How to bring a stone from the kidneys? Folk remedies and drugs to remove kidney stones. How to bring kidney stones with preparations and herbs at home

Stones in the kidneys - deposits, which are formed on the basis of salts, which are present in the composition of urine. The neoplasms consisting of potassium and sodium cause a whole mass of health problems and force a person to worry far from the most pleasant sensations. There is a wide range of therapy options aimed at crushing stones in the kidneys, as well as their dissolution.

As a rule, it is possible to eliminate the trouble, without resorting to operational interventions. What are the effective folk remedies and drugs to eliminate kidney stones? I search for a response to this question will be in our publication.


The method is characterized by high efficiency, if necessary, crushing stones in the kidneys. The procedure is performed using a special lithotrigar device. The device allows you to form shock waves, the epicenter of which falls on solid deposits in the tissues of the organ. The result becomes splitting stones on the smallest elements. The latter are gradually derived from the kidneys naturally along with urine.

The procedure is convenient because it does not require the use of anesthesia. In the course of crushing by stones by lithotripsy, the patient has a minimum of unpleasant sensations. Moreover, the doctor is able to visually monitor the process of destruction of deposits due to ultrasound. The method allows you to crush the kidney stones during one session. In rare cases, several procedures may be required.

Despite the high efficiency of the method, it is not recommended to resort to such a solution in cases:

  • presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pregnancy;
  • anticoagulant receptions;
  • development in the body tissues of neoplasms of malignant character;
  • blood coagulation disorders.

After the fulfillment of lithotripsy, it is important to correctly apply drugs and means of traditional medicine, which differ in a diuretic effect and destroy the structure of the deposits. It is about such solutions will be discussed further in the article.


The medicine is produced in the form of a solution. Take a means to regulate calcium exchange in the body. The preparation prevents the formation of dense crystals in the composition of urine. Due to this treatment, you can prevent the accumulation of kidney stones, as well as derive deposit from oxalate and phosphates from the body.


The active substances in the composition of the drug have a destructive impact on cystine, from which the kidney stones are formed. The formed compound is derived naturally from the kidneys along with the urine. Thus, the accumulation of new deposits in the tissues of the body slows down.


The main active substances in the composition of the renal stones are from the renal stones: extracts of vernicia, stagnation of tongue, marines, ddimocarpus stem, onosma. In addition to the vegetable components, the means contains mineral resin and a flint lime.

The medicine is distinguished by the disinfecting, anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect. The obvious advantage of the drug is the lack of devastating effects on urine acid-alkaline indicators.


What kind of medicines are the stones from the kidneys? A good decision looks like a drug "Blemarmen", which contains a hydrocarbonate and sodium citrate, as well as citric acid. The tool makes it possible to saturate with urine by alkaline elements, which contributes to the rapid destruction of solid sediments.

In addition to the granules, it is possible to see special test strips designed to determine the acidity of urine. With their help, you can define a suitable dosage, focusing on the level of urin pH. Reception of funds in optimal quantities is an extremely important point. Since the choice of incorrect dosage can lead to the formation of new phosphate nature stones.


The drug has a floral nature. The main active substances here are the extracts of Capeba pepper, silkmother and fillantus. Also, the tool contains extracts from papaya, renal tea and the grass of the coo.

Reception of medication stimulates metabolic processes in the body, makes it possible to remove inflammation that develop in urinary ducts. In addition, the tool causes partial destruction of oxalate stones.

Sunflower root

If there is an intention to treat kidney stones by folk remedies, one of the best options can serve as a means prepared on the basis of the root of the sunflower. For this, healers recommend using raw materials obtained using a rided plant.

How do they remove stones from the kidneys in this way? Take a glass of chopped root of sunflower. Raw materials are poured with water in an amount of about 3 liters. The composition is boiled for 5 minutes. The resulting liquid is gradually drunk over several days. The remaining roots of the plant is permissible to store in the refrigerator. However, in this case, they will need to persuade about 15 minutes to prepare the next portion of the means.

Rogishnik's root

Treating stones in kidney by folk remedies can be performed using a rosehip. And used in these purposes not berries, but the root part of the plant. For this prepare a decoction, pouring a cup of water several spoons of crushed raw materials. The composition is boiled for 10-15 minutes. Then the tool insists until the liquid is cooled to room temperature.

How do the stones from the kidneys of the decoction based on the root of richness? The healing composition is absorbed in one reception on an empty stomach. Then they prepare a new portion and drink shortly before the deposit to sleep. The course of treatment with this method is about 3 months.

Infusion of healing herbs

What grasses bring stones from the kidneys? In these purposes, it is possible to use such plants like Sleyer, Sage, Melissa, Rogovnik, Owin and St. John's wort. Based on these herbs prepares infusion with a pronounced diuretic effect.

To create a means take dry plants fees. Components are connected in identical proportions. The total amount of raw materials should be two tablespoons. The resulting composition is brewed in 150 ml of boiled water. Finally, the medicine add a tablespoon of honey.

How do the stones from the kidneys of this method? Infusion is taken over the week using a standard dose of 150 ml. Use a medicine 3 times a day shortly before meals. At the beginning of the second week, 5 drops of fir oil begin to add. Drink infusion through the tube. Otherwise, the remedy will eventually have a destructive effect on dental enamel.

Positive changes from such treatment are noted on the passage of the month. The effectiveness of the means will be evidenced by the appearance of a muddy sediment. It is recommended to take infusion until Urin is completely free from dissolved kidney stones and will not become transparent.

Does beer stones from kidneys?

It makes it possible that the use of beer makes it possible to eliminate the problem. Let's see if it is. The foam drink contains in the composition of hops, malt components, as well as substances that cause the fermentation effect. What action does the drink on the body in the presence of stones in the kidneys? It is worth noting the following:

  1. Beer, in addition to natural components, contains all sorts of additives and preservatives. Ingredients of artificial nature necessarily pass through the kidneys. If there are stones, the body works with interruptions, and the need to filter all sorts of "chemistry" has an additional load on it.
  2. Alcohol in the foam drink has a diuretic effect. The result of drinking drink is often becoming the movement of kidney stones. Against the background of the phenomenon, complications may develop.
  3. In beer, there are no substances that are capable of dissolving solid deposits in renal tissue.

Considering the foregoing, it can be concluded that the drink does not have absolutely no useful impact on the body in the presence of solid neoplasms in its structure. Moreover, the use of beer can only aggravate the problem.

Diet with kidney stones

If there is a problem, an important role is played by compliance with a certain diet. If the doctor diagnosed the formation of oxalate stones in the kidneys, it is necessary to avoid the use of products with a high content of acidic components. Among those are worth noting nuts, parsley, strawberries, beets, spinach.

As for the phosphate nature stones, urine acidification strategy should be used here. Doctors recommend using a rich amount of brystry workers and cranberries. In the diet, it is necessary to include an abundance of fresh meat and fish. Limit the preparation of dishes based on dairy products and vegetables.

If the kidneys formed uraban stones, you need to consume smaller meat, as well as all sorts of sub-products, such as dishes from the liver, language, brains. From the diet, it is also better to eliminate smoked meats, fat broths, coffee, chocolate. In order to the early destruction of urates in the kidneys, fruits and vegetables are useful, in particular watermelon, currants, black reverse. Among the drinks is allowed by grape, strawberry and strawberry juice, wild rose.

The main problem with which everyone faces who wants to withdraw stones from the kidneys, this is the choice of the way, because it can be painful, but effective, or vice versa, not too helping to get rid of stones, but at the same time not discomfort. Therefore, the conclusion of the kidney stones is so interested in people.

I, as a doctor, is well known how difficult it is to decide on this procedure, especially when you do not know all the features or.

In this article, I will give the most effective ways to output stones, the results of which I personally saw in my patients and the effectiveness of which is proven by experimentally.

Folk methods do not always help with the conclusion of kidney stones, so if you have stones from 5mm, think about drugs or operational treatment.

How to appear kidney stones

Stones in the kidneys and bladder - a common disease, expressed in the formation of urinary stones in the kidneys and urinary tract (urinary bubble and ureter). People of all ages are subject to the disease, but especially between 20 and 50 years.

The main cause of the disease is a violation of metabolism in the body, especially water-salt, and a change in the chemical composition of blood. As a result, conditions are created to fall out in the urine of salts in crystals, which give rise to the formation of stones.

The development of the disease can be facilitated by the excessive content of salts in drinking water, affecting the fevering climate, composition of food with long-term use (vegetative-dairy or meat), changing the chemical composition of urine.

The number and dimensions of the formed stones can be very large. Sometimes the accumulations of small stones or sand in the renal pelvis or a ureter can result in a more important disruption of urine outflow from the kidneys than the formation of large stones in it. Therefore, the withdrawal of kidney stones can be a secondary task, and at the beginning it will be necessary to eradicate the reason for their occurrence.

The most frequent sign of urolithiasis - pain in the lumbar region, giving in groin and genitals, sometimes they are very strong and accompanied by nausea and vomiting (renal colic). As a result of the injury of the mucous membrane of the blades, blood can appear in the urine.

Stones in the bladder serve the cause of frequent and painful urination. Water becomes muddy, thick, silent. Sometimes stones clog the ureter to the complete cessation of the urine separation within a few days, which is a dangerous complication that can lead to the body's self-denial. Stones and sand can spontaneously go out with urine.

Such stones should show the doctor, as depending on their chemical composition, it will assign an appropriate diet. Only after that you can remove stones from the kidneys. Depending on the chemical composition of salts forming the urinary stones, they are divided into urates (stones of uric acid), oxalates (stones from sowless lime), phosphates (stones made of calcium phosphorus) and carbonates (carbon dioxide stones).

The diagnosis of the nature of the disease is carried out by a doctor on the basis of research and x-ray examination research, and treatment should pass under its observation.

IN home Conditions Patients with urolithiasis must be observed by a prescribed diet, which slows down the process of formation and growth of stones in the kidneys, urinary bubble and ureter, and apply possible measures to facilitate their natural exit with urine, mainly diuretic and painful agents.

Patients with urolithiasis are not recommended to eat fats, meat, especially liver, kidneys, veal, as well as those parts of the carcass that contain many adhesive substances - heads, legs. They are not useful salad, sorrel, spinach. You can not consume anything exciting - alcoholic beverages, spices.

But the dairy products are recommended (sophisticated, serum), dairy cereals, different roots and fruits, especially lemons. Useful drinking drink - tea with lemon, mineral waters (according to the recommendation of the doctor), hot tea, water with salt adding. You need to move more, as it contributes to the output of stones. However, severe physical exertion is not recommended.

In general, it must be said that the process of formation of stones in the kidneys, liver, the bustling bubble and the bladder have so much in common, which is almost always the method of treating one of these four organs can be applied to others.

That is, the withdrawal of stones from the kidneys will not differ depending on the types of stones. (But this rule is exceptions)

Pain with kidney stones

Therefore, in the treatment of urolithiasis to remove stones from the kidneys and bladder, some of the recipes and tips, given in the description of the gallway disease, may well be acceptable.

The sudden sharp attacks of the kidney colic arising from the owners of the kidney stones in the kidneys require their first aid at home before the arrival of the doctor who needs to be immediately called. For kidney colic, the sudden appearance of the strongest pain in the lumbar region, giving in the inguinal region, genitals and thighs.

Pains are extremely sharp, the force of them does not change from the change of the body position of the patient. Pains are often accompanied by a sharpening when urination, urination, urinary color change. As a first assistance to relieve pain, the heating pads are well helped, shared warm baths.

However, it is necessary to remember that such attacks of pain can be observed in the acute inflammatory disease of the abdominal organs, in which such events are absolutely contraindicated. Methods of treatment of renal colic can only choose a doctor.

Treatment of an attack of renal colic

Stones are more than 5 mm when leaving the urine current can be blocked by the intelligence of the ureter. It develops such a serious complication of urolithiasis as renal colic. Intensive pains that appear with colic are facilitated by means of means relaxing smooth muscles, including the walls of the ureter.

You can put the patient also in a warm bath or apply a warm height on the lumbar area from pain. It is necessary to call an ambulance, since the introduction of ordinary painkillers is usually not effective. With kidney colic, hospitalization is necessary.

For the treatment of urolithiasis, the following recipes of traditional medicine can be applied (all detailed folk recipes can be found in a separate article):

  1. Decoction of flax seeds. Mashed 1 cup of flax seeds and mix it with 3 glasses of fresh milk, boil. When the volume is equal to one cup, remove from the fire and strain. Take 1 tbsp. Daily for 5 days. During the reception of this fund, it is necessary to stick to some diet: you should definitely eliminate sharp and fried dishes. Reception of this fund may be accompanied by pain syndromes, because Crushing the stones and turn them into the sand and passing through the ducts. When this process is over, pain will disappear.
  2. Infusion of grass Audio (Highlander bird) with kidney stones and bladder: 3 ppm Fresh ledge herbs (bird hustle) pour 2 tbsp. Boiling water, insist 4 hours, bought with warm tissue, after which it is strain. Drink at 0.5 tbsp. a day before meals.
  3. Infusion of seeds sorrel horse. Pour 10 ppm Powder seeds of horse sorrel 0.5 liters of Cagora, insist 5 days. Drink at 1 h, l. 3 times a day half an hour before meals.
  4. Recipe for dissolving and outputing stones with renal disease: 1/2 cup of dry grass Celebly pour 3 liters of fresh serum. To cover the jar and put for 2 weeks in a warm place, periodically shake. Drink 1/3 cup per day for 30 minutes. before meals. If there is no exacerbation you can drink 1/2 cup.

This means is suitable for removing stones from the kidneys and liver.

A glass of hemp seeds scroll on a meat grinder, add 3 cups of non-filled milk, put on a small fire and respect to 200 ml. Remove from the fire and immediately strain. Take an empty stomach of 1 cup per day for 5 days. Then take a break for 10 days and repeat the treatment again. At the same time, keep in mind that it is impossible to eat. In the process of treatment there may be sharp pains, but it is necessary to suffer. After a year, the treatment course can be repeated.

Natural juices will help in crushing stones and dissolve sand for several days.

  • Juice of radish from kidney stones. The juice of fresh radish drinks in May, when fresh radishes appears. From the radius, the juice is pressed using the juicer, or rub the radishes on the grater and press the juice with a gauze folded several times. Apply juice of 1 tbsp. 3 r. in a day. Course of treatment for 2 weeks.
  • Lemon juice with urolithiasis. Drink several times a day the juice of one lemon, diluted half a glass of hot water.
    You can drink carrot-beet juice: two parts of carrot juice mix with 1 part of beetroot juice. Drink by half a cup of this cocktail 3-4 times a day.
  • Remove pain in the bladder will help infusion from dill seeds: 1 tbsp. Dill seeds pour a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid, insist 15 minutes, then strain. Take 2-4 st. l. infusion 5-6 times a day.
  • Mumia contributes to the destruction of the stones. Stir 1 g mummy in 1 liter of boiled water until complete dissolution. Take before eating 1 tbsp. 3 r. per day for 10 days. Then make a break for 5 days. Repeat the rate 3-4 times.
  • Treatment of urolithiasis by birch kidneys. 10 gr. Dry crushed birch kidneys pour hot water with hot water, cook for 20 minutes, strain. Take 1 tbsp. l. 4 times a day before meals.
  • Pour 1 tbsp. l. Birch kidney 300 ml of steep boiling water, close, cook on a water bath for a minute, then insist 3 hours. Do not push. You need to drink all the decoction in the first and early afternoon. For the night, do not drink, since the tool can break sleep.

People's healers offer another way of removing kidney stones.

Cocktail from carrot juice, beets and cucumber: Take 1 pieces of each juice, mix. 1 cup of received cocktail Drink in the morning on an empty stomach all summer.

In the autumn and in the spring, replace the cocktail with such a mixture: skip 0.5 kg of parsley through the meat grinder, add 200 g of honey. Eat this delicious mixture of 1 tbsp. spoon 3 r. a day before meals. Course - for 2 months in spring and autumn. We offer for fun 2 years. In the first year, the stones are crushed, which can confirm the ultrasound, and the next year - are painlessly output.

When the urates are formed in the kidneys, it is necessary to adhere to a dairy diet, as well as exclude fried or stewed meat from the diet, smoked cheese, smoked, strong tea, beans, pepper, mustard.

Conversely, if the body is inclined to the formation of phosphates, make focus in nutrition mainly on meat dishes, and the dairy food should be excluded.

Preparations for the removal of kidney stones

Drugs are used in cases where the size of the stone does not exceed 5 mm. With the help of drug treatment, the stone becomes softer and fragile, disintegrates into smaller particles and is displayed when urinating.

The type of medicinal drug depends on the chemical composition of the stone. Along with medicines, medical nutrition is prescribed, which contributes to the destruction and removal of stones, and also prevents the formation of new ones.

With phosphate stones (consisting of phosphoric acid salts) use diuretic preparations and acidic mineral waters of Truskavets, Kislovodsk, Zheleznovodsk. Food is limited to fruits, eggs, vegetables and dairy products. Sometimes the drugs used to treat gout are used.

With (consisting of salts of oxalic acid), diuretics are prescribed for output, drugs, overwhelming oxalate stones, as well as acidic mineral waters. From the diet, products rich in vitamin C are excluded: Bulgarian pepper, figs, cabbage, citrus, black currant, etc. It is necessary to limit the reception of meat broths, potatoes, beans, eggs, cottage cheese, cheese and tomatoes.

When (consisting of uric acid salts), the means of normalizing uric acid exchange, diuretic drugs, alkaline mineral waters Borjomi, Essentukov, Truskavets, Zheleznovodsk are used. Meat broths, bold and fried meat, offal, chocolate, cocoa and alcohol are excluded from the diet. It is recommended to take more vegetables, grapes, cherries, currants and apples.

In cystine (protein), the stones are prescribed preparations that support the alkaline urine reaction and diet food as with urabular stones. Mixed stones are poorly amenable to drug treatment, so the main method of eliminating such stones is lithotripsy.

With urolithiasis, it is necessary to take at least 2 liters of liquid daily. The purpose of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory funds also takes place at urolithiasis. They are prescribed to prevent the development of infectious complications from the urinary tract (pyelonephritis, cystitis). The testimony for the purpose and the acting drug defines the doctor, based on the characteristics of the disease.

It is not necessary to appoint some drug yourself to some drug, it is better to ask me directly in the section Question-answer or in the comments.

How to remove stones from the kidneys at home?

Major solvents are essential oils. Essential oils possess volatile properties, which means it is well dissolved. Due to the fact that essential oils are not soluble in water, they strive to accumulate on any surface.

For example, on the surface of stones in various organs, followed by dissolving these stones. Which is very important, essential oils are removed from the body mainly by the kidneys, causing a useful rugged effect. Thus, essential oils are just what is needed to clean the kidneys!

The most comfortable substance containing essential oil is fir oil. It is very efficient and very affordable.

Buy in a pharmacy any diuretic plant of plant origin ("Collection of Uternoral", List List, Birch Kidneys, etc.). We drink diuretic week, and then add 5 drops of 2.5% fir oil to it. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

On the 3-4th day of the use of fir oil should appear in the urine. This means that deposits in the kidneys began to dissolve. Here it is necessary to take some additional measures. Kidney stones began to turn into sand. In order for these small particles of harmful deposits to be easier to be easier and moved, it is very useful for several days to make jogs or just jump at home.

Specify the clarifying questions in the comments, if something is incomprehensible or requires clarification.

After that, the sand should appear in the urine. If suddenly you feel pain in the kidneys, then most likely it says that a large stone began to move along ureteers.

In this case, you need to take a hot bath, which will help expand the urinary tract. The entire procedure, including the reception of diuretic and fir oil, is usually given 2 weeks, but if the sand in the urine does not disappear, then the duration of the procedure can be increased.

In medical practice, the drug "Pinabin" is used, which represents a 50% solution of spike or pine essential oil. Its action is similar to the action of fir oil. Watermelon can be used to reach the ripening of watermelons to achieve a diuretic effect.

If you feel that your kidneys are badly contaminated, then with a break in 1-2 weeks, cleaning can be repeated. Next, 1 time per year.

Diet after the withdrawal of kidney stones

And yet, before the operation, as it were, it was good and good, it is better not to bring the situation. And in this large prophylaxis can help. Without preventive measures for 5 years, half of the patients who got rid of the stones, they are formed again.

The main component of prevention should be a diet and a special drinking mode. People who are diagnosed or have already removed kidney stones, it is necessary to drink more than 2 liters of water daily: an empty stomach, after meals, in the intervals between meals, before bedtime.

It is desirable that part of the fluid is taken as a cranberry morse with a strong diuretic effect. If you drink tap water, then be sure to buy a water filter and drink only filtered water. The more the patient will drink, the greater the chances that the sand will leave the body independently, not having been able to form in stones.

Diet at the ICD is aimed at reducing the concentration of stone-forming substances in the urine, which, in turn, contributes to stopping the growth of small stones and may even lead to the dissolution of large. The principles of diet depend on the chemical composition of the stones.

So, you will have to limit the use of animal protein (especially in fried and smoked species, as well as in the form of meat broths), legumes (beans, peas), chocolate, cocoa, coffee. It is recommended to use about 1 grams of protein per kilogram weight per day. Fully refuse to alcohol and sharp dishes.

In calcium stones, it is necessary to limit the use of lactic acid products, cheese, lettuce, sorrel, carrots, black currants, strawberries, coffee, black tea, cocoa.

But the number of other vegetables and fruits should be increased as much as possible: the use of food rich in fiber has a positive effect on the state of metabolism. With vitamin C will have to do as much as possible: it can be eaten by no more than 4 grams per day. Higher doses contribute to the formation of stones.

In phosphate stones, it is necessary to limit the use of all dairy products, eggs, vegetables and fruits. But it is useful to eat as much meat, fish, flour dishes.

Doctors note that urolithiasis is often found in obese patients. Therefore, weight loss by reducing calorie content of the diet reduces the risk of disease. Another important component of prevention should be a healthy lifestyle.

Fitness and sport should be a useful habit of patients with the ICD, especially if their professions suggest low physical activity. In addition, emotional stresses should be avoided so patients.

If you still have questions about the withdrawal of kidney stones, ask them in the comments.

How to drive out kidney stones to save the body from pain and torment? This question pulls on the weight of gold. People, finding a stone or stones, begin to ask this question, because they understand what consequences may come.

My stones go constantly. What I feel?

I always pull my leg. From the description of the symptoms of urolithiasis, this is considered to be pain in groin. I have a feeling as if the leg is detached.

Sometimes the process is very long - constantly pulls, pulls. Validates his tedious and very effect on the nerves.

I try not to endure and do not pull until the moment when it becomes worse, but immediately be accepted for business. The main thing is that I know how stones out of the kidneys come out, and imagine the whole process.

Immediately I want to warn - I use this way to exit stone, because I know for sure that the stone I have small and can come out myself. I pass the ultrasound of the kidneys and ultrasound urinary bubble, and I am convinced that the size of the stones is not more than 2-5 mm, only then proceed to the case.

If you have a stone more in size, then you should think about whether it is worth it to apply such a way? Renal colic - a terrible thing and should not be allowed.

So my actions:
The first thing I do is drink it, at least a liter of water - a stone only with urine can go out. It would be nice to drink some kind of diuretic. It is suitable phytolysin (fits in pregnancy), half a pane, any other diuretic. Good and watermelon, if, of course, the season
I give physical burden of the body. For example, a daughter take a rope and jumping. Funny, of course, a jumping 43-year-old uncle on the rope, but my households are already accustomed. You can use any other physical exertion associated with shaking the body - football, volleyball, basketball, even just running. Very effectively go into the entrance and jump from the steps. I thus descend, then climb, and jump again. This contributes to the fact that the stone is selected to the ureter
After that, I take a but-tip to relax the smooth muscles of the urinary tract
And immediately take a hot bath. Heat expands urinary ducts. The temperature of the water in your bath must be as hot as possible, but such that it can be withstanding enough for a long time - no less than an hour. During the reception of the bath, it is necessary to maintain the water temperature
After the bath, I drink water and jump on the rope.

All this is done to ensure the yield of stone from the kidney with maximum comfort and minimal losses. Announced wide path, pushed by a large number of urine, the stone rushes to the exit. If you wish, it can be caught - if you get into some kind of dishes or through a sieve.

What I do is not suitable for everyone. Not all people for health care can jump on the rope and take a hot bath. But they can be replaced by: a rolling rope, a bath on a hot heating in the area of \u200b\u200bthe loin and uretera. So dare, the way is true.

Salt formations can be stuck in urethra, in urethra and at the outlet of the bladder. In modern medicine, the removal of stone from the ureter, as with other structures of the urinary system, is widely used. Methods are many: from medication therapy and different types of crushing to surgical seizure. Based on the size, the chemical composition of the crystal formed, only the doctor may answer the question of what to do in a particular clinical situation.

Dissolution of the stones of the ureter drug drugs

With a planned treatment, it is possible to drive a stone from a ureter with medicines. Such a technique is used to grind small formations. Little grains of sands go painlessly.Those that are larger, under the influence of drugs disintegrate into fragments. Preparations pick up a urologist, based on the chemical composition of the concrement:

  • Urates are treated in most cases allopurinols ("Sunfipurol", "Zilirik"). Quietly operate "Kanefron H", "Blemarden", "Uricesan".
  • Phosphates breaks out "Marelin" based on the vegetable components of the garments.
  • Oxalates are removed using a "spill" and preparations for urine sick.
  • "Penicilline", "Tiopronic" are prescribed for the treatment of cystine formations.

To speed up the outlet of the stone from the ureter, they recommend antispasmodics - "No-Shpu", "Papaverin". Relaxing the smooth muscles of the affected organs, they contribute to the rapid and painless exit of the concreters. In parallel, neglection tablets "Tempalgin", Analgin can be used. With inflammation of urinary channels, as well as for prevention, the doctor may decide on the appointment of antibiotics. No guarantees that the stone will disappear, no.

How to remove with the help of modern medicine?

The method of removal of stones (lithotripsy) allows you to destroy the stones in the urinary ways without interference with the human body using tools.

If you remove a stone from the ureter with conservative treatment, more radical techniques are needed. In the current urology, their spectrum is quite wide: catheterization, urethroscopy, remote and contact lithotripsy, percutaneous nephrolithotomy, operational intervention. To understand which of them will give the result in a particular case, the doctor prescribes:

  • general blood analysis;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • general urine analysis;
  • sowing urine;
  • urography.


If the stone is more than 8 mm stuck at the mouth of the ureter and cannot move independently, prescribe catheterization. Such technology is popular among endowersical therapy. The technique is effective with difficult urination and renal colic. Its essence is in the introduction of medicines into the urinary channel, which enhance the peristaltics (Novocaine, Papaverin, formitol). To achieve the result, the procedure is repeated several times, more often use thin catheters: about 50 cm long and 1-3 mm wide.

In addition, the removal of stones from the ureter can be carried out using the electrical stimulation of the upper urinary tract through the electrodes of the catheter. In a medical arsenal, many ureteral loops are proposed for the seizure of solid formations. They are not recommended when the stone sat down above the iliac vessels. If such methods help the patient fails, the mouth of the ureter is cutting, and the concretion is highlighted for 2-3 days. According to some specialists, this method entails the narrowing of the ureter and reflux.

Urethroscopy: removal of stone through urethra

Inspection of the urethra canal with a probe-ugetroscope makes it possible to see specific places of inflammation.

If the stone is the size of no more than 1 centimeter, reached a third of the ureter or sat down at its lower part, resort to urethroscopy. The removal of stone from the ureter through the urethra is made by a flexible tool equipped with a forceps, a camera and a basket. The procedure is painless, since it is accompanied by anesthesia and occurs without a single section, the urethroscope is introduced into the urethra naturally. After graduation, they put a catheter for washing the urethra. A significant drawback of urethroscopy is strong pain after anesthesia, blood splashes in Urin, burning, frequent urges that can last up to 3 weeks. Remove similar sensations by painkillers.

Remote lithotripsy

This term in medicine denotes crushing of concrections using a special apparatus that produces waves. If their peasolips fall into their pebbles and over time is washed away with urine. The procedure is not traumatic, it is carried out if the crystal in diameter does not exceed 5 mm and is well visible on X-rays. Among the contraindications: the resulting inflammatory process, severe pain and overlapping of the ureter. Remote lithotripsy is considered ineffective, because when the stones are destroyed, the circumference of the organs of organs suffer, repeated procedures are often needed.

Contact lithotripsy

Contact lithotripsy is carried out under operating conditions under anesthesia, the form of which is determined individually, and is due to the patient's age, the length of operation, the presence of concomitant diseases.

This method for removing stones is more efficient and is considered one of the main among all types of stone. It is in the peculiarities of different equipment that is attracted to the process:

  • Pneumatic - through the urinary channel of a destructive jet of air divide the formation. His fragments are cleaned with forceps through a small incision. The lack of the method is that it does not cope with dense formations.
  • Laser - the waves on the concretion are directed through the urethra. The procedure is carried out under general anesthesia and does not destroy the soft tissues of the ureters. The advantage is that the laser destroys even the most dense stone formations.
  • Ultrasonic - is carried out using an ultrasonic apparatus. Having producing waves, it crushes stones in a rumor to sand.

Expressive nephrololotomy

If the stone in the ureter exceeds 2 cm in diameter, it is removed by tools entered through a small incision. The procedure is accompanied by anesthesia, the concrections are taken in crushed form. The method is effective in coral formations, which are characterized by compacted and sharp edges. Neoscope can remove calcium fragments even from the kidneys. When pregnancy, inflammation and malignant tumors in urogenitals, percutaneous nephrolithotomy is categorically prohibited.

Operational intervention

If the stones in the ureter are large and long do not leave, and also provoked infectious inflammation in urogenitals, severe pains, blocked urine outflows, their excretion occurs only by the operational way. These are emergency measures, aimed at saving the kidneys. In almost all urological departments specialize in extensive operations, at which a specialist reveals a ureter, overlaps the place on both sides, the place stared with the concrete and dissects it slightly above it. After checking the passability of the channel impose seams. Operations are dangerous by hemorrhage, fabric damage, passing infections and newly-forming hernias. The rehabilitation period after surgery can delay the month.

The list of necessary measures includes:

  • suitable for a certain type of diet concrections;
  • physical exertion (the Council of the doctor is obligatory for their account);
  • drinking mode (at least 2.5 l daily);
  • phytotherapy;
  • healing baths.

Removal of kidney stones is an important event in the diagnosis of urolithiasis. Today it can be done in several ways, the choice of which is made taking into account the location, chemical nature, the magnitude, the density of stones and a number of other factors.

Drug method

The most secure method that helps to bring the kidney stones is a drug. The removal of stones can be carried out by:

  • Strengthening diuresis with special preparations and increasing the amount of fluid consumed. But this method applies only if the size of the concrections does not exceed 4 mm, as it provides the possibility of their unhindered pass through the ureter and urethra.
  • The dissolution of the kidney stones due to the use of informations based on various types of drug raw materials and the use of drugs is possible only in the presence of concrections belonging to the chemical composition to the organic or class of urates and phosphates. Nevertheless, the most common dissolution oxalates are practically not possible.

Attention! There are no guarantees that the most complete will help remove stones even tiny sizes.

Surgical removal of stones

In cases where the urolithiasis proceeds with the formation of coral concrections, severe complications, is accompanied by severe hematuria, strong pain depriving human resources, or leads to the development of hydronephritical transformation and attacks of acute pyelonephritis, the patient may be proposed for operational treatment. But in different cases, patients show various types of surgical intervention.

Operation to remove stone, located in the kidney, is called pyelithotomy. It is carried out under general anesthesia and lies in the implementation of a 10 cm cut on the patient's side from the affected kidney. Through it, the doctor can reach the kidney, cut it and remove the stone from the jelly. Immediately after that, the wound is sewn, and the seams are filmed a week later.

If the concretion is localized in, the weighting operation to remove it is called urethroscopy. To hold it, the patient is also introduced into general anesthesia and laid on the side. After that, the surgeon makes a cut over the surface of the ureter in which the stone is stuck. The naked ureter inspects and remove the concrete bought it, and the wound is sewn.

Important: Operations are dangerous by the development of strong bleeding, the addition of secondary infections and other no less serious complications.

These types of surgical treatment are used exclusively in cases where all other methods aimed at how to remove stones from the kidneys do not give results. This is due to the fact that urolithiasis very often recurns, but the previously conducted surgical intervention makes it impossible for such treatment in the future.

Shattering methods for removing stones

In recent years, methods devoid of hazard-related hazard operations have been considerable and not requiring long-term rehabilitation. They are based on the crushing of the resulting stones in one way or another with further removal of fragments with special tools or naturally, that is, with urine.

Stone removal using endoscopic equipment

If the need for the removal of the concrete, located in the kidney, and in the patient there is no, with the exception of nephrolithiasis, other diseases of the urinary system, it is best to remove it with endoscopic equipment. The removal of kidney stones is carried out by:

  • Laparoscopic operation implying the introduction of special surgical instruments into renal cups and lochanks through cuts in the lower back area, the value of which usually does not exceed 1 cm.

    Important: To carry out such operations, there is no significant dissection of the muscles, since the cuts performed are very small, so after them there are no noticeable scars.

  • Introduction to the kidney of a nephroscope equipped with video equipment through urinary paths.
  • Introduction of the urethroscope into the lumen of the ureter to remove stones stuck in it.

If the stone is small, it is removed without prior destruction, otherwise it is amenable to crushing with special tools, a laser or by installing in the immediate vicinity of the rate of radiator of directed ultrasonic waves, carried out to formation using endoscopic equipment. If doctors face the task of removing the stone in the ureter, they can resort to the help of a pneumatic, implying the introduction through the urethra and urea bubble of the urethroscope, and the effects on the accretion of the shock waves. Thanks to this, the stone is destroyed in a few seconds, and the resulting fragments are extracted from the patient's body using special loops or tongs.

Remote lithotripsy

Remote lithotripsy is effective in the presence of small concrections, the sizes of which do not exceed 2 cm. Doctors, it is customary to talk about its painlessness, but patients often complain about quite strong discomfort and even pain tested during manipulation.

Schematic representation of remote lithotripsy

Laser lithotripsy

Laser crushing of stones in the kidneys and ureters is the most modern and secure method of removing the accretions of any size. The procedure is carried out through a urethroscope or a nephroscope introduced through the urethra, on special equipment in which the laser beam is created using the Golmia. Under its influence, even large concrections quickly split up to the state of dust, and due to the monitor to which the image from the entered equipment is transmitted, the doctor can fully monitor the course of the procedure and, if necessary, to change it.

Crushing of kidney stones Laser-absolutely painless bloodless procedure, in which the risk of damage by fragments of vapor mucous membranes, and, it means, and the development of bleeding is minimal. Thus, today laser lithotripsy is the safest and most effective method of removing kidney stones, including coral. Therefore, it is a worthy alternative to expert operations, helping to cope with frequent coral rocks today. The only lack of laser crushing is considered the high cost of the procedure.

Attention! To destroy the stones of any sizes, just 1 session of laser lithotripsy, in contrast to other methods.