How to keep skin youthful at home. Anti-wrinkle carrot mask. Nutrition or beauty recipes from nutritionists

All women think about the question: "How to stay young and beautiful longer?", And "How to keep the skin young?"

The sooner we start to think and not only think, but also properly care for the skin, the longer we can stay younger and more attractive.

Why do women need extra careful skin care?

Women are less fortunate with their skin. In men, due to its dominant hormone, the skin is dense and the collagen index is much higher.

Girls' skin retains moisture worse and reacts weaker to external stimuli. Women's skin is more vulnerable and reacts differently to changes in temperature.

Testosterone contributes to delayed skin aging. Men's skin stays in optimal condition longer, but if wrinkles begin to appear, it is more noticeable and immediately catches the eye.

It is not so easy for the stronger sex to hide wrinkles, even if they undertook special corrections. After 40, testosterone production decreases, which of course is reflected on the skin.

It becomes thinner more dry and changes its color. The reason for the more significant skin vulnerability is the increased acid-base balance in women.

Men often shave their facial hair, which is known to be a stressful situation for their skin. Due to this effect, the level of skin protection is reduced and without special aids aimed at moisturizing, men's skin will have, to put it mildly, a rotten look.

And just think, in the course of opinion polls, it was found that men spend on average, throughout their lives, a total of more than 150 days to shave their face.

I wonder how much time girls spend on average shaving?

What the men are lucky in is that they have practically no manifestation of cellulite. But one way or another, men and women, in order to look good, go to many experiments.

But the peculiarities of their skin should be known, since not all methods of skin rejuvenation are suitable for the first and second. But let's start sorting it out in order.

What questions are of concern to women who have crossed the 30-year-old milestone:

  • which contributes to skin aging
  • how to keep the youthful skin of the face after 30
  • how to take care of your skin

With age-related changes that occur in all women, this process occurs at different times for many reasons (genetics, skin care, lifestyle and nutrition).

Someone begins to notice the first signs as early as 25 years old, and someone else before 40 years old does not see serious changes. Over the years, our skin changes and of course not for the better, but still this process is simply inevitable.

At this age, the regeneration process in the cells is noticeably reduced, the skin loses moisture, elasticity, metabolic processes also slow down, the production of collagen and elastin is significantly reduced, and all this leads to the fact that the skin of the face looks tired, the complexion deteriorates, and mimic wrinkles begin to appear.

Even if you still do not notice any special changes, the biological clock has begun to work and is no longer in your favor. And more and more we are worried about the question "How to keep the youthful skin of the face after 30?"

In women after 30 years of age, nasolabial folds are already becoming noticeable (this hated triangle from nose to mouth for many women), also the wrinkle of concentration between the eyebrows becomes more noticeable when one starts laughing, you can notice more wrinkles around the eyes.

All this comes from the fact that the tone of the facial muscles decreases. Also, the changes are influenced by hormonal processes in the body, which are very active in this age range.

Unfortunately, all this cannot be stopped, but it is possible to significantly slow down the aging process of the facial skin.

Also, a big role in skin aging are commonplace reasons, which we do not even always guess about:

  • not (lack of fiber, vitamins, but more carbohydrates and sugar consumed, as well as snacks on the run), also unbalanced nutrition (so down with diet, they are enemies of the youthful skin of the face)
  • not the correct daily regimen, namely lack of sleep, not the correct posture during sleep (lying on your stomach, burying your face in the pillow)
  • bad habits, namely alcohol and smoking, leave an imprint on your face
  • lack of skin protection from external factors (sun, frost)
  • improper use of decorative cosmetics (more quantity, poor quality)

All this leads to the fact that the skin of the face loses its youth. These changes take us mostly by surprise and spoil the mood. But we can delay this time if we pay special attention to the skin of the face and our lifestyle.

At this age, you need to take care of your skin in a completely different way, not like at a younger age. Now, in addition to moisturizing, the skin needs protection and restoration.

Not only expensive salon procedures, but also homemade recipes proven over the years, as well as proper balanced nutrition and a healthy lifestyle will help to keep the skin of the face young. All these can in the fight against skin aging.

The grooming should be a constant, balanced and very thorough daily process. It is imperative to devote time to yourself in the morning and in the evening, 10-15 minutes is enough, but there will be a noticeable result that will not keep you waiting long.

You can divide the variety into salon and home care. All this, especially in tandem, gives an excellent result.

After 30 years, it is no longer a shame to seek the help of professionals who will help you choose the right complex of facial skin care, and will also prescribe procedures that are right for you.

Regular salon care helps a woman to look significantly younger.

What can you do in the salon to keep your facial skin youthful after 30?

  • facial cleansing (manual or hardware) has a tightening effect
  • masotherapy (injection of a small amount of active substances under the skin with a needle)
  • face peeling (necessary to get rid of dead cells)
  • facial massage

These are the most basic salon directions for skin care that will help your skin look younger after 30 years.

Also, do not forget home care, which also works wonders, if you are not lazy and choose the right procedures, as well as caring cosmetics, the result will be on the face, or rather on the face.

Care includes:

  • proper nutrition rich in vitamins
  • be sure to wash off all makeup from the face at the end of the day
  • high quality decorative cosmetics
  • facial massage
  • wipe your face with ice cubes (it is better to use decoctions of medicinal herbs)
  • homemade soft peeling (you can use oatmeal, honey)
  • homemade face masks (exists a large number of)

Proper nutrition is the key to health, so you shouldn't litter your body with fatty, sweet foods. The skin will not thank you for this.

You also need to consume plenty of clean drinking water every day. Water is a drink of beauty and you shouldn't forget about it.

At this age, it is better to wash off cosmetics with cosmetic milk or tonic, which, in addition to removing impurities, also nourish and moisturize the skin of the face. It is imperative to wash off cosmetics!

As for cosmetics, then you need to choose very carefully, in this case, you should not save.

To preserve the youthfulness of the facial skin after 30, you need to choose the right and caring cosmetics, namely creams, tonics, serums. Women over 30 should already pay attention to creams that contain moisturizing and nourishing ingredients, essential oils.

In summer, it is better to use lighter moisturizers, but be sure to use a day cream with a sun protection filter. And in winter, give preference to more oily and nourishing creams that will fill the skin with all the beneficial substances and protect from bad weather.

Rejuvenating home procedures, namely rubbing the skin with ice cubes, also play an important role in preserving the youthfulness of the skin of the face after 30. It is very easy to make this ice at home.

Instead of washing your face, this morning refreshing massage will give your skin a pleasant sensation and slow down the aging process. Ice cubes with medicinal herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula, mint) are considered more effective.

You need to wipe your face very carefully, without pressing on the skin of the face, so as not to injure it. The procedure should last no more than 2 minutes, otherwise you can harm yourself. It is advisable to do this daily.

An excellent helper with the aging of facial skin is watermelon juice, especially frozen. Also, skin care after 30 years old will not do without peeling and cleansing with a scrub. Just do not abuse these procedures.

Women with dry skin should do this procedure no more than 1 time a week, and women with oily and normal skin can do it twice a week, but not more often.

The simplest and most effective scrub recipe can be made at home without difficulty. Take in a handful of dry oatmeal, namely flakes, moisten them in warm water or milk and massage your face with this gruel for about 3 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Masks are also a must if you want to keep your skin youthful. They need to be done regularly at least 2 times a week, and not from time to time.

Before applying the mask on the face, you must first prepare the skin for this, namely, make a steam bath with herbs, in order to open the pores, get rid of hardened cells.

After that, you can make a light scrub, but only very gentle, so as not to injure the steamed skin. Perfect with oatmeal. In addition to the skin of the face, one must not forget the neck, it also ages quickly and gives out the age of a woman.

Therefore, you need to take care of this area no less than your face. There is a large selection of recipes for face masks, everyone will find for themselves those that suit you and your skin type:

Egg mask

Beat the yolk of one egg with cream, add a little flour for thickening. Apply for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water. The mask perfectly rejuvenates the skin.

Banana mask

Grind banana pulp with 1 teaspoon of cream and ½ spoon of starch. Apply to face, rinse off after 15-20 minutes.

Anti-wrinkle carrot mask

Chop small fresh carrots, mix with 1 tsp. potato starch and 1 chicken egg white. Apply the mixture to your face. After 30 minutes, wash off with warm water.

Parsley mask

finely chop parsley, add 1 tsp. oatmeal or potato starch, apply on face for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water

Mask with cottage cheese and sour cream

Mix a teaspoon of cottage cheese with two teaspoons of sour cream and add a pinch of salt. Apply the mass to the face and leave for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water, apply cream. The mask perfectly moisturizes and evens out skin tone.

Potato mask

Apply warm mashed potatoes to your face (you can add a little olive oil) and leave for 20 minutes, rinse with cool water. This mask will not only help get rid of fine wrinkles, but also smooth dry skin.

Apple mask

Make applesauce and add sour cream to it. Apply the mask for 15-29 minutes. Perfectly refreshes the face and improves the complexion.

Cucumber and potato mask

Grate raw potatoes and fresh cucumber, mix in equal amounts. Apply on face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Excellent anti-aging mask.

Well, in conclusion, I would like to note that in order to keep the skin of the face young, you must first of all love yourself and take care of yourself. In order to be young and beautiful for a long time, you need to make a lot of efforts.

All this is a lot of daily work... At this age, it is still possible to deceive the time, though not much, but it is possible. You just need to give up bad habits, not proper nutrition, daily routine.

And also make it a rule to take care and take care of your face skin, protect it from external harmful factors, visit a beautician, at least 1 time in 2 months, drink plenty of clean drinking water, do not use low-quality cosmetics.

At this age, a woman is beautiful and young, so help yourself to be the same for a while. Everything is in our hands, namely yours!

What makes a woman attractive at any age? Smooth, firm and well-groomed skin. It's no secret that in order to keep the skin young and beautiful, three important conditions must be observed: thorough hydration of the skin, optimal water-salt balance, and optimal external living conditions. But few people know that nothing spoils our skin like the chlorine contained in our running water, and that the worst enemies of our skin are shower gels, which we wash it every day, making our skin more and more vulnerable every day. , since we are depriving the protective fat layer. In fact, the answer to the question "how to keep the skin youthful?" quite simple, you just need to slightly change your daily habits and lifestyle.

External conditions

Temperature and humidity in the apartment

First of all, it is necessary to create optimal external conditions in your apartment. For the proper functioning of the sebaceous glands and protection against drying out of your skin, perhaps the most important condition is the optimum air temperature and humidity level. This is especially true of the place where you sleep. The most favorable air temperature for a bedroom is 18 degrees. Better to keep it cool than hot. And the sleep will be stronger, and it will be more useful for the whole organism. Wear warm pajamas and a blanket, but it is important to breathe fresh and cool air while you sleep. But if you feel completely uncomfortable at a temperature of 18 degrees, then, of course, you do not need to mock yourself. Let the temperature be higher. The main thing is that it would be better not to exceed the threshold of 21 degrees.

To create the required air temperature in the room, you can simply do with open windows. But often in the summer heat, with the windows open, it only gets hotter in the room. In such cases, the benefit of civilization will come to the rescue - an air conditioner. Of course, it costs a lot of money to buy and install it, but the problem of the summer heat will be solved. Ventilation of the room must be regular, even if there is an air conditioner, at any time of the year. Fresh air is essential! In summer, windows and vents may not be closed at all. In winter, it is imperative to ventilate in the morning and evening for 30-40 minutes.

The humidity in the living space should ideally be 50-70 percent. Any readings above or below these parameters are abnormal and have a negative impact on the condition of your skin. Many people will wonder how to measure humidity in a room? To do this, you can buy a so-called hygrometer, this device is designed specifically for measuring humidity, and you can buy it at almost any home automation store. But a more convenient option would be to buy a weather station, which will immediately show both the temperature and humidity of the air. It costs more than a hygrometer, but if there is no thermometer in the house yet, you will not have to spend on it.

It is possible to achieve the optimal level of humidity in an apartment with the help of another benefit of civilization - an air humidifier. You can, of course, save money and use grandma's methods: hang wet towels around the apartment and arrange pots of water. But, nevertheless, to fork out once for a high-quality air humidifier and solve the problem of dry air for a long time is much more convenient and practical. Especially our skin suffers from dryness during the heating season. Moreover, dry air provokes acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, and cool humid air and plentiful drinking is the most reliable prevention of seasonal colds. Therefore, take care of the health of your children and loved ones, put regulators and limiters on the batteries.


House dust is another enemy of our skin, from which it is no longer possible to get rid of it once and for all. Therefore, you need to deal with it regularly. It is best to dust, mop, and vacuum the carpets in your apartment every day. Of course, this takes a lot of time, so if it is not possible to do wet cleaning every day, this should be done at least once every 2-3 days. At the same time, it is better to use only water and a rag for cleaning without all sorts of special cleaning and detergents, since this, in any case, is chemistry that can provoke an allergic reaction. If you clean your home with the necessary regularity, then believe me, there is no need to use cleaning products. Why are they needed then? Then, for someone to make money by selling it. Although with strong stubborn dirt, such funds will really be necessary. And any kind of regular disinfection of the floor is completely unnecessary, even if a small child is crawling on it. There is enough water. After all, you don't live in an infectious diseases hospital!

Separately, it is worth touching on the issue of carpets in the apartment. In general, it would be better to get rid of them altogether, as well as from all kinds of soft toys, because these are real dust collectors that provoke allergic and other negative skin reactions. If you are not ready to say goodbye to all your carpets and toys, then it is better to spend money on a good carpet vacuum cleaner, and wash toys regularly in the washing machine.

Water-salt balance

It's no secret that beauty is, first of all, an inner state. And the youth of our skin, first of all, depends on the fluid entering the body. If you do not consume enough water every day, then any, even the most expensive moisturizers, will have absolutely no effect. A sufficient amount is at least 1.5 liters of living water per day, and preferably two. You need to drink exclusively live bottled or high-quality filtered tap water. Boiled water is absolutely useless, as it is dead.

It is also important to drink two liters of water per day, any other types of liquid such as teas, coffee, juices, soft drinks, etc., are not considered. And in no case should you think that by consuming alcoholic beverages, we supply the body with life-giving moisture. Everyone is familiar with the so-called "dry forest" after a violent drunkenness. Think about how to keep your skin youthful by drinking too much alcohol!


We are what we eat. Of course, the result of our nutrition will always be reflected in the condition of our skin. You never need to starve yourself, but you also can't throw everything into yourself, like in a trash heap. The most important thing is that the food is balanced and healthy. You need to eat only when you feel hungry and, first of all, healthy foods. But sweets, flour, smoked meats, sausages and various sauces can adversely affect the skin, so it is advisable to exclude all this from your diet. Sometimes you can indulge yourself with something sweet, but let this be the exception, not the rule.

External humidification

Finally, we have moved on to the method of preserving the beauty and youthfulness of the skin, which most women consider the only true and effective. This is external skin care and moisturizing. Of course, this is important, but it will give results only in conjunction with all of the above conditions.

How can we moisturize our skin? First of all, with the help of daily water procedures. Yes, of course, water treatments are needed every day. But, having become victims of civilization, we, taking a shower every day, only harm our skin. First, our over-chlorinated running water is the main cause of all small breakouts, redness, flaking and dry skin. But this problem is also solvable. You just need to put high-quality filters on the taps, and the water will become much more gentle for our skin.

In addition, we ruin the skin with our own hands, washing it daily with various shower gels. Nowadays, store shelves are full of a wide variety of shower products, supposedly suitable for daily use, and having in their composition a bunch of all kinds of ingredients that are good for the skin. But it is important to understand that absolutely all such products contain soap, which destroys the protective barrier of our skin and makes it vulnerable. Therefore, you need to wash yourself with soap or shower gel no more than 1-2 times a week. For daily hygiene, it is enough to wash the skin with water. Every day, you can add decoctions and infusions of herbs with an antiseptic effect, such as chamomile or calendula, to the bath.

When it comes to skin care products, moisturizers should be preferred for daily use. Nourishing masks, scrubs, especially cleansing gels with exfoliating particles, should be used once a week. In the care of very dry skin, the so-called emollients will be indispensable. These are substances that can retain moisture. In the pharmacy, you can find many creams, ointments and emulsions that contain emollients. Apply them as liberally as possible to damp skin immediately after showering. For sufficient moisturizing and care, you will have to regularly spend a decent amount of money, since most medicinal creams with emollients cost at least 300 rubles per 50 grams, and you should never feel sorry for them when applied, otherwise they will not bring any benefit. A cheaper analogue can be Johnson's baby body oil. The cheapest emollient option is petroleum jelly.

Intestinal function

We all know that youthful skin is directly related to the work of the intestines. Therefore, do not forget to monitor the regularity of your bowel movements. If you are faced with the problem of difficult, untimely or irregular bowel movements, you need to take measures as soon as possible, otherwise, in the most innocuous case, this will affect your skin, and in the worst case, it can cause serious and dangerous illnesses.

If there are problems in the work of the intestines, do not grab numerous live bacteria and enzymes from the shelves of pharmacies to normalize the work of the intestines. Since even if this bacterium is "live", believe me, it is unlikely that in the same living state it will get through the stomach to the intestines. What will get there for sure is the liquid. But it is precisely the lack of fluid that is the most common cause of constipation. Therefore, first of all, we remember whether we strictly follow the rule of two liters of living water per day. And we increase the amount of raw fruits and vegetables, as fiber also helps the intestines. Especially fruits and vegetables, consisting almost exclusively of water: cucumbers, zucchini, apples, watermelons (if the season). Remember that prunes are an excellent laxative. But the pear, on the contrary, strengthens! And, of course, do not forget about the rule of a glass of kefir at night, because kefir is the most irreplaceable helper of the intestines.

If water, fruits, vegetables and kefir did not help, you can try the only absolutely safe but effective remedy without a doctor's prescription. It is lactulose syrup (one of the commercial names: duphalac). For complete normalization, drink it for 1-2 months. But if lactulose did not give the desired result within a week, we urgently run to a gastroenterologist, perhaps you need more serious treatment.

Influence of UV rays

Many are interested in the question of whether UV can be used as a fight against pimples. Of course, ultraviolet light dries up small pimples and can make your skin cleaner, and even give it a charming chocolate shade. But it has long been proven by medicine that the harm of UV to health far outweighs its benefits. And the abuse of sunbathing or non-compliance with the rules of communication between your body and the sun can provoke a lot of serious diseases, in particular skin cancer. Therefore, do not look for easy ways, take care of your health, and try to categorically exclude the solarium from your life.

Many will say - what am I now white as a toadstool to walk? Or - the sun gives the body vitamin D, without it there is no way! The answer is obvious: no need to turn into a vampire! It is imperative to communicate with the sun, since its lack can harm the body no less than an excess! But we always remember that the most dangerous sun is from 12 to 16 noon, so it is at this time that we protect our skin from direct UV rays. What should we, an unfortunate inhabitant of a country where for more than half a year we do not really see the sun, do if a solarium is strictly contraindicated? The ideal option would be 2 times a year (preferably in autumn and spring) to go on vacation to the sea, to warm countries for at least a week. After all, everyone knows how good sea air and sea water are for our skin, and rest in itself. Here you will get a portion of the necessary vitamin D, and a wonderful and long-lasting tan, unlike tanning in a solarium.

Yes, the option, of course, is wonderful, but not everyone can afford it. But even if you cannot afford a vacation abroad 2 times a year, this is not a reason to despair, since you can relax a bit or worse and get a sufficient amount of vitamin D in the vastness of our homeland. The main thing is that this place is far from civilization, in order to give our skin a break from city dust, exhaust gases, household chemicals, and poor-quality water. Choose a place on the shore or not far from any body of water, go to the village to see your grandmother, if there is one. And your main task will be to sleep and walk as much as possible during the week. No TVs, computers or telephones that irradiate our skin. Only fresh air and an interesting book, so that it is not completely boring.

Especially in winter, it is important to devote as much time as possible to a walk, while it is light. After all, the sun still shines, although not as brightly as in summer, but you can get as much vitamin D as you need. Such a vacation will be much more useful and of better quality than a vacation at sea. After all, a seaside vacation involves staying in a hotel, which is unlikely to help us take a break from civilization. And sometimes, on the contrary, it implies the consumption of a large amount of alcohol and not the most useful food.

How to keep your skin youthful? This question interests every person, because everyone wants to stay young and attractive for a long time, especially when it comes to the beautiful half of humanity. There are no secrets or special magic in this matter. Only a responsible approach and the right actions will lead you to an excellent result.

Healthy and nutritious nutrition is a guarantee of youth and fresh appearance. A person's diet is directly reflected in his appearance. What do you need to eat in order to receive compliments about beautiful skin for as long as possible? Products for youthful skin are fruits and vegetables. They contain vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other useful substances that the body needs so much.

Of course, there can be no question of any beauty if you do not drink enough water. Young skin is moisturized skin. The drier the epidermis, the faster it ages. Therefore, it is necessary to make it a rule to drink about 2 liters of water per day.

Healthy lifestyle and youthfulness of the face

It is possible to significantly rejuvenate the appearance precisely with an integrated approach, that is, when acting on the entire body.

  1. Sports are mandatory, especially after 25 years, when the skin of any person begins to fade. Exercise gives you a good complexion, a blush and just a fresh look. It is important to choose what you like: yoga, Pilates, aerobics, cardio workouts, gym, etc.
  2. Smoking has a detrimental effect on the entire body and on the skin. The fact is that nicotine has the ability to destroy the valuable and necessary vitamin C. And it is necessary for the production of collagen, thanks to which skin turgor is maintained.
  3. It is important to spend a lot of time outdoors. If it is not possible to regularly travel to the sea, then let it be at least a summer residence. But tanning should not be abused: solar radiation leads to skin aging. The same can be said for the solarium.
  4. An ordinary dream can be an excellent remedy for beauty and youth. Sleeping and getting enough sleep is the main task of everyone who loves himself, wants to be healthy and beautiful. It is necessary to sleep at least 8 hours daily, but not more than 10. Dark circles under the eyes most often appear precisely from lack of sleep.

Mandatory home beauty treatments

Proper home care will help preserve the youthfulness of the skin. It does not require large financial costs, you just need a little free time.

If the question of how to prolong the youthfulness of the skin does not seem to be solved yet, why not try home mesotherapy in miniature? To do this, you will need to buy a mesoscooter with medical needles no more than 0.2 mm and a mesosum. First, a serum is applied to the face, on which you then need to walk with a roller. It forms microscopic punctures, due to which the selected anti-aging agent penetrates more effectively into the deeper layers of the epidermis.

Gymnastics for the face

Training is needed not only for the body, but also for the face. After all, it also has a lot of muscles. And they need a load. Special gymnastics will tighten the oval of the face, reduce expression and age wrinkles, and prevent them.

  1. The first exercise can be called a "pipe", because to perform it, you just need to stretch your lips for 5-6 seconds, alternating with a period of relaxation.
  2. The next exercise is to draw in your cheeks as much as possible, as if you need to drink something very thick from a straw. By the way, it is this technique that helps many famous beauties fight sagging cheeks.
  3. It will be useful to remember some vowels from the alphabet: "o", "y", "s". You need to alternate these sounds, pronouncing them 15-20 times.

In the beautician's office

It is very good if you have the opportunity to visit a professional cosmetologist at least once every six months (and preferably once a month). Then beauty and youth are guaranteed, because you will be in the reliable hands of a specialist. A special gloss in appearance will become a bonus.

Treatments such as mesotherapy or facial massage are good. Alginant masks perfectly level out age. To cleanse the pores and maintain turgor, you can undergo ultrasonic face cleansing in courses.

If you consult with a beautician, then there is a chance to learn a lot more about individual care and how to preserve youth and beauty. Of course, all this will require certain costs. But on your own, you can maintain the beauty and youthfulness of the face at the proper level, if you approach this issue as consciously and responsibly as possible.

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In skin care, everything is individual. And yet there are guidelines that will suit everyone. We asked leading experts in the field of dermatology and cosmetology to name universal rules that will help delay skin aging.

Learn to relax

Dr. Olivier Courten-Clarence, CEO of the Clarins Group, advises: “Relax your facial muscles as often as possible and relax yourself. When you are tense without noticing it, you clench your jaw and frown. As a result, a wrinkle forms between the eyebrows, the tips of the lips sink. A relaxed face looks calm and attractive.

Do breathing exercises regularly. For a few minutes, forget about problems, find a quiet place, take a comfortable position and breathe slowly, if possible with your nose, without effort, gradually lengthening the exhalation. This contributes to the saturation of cells with oxygen, gives the face freshness and radiance. During water procedures, rinse your face with cool water. This technique maintains skin tone. "

Three main stages

Dr. David Orentrek, Clinique's Lead Dermatologist, recommends repeating three simple steps every morning and evening: cleansing, exfoliating and moisturizing. The composition and format of the products depends on your skin type. So, you can clean your face with dermatological soap (if you have oily skin) and a delicate foam (if it is sensitive).

During water procedures, rinse your face with cool water, this maintains skin tone

Many people exfoliate their skin from time to time. using harsh exfoliators, but this is not entirely true. “Together with the appearance of new cells, a layer of dead cells forms on the surface of the skin. In the morning, you need to remove the layer that has formed overnight. Therefore, you should cleanse and exfoliate your skin in the morning and in the evening. Facial care is akin to exercise - it is better to do it regularly according to a program specially designed for you than to overload the body with intense exercises from time to time, ”says David Orentrek.

All around the water

“The care products only moisturize the skin by 20% in the outer layer. The remaining 80% of the moisture comes from food, drink and dietary supplements, ”says star dermatologist Dr. Howard Murad, creator of his own line of cosmetics, Dr. Murad. The specialist claims that the water, which is necessary for the cells to function properly, is best obtained from food - fresh vegetables and fruits. They should form the basis of the daily diet.

In cosmetics, it is better to give preference to creams with components that attract and retain moisture inside the cells. These are lecithin, hyaluronic acid, plant extracts (cucumber, aloe), oils (shea tree and borage seeds).

Simple moves

French cosmetologist Joelle Siocco, the creator of the author's facial massage techniques and the L'Oréal Paris brand consultant, believes that any treatment should be supplemented with self-massage. It takes from 3 to 5 minutes, is suitable for any age and skin type, and increases the effectiveness of cosmetics.

In cosmetics, it is better to give preference to creams with components that attract and retain moisture inside the cells.

First, you need to improve the lymph flow. To do this, press simultaneously with the index, middle and ring fingers of both hands on the skin, moving from top to bottom - from the forehead to the décolleté. Then you need to gently grip and lift the skin with the thumb and forefinger of both hands, without stretching it too much. With such pinch movements, you need to work out the entire face, neck and décolleté. Finally, you need to pat yourself on the face with your fingers so that the skin turns slightly red. Such "slaps" stimulate blood circulation, enrich the skin with oxygen and increase its tone.

Less but better

London beauty therapist John Tsagaris, creator of Skin Point Eight and author of acupuncture-based rejuvenation, says most women misuse their skincare products: "For example, the more products you apply, the better."

“But the more of all kinds of products are on your face, the more they will provoke the appearance of bacteria, blackheads and inflammation, - continues John. - It is better to act less on the skin. It is contraindicated to cover oily skin with a too thick layer of cream, and for dry skin, you cannot use light textures.

In addition, John Tsagaris advises to go to baths, saunas and spa treatments more often. They improve tissue trophism, accelerate metabolism, open and cleanse pores, free the skin from dead skin cells and make it more receptive to cosmetics.

Youth is a perishable phenomenon. No one believes this until one day the very turning point comes when the mirror, from a flattering ally, turns into a cruel denouncer. In the relentless morning light, it pokes us with the first wrinkles under the eyes or (oh my god!) Hints of age spots.

But if you still pull yourself together and challenge the reflection, it turns out - it's still fixable. You can prolong your youth. And for quite a long time.

And it's not at all about expensive braces or Botox. It is enough to settle down a little, comb your daily routine, reconsider your habits and learn to respect your skin by caring for it correctly.

Until recently, I believed in the myth “Chocolate tan is sexy”. A tanned girl really looks attractive in photographs. But in real life, ultraviolet-emaciated skin becomes rough, loses healthy pigmentation and ages very quickly.

I am not advocating giving up tanning altogether. I just advise you to follow the precautions:

1. Avoid direct light.

Tan perfectly "sticks" in the shade, for example, if you lie under a canopy. When walking down the street in summer, try to hide your face. It is a pity that graceful lace umbrellas, which ladies wore in the century before last, are no longer in fashion.

Today there are many very interesting modern hats that can protect the skin of the face and emphasize your style. Just don't count on straw hats: they let in ultraviolet light.

2. Do not splash your skin in the sun.

Many people like to sunbathe "wet". So, they say, the tan will stick faster. But the sun, focusing on a drop, can burn even more on the skin than on a dry surface. And then the age spots cannot be avoided.

Another thing is if you sunbathe in the shade. Then moisturizing your skin is a sweet thing.

3. Protective cream

Special cosmetics from the sun are like "Our Father". In summer, even garbage cannot be taken out without a cream on your face!

The SPF factor prevents the skin from being exposed to ultraviolet radiation and prevents dehydration. When choosing a remedy, we take into account the season and skin type:

  • In the spring, a regular day cream with an SPF factor of 15 to 30 is enough, in the summer - from 30.
  • If the skin on your face is thin and sensitive or you have recently peeled, the cream is chosen with SPF 45-50 (for example, Clinique SPF 50, Chicco Milk SPF 50, etc.).
  • There are special creams that take into account the skin's tendency to pigmentation ("Full Block" barrier cream) or the formation of a capillary network ("Photoderm" from Biotherm).

It is best to buy a product from the manufacturer that you are already used to using your usual care products or cosmetics.

Healthy lifestyle

Ashamed to admit it, yet another myth for me was the statement “Smoking is cool”. I proudly copied my personal idol from the TV series "Sex and the City" (though only until the third season, where she almost lost a cool guy to cigarettes).

Thank God, I noticed in time that bad habits are not only a negative image in fact, but also an unhealthy complexion. There is nothing romantic in a gray and crumpled face like house slippers.

Having made an effort on myself and quitting smoking (I am still proud of this fact), I became interested in conquering new heights of youth.

Proper nutrition

It was necessary to give up fatty and sweet dishes both to maintain a figure and for skin health. It turns out that everything we eat and drink is reflected on our face in the literal sense of the word:

  • sweets "take revenge" with acne;
  • spices - black dots;
  • tea and coffee - an ugly complexion.

Conversely, if you take care of the normal amount of vitamins, fiber and minerals, the skin becomes smooth and glowing from the inside. The diet must include:

  • fruits and vegetables (preferably raw);
  • fermented low-fat products (best of all - kefir);
  • nuts and dried fruits (they can easily replace sweets);
  • Fish and seafood.

If vegetarianism is not for you (I, for example, have not yet succeeded in giving up meat altogether), then it is advisable to consume only poultry and lean veal.

It is very important to drink plenty of clean water (up to 2 liters per day) in order to restore the normal balance of the skin. But I advise you to increase the volume of fluid gradually so that there is no edema on the legs and under the eyes.

Sports and fitness

Healthy young skin is impossible without physical education. If you are a sedentary lifestyle, be sure to make time for sports. Movement warms up the blood, which provides the tissues with better nutrition. In addition, the trained muscles keep the skin toned and prevent it from sagging.

You need to train not only the body, but also the face. There is even a special gymnastics that allows you to keep the skin youthful for a long time:

  • exercises with protruding lips and lower jaw;
  • sticking out the tongue;
  • maximum rounding of surprised eyes.

It all looks incredibly hilarious, but it brings great benefit to the face. The main thing is not to do this kind of gymnastics in a public place. Once I got carried away, conscientiously repeating facial exercises on the subway ... I will never forget the glances with which the whole carriage later accompanied me!

If you want to learn more about gymnastics (and have fun at the same time), watch the video "Facial Rejuvenation Exercises".

But back to sports. Fitness, aerobics and yoga are the best suited to preserve youth. In principle, it doesn't matter which one you choose. If only the activity would bring pleasure. Because smiling is also a good face exercise.

Sleeping mode

Lack of sleep is one of the worst enemies of beauty. The skin is restored only on condition of regular good rest. Therefore, it is important that the time allotted for sleep is not wasted (I mean, that it is not wasted on insomnia or nightmares).

The following tricks help you fall asleep quickly and soundly:

  1. Go to bed at the same time. The body will get used to the regime and will work like a clock.
  2. Don't watch TV at night or read newspapers. Especially crime news.
  3. Drink mint tea with honey. It soothes the nervous system and improves the complexion.
  4. Air out your bedroom and avoid sleeping in hot pajamas.

In general, sleep is very important not only for the skin, but also for your condition and the whole body as a whole. For more tips on how to fall asleep quickly and get a good night's sleep, check out this.

It is advisable to observe the regimen not only in relation to sleep, but also for eating and exercising.

Cosmetics and face masks

Nutrition is necessary for the skin from the inside and outside. That is, in addition to providing the body with vitamins and a balanced diet, we also take care of the outer shell.

Cosmetical tools

It is possible to slow down skin aging using modern cosmetics:

  • anti-wrinkle creams;
  • anti-aging gel;
  • moisturizing and nourishing masks.

Cream and gel are selected according to skin type and age. The effectiveness of the product is increased by elastin and collagen included in the composition. In addition, a high-quality cream, which serves to preserve the youthfulness of the face, necessarily contains antioxidant substances.

Nourishing masks

These face care products can be purchased at pharmacies and beauty salons, or you can use folk wisdom.

I love the versatile egg recipe. White with lemon juice is whipped separately. And the yolk is ground with honey. The first mask is applied after deep cleansing of the face and perfectly tightens pores. And the second - restores the epidermis and nourishes the skin.

What are face masks? For which skin types, which masks are more suitable? What are the best recipes? You can read more about this in this.

Herbal decoctions

It is very useful to rinse your face after washing with herbal decoctions:

  • chamomile;
  • celandine;
  • calendula.

The recipe for all broths is the same: two tablespoons of dry grass are poured with half a liter of boiling water and steamed for ten minutes over low heat. When the broth has cooled, strain it.

For every wash you need a fresh broth. I am a somewhat lazy girl, so I like the second option: once a week I steam the herbs (mix all three components) and make ice cubes from the broth. In the morning, after washing, I wipe my face with a couple of cubes. This method perfectly tones the skin.

Why thermal water is needed

Another enemy of the skin is dry air. If you are in a hot or air-conditioned room for a long time, you should definitely refresh your face. "But how? - you ask, - Do not you run to the ladies' room to wash and re-make up? ”.

Once, spraying office ficus, I was terribly envious of him. He has no makeup that can turn into ugly stains.

And what was my surprise when I once heard from colleagues about a special face spray!

It turns out that the thermal water in the form of a spray not only does not spoil the makeup, but even strengthens it. Just spray it in front of your face at a distance of about 30-40 cm and wait half a minute for the moisture to dry (you can gently blot the excess with a napkin).

Later I learned a lot of interesting things about this wonderful tool:

  1. Thermal water is used not only at work, but also at home: before applying the cream, after peeling or cleansing the face.
  2. The composition of the water is enriched with minerals, vitamins, herbal extracts and even oils.
  3. Some manufacturers select components to specifically combat skin problems: hypersensitivity, predisposition to frequent acne, etc.

For example, there is low-mineralized thermal water. It relieves inflammation and works well for dry, thin skin. Or it contains selenium, which protects against early aging and is simply irreplaceable in the summer heat.