellishment:
"The world's best boss is!"

We do not require rewards
Wage raises
If the salary grows,
We will not cry at all!

Just we will praise the boss
Without any question!

Let your dreams come true,
Beginning must dare
New ideas for you find the way
And let a minute will relax!

Let your homemade focus be cozy
Every new day let it be a miracle here,
Many warm words also we wish you
Because we love you, appreciate, respect!

Anniversary - a wonderful reason
Congratulate you, dear man!
Let the desire of yours work
Light happiness, let the heart be filled!

And the health is strong will always be!
Let Fortuna do not take you!
And in everything is accompanied by success
The house has children's laughter!

You are appreciated by colleagues, respect
Pretty friends surround you.
Let the work please always
And love leads after a year!

We want to congratulate you all on this day,
For you raising glasses,
We want to wish not a single shadow
You did not fall on the way.

Let in your life one positive
Meets you with every dawn.
You are the best boss, we are your team,
And we are grateful for it.

Our valiant chief, brother and friend!
Nadezhda, Talisman and raised banner!
In your anniversary, we all gathered in a circle
And the future sees only with you!

As Moses in the desert sand,
You spent us through all the obstacles,
Titan with a damping vest at the temple
You rule the heart and law.

Bread mining righteous labor
You're noticeably revived
Ideas, talent and shoulder
His support for us was strong.

Yes, there will be a sound body, a light mind,
Hurry up good luck with the following adversity,
Flying Holding Your Light Dum
Do not overshadow bad weather!

Improve your traces in life,
Let there be a way free and easy to
And wash the resistance of the environment
We will help a friendly command.

Great day for us today
And in the setting and in the hearts.
After all, our chef was born
And he is our king and monomas.

And you have a hurry to congratulate you,
And happiness the sea wish.
Yes, so that you live another 1000-Chu,
Health problems do not lead!

And in the anniversary, do not be sad,
After all, the young people are still.
In the house ray of the sun you let
And you will be fine!

And finally, I will add
Keep wider wallet,
To make money a lot.
Here is such a congratulations.

If you soon have the celebration of the anniversary of one of the company's employees, and you still do not know how to congratulate it, do not worry. Eventspro prepared for you a whole selection of all sorts of options, among which you will certainly be able to find the most suitable for your case.

Non-standard approach to the presentation process of the present

Order of an individual gift

Presentation with congratulations colleagues

Fayer Show - the brightest gift

Want an unusual show? Contact an artist drawing sand!

Have you ever seen a movie drawn by sand on light glass? If not, then you will definitely look - the spectacle is very fascinating! A full-fledged animation film on a large screen can last minutes fifteen or twenty minutes, but pictures drawn so unusual way, leave far behind traditional movies and cartoons.

In the lead, by the way, the celebration itself may be the culprit. Agree with the artist and provide him with all the necessary materials, and at the same time, and retell the main milestones of the life path and the career growth of the Jubilest - let the artist embody it with the help of his unsurpassed skill. You may not doubt: it will be one of the most elegant surprises for a person celebrating a significant date.

Arrange a full view in honor of the celebration

A variety of artists is great, and you will always be out of whom to choose. Even if the hall for congratulations is very small, this is not a reason to give up such a wonderful idea. Nowhere to dance - order the focuses: invite the illusionist, which for the anniversary and for all the audience will show a few simple, but exciting and spectacular numbers. You can even arrange such a representation with coins or cards - in this case, only the table will be sufficiently a table, so that the field of fantasy is not limited.

Salute salutes in honor of the jubilee

Another excellent version of the salute is a "cold fountain", which can be installed on the table or on the floor so that he pleased the culprit of the celebration with bright splashes. The design is completely safe, but it looks very spectacular and bright. Finally, the most win-win version is a transparent ball, filled with confetti and balloons, which hang under the ceiling.

After that, it is picked up by the button at the right moment, and after the loud "Baba!" The birthday girl goes straight from the ceiling multicolored balls. Of course, after such a surprise will have to be seen in the office, but how many impressions!

Not just a table, but a lady buffet

Capture the best moments - invite a professional photographer

Everyone is beautiful in its own way, and it does not depend on age. A professional photographer will suit specifically for the anniversary a photo session that captures it in the best images. And representative, filled with men, and beautiful women who received many compliments will be pleased to be a major acting person of such an event.

An interesting image can be chosen to any person. And taking into account the best layout of light and subsequent processing in the photo editor, you can hardly doubt that the pictures will be fine perfect. And a single portrait, and group photography - everything will remind the jubilee about one of the best days in his life.

Thematic photo session for lovers of original images

Joint creativity unites!

It happens quite simple: to the office, where the holiday is celebrated, bring a picture of the meter size by one and a half, you can more or less as you order. After that, the invited artist makes the sketch of the story on the order of the birthday room, from his portrait to any fantastic landscape. After that, all those present will be able to participate in coloring the picture - everyone will get along a small fragment, so creativity will be joint. Of course, it is difficult to wait for the result as a masterpiece of painting, but what is the attention to the jubilee and what a feeling of unity between colleagues!

Personal cake decorated with taste

It is hardly possible to doubt the possibilities that modern confectioners possess - they are truly able to work wonders. Want to make the cake not only tasty, but also original? There is nothing easier - order a unique text, a picture or pattern for a sweet masterpiece. The topics of the design of the cake can be devoted to a birthday officer, his career achievements, his beloved hobby, a book, film and anything else - Flight Flight is not limited to anything.

Recipes for cooking light snacks that can be treated with colleagues for work, a huge set. They are quickly prepared and perfectly suitable for a buffet table. For example, salty crackers can be served as a snack. A cheese and garlic mass is applied on top. It is necessary to mix 50 g of grated solid grade cheese, 1 garlic clove and 2 mayonnaise tablespoons.

Decorating the cracker follows the olive or halves of walnut.

Also as a snack you can cook the roll from the pita. To do this, you will need: 2 boiled eggs, 50 g of solid grade cheese, 100 g of weakly salmon, mayonnaise, 100 g of greens (dill, parsley). Lavash unfold on the table and failed mayonnaise. On top rub eggs, cheese. Add fine sliced \u200b\u200bsalmon, greens. Lavash is neatly folded into the roll and heated in the microwave oven for 5-7 minutes. This time is enough for cheese a little melted. Cut the roll before serving on the table. Therefore, it is very convenient to transport to the place of celebration.

You can cook simple salads as light snacks. For example, mixing the finely disturbed Beijing cabbage and boiled chicken fillets. Send such salad recommended by mayonnaise.

No less original snack recipe - stuffed drying. For their preparation, the following ingredients will be required: cheese, mayonnaise, minced meat, vegetable oil, milk, drying. Ordinary drying is soaked in milk before they are not soft and large. After that, they are neatly shifted on pre-smeared by vegetable oil. In each hole, drying is imposed by a small amount of minced meat. Within 10-15 minutes, drying baked at 180 ° C. After that, the resulting stuffed baskets are failed with a thin layer of mayonnaise and sprinkled with grated cheese. 7-10 minutes in the oven at the same temperature, and the snack is ready.

If you do not have time and the desire to mess around with snacks to the festive table, and finance allow you to purchase ready-made products, follow the following advice. In any major supermarket you can buy tartlets. In the same store there is a department with ready-made varied salads.

Already at work, place a treat in tartlets, and the snack is ready.

No less popular for today food delivery services to the office. It is not necessary to invent anything at all. Just decide what will be on your desk. It can be rolls, salads, and pizza, and hot dishes. It all depends on your imagination and financial opportunities. Your order will be delivered at a convenient time and place for you. And to the birthday of the birth, most likely will be offered a good discount.

If your birthday was a wedding, a child was born, then colleagues will surely want to give a gift. In response, cover the table and treat them with delicious dishes. You can cook them on an ambulance right in the office or bring from home.


If the workplace is not possible to make dishes from the ingredients brought, then prepare their homes. You can treat colleagues with meat, berry or fruit cakes, Napoleon cake. All this you will quickly make houses from the ready-made frozen puff pastry.

Dispose 2 packs, then deploy the dough. It lies in the form of a rectangle. Slightly roll it up so that you can cut each layer in half and it would be possible in each package of 2 squares. Accept them with a fork in two or three places, put on the tray and send to the oven, which is already warm up to 180 ° C. Here they will be baked on low heat until golden color.

At this time, prepare cream. His recipe is very simple. First, remove 300 grams of cream oil from the refrigerator so that it is in a bowl on the table and acquired a kitchen temperature. Now pour into it a jar of condensed milk and thoroughly sweat the cream. If there are 100 grams of nuts, then grind them in a coffee grinder or kitchen combine and add to cream.

When the dough bore and completely cools, take the plate of the appropriate diameter, cut 4 circles. On each spread layer of cream and collect top of the cake. The remaining part of the baked cakes grind and decorate them the top and sides of the cake.

For the preparation of pies, roll out not finely layered puff pastry, cut it into small squares. Put inside the sliced \u200b\u200bapples, nectarines or cherry without seeds, pour half a teaspoon of sugar and roll up every pate in the form of a triangle. For another part of the puff pastry, prepare a filling of boiled meat and fried onions. Lubricate the pies with an egg and bake up to shut.

It happens worse. Also never loved to celebrate your DR at work, and at home, too, only with the family (family, and son). Well, it happened. There are no cars, a friend with the car, too, before all the houses had to be made and dragged to work on the bus it is impossible. Taxi? Yes, nonsense, why ??? I just handed over to other people's others, before the symbolic amounts were collected, 100-200r, and then I tried to drain. Half-Hama and Pophalima, which are heard before the authorities and to substitute anyone are ready at any time, including me. Not nice. Now everything seems to buy, but it costs how much? I work, Z / PL at all is now 12000r, and every month for several others and for each 200-300r. DR In the first persons is clear, it is not a podahalimage, a bouquet of flowers and a feudal champagne a pleasant, but all (and this is more than 50 people) I am not a state !!! Quarter s / pls lay out - it's crazy. So she said that I could not. I would be like a recent 30000 + - like God for the sake of a cute soul. Now they do not ask. I'm afraid only here will be congratulated. In 40 did not break, somehow thought I experienced this "Rubbrozh", but in a week 43 so the whole soul turned over. More lists on the table everyone put with the dates and years of birth. Before that was not. Congratulations were congratulations, but no one clarified someone who was knocking. So unpleasant. Well, is it possible to put a female age for a general review? I would say, I said, no-my right to just keep silent, especially when colleagues in the region of 25 years, these girls are suitable for me in my daughter. I hope you will not congratulate. Now it is not necessary. She said too straight. This is not done. Public people-other things, and I'm just an accountant-cashier. Another 2 accountant is, so no one knows how many years they are, and my dossier posted on everyone to see. There are other people there, from 20 to 41 years old, man 7, but I am the oldest. I do not want bills in such a situation. Incorrect somehow. They took a job, thank you, but it is impossible to put it on a sore place.

The main thing in the festival is to safely survive him!

Avoid participation in celebrating at work days of birth Will not succeed. It is equally exciting to act as a birthday party and be a guest at the feast of a colleague. But in the first case, all the responsibility on the organization lies on you and in the case of nonsense and problems you may have trouble. Therefore, to such a corporate holiday should be carefully prepared.

First you need to accept inevitability. Hospital, vacation, business trip are temporary measures. After entering the work, it will come to exhibit. At all, not to celebrate the birthday at work - an unacceptable option, if you want to establish good relations in the team.

Especially ugly, if you visit the anniversary of colleagues, but to disappear somewhere. Of course, everyone has the right to take on their own decisions, but still it is better to follow the team who have developed in which you have been hired, traditions, and not bring your own rules.

First of all, it is necessary to find out how to celebrate on the company. The best option, if before celebrating your own birthday you will be at the bottom of the birth of the colleague and take a look that yes, how. If you pass experience in practice will not work, then ask colleagues, which is usually prepared, at what time notes, as the chiefs include this.

Do not buy too much. If it is not customary to order a table in the restaurant, and the table is covered in the office, then prepare in a minimum. Always by the way sandwiches, meat and cheese cutting, vegetables, fruits, cakes, alcohol. You can order pizza, sushi, kebabs and other youths.

If in the office it is customary to organize something like a buffet, then you must buy the following:

disposable tablecloths;

one-time dishes (plates, forks, cups);


Do not take all white. Festive mood create bright colors.

Depending on what spirits prefer your colleagues (spend the survey among them), pick up snacks.

Birthday celebration time appoints authorities. Traditional time - or lunch break (Sweet table, tea, coffee), or end of the working day (strong drinks and feast).

Think about the musical accompaniment of the event. Easy quiet music will help remove the nervous tension and create a relaxed atmosphere.

Try anyone from your guests not to go around. Do not be lazy to all send invitations, but it is better to prevent personally, and not by phone or by mail.

Prepare thank you in advance to answer all the congratulations.

Be friendly and smile.

If the culprit of the celebration (fortunately) is not you, then try to become a "good" guest. Do not refuse the invitation if you really do not have a good reason. But in this case, it is better to run for a short time, congratulate and retool, referring to urgent things.

Prepare a gift. It may be a trifle (a cup, spoon, a jar of coffee), and maybe something more serious. It all depends on your relationship with a birthday party. But remember that a dear gift can put a person in an awkward position.

Be merry and sociable. Take advantage of the colleagues. Please note who is holding, who helps the birthday party who will stay to clean off the table, who offers games and toasts.

Come up with toas from yourself. Even if you are hoping to get silent, still go to the "duty" phrases just in case, so that if you are forced to speak, it is not seemed to be covered by surprise.

One way or another, but almost all employees celebrate their birthdays at work. Some ride the feast Mountain to the entire company, others are satisfied with a small buffet for the elected, and the third treats their colleagues festive cakes. But in any case, the birthday mannik should carefully treat such an event and plan the evening in detail.

What is the Jupiter ...

It is difficult to imagine the situation when the employee's birthday would have been unnoticed for his colleagues. Congratulations oral, email, flowers, small, but pleasant gifts - There are many ways to congratulate the birthday name. That in turn also does not want to remain in debt and invites colleagues to mark a significant date. The range of the holiday and its format depends on the set of factors, but the main criterion is corporate traditions.

As a rule, in large companies, it is not accepted noisily celebrating the birthdays of all employees. After all, if even 300 people work in the organization, the holidays will have to celebrate almost every day, which is hardly a positive effect on the productivity of the team. In addition, in large companies, more attention is paid to the observance of discipline. In some of them, in principle, it is not allowed to linger after the end of the labor day in the workplace, and the conduct of a small buffet for colleagues can not be speech. Therefore, in the walls of the office, all festive events are limited to congratulations and gifts, and the unofficial part is already in different kind of entertainment establishments.

At the same time, in small companies or companies, where leadership is loyal in relation to their subordinates, note the birthday of the employee in the workplace is much simpler. Of course, in this case there are many restrictions - to start a party at 12 o'clock in the afternoon or invite to the holiday of relatives from Saratov you will not allow you. But "peacefully sit down" after the end of the working day with colleagues, treating the cake and champagne, is not rebored.

Alien among their

The second important aspect for a party in the office is a relationship in the team. It is unlikely that you want to celebrate your birthday in the company of people with whom you are not very good contact. It's one thing when your colleagues sincerely want to spend the evening with you, and another - when the holiday turns into a purely formal event. As a rule, there are no good parties such parties: a dull mood reigns throughout the holiday, and various inconsiderators and conflicts between individual employees can only exacerbate. In such a situation, it is better to give up a corporate party in the office: you can take on duty congratulations and gifts from colleagues, and as your "thank you" to organize a small sweet table.

It is much more interesting to the situation in cohesive teams, where the team spirit plays a far from the last role. Such events always pass on the "Hurray": the toasts, jokes sound, are discussed different working moments and the latest news. Such an informal setting allows you to bring together people who work together, and newcomers in such an atmosphere are much easier to adapt and better know others.

However, employees who worked in the company just a couple of months should refrain from such a rapid celebration. First, the leadership will hardly like such a beginner initiative: a person who has not yet been distinguished by any production success, has not yet deserved the right to arrange parties in the workplace. After all, it is possible to allow such events to the employee who has been working in the company no longer the first year and managed to prove it well, but the new member of the team has not yet been interested in such a loan of confidence in the bosses. Secondly, in order to organize a good party, you need to understand what kind of relationships are in the team, taste preferences, employment and many other factors. In order to take into account all these moments, you need to be fully adapted in the company.

Under sensitive supervision

However, one of the most sharp questions that is facing the birthday room: to invite the bosses to the party or not? On the one hand, I would like to celebrate the holiday in the "narrow family circle": along with the colleagues with whom you regularly communicate at work, go to the smoke and drink tea during the break. In such a company, you can feel calm and relaxed, to afford to let go of a couple of jokes about management, complain to colleagues on a low salary and grains of the authorities, not at the same time be dismissed.

But on the other hand, the leader is also nothing human alone. And the big boss, and the most small clerk becomes a shame when he is not invited to a party. The only difference is that the offense of the head can turn into serious problems for the anniversary. Imagine the situation when during the holiday, after the end of the working day, in the office, full of funny employees, comes to your boss, who did not guessed the holiday. Music is muted, people stop smiling, all the voices are shuffled, and in the center of the composition there is no longer a cheerful jubique in a stupid cap, which looks at the head like a rabbit at the boa. In this situation, even a timid invitation to the table will not help. The mood is falling, the party is spoiled, guests begin to diverge home, and the birthday girl is already thinking about tomorrow.

In order to avoid such an unpleasant situation, it is better to invite a guide to the upcoming party in advance. First, it is always nice to be invited to the celebration. In addition, it is not a fact that the chief will decide to visit the holiday - as a rule, it happens quite rarely. And secondly, the event will not be a surprise to lead, and you can spend the evening with a calm soul.

For friendship!

And yet, for most employees, birthday celebration in the office is a desired event. And it's not even a holiday table, gifts and congratulations, but that the party is a great opportunity to chat with colleagues in an informal setting, closer to get acquainted with people with whom you meet every day. Here, for example, it is possible to accidentally find out that your silent neighbor on the table as well as you, engaged in fencing or is fond of the history of the Great Patriotic War. Or in a random conversation, it turns out that your manager also grew up on Tambovshchina, almost in the village with you. Such communication brings closer to the team, which certainly has a positive effect on the atmosphere within the company and, as a result, on labor productivity.

Nevertheless, even during such a fun event, you should not lose vigilance, especially if there is a guide on the festival. History knows a lot of cases when a joke successfully told in the presence of an anecdote, a cheerful joke or common interests turned your head in a friend, after which the career ladder became similar to the comfortable high-speed elevator. However, there is also the reverse side of the medal. Inadequate behavior, an inappropriate joke, a proposed dispute can lead to a minimum of disagreements with management. As a maximum, the case can reach the dismissal. Of course, a personal factor will play the main role here, but any leader will always find the reason to part with the "Opt" employee.

But even if the boss is not present at the party, you should not give free to your language. It is possible that a person who smiles is listening to your complaints of leadership, seasoned with invalid and not very censorship expressions, will tell the next day to colleagues from their department about your "liberty". And no doubt that the "Sarafan Radio" will bring your thoughts to the final destination - your boss.

The secret of a good party

So how to behave at the bottom of birth? First of all, do not forget that you are not in the company of friends, but among your colleagues. This fact imposes certain restrictions on the number of topics for conversation. Try not to discuss personal life, family problems, political and other acute questions with other employees. First, not everyone will be interested in listening to your monologues about personal troubles, and secondly, you should not create unnecessary reasons for gossip inside the collective.

Of course, the main theme for the conversation at the festive evening will be a business question: a discussion of current problems and plans for the near future, tense or on the contrary, comical situations that arose during the work and the like things. Communication on similar topics in an informal setting helps to better understand the problems and develop plans to solve them. As a rule, in such an atmosphere, colleagues come faster to general agreements without any conflicts. Nevertheless, the party should not be limited only to conversations about work. Conversations about sports, culture, travel, pets will also help staff to get close to and find common interests.

And finally, some tips for the birthday name. During the holiday, you should not forget that you are the owner of the party, and therefore carrying full responsibility for everything that happens in the office. It is you who should easily and easily interrupt the protracted disputes, to merge the labored colleagues, take care of the presence of champagne in the glasses - in general, to do everything for the next day your colleagues happily discussed your birthday and have already started waiting for the next.

It all depends on whether to arrange parties in your team. If you work recently, it is better to clarify this question from colleagues, otherwise you risks to get to come.

Well, if you manage to find out, and how exactly the holidays are celebrated at work, whether guests are waiting for a full-fledged banquet, or just bring a cake on a lunch break. If the triumph is limited to just sweets and fruits, nothing to worry about. Another thing, if the holidays are taken on a wide leg - will have to come to terms with material and physical costs. Let's notify immediately, even if you endure your birthday, it is still not worth tear away from the banquet. Do not try to hide a significant date from colleagues. Usually such things still become publicity, so it is necessary to prepare in advance.

By the way, do not forget to notice the bosses about the upcoming holiday and invite the boss to the table. Coming or not - to solve him, but the corporate etiquette does not recommend going around the chef invitation.


Naturally, as a birthday man, you will have to take care of food and drinks. The main rule of the "banquet menu" - the food should be convenient to take hands. It is better to abandon salads and hot dishes in favor of canape, sandwiches, tartlets and pies. As for drinks, the main thing here is a variety. On your table should be both "male" and "female" drinks, and, of course, do not forget about juices and mineral.

Conduct a conversation - your task is also. Talking about work during the holiday is considered a bad tone. You should not use a party as an excuse for the next production meeting or in order to solve your working problems. Even if the boss is present at the holiday and behaves quite democratic, this does not mean that he has come a good time to talk about the increase to a salary or request to transplant you to the neighboring office. As a topic for a conversation, it is better to choose something neutral, like weather or recent movies.

In the center of events

Oddly enough, but for many, the most unpleasant in the celebration of his own birthday is the need to take congratulations to colleagues. The fact is that correctly answering compliments is a kind of art that is not all owned. It is especially difficult for people with low self-esteem: it seems to them that they do not deserve praise, which makes them embarrass or suspect colleagues in insincerity.

Of course, love yourself in one moment is unlikely to succeed, but it is quite possible to hide my constraint.

Never justify in response to a compliment. If colleagues praise your figure, do not refute them and talk about your shortcomings. If someone liked the dress, do not say that they bought it with a big discount on the sale. Just say "Thank you" and smile.

Do not speak the response compliments that exactly copied the praise made you. If someone says that you are a brilliant employee and the soul of the team, you should not answer in the spirit: "Thank you, you too!"

Do not ignore praise. Otherwise, you may be suspected in snobsm and indifference to colleagues.

Avoid long stories about how you managed to succeed in the work, hone out a figure in the gym or learn several languages.

We accept gifts

Birthday without gifts is unthinkable. And here, too, there are certain rules of etiquette.

Even before the holiday start, take care of flowers for flowers. Leave bouquets on the table without putting them into the water, impolite.

Be sure to expand the gift. Even if there are many presents, laying them to the side, without opening, is considered a gross violation of the norms of courtesy.

Thank the one who presented to you a souvenir. At the same time, look into the eyes of the guest, and not for a gift.

If you were presented a dear thing, you should not express too stormy delight about its price. Your gratitude to guests should be the same, no matter who spent how much.

If you are a guest


Scientists from the United States have established that people will get drunk at parties in the office than if they drink in the bar. And it's not in the absence of a snack or strong alcohol. It turns out that drinking alcoholic beverages in the setting that is not associated with the use of alcohol (for example, in the office), makes people less resistant to alcohol. The fact is that the brain is better perceiving intoxicated signals when we are in the usual atmosphere. Therefore, when we use alcohol in a bar or at home, it is easier for us to stop and give up the next winery. In the office, hard drinks are rarely used, so the clerks are easily losing their heads.

If the colleague invited you for a birthday, you will have to look at the holiday at least for a few minutes. If not only business, but also friendly relationships are associated with the culprie of the celebration, it will be worthwhile to offer their help in the party's device and buy a gift. At the same time, remember, there is a whole list of presents that are not accepted to give to colleagues, even if the colleague is your friend. This list includes:

Jewelry. They can not be given to women.

Perfumes and cosmetics. Even if it seems to you that you know the tastes of a person well, such a gift may be regarded as a hint that you are not satisfied with the appearance of a colleague.

Strong alcohol and smoking accessories.

Handing a gift, it is impossible:

Talk about the difficulties that you had to experience while you were looking for the right thing.

Clean the forgiveness for handing out the wrong gift that would like to give.

Ask, I liked a man a gift.

Personal opinion

Mikhail Derzhavin:

There are colleagues with whom I don't want to say anything together, and there are those with which you can note in the same way as with their homes. If you have good friends among your colleagues, why not celebrate your birthday at work? It's nice!

D. Pray Birth is a holiday that is waiting for everything in anticipation, because it is so pleasant to be in the center of attention, get gifts and listen to compliments from guests.

Many people celebrate such an event not only at home, restaurant or in nature, but also at work with employees. In each company, there are certain traditions of celebrating such an event that everyone is trying to observe, because somewhere it is customary to celebrate in a lunch break, putting a cake on the table, well, and somewhere it is customary to organize noisy merry with contests and dances.

How to celebrate a birthday at work?

On the eve of the birthday, a few days aless your colleagues about an impending event. You can notify them by phone, using an SMS mailing, by email with an indication of the time and format of the holiday.

Decide how you want to celebrate such a bright holiday. To make a small tea on a lunchtime or organize after the working day "Meeting without Ties"? It all depends on your desire and financial capabilities.

If you want to organize a tea party, you select the lunchtime. Put several cakes, cookies, candy, ice cream cake, and tea or coffee.

If you want to organize a magnificent celebration after work, then warn your colleagues in advance about your plans, develop menus, decorate the room, as well as take care of the entertainment program.

Of course, it is obvious that a fun holiday is considered to be a "meeting without ties", when all employees will be able to relax and relax as follows after a busy day. It is best to arrange such a meeting on Friday, when the labor week comes to an end and is the time to relax to relax.

First of all, it should be noted that it is necessary to organize such a meeting in a well-established team, where all people can call each other not by colleagues, but friends. After all, to relax in the failed team, where there is no unity of the spirit impossible, and it is not safe, especially if you have to choose the topic of conversation. Remember, if there are enemy in the team, then about the events of the evening, and in the embossed form it can learn the authorities.

What you need to take care?

1. Menu

First of all, it is necessary to develop a menu of the evening, because in addition to drinks, it is necessary to decide on the main dishes, snacks and salads.

If you do not want to prepare basic dishes, then you can not complicate your life and not spend hours on cooking, but just order sushi or pizza. The main thing to place an order in advance so that the courier can lead the order to the specified time and you did not have to wait.

If you are an excellent cook and you enjoy cooking delicious delicacies and feed your colleagues, then show fantasy and listen to compliments from employees about your luxurious abilities.

By drawing up a list of snacks, take into account not only your tastes, but also colleagues. In addition to alcoholic beverages, buy juice, mineral water, coffee and tea, because some people due to the fact that they are driving or for other reasons will not drink alcohol.

Prepare sandwiches, make several salads and cuts.

For example, you can prepare meat, cheese, sweet chocolate or fruit canape. You can make small sandwiches on spikes.

There should be no problems with the choice of salads. You can cook "Mimozu", "Caesar", "Olivier" and others.

Prepare meat, fruit, cheese or vegetable cutting or all at once. Do not forget about bread, Baton or Lavash. As a hot, you can cook baked chicken or meat with potatoes in the oven, fish, rabbit and other, but only you will need to think about the way of delivery of a dish.

Buy a sweet to the table, because usually the meeting ends with tea drinking.

Do not forget to serve the table. To do this, purchase a stylish tablecloth, unusual dishes (you can disposable), napkins and towels.

2. Room.

Competently decorated room is the success of a wonderful mood.

Balloons are considered an indispensable attribute of the birthdays, because they create a cheerful atmosphere and increase the mood. It is very important to choose the right color, for example, for men, white and silver balls are suitable, and for women multicolored.

Much attention should be paid to the location of the balls. You can order an original figure from the balls or choose the arch. If you plan an event on the occasion of the anniversary, you can order numbers from the balls that will express the age of the birthday room.

As a decoration of the room, you can choose floral arches, arches from sweets, toys, but only this kind of decoration is more suitable for women, because not all men love flowers, and some believe that the flowers are intended exclusively for a beautiful floor.

You can also decorate the room with posters. You can also decorate the walls with photos, just do not need to scotch them, because you can buy a special framework that will correspond to the design of the room.

Cool decorate the room will be able to use with fluorescent paints, but only the procedure for applying should be considered extremely gently and responsibly.

3. Entertainment program.

The guarantee of a successful event is considered correctly organized entertainment program.

Take care of the musical accompaniment of the evening, download several albums of stars or bring your own musical selection.

Of course, it is best to choose contests that will create a festive and cheerful mood. But what contests to choose?

"Answer for a neighbor"

The presenter collects participants around himself in a circle. He asks them a wide variety of questions, while in any sequence that confuses. The essence of the competition is that the person who is intended for the question must be silent, and the neighbor must be responsible for him, which stands on the right side. The one who answers his question is considered to be a loser and dropped out. The winner is the one who will last longer than all.


Players freeze in different poses, one person is selected, which for a few minutes remembers their postures. After he goes out the door.

Players must make 5 changes in their poses and clothes (not every 5. A total of 5). If the presenter found a change, the players perform his desire.

"Fast charges - less bitterness"

Employees are divided into several teams, it all depends on the number of invited. Before each team is the task - to dress on the road. Each team is issued a suitcase in which there is a lot of things.

Players need to run up to the suitcase and put on all the clothes that is in it. Slap in your hands, they remove things back, throw them back and transmit the so-called relay to the next. So, in turn, everyone puts things out, and the team wins, which quickly coped with the task.

The winning team is awarded the prize, and the participant who fulfilled the process is the most erotic, awarded a unique prize.

You can play "crocodile". The principle of the game is that the word is made by the word, he must portray him without words.

Such a game always causes laughter in a funny company, especially if the animal is good to portray it is simply impossible, think about yourself how you can portray Medusa? And mushroom? Therefore, boldly play the game and you will get a wonderful post of mood.