How to clean a suede bag at home. Video: an experiment on cleaning suede with professional and home remedies. Water treatments: steam cleaning or washing

Suede fabric is extremely delicate, easily gets dirty and greasy. The structure and velvet fleecy surface are to blame. The space between the villi tends to become clogged with small particles of dirt, so the pile sticks together and the material becomes unsightly. They make clothes, shoes, bags, accessories from suede, and they have to be cleaned periodically.

Cleaning the bag

Some girls feel that suede bags are impractical to use. Although they get dirty easily, they can be cleaned without any problems. There are several ways to clean your suede bag at home. Remove visible dirt with a brush. The stuck together fibers and glazed fabric must be steamed: put a container of water on the fire, bring to a boil, steam the fabric over boiling water, and wipe the straightened fibers with a flannel. For heavy dirt, repeat the procedure a couple of times.

If there is a strong oily coating on the product (the surface is almost shiny), put 1 tsp in a glass of warm skim milk. soda and treat the stained areas. A mixture of this composition will help: 1/2 glass of water and half as much vinegar. Wipe the stained area with the mixture, then dry the area with a flannel cloth and dry with a hair dryer. Sometimes stains appear on the fabric after moisture gets in - for example, after being exposed to rain. It will be possible to get rid of traces after processing the product with baby powder. After sprinkling it on traces of moisture, comb through with a brush and hold over hot steam.

Other ways to deal with pollution

Clean the dark-colored fabric with cake from coffee, simply rubbing the suede cloth with it, and then brushing it off with a brush. You can send a bag for washing only after you are convinced of the artificial origin of the fabric. Such material survives washing in warm water (40 degrees) well without the use of solvents that corrode the product. The best cleaning solution is water mixed with liquid soap or dish detergent. After cleaning the product in this way, rinse it thoroughly, otherwise stains will appear on the surface. Then dry your purse with a towel. Wipe off whitish areas with a damp cloth or brush.

Glossy marks can be removed well with a solution containing ammonia. Mix 4 tbsp. l. water and 1 tsp. ammonia, moisten a cotton swab with the composition, wipe the greasy areas, then dry the material with flannel. Erase subtle marks from any kind of suede fabric with a regular stationery eraser (just not a colored one, white or beige will do, there will be traces of a colored eraser) of a soft texture. Wipe the dirty areas with gentle strokes and the marks will disappear.

Material care

For cleaning various surfaces of suede, specialized sprays have been invented: they easily dissolve greasy traces, restoring the condition of the pile. You can get them in shoe stores, but you can use the spray on any item made from suede. Take an expensive product to a dry cleaner - there it will be restored without causing harm. Important note: Before starting washing or cleaning, be sure to remove items from all pockets.

After purchasing a suede bag, it is better to immediately buy a brush specifically designed for cleaning this material. This brush is most often made of rubber. Bristles or metal pile can be located on one side. Such a tool will be an excellent assistant for cleaning dirt and smoothing out the lint. Try to take care of the item daily using such a brush.

A few more folk recipes

If a serious stain or bald patches appear, fine sandpaper will help out. However, it is often impossible to use such a means - the matter will simply fall into disrepair. After wet cleaning, be sure to wipe the product with a clean cloth dampened with water and dry the item naturally, away from the sun and heating appliances. If you break one of the rules, the bag may lose its original shape. Use a vinegar solution (a spoonful of essence per liter of water) to restore oily areas. In addition to coffee pomace, coffee grounds are good for brown items. A little thick is required to apply to the brush and rub the stains, after drying, clean with a brush.

Suede bags look very aesthetically pleasing and many want to have them in their collection, but the fear that suede will quickly lose its original appearance and cease to be soft and silky keeps them from buying them. Do not be afraid of this, because suede can always be tidied up at home. How to clean a suede bag?

Suede is a very delicate material that gets dirty and greasy very quickly. This is due to the peculiarities of its structure, because suede has a very fleecy surface, velvety, delicate.

In the intervals between the pile, the smallest particles of dirt are clogged, which leads to the draining of the pile, from which it loses its appearance. But any suede can be cleaned, and this will be discussed.

How to clean a suede bag?

Many people find suede bags impractical as they quickly lose their appearance. But this is not entirely true - they really lose their appearance, but it is easy to restore it with the help of simple home chemistry.

Visible dirt is removed with a soft flannel or a brush, and if the suede has stuck together and has become shiny, then you need to arrange a good bath for your purse! Steaming is carried out over a pot of boiling water, after which the straightened pile is wiped with a flannel. Such manipulations must be repeated several times if the contamination is strong.

  • With a strong oily coating, when the surface of the bag literally shines, it is necessary to dissolve the soda in milk (in a glass of warmed milk, mix with a teaspoon of soda). Places with the heaviest contamination are treated with this solution.
  • You can also apply the following composition: take a quarter cup of vinegar for half a glass of water and rub it with the dirt composition, then dry them with flannel and then wipe the entire bag, dry with a hair dryer.
  • Very often, natural suede becomes stained after water gets on it, for example, after rain. These stains can be removed by brushing the bag with baby powder, brushing it and holding it over steam.
  • If the suede is dark, then it can be cleaned with coffee cake, rubbing it into the suede with just your hands, and then cleaning it with a brush.

Do not wash your suede bag, in any case, make sure it is fake before washing it. You can wash artificial suede at a temperature of 40 degrees, but you need to clean it very carefully, without using various solvents. The best way to clean faux suede is a simple soapy solution of water and liquid soap or dishwashing detergent. After such cleaning, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the bag so that streaks do not form. After that, the bag must be dried with towels, after drying in those places where there are whitish deposits, rub or clean with a dry brush.

The gloss from natural suede perfectly removes the solution with ammonia - a teaspoon of ammonia (10%) is taken for four tablespoons of water, all soiled places are moistened with a cotton swab dipped in the solution, after which the suede is dried with flannel.

Minor dirt from any kind of suede can be perfectly erased with an ordinary stationery eraser (take it in white).

There are also special means for cleaning suede surfaces - these are various sprays that dissolve greasy stains and restore the location of the pile. You can buy suede care products at shoe stores - suede shoe cleaners can help your bag too. If your bag is very expensive, then it is best to contact a dry cleaner, where it will be given the respect it deserves.

Before you wash your suede bag or clean it, do not forget to pull out various small things from the most secret pockets!

Suede bags are hardly practical. Due to the specific pile that quickly absorbs dust, the product is subject to deterioration in a short time. Depending on the degree of soiling, suede bags can or cannot be cleaned. Difficult to remove stains include oily traces, which not all preparations can cope with. Experienced housewives, through trial and error, have brought out effective folk recipes that will help you clean your bag at home. Let's consider each method in order, highlight the main aspects, and provide practical recommendations.

Effective ways to clean suede bags

Do not rush to clean your bag in a hurry, as this will only make the situation worse. For such purposes, purchase a second product that you can wear while your favorite handbag is dry-cleaned.


Many suede lovers know that this kind of material can be easily cleaned with a regular school eraser. The method is especially effective in cases when an ugly gloss has appeared on the surface of the product. Take a rubber band, run your palm into the cavity of the bag, stretch the fabric and start intensively rubbing the desired area. Be sure to make sure that there are no traces of a pencil or ballpoint pen on the eraser, otherwise you will ruin the bag.

Specialized leather goods and footwear stores sell double-sided suede brushes. The price of such a tool varies between 120-170 rubles, it all depends on the design. One part of the brush is equipped with silicone tips that tidy up the bristles and remove even stubborn dirt. The second side consists of small iron scales that remove grease stains and gloss. In addition, there are rubber strips on both sides of the brush, which help to process seams and other hard-to-reach places (clips, buttons, holes for rings, etc.). Feel free to purchase such a tool, it will serve faithfully for a long time.

A regular pumice stone for the heels will help clear the bag from dust and dried dirt. The main thing is that it should be clean without small abrasive particles that easily eat into the surface. To clean, pre-wash the instrument, dry it, then stretch the cloth of the bag. With light circular movements, walk over the dirty area, while blowing off dust or brushing it off with a brush. It is not necessary to press hard, such a move will only provoke "baldness" of the pile and allow dirt to penetrate deeper into the fibers of the fabric.


An excellent folk remedy is the use of crushed (not sea, not iodized!) Salt. Spread the bag out on a flat surface, sprinkle with plenty of salt, and leave for 10 minutes. After the expiration date, rub the loose composition into the pile. Shake off excess, repeat the procedure if necessary. The method is especially effective for removing difficult stains such as fatty deposits, fuel oil, etc. The salt absorbs dirt and pulls it out of the fibers. The main thing is to make sure the surface of the bag is dry before processing.

Liquid soap
Purchase baby liquid soap from a hardware store, dilute 25 ml. product in 1.2 liters of filtered (!) water, add 1-2 ml. ammonia. Soak a clean cotton cloth in the prepared solution, wipe the dirty surface of the product with a cloth, rinse, evaluate the result. If it turns out to be incomplete, repeat the procedure. After all the manipulations, make sure that the detergent is removed from the fabric structure, otherwise streaks will remain on the bag. Blot the product with a dry cloth, leave to dry in the fresh air away from direct ultraviolet rays.

Another common way of cleaning suede bags from all types of contamination is considered to be pure gasoline. You can use the composition with a gas station (AI-95, AI-98) or use the products for refueling lighters, it all depends on personal preferences and the materials at hand. In most cases, the method is used to remove greasy stains. To properly clean your bag with gasoline, dampen a cosmetic swab or lint-free cloth in the composition, then gently rub the stain. Leave for 10 minutes, then sprinkle the treated area with chopped table salt, hammer it into a cloth, and shake it off. Sprinkle the area with salt again, leave for 5 minutes. During this time, the bulk product will absorb dirt and gasoline residues, you just have to "comb" the bag with a special brush.

Table vinegar
You can use a mild vinegar solution to remove tough stains from suede bags. The main thing is to choose the table composition (concentration 9%), not the essence. The indicator of the active substance in the latter case exceeds the permissible norms by almost 10 times, this does not suit us. To clean the surface of the product, dilute with 30 ml. vinegar in 0.7 liters. filtered water, stir. Dampen a kitchen sponge or soft cloth in the composition, squeeze well, wipe the dirty area. It is important that the suede is soaked with liquid to a minimum, otherwise you risk getting stains. The product is suitable for treating bags of all shades, as the vinegar is used for industrial purposes to maintain color.


The cleaning technology is similar to the use of baby powder. Take the required amount of tooth whitening powder, spread it over the soiled area, and beat in with your fingertips. Cover the part to be treated with cling film, remove it after half an hour and replace the used powder with fresh one. Carry out the actions until the free-flowing composition stops staining. After all the manipulations, vacuum the surface of the fabric, go over the product with a suede brush. Typically, this type of cleaning is used to remove stains from light-colored suede bags, as tooth powder leaves marks on black and brown fabrics.

Baby powder (talcum powder)

Purchase fragrance-free talcum powder from a pharmacy or beauty store. Spread the composition over the area of \u200b\u200bcontamination, hammer in the mixture with your hands so that it penetrates deep into the fiber structure. The holding time depends on the degree of soiling. If you wish to remove fresh traces of blood, coffee or wine, leave the powder on for 4 hours. In case of removing oily traces, wait about 5 hours. At the same time, regardless of the type of contamination, replace the used powder with a new one every 30 minutes. You will see that the talc will absorb the substance, acquiring a characteristic shade. After the powder stops changing color, shake it off with your hands or vacuum the surface of the bag. Comb the product with a special silicone brush.

Skim milk will help to update the color of the bag and remove unnecessary gloss. Pour 100 ml into a glass. product, heat in the microwave to a temperature of 35-40 degrees. Add 25 g to the drink. baking soda, stir until the crystals are completely dissolved. Dip a lint-free cloth into the resulting composition, squeeze well, walk in a circular motion over the glazed areas of the bag. Then rinse the cloth with filtered water, do a damp cleaning, removing milk residues. Dry the bag, if the result is insufficient, carry out another procedure.

Buy ammonia, pour 50 ml. composition in a container, add 125 ml. purified water, mix. Dip a foam sponge (which does not stain) in the solution, treat the dirty areas on the surface of the bag, wait 10 minutes. After this period, wipe the stain with a damp cloth and evaluate the result. If it turns out to be incomplete, increase the concentration of ammonia to 70 ml., Dilute it with water, and repeat the treatment. After all the manipulations, dry the bag in the fresh air, avoid direct sunlight.

It is not difficult to clean a suede bag if you have sufficient knowledge of the available folk remedies. Use a recipe based on skim milk, tooth powder, baby powder, ammonia. Do not forget about a stationery eraser, a special silicone brush, and a pumice stone for your heels.

Video: how to clean a suede bag and shoes from a greasy stain

Many people are wary of suede things, since this material is considered very difficult to care for. But this opinion is nothing more than a stereotype: at home it takes not much more time than the same procedure for smooth leather products. For suede, there are a lot of proven professional tools and proven folk methods.

When buying suede products, you should immediately purchase a special brush for this material. As a rule, such brushes are made double-sided: one side has rubber teeth, and the other is covered with nylon bristles (in some cases, the bristles are supplemented with metal bristles). To remove stubborn dry dirt and restore the velvety suede, you should run the rubber side of the brush over the surface of the product several times with moderate pressure. To comb the pile and remove dust, sand the surface with the nylon side. If the brush is equipped with a metal bristle, then you must act carefully, without pressure, so as not to damage the surface.

Important! If the product is wet, it must be dried at room temperature before cleaning.

Available as aerosols, foam and cream. Many of them not only remove dirt, but also saturate the suede, making it softer, repelling moisture, dirt and preventing quick salting. Detailed information on how to use such a tool correctly can be obtained by carefully reading the instructions attached to it.

  • Salton (Russia);
  • Erdal, Salamander Professional and Silver (Germany);
  • Avel (France);
  • Tarrago (Italy).

Folk ways

To clean a suede bag at home, you can use one of the most reliable folk methods:

  • Use a regular stationery eraser, which should be used to rub all contaminated areas. If the bag is light, the eraser should be white, otherwise there is a risk of stains on the suede, which will be even more difficult to remove later. When carrying out this procedure, you should not press too much on the eraser so as not to damage the suede.
  • In case of severe abrasions and dirt, you can use M40 sanding paper ("zero"). But it should be used only in emergency cases; such a remedy is not suitable for everyday use.
  • In order for the suede product to acquire its original presentable appearance, it is recommended to treat it with soda and skim milk. These components must be taken in equal amounts and mixed thoroughly. Further, wetting a cotton pad in the resulting solution, you need to clean the bag, and then remove the remnants of the substance with a damp sponge. At the end, the product must be blotted with white napkins.
  • Apply a 4: 1 mixture of water and ammonia to the stain using a sponge or cotton pad. Do not rub in strongly. Next, the bag must be dried, as in the previous method.
  • Treat the overgrown areas with a vinegar solution (for 1 liter of water, you will need 1 tsp of acetic essence).
  • You can clean a brown suede bag with coffee grounds. A little thick should be applied to the brush and lightly rub the problem areas. When the bag is dry, it must be brushed with a nap.
  • Treat greasy stains with tooth powder, talcum powder or crushed chalk. One of these remedies is recommended to be applied to the problem area and wait several hours. Then treat the bag with a special suede brush.
  • Gently rub the greasy areas with a crust of rye bread (only suitable for cleaning a dark bag such as black or blue).

Wet cleaning

If the dirt is strong, the following remedy will help: dissolve a little liquid soap and shampoo in warm water, moisten a foam sponge in this solution, squeeze it slightly and treat problem areas. Soap residues are then recommended to be removed with a clean, damp cloth. It remains to wait for the bag to dry. In this case, in no case should you dry it on a battery or expose it to the sun, otherwise the suede will lose its shape and become rough.

Even if the bag is so dusty that you want to wash it by hand or in the washing machine, you should not do this - after washing the material will become rough and lose its shape.

In order to externally refresh the suede product, you can sometimes arrange a steam bath for it: bring the water in the pan to a boil and, without turning off the gas, hold the bag over the pan for several minutes. Immediately after this, it is advised to clean suede things with a rubber brush.

After cleaning, it is advisable to treat the suede bag with some kind of protective agent. Thanks to it, the product will absorb less dirt during operation, and you will not have to frequently expose it to cleaning.

The suede bag is made of fat-tanned leather. The velvety structure of the product looks elegant and expensive. Unfortunately, suede is a complex and whimsical material that requires special attention and skills when caring for a product.

First steps when a suede bag gets dirty, removing fresh stains

Important! Before cleaning with any means, it must be tested on an inconspicuous area of \u200b\u200bthe product.

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Professional suede cleaners

Special detergents for cleaning suede include devices for both mechanical cleaning and chemical treatment of dirty spots.


  • double-sided brush;

One side of the brush consists of rubber bristles, the other is coated with a metal abrasive specially designed for cleaning suede.

  • hard, porous sponge for applying a cleaning foam;
  • crepe brush for lifting bristles and hard cleaning;
  • special sponges for delicate and gentle cleaning;
  • adhesive rollers for dust removal.

To professional chemical cleaning products include:

  • foam;
  • cream;
  • emulsion;
  • gel;
  • special shampoo.

Professional products are very effective, as they remove even complex dirt and can be used to gently clean delicate suede products.

For better cleaning, chemicals are applied and scrubbed with special suede brushes and sponges.

The price of professional tools is quite high, so folk equally effective methods can be used as an inexpensive alternative.

Folk remedies for cleaning suede

Alternative suede cleaners also include mechanical cleaners, chemical cleaning of dirt spots, and substances with good absorbency.

To mechanical cleaning agents relate:

  • white or colored eraser;
  • brush for clothes or shoes;
  • pumice;
  • sandpaper zero paper;
  • nailfile;
  • vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment;
  • crusts of bread;
  • thick black coffee.

Chemical cleaning folk remedies include:

  • dishwashing liquid;
  • ammonia;
  • soap;
  • milk;
  • salt;
  • soda;
  • hot water;
  • table vinegar;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • petrol.

Substances with good absorption capacity:

  • corn or potato starch;
  • talcum powder (baby powder);
  • flour;
  • dentifrice;
  • school chalk white;
  • absorbent wipes;
  • finely ground salt.

Folk remedies are cheap, always at hand and when using them, you can easily achieve good results when cleaning suede things.

Dry cleaning suede

Suede is a water-unfriendly material. From interaction with water, suede swells, and when it dries, it hardens, losing its elasticity and appearance.Therefore, the first choice for cleaning a suede bag is dry cleaning.

Before cleaning, place the bag on a hard surface with a towel underneath. Dry cleaning is performed with sliding movements, without pressure on the material, in one direction.

Dry cleaning methods:

  1. With a rubber eraser or brush, rub the dirty areas on the bag one by one, removing dirt... The bristles of the brush perfectly lift the villi and the bag is refreshed. When cleaning diligently with an eraser, be sure not to spoil the delicate surface of the suede material.
  2. You can try to remove fresh stains on a dark bag with a piece of stale brown bread, and then brush it.
  3. For a bag made of delicate, thin, light suede, peeling with a crumb of fresh white bread is suitable.
  4. Spread over greasy areas with absorbent powder (starch, talc, crushed chalk, flour). The powder is generously applied to the oily stain and rubbed with a finger over it for deep penetration into the fibers. After an hour, the substance with the absorbed fat is shaken off, peeled off, and the treatment is repeated until it is completely cleared. With poorly removable stains, you can leave the powder for 8-12 hours.
  5. Finely ground salt will help to return the suede bag to its presentation. It is densely sprinkled with stains, and after 30 minutes it is thoroughly cleaned off along with dirt. The processing is repeated several times. The salt cleans both street dirt, dust and grease stains. In addition to the bag, suede boots are bought. , can be found here.

Wet cleaning suede

If dry cleaning does not correct the situation, then you can use the wet method of cleaning the dirty areas, steam cleaning or a full wash of the product.

Only heavily contaminated areas are subject to wet processing, taking into account the recommendations:

  • the water should be slightly warm;
  • do not soak the bag before washing;
  • you cannot wring out the product;
  • you can use gel for woolen things, liquid soap, mild hair shampoo or dishwashing detergent;
  • avoid excessive waterlogging of the material by blotting with dry napkins.

Important! The wet cleaner must be glycerin-free.

Stages of wet cleaning of contaminated areas:

  1. Dissolve a little liquid in a container with water.
  2. Contaminated areas and the gasket are wiped with a foam sponge soaked in soapy water and wrung out.
  3. With the same sponge soaked in clean water, the product is removed from the product.
  4. The bag is soaked from moisture with dry napkins or cloth.

Washing a suede bag

The entire bag is immersed in a bowl with a slightly warm soapy solution. Within a few minutes, the product is rubbed with a brush and rinsed without spinning.

Important! A suede bag can be completely washed only in the most extreme and hopeless situation.

Steam cleaning your suede bag

Steam cleaning is one of the most gentle and safe methods of conditionally wet cleaning. Hold the suede bag over the steam from a saucepan, kettle or steam generator for several minutes.

After processing, the bag is shaken and easy to clean with a brush. Steam cleaning can be done regularly as the bag becomes dirty.

Drying the suede

After wet processing, the product must be dried.

To prevent the bag from losing its style and beauty, it is better to use the following tips:

  1. You can dry the bag at room temperature away from direct sunlight by hanging it on a hanger.
  2. To keep the shape of the bag, you need to fill it with old newspapers.
  3. You cannot use the hot air of a hairdryer or heating appliances, otherwise the suede will be hopelessly spoiled, become tough and lose its appearance and shape.
  4. After drying, to restore the pile, treat the suede with a stiff brush, pumice stone or a vacuum cleaner brush. Not only suede bags are popular, but also original leather bags, which also need care. , can be found here.

Cleaning a light suede bag

The white suede bag is very beautiful, but it is especially troublesome to care for.

Whether dry or wet, you can use baking soda or salt to remove any stains.

There are known recipes for dry and wet cleaning of light suede products using milk, hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, soda, starch, bread, soap:

  1. Add a tablespoon of baking soda to a glass of warm skim milk... Remove stains with a hard sponge. If the stain cannot be cleaned, reinforce the composition with a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Dissolve a teaspoon of ammonia in 100 ml of milk, wipe the surface.
  3. Add one teaspoon of peroxide and ammonia to a glass of warm water, apply with a sponge.
  4. Sprinkle with starch on shiny areas for 30 minutes, then dry clean the bag with a brush.
  5. Soak a damp cotton pad in ammonia and wipe the surface of the bag. For large surfaces, you can mix 50 ml of ammonia in 100 ml of water.
  6. Use a dry piece of toilet soap to treat the dirty areas of the bag.
  7. Light, delicate bags made of fine suede can be brushed with white bread crumb. The crumb will keep the product velvety.
  8. Wipe dirty areas with milk. Then apply a mixture of magnesia, talc, turpentine in equal proportions.

After any method of cleaning with a damp sponge soaked in water, the product is washed off the bag, and the product is brushed after drying.

Important! For a white suede bag, only a white eraser will work, as a colored eraser can stain.

Cleaning a dark suede bag

Dark suede can be cleaned with:

  • coffee grounds;
  • rye bread crusts;
  • sandpaper and gray from matchboxes.

Coffee grounds will perfectly clean and refresh a black or brown suede bag.

On a bag previously cleaned with a brush, apply a sponge with dormant coffee grounds. Allow the product to dry and remove the thicknesses with a brush.

A known method is to clean the glazed parts of the product with a dry crust of black bread or sandpaper of a zero size in combination with gray from boxes of matches.

Important! Only light-colored suede can be cleaned with salt.

Cleaning a colored suede bag

Blue, red suede is cleaned by the following methods:

  1. Add 1 part ammonia to 5 parts of water. Moisten the product with a sponge, then treat the stains with a solution of vinegar and water in equal proportions.
  2. Wipe grease stains with a solution of soap and 1 teaspoon of ammonia.
  3. You can clean the product with a solution of 1 part ammonia and water.

To avoid damage to the color of the product, cleaning the bag made of colored suede should be careful.

Cannot be applied:

  • very hard mechanical means;
  • gasoline, acetone, salt, hydrogen peroxide.

How to remove stains from a suede bag?

Consider removing stains from street dirt and soot, dust, grease, wine, protein products, glue .

Street dirt, soot and dust:

  1. Perfectly removed with a solution of table vinegar. In addition to cleaning, vinegar will freshen the color and fluff up the villi. Can be applied without subsequent rinsing.
  2. If heavily soiled, mix two teaspoons of starch with two teaspoons of ammonia, let the composition dry. Clean off.
  3. Dirt and dust work well with dry salt cleaning.
  4. A glass of warm low-fat milk and a spoonful of baking soda with the addition of three drops of ammonia cleanses even old soot.

Grease stains and greasy spots

After dry cleaning with salt or soda, wet stains are used:

  • vinegar solution;
  • foam detergent. A teaspoon of dishwashing liquid, intensively stirred in a glass of water until foamy. It is the foam that must be applied to the product.
  • ammonia and liquid soap in a ratio of 1: 2;
  • a solution of 10 g of alcohol and 40 g of water;
  • gasoline and talc. After absorbing fat, shake off and clean the bag;
  • starch and gasoline. The mixture of substances should be infused for about an hour before processing. Apply to the stain for 30 minutes, then intensively clean the composition with a vacuum cleaner;
  • starch and ammonia. Dry the mixture until dry, peel.

Blood stains, eggs, milk

Spread talcum powder on the blood or wine stain quickly for 4 hours. Then apply foam of detergent added to water for 10 minutes.

Glue stains

You can remove such stains by cleaning with gasoline or acetone.

For a suede product to keep its color and shape longer, it is suggested to use the following tips:

  1. It is better to use brushes for cleaning suede, the rag will leave marks, smear dirt and damage the fibers of the suede.
  2. Additionally, after cleaning, it is good to treat the product with water-repellent suede impregnations.
  3. You can store and dry the bag by stuffing it tightly with newspapers, away from heating appliances and sunlight.
  4. If possible, do not carry the bag in the rain or wet snow.
  5. Clean items regularly to prevent dirt from turning into stubborn stains.
  6. If possible, avoid completely wet cleaning the bag.