How to charge a flying fairy? A wonderful choice of toy for your princess. Rules for operating the toy flying fairy Why the flying fairy does not take off

Of course, every mother will be happy if she sees joy in the eyes of her child. The flying fairy of roses will undoubtedly become your child's favorite toy. Fairy Flying Fairy is an excellent gift for a little sorceress.

The fairy, as if in a fairy tale, flies in the air, then rises higher, then falls lower, thereby giving the child great pleasure. It will reveal to your child the fabulous world of sorcerers, the world of dwarves and the wondrous world of elves. Now, with a fluttering fairy, this fairy-tale world will become even closer for your princess, more and more opening up the scope of a wonderful fantasy world.

Instructions for use and safety rules

To know how to use and how to charge the Flying Fairy, you need to carefully read the instructions for use before using the toy.

So let's get started:

  1. The toy is highly durable, but still requires careful handling.
  2. 6 batteries (finger-type) are installed in the Flying Fairy.
  3. To ensure a full charge, you need to know how to charge the Flying Fairy, then this toy is able to fly from 6 to 8 minutes.
  4. To avoid accidents, make sure that during the flight the fairy does not touch various objects and children, the fairy must fly at a distance of about 1-2 m from various objects and obstacles.
  5. When landing, landing the toy, pay attention so that it does not touch the body, face, head of the child.
  6. Batteries should not be stored at high temperatures, nor should the toy be placed near heating devices or fire.
  7. Do not disassemble or modify parts of the flying fairy, otherwise such actions may lead to danger or failure of the toy.
  8. Launching the Flying Fairy in the absence of adults is prohibited.

What is included and maintenance of the toy

  1. Instruction in English.
  2. USB cord.
  3. Remote control unit.
  4. Flying Fairy.

For maintenance, it is enough to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Using a damp cloth to clean the doll.
  2. Avoid direct sunlight.
  3. In no case do not lower the Flying Fairy into water, otherwise the electronics will be broken and it will stop working.
  4. When not using the fairy, the switch must be in the OFF position.
  5. Remove batteries when not in use for a long time.
  6. Do not forget to check the doll before use, if a breakdown is revealed, then reuse of the toy is possible only after the problem is fixed.

How to properly charge the Flying Fairy?

  1. Before charging the doll, it must be turned off, that is, the switch must be in the “OFF” mode.
  2. The USB cable must be inserted into the remote control socket of our Flying Fairy toy. The instruction on how to charge the doll is simple, if you follow the sequence, then no problems should arise.
  3. On the remote control, move the power switch to the “ON” mode, then insert the free end of the USB cable into the charging port of the toy.
  4. Please note: if everything is done correctly, the charging indicator will light up, that is, when the fairy is on the platform during charging, then the green indicator is on, if the flying fairy is removed from the platform, the indicator changes to red. It takes 25-30 minutes to charge.
  5. There is an option to charge via PC. The question arises of how to charge the Flying Fairy doll through a computer. The sequence of actions is quite easy, you need to connect the toy with a computer with a USB cable, that is, insert one end of the cord into the charging socket, and the other end of the cable into the computer's USB port. Charging time via computer will take approximately 25 minutes.

Remember, if the fairy is not charged enough, it is better not to use it. You already know how to charge the Flying Fairy. Do not launch and charge the toy at the same time.

How to launch the Flying Fairy doll

  1. To use the Flying Fairy, you need to choose a calm room, space. By the way, a running air conditioner can cause air movement, so it’s better to turn it off while using the fairy.
  2. To launch a fairy, it is desirable that the room is spacious so that nothing interferes with the flight of the fairy.
  3. Do not use the toy in direct sunlight, as this will affect the control system of the Flying Fairy.

Now you know how to use this wonderful toy, most importantly, before using it, do not forget how to charge the Flying Fairy correctly.

My daughter, like all girls, has been looking at the flying fairy for a long time. Well, how not to fulfill the dream of a child? Naturally, for her birthday, our daughter received a long-awaited flying fairy as a gift.

But, unfortunately, the joy of the gift was not long at all.

The first disappointment came immediately when the fairy was taken out of the box. The fairy has plastic hair and a dress. She can neither be combed nor dressed. The fairy is not worth it without a stand, that is, it will not be possible to play with it like with an ordinary doll.

Well, okay, you can change clothes and comb other dolls. And this one will fly!

Yeah, now it will be ... As soon as we launched the fairy, she soared up and began to beat her head against the ceiling with a terrible buzzing. You should have seen the eyes of a child at that moment...

While we were trying to somehow adjust the fairy's flight and ensure that it did not crash into the walls and fly away from us, the charge ran out and we had to put the fairy on charge. The child did not understand how a fairy should fly and why it is called magical.

The fairy is charged with a USB cable from a computer or from a stand for 25 minutes, and then it flies for only 5-7 minutes. That is, it turns out that you need to wait more time until it is charged, and only 5 minutes are allotted for the game itself.

But, it was all, one might say, trifles.

And the biggest disappointment overtook us on the 3rd day. For some reason, the fairy stopped taking off from the stand. It turns on, buzzes, the wings rotate, but the fairy does not take off. Interestingly, if you run a fairy from your hands, it will fly, but not from the stand. But my daughter is afraid to launch the fairy from her hands, because she buzzes and buzzes like a jet plane.

So this toy worth 1,500 rubles is standing on the shelf, gathering dust. Money thrown to the wind.

Let's start with the fact that the flying fairy toy itself is found on sale in two very different types both in price and quality: the original "Flutterbye: Flying Fairy" from the Spinmaster company and its sisters from other manufacturers that have many names, among them "Flying Doll", "Flying Princess", "Soaring Fairy", "Fairy Doll" and the like. The difference in price between the original and non-original is quite significant, so making the wrong choice is rather unpleasant. Useful knowledge on this topic is conscientiously set out on the 3 Dreams store page:. You can follow the link and get interesting information, thereby "shoeing" yourself in this matter and preparing you for the right choice of a flying toy so as not to disappoint the child's expectations or save yourself from unnecessary waste.

Instructions on the first and subsequent launches of the flying fairy, as well as on how to control it in flight, will be divided into stages. Each stage will be given due attention and diligence in order to tell about all the nuances of the game with the flying fairy doll.

Stage 1: Preparing for the first launch.

In the instructions and manuals attached to the fairy, as a rule, first of all it is indicated that before the first launch, the flying fairy just needs to be fully charged. Of course, you need to do this if you are going to give it to a happy child and not add annoying notes to his joyful minutes of playing with the "Flying Fairy" doll from the fact that the fairy's battery has run out after just a few seconds of her magical flight. Here it is necessary to clarify that there are batteries in the base of the toy, and after they are discharged they need to be replaced - they should not be charged, but in the fairy doll itself there is a battery that requires periodic charging. So, at this stage, I would like to clarify: initially, the manufacturer himself, before planting a little magic fairy in a painted cardboard tower, must charge it. The charge of the doll, of course, is not full, but it is enough for the responsible seller in the store to check the performance of the fairy flying in your presence. From the experience of the "3 Dreams" online store, we can say that when opening the beautiful packaging of the "Flying fairy" doll for the first time, regardless of its price and manufacturer, you can be sure that its initial charge will last for 1-2 minutes of flight. From this we can conclude that for a "trial" flight, the flying fairy does not need to be charged.

Stage 2: The first and subsequent launches of flying fairy.

It is important to note here a characteristic feature of all flying fairies: for about a second after the start, they desperately strive upward. Apparently, the irrepressible temperament of a small doll with magic wings is affecting. After a second, the fairy calms down and begins to slowly hover, gradually descending and scanning the surface below her for the proximity of hard surfaces, such as the floor, a desk, or the delicate hand of a child. Hence the advice: at home, launch a flying fairy from the floor level or a low bedside table so that, flying up in the first seconds of its flight, it does not meet with its magical hairstyle an obstacle in the form of a ceiling or your charming chandelier.

We gradually approached the most important thing. All fairies, without exception, are turned on by a small button on the edge of a beautiful skirt. But the fact is that the reaction to this click in flying fairies can be different. One toy starts flashing multi-colored lights and calmly waits for a button to be pressed on its base, the other, in addition to lighting up its dress, also turns on an invisible timer that, after about 3-5 seconds, will launch the fairy into flight. At the same time, the "Flying fairy" doll will buzz, wave its wings and try to escape from the hands, if at this moment someone's palm is holding it. It should be noted here that it is far from always possible to find a note about this behavior of a flying toy in its own paper manual. Most often, the character of turning on a fairy can be found out only when it is first launched. The team of the "3 Dreams" store considers the unpredictable behavior of the magical beauty after turning it on to be a very important feature, since for the first time a small child holding a fairy in his palm can turn on the doll; then the unexpected start of the flying fairy, the sound and flapping of the wings may not be much, but still scare the baby. To avoid unnecessary excitement, we suggest that adults launch the fairy from their own hands for the first time so that its flight and sounds are not a surprise for the child. Or make it a rule to launch a flying fairy, only after placing a doll in its base, this method will eliminate any unrest in children, except for joyful emotions from controlling the flying fairy.

Stage 3: Flight control of the flying fairy.

It can be said with all confidence that there are no pitfalls in this matter - only pleasure. It is very easy to control a fairy in flight - by substituting a palm under the flying fairy, we magically make her gain height and soar upwards. After a few seconds, the doll's wings slow down somewhat, and it slowly descends. If at this moment the child puts his hand again, the flying fairy will fly up again. If you do not substitute your palm, then the magic doll will smoothly descend to the nearest hard surface under it. This is usually the floor or grass on the lawn where children play with this toy. Having closely approached a flat surface, the Flying Fairy doll will, as it were, “push off” from it, as well as from an outstretched palm, and with its usual magical movement will accelerate the rotation of the wings and soar upwards. If left untouched, fairy will float up and down until her battery runs out.

Stage 4: Landing.

Here you will have to be careful and patient. From the first time it is worthy to "catch" a flying fairy does not work out even for "avid" lovers of playing with toys. And age here absolutely does not add skill: both adults and children are equally clumsy at first. There were cases like this, when a little daughter unsuccessfully tried to teach the folder to land an intractable doll with dignity, defying any dad's tricks and constantly falling into the lush grass of a summer park. The fairy fell on its side, dived into the grass and tumbled upside down for a long time, buzzing its wings like a huge pink bumblebee. Dad was furious, for a moment he became red with anger, then he pulled himself together, turned pale, listened to the new order of his 10-year-old daughter and patiently made another unsuccessful attempt. Then the situation repeated itself. From everything it was clear that dad did not read this article, but I think that such a story cannot happen to you, dear visitors of the "3 Dreams" store, because after reading this page you will know exactly how and what to do with a flying fairy to learn how to stop the magic flier smoothly and safely. The fact is that flying fairy can be damaged and stop working if landing incorrectly. By the way, you shouldn’t be too afraid, because even inexpensive models of this toy are made of flexible plastic, and the wings of a flying fairy can withstand more than a dozen falls without any damage. But still, you see, the correct and gentle handling of any toy prolongs its life, and hence the minutes of joy for the child who plays this toy.

So, let's move on to tactics and strategy. To initiate (start) the flying fairy landing process, you need to press the button located on the base of the toy, and there are no other ways. This is the same button that is used to take off, only the next click on it stops the fairy. After pressing, the flying doll turns off the sensors that scanned the distance to the nearest object below, and, moreover, the fairy slows down the rotation of the wings and begins to smoothly descend. Just at this moment, you can gently grab it by the legs from below, preventing it from falling and hitting the floor or furniture. You need to grab it very carefully, moving your hand from below, otherwise you risk touching the rotating wings: the fairy will push off from the palm of your hand and, falling, will jerk sharply to the side. Then the collision of the flying fairy with home furnishings or furniture is inevitable. On the street, this dive flight will not be so dangerous, but do not forget about the stones or bushes on the lawn. There is one caveat in this way of landing the toy - the base and the fairy itself must be close to each other, otherwise you will not succeed in pressing the button and catching the falling fairy in your hand.

What to do if the chrysalis flew far from the base? There are two solutions. The first simple one is to drop the flying fairy for a moment, go after the base, pick it up, return to the doll and, by pressing the button, catch the fairy. Everything is very simple, but completely impossible at home, when the fairy soars a few centimeters from the French service for 12 people and every now and then strives to collide with it ... To avoid meeting the service with the floating fairy, after which the first one is unlikely to remain unharmed, we do this: we wait for the toy to drop to eye level (it can be lower, but you have to squat), we wind one palm over the doll, trying not to touch its rotating wings, we wind the other hand from below under the fairy (having felt an obstacle under it, the fairy will fly up and rest with its magic crown in your palm), with the second hand we take the gently flying fairy by the legs and, holding it in the palm of our hand, we go to the base. We press the button, the toy, obeying the base, stops escaping, slows down the flapping of its wings and gradually stops, remaining unharmed in your reliable hands.

That's all. Instructions for launching and controlling the "Flying Fairy" toy are finished. All the main points, which, according to the team of the online store "3 Dreams", should be given a little attention, were described in detail.

We all understand that any children's toy cannot be compared in complexity and importance to adult things, like mom's washing machine or dad's hammer drill. However, we should not forget that for small children their children's toys are just as important as for adults - adults. After all, you never know which of the things can remain in your memory for the rest of your life, like a talisman: a sparkling car donated for graduation, or that same teddy bear with a red bow that your mother brought from a business trip for your eighth birthday ... And so that any thing has served for a long time, it must be treated with care. This manual is written to help you extend the life of your flying fairy.

If you still have unresolved questions or unspoken wishes - please write them in an email and send it to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.

The 3 Dreams store team thanks you for your attention and will be happy to answer your letter.

The Flying fairy doll is very popular, this is primarily due to the entertaining, interactive component of the gameplay, as well as the relatively low cost of the toy itself.

Flying Fairy dolls are a novelty from the Canadian company Spin Master, one of the largest manufacturers of children's entertainment in various areas. This character is a real fairy who can fly, she will definitely appeal to little ones aged five and over. Girls just love these tiny flying creatures that have magical powers.

Flying Fairy - the first doll can fly like in a fairy tale! However, like any other interactive toy, the Flying fairy has its own rules of operation.

Preparing to launch the Flying Fairy

To begin with, the toy should be charged, this is done in this way:

  • Switch on the charger (ON position).
  • Turn off the fairy (position OFF).
  • Connect the charging cord to the doll, and put the flying fairy itself on the stand.

Charging will take about 30 minutes, when the indicator on the flying fairy turns from red to orange and then turns off, which means that the charge is full.

  • Flying dolls are designed to run indoors only.
  • Starting should be done exclusively from the stand.
  • Nearby strong light sources, working electrical appliances can put the fairy in control.
  • When launching the toy, make sure that hair, eyes, fingers and other vulnerable parts of the body do not get into the blades.

Launch of the Flying Fairy

Before starting, you must disconnect the charging cord from the base, then turn on the Flying Fairy, while the indicator on the "base" will turn red, and a yellow light will flash on the doll. Now you can press the start button and the toy will fly.

To stop the flight, press the start button again and the Flying fairy will slowly sink to the floor. If the button is pressed again, the flight will stop immediately. Once fully charged, the flying fairy can fly for 5 to 7 minutes.

Flying fairy toy malfunction

As a rule, the most common problem with this type of toy is uneven flight, to solve this problem, do the following:

  • Check if your fairy is fully charged.
  • Inspect the wings and make sure they rotate freely and are not damaged.
  • Put the Flying fairy on the stand and check if it is level (sometimes the support pin is bent)

Another problem that occurs quite often is, so to speak, the "refusal" of the fairy to charge. As a rule, the reasons here are rather banal and easily eliminated:

  • Wrong position of batteries.
  • The batteries have run out of power and the indicator on the base will flash green.
  • You are doing the charging process incorrectly, read the instructions again.

The Flying Fairy is a small toy with a battery-operated mechanism. This adorable, delicate and fragile winged doll can be easily manipulated by hand. Its simplicity and originality appeal to many children, so a gift in the form of a Flying Fairy doll will appeal to every little girl.

Prepared by Maryana Chornovil

Meet the innovative Flying Fairy - NEW for 2014!
The Flying Fairy is a new toy that brings real joy and delight to children and adults!

Striking - flying fairy Flying Fairy just floats in the air. At the same time, there are no threads and sticks, as it was in the old model.

Although technically everything is simple - a magic fairy has a built-in motor and colored propellers, which are part of the outfit of a fairy-tale character.

Magic curlers Magic Leverag Suitable for medium length hair (shoulder length). These Magic curlers will make your hair wavy and your hairstyle will look chic! With a set of curlers "Magic Leverag luxurious curls" you can easily and quickly change hairstyles, freely controlling the degree of hair curling.

How to use Magic Leverag curlers?

1. First you need to prepare the hair. To do this, wash or wet them with water and lightly dry with a towel to a state of 60 -70% humidity.
2. First, separate a strand of hair that is not too thick (preferably up to 1 cm in diameter). The thinner the strands, the neater and faster they dry.
3. Take one Magic Leverag and thread the hook through it.
4. A strand of hair clings to a hook at its base and is pulled through the curlers.
5. This process must be repeated as many times as you want to curl curls.
6. When all the strands are in curlers, you can start drying your hair with a hairdryer.
7. When the curls are dry, do not immediately pull them out of the Magic Leverag curler. Let them cool down - this will greatly increase their durability.
8. Now you can remove the curlers. To increase the fixation time, it is worth using varnish. If you want to get the effect of wet curls, you can use hair wax.