How to make a girl fall in love. Decisive action as a path to female love. Make a girl fall in love from a distance

Greetings women connoisseur. I know what you're feeling right now because you like a particular girl you admire, but she, as is often the case, doesn't even look in your direction. You want her to run after you, to love you, but unfortunately, all these symptoms occur in you. That is, you run after her, show love, and she only uses it.

You must have watched the show "Gym teacher" and saw how Valya ran after Sasha (Valya is a guy, Sasha is a girl). He runs after Alexandra for three seasons in a row, but she prefers other guys. In the third season, she dates the 16th teenager, although she is 19 years old. She prefers anyone, but not Valentin, although he tries. Watch this series to look at Vali's misbehavior. And never act like he does. Girls always leave such guys in the friend zone.

How to make a girl love you?

And here's the big question: . There is no answer to it. After these words, you can close the page and find another article that will reinforce your hopes with its presentation. But it won't change anything. Love either exists or it doesn't. Love can pass after some time, or vice versa flare up. If a girl does not love a man, then she does not need him. And the more the guy starts helping her, giving gifts, littering with compliments, bending under her, the more she doesn’t need him. She will just use it.

It should be noted that people fall in love with the image of a person. For a girl to love you, you need to become different. You will have to change your appearance, habits, manner of communication, gestures, and if you hit the bull's-eye, then the girl will love you, or rather your image. And you will have to stick to this image forever. And as long as you are who you are, your lover will look at other guys, and perceive you as Valentine from physical education (as a girlfriend).

You shouldn't be offended by a girl. Each person has his own program in his head. Each person, like a girl or a guy, involuntarily chooses his type for a relationship. Logically, I don't like bitches. There are many problems with them, but for some reason I am subconsciously drawn to them. This type is attractive to me, because I understand that it will not be boring with them. But I always rejected the quiet, because from the outside I see that I will be very bored. Comfortable but boring. We need to look for the golden mean.

Every girl does the same. In her little head there are criteria for masculine qualities, according to which she selects a man. If your lover has a boyfriend, you are lucky because now you can understand what she needs. Study him from A to Z. See how he looks, how he communicates with others, how he talks to her, what he does, what clothes he wears. If you find him on VKontakte, you can understand the style of his life and compare it with your life. If you yield to him, it is not surprising that your beloved preferred him. Girls are always looking for the best. That is their nature.

Having studied your opponent, you have two options: to become better than him or to leave it as it is. In the first case, you really have to plow. Let's say you see that he is damn sure of himself, and yours is lame. You are often constrained, when talking with your beloved, your speech becomes slurred, you get lost, the conversation becomes boring. You take it into service with this jamb and fix it. By the way, confidence is the main quality that women value in men. Build your confidence first.

In the second case, you wave your hand to the side and leave everything as it is. Why work hard? It's better to wait for a girl who loves you for who you are. She will be much worse than the one you love, but yours!!! You will be bored with her, but there is someone to be bored with. She will be ugly and clumsy, but she is your girlfriend and you should appreciate her for who she is. In general, you understand me.

How to make a girl run after you?

Yes, do not do it. Again, girls either run after you or they don't. And if you need a girl to run after you, become very valuable in her eyes. A man who is of serious value to a girl is always in demand. What does it mean to be valuable? Why do you think girls like wealthy men? Because they are valuable! The girl understands that with him, she will have everything: a car, travel, a fur coat, diamonds. But it's like prostitution. Guys do not appreciate such girls and leave them.

Still, you need to work on your income. I'm not saying that you need to become a millionaire. You just have to make good money. You need it. With good income, your confidence grows.

Your value rises when a girl sees that there are other girls around you. All women subconsciously compete for men. As soon as you turn your attention to another woman, your beloved becomes nervous. She can carefully hide it, but nature cannot be deceived. If you courted her for a long time, and then abruptly changed the focus of your attention to another object, then she, having noticed this, will begin to worry. Girls don't like to lose their fans. It infuriates them.

And that's how you can get her to run after you. But this trick rarely works. Usually the girl is offended and in response begins to ignore you. Well, let. Your communication with her ends, and you calmly begin to look at other girls who reciprocate your feelings, as a result of which you no longer read articles: "How to make a girl fall in love with you?" or .

There is another strong trick to make the girl run after you. You will not believe, but this technique is gorgeous sex. And now you don't understand me. How so, I can’t even kiss her, and you’re talking to me about sex. And who said that I am writing this article exclusively for your case? There are guys who are in a relationship, but their girls are cold to them. If a guy blows the roof off a girl during sex, then she will run after him. Some girls are willing to put up with the fact that their boyfriend is dating other girls, but will not stop talking to him just because of the great sex. Cool sex guarantees that you will be the only man.

For a girl to love you and start running after you, she must be afraid of losing you. If she is not afraid of losing you, then you are of no value to her. She does not care about you, and in this case, you will not be able to influence her behavior in any way. But if she cherishes you, and begins to feel that you are about to disappear from her life, she begins to do everything to prevent this from happening. Then the girl falls in love and starts running after you. But for that to work, you don't have to be indifferent to her. There must already be some kind of foundation.

I think I answered your two questions: "How to make a girl fall in love with you?" and "How to make a girl run after you?". Now it's up to you. .

how to make a girl fall in love with you how to make a girl chase you


How to make a girl fall in love with you


What needs to be done to make a girl fall in love with a guy?

Love is a beautiful, bright feeling of the deepest affection and sympathy, occurring between people of different sexes. A person, falling in love with another person, immediately distinguishes him from others of his own kind, elevating his significance for himself by several steps. There is an opinion that love is created in heaven, and already at birth we are predetermined with whom we will meet old age. However, if this were true, there would be no breaks in relations between people ... oh, so everything is not as simple as we would like.

I'm ready to bet that the title of the article alone caused you, dear reader, a burning interest in reading it as soon as possible - otherwise you would not be reading these lines. And there is nothing strange in this, because the desire to love and be loved is one of the fundamental human desires. I’ll make a reservation right away - if harmony, love and complete mutual understanding reign in your relationship with your “half”, I sincerely congratulate you, because this is a rarity these days. However, according to statistics, many couples regularly experience relationship problems, and this should be dealt with.

Every love relationship must and must basically contain love - if the feeling of love leaves at least one of the partners, in a high degree of probability this relationship will be extremely difficult to save. If love disappears for both partners, holding on to such a relationship is completely dangerous for health, primarily mental.

This article will touch upon relationships in the “loves - does not love” format, when one of the partners has warm feelings for the other, but these feelings, alas, are not mutual. The mind of every person in love is well aware that holding on to unrequited love is dangerous and very wrong, that you should look for a partner in a person who will reciprocate. But here's the problem - very often the heart is much stronger than the mind, and the person continues to hold on to unrequited love. And then a person must face an important choice - either get out of a relationship in which the partner does not reciprocate, or ... fall in love with him! Yes, yes, you heard right - it is to fall in love.

You, dear reader, may be indignant: “Yes, how so! Well, how can you force yourself to love yourself against your will? My answer is: “Against my will - by no means!”. The whole secret lies in the fact that a person will love you of his own free will, precisely because he wants to. In this article, you will not find the secrets used by most modern pikapers in order to seduce and fall in love with a person for their own pleasure, as well as love spells that are actively used in magic - all this is not the subject of this article. It is very important that love arose in a person of his own free will, and not as a result of the action of any love spells, because this will not be called love, but hypnosis. Yes, as a result of love spells and a skillfully executed pickup, a person will be next to you, but at the same time he will not understand what makes him be with you, and eventually, having not found the answer to this question, plunge into absolute apathy. As the saying goes, you won't be forced to be nice...

So why do we fall in love with other people? Let's put aside all scientific research about chemical reactions in the brain, about physical attraction and the similarity of partners to parents. All this is certainly true, but we are not conducting scientific research, and therefore we will consider the reason for our amorousness from the point of view of our soul. The main reason why we fall in love with another person is the state of mind that prevails in a person when the object of love is next to him.

You can often hear the phrase that has become a “winged” phrase: “Opposites attract”, which originally belonged to the ancient Greek mathematician Euclid, but eventually finds its application in all areas of human life. However, this can be true of everything except the relationship between two people. It is so conceived that each person seeks to see next to him, if not an exact mirror image of himself, then at least a person who has most habits and interests in common with him. It is by finding such a person (who, in addition to everything else, attracts us physically - what to hide, you can’t argue against nature) that we are able to fall head over heels in love.

We need love because it makes us feel needed. When a person knows that someone else needs him, he will never lose the meaning of life, and he will be able to experience genuine happiness from life. Love allows a person to experience more and more exciting sensations every time he falls in love - the heart beats intensely, the breath stops, the blood drives adrenaline at a faster rate. All this does not allow a person's life to turn into a continuous series of gray everyday life.

Also, love appears in a person when a potential partner, to a greater extent than other people, corresponds to a person’s idea of ​​\u200b\u200ban ideal partner. This, by the way, is used by pick-up artists when choosing the next “victim”. Knowing the image of the ideal partner, which is stored in the subconscious of a person, our chances of being liked by this person increase by 70-80%. After all, it's like opening a door, knowing exactly which key is suitable for this. That is why many girls fall in love with scoundrels, and then they are sincerely surprised, not understanding how it managed to fall in love with them so much. Men in this regard not only do not lag behind women, but also go far ahead of them - in order to fall in love with a girl, it is often enough for the latter to realize one of their fantasies of an erotic nature.

That is precisely why the opinion regarding the attraction of opposites is perceived by many people as true, but in reality it is not. It’s just that a person once skillfully picked up the key to the heart of his partner, but only in the future the key will no longer fit the lock, and all the differences of the partners will surface, with which it will be very difficult for them to put up with. That is why I urge you, dear reader, not to go against nature and find yourself a person like you in order to protect yourself from unnecessary conflicts in the future.

Of course, it is obvious that men and women value somewhat different things in their partners, and therefore the problem raised in the article should be considered in terms of gender. So let's get started...

How to make a girl fall in love with you? A woman's heart is an unpredictable thing - you can never be sure what to expect from it. And, nevertheless, there are rules on how we can fall in love with the girl we like.

1. Find out more details about her from her environment. First of all, you need to find out what a girl likes and what does not, and what type of men is her ideal. All this is necessary in order to subsequently, when communicating with a woman, bring yourself as close as possible to her ideal. An important condition is that if you do not possess some of the qualities that your passion really appreciates, you will either need to develop them in yourself, or show them not too actively when communicating with a woman. If you show your acting skills by making a woman fall in love with you, and she finds out that you are not who you presented yourself to her, she will not forgive you for this deception. The posturing and acting is great for pickup, for those who just need one night together. But we remember that our plans are long-term. Do not allow deception in a relationship, so as not to regret it later. You do not have to have all the masculine qualities that a girl loves - it will be enough to focus on 3-4 of them, which are most important for a lady, and she will appreciate it. The main thing is not to find out what a woman values ​​​​most of all from her closest friends, otherwise your passion will know on the same day that you made inquiries about her, and this is completely useless to you.

2. Give her attention. At the same time, signs of attention should be, if possible, original, and do not try to overdo it. Agree, if you bring flowers to a girl every day, she will simply get bored with this gesture of attention, and she will take your flowers for granted, not attaching much importance to this sign of attention. Which of the signs of attention to choose in order to pleasantly surprise and please the girl? Remember - all girls love signs of attention, but which ones - depends on her preferences. Therefore, before you start showing signs of attention, try to find out as much as possible about her desires. If a girl is a romantic nature, then nothing will surprise her more than a dinner in a cozy atmosphere by candlelight, which will be pleasantly complemented by a romantic dance. If a girl prefers everything practical, give her a gift that will bring her, in addition to emotional pleasure, specific benefits. Just don’t think at the beginning of your relationship to give a girl a vacuum cleaner or, even “better”, a frying pan, gently hinting at what future awaits her with you - this will at least be inappropriate, because you are not yet married, which means that between you have no obligation. Gifts choose especially carefully. If you are not sure about the right gift choice - ask your crush what she would like most of all, as this is the best way to avoid the wrong choice.

3. Give compliments. This is certainly a trouble-free way to please a girl - it’s not for nothing that people say that a woman “loves with her ears”. The main thing to remember is that the compliment should be appropriate and not be stereotyped. For example, if 90% of men, passing by your lady, admiringly look after her, the compliment “you are so beautiful” will seem obvious and banal to the girl - after all, she knows it very well without you! The compliment will be original if it is not expected for the girl. The best compliment - said in verse. Here is an example: “I don’t know what I like about you, I don’t know what I love about you, but the wind touches your lips ... And I envy him ...” or, looking into her eyes with tenderness, say, “You know, I used to think that I have absolutely everything, that I have nothing more to strive for ... If only you knew how wrong I was! Such compliments will melt the heart of any girl if they are uttered with the necessary intonation. Also, the compliment must be sincere and come from the heart. If you start to lie, the woman will immediately feel the catch. As well as with signs of attention, when complimenting a girl, you should not overdo it - follow the rule of the golden mean so that your compliments do not bore the lady of your heart.

4. Be yourself and don't pretend. Of course, each of the men, wanting to make a favorable impression on a woman, is able to put on a “mask” of a person who is as close as possible to the ideal of a woman. Of course, most often the goal of falling in love with a woman will be achieved, but what's next? Will you be ready to wear this “mask” all your life, pretending to be someone you really are not? Forgive me, dear ladies, but no woman is worth enduring this suffering. The same rule is true for men. Understand that if her ideal man is Brad Pitt, and you are not a bit like him, this does not mean at all that your chances of a girl to like you are zero. Most likely, you have qualities that a woman really likes, but she does not know about it yet. And in general, in truth, many of us do not fully know ourselves - our desires and preferences, our priorities and goals. It's just that most people are afraid to admit it to themselves.

5. Do not run after a woman and never be humiliated - know your worth. You are a man, which means that you are a strong, independent and confident creature. This is exactly how you should appear in the eyes of a woman, because no matter who a woman meets, she is looking for a strong man to create a family, and already on the first date a woman evaluates (consciously or unconsciously) whether this man is suitable for her to continue the race. Therefore, if you fall on your knees in front of a woman and start begging for forgiveness, or if you persecute her even when she has refused you, you will finally lose the respect of a woman, and you can safely forget about the opportunities to please your beloved. Be courageous, don't apologize if you're not at fault, and don't be overly pushy. Show the woman that you like her, but at the same time let her know that you are also worth a lot.

Do you think it will be difficult for you to master this behavior pattern? I will tell you a secret - there is no more natural behavior for a man and cannot be! It's just that many men have forgotten about it, submitting to the desires of women. At a young age, many mothers raise their children in a way that is not proper for raising real men - what is the only phrase that many mothers love to repeat: “If a woman is wrong, ask her forgiveness!” ... For what? And why should it be you who ask for forgiveness when she is to blame? Apparently, this will remain a mystery. Therefore, remember - no matter how much you want your woman to be happy, and no matter how much you want to indulge all her desires and pamper her immensely - do not do this. Remember the catchphrase: “The less we love a woman, the more she likes us” - the experience of many relationships between a man and a woman has proved the absolute veracity of this wisdom.

6. Don't be too talkative, be a good listener. Communication is very important for every woman, but the most successful communication for her is obtained when she speaks 80% of the time, and the man listens to her. Moreover, a man should listen carefully, catching the meaning of what was said. If you think that you will be able to pretend that you are listening to a woman, and at that time you yourself will be able to concentrate on solving other problems that are important to you, skipping everything she said past your ears, then you are deeply mistaken. Women have long figured out this male trick, and now, in order to make sure that the man is listening to her, after a couple of minutes the monologue is interrupted and asks the man unobtrusively: “What do you think about this?”. The ability to listen to a woman and understand her is one of the main keys in her heart. It is not uncommon for women to advance their monologue for an hour without giving the man a word to insert, after which they enthusiastically said to their friends: “He is such an interesting conversationalist!”. And, of course, few women like male talkers (probably because they create competition for women). If a man says significantly more words than a woman does, the chances of making a woman fall in love with him are very small. What is there to hide - they simply do not exist. Conclusion: in order to make a favorable impression on a woman, try to have the woman herself talk most of the time. At the same time, a man should speak briefly, concisely and to the point.

7. Surprise her with exceptional demeanor. In a woman's society, always be gallant and intelligent, behave politely with other women - remember that your communication with other women, your passion projects onto your communication with her. Never utter phrases in the company of a woman that in any way offend her sense of dignity. Do not allow inappropriate jokes and stupid anecdotes - even if a woman, to the best of her own politeness, laughs at her, your joke told will not brighten you up in her eyes. Avoid in a conversation with a woman all kinds of criticism in relation to her or the people around her.

8. Be generous. Show the woman that in material terms you have everything under control, that you are not sorry to spend money for her pleasure. When you invite a girl on a date, you have to pay for everything, even if the woman offers to pay for you. In this case, it is very important not to be greedy - do not skimp on the girl, show that you can be generous. However, remember that this rule does not apply to women whose main goal of communicating with you is to extort money and gifts from you. With these girls, as a rule, you cannot build strong relationships, and therefore do not waste your time on them. Their contingent is rich daddies who will fully provide for them, and your goal is to fall in love with a girl who is truly worthy of you.

9. “Further closer.” Earlier, the author said that in the article you will not find a single seduction technique used by pikapers. However, the "Further-Closer" technique is so simple and highly effective that the author makes an exception for it. Applying the technique is very simple - one day you spend every minute with a girl, giving her all possible signs of attention, making her first-class compliments, and the next day you suddenly disappear from her field of vision, do not meet with her, do not call or write . On the third day, you repeat the scenario of the first day, and so on. Your woman will be intrigued by such behavior, and on days when there will be no connection with you, she will remember yesterday in all bright colors, falling more and more in love with you, and without even realizing it. Of course, this technique is a form of manipulation, but its effectiveness is beyond doubt.

Along with this article often read the article:

Love is a complex thing. Sometimes, we have to send annoying fans away, and sometimes, how to make a girl fall in love with you can not be understood for years. But there is a simple psychological technique that will, if not awaken love in her, then make you more attractive in her eyes. Following simple recommendations, you can conquer many ladies.

How to make a girl fall in love with you?

To be honest, no way. But you can increase your chances of success))) Girls love strength. Today, this expression has no direct meaning. To win her heart, you can be strong in:

  1. Erudite. When guys know a lot, it turns a lot of people on. The main thing is not to become a botanist;
  2. Originality. Find good places to walk, talk about interesting topics, give unusual gifts;
  3. Decision making. Do not show your problems and find ways out of difficult life situations;
  4. style. Buy clothes that suit you and work out your image. Your beloved will definitely notice it;
  5. Self-control. Do not show excessive emotions, do not run after her.

Many people confuse being in love with the friend zone. To avoid making such mistakes, read. It's all about how not to become "just a friend" to her.

Don't show her your bad mood. Pessimists are often supported, but not often loved. To conquer her, be cheerful.

Don't lie and don't put on an imaginary mask. Your game will open one day, and there will be no talk of love. Girls rarely forgive the slightest lie.

It is also worth keeping the promises made to her. If she sees that you are a punctual and purposeful person, then her heart will melt. But slovenliness will cause the opposite reaction.

Also, forget about weaknesses. Anxiety, fear, disappointment. Leave it all to yourself. With her, be a confident, simple and moderately firm person. These are the ones that win women's hearts.

Girls love mystery and hate publicity. Do not confess your love to her in front of someone and do not show active signs of attention. Otherwise, she will begin to perceive everything as a joke, and the situation will worsen.

Decisive action as a path to female love

Always be active, do not sit in the rear:

  • Ask her out;
  • Find a moment to talk in private;
  • Help with something
  • Give a gift online or in real life.

Even if she refuses, don't give up. They love perseverance. Get yours. But don't be mean or pathetic. Just go to your goal, and she will fall in love with you.

Many guys, when conquering a girl they like, use the advice of friends, parents, and acquaintances. Doing this is not worth it. You can ruin everything. If she finds out that you are resorting to the help of third parties, it will look pathetic and petty.

In taking any action, remember that your place may already be taken by someone else. And to prevent this from happening, you need to act as quickly and efficiently as possible.

How to check if she fell in love or not?

You can't always woo her. Therefore, you need to check the results of actions. A girl begins to fall in love if:

  1. She smiles at you and initiates the conversation herself;
  2. The girl looks in your direction, but you do not address her;
  3. The lady is shy around you and feels awkward;
  4. She straightens up in front of you, straightens her hair and tries to look more presentable;
  5. When you turn to her, the girl turns her whole body, demonstrating increased attention.

The recipe for how to make a girl fall in love with you does not exist. It all depends on the qualities of the guy and the preferences of the lady.

Often, signs of falling in love are simple signs of friendship, decency, or good manners. Do not lose your head and draw castles in the air.

Set a goal and go for it. Invite for a date, hug, kiss. May the resolve be with you! Forward to victories!

And if you overdid it and some guy fell in love with you, then read this.

Love is a mysterious feeling that can lift a person to heaven in the blink of an eye. And with the same speed to return him to the sinful earth, if the object of desire does not experience mutual sympathy. That is why many guys hesitate to take the first step, afraid to experience the bitterness of disappointment. But the chance of success can be increased if you know how to make a girl fall in love with you.

And there is nothing complicated about it, the main thing is to learn the five basic rules. They will help not only to establish relationships, but also to maintain them throughout the entire period. Well, let's start, perhaps, a small course on how to make a girl fall in love with you. And who knows, perhaps these tips will help you find the one that will later become a wife.

Rule one: make an impression

The first step is to make the girl draw attention to herself, because, perhaps, she does not even suspect that there is a great guy named Sasha or Seryozha in the world. To do this, you need to take the first step, thereby demonstrating your determination.

You can do this with the help of a banal "Hello" or "How are you?" Then start a normal conversation, during which you ask for a phone number or invite them on a date. Along the way, try to find out what the lady likes, where she likes to relax and what she enjoys. All this will definitely come in handy in the future.

And if there is no innate talent for acting, then you should not come up with virtuoso "tackles" in the style of "Haven't we met before?" or "You know, I dreamed about you today." After all, such scenes, although they look cool in the guy’s head, in reality are more like clowning.

Rule two: the most important

So dating is the second step on how to make a girl fall in love with you. Again, first impressions are very important, so keep that in mind. Failures are simply unacceptable here, so act for sure.

If at the first conversation you found out the girl's preferences - well, then use them to the fullest. If not, you can cheat by asking her friends. True, this option is not always possible, because not every friend wants to give out secrets. And someone wants to annoy at all ... But still it's worth a try.

What if there is no such information? How to make a girl fall in love then? Well, there is no need to panic. You can use proven methods: flowers, a restaurant, a walk around the city, a gallery or an amusement park. The main thing is not to choose too noisy places, otherwise a good dialogue will not work.

Rule three: watch what you say

A man should always, or at least do his best to do so. Otherwise, there will not be even elementary trust in him, to say nothing of respect. Therefore, when talking, it is very important to follow what was said, especially on first dates.

And if we consider the question of how to make a girl fall in love with you by correspondence, this rule becomes even more significant. After all, many guys in the chat can attribute extra qualities to themselves, which will immediately come out sideways when they meet. Therefore, getting acquainted in social networks, remember: sincerity is the key to success.

But even in personal conversations, you should not praise yourself. No, you need to talk about your merits, but in moderation. For example, in the course of an appropriate conversation, remembering how you won the running championship would be very helpful, but repeating for an hour about your successes at work is already clearly superfluous.

Humor plays a special role. All ladies love those who can bring a smile to their face, even in those moments when something gnaws at them. Therefore, learn to joke, for this, watch humorous shows as often as possible or, in extreme cases, remember a few fresh jokes.

Rule Four: Freedom and Control

The moment two become a couple, a new game begins. Now the first opinion has already been folded, it is the turn of the strength test. Good advice on how to make a girl fall in love with you is not to be found here. After all, it all depends on the character of the lady, as well as on many other variables.

But there is one important factor that will influence the development of relations until their logical conclusion. It is the ability to balance between freedom and control. Let's consider them in more detail.

So what about freedom? Firstly, you can’t keep a girl on a short leash (by the way, the same recommendations are given to young ladies regarding the line of conduct with a boyfriend). She needs time for herself, which she can spend on meeting with friends, shopping, beauty salons and so on. Give it to her and she will be eternally grateful. Yes, and it will be useful for you to be a little alone. Do not deny yourself football or a game of cards with friends.

But what about control? It is also necessary, especially in cases where the chosen one allows herself too much. For example, scenes in public, a small amount of attention, frequent disappearances. Here you need to either correct the situation, or declare a break. Otherwise, in her eyes, the guy will look like a rag, which will not end in anything good.

Rule Five: Do Magic

When the relationship has already begun, the question arises: how to make a girl fall in love with you forever? After all, the logical conclusion of all relationships is a wedding, and marriage without love is a bad idea.

In fact, everything is very simple. Make magic as often as possible. To do this, take her on dates, give gifts (even if small, but pleasant), say compliments and do not forget to hug her tightly. This is the only way to keep the fire of passion necessary for a strong relationship.

And most importantly - love, otherwise it will all be just pointless.

School years are perhaps the best time in the life of every person. The time of growing up, the time of expectations and forebodings of all the best ahead. This is a great time when many, if not all, things happen for the first time. It is at the age of 11 to 13 that the first sympathies and real feelings arise - the first love, forever remaining in memory and never forgotten.

Whatever adults say, love at the age of 12-13 is already quite a serious feeling. Shakespeare's unforgettable heroes, Romeo and Juliet, whose teenage love ended in tragedy, can be cited as an example.

Adolescents 11-12 years old spend most of their time at school, not only in the classroom, but then coming to various circles, sections, electives. Many boys fall in love with their peers, and therefore the question often arises of how to fall in love with a classmate, and not a girl a year or two younger.

What is the main problem?

It may seem that making a girl of 11-13 years old fall in love with you is as easy as shelling pears, in fact, this is far from the case. Let at such a young age, most girls are romantic and amorous, and a boy classmate is nearby almost all day, their beautiful heads are full of something completely different. They prefer to love their idols - artists, musicians, leaders of fashionable groups, or in general - inaccessible to them from high school and teachers.

At the age of 11-12, as well as 13 years old, many girls are already practically formed both externally and psychologically. They mature much faster than boys, and therefore, as a rule, it is difficult for them to find a common language and common interests with their classmates of the same age. Let in a couple of years the boys grow up, mature and catch up with their peers in their physiological development, and classmates will look at them in a completely different way, but when will it be ...

What do you need to do to get attention?

First of all, you need to know that all girls are different, with their own interests, requests, preferences and tastes, therefore, it is necessary to look for their own approach to each of them.

But there are several universal rules that are equally suitable for the most fastidious and popular classmate to fall in love with you.

Perseverance in achieving goals and perseverance

If the girl you like 11-12 years old does not reciprocate your courtship and practically does not pay attention to you - this is not a reason to be sad and despair. Remember - all women (even so small ones) like to be wooed, and the methods by which your dad wooed mom are quite suitable for conquering a young princess: flowers, romantic walks, gifts.

More serious methods can also come to the rescue, in which you need to correctly calculate your financial capabilities and show remarkable imagination. The main thing to know is that “original” does not mean “expensive” at all, and sincerity is the most important quality. The more original the courtship, the easier it is to win the girl's heart.

And one more thing: it is necessary to look after persistently, but not brazenly and aggressively. Intrusiveness will simply frighten the young lady, she will shun and avoid you. You need to learn to find the finest line between a timid and shy “no” and a decisive refusal.

Personal qualities and skills

Girls 12-13 years old, as well as older young ladies, pay attention to the bright personality of their boyfriend. In order for a girl to fall in love with you, you need to show her your hobbies, to appear before her from your best side.

It’s very good if you have some non-standard hobbies, hobbies, favorite activities that other boys can’t do: you play the guitar or the saxophone, you like to cook, you draw beautifully.

You don’t need to invent anything, it’s enough to be yourself, because each person can have their own interests. Originality can be demonstrated in unexpected surprises, unusual gifts (not necessarily expensive), by setting a date for a girl in an interesting place.

Keep your promises

All women, and girls of 12-13 years old are no exception, appreciate the ability to keep their promises once given, no matter what the circumstances. You should develop a clear plan on how to make the girl fall in love with you and not deviate one iota from him.

If you invited her to go to the park to ride a roller coaster, then everything should be as planned. Changing the plan for a walk, especially not in favor of a 12-year-old young lady, means taking a huge step back in winning her heart.

be generous

No woman or girl will love a greedy man or boy. In the matter of winning a little beauty, stinginess is the main enemy.

At the same time, of course, you should not give chic gifts, ride with her in a taxi instead of walking, or treat her to ice cream in the most expensive elite restaurants. Generosity, first of all, should be adequate and correlate with your financial capabilities.

A beautiful flower and a greeting card, a treat with sweets and ice cream will be quite appropriate and sufficient. Even at such a young age, girls pay attention to excessive spending and squandering, which cause them more suspicion than admiration and gratitude. Therefore, spending should be in moderation.

Do not deceive even in small things

In order to fall in love with a classmate of 12 years old, you must always be impeccably honest with the object of your adoration. Lies will always sooner or later become known, and trust is lost, alas, irrevocably.

It's always better to tell the truth, no matter how unpleasant it may be, and in whatever light it casts you. Even unpleasant words will show the girl your sincerity and seriousness of intentions towards her, tell her that you are exactly the one she needs.

Keep the situation under control

Each girl will first of all pay attention to that boy classmate who is self-confident, purposeful and often takes personal initiative in certain situations.

Even from such a young age, girls begin to think about their future family and future husband, behind whom she will be like behind a stone wall. Despite the increasing manifestations of women's independence, emancipation, declaring their own independence from men, all girls want them to have a reliable protector, with whom they can not be afraid to feel weak and defenseless.

Therefore, if the situation requires it, you need to learn to be decisive and firm.


We must not forget about such an effective tool of seduction as an impeccable appearance. Let it be considered a female prerogative to take care of yourself, but boys, in order to fall in love with a girl, should by no means look bad.

Do not take this rule literally and excel at your appearance. It is enough just to observe personal hygiene, dress neatly and neatly, especially on a date. Before meeting a girl, you must definitely brush your teeth, refresh yourself with cologne, and tidy up your shoes and outerwear.

What to wear depends on the weather, the place where the date is scheduled, personal preferences. Just think how ridiculous you will look together with a girl of 12 years old if she wears a beautiful summer dress, and you come in a tracksuit. Not a very comfortable situation, is it?

Adequate sense of humor

A sense of humor is considered by many girls and women to be one of the most important qualities inherent in the stronger sex. It is much easier to make a classmate fall in love with you if you are cheerful and witty, always positive and able to create a good mood for the people around you.

Girls do not like when they are sad and sad, especially with a boy boyfriend. In this case, you can be sure of the failure of seduction. Laughter, like no other emotion, is able to relax and win over a girl, it allows you to create an image that she is happy and having fun with you, which means that she will gladly go on a date next time.

But it's not worth going too far with humor. Try to make sure that the jokes are not vulgar or offensive to your young lady. Also, you do not need to strive to create the appearance that you are a joker and joker and do not take everything that happens seriously. Do you remember that girls like seriousness?

Stay the Leader in Relationships

And finally, in a series of rules, of which there are already too many, about the main thing - having achieved your goal, you cannot become a sort of “henpecked” and fulfill all the whims and desires of your chosen one.

In a relationship, it is very important for both to maintain their own individuality and dignity, to be able to maintain a kind of balance between satisfying the girl's whims, but at the same time making yourself a leader.

To make a girl fall in love with you, apparently, is not very easy, but it is impossible to call this task impossible and impossible.

The key to success can be called the presence of you and her in common interests. She loves to skate or ski - try to master these simple sports yourself - even if nothing works out, they are useful for general physical development.

Don't always be available to her. Try to create an aura of mystery, girls love all sorts of secrets and mysteries. And such a driving force as female curiosity should not be underestimated.

Sometimes it will even be useful to hide for a few days without informing her. Most likely, she will miss you, think about how much you mean to her, and be the first to call. And this is already a victory.

And, most importantly, always remember that love cannot be bought with gifts and attentive attitude. She either exists or she doesn't. But even in case of failure, do not despair and do not take revenge, be noble and honest. There are many girls, and among them you will definitely find the one who will one day reciprocate your love.